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作者 戎敏 高子阳 《语文教学通讯(小学)(C)》 2016年第4期33-35,共3页
一、导入:以"已知"为依据,步步激思识写作 师:同学们,提到孙悟空,大家一定很熟悉吧。你认识一个怎样的孙悟空呢?
关键词 三打白骨精 第一课 《大闹天宫》 学录 力导 经典小说 名著改编 课文教学 唐僧 月貌花容
作者 任莉莉 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期181-190,208,共11页
清代陆陇其《问学录》在理学传播史上占有重要的地位,是陆陇其宗述朱子理学的代表性著作。该书结成后,在陆陇其生前未能刊印,后出现多个版本。其中,张伯行于康熙四十七年刊刻的《正谊堂全书》本《问学录》较之原本在篇幅上有大量删节,... 清代陆陇其《问学录》在理学传播史上占有重要的地位,是陆陇其宗述朱子理学的代表性著作。该书结成后,在陆陇其生前未能刊印,后出现多个版本。其中,张伯行于康熙四十七年刊刻的《正谊堂全书》本《问学录》较之原本在篇幅上有大量删节,而光绪十六年《陆子全书》本可见《问学录》原本全貌。陆陇其撰辑此书的宗旨是“嘉、隆以来阳儒阴释之学,悉抉其疑似而剖其是非”,力辟姚江之学以尊朱子。张伯行刊刻是书时,自谓“特删去其辨难牵引之太繁者”,原书著录250条,《正谊堂全书》本共删去108条。学界对于《问学录》这两种版本现象尚未予以关注,有必要对此书删节一事加以探析。 展开更多
关键词 《问学录 《陆子全书》 《正谊堂全书》 删节 阳明之学
作者 吕周聚 《世界华文文学论坛》 2016年第4期110-112,共3页
美华作家张凤的新著《哈佛问学录》是在与哈佛大学多位华裔教授对话基础上写成,既严谨地概括出每位学者在各自领域所取得的卓越成就,又生动地刻画出他们的性格爱好,同时也揭示出他们内心深处浓郁的中国情怀。该著史料详实,文笔优美,既... 美华作家张凤的新著《哈佛问学录》是在与哈佛大学多位华裔教授对话基础上写成,既严谨地概括出每位学者在各自领域所取得的卓越成就,又生动地刻画出他们的性格爱好,同时也揭示出他们内心深处浓郁的中国情怀。该著史料详实,文笔优美,既是一部别具一格的学者人物传记,也是一种独特的人物散文描画。 展开更多
关键词 美华文学《哈佛问学录 人物传记 中国情怀
作者 王华宝 《中国典籍与文化》 2005年第1期67-67,共1页
周勋初、余历雄著,凤凰出版社2004年12月版.本书是由南京大学周勋初教授、莫砺锋教授讲述,马来西亚籍博士生余历雄记录整理的问学录,既有导师循循善诱,传授治学经验、心得,评述研究成果、研究现状等教的内容,也有学生结合自身的学术背... 周勋初、余历雄著,凤凰出版社2004年12月版.本书是由南京大学周勋初教授、莫砺锋教授讲述,马来西亚籍博士生余历雄记录整理的问学录,既有导师循循善诱,传授治学经验、心得,评述研究成果、研究现状等教的内容,也有学生结合自身的学术背景、研究能力等,确立主攻方向、提炼研究课题、收集整理材料、形成学术观点、撰写修改论文、参加论文答辩等学的内容. 展开更多
关键词 《师门问学录 凤凰出版社 周勋初 余历雄 书评 古代文学
元代地方学官 被引量:4
作者 王立平 《宁夏师范学院学报》 1994年第2期44-49,22,共7页
元代地方学官可以分为两大类:一是任职于各级地方行政职能部门,专司儒学管理的行政官员,包括大都及各行省的儒学提举、副提举等;二是在路、府、州县官学中主持教学日常事务学官,《元典章》称之为“教官”,《庙学典礼》亦迳称为“学官”... 元代地方学官可以分为两大类:一是任职于各级地方行政职能部门,专司儒学管理的行政官员,包括大都及各行省的儒学提举、副提举等;二是在路、府、州县官学中主持教学日常事务学官,《元典章》称之为“教官”,《庙学典礼》亦迳称为“学官”。本文主要讨论后一类学官。 一、学官的设置、定额与职责 元代地方路、府、州、县官学中设置的学官,有教授、学正、学录、教谕。“凡师儒之命于朝廷者,曰教授。”教授是地方官学中最高一级的学官,路、府。 展开更多
关键词 学官 儒学教授 地方官学 元典章 前进士 师儒 学录 学正 提举司 行政官员
云南现代诗歌谈丛 被引量:2
作者 蒙树宏 《楚雄师范学院学报》 1990年第2期40-49,共10页
谈云南新诗之发生 云南新诗(又称白话诗)之发生,情况基本上和全国相同,但从时间来说,则比北京、上海等地晚了一些。“此非其民智之卑下。亦以地处边远。风势所趋者缓也。”(《海外丛学录·叙》) 1902年,即清光绪28年,云南开始派学... 谈云南新诗之发生 云南新诗(又称白话诗)之发生,情况基本上和全国相同,但从时间来说,则比北京、上海等地晚了一些。“此非其民智之卑下。亦以地处边远。风势所趋者缓也。”(《海外丛学录·叙》) 1902年,即清光绪28年,云南开始派学生留日。他们于1906年在东京创刊《云南杂志》,第20期上的白话文《国文与国民的进步大有关系》,便反对“舞文弄墨的滥八股、滥词章”;1908年创刊《滇话报》(月刊),“纯用全国通用汉语”。 展开更多
关键词 现代诗歌 滇话 普梅夫 陆晶清 幻洲 菩提树下 废科举 学录 新诗研究 写作时间
Two newly recorded species of the genus Hypsibius (Tardigrada;Hypsi-biidae) from China 被引量:3
作者 王立志 廉振民 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期340-342,共3页
This paper reported two newly recorded species, Hypsibius convergens Urbanowicz, 1925 and Hypsibius hypostomus Bartos, 1935, of the genus Hypsibius (Tardigrada; Hypsibiidae) from China. Both species were collected f... This paper reported two newly recorded species, Hypsibius convergens Urbanowicz, 1925 and Hypsibius hypostomus Bartos, 1935, of the genus Hypsibius (Tardigrada; Hypsibiidae) from China. Both species were collected from Taibai Mt, Shaanxi Province. All specimens are deposited at the College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, China. 展开更多
关键词 TARDIGRADA Hypsibius TAXONOMY new record China
作者 杨澜 《课堂内外(高中版)(A版)》 2016年第8期35-35,共1页
盛夏7月,我带着三年的憧憬来到了他的城市。火车到站,人群中那个三年未见的他似乎成熟了,我们之间似乎陌生而熟悉。目光穿越熙攘的人群,只为彼此停驻。他带我去了海滩,用沙做成一座城堡。他带我去了摩天轮,在距离天空很近很近的地方,他... 盛夏7月,我带着三年的憧憬来到了他的城市。火车到站,人群中那个三年未见的他似乎成熟了,我们之间似乎陌生而熟悉。目光穿越熙攘的人群,只为彼此停驻。他带我去了海滩,用沙做成一座城堡。他带我去了摩天轮,在距离天空很近很近的地方,他说要许下最久远的愿望。我们去了好多地方,留下的记忆和风景只有他而已。突然,人潮拥挤,我们一不小心弄丢了自己。歇斯底里的呼喊,黑暗里的恐惧…… 展开更多
