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黑牛奶加工工艺研究 被引量:1
作者 王瑞 李志成 刘莎 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第15期47-51,共5页
为了提高牛奶的营养价值和功能特性,采用对比试验确定了黑色原料的类别、黑色素的浸提工艺及其在黑牛奶中的用量,采用正交试验确定了黑牛奶中乳化稳定剂的配方。结果表明:黑芝麻是黑色素的最佳来源;黑色素的提取工艺为:烘烤后的黑芝麻,... 为了提高牛奶的营养价值和功能特性,采用对比试验确定了黑色原料的类别、黑色素的浸提工艺及其在黑牛奶中的用量,采用正交试验确定了黑牛奶中乳化稳定剂的配方。结果表明:黑芝麻是黑色素的最佳来源;黑色素的提取工艺为:烘烤后的黑芝麻,以原料:水为1∶10(g/m L),在80℃下浸提3h;黑色浸提物添加量为20%(体积分数)时,黑牛奶的颜色适中,芝麻香味较好;黑牛奶中添加CMC-Na 0.1%,海藻酸钠0.06%,黄原胶0.08%,蔗糖酯0.06%时,其稳定性最好。 展开更多
关键词 黑牛奶 芝麻 色素 浸提 加工工艺
作者 张艳舫 《食品信息与技术》 2004年第3期30-30,共1页
关键词 牛奶 生产技术 黑牛奶
作者 张艳舫 《农村实用科技》 2003年第7期41-41,共1页
关键词 黑牛奶 生产技术 牛奶 工艺流程 配方 质量标准 加工技术
黑米谷物牛奶的研制及稳定性研究 被引量:9
作者 任璐 杭锋 龚广予 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2010年第2期116-118,共3页
以黑米、牛奶为主要原料制作一种复合型黑米谷物牛奶,选择色泽、质地、滋味及香气4个因素作为感官评价指标,通过正交试验确定最佳感官配方为:牛奶50.0%、黑米粉5.5%、乳化剂0.2%、白砂糖4.0%。利用稳定分析仪的稳定动力学参数为评价指标... 以黑米、牛奶为主要原料制作一种复合型黑米谷物牛奶,选择色泽、质地、滋味及香气4个因素作为感官评价指标,通过正交试验确定最佳感官配方为:牛奶50.0%、黑米粉5.5%、乳化剂0.2%、白砂糖4.0%。利用稳定分析仪的稳定动力学参数为评价指标,以保质期为6个月的灭菌乳为对照,在最佳感官配方基础上,研究复配稳定剂的使用对成品黑米谷物牛奶稳定性的影响。结果表明,由0.20%微晶纤维素、0.15%变性淀粉和0.02%的к-卡拉胶组成的复合稳定剂的稳定效果最好;由0.20%微晶纤维素和0.15%变性淀粉组成的复合稳定剂的稳定效果其次,以上2种复合稳定剂均能使黑米谷物牛奶的稳定效果达到6个月保存期的要求。 展开更多
关键词 米谷物牛奶 正交试验 稳定性 背散射光
黑米早餐牛奶的研制 被引量:3
作者 黎铭 乐坚 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期153-154,157,共3页
重点研究了黑米原料采用不同工艺对产品口感的影响,以及不同的稳定剂对黑米牛奶稳定性的影响。结果表明,采用焙烤温度120℃,焙烤时间2h,黑米经粉碎、搅拌、过滤后加入至鲜牛奶中,制作黑米牛奶,产品口味纯正,米香浓郁,口感顺滑。该产品... 重点研究了黑米原料采用不同工艺对产品口感的影响,以及不同的稳定剂对黑米牛奶稳定性的影响。结果表明,采用焙烤温度120℃,焙烤时间2h,黑米经粉碎、搅拌、过滤后加入至鲜牛奶中,制作黑米牛奶,产品口味纯正,米香浓郁,口感顺滑。该产品的稳定性需采用degssa复配稳定剂,复配稳定剂最佳用量为0.2%,微晶纤维素与卡拉胶复合使用时具有协同增效作用,它能稳固和加强卡拉胶所形成的网络体系,辅以单甘酯乳化稳定产品中的脂肪,同时还可以改善产品的口感和风味,提高产品的品质。 展开更多
关键词 牛奶 稳定性
作者 蓝煦 王冠秋 Ian Robinson 《中国食品工业》 2010年第2期18-19,共2页
一、2008--2009年国内外液态乳制品市场 随着中国公民收入的迅速增加,民众对健康的诉求越来越强烈,加之液态牛奶高速发展已逾十年,一直在跟随国外的步伐,随着菊乐的黑牛奶、红谷牛奶的成功,国内大小品牌都刮起了一股“中国风”,... 一、2008--2009年国内外液态乳制品市场 随着中国公民收入的迅速增加,民众对健康的诉求越来越强烈,加之液态牛奶高速发展已逾十年,一直在跟随国外的步伐,随着菊乐的黑牛奶、红谷牛奶的成功,国内大小品牌都刮起了一股“中国风”,我们强烈地感受到产品的个性化对品牌、销量和利润的提升起到的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 黑牛奶 乳制品市场 国内外 个性化 液态 中国 品牌
作者 张静 罗月婷(编) 《新食品》 2007年第6期49-49,共1页
时间刚一跨过2006年,在成都液态奶市场上,目光所及之处均能看到高端产品的身影。蒙牛的特仑苏纯牛奶、特仑苏OMP、真果粒和伊利的金典、光明的优+、菊乐2007年1月2日刚刚上市的黑牛奶以及新希望乳业去年10月推出的西门塔尔奶皇全部... 时间刚一跨过2006年,在成都液态奶市场上,目光所及之处均能看到高端产品的身影。蒙牛的特仑苏纯牛奶、特仑苏OMP、真果粒和伊利的金典、光明的优+、菊乐2007年1月2日刚刚上市的黑牛奶以及新希望乳业去年10月推出的西门塔尔奶皇全部登上各大超市的堆头,连端架等特殊陈列也纷纷成为了这些产品的抢占之地。而在各大卖场堆头上稳住了近5年的大小纯奶、乳饮料等产品则腾出了位置。 展开更多
关键词 液态奶 成都 西门塔尔 牛奶 产品 OMP 黑牛奶 乳饮料
乳品企业如何做好产品创新 被引量:1
作者 侯军伟 《中国乳业》 2009年第4期26-28,共3页
关键词 乳品企业 婴幼儿奶粉 三鹿 酸奶 黑牛奶 红枣 酸乳 产品创新 乳品行业
《新食品》 2007年第29期138-138,共1页
