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转基因甘蓝、花椰菜的抗虫检测 被引量:5
作者 钟仲贤 徐悌惟 +3 位作者 卫志明 徐淑平 黄健秋 薛红卫 《上海农业学报》 CSCD 2000年第4期10-14,共5页
1997~ 1999年对甘蓝、花椰菜转Bt抗虫基因R0 代及R1代植株离体叶片进行了抗虫检测试验。结果表明 ,使用小菜蛾 1龄幼虫 ,每9cm圆形叶片接种 2 0条 ,在 2 0~ 2 2℃培养 5~6d ,以校正死亡率和叶片损害程度综合评估抗虫性 ,可取得有... 1997~ 1999年对甘蓝、花椰菜转Bt抗虫基因R0 代及R1代植株离体叶片进行了抗虫检测试验。结果表明 ,使用小菜蛾 1龄幼虫 ,每9cm圆形叶片接种 2 0条 ,在 2 0~ 2 2℃培养 5~6d ,以校正死亡率和叶片损害程度综合评估抗虫性 ,可取得有效的结果 ,此检测方法比较简便 ,可用于单株抗虫性的初步筛选。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝 花椰菜 小菜蛾 抗虫检测
高效Bt抗虫基因表达结构的构建及其在转基因烟草中表达行为的研究 被引量:8
作者 石春林 朱祯 +2 位作者 肖桂芳 IllimarAltosaar 冯平章 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期422-427,共6页
构建了高效植物表达载体p Bin Mo Bc ,其携带有超强表达复合启动子 O M 及Ω因子控制下的 Cry I A(c) 基因,作为对照,本实验构建了含有 Ca M V35 S 启动子控制下的 Cry I A(c)基因的植物表达... 构建了高效植物表达载体p Bin Mo Bc ,其携带有超强表达复合启动子 O M 及Ω因子控制下的 Cry I A(c) 基因,作为对照,本实验构建了含有 Ca M V35 S 启动子控制下的 Cry I A(c)基因的植物表达载体p Bino Bc 。分别使用两个植物表达载体转化烟草, E L I S A 检测表明,在p Bin Mo Bc 转基因烟草中 Cry I A(c) 基因的平均表达水平是p Bino Bc 的244 倍,最高可达可溶蛋白的0255 % 。抗虫检测结果表明,p Bin Mo Bc 转基因烟草与p Bino Bc 转基因烟草相比,具有更强的抗棉铃虫效果。上述结果表明, O M 启动子比 Ca M V 35 S 启动子更具有实际应用价值,此结果在植物抗虫基因工程研究中具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 转基因植物 基因 复合OM启动子 抗虫检测
金标Bt-CryIAb/Ac试纸条定性检测转Bt基因棉花的方法研究 被引量:8
作者 聂新辉 尤春源 +4 位作者 陈惠瑜 孔杰 雷江荣 冯国礼 吕军 《中国棉花》 2013年第1期15-17,共3页
鉴于转Bt基因抗虫棉的抗虫性存在时空表达差异的现象,因此,采用免疫检测法中的金标Bt-CryIAb/Ac抗虫检测试纸条进行Bt毒蛋白定性检测,并对其使用方法中的样品取样部位、时期与样品稀释参数进一步调整。结果表明,检测苗期的子叶、顶部第... 鉴于转Bt基因抗虫棉的抗虫性存在时空表达差异的现象,因此,采用免疫检测法中的金标Bt-CryIAb/Ac抗虫检测试纸条进行Bt毒蛋白定性检测,并对其使用方法中的样品取样部位、时期与样品稀释参数进一步调整。结果表明,检测苗期的子叶、顶部第二叶及蕾期的顶部第二叶等组织器官时,样品稀释倍数应控制在10~15;检测花蕾时,应控制在15~20倍;检测开花期的顶部第二叶时,应控制在5~10倍;检测铃期的顶部第二叶及苞叶时,应控制在5~10倍;检测成熟的种子应为15~20倍。金标Bt-CryIAb/Ac试纸条定性检测转Bt基因棉花时,不同时期、不同器官应采用相应适宜的浓度才能获得可靠的鉴定结果。 展开更多
关键词 转BT基因 抗虫检测
转基因烟草中Bt毒蛋白基因的表达行为 被引量:15
作者 石春林 朱祯 +2 位作者 徐鸿林 肖桂芳 冯平章 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第3期269-273,共5页
构建了高效植物表达载体pBinMoBc ,该载体携带超强表达复合启动子OM及Ω因子控制下的CryIA(c)基因。采用根癌土壤杆菌 (Agrobacteriumtumefaciens (SmithetTownsend)Conn)介导的方法转化烟草 (NicotianatabacumL .) ,ELISA检测表明 ,大... 构建了高效植物表达载体pBinMoBc ,该载体携带超强表达复合启动子OM及Ω因子控制下的CryIA(c)基因。采用根癌土壤杆菌 (Agrobacteriumtumefaciens (SmithetTownsend)Conn)介导的方法转化烟草 (NicotianatabacumL .) ,ELISA检测表明 ,大多数转基因烟草中CryIA(c)基因表达量均超过 0 .1% ,最高可达 0 .2 5 5 % ;转基因烟草中CryIA(c)基因表达水平与植株发育的时间和空间有关。抗虫检测结果表明 ,转基因烟草具有很强的抗棉铃虫 (He liothisarmigevaHubner)效果。上述结果表明 ,pBinMoBc是一个高效抗虫植物表达载体。 展开更多
关键词 转基因植物 BT毒蛋白基因 高效启动子 抗虫检测
Area-wide Detection of Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies in Dairy Animals from the Khartoum State, Sudan
作者 Abdalla Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed Ali Ismail +1 位作者 Tamador Elkhansa Elnour Angara Osman Mukhtar Osman 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第9期723-730,共8页
Toxoplasmosis is an important cause of reproductive failure in man and farm animals resulting in significant socio-economic losses worldwide. The aim of this study was to avail large scale data-regarding the sero-prev... Toxoplasmosis is an important cause of reproductive failure in man and farm animals resulting in significant socio-economic losses worldwide. The aim of this study was to avail large scale data-regarding the sero-prevalence of T. gondii infection in dairy animals from the Khartoum State, Sudan using the commercially available Latex Agglutination Diagnostic kits. The study revealed that the overall seroprevalence of T. gondii infection at herd level of dairy animals in the State was 92.7%. The within herd seroprevalence was ranging from 8% up to 100% with