关键词 三年 摩天轮 庄观 学录 百生
刘少奇的严明家风 被引量:1
作者 谭智俊 《党史文苑》 2017年第3期52-53,共2页
刘少奇十分注重党员干部的作风修养,他的《论共产党员的修养》是党内作风建设的重要理论成果。在生活上,刘少奇更是严于律己,家风严明。 心中装着人民 刘允斌是刘少奇的长子。1951年,刘允斌被莫斯科大学录取为化学系的研究生,并在四... 刘少奇十分注重党员干部的作风修养,他的《论共产党员的修养》是党内作风建设的重要理论成果。在生活上,刘少奇更是严于律己,家风严明。 心中装着人民 刘允斌是刘少奇的长子。1951年,刘允斌被莫斯科大学录取为化学系的研究生,并在四年后获得了副博士学位。作为长子,刘允斌深受父亲的影响,他时刻不忘家风,在面临人生抉择时,总是把国家和人民的利益摆在第一位。 展开更多
关键词 刘允斌 副博士学位 刘爱琴 学录 党员干部 王光美 要理 北京时 三代人 人说
题文不符 称呼不妥
作者 周宝昌 《新闻知识》 1985年第7期66-66,共1页
编辑同志:看了几期院报,深感院报图文并茂,生动活泼。她传递着院部的信息,反映出了学员的心里话,使人倍感亲切。但还有点不足之处,如第三期院报有两处题文不符。一是第一版的标题是:‘省人大常委会副主任张树德任分院院长’,文内却是:... 编辑同志:看了几期院报,深感院报图文并茂,生动活泼。她传递着院部的信息,反映出了学员的心里话,使人倍感亲切。但还有点不足之处,如第三期院报有两处题文不符。一是第一版的标题是:‘省人大常委会副主任张树德任分院院长’,文内却是:‘……现省人大常委会副主任张树道任分院院长’。二是该期第二版的副标题‘记三四○工厂党委副书记支学录,’而文内的第一句却写到:‘共三四○二厂党委副书记支学录同志’。 展开更多
关键词 副主任 学录 三四 张树德 使人 不知道 二字 宝昌 气中
作者 程立红 《中州今古》 2002年第6期16-16,共1页
关键词 上舍生 外舍生 内舍 学录 长贰 贡士 省试 升舍 徽宗 公据
作者 祝小签 《课堂内外(高中版)(A版)》 2016年第6期18-18,共1页
生活并没有什么"一定要",如果真的有,那或许就是"一定要好好经营自己的生活"。女作家玛利·韦伯钟爱自然与写作,她会去很远的地方买来鲜花,认真地在不宽敞的花园里悉心栽培,在阳光明媚的午后摊开稿纸撰写心绪,偶尔在写得起劲之... 生活并没有什么"一定要",如果真的有,那或许就是"一定要好好经营自己的生活"。女作家玛利·韦伯钟爱自然与写作,她会去很远的地方买来鲜花,认真地在不宽敞的花园里悉心栽培,在阳光明媚的午后摊开稿纸撰写心绪,偶尔在写得起劲之际闻到从厨房里传来的烧焦味。哦,是烤箱里的面包! 展开更多
关键词 花园里 文学梦 汉语言文学 我将 工商企业管理 我在 第二志愿 学录 动机与人格 广告公司
Roles of unphosphorylated STATs in signaling 被引量:12
作者 Jinbo Yang George R Stark 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期443-451,共9页
The seven members of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family of transcription factors are activated in response to many different cytokines and growth factors by phosphorylation of specifi... The seven members of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family of transcription factors are activated in response to many different cytokines and growth factors by phosphorylation of specific tyrosine residues. The STAT1 and STAT3 genes are specific targets of activated STATs 1 and 3, respectively, resulting in large increases in the levels of these unphosphorylated STATs (U-STATs) in response to the interferons (STAT1) or ligands that active gpl30, such as IL-6 (STAT3). U-STATs drive gene expression by novel mechanisms distinct from those used by phosphorylated STAT (P-STAT) dimers. In this review, we discuss the roles of U-STATs in transcription and regulation of gene expression. 展开更多
Genus Pseudocera Walker(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Epipaschiinae) new to China, with descriptions of two new species 被引量:1
作者 荣华 李后魂 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2017年第4期269-277,共9页
The genus Pseudocera Walker, 1863 from China is reviewed. Pseudocera elliptica sp. nov. and P. microda sp. nov. are described as new, and P. rubrescens is newly recorded in China. Photographs of adults and genitalia a... The genus Pseudocera Walker, 1863 from China is reviewed. Pseudocera elliptica sp. nov. and P. microda sp. nov. are described as new, and P. rubrescens is newly recorded in China. Photographs of adults and genitalia are provided. A key to the three species in China is given based on the male genitalia. 展开更多
Fractal and its application to sedimentology 被引量:1
作者 余继峰 李增学 韩美莲 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期31-37,共7页
