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四川省水稻纹枯病菌对井冈霉素抗药性监测 被引量:18
作者 吴婕 席亚东 +2 位作者 李洪浩 王晓黎 彭化贤 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期2501-2504,共4页
采用生物测定的方法,测定了从四川省12个市26个区(县/地级市)采回并分离得到的206个稻纹枯病菌菌株对井冈霉素的抗药性。结果表明,EC50值与年份呈显著正相关,即所测四川地区水稻纹枯病菌的EC50值呈逐年上升趋势,病原菌菌株对井冈霉素已... 采用生物测定的方法,测定了从四川省12个市26个区(县/地级市)采回并分离得到的206个稻纹枯病菌菌株对井冈霉素的抗药性。结果表明,EC50值与年份呈显著正相关,即所测四川地区水稻纹枯病菌的EC50值呈逐年上升趋势,病原菌菌株对井冈霉素已产生抗药性,其抗性频率主要分布在5≤Rf<40区间内,属于低抗到中抗水平。根据多年监测结果,指出了四川省内成都市、眉山市、资阳市等为抗性风险较高的地区,建议加强抗药性监测工作并扩大监测范围。 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 井冈霉素 抗药性测定
稻纹枯病菌对井岗霉素抗药性检测、监测和诱导 被引量:19
作者 周明国 叶钟音 刘经芬 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第2期73-78,共6页
检测了云南、浙江、江苏、安徽、黑龙江、吉林等不同用药水平地区的420个水稻纹枯病菌Thanatephorus cucumeris(Frank)Donk.菌株对井岗霉素的抗性,发现各地稻纹枯病菌群体及个体对药剂的敏感度与野生菌株没有显著差异。证明井岗霉素尽... 检测了云南、浙江、江苏、安徽、黑龙江、吉林等不同用药水平地区的420个水稻纹枯病菌Thanatephorus cucumeris(Frank)Donk.菌株对井岗霉素的抗性,发现各地稻纹枯病菌群体及个体对药剂的敏感度与野生菌株没有显著差异。证明井岗霉素尽管在我国部分地区施用已有15年左右,田间迄今并没有出现抗药性问题。1986—1989年对6个点监测结果表明该菌对井岗霉素的敏感度在年度间没有明显变化,室内抗药性诱导,也未能获得抗性菌株。 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 井岗霉素 抗药性
拮抗水稻纹枯病菌有益真菌的分离和筛选 被引量:7
作者 唐家斌 马炳田 +3 位作者 李平 王玲霞 李浩杰 陈红 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 1999年第3期241-244,共4页
本研究采用单孢分离法从腐烂稻草上获得6 个对水稻纹枯病菌有较强拮抗作用的菌株,经室内初步筛选鉴定属于木霉、类木霉。
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 拮抗真
毒素在稻纹枯病菌致病中的作用分析 被引量:4
作者 刘洪涛 蔡超 +2 位作者 梁红艳 蓝绍明 张君成 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期177-179,共3页
用水稻胚根生长抑制法测定了10个稻纹枯病菌菌株在寄主体外产生毒素的能力,发现不同菌株的产毒能力各不相同,且产毒量差异极显著。用水稻离体叶接种法测定了这10个菌株的致病力,结果表明:不同菌株的致病力也各不相同,且差异极显著。相... 用水稻胚根生长抑制法测定了10个稻纹枯病菌菌株在寄主体外产生毒素的能力,发现不同菌株的产毒能力各不相同,且产毒量差异极显著。用水稻离体叶接种法测定了这10个菌株的致病力,结果表明:不同菌株的致病力也各不相同,且差异极显著。相关分析发现,菌株的体外产毒能力与致病力高度正相关(R=0.915 2)。这些结果表明:稻纹枯病菌毒素的分泌可能在其致病过程中起重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 毒素 致病作用
稻纹枯病菌菌核的存活特性测定 被引量:1
作者 郭道君 郭地 +3 位作者 李冬萍 覃茜 刘洪涛 张君成 《广西植保》 2014年第1期1-3,共3页
概要:将稻纹枯病菌3个菌株的菌核经过干燥处理和没有干燥处理,然后分别在常温、4℃、-20℃、-60℃4种温度条件下存放,6个月和12个月后取出进行生活力与致病力测定。结果表明,所测试的3个菌株的干燥菌核,常温处置保存12个月后都不能萌发... 概要:将稻纹枯病菌3个菌株的菌核经过干燥处理和没有干燥处理,然后分别在常温、4℃、-20℃、-60℃4种温度条件下存放,6个月和12个月后取出进行生活力与致病力测定。结果表明,所测试的3个菌株的干燥菌核,常温处置保存12个月后都不能萌发生长,但在3个低温处置中,却都能萌发生长,低温条件下干燥菌核保持正常生活态的能力比菌丝体的具有优势。保存前处于非干燥状态的菌核,有的菌株处理出现不能萌发生长。在-20℃下保存的菌核,有2个菌株出现菌丝生长速度变慢和致病力减弱现象。 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 存活力 测定
稻纹枯病菌对水稻成株期致病力研究 被引量:1
作者 曾令祥 谢海呈 周维佳 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 1995年第2期65-69,共5页
1990~1992年采用室内盆栽和大田接菌观察3个不同致病型代表菌株对水稻的成株期致病力,发现ThA的代表菌株147号致病力最强。该菌株具菌核萌发快,菌株长势强,从接触稻株到病斑出现的潜伏期最短。还对品种、菌株、施肥... 1990~1992年采用室内盆栽和大田接菌观察3个不同致病型代表菌株对水稻的成株期致病力,发现ThA的代表菌株147号致病力最强。该菌株具菌核萌发快,菌株长势强,从接触稻株到病斑出现的潜伏期最短。还对品种、菌株、施肥量、密度等4个因素3个水平对病害发生发展的影响,以及田间病害发生扩展动态进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 致病力 成株期
稻纹枯病菌,Rhizoctonia solani对井岗霉素胁迫抗性测定方法研究
作者 谢海呈 曾令祥 +1 位作者 周维佳 冯明光 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 1995年第1期76-79,共4页
1993年和1994年设置井岗霉素8个梯度浓度:3.125、6.25、12.5、25、50、100、200、400ppm,比较培养基液体,平皿固体和离体稻茎3种培养方式,探索纹枯病菌对井岗霉素胁迫抗性测定方法.在离体稻茎培养中,纹枯病菌继代菌核形成量在不同处理... 1993年和1994年设置井岗霉素8个梯度浓度:3.125、6.25、12.5、25、50、100、200、400ppm,比较培养基液体,平皿固体和离体稻茎3种培养方式,探索纹枯病菌对井岗霉素胁迫抗性测定方法.在离体稻茎培养中,纹枯病菌继代菌核形成量在不同处理浓度间差异明显,50~200ppm处理不能形成继代菌核,25ppm处理虽能形成继代菌核,但其生活力丧失,3.125~12.5ppm处理能形成保存生活力的继代菌核.液体和平皿固体培养,继代菌核的形成量在各浓度间差异不明显.因此认为,离体稻茎培养可作为纹枯病菌对井岗霉素胁迫抗性的测定方法,起始浓度应为6.25~12.5ppm. 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 井岗霉素 抗药性 测定方法
