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作者 田宏威 《黑龙江金融》 2005年第11期81-81,共1页
一是存在新增股金户“冻结”,“不出不进”的现象。最近,人行齐市中心支行专项检查组在某县农村信用社检查中发现,该社截止2004年11月30日增资扩股总额为7115万元,除了对“老股金”到期正常退股外,其余部分在股金户全部“冻结”。... 一是存在新增股金户“冻结”,“不出不进”的现象。最近,人行齐市中心支行专项检查组在某县农村信用社检查中发现,该社截止2004年11月30日增资扩股总额为7115万元,除了对“老股金”到期正常退股外,其余部分在股金户全部“冻结”。按银监发[2004]23号文件股金管理第二十三条中规定:农村合作金融机构社员(股东)持有的资格股同时满足一定条件,可以办理退股。剖析以上现象原因:一方面是为了完成任务和硬性指标,一昧地保住额度不下降,故被动地采取了“一刀切”的做法;另一方面对“退股”总是心有余悸,怕引起股金额度不稳定。其后果:一方面股金“冻结”往往会引起股民疑虑;另一方面一些新股民入股无门,影响了新股民入股的积极性,致使股金额成为“死数”。闻此,股金管理在控制限额的同时,也应实行“活化”管理。 展开更多
关键词 股金管理 农信社 农村合作金融机构 专项检查 农村信用社 中心支行 增资扩股 冻结 股民 额度
作者 刘克石 《现代金融》 2002年第5期21-21,共1页
农村信用社的股金是农民群众与具有法人资格的经济组织及信用社职工为了取得社员资格,自愿向信用社交纳的款项。它体现了劳动联合的本质特征。股金是信用社资本金的重要来源。目前农村信用社由于股金管理制度不到位,合作金融组织行为欠... 农村信用社的股金是农民群众与具有法人资格的经济组织及信用社职工为了取得社员资格,自愿向信用社交纳的款项。它体现了劳动联合的本质特征。股金是信用社资本金的重要来源。目前农村信用社由于股金管理制度不到位,合作金融组织行为欠缺,管理者思想意识不重视等诸多因素,导致部分社员退股,股金在帐余额逐年下降,分析其原因主要有以下几点:一、清理1997年前股金时没有做好充分的宣传解释工作。自建社以来。 展开更多
关键词 股金管理 农村信用社 资金 团体社员股
作者 刘晓霞 《大众科技》 2006年第4期47-48,共2页
关键词 股金管理系统 系统设计 系统应用
积极扩大股金 继续加强管理
作者 王如珍 《中国供销合作经济》 1997年第1期3-6,共4页
关键词 供销社 股金 股金管理 中国
专业合作社财务管理之我见 被引量:6
作者 周凤美 《商业会计》 2003年第5期47-48,共2页
专业合作社是农民以“民管、民有、民享”为原则自发组成的一种自我服务组织,其发展还有许多不成熟的地方,尤其是在财务管理方面,由于专业合作社负责人一般都是由种养殖和贩销大户担任,对财务核算和管理的流程不懂,出现了原始凭证手续... 专业合作社是农民以“民管、民有、民享”为原则自发组成的一种自我服务组织,其发展还有许多不成熟的地方,尤其是在财务管理方面,由于专业合作社负责人一般都是由种养殖和贩销大户担任,对财务核算和管理的流程不懂,出现了原始凭证手续不完备,在农产品的收购和销售环节出现打白条及记流水账等现象,漏洞很大。为此,笔者就如何加强专业合作社的财务管理谈几点粗浅的看法。 展开更多
关键词 专业合作社 财务管理 中国 组织体系 财会人员 股金管理 内部管理
健全管理制度 企业健康发展——清安村加强股份合作企业规范管理
作者 守荣庆 夏国浩 《农村财务会计》 北大核心 1993年第4期34-35,共2页
关键词 股份合作制 乡镇企业 股金管理制度 内部承包机制
作者 王武晋 刘海荣 《河北金融》 2001年第11期41-41,共1页
对策之一:尽快实施'新老划断',合理兑付股金红利将信用社的新旧业务分开,新股金按照新业务的经营情况进行利润分配,如新业务经营有盈利,可按适当比例进行分红,分红后利润再抵补亏损。这样可以大大增加群众入股的积极性。对策之... 对策之一:尽快实施'新老划断',合理兑付股金红利将信用社的新旧业务分开,新股金按照新业务的经营情况进行利润分配,如新业务经营有盈利,可按适当比例进行分红,分红后利润再抵补亏损。这样可以大大增加群众入股的积极性。对策之二:加大对社员的优惠程度,增加入股的吸引力对入股社员除向其发放小额信用贷款的同时,要在利率上给予较大优惠,如在国家基准利率上上浮5%,这样仍然符合国家对社员贷款的利率政策,使社员真正得到较多的实惠,让群众体会到作为信用社社员的荣耀,从根本上提高他们入股的积极性。 展开更多
关键词 中国 农村信用社 股金管理 职工
敢抓善管 化解股金风险
《广东供销》 2002年第3期57-58,共2页
关键词 潮阳市陈店供销社股金管理 股金风险 清收方式 思想工作
完善村级扶贫互助资金协会运行的思考 被引量:2
作者 雷在玉 崔学东 +1 位作者 王艳玲 黄朝阳 《西部金融》 2010年第3期83-83,共1页
关键词 股金管理 运行 协会 资金 扶贫 村级 会员 台账
作者 欧阳春 《福建审计》 2000年第4期38-39,共2页
关键词 改制企业 问题 对策 债转股 股金管理
《商业会计》 2002年第3期3-4,共2页
关键词 供销合作社 2002年 财会工作 产权改革 社员股金管理办法 银行帐户管理 预算管理
作者 浩兵 《长江蔬菜》 1987年第4期13-14,共2页
兔年阳春三月,我来到具有光荣革命传统的历史名城南昌市,了解到南昌市蔬菜公司在蔬菜产销体制改革中变压力为动力,寻求搞活经营,搞活菜场的一些新经验。这些经验对于那些在改革开放以来困难较大的菜场或许有所裨益。南昌市蔬菜产销体制... 兔年阳春三月,我来到具有光荣革命传统的历史名城南昌市,了解到南昌市蔬菜公司在蔬菜产销体制改革中变压力为动力,寻求搞活经营,搞活菜场的一些新经验。这些经验对于那些在改革开放以来困难较大的菜场或许有所裨益。南昌市蔬菜产销体制的改革,是从1985年元月开始的。那些被统购包销体制统了几十年的菜农纷纷进城摆摊设点,立地为店,自产自销,议价成交。象一股巨大的洪流冲击着蔬菜产销的各个方面,各个环节。被冲击得最历害。 展开更多
关键词 国营菜场 产销体制改革 职工股 股金管理
作者 梁晓宇 王振 《河北金融》 2002年第8期51-51,共1页
股本金是农村信用社实收资本的主要表现,是建立农村信用社的第一资金来源,也是信贷资金的重要来源,股本金的充足程度关系着农村信用社抗风险能力的高低,也是农村信用社发展壮大的前提。近两年,农村信用社风险加重,扩股增资工作日益显得... 股本金是农村信用社实收资本的主要表现,是建立农村信用社的第一资金来源,也是信贷资金的重要来源,股本金的充足程度关系着农村信用社抗风险能力的高低,也是农村信用社发展壮大的前提。近两年,农村信用社风险加重,扩股增资工作日益显得重要起来,虽然人行天津分行对农村信用社扩股工作年年强调,但农村信用社的扩股工作成效甚微,分析其原因有以下几方面: 展开更多
关键词 农村信用社 扩股工作 股本金 实收资本 退股管理 股金管理 中国
《中国供销合作经济》 2003年第6期28-29,共2页
关键词 《专业合作社章程(试行)》 《专业合作社指导办法(试行)》 专业合作社 服务范围 法律地位 民主管理 股金管理
Corporate governance mechanisms and firm valuation in Malaysian listed firms: A panel data analysis 被引量:1
作者 Zunaidah Sulong Fauzias Mat Nor 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第1期1-18,共18页