市场扫描 天伦月饼食博会上受青睐;菊乐无蔗糖型黑牛奶新品上市;成都天价月饼悄然退市;重庆天友18种奶产品涨价;人人乐巴蜀风味街成都开街……
关键词 西南地区 重庆 四川 云南 贵州 西藏 场扫描 黑牛奶
《新食品》 2007年第29期133-134,共2页
关键词 果汁饮料 黑牛奶 海产品 罐头 蔗糖
“概念奶”五花八门 消费者晕头转向
作者 萧乾 《农业知识(科学养殖)》 2010年第5期54-54,共1页
谷物奶、果粒奶、黑牛奶、益生菌、乳蛋白……各种概念漫天飞,而且价格比普通的牛奶贵很多。有读者致电本刊热线说“现在选袋奶真是太难了,五花八门的奶制品把消费者都绕晕了,这些奶制品究竟是概念炒作,还是物超所值?市民又该如何... 谷物奶、果粒奶、黑牛奶、益生菌、乳蛋白……各种概念漫天飞,而且价格比普通的牛奶贵很多。有读者致电本刊热线说“现在选袋奶真是太难了,五花八门的奶制品把消费者都绕晕了,这些奶制品究竟是概念炒作,还是物超所值?市民又该如何选择呢?” 展开更多
关键词 黑牛奶 消费者 概念炒作 奶制品 益生菌 乳蛋白 价格比 谷物
作者 蔡梦藜 《新食品》 2014年第3期104-104,共1页
日前,在浙江早巳满负盛名,在全国小有名气的德国雅兴特(Jacinthe)黑啤酒再一次发起了全国范围内的扩张。雅兴特黑啤酒的全国总经销商雅兴特啤酒(上海)有限公司对此信心满满,他们坚信这款有着“黑牛奶”之称的产品有足够实力吸引... 日前,在浙江早巳满负盛名,在全国小有名气的德国雅兴特(Jacinthe)黑啤酒再一次发起了全国范围内的扩张。雅兴特黑啤酒的全国总经销商雅兴特啤酒(上海)有限公司对此信心满满,他们坚信这款有着“黑牛奶”之称的产品有足够实力吸引全国百姓的目光。 展开更多
关键词 经销商 德国 中国 啤酒 黑牛奶
Feeding Effect of Triticale Fodder as Replacement of Straw on Production Performance of Dairy Cows 被引量:2
作者 Nathu Ram Sarker Mohammad Asaduzzaman +4 位作者 Khan Shahidul Huque Mohammad Toyebur Rahman NazrulIslam Mohammad Enamul Haque Stephen R. Waadington 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第1期72-82,共11页
Twenty lactating cows of two to five parity having an average live weight of 290.00 to 330.00 kg and an average milk production of 4.54 kg/head/day to 4.66 kg/head/day were selected from the Central Cattle breeding St... Twenty lactating cows of two to five parity having an average live weight of 290.00 to 330.00 kg and an average milk production of 4.54 kg/head/day to 4.66 kg/head/day were selected from the Central Cattle breeding Station and Dairy Farm. The four dietary treatment were: SlooTo (Straw 100: Triticale 0 as control); $5oT5o (Straw 50: Triticale 50); $25T75 (Straw 25: Triticale 75) and SoTloo (Straw 0: Triticale 100). It was observed that the roughage dry matter intake (DMI) (2.61 ~ 0.07 kg) in percent live weight was significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in $25T75 and the lowest (1.76 ~ 0.018 kg) in the control group (SlooTo) and the differences were significant among the dietary treatments except $5oT5o and SoTloo. The total DMI was significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in SoT^oo (13.36 i 0.13 kg) followed by $25T75, $5oT5o and SlooTo, respectively. The digestibility of crude protein (CP) was slightly higher in $25T75 (75.48 ~ 0.96) compared to SoTtoo (75.31 ~ 1.45) and the difference was non-significant (P 〉 0.05). Milk production was significantly (P 〈 0.05) the highest in $5oT5o and the lowest in SlooTo followed by SoTloo, $25T75, respectively. The