作者 曾令祥 谢海呈 周维佳 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1995年第2期77-80,共4页
1990~1992年室内和大田接菌观察3个不同致病型菌株对水稻成株期致病力,THA的菌株147 ̄#致病力最强。该菌具菌核萌发快,菌丝长势强,病斑潜伏期最短。还对品种、菌株、施肥量、密度等4个因素3个水平对病发生发展影... 1990~1992年室内和大田接菌观察3个不同致病型菌株对水稻成株期致病力,THA的菌株147 ̄#致病力最强。该菌具菌核萌发快,菌丝长势强,病斑潜伏期最短。还对品种、菌株、施肥量、密度等4个因素3个水平对病发生发展影响,及田间病害扩展动态进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 致病力 成株期
作者 张君成 王忠文 +3 位作者 张正淳 蒙姣荣 袁高庆 刘洪涛 《植物病理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期606-614,共9页
用离体叶接种方法进行稻纹枯病菌群体致病力和水稻抗病力测定,将结果进行统计学分析及图解分析发现,病菌群体的致病力呈现连续变异的数量性状特征,服从正态分布;菌株与品种的致病互作中,菌株间的差异、品种间的差异、以及菌株-品种互作... 用离体叶接种方法进行稻纹枯病菌群体致病力和水稻抗病力测定,将结果进行统计学分析及图解分析发现,病菌群体的致病力呈现连续变异的数量性状特征,服从正态分布;菌株与品种的致病互作中,菌株间的差异、品种间的差异、以及菌株-品种互作间的差异均达到极显著水平,但互作效应对致病反应的变异所起的作用很小,致病反应的变异主要由菌株效应的差异或者品种效应的差异造成;大多数菌株在品种"中浙优1号"上的致病力排序与在"特优524"上的排序趋势是一致的;大多数品种对菌株2008-126-2的抗病力排序与对菌株2008-88-1的排序趋势是一致的。依结果认为寄主水稻的抗病力也服从正态分布。基于这些分布特征和致病互作特征,可以认为,一般要体现病害差异的试验,水稻寄主应选用中等抗病力的品种,病菌应选用中等致病力的菌株。抗病育种实践中,进行品种资源抗病性评价时,可采用二步行策略,第一步先用一个中等致病力菌株对所有品种先行鉴定,第二步用一个强致病力(或弱致病力)菌株对高抗病力(或低抗病力)的品种再行鉴定。同理,病菌材料的致病性评价也可采用二步行策略,第一步先用一个中等抗病力品种对所有菌株先行鉴定,第二步用一个高抗病力(或低抗病力)品种对强致病力(或弱致病力)的菌株再行鉴定。品种抗病性(或菌株的致病性)的鉴定结果可以采用正态分布函数计算法进行分组归类。 展开更多
关键词 稻纹枯病菌 致病力 抗病力 正态分布 互作效应
Cloning and Analysis of WRKY Gene of Rice Induced by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn 被引量:3
作者 姜述君 马建 +4 位作者 范文艳 戴凌燕 张国庆 于涵 刘朝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期191-194,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to clone the up-regulated expression gene of rice induced by Rhizoctonia solani.[Method] The EST fragment K16 obtained by suppression subtraction hybridization(SSH)was cloned and confirmed by... [Objective] The aim was to clone the up-regulated expression gene of rice induced by Rhizoctonia solani.[Method] The EST fragment K16 obtained by suppression subtraction hybridization(SSH)was cloned and confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR).Then RT-PCR products were cloned into the PMD18-T vector and sequenced.The functions of the sequence were predicted with bioinformatics method.[Result] A 1 079 bp gene was obtained.The gene encoded a protein with 236 amino acids.The protein contains many motif sites,two WRKY domains and a C2H2 zinc finger motif.The gene showed high identities with WRKY8,WRKY24 and WRKY30 gene of rice.[Conclusion] The up-regulated expression gene induced by R.solani was representative WRKY family gene.The gene could play an important role on rice sheath blight resistance. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn Silico cloning WRKY gene
Preliminary Study on the Extraction of Crude Toxin of Rhizoctonia solani and Its Activity 被引量:4
作者 黄文文 向准 +1 位作者 龚亮 钟国华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期132-136,163,共6页