Corporate governance mechanisms emerge to tackle agency problems in ensuring that shareholders' funds are not expropriated or wasted on unprofitable activities. The issue arises as to whether these improvements have ... Corporate governance mechanisms emerge to tackle agency problems in ensuring that shareholders' funds are not expropriated or wasted on unprofitable activities. The issue arises as to whether these improvements have been effective in reducing agency costs, and therefore enhancing firm value. The objectives of this paper is to examine the effects of governance mechanisms of dividend, types of ownership structure, and board governance on firm value. This paper utilises a panel data analysis of 403 firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia over a four-year period from years 2002 to 2005. A hierarchical regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses and the data is analysed using the generalized least square (GLS) estimation technique. Overall, the results highlight the importance of moderating role played by board governance variables with types of ownership structure to influence firm value. However, the benefits of better corporate governance through enhanced board governance are not the same across all firms since their incentives vary with respect to dividend and different types of ownership structure mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance mechanisms DIVIDEND ownership structure board governance finn value
Investment Strategy of the Temasek Holdings
作者 Martin Vozar Jozef Komomik 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第7期607-619,共13页
Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are generally known as investment funds owned by national governments and financed by the country's foreign currency reserves (dollar, euro, and yen), often through their central ban... Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are generally known as investment funds owned by national governments and financed by the country's foreign currency reserves (dollar, euro, and yen), often through their central banks or via direct investments. The study investigated the investment strategy of the Temasek Holdings as one of the most successful SWFs which is owned by the government of Singapore. Temasek Holdings was founded in 1974 to manage part of the government's revenues. Present turbulent times create a big pressure on healthy investment strategy of the SWFs. But total shareholder return for Temasek since its inception in 1974 has been a healthy 17% compounded annually. The main objective of the paper is to focus on the role of the Temasek Holdings as a company managed on commercial principles with an aim to achieve long-term sustainable returns. The study also analyzed Temasek Holdings'investment strategy. The study provides answers to questions like: why Temasek is of the most successful SWFs and what is the fund risk management? Another part of the paper compares investment strategy of the Temasek Holdings with other SWFs. The study has been conducted mainly on the basis of literature survey, secondary information and with using various web sites and research paper. The analysis has been also based on disclosures appearing in the Temasek annual reports over the period from 2008 to 2010. 展开更多
关键词 sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) TEMASEK STRATEGY investment portfolio asset under management
Board Members Oversight System- A Polish Example
作者 Marek Pawlak 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第11期1229-1249,共21页
