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大马士革玫瑰RdGASA4-like基因启动子的分离及其在甘蓝中的瞬时表达分析 被引量:2
作者 张强 张晓伟 +3 位作者 孟月娥 李艳敏 王慧娟 王利民 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期123-127,共5页
在前期的研究中,一个玫瑰RdGASA4-like基因的cDNA和DNA序列全长利用同源克隆结合RACE的方法首次得到克隆。为深入了解该基因在赤霉素调控植物发育过程中的作用,通过TAIL-PCR的方法首次克隆该基因起始密码子ATG上游685bp的5’-UTR和部分... 在前期的研究中,一个玫瑰RdGASA4-like基因的cDNA和DNA序列全长利用同源克隆结合RACE的方法首次得到克隆。为深入了解该基因在赤霉素调控植物发育过程中的作用,通过TAIL-PCR的方法首次克隆该基因起始密码子ATG上游685bp的5’-UTR和部分启动子序列,在启动子序列分析的基础上,构建其与GUS基因融合表达载体,命名为pBI-GP685。通过农杆菌介导的方法对甘蓝外植体子叶-子叶柄进行启动子瞬时表达研究,结果表明分离得到的启动子具有启动报告基因GUS表达的活性。 展开更多
关键词 rdgasa4-like 分离 启动子 瞬时表达
玫瑰GASA4-like基因的克隆及其序列分析 被引量:3
作者 张强 孟月娥 +3 位作者 李艳敏 王慧娟 王利民 王志勇 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期161-166,共6页
从大马士革玫瑰(Rosa damascena)中利用同源克隆结合RACE的方法首次获得了一个GASA4-like基因的cDNA和DNA序列全长(GenBank登陆号FJ595792,FJ595793),并利用TAIL—PCR的方法克隆了其部分启动予序列。结果表明,玫瑰GASA4-like基... 从大马士革玫瑰(Rosa damascena)中利用同源克隆结合RACE的方法首次获得了一个GASA4-like基因的cDNA和DNA序列全长(GenBank登陆号FJ595792,FJ595793),并利用TAIL—PCR的方法克隆了其部分启动予序列。结果表明,玫瑰GASA4-like基因包含4个外显子,3个内含子,开放阅读框为327bp,编码108个氨基酸序列。对推导的氨基酸序列分析发现,N末端1~26个氨基酸是一信号肽序列,c末端含有12个保守的半胱氨酸残基,具有GASA基因家族共同的一些结构特征。系统进化分析表明,玫瑰GASA4-like与分生组织中表达的GAsA蛋白聚为一类。启动子顺式作用调控元件分析表明,GASA4-like基因上游318bp的部分启动子含有诱导表达调控元件和一些转录因子的结合位点;最后,对GASA4-like基因可能的生物学功能进行了预测。 展开更多
关键词 玫瑰 GASA4-like 克隆 序列分析
泛素连接酶E3 Nedd4-like家族与癌症关系的研究进展 被引量:2
作者 王娟 魏素菊 《肿瘤防治研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期725-729,共5页
泛素蛋白酶体系统参与体内80%以上蛋白质的降解,调节体内细胞增殖,分化及存活,其功能紊乱可导致包括癌症在内的多种疾病。该系统中泛素连接酶E3 Nedd4-like家族已被证实在多种癌症发生、发展中发挥重要作用。泛素连接酶E3 Nedd4-like家... 泛素蛋白酶体系统参与体内80%以上蛋白质的降解,调节体内细胞增殖,分化及存活,其功能紊乱可导致包括癌症在内的多种疾病。该系统中泛素连接酶E3 Nedd4-like家族已被证实在多种癌症发生、发展中发挥重要作用。泛素连接酶E3 Nedd4-like家族成员能够调节多种蛋白的泛素化、溶酶体及蛋白酶体降解作用及细胞核转位作用,因而影响着肿瘤发生过程中多条信号转导通路,如TGFβ、EGF、IGF、VEGF、SDF-1及TNFα通路。此外,该家族还可直接调节Smads、p53、KLF、RUNX及Jun等多种癌相关转录因子。由此可见,充分了解E3 Nedd4-like家族对癌症的潜在影响将有利于对生物标志物及药物靶点的认知与开发。现将该家族的主要特点、作用机制及在多种癌症中的表达情况作一综述。 展开更多
关键词 泛素连接酶E3 Nedd4-like家族 泛素化 癌症
卵形鲳鲹脂肪酸延长酶(Elovl4-like)基因特征与功能研究 被引量:1
作者 宋岭 朱克诚 +2 位作者 郭华阳 江世贵 张殿昌 《南方水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期76-86,共11页
长链脂肪酸延长酶(elongases of very long chain fatty acids, Elovls)是长链多不饱和脂肪酸(long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, LC-PUFA)生物合成途径中的关键限速酶,能够延长PUFA的碳链。为探究Elovl4在卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus o... 长链脂肪酸延长酶(elongases of very long chain fatty acids, Elovls)是长链多不饱和脂肪酸(long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, LC-PUFA)生物合成途径中的关键限速酶,能够延长PUFA的碳链。为探究Elovl4在卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus) PUFA生物合成中的功能,该研究克隆了卵形鲳鲹Elovl4基因的cDNA序列,命名为ToElovl4-like,其开放阅读框(ORF)为792 bp,编码263个氨基酸。