[ Objective] This study was to investigate the pathogenic mechanism of rice sheath blight pathogen ( Rhizoctonia solani) and the bioactive components of toxin. [ Method ] Rice sheath blight pathogen was cultured in ... [ Objective] This study was to investigate the pathogenic mechanism of rice sheath blight pathogen ( Rhizoctonia solani) and the bioactive components of toxin. [ Method ] Rice sheath blight pathogen was cultured in the improved Richared medium; the culture filtrate was centrifuged and sterilized, then treated by activated carbon adsorption chromatography, distilled with methanol or water, and all were next concentrated, yielding the crude extracts of culture solution, crude extracts of methanol and crude extracts of water; the activities of these three extracts were determined, [ Result] The three extracts were russet pastes; activity determination showed that they had remarkable inhibitory effects on the growth of rice radicle and plantule, as well as the growth of four-foliage-young seedlings. They could also generate toxic effects on abscisic foliages and spots similar to the symptoms of sheath blight pathogen. [ Conclusion] Bioactive components of rice sheath blight pathogen toxin may be composed of various ingredients. 展开更多
关键词 Rice sheath blight Crude toxin EXTRACTION Bioactivity
Antifungal Effect of Streptomyces 702 Antifungal Monomer Component DZP8 on Rhizoctonia solani and Magnaporthe grisea 被引量:1
作者 芦慧 涂晓嵘 +2 位作者 徐佳 冯华根 涂国全 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2370-2374,2378,共6页
The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal effects of antifungal monomer component DZP8 isolated from Streptomyces 702 on the mycelium growth, sclerotium formation and germination of Rhizoctonia ... The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal effects of antifungal monomer component DZP8 isolated from Streptomyces 702 on the mycelium growth, sclerotium formation and germination of Rhizoctonia solani and on the mycelium growth, conidial formation, germination, appressorium formation of Magnaporthe grisea. The results showed that the antifungal monomer component DZP8 has strong antifungal effect on both the R. solani and M. grisea. The EC50 and EC90 of DZP8 were 1.81 and 3.35 μg/ml on Ft. solani respectively, and 37.01 and 136.21 μg/ml on M. grisea respectively. Under the treatment of 48.01 μg/ml DZP8, the sclerotium formation rate of R. solani was just 39.21%, the formation time delayed by 216 h and the dry weight decreased by 81.37% in comparison the con- trol; and 33.51 μg/ml DZP8 significantly inhibited the sclerotium germination. In the presence of 160.08 μg/ml DZP8, the sporulation of M. grisea was just 9.29% of control sample; 20.14 μg/ml DZP8 inhibited the conidial germination suppression rate by 95.16%, and the appressorium formation by 100%. 展开更多
关键词 Streptomyces 702 Monomer component DZP8 Rhizoctonia solani Mag-naporthe grisea Antifungal effect
The Effect of Three New Fungicides against Rice Sheath Blight in Field Experiment 被引量:1
