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作者 杨共华 《浙江档案》 北大核心 1991年第3期35-38,共4页
二、本旅之阵地暨各团警戒区域仍如昨(廿三)晚命令所示,惟第五一八团在庙行镇右翼阵地应延伸至南端第一条无名河与六十一师相接。 三、各团兵力应取纵深配备,第一线兵力务求节约,多控置预备队俾减少损害,且资策应全线。 四、第五一八团... 二、本旅之阵地暨各团警戒区域仍如昨(廿三)晚命令所示,惟第五一八团在庙行镇右翼阵地应延伸至南端第一条无名河与六十一师相接。 三、各团兵力应取纵深配备,第一线兵力务求节约,多控置预备队俾减少损害,且资策应全线。 四、第五一八团应控置步兵二营,其一营为必要时之旅预备队。 五、炮兵第一团第一营(山炮八门)及五一七、五一八团之榴弹炮连集团使用,归李副旅长指挥。陈团附瑞何金营长之商、华副官品章共同参划。 六、炮兵第一营在未进入阵地时应控置于李家楼两端朱江巷待命。五一七、五一八团榴弹炮连应移开李家楼另觅驻地。弹药全数放置于掩蔽部内,骡马分散拴紧,人员亦应设掩蔽部。 七、各团卫生队应尽量接近前线大马路旁,开设绷带所,收容伤兵,转送后方。 展开更多
关键词 八团 副旅长 官品 团附 东塘 本营 八师
作者 杨宇鹏 《中学语文教学》 北大核心 2016年第4期54-56,共3页
小说是一种讲故事的艺术,特别讲究叙述与虚构。小说与一般记叙文相比,又特别重视手法、章法的运用。叙述与虚构、手法与章法,是小说这种文体的重要特征。具体到《小圣施威降大圣》这篇小说,它最鲜明的叙述技巧是波折,最大量运用的手法... 小说是一种讲故事的艺术,特别讲究叙述与虚构。小说与一般记叙文相比,又特别重视手法、章法的运用。叙述与虚构、手法与章法,是小说这种文体的重要特征。具体到《小圣施威降大圣》这篇小说,它最鲜明的叙述技巧是波折,最大量运用的手法是烘托。 展开更多
关键词 小说情节 法天象地 二郎神 本营 可真 叙述技巧 主要人物 小说人物 吴承恩 次要人物
作者 廖悦 《新闻前哨》 2015年第8期85-85,共1页
随着我国电视传媒业的快速发展,全民娱乐时代到来,我国的各大卫视所推出的节目越发向着轻松化与娱乐化的方向发展。主持人已经不再同于传统意义上的主播,而是活跃在荧屏上的真实存在。对于广大电视观众来讲,主持人是一个人物,是一个表... 随着我国电视传媒业的快速发展,全民娱乐时代到来,我国的各大卫视所推出的节目越发向着轻松化与娱乐化的方向发展。主持人已经不再同于传统意义上的主播,而是活跃在荧屏上的真实存在。对于广大电视观众来讲,主持人是一个人物,是一个表演化与生活化的伙伴。 展开更多
关键词 轻松化 全民娱乐 电视观众 何炅 新闻联播 乐化 收放自如 主持风格 本营 统筹全局
Studies on Endogenous Hormones and Nutritional Physiology Related to the Premature Senescence of Super-hybrid Rice Liangyoupeijiu and Its Parents at Late Growth Stage 被引量:3
作者 郭士伟 夏士健 +1 位作者 赵学强 朱虹霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期1914-1918,共5页
The amount of root bleeding sap, contents of chlorophyl , nutrients and hormones in flag leaves of a super-hybrid rice cultivar Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ) and its parents 9311 and Pei’ai 64S after heading were measured ... The amount of root bleeding sap, contents of chlorophyl , nutrients and hormones in flag leaves of a super-hybrid rice cultivar Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ) and its parents 9311 and Pei’ai 64S after heading were measured in this study. The re-sults revealed that compared with 9311, the chlorophyl content of LYPJ reduced more quickly after heading, and then kept at a lower level, which was an obvious characteristic of premature senescence. The other physiological indices of LYPJ af-ter heading except abscisic acid (ABA) content in leaf and root also maintained at a lower level than 9311, while al the physiological indices of the sterile line Pei'ai 64S were lower than LYPJ. So it was speculated that the early-aging characteristic of LYPJ may be inherited from Pei’ai 64S. Al the leaf and root early-aging traits reduced for LYPJ and its parent lines after heading, their leaf and root aged grad-ual y, which indicated that the above-ground (leaf) and under-ground (root) parts cor-related to each other closely, but there was not absolute correlations between them judged from the data. 展开更多
关键词 Super-hybrid rice Parent lines Premature senescence Endogenous hormones Nutritional Physiology
《党史研究与教学》 北大核心 1993年第4期80-80,共1页
人们一般认为,松井石根是南京大屠杀的罪魁祸首,战后他被判绞刑.松井石根罪有应得.但当时真正指挥日军行动的不是他,而是天皇的一位亲戚——朝香鸠彦亲王,这一点却被后人所忽略.日军华中方面军司令官松井石根在进攻南京之前训诫士兵,南... 人们一般认为,松井石根是南京大屠杀的罪魁祸首,战后他被判绞刑.松井石根罪有应得.但当时真正指挥日军行动的不是他,而是天皇的一位亲戚——朝香鸠彦亲王,这一点却被后人所忽略.日军华中方面军司令官松井石根在进攻南京之前训诫士兵,南京是中国首都,攻占首都是世界性事件,故须慎重研究.可见,这时松井并没有做屠城的准备.但是,朝香鸠彦12月8日抵达战地听取报告后,立即下达了"杀死全部俘虏"的密令.他还指令下属违背松井命令,让所有日军入城,自行安排住宿,使大屠杀进一步扩大. 展开更多
关键词 松井石根 南京大屠杀 军华 中国首都 中国检察 本营
作者 雷鸣 《国防》 1990年第6期9-9,共1页
近读美国普里尔撰写的《十九颗星》一书,其中有这样一则令人深思的故事:第一次世界大战的1918年5月,美一师机炮营二连用密集的火力支援步兵进攻坎蒂尔,发挥了重要作用。攻占该地后,二连奉命撤出战斗。但刚回到后方,连长兰塞姆就突然接... 近读美国普里尔撰写的《十九颗星》一书,其中有这样一则令人深思的故事:第一次世界大战的1918年5月,美一师机炮营二连用密集的火力支援步兵进攻坎蒂尔,发挥了重要作用。攻占该地后,二连奉命撤出战斗。但刚回到后方,连长兰塞姆就突然接到师部命令,要该连重返前线,参加防守坎蒂尔的作战。兰塞姆认为,本连人员疲惫,急需休整,12挺重机枪损坏严重,需要修理和更换枪管。 展开更多
关键词 兰塞姆 需要修理 蒂尔 本营 令人 里尔 上下左右 火力支援 防御作战 三分之一
作者 理也 《辽宁体育科技》 1992年第4期24-24,共1页
关键词 中国足球队 世界杯决赛 辽宁师范大学 李应 唐尧 本营 残酷性 李强 众人瞩目 比数
作者 风扬万里 《电脑与电信》 2002年第6期92-92,共1页
进入太行山腹地,距河南辉县70公里、有一个海拔1752米的原始村庄——郭亮村。它地处山西和河南两省交界处的密林山中,这里秀峰突兀,石径崎岖,红、白龙溶洞深邃,喊泉银瀑悬壁。有着泰山的巍峨,华山的险要,嵩山的挺拔,黄山的秀丽,原始荒古... 进入太行山腹地,距河南辉县70公里、有一个海拔1752米的原始村庄——郭亮村。它地处山西和河南两省交界处的密林山中,这里秀峰突兀,石径崎岖,红、白龙溶洞深邃,喊泉银瀑悬壁。有着泰山的巍峨,华山的险要,嵩山的挺拔,黄山的秀丽,原始荒古,真实自然。 展开更多