生物信息学分析结果表明,编码的氨基酸包含Elovl家族的显著结构特征如组氨酸盒子、多个跨膜区和ER滞留信号等。序列比对结果显示,卵形鲳鲹Elovl4-like基因高度保守,且该基因编码的蛋白序列与其他鱼类的相似度为73%~86%,其中与大西洋鳕(Gadus morhua)的相似度最高(86%)。系统进化分析表明,Elovl4主要聚为Elovl4a、Elovl4b和Elovl4-like 3类。其中ToElovl4-like与其他鱼类的Elovl4-like亲缘关系最近。实时荧光定量PCR表明ToElovl4-like基因在各组织中均有表达,其中在性腺和脾中mRNA表达量最高,在脑中mRNA表达量最低。酵母异源表达分析表明,ToElovl4-like可以分别将亚油酸(18:2n-6)、二十碳五烯酸(20:5n-3)延长为二十碳二烯酸(20:2n-6)和二十二碳五烯酸(22:5n-3)。研究结果为了解鱼类长链多不饱和脂肪酸(LC-PUFA)的生物合成提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 卵形鲳鲹 Elovl4-like 异源表达 功能鉴定
蒙古沙冬青AmMYB4-like基因的克隆与表达分析 被引量:2
作者 肖自华 高飞 +1 位作者 孙会改 周宜君 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期108-116,共9页
基于已有研究工作基础,从蒙古沙冬青[Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Maxim)Cheng.f]中分离到1个编码MYB类转录因子基因,命名为Am MYB4-like。该序列长度为1 145 bp,含有一个由960 bp组成的开放阅读框,编码319个氨基酸,具有R2和R3保守结构域... 基于已有研究工作基础,从蒙古沙冬青[Ammopiptanthus mongolicus(Maxim)Cheng.f]中分离到1个编码MYB类转录因子基因,命名为Am MYB4-like。该序列长度为1 145 bp,含有一个由960 bp组成的开放阅读框,编码319个氨基酸,具有R2和R3保守结构域,属于R2R3-MYB转录因子。荧光定量PCR分析结果表明,Am MYB4-like在叶片中参与低温和干旱胁迫应答,在根中主要参与干旱胁迫应答。构建了p PZP212-Am MYB4-like植物表达载体,旨为进一步研究Am MYB4-like的功能奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 蒙古沙冬青 AmMYB4-like 基因克隆 表达分析 植物表达载体构建
SMS4-like结构以及NBC算法的量子算法攻击研究 被引量:3
作者 尤启迪 钱新 +2 位作者 周旋 袁野 吴兆阳 《密码学报》 CSCD 2020年第6期864-874,共11页
本文利用Simon量子算法和Grover搜索算法首次给出对SMS4-like结构,和作为改进的第二类广义Feistel结构的代表算法之一的NBC算法的量子算法攻击.对SMS4给出6轮量子区分器,进行10轮量子密钥恢复攻击;首次对SMS4-like结构给出(2d-2)轮量子... 本文利用Simon量子算法和Grover搜索算法首次给出对SMS4-like结构,和作为改进的第二类广义Feistel结构的代表算法之一的NBC算法的量子算法攻击.对SMS4给出6轮量子区分器,进行10轮量子密钥恢复攻击;首次对SMS4-like结构给出(2d-2)轮量子区分器,进行(3d-2)轮量子密钥恢复攻击.对NBC-128给出6轮量子区分器,进行11轮量子密钥恢复攻击;对NBC-256给出10轮量子区分器,进行16轮量子密钥恢复攻击. 展开更多
关键词 SMS4-like结构 NBC算法 Simon算法 GROVER算法 量子密码分析
Diversity of the T4-like Myoviruses Community in Response to Salinity in Saline Lakes of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 被引量:1
作者 WU Geng GUO Qinggong +5 位作者 JIANG Hongchen YANG Jian GUO Feng LIU Wen ZHANG Guojing DONG Hailiang 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第S1期114-115,共2页
1 Introduction Viruses are the most abundant biological entities on Earth.They can influence the succession of individual microbial populations,biogeochemical cycles of C/N and,ultimately,microbial community structure... 1 Introduction Viruses are the most abundant biological entities on Earth.They can influence the succession of individual microbial populations,biogeochemical cycles of C/N and,ultimately,microbial community structure through killing 展开更多
关键词 T4-like bacteriophages major capsid gene(g23) saline lake Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
