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作者 刘珺 余晓芬 刘文静 《气象科技进展》 2024年第2期83-86,共4页
分析了国内外气象经济发展现状及我国气象经济发展存在的问题,以中国天气网自主研发的网络化生活预警地图为例,探索了气象服务网络市场化运营的途径,并总结了气象服务转商模式的启示,以期推动气象服务内容市场化运营,赋予气象经济更多... 分析了国内外气象经济发展现状及我国气象经济发展存在的问题,以中国天气网自主研发的网络化生活预警地图为例,探索了气象服务网络市场化运营的途径,并总结了气象服务转商模式的启示,以期推动气象服务内容市场化运营,赋予气象经济更多可能性。 展开更多
关键词 气象服务 气象信息 市场化运营 经济发展现状 中国天气网 络化 发展存在的问题 自主研发
作者 穆璐 郑巍 +6 位作者 周希 鲁礼文 姚岳 李强 张晓通 韩亚东 别文祥 《气象科技进展》 2024年第2期87-88,共2页
关键词 数字媒体 双向反馈 中国天气网 气象 藏品 启发性 市场 服务
大数据时代气象数据新闻的探索与实践——以中国天气网为例 被引量:10
作者 张硕 张永宁 《新媒体研究》 2017年第22期120-122,共3页
关键词 气象 数据新闻 数据可视化 中国天气网
作者 李建 沈萍月 马琰钢 《计算机与网络》 2014年第3期106-108,共3页
文章主要论述面对浙江省11个地级市及下属的各县级气象部门所属的气象业务网站,如何进行合理有效的串联、合并、整合形成统一的品牌,既能体现各地方的气象业务网站特色又能方便老百姓记住网站的域名随时登陆查阅网站信息,最终将浙江天... 文章主要论述面对浙江省11个地级市及下属的各县级气象部门所属的气象业务网站,如何进行合理有效的串联、合并、整合形成统一的品牌,既能体现各地方的气象业务网站特色又能方便老百姓记住网站的域名随时登陆查阅网站信息,最终将浙江天气网这个浙江省内唯一的天气类业务门户网品牌做大做强。 展开更多
关键词 浙江天气网 站整合 气象业务 站布局
作者 李雁鹏 《信息系统工程》 2016年第9期63-64,共2页
中国天气网是中国气象局面向公众提供气象信息服务的核心门户,经多年快速发展网站的网络规模日益庞大、架构逐渐复杂。为满足其网络运维需求,在成熟的开源网络监控系统基础上,在前端展示、数据采集和数据源方面进行拓展。配合网络架构... 中国天气网是中国气象局面向公众提供气象信息服务的核心门户,经多年快速发展网站的网络规模日益庞大、架构逐渐复杂。为满足其网络运维需求,在成熟的开源网络监控系统基础上,在前端展示、数据采集和数据源方面进行拓展。配合网络架构升级和监控需求,不断完善并形成了由网络总体运行监控和设备级、应用级、网站访问日志级监控组成的中国天气网网络监控系统。因其贴近运维需求,网络监控系统在网络、安全、应用和业务等中国天气网运维工作中取得了广泛应用,成为日常运维的重要工具之一。 展开更多
关键词 中国天气网 络监控系统 应用负载监控 访问日志监控
基于Highcharts的浙江天气网数据统计分析平台开发 被引量:1
作者 马琰钢 邓闯 《数字技术与应用》 2015年第11期168-168,共1页
为打造浙江气象服务的统一品牌,浙江省气象局对浙江全省气象业务网站进行整合,建设浙江天气网市县各级分站。浙江天气网市县子站整合后,亟需对各个站点、栏目、链接的用户访问数据进行统一的统计分析处理,以求更好调整气象服务内容,适... 为打造浙江气象服务的统一品牌,浙江省气象局对浙江全省气象业务网站进行整合,建设浙江天气网市县各级分站。浙江天气网市县子站整合后,亟需对各个站点、栏目、链接的用户访问数据进行统一的统计分析处理,以求更好调整气象服务内容,适应公众需求。系统通过前期在栏目页面中自动或手动埋码,收集用户访问信息,经过后台处理后,使用Highcharts来生成交互性的图表。 展开更多
关键词 Highcharts 天气网 AES JAVASCRIPT
做好专业天气网站台风气象服务的几点思考 被引量:1
作者 刘英轶 陈婉华 郭晓薇 《气象研究与应用》 2017年第4期107-109,共3页
如何做好热带气旋(台风)气象服务,是当前专业天气网站重要课题,为此,提出了气象部门通过主流媒体和新媒体等渠道在台风影响过程和前后做好气象服务的几点对策,对多角度全面报道台风信息并及时发布对政府及社会公众防范台风起到非常重要... 如何做好热带气旋(台风)气象服务,是当前专业天气网站重要课题,为此,提出了气象部门通过主流媒体和新媒体等渠道在台风影响过程和前后做好气象服务的几点对策,对多角度全面报道台风信息并及时发布对政府及社会公众防范台风起到非常重要的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 台风 中国天气网 气象信息 服务 思考
天气网气象新闻稿件撰写应注意的几个问题 被引量:1
作者 卢雪香 梁妙芝 +1 位作者 罗延林 黄泳年 《气象研究与应用》 2012年第A02期154-154,159,共2页
关键词 天气网 气象新闻 稿件 写作
作者 杨润平 《陕西林业科技》 2013年第1期35-38,共4页
关键词 中国天气网 秦岭 森林防火 应用
作者 王俊明 《陕西林业科技》 2014年第1期72-75,83,共5页
关键词 中国天气网 秦岭 森林防火 应用
作者 高超越 《内蒙古气象》 2023年第1期45-48,共4页
文章以国家级气象服务窗口中国天气网的全媒体气象服务模式为参考,总结分析中国天气网的优势,学习借鉴天气网的服务理念,结合内蒙古气象部门的实际情况,对内蒙古新媒体气象服务业务的建设发展提出自己的思考和建议。文章既是赴中国气象... 文章以国家级气象服务窗口中国天气网的全媒体气象服务模式为参考,总结分析中国天气网的优势,学习借鉴天气网的服务理念,结合内蒙古气象部门的实际情况,对内蒙古新媒体气象服务业务的建设发展提出自己的思考和建议。文章既是赴中国气象局华风集团交流访问的总结报告,也是为了构建内蒙古新媒体气象服务业务体系所做的前期准备。希望在今后的工作中将总结和思考化为实际行动,切实为提高内蒙古气象服务的质量与效益贡献一份力量。 展开更多
关键词 中国天气网 新媒体 气象服务
回顾中央气象台天气预报业务的发展(1950-1980年) 被引量:2
作者 骆继宾 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期16-20,共5页
简要回顾和记叙中央气象台自1950年成立至1980年的30年中,在天气预报业务和服务方面的发展过程。大体可分为三个阶段:第一阶段是20世纪50年代,当初既缺乏资料,也缺乏人才。经过第一个五年计划大力兴建气象台站,资料问题得以基本解决;经... 简要回顾和记叙中央气象台自1950年成立至1980年的30年中,在天气预报业务和服务方面的发展过程。大体可分为三个阶段:第一阶段是20世纪50年代,当初既缺乏资料,也缺乏人才。经过第一个五年计划大力兴建气象台站,资料问题得以基本解决;经与中国科学院地球物理所合作成立联合天气分析预报中心,人才培养和业务建设都有较快进展。到20世纪50年代后期中央气象台的业务范围和水平与发达国家已相差不大,这一阶段是这30年中发展最快、最好的阶段。第二阶段是20世纪50年代末期至70年代初期。由于外部环境干扰,使天气预报业务停滞不前,所幸业务和服务工作并未中断。这一阶段中央气象台的业务水平与发达国家间的差距明显加大。20世纪70年代初,我国恢复了在世界气象组织的合法席位,经政府批准和世界气象组织的同意,中央气象台为成为世界天气监视网(WWW)中的区域气象中心和区域气象通信枢纽而进行积极准备。到70年代末,在装备的选购、人员培养、数值预报模式的选用、通信线路的双边谈判以及软件的开发等方面均已准备就绪。中央气象台也正式更名为北京区域气象中心,并开始了现代化的业务建设。 展开更多