关键词 郭亮村 河南辉县 喊泉 太行大峡谷 石锄 西汉末年 一切时 申河 就这样 本营
作者 苗野 《中国房地产业》 2014年第9期56-59,共4页
在这个"大鱼吃小鱼,快鱼吃慢鱼"的时代,海亮地产深谙其道,仅3年时间,便利用高周转开发模式,强调快速拿地、快速销售、快速回款的策略,使得业绩每年以100%的速度增长。从2011年26亿元,2012年53亿元,到2013年153亿元,这家早年... 在这个"大鱼吃小鱼,快鱼吃慢鱼"的时代,海亮地产深谙其道,仅3年时间,便利用高周转开发模式,强调快速拿地、快速销售、快速回款的策略,使得业绩每年以100%的速度增长。从2011年26亿元,2012年53亿元,到2013年153亿元,这家早年名不见经传的浙江民营房企,俨然成为了中国房企大本营中的一条"快鱼"。 展开更多
关键词 开发模式 本营 海亮集团 企大 开发速度 投资规模 周迪 高溢价 企业集团 管理状况
技术铸就安全 新奥特为十九大保驾护航
《广播与电视技术》 2017年第11期131-132,共2页
中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会是在全面建成小康社会决胜阶段、中国特色社会主义发展关键时期召开的一次十分重要的大会。对于新奥特技术团队来说,无论全运会以及大型赛事服务,还是全国代表大会的保障工作,安全都是不变的主题。新奥... 中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会是在全面建成小康社会决胜阶段、中国特色社会主义发展关键时期召开的一次十分重要的大会。对于新奥特技术团队来说,无论全运会以及大型赛事服务,还是全国代表大会的保障工作,安全都是不变的主题。新奥特全体技术团队,包括产品、研发和工程技术等各总部一级与地区二级分支机构,提前部署,为会议期间的安全保障工作进行细致地排查防护,安全演练。台方大本营和会议驻地的现场服务团队也提前进入备战状态, 展开更多
关键词 新奥特 安全保障工作 九大 技术团队 全国代表大会 本营 服务团队 工程技术 方大 排查
作者 孙瑶瑶 胡文清 《半岛新生活》 2009年第6期28-29,共2页
关键词 王珊 跃进大别山 初生牛犊 穿衣打扮 人说 本营 城名 终身事业 第一时间 黑眼圈
Optimization of drilling and blasting operations in an open pit mine——the SOMAIR experience 被引量:4
作者 AFENI Thomas Busuyi 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期736-739,共4页
Drilling and blasting play vital roles in opencast mining. These operations not only affect the cost of production directly but as well and significantly, the overall operational costs. This research was carried out t... Drilling and blasting play vital roles in opencast mining. These operations not only affect the cost of production directly but as well and significantly, the overall operational costs. This research was carried out to find a possible way of optimizing the drilling and blasting operations in an open pit mine of Somair (Société des Mines de l’Air), in the Niger Republic. In order to optimize the drilling operation, the time taken by two drilling machines to accomplish the same task was analyzed statistically. The result indicates that the Down the Hole Hammer Drilling Rig (DMNo406) is more efficient than the Drill Master (DM405). The relative unit consumption of two explosives (Explus and Nitram 9), when used under the same operating conditions, were also considered and the results indicate Explus to be more economical per unit consumption with a range of 0.15 g/t–0.183 g/t, when compared with Nitram 9 with a unit consumption range of 0.19 g/t-0.24 g/t in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 DRILLING BLASTING cumulative time unit consumption explosive
Mining truck scheduling with stochastic maintenance cost 被引量:4
作者 Erkan TOPAL Salih RAMAZAN 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第3期313-319,共7页
Open pit mining operations utilize large scale and expensive equipment. For the mines implementing shovel and truck operation system, trucks constitute a large portion of these equipment and are used for hauling the m... Open pit mining operations utilize large scale and expensive equipment. For the mines implementing shovel and truck operation system, trucks constitute a large portion of these equipment and are used for hauling the mined materials. In order to have sustainable and viable operation, these equipment need to be utilized efficiently with minimum operating cost. Maintenance cost is a significant proportion of the overall operating costs. The maintenance cost of a truck changes non-linearly depending on the type, age and truck types. A new approach based on stochastic integer programming (SIP) techniques is used for annually scheduling a fixed fleet of mining trucks in a given operation, over the life of mine (multi-year time horizon) to minimize maintenance cost. The maintenance cost data in mining usually has uncertainty caused from the variability of the operational conditions at mines. To estimate the cost, usually historic data from different operations for new mines, and/or the historic data at the operating mines are used. However, maintenance cost varies depending on road conditions, age of equipment and many other local conditions at an operation. Traditional models aim to estimate the maintenance cost as a deterministic single value and financial evaluations are based on the estimated value. However, it does not provide a confidence on the estimate. The proposed model in this study assumes the truck maintenance cost is a stochastic parameter due to the significant level of uncertainty in the data and schedules the available fleet to meet the annual production targets. The scheduling has been performed by applying both the proposed stochastic and deterministic approaches. The approach provides a distribution for the maintenance cost of the optimized equipment schedule minimizing the cost. 展开更多