作者 李宁 殷徽 常海滨 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第3期551-552,577,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to study the effect of three new fungicides against rice sheath blight in field experiment. [Methods] The experiment set up 7 treatments with three times of repetition and designed by random gr... [Objective] The aim was to study the effect of three new fungicides against rice sheath blight in field experiment. [Methods] The experiment set up 7 treatments with three times of repetition and designed by random grouping. By using 5 sampling points in each plot, and investigating continuous 4 holes of each point, total plants, diseased plants and disease degrees were recorded. Then disease index and control efficiency were calculated, and variance analysis was carried out. [Results] 300 or 450 ml/hm^2 azoxystrobin + difenoconazole 325 g/L SC had better control efficiency to rice sheath blight and had no phytotoxicity effect, we should use it at the initial disease stage and continuously spray 2-3 times. [Conclusion] The experiment provided a theoretical basis for controlling rice sheath blight using fungicides. 展开更多
关键词 Rice sheath blight Fungicides Field experiment
Control Efficacy of Validamycin A·(0.2 Billion Spores/ml) Paenibacillus polymyxa DN-1 3% AS for Rice Sheath Blight
作者 胡飞 苏卫华 +4 位作者 李昌春 周子燕 胡本进 徐丽娜 郑进国 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2615-2618,共4页
With validamycin A.(0.2 billion spores/ml) Paenibacillus polymyxa DN-1 3% AS as the test agent, the effects of different dosage and different application time on the control efficacy for' rich sheath blight were in... With validamycin A.(0.2 billion spores/ml) Paenibacillus polymyxa DN-1 3% AS as the test agent, the effects of different dosage and different application time on the control efficacy for' rich sheath blight were investigated. The results of two- year test showed that when the application amount was in the range of 45-90 g.a.i/ hm^2, the field efficacy of validamycin A-(0.2 billion spores/ml) P. polymyxa DN-1 3% AS in the initial infection stage of rich sheath blight (Le., the diseased plant rate was below 5%) reached 80.38%-89.06%, and that in the peak infection stage (i.e., the diseased plant rate was higher than 10%) reached only 41.12%-53.26%. The field efficacy of validamycin A.(0.2 billion spores/ml) P. polymyxa DN-1 3% AS at the early onset of rich sheath blight was significantly better than that at the onset, so that the application time of validamycin A .(0.2 billion spores/ml) P. polymyxa DN-1 3% AS should be appropriately brought forward in the prevention and control of rice sheath blight. 展开更多
关键词 Validamycin A-(0.2 billion spores/roll P. polymyxa DN-1 3% AS Rice sheath blight Initial infection stage Peak infection stage Control efficacy
Efficacy of Difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC in Treatment of Rice Sheath Blight and Its Application Technology 被引量:2
作者 李海亮 王会福 余山红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1589-1592,共4页
[Objective] The efficacy of difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC for rice sheath blight and its application technology were discussed in this research. [Method] Three surveys were carried out. There were 5 fixed test ... [Objective] The efficacy of difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC for rice sheath blight and its application technology were discussed in this research. [Method] Three surveys were carried out. There were 5 fixed test clumps in each plot. The number of total plants and disease plants and disease progression in each