关键词 天气预报 业务发展 世界天气监视
基于XML和Web Service的气象产品的设计与实现
作者 叶彩荣 吴盛洪 《计算机光盘软件与应用》 2013年第3期177-178,共2页
根据中国天气网省级站建设规范(v1.0.2)和中国天气网网络服务标准和技术规范,采用XML、Web Service标准和遵循"统一设计、集中开发、共同维护、共创品牌"的建设原则,同时结合各省情况形成"大统一、小特色"的特色与... 根据中国天气网省级站建设规范(v1.0.2)和中国天气网网络服务标准和技术规范,采用XML、Web Service标准和遵循"统一设计、集中开发、共同维护、共创品牌"的建设原则,同时结合各省情况形成"大统一、小特色"的特色与模式,在面向需求、突出重点的基础上,设计并实现中国天气网海南省级站的开发建设。 展开更多
作者 袁帅 《小康》 2023年第13期52-54,共3页
目前我国城市生态遭遇严重瓶颈,空气质量差是最根本的表现,保护现有绿化是最基础的任务。沙尘天气频现,截至记者发稿,今年以来我国已发生8次沙尘暴,比常年同期增加约30%。对此,中国天气网气象分析师王伟跃分析称,从气候条件来说,前期沙... 目前我国城市生态遭遇严重瓶颈,空气质量差是最根本的表现,保护现有绿化是最基础的任务。沙尘天气频现,截至记者发稿,今年以来我国已发生8次沙尘暴,比常年同期增加约30%。对此,中国天气网气象分析师王伟跃分析称,从气候条件来说,前期沙源地气温偏高、降水偏少,加之植被尚未返青,裸露的沙源地地表条件就容易触发沙尘天气。 展开更多
关键词 沙尘天气 沙尘暴 降水偏少 空气质量 地表条件 沙源地 绿化 中国天气网
Numerical simulation of a gas pipeline network using computational fluid dynamics simulators 被引量:9
作者 SELEZNEV Vadim 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期755-765,共11页
This article describes numerical simulation of gas pipeline network operation using high-accuracy computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulators of the modes of gas mixture transmission through long, multi-line pipelin... This article describes numerical simulation of gas pipeline network operation using high-accuracy computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulators of the modes of gas mixture transmission through long, multi-line pipeline systems (CFD-simulator). The approach used in CFD-simulators for modeling gas mixture transmission through long, branched, multi-section pipelines is based on tailoring the full system of fluid dynamics equations to conditions of unsteady, non-isothermal processes of the gas mixture flow. Identification, in a CFD-simulator, of safe parameters for gas transmission through compressor stations amounts to finding the interior points of admissible sets described by systems of nonlinear algebraic equalities and inequalities. Such systems of equalities and inequalities comprise a formal statement of technological, design, operational and other constraints to which operation of the network equipment is subject. To illustrate the practicability of the method of numerical simulation of a gas transmission network, we compare computation results and gas flow parameters measured on-site at the gas transmission enter-prise. 展开更多
关键词 Long branched gas pipeline network UNSTEADY Non-isothermal gas flow CFD-simulator Numerical simulation Finite Volume Method Interior Point Method
An Experimental Simulation of Load-Leveling Through Adsorption for Natural Gas Pipeline System 被引量:3
作者 周理 王怡琳 +1 位作者 陈海华 周亚平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第6期653-656,共4页
A load-leveling method through adsorption was presented to adjust the supply quantity according to the consumption rate of natural gas with time. An experimental simulation set up was designed and used to test the loa... A load-leveling method through adsorption was presented to adjust the supply quantity according to the consumption rate of natural gas with time. An experimental simulation set up was designed and used to test the load-leveling function for a real pipeline system. A storage tank filled with activated carbon together with a filter constitutes the major part of the load-leveling facility. Pressure and temperature of the system, as well as the real gas output of the storage tank were recorded. It is proven that load-leveling by adsorption is technically feasible even for low pipeline pressure of natural gas supply system. 展开更多