关键词 mining truck scheduling mixed integer programming minimizing stochastic cost mining equipment
Research on Capital Operation by Apparel Enterprises in China
作者 杨以雄 胡蓉云 +1 位作者 陈榕 王晓莹 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第5期123-128,共6页
Based on the definition of the main body of capital operation in the apparel enterprises - modern apparel enterprise, and the view of the existing explanations of capital operation in theoretical and practical fields,... Based on the definition of the main body of capital operation in the apparel enterprises - modern apparel enterprise, and the view of the existing explanations of capital operation in theoretical and practical fields, the origin, definition,content and classification of capital operation with the characteristics of apparel industry were expounded; and by probing into the major methods of capital operation applied in apparel enterprises, restructuring, listing of a company,and Merge and Acquisition, the advices on the capital operation strategies to various types of apparel enterprises was obtained. 展开更多
关键词 APPAREL capital operation restructuring listing Merge and Acquisition
Decline of the US,Dusk of World System 3.0 and New Possibilities for World System 4.0
作者 张猛 《China Economist》 2017年第4期66-91,共26页
The globalization has experienced three rounds of pushing, or three editions of world system - respectively the globalization of production and trade, government- business mechanism and capital operation. The end of t... The globalization has experienced three rounds of pushing, or three editions of world system - respectively the globalization of production and trade, government- business mechanism and capital operation. The end of the Cold War and China's reforms led to the falling of walls between social systems and the globalization with the United States as its representative sample came to its peak. However, administrative systems and ideologies based on nation states have presented barriers to globalization and, obviously due to that, the US is coming to its decline. The new edition of world system calls for breakthrough and change in nation-state system and China is poised to lead the new round of globalization. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION government-business mechanism capital operation
The Effect of Net Working Capital on Jordanian Industrial and Energy Sectors' Net Cash Flows Employed in Operating Activities
作者 Lina Warrad 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第3期168-174,共7页
The primary objective of the cash flow statement is to provide useful, meaningful, and relevant information about the cash receipts and cash payments of a firm during a given period of time. Decision makers can achiev... The primary objective of the cash flow statement is to provide useful, meaningful, and relevant information about the cash receipts and cash payments of a firm during a given period of time. Decision makers can achieve extra features of the change in net assets, the firms' financial position (liquidity and solvency), and the firm's ability to adapt to changing circumstances by affecting the amount and timing of cash flows. Cash flow statements improve comparability as they are not affected by differing accounting policies used for the same type of transactions or events. This study aims to verify the effect of net working capital (NWC), as an indicator of a company's short-term liquidity or its ability to meet short-term obligations, on Jordanian industrial