fixed clump were recorded. The correlation effectiveness was calculated based on the growth rate of disease index. Significance analysis was performed with Dun- can's new multiple range method (DMRT). [Result] The difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC had a good efficacy for rice sheath blight, and its efficacy increased with the increase of dose. If sprayed according to the dose of 450 ml/hm2 5 days before the beginning of heading stage of rice, difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC would have better effects on controlling rice sheath blight with correlation effectiveness reaching up to 95.14%, which was 2.06% higher than that of control drug (trifloxys- trobin-tebuconazole 75% WG, 225 g/hm2). [Conclusion] Treated with difenoconazole- azoxystrobin 32.5% SC with dose of 450 ml/hm2, rice would have green upper leaves and less yellow middle and lower leaves. Moreover, the yield was in- creased significantly. The difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC had good safety. Therefore, difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC had a good application prospect in production. 展开更多
关键词 Difenoconazole-azoxystrobin 32.5% SC Rice sheath blight Controlling efficiency SAFETY
A Resistance Bioassay for Rhizoctonia Root and Crown Rot and Damping-off Caused by the Anastomosis Groups AG 2-2111B and AG 4 in Sugar Beet 被引量:4
作者 Carlos Berdugo Christian Hillnhiitter Richard Sikora Erich-Christian Oerke 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第3期294-302,共9页
In order to determine the level of resistance of sugar beet varieties against Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-21IIB and AG 4, a methodology was implemented under greenhouse conditions that contemplated the most important crit... In order to determine the level of resistance of sugar beet varieties against Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-21IIB and AG 4, a methodology was implemented under greenhouse conditions that contemplated the most important criteria regarding to plant-pathogen interaction. The effect of plant growth stage on the development of the disease was evaluated. Seven sugar beet varieties were tested for resistance to R. solani AG 2-2IIIB and AG 4. To detect differences in leaf temperature between/L solani inoculated plants and non-infected plants, an infrared (IR) camera was tested. High incidence of R. solani AG 2-2IIIB and AG 4 in sugar beet plants was evident when the fungal inoculum was applied to two and four weeks old plants. At four weeks after sowing, it was the optimum time to inoculate sugar beet plants in order to generate R. solani infection, since at this time all plants were infected. Significant differences were detected regarding disease incidence between sugar beet varieties inoculated with different anastomosis groups. Leaf temperature was significant different between inoculated and non-inoculated plants, demonstrated that this technique could be a new tool for breeders to screen for resistance of new varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Beta vulgaris inoculation IR-thermal imaging greenhouse test soil-borne pathogen tolerant varieties.