In the paper,the foundation,development,basic conception and general characteristics of fractal and the calculating method of the fractional dimension are expounded briefly, and the current situation and prospect of t... In the paper,the foundation,development,basic conception and general characteristics of fractal and the calculating method of the fractional dimension are expounded briefly, and the current situation and prospect of the fractal application in sedimentology are discussed stressly. Both sedimentary process and sedimentary record behave the fractal feature of the self similarity structure. External form and internal texture of the sediments and the distribution of the grain size of the sediments are of fractal feature very well, and the size of the fractional dimension is the quantitative index of the complexity of the background when they are formed. The further analysis on the multi fractal feature of the sedimentary body is the base of the fractal simulation and forecast, and it is the key of the application of the fractal theory to sedimentology. 展开更多
关键词 FRACTAL fractional dimension sedimentary body multi fractal sedimentary process sedimentary record
Paleomagnetic Excursions Recorded in the Yanchi Playa in Middle Hexi Corridor, NW China Since the Last Interglacial 被引量:1
作者 YANGTaibao YUYongtao +3 位作者 LIJijun ANCongrong LIUJinfeng ZHANGJunyan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期128-142,共15页
Paleomagnetic determinations on lithological profiles of two paralleled[( )-275(long )]drilling cores covering the past 130 kyr B.P., GT40 and GT60, from the Yanchi Playa in the arid Northwestern China, indicate that ... Paleomagnetic determinations on lithological profiles of two paralleled[( )-275(long )]drilling cores covering the past 130 kyr B.P., GT40 and GT60, from the Yanchi Playa in the arid Northwestern China, indicate that a series of pronounced paleomagnetic excursions have been documented. By correlating our results with published regional and worldwide reports, 4 excursion events out of 10 apparent reversal signals (labeled from GT-1 to GT-10) were identified as excursion events coeval with the Mono Lake Event ([(28.4)( )]kyr~[(25.8)( )]kyr), Laschamp Event ([(43.3)( )]kyr^40.5 kyr), Gaotai Event (82.8 kyr~[(72.4)25( )]kyr) and the Blake Event (127.4 kyr^113.3 kyr), respectively. GT-9 correlates with the above-mentioned Gaotai Event, GT-7 and GT-6 correspond to two stages of the Laschamp Event and GT-5 to the Mono Lake Event. It is noteworthy that the so-called Gaotai Event has not been reported as a pronounced paleomagnetic excursion in the Northwestern China. Every magnetic excursion event corresponds to paleointensity minima, anteceding those established abrupt paleoclimatic change events, such as the Younger Drays and the Heinrich Events (H1-H6)[(. )-250( )]Here,[( )-250( )]we tentatively[( )-250( )]propose that these geomagnetic excursions/reversals can be viewed as precursors to climate abruptness. During the transitional stages when the earths magnetic field shifted between a temporal normal and a negative period, the earths magnetic paleointensity fell correspondingly to a pair of minima. Although more precise chronology and more convincing rock magnetic parameter determinations are essentially required for further interpretation of their intricate coupling mechanism, these results may have revealed, to some extent, that the earths incessantly changing magnetic field exerts an strong influence on the onset of saw-tooth shaped abrupt climate oscillations through certain feedback chains in arid Central Asia or even North Hemispheric high latitude regions. 展开更多