and energy sectors' net operating cash flows (NOCF). A simple liner regression is used to test a period of 2008-2011 in order to conclude the extent of the effect on industrial and energy sectors. The study showed that there is a significant effect of the independent variable NWC on the dependent variable NOCF among industrial and energy sectors in Jordanian market. Whereas the adjusted R-squared of test is 0.854, changes in NOCF in Jordanian industrial and energy sectors have been described by NWC. Also, the study reached that the utilities and energy sector has the lowest NWC, while the mining and extraction sector has the highest. And, electrical industries sector has the lowest NOCF, while the mining and extraction sector has the highest. Moreover, the study showed that the printing and packaging sector has the lowest NWC, while the mining and extraction sector has the highest. And, glass and ceramic industries sector has the lowest NOCF, while the utilities and energy sector has the highest. 展开更多
关键词 net working capital (NWC) net operating cash flows (NOCF) Amman Stock Exchange (ASE)
Transport Layer Optimization for Cloud Computing Applications via Satellite: TCP Noordwijk+ 被引量:1
作者 M. Luglio C. Roseti F. Zampognaro 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第12期105-119,共15页
Cloud computing can significantly improve efficiency in Internet utilization and data management.Several cloud applications(file sharing,backup,data up/download etc.) imply transfers of large amount of data without re... Cloud computing can significantly improve efficiency in Internet utilization and data management.Several cloud applications(file sharing,backup,data up/download etc.) imply transfers of large amount of data without real-time requirements.In several use-cases cloud-computing solutions reduce operational costs and guarantee target QoS.These solutions become critical when satellite systems are utilized,since resources are limited,network latency is huge and bandwidth costs are high.Using satellite capacity for cloud-computing bulk traffic,keeping acceptable performance of interactive applications,is very important and can limit the connectivity costs.This goal can be achieved installing in the Set Top Box(STB) a proxy agent,to differentiate traffic and assign bandwidth according to priority,leaving spare capacity to bulk cloud computing traffic.This aim is typically reached using a specific QoS architecture,adding functional blocks at network or lower layers.We propose to manage such a process at transport layer only.The endpoint proxy implements a new transport protocol called TCP Noordwijk+,introducing a flow control differentiation capability.The proxy includes TPCN+ which efficiently transfers low-priority bulk data and handles interactive data,keeping a high degree of friendliness.The outcomes of Ns-2simulations confirm applicability and good performance of the proposed solution. 展开更多
关键词 TCP-Noordwijk+ cloud computing DVB-RCS satellite QoS Ns-2 bulk data
Water coning mechanism in Tarim fractured sandstone gas reservoirs 被引量:1
作者 沈伟军 刘晓华 +1 位作者 李熙喆 陆家亮 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期344-349,共6页
The problem of water coning into the Tarim fractured sandstone gas reservoirs becomes one of the major concerns in terms of productivity, increased operating costs and environmental effects. Water coning is a phenomen... The problem of water coning into the Tarim fractured sandstone gas reservoirs becomes one of the major concerns in terms of productivity, increased operating costs and environmental effects. Water coning is a phenomenon caused by the imbalance between gravity and viscous forces around the completion interval. There are several controllable and uncontrollable parameters influencing this problem. In order to simulate the key parameters affecting the water coning phenomenon, a model was developed to represent a single well with an underlying aquifer using the fractured sandstone gas reservoir data of the A-Well in Dina gas fields.The parametric study was performed by varying six properties individually over a representative range. The results show that matrix permeability, well penetration(especially fracture permeability), vertical-to-horizontal permeability ratio, aquifer size and gas production rate have considerable effect on water coning in the fractured gas reservoirs. Thus, investigation of the effective parameters is necessary to understand the mechanism of water coning phenomenon. Simulation of the problem helps to optimize the conditions in which the breakthrough of water coning is delayed. 展开更多