关键词 natural gas supply load-leveling ADSORPTION EXPERIMENT
作者 何慧 金龙 +1 位作者 覃志年 袁丽军 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2007年第1期97-100,共4页
Variables fields such as enstrophy, meridional-wind and zonal-wind variables are derived from monthly 500 hPa geopotential height anomalous fields. In this work, we select original predictors from monthly 500-hPa geop... Variables fields such as enstrophy, meridional-wind and zonal-wind variables are derived from monthly 500 hPa geopotential height anomalous fields. In this work, we select original predictors from monthly 500-hPa geopotential height anomalous fields and their variables in June of 1958 - 2001, and determine comprehensive predictors by conducting empirical orthogonal function (EOF) respectively with the original predictors. A downscaling forecast model based on the back propagation (BP) neural network is built by use of the comprehensive predictors to predict the monthly precipitation in June over Guangxi with the monthly dynamic extended range forecast products. For comparison, we also build another BP neural network model with the same predictands by using the former comprehensive predictors selected from 500-hPa geopotential height anomalous fields in May to December of 1957 - 2000 and January to April of 1958 - 2001. The two models are tested and results show that the precision of superposition of the downscaling model is better than that of the one based on former comprehensive predictors, but the prediction accuracy of the downscaling model depends on the output of monthly dynamic extended range forecast. 展开更多
关键词 monthly dynamic extended range forecast neural network model downsealing forecast prediction error
Research on Optimization Operation of Urban Gas Pipeline Network
作者 田一梅 迟海燕 +1 位作者 李鸿 周颖 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第2期148-152,共5页
The optimiz at ion operation of gas pipeline network is investigated in this paper. Based on th e theories of system optimization and the multi object decision, a mathematical model about the multi object optimization... The optimiz at ion operation of gas pipeline network is investigated in this paper. Based on th e theories of system optimization and the multi object decision, a mathematical model about the multi object optimization operation of gas pipeline network is established, in line with the demand of urban gas pipeline network operation. A t the same time, an effective solution of the mathematical model is presented. A calculating software about optimization operation is compiled, coupling the actual operation of gas pipeline network. It can be applied to the operation of the gas pipeline network. The software was examined by real examples. The resul ts indicated that 2.13% energy consumption and 3.12% gas supply cost can be reduced through optimization operation. 展开更多
关键词 gas pipeline network optimization ope ration mathematical model
