随着信息化的高速发展,跨境电商在国际贸易中已成为主流的交易模式。自贸区、保税区的建立让平行进口商品进入大众视野,平行进口作为跨境电商的一种特别形式,学界不乏观点认为其属于“灰色空间”,即平行进口相关的法律规制还存在空白。...随着信息化的高速发展,跨境电商在国际贸易中已成为主流的交易模式。自贸区、保税区的建立让平行进口商品进入大众视野,平行进口作为跨境电商的一种特别形式,学界不乏观点认为其属于“灰色空间”,即平行进口相关的法律规制还存在空白。其中,商标侵权问题尤为突出。欧盟通过确立经济区内权利用尽规则确立了平行进口商品的合法性,美国通过判例法的补充对原则上禁止的平行进口商品交易做出例外规定,日本参照美国判例法的形式,通过判例确立了平行进口商品的合法三要件。而我国对平行进口商品的合法性仍缺乏明确的法律法规。本文旨在分析跨境电商中商标平行进口商品中商标侵权的法律规制现状,分析其存在的现实问题及其争议,并提出相应的应对策略,以期为我国跨境电商的健康发展提供法律保障。With the rapid development of information technology, cross-border e-commerce has become a mainstream trading model in international trade. The establishment of free trade zones and bonded zones has brought parallel imported goods into the public view. Parallel import, as a special form of cross-border e-commerce, is considered a “grey area” by many scholars, indicating that there are still gaps in the legal regulations related to parallel imports. Among these, trademark infringement issues are particularly prominent. The EU has established the legality of parallel imported goods by establishing the principle of exhaustion of rights within the economic area. The United States has supplemented its prohibition on parallel imported goods transactions with exceptions through case law. Japan, following the form of US case law, has established the three legal requirements for parallel imported goods through precedents. However, China still lacks clear legal regulations on the legality of parallel imported goods. This article aims to analyze the current legal regulations on trademark infringement in parallel imported goods in cross-border e-commerce, examine the existing practical problems and controversies, and propose corresponding countermeasures to provide legal protection for the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce in China.展开更多
文摘随着信息化的高速发展,跨境电商在国际贸易中已成为主流的交易模式。自贸区、保税区的建立让平行进口商品进入大众视野,平行进口作为跨境电商的一种特别形式,学界不乏观点认为其属于“灰色空间”,即平行进口相关的法律规制还存在空白。其中,商标侵权问题尤为突出。欧盟通过确立经济区内权利用尽规则确立了平行进口商品的合法性,美国通过判例法的补充对原则上禁止的平行进口商品交易做出例外规定,日本参照美国判例法的形式,通过判例确立了平行进口商品的合法三要件。而我国对平行进口商品的合法性仍缺乏明确的法律法规。本文旨在分析跨境电商中商标平行进口商品中商标侵权的法律规制现状,分析其存在的现实问题及其争议,并提出相应的应对策略,以期为我国跨境电商的健康发展提供法律保障。With the rapid development of information technology, cross-border e-commerce has become a mainstream trading model in international trade. The establishment of free trade zones and bonded zones has brought parallel imported goods into the public view. Parallel import, as a special form of cross-border e-commerce, is considered a “grey area” by many scholars, indicating that there are still gaps in the legal regulations related to parallel imports. Among these, trademark infringement issues are particularly prominent. The EU has established the legality of parallel imported goods by establishing the principle of exhaustion of rights within the economic area. The United States has supplemented its prohibition on parallel imported goods transactions with exceptions through case law. Japan, following the form of US case law, has established the three legal requirements for parallel imported goods through precedents. However, China still lacks clear legal regulations on the legality of parallel imported goods. This article aims to analyze the current legal regulations on trademark infringement in parallel imported goods in cross-border e-commerce, examine the existing practical problems and controversies, and propose corresponding countermeasures to provide legal protection for the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce in China.