心理健康是大学生成长成才的基石和关键,当前大学生的心理状态整体平稳,但也存在着抑郁、焦虑等频发的心理问题。原生家庭提供的家庭支持是塑造学生心理原型、影响学生心理状态的重要因素之一。心理健康教育和心理危机干预是高校辅导员...心理健康是大学生成长成才的基石和关键,当前大学生的心理状态整体平稳,但也存在着抑郁、焦虑等频发的心理问题。原生家庭提供的家庭支持是塑造学生心理原型、影响学生心理状态的重要因素之一。心理健康教育和心理危机干预是高校辅导员的重要职责,基于此,本文在探究在家庭支持不当的情境下,大学生心理危机干预显现出的学生心理状态复杂、危机干预难以速见成效,家校联系痛点频发、沟通联动不够得当紧密,危机应对模式固化、人文关怀尚未有效渗透以及危机解决后继乏力、心理成长难以持续发展等问题,进一步提出用好“快”字诀、上下协同做好初步应对,打好“准”字牌、多方联动开展精准干预,念好“情”字经、用心用情防范化解危机以及用好“导”字招、教育引导多措协同开展等具体措施,以此为高校辅导员有针对性地做好家庭支持不当情境下大学生心理危机的干预工作提供有效的对策与建议,从而真正帮助大学生正确认识和合理应对不当的家庭支持对个人心理造成的负面影响,健康成长为思想道德素质、科学文化素质和身心健康素质协调发展的时代新人。Psychological health is the cornerstone and key to the growth of college students. The current psychological state of college students is stable, but there are frequent psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. Family support provided by original families is one of the important factors to shape students’ psychological prototypes and affect students’ psychological state. Psychological health education and crisis intervention are the important responsibilities of college counselors. Based on this, in this article, in the situation of improper family support, the intervention of college students’ psychological crisis has several problems including complicated psychological state so that the crisis intervention is difficult to see results quickly, tough problems in the connection between family and school so that cooperation is not proper and tight enough, blunt crisis response mode so that the humanistic care becomes invalid, ineffective follow-up measures after crisis solved so that the students’ mental health is hard to grow. Based on these unsolved problems, the article comes up with four practical measures. Firstly, by make good use of quick response, cooperate up and down to make preliminary responses. Secondly, by solve crisis accurately, form the multi-party cooperation to carry out precise judgment and solution. Thirdly, by pay attention to emotional care, solve the psychological crisis more human. Fourthly, by attach importance to guidance, take a variety of measures such as education and guidance. Hence, the advice above can provide effective countermeasures and suggestions for counselors to deal with college students’ psychological crisis intervention under the scene of improper family supports. Thus, help college students correct understanding and reasonable deal with improper family support to the negative impact of personal psychology to healthy grow up with the ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural quality and physical and mental health quality of the coordinated development and become the backbone of new era.展开更多
文摘心理健康是大学生成长成才的基石和关键,当前大学生的心理状态整体平稳,但也存在着抑郁、焦虑等频发的心理问题。原生家庭提供的家庭支持是塑造学生心理原型、影响学生心理状态的重要因素之一。心理健康教育和心理危机干预是高校辅导员的重要职责,基于此,本文在探究在家庭支持不当的情境下,大学生心理危机干预显现出的学生心理状态复杂、危机干预难以速见成效,家校联系痛点频发、沟通联动不够得当紧密,危机应对模式固化、人文关怀尚未有效渗透以及危机解决后继乏力、心理成长难以持续发展等问题,进一步提出用好“快”字诀、上下协同做好初步应对,打好“准”字牌、多方联动开展精准干预,念好“情”字经、用心用情防范化解危机以及用好“导”字招、教育引导多措协同开展等具体措施,以此为高校辅导员有针对性地做好家庭支持不当情境下大学生心理危机的干预工作提供有效的对策与建议,从而真正帮助大学生正确认识和合理应对不当的家庭支持对个人心理造成的负面影响,健康成长为思想道德素质、科学文化素质和身心健康素质协调发展的时代新人。Psychological health is the cornerstone and key to the growth of college students. The current psychological state of college students is stable, but there are frequent psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. Family support provided by original families is one of the important factors to shape students’ psychological prototypes and affect students’ psychological state. Psychological health education and crisis intervention are the important responsibilities of college counselors. Based on this, in this article, in the situation of improper family support, the intervention of college students’ psychological crisis has several problems including complicated psychological state so that the crisis intervention is difficult to see results quickly, tough problems in the connection between family and school so that cooperation is not proper and tight enough, blunt crisis response mode so that the humanistic care becomes invalid, ineffective follow-up measures after crisis solved so that the students’ mental health is hard to grow. Based on these unsolved problems, the article comes up with four practical measures. Firstly, by make good use of quick response, cooperate up and down to make preliminary responses. Secondly, by solve crisis accurately, form the multi-party cooperation to carry out precise judgment and solution. Thirdly, by pay attention to emotional care, solve the psychological crisis more human. Fourthly, by attach importance to guidance, take a variety of measures such as education and guidance. Hence, the advice above can provide effective countermeasures and suggestions for counselors to deal with college students’ psychological crisis intervention under the scene of improper family supports. Thus, help college students correct understanding and reasonable deal with improper family support to the negative impact of personal psychology to healthy grow up with the ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural quality and physical and mental health quality of the coordinated development and become the backbone of new era.