The risk early-warning of gas hazard in coal mine based on Rough Set-neural network
作者 田水承 王莉 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第4期400-404,共5页
This article proposed the risk early-warning model of gas hazard based on Rough Set and neural network. The attribute quantity was reduced by Rough Set, the main characteristic attributes were withdrawn, the complexit... This article proposed the risk early-warning model of gas hazard based on Rough Set and neural network. The attribute quantity was reduced by Rough Set, the main characteristic attributes were withdrawn, the complexity of neural network system and the computing time was reduced, as well. Because of fault-tolerant ability, parallel processing ability, anti-jamming ability and processing non-linear problem ability of neural network system, the methods of Rough Set and neural network were combined. The examples research indicate: applying Rough Set and BP neural network to the gas hazard risk early-warning coal mines in coal mine, the BPNN structure is greatly simplified, the network computation quantity is reduced and the convergence rate is speed up. 展开更多
关键词 Rough Set (RS) BP neural network three types of hazard risk early-warning
Surface Trace Gases at a Rural Site between the Megacities of Beijing and Tianjin 被引量:1
作者 RAN Liang LIN Wei-Li +1 位作者 WANG Pu-Cai DENG Zhao-Ze 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第3期230-235,共6页
The North China Plain(NCP) has recently faced serious air quality problems as a result of enhanced gas pollutant emissions due to the process of urbanization and rapid economic growth.To explore regional air pollution... The North China Plain(NCP) has recently faced serious air quality problems as a result of enhanced gas pollutant emissions due to the process of urbanization and rapid economic growth.To explore regional air pollution in the NCP,measurements of surface ozone(O3),nitrogen oxides(NOx),and sulfur dioxide(SO2) were carried out from May to November 2013 at a rural site(Xianghe) between the twin megacities of Beijing and Tianjin.The highest hourly ozone average was close to 240 ppbv in May,followed by around 160 ppbv in June and July.High ozone episodes were more notable than in 2005 and were mainly associated with air parcels from the city cluster in the hinterland of the polluted NCP to the southwest of the site.For NOx,an important ozone precursor,the concentrations ranged from several ppbv to nearly 180 ppbv in the summer and over 400 ppbv in the fall.The occurrence of high NOx concentrations under calm conditions indicated that local emissions were dominant in Xianghe.The double-peak diurnal pattern found in NOxconcentrations and NO/NOx ratios was probably shaped by local emissions,photochemical removal,and dilution resulting from diurnal variations of surface wind speed and the boundary layer height.A pronounced SO2 daytime peak was noted and attributed to downward mixing from an SO2-rich layer above,while the SO2-polluted air mass transported from possible emission sources,which differed between the non-heating(September and October) and heating(November) periods,was thought to be responsible for night-time high concentrations. 展开更多
关键词 ozonenitrogen oxidessulfur dioxideNorth China PLAIN
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