关键词 PALEOMAGNETISM geomagnetic excursion the Late Pleistocene arid Northwestern China
Genome-wide identification and transcriptome-based expression analysis of sox gene family in the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
作者 YU Haiyang DU Xinxin +4 位作者 LI Xiaojing QU Jiangbo ZHU He ZHANG Quanqi WANG Xubo 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1731-1745,共15页
Sox genes are transcription factors that ubiquitously exist in animal species, and share a conserved high mobility group(HMG) box. They play important biological roles in diverse developmental processes, such as sex d... Sox genes are transcription factors that ubiquitously exist in animal species, and share a conserved high mobility group(HMG) box. They play important biological roles in diverse developmental processes, such as sex determination and differentiation, chondrogenesis, neurogenesis, and early embryonic development. In this study, we identified 25 sox genes from genome and transcriptome of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. These s ox genes could be mainly classified into seven subfamilies(B1, B2, C, D, E, F, and K), and each subfamily exhibited a relatively conserved gene structure. Besides, subfamilies A and G were found exclusively in human and mouse, and sox 32 in subfamily K only existed in teleosts. Compared with other mammals, some s ox genes in teleosts had two duplicates. The loss, duplication, and divergence of sox genes during evolution provided an evidence for whole-genome duplication that occurred in the radiation of teleosts. The expression of Japanese flounder sox genes was also analyzed by FPKM value. Our results showed that certain s ox genes exhibited obviously tissue-specific and spatio-temproal expression. Especially, gonal-basied expression analysis uncovered that s ox7 and s ox2 were ovary-biased, and s ox8 b was testis-biased. Moreover, sox10 a was expressed specifically in ovary, and sox8 a in testis. Therefore this study provide a solid foundation for future functional and evolutionary analysis of sox genes in Japanese flounder. 展开更多
关键词 SOX Japanese flounder gene structure gene expression
Advance in Research on Biological Function and TranscriptionalControl of Heat Shock Proteins 被引量:1
作者 徐存拴 辛泽华 袁金云 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 2002年第2期130-136,共7页
The regulation of heat shock transcription factor to heat shock protein expression and the newest knowledge about the effect of heat shock protein on aging,immune response and the balance of cell survival and apoptosi... The regulation of heat shock transcription factor to heat shock protein expression and the newest knowledge about the effect of heat shock protein on aging,immune response and the balance of cell survival and apoptosis are summarized in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 heat shock protein (HSP) heat shock transcription factor (HSF) aging immune response the balance of cell survival and apoptosis
Comparative transcriptomics reveals genes involved in metabolic and immune pathways in the digestive gland of scallop Chlamysfarreri following cadmium exposure 被引量:1
作者 张辉 翟毓秀 +2 位作者 姚琳 江艳华 李风铃 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期603-612,共10页