mean of 51.3% in different herds of different dairy animals species in the State. Only 6 herds, 3 herds, 3 herds and 1 herd of cattle, camel sheep and goat respectively were found to be clean from anti-T, gondii antibody in the present study. Interestingly, most of the clean herds (12 herds) are located in the Khartoum district. The differences between the three districts, the seven localities and the four animal species were statistically highly significant (P 〈 0.01). The overall sero-prevalence of T. gondii infection in dairy animals--at individual level--was 45.3%. Sheep scored the highest seroprevalence rate (75.0%) followed by goats (64.0%), camels (54.1%) and cattle (40.9%) with high statistically significant differences (P 〈 0.01). The highest level of antibody titration was reported in sheep and goats. This is the first area-wide and large scale report on seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in dairy animals from the Sudan. It was concluded that dairy animals in the Sudan are widely exposed to T. gondii and people in the Sudan should be aware of the possibility of hyper-prevalence of human toxoplasmosis through these food animals. Research on clinical toxoplasmosis in dairy animals and human in the Sudan is recommended to evaluate the role T. gondii infection in economical losses in dairy farm industry and for building strategy of sustainable toxoplasmosis control. 展开更多
关键词 SEROPREVALENCE T gondii LAT dairy animals Sudan.
Cardiac Lesions in Naturally Infected Dogs with Trypanosoma cruzi
作者 K. Y. Acosta-Viana E. Guzman-Marin +3 位作者 M. Jimenez-Coello M. A. Torres-Leon R. F. Colin-Flores A.Ortega-Pacheco 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第6期932-938,共7页
With the purpose to determine the frequency and type of cardiac lesions in naturally exposed dogs to Trypanosoma cruzi, ninety one stray dogs, capture by the Canine and Feline Control Center (dog pound) from the mun... With the purpose to determine the frequency and type of cardiac lesions in naturally exposed dogs to Trypanosoma cruzi, ninety one stray dogs, capture by the Canine and Feline Control Center (dog pound) from the municipality of Merida, were studied. Before euthanasia, blood samples were taken to detect 72 cruzi antigens by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and Western Blot and to detect the genome of parasite by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Immediately after euthanasia, hearts were macroscopically evaluated and a sample of the middle right atrial wall of each dog was taken for histopathological analyses. DNA was also obtained from paraffin blocks of seropositives animals with microscopic lesions to detect 72 cruzi genome. Of ninety one dogs, thirteen were seropositive. All seropositive dogs showed an association (P 〈 0.05) with lymphocytoplasmatic myocarditis. The presence of the 72 cruzi genome was also detected by PCR in cardiac septum tissue of seropositive dogs and in all the cases with microscopic lesions indicating the high pathogenicity of the local circulating strain. No association with macroscopic lesions was observed in seropositive dogs. Also, the presence of Dirofilaria immitis (D. immitis) was found in 6% of dogs evaluated. This study demonstrates a high tropism to cardiac tissue and virulence of the strains of 72 cruzi circulating in the studied dog population. 展开更多
关键词 DOGS Trypanosoma cruzi IFAT PCR myocarditis.
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