percent increased in milk yield was also the highest in $5oT5o (67.68%) and the lowest in SlooTo (28.85%). The 4% fat corrected milk was also significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in $5oT5o followed by SoTloo, $25T75 and SlooTo, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that triticale and straw at a ratio of 50:50 may be fed for better production performance of dairy cows. 展开更多
关键词 Triticale green fodder production performance REPLACEMENT milk yield.
Effect of Cowshed Design and Cooling Strategy on Welfare and Productivity of Dairy Cows 被引量:2
作者 M. Samer 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第6期848-857,共10页
Nine cowsheds were used, the differences between each cowshed are orientation (east-west or north-south), cooling (with or without), and height (3 m, 5 m or 8 m height). Dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, ... Nine cowsheds were used, the differences between each cowshed are orientation (east-west or north-south), cooling (with or without), and height (3 m, 5 m or 8 m height). Dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, dew point, shaded area, air velocity, and maximum temperature were measured beneath each shed. The temperature-humidity index (THI) and the shading efficiency were calculated for each cowshed. The trials were conducted using 180 lactating Holstein Friesian cows; twenty cows housed beneath each shade structure. Measurements performed on cows were respiration rate, skin temperature, and rectal temperature; moreover, the milk produced by each cow was recorded, and the feed intake. High air velocities were recorded under high shade structures which enhance the aeration; consequently, maximum temperatures, and THI recorded beneath high sheds were less than those recorded beneath low sheds; also, skin temperatures, and respiration rates for cows housed under high sheds were less than those measured for animals housed under low sheds(differences were found to be significant). Thereby, increasing shed height enhances dairy cows' microclimate under Egyptian conditions (hot climate); consequently, the milk production increases. The best orientation is the east-west orientation, which is preferable for hot climates. The exploitation of cooling has significant effect on microclimate, cooling enhances the ambient environment and provides comfortable zone for dairy cows within which cows reach high production levels. 展开更多
关键词 Open housing system heat stress shade structure cooling strategy animal welfare.