Chlamys farreri is an economically important mollusk that can accumulate excessive amounts of cadmium(Cd). Studying the molecular mechanism of Cd accumulation in bivalves is difficult because of the lack of genome bac... Chlamys farreri is an economically important mollusk that can accumulate excessive amounts of cadmium(Cd). Studying the molecular mechanism of Cd accumulation in bivalves is difficult because of the lack of genome background. Transcriptomic analysis based on high-throughput RNA sequencing has been shown to be an efficient and powerful method for the discovery of relevant genes in non-model and genome reference-free organisms. Here, we constructed two c DNA libraries(control and Cd exposure groups) from the digestive gland of C. farreri and compared the transcriptomic data between them. A total of 227 673 transcripts were assembled into 105 071 unigenes, most of which shared high similarity with sequences in the NCBI non-redundant protein database. For functional classification, 24 493 unigenes were assigned to Gene Ontology terms. Additionally, Eu Karyotic Ortholog Groups and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analyses assigned 12 028 unigenes to 26 categories and 7 849 unigenes to five pathways, respectively. Comparative transcriptomics analysis identified 3 800 unigenes that were differentially expressed in the Cd-treated group compared with the control group. Among them, genes associated with heavy metal accumulation were screened, including metallothionein, divalent metal transporter, and metal tolerance protein. The functional genes and predicted pathways identified in our study will contribute to a better understanding of the metabolic and immune system in the digestive gland of C. farreri. In addition, the transcriptomic data will provide a comprehensive resource that may contribute to the understanding of molecular mechanisms that respond to marine pollutants in bivalves. 展开更多
关键词 bivalves cadmium Chlamys farreri comparative transcriptomics differentially expressed genes heavy metals
A Study on the Effect of Creative Chinese Characters Learning on the Ability to Learn Chinese Old Sayings and Idioms Using K-Pop Music Video
作者 Eun-min Lee 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2018年第3期192-203,共12页
Music is an extraordinary bridge between people all over the world so much as to be called a universal language. Idols and B-boys stages are fun, touching, and fantastic. Today, South Korean students are excited and e... Music is an extraordinary bridge between people all over the world so much as to be called a universal language. Idols and B-boys stages are fun, touching, and fantastic. Today, South Korean students are excited and enthusiastic about their colorful dance moves. The study is about creative educational methods that use K-pop music videos to learn the proverbs and old words that our ancestors learned to keep in mind and teach. K-pop lyrics are a rich reflection of the experiences of life and the world in which people are living today. Accordingly, this study can present new teaching and learning method examples that are used in class related to the old language associated with K-pop lyrics and can also introduce interesting class materials. 展开更多
关键词 K-pop music video Chinese characters creativity high school learning methods Chinese old sayings Chinese idioms modernization of Chinese characters
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