Cloning and Expression of the Serine Carboxypeptidase Gene in Zea mays and Its Antifungal Activity against Rhizoctonia solani
作者 Li Liu Xiujing He +5 位作者 Zhiming Zhang Maojun Zhao Jing Wang Haijian Lin Ya'ou Shenl Guangtang Pan 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第2期123-130,共8页
The authors cloned and identified a new maize serine carboxypeptidase gene named ZmSCP from R15 inbred lines seedlings which were induced by Rhizoctonia solani AGI-IA. ZmSCP encodes a 332 amino acid protein with a pre... The authors cloned and identified a new maize serine carboxypeptidase gene named ZmSCP from R15 inbred lines seedlings which were induced by Rhizoctonia solani AGI-IA. ZmSCP encodes a 332 amino acid protein with a predicted molecular mass of 36.5 kDa and pI of 4.75. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that ZmSCP showed closer kinship with Oryza sativa and sorghum, which belong to the same evolutionary branch. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that there are four types of amino acids in ZmSCP, the percentages of them are 43.1%, 26.9%, 13.9% and 13.1%. The authors subsequently purified the recombinant protein which expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 and analyzed its antimicrobial activities in vitro. Results showed that the recombinant protein inhibited hyphal growth of Rhizoctonia solani. The study suggests that the expression of ZmSCP is closely related to maize sheath blight resistance caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Further, the antifungal activity showed that ZmSCP may play at role in the disease resistance response. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE serine carboxypeptidases banded leaf and sheath blight Rhizoctonia solani.
Investigation of Optimal Charcoal Concentration for Heterokaryon Formation of Rhizoctonia solani
作者 P. Qu M. Hyakumachi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第2期8-13,共6页
Optimal charcoal concentrations were examined for tuff formation of SBIs (single-basidiospore isolates) obtained from Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IC, AG-2-2 IV and AG-2-3, and SPIs (single-protoplast isolates) from AG... Optimal charcoal concentrations were examined for tuff formation of SBIs (single-basidiospore isolates) obtained from Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IC, AG-2-2 IV and AG-2-3, and SPIs (single-protoplast isolates) from AG-1 IA by using PDCA with different charcoal concentrations. The best charcoal concentration for SBIs from AG-1 IC was 0.5%, from AG-2-3 was 1%, and from AG-2-2 IV was 2%. The optimal concentration was 0% for SPIs from AG-1 IA. The optimal charcoal concentrations used for tuff formation between SBIs and between SPIs are quite varied, depending on the different AGs. The results of AFLP haplotypes suggest that tuff isolates formed between SBIs/SPIs are heterokaryon. 展开更多
关键词 Heterokaryon formation charcoal concentration Thanatephorus cucumeris
Purification and characterization of a novel antifungal protein from Bacillus subtilis strain B29 被引量:21
作者 Jing LI Qian YANG +3 位作者 Li-hua ZHAO Shu-mei ZHANG Yu-xia WANG Xiao-yu ZHAO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期264-272,共9页
An antifungal protein was isolated from a culture of Bacillus subtilis strain B29. The isolation procedure comprised ion exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-52 cellulose and gel filtration chromatogr... An antifungal protein was isolated from a culture of Bacillus subtilis strain B29. The isolation procedure comprised ion exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-52 cellulose and gel filtration chromatography on Bio-Gel P-100. The protein was absorbed on DEAE-cellulose and Bio-Gel P-100. The purified antifungal fraction was designated as B29I, with a molecular mass of 42.3 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), pl value 5.69 by isoelectric focusing (IEF)-PAGE, and 97.81% purity by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). B291 exhibited inhibitory activity on mycelial growth in Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium moniliforme, and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of its antifungal activity toward Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani were 45 and 112 μmol/L, respectively. B29I also demonstrated an inhibitory effect on conidial spore germination of Fusariurn oxysporum and suppression of germ-tube elongation, and induced distortion, tumescence, and rupture of a portion of the germinated spores. 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus subtilis Antifungal protein PURIFICATION
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