Effect of Organic vs. Inorganic Selenium Supplementation on Expression of Selected Defensin Genes in Somatic Milk Cells of Dairy Cows
作者 Justyna Jarczak Ewa Kosciuczuk +2 位作者 Jozef Krzyzewski Lech Zwierzchowski Emilia Bagnicka 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第8期686-695,共10页
The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of organic selenium supplementation (selenium yeast) vs. inorganic selenium (selenium selenite) on the expression of selected defensin genes in milk somatic cells (... The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of organic selenium supplementation (selenium yeast) vs. inorganic selenium (selenium selenite) on the expression of selected defensin genes in milk somatic cells (MSC) of dairy cows. Sixteen Polish Holstein-Friesian cows in second parity, with similar milk yield and milk composition were randomly divided into two equal groups. At the beginning of experiment, the animals were in the middle of their lactation curve (150, standard deviation (SD) = 26 d) and this experiment lasted 90 d. The basic diet, for both groups, consisted of corn silage, wilted grass silage and concentrates. The diet of control group was supplemented with commercial mineral and vitamin mixture with inorganic selenium and the for the experimental group daily selenium need was covered by the addition of Se-yeast (6 mg Se/cow/d). Milk samples were collected three times during experiment (before experiment; on day 55; after the end the experiment). Total RNA was isolated from milk somatic cells and the levels of transcripts of bovine β1-defensin (DEFB1), β4-defensin (BNBD4), β5-defensin (BNBDS), β10-defensin (BNBD10) and lingual antimicrobial peptide (LAP) were measured with real time PCR, using glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as a reference gene. The expressions of almost all studied genes were influenced by environmental conditions (very low and negative temperature). However, BNBD4 (P 〈 0.05) and LAP (P ≤ 0.001 ) genes were influenced by selenium supplementation but in opposite ways, depending on the form of Se. These findings support that selenium is an important factor affecting the mRNA level in MSC, but the effect of the form of selenium might depend on genes. 展开更多
关键词 Dairy cow MSC gene expression SELENIUM defensin.
Genetic Parameters for Yields and Reproductive Traits of Chinese Holstein Cows in Heilongjiang Province
作者 Kewei DING Takeo KAYABA 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期520-522,526,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to estimate the genetic parameters for milk yield, fat percentage, fat yield and age at first freshening of Chinese Holsteins first lactation cows in Heilongjiang under frigid-temperature ... [Objective] This study aimed to estimate the genetic parameters for milk yield, fat percentage, fat yield and age at first freshening of Chinese Holsteins first lactation cows in Heilongjiang under frigid-temperature and temperature zone. [Method] Records of yield and reproduction from 8 868 Chinese Holstein first lacta- tion cows from 21 herds were utilized to evaluate genetic parameters for Hei- Iongjiangs' Chinese Holsteins. Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method was used with an animal model. [Result] The heritabilities were 0.16 to 0.34 for yields and fat percentage, 0.38 for reproduction (age at the first freshening), which were similar to estimates for temperate areas from similar methods, except for constituent percentage. Also, the estimates of genetic correlation were high between milk yield and fat yield (0.97), but were low between milk yield and fat percentage (-0.24), age at the first freshening (-0.29) and generally antagonistic. [Conclusion] Thus, es- timates of genetic parameters in this frigid and frigid-temperate environment did not differ appreciably from those that occur in temperate dairy areas. 展开更多
关键词 Heilongjiang Chinese Holsteins PRODUCTION REPRODUCTION Genetic pa rameters
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