The goal of the study was the development of a system to monitor the members of supervisory and management boards. The system currently covers 8,454 joint stock companies registered in Poland. The main purpose of the ... The goal of the study was the development of a system to monitor the members of supervisory and management boards. The system currently covers 8,454 joint stock companies registered in Poland. The main purpose of the system is to monitor every change in the composition of every board of every joint stock company, from March 2001 up to the present, and it is updated every month. This system, however, also enables us to confirm some of the theories from the field of corporate governance. A generation change has been identified in the boards of the joint stock companies which were examined. Women constitute a large, and continuously increasing, section of the board members. The number of family companies, and of family involvement in boards, is still increasing. Board members of financial institutions (and not just of banks) possess significantly more directorates than board members of non-financial institutions. The number of interlocking directorates is positively linked to the macroeconomic development indicator of the total investment as percentage of GDP for Poland. 展开更多
关键词 board composition supervisory board two-tiered board Poland
Relationship Between Working Capital Management and Profitability in Turkey Industrial Listed Companies
作者 Necdet Saglam Aziz Kagitci Semih Buyukipekci 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2016年第3期147-155,共9页
The present study investigated the effect of working capital management component on corporate profitability. A sample of 106 firms listed on Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) for the period of 2003-2013 was used... The present study investigated the effect of working capital management component on corporate profitability. A sample of 106 firms listed on Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) for the period of 2003-2013 was used. The secondary data for analysis were taken from Bloomberg's Database. The present study aims to explore the effect of working capital management components on corporate profitability. We observed that there was a negative correlation between gross operating profit and accounts receivables (A/R). We also found that there was a positive correlation between gross operating profit and number of days inventory. But they did not affect the profitability of firms in the study at a significant level. 展开更多
关键词 working capital management PROFITABILITY cash conversion cycle
Studies on TOP executive performance evaluation system of Chinese listed companies
作者 王德武 姜国庆 +1 位作者 姜硕 HUANG Allen R 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第6期671-674,共4页
According to the development status of Chinese listed companies, it is important to implement a stock option incentive plan for the top executives (TE) of the companies. It is necessary to establish a set of indices t... According to the development status of Chinese listed companies, it is important to implement a stock option incentive plan for the top executives (TE) of the companies. It is necessary to establish a set of indices to evaluate a top executive’s performance and award performance-based stock options to them scientifically and reasonably. This thesis sets indices from the perspective of the top executive’s behaviour and results, which differs from the traditional methods performance evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 performance evaluation indices set behaviour and result
农村信用社股权改造面临困难 被引量:1
作者 张龙安 《中国金融》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期94-94,共1页
困难和问题 股金管理制度不健全。目前农村信用社的股金管理缺乏制度约束,仅在农村信用社章程的第三章对股权设置比例以及股金证载明内容作出一些解释,对股金的募集、登记、转让、转换、退股以及变更管理等缺少规范化、制度化的相关... 困难和问题 股金管理制度不健全。目前农村信用社的股金管理缺乏制度约束,仅在农村信用社章程的第三章对股权设置比例以及股金证载明内容作出一些解释,对股金的募集、登记、转让、转换、退股以及变更管理等缺少规范化、制度化的相关规定。 展开更多
关键词 农村信用社 股权设置 股金管理 改造 管理制度 制度约束 变更管理 制度化
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