关键词 water coning fractured gas reservoir water cut recovery factor
The Impact of Optimizing Trim on Reducing Fuel Consumption 被引量:2
作者 Ahmed Helmy Abouelfadl Essam Eldin YoussefAbdelraouf 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第3期179-184,共6页
The shipping industry is one of the biggest industries throughout the ages. Maritime transport plays a vital role in world economy; whereas competition between maritime companies is fierce [1], at the same time agreem... The shipping industry is one of the biggest industries throughout the ages. Maritime transport plays a vital role in world economy; whereas competition between maritime companies is fierce [1], at the same time agreements of co-operation have taken different forms including alliances and mergers between companies to increase their market share. But competitions still stand despite all alliances even in same market. This intense competition drives companies to attain high level of competitiveness, by monitoring ship's operating performance and operating cost, emphasis on improving performance and reduce cost. On other hand new environmental regulations come to light, expansion of ECA (emission control areas), which lead to significant higher fuel cost when using low sulfur fuel. Since the fuel cost is the largest portion of the operating cost of the vessel, a saving in fuel usage can result in considerable saving in operational costs. Furthermore, fuel saving has environmental benefits in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of trim optimization which considers one of the easiest and cheapest methods for ship performance optimization and fuel consumption reduction trim optimization. 展开更多
关键词 Shipping lines competitions ship operating performance emission control areas and trim optimization.
Step change approaches in coal technology and fugitive emissions research
作者 Aminossadati S.M. Amanzadeh M. +2 位作者 Prochon E. Kok J. Adam S. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第3期363-367,共5页
Multi-factor productivity(MFP) in underground coal mining has been on the decline for the last decade.The mining industry requires a viable and sustainable approach to overcome the current downtrend. This is only poss... Multi-factor productivity(MFP) in underground coal mining has been on the decline for the last decade.The mining industry requires a viable and sustainable approach to overcome the current downtrend. This is only possible by concurrently focussing on productivity improvement and operating costs reduction,delivered through both incremental and step change technology development. Four technologies are presented in this paper: fibre optic borehole sensing has been demonstrated to reveal detailed information about gas flow influx, water level and borehole blockage events occurring along the length of a surfaceto-inseam lateral. Fibre optic gas sensing has also been investigated, and this technology promises a remote, intrinsically safe, distributed solution. Recent developments in continuous water jet drilling technology have demonstrated a step change increase in drilling rates and flexibility for coal seam degassing,applicable in both surface-to-inseam and underground in-seam applications. The application of water jet technology to the cable bolt drilling problem offers potential to address a serious health and safety and productivity issue in the roadway development process. 展开更多
关键词 Coal seam gas Fibre optic sensing Gas sensing in borehole Radial drilling Roof bolting
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