作者 郝文婷 邢飞跃 《现代免疫学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期253-256,共4页
本文描述了一种独特的调节性T细胞亚群——Th1-like调节性T细胞,这类细胞是卵清蛋白特异性的调节性T细胞,经CD8α+DC诱导产生,其表达的表面标志与Th1细胞和调节性T细胞均有相似之处,既表达Th1细胞的特异性标志T-bet,又表达调节性T细胞... 本文描述了一种独特的调节性T细胞亚群——Th1-like调节性T细胞,这类细胞是卵清蛋白特异性的调节性T细胞,经CD8α+DC诱导产生,其表达的表面标志与Th1细胞和调节性T细胞均有相似之处,既表达Th1细胞的特异性标志T-bet,又表达调节性T细胞的特异性标志Foxp3。Th1-like调节性T细胞分泌IL-10、IFN-γ等细胞因子,这些细胞因子在免疫抑制与平衡中发挥重要作用。Th1-like调节性T细胞主要作用于呼吸道,对气道超反应呈现显著抑制作用。 展开更多
关键词 Th1-like调节性T细胞 CD4+CD25+调节性T细胞 Tr1 Th3
The Influence of Aerial Exposure on Sea Anemones Aulactinia veratra Mucin Genes Expression Using the RNA Sequencing
作者 Alaa Haridi 《Open Journal of Marine Science》 2024年第1期1-18,共18页
Mucin genes are the main component of mucus. The sea anemone species, Aulactinia veratra (Phylum Cnidaria) contains different types of mucin genes. In the intertidal zone, A. veratra is found to be exposed to air duri... Mucin genes are the main component of mucus. The sea anemone species, Aulactinia veratra (Phylum Cnidaria) contains different types of mucin genes. In the intertidal zone, A. veratra is found to be exposed to air during the low tide and produces large quantities of mucus as an external covering. The relation between low tide and mucus secretion is still unclear, and what is the role of mucin during arial exposure is not yet investigated. This study hypothesised that the mucin genes in A. veratra would have significantly high expression in response to aerial exposure. Therefore, the aim of current study was to examine and analyses the response of A. veratra mucins in response to an experiment involving three hours of aerial exposure. To achieve this, aim the RNA-sequencing and bioinformatics analyses were used to examine the expression profile of A. veratra mucin genes in response to aerial exposure. The generated results have shown that, Mucin4-like and mucin5B-like were up-regulated in response to the three hours of aerial exposure in A. veratra. This finding shows a significant role of mucin5B-like and mucin4-like genes in response to air stress at low tide. The data generated from this study could be used in conjunction with future mucin gene studies of sea anemones and other cnidarians to compare A. veratra mucin gene expression results across time, and to extend our understanding of mucin stress response in this phylum. 展开更多
关键词 Aulactinia veratra Mucin4-like Mucin5B-like CNIDARIA Mucin Gene Expression RNA-Sequencing Sea Anemones MUCUS Aerial Exposure
一株宽宿主谱裂解性大肠杆菌噬菌体的进化分析 被引量:6
作者 周艳 包红朵 +2 位作者 张辉 张莉莉 王冉 《中国动物传染病学报》 CAS 2014年第6期71-76,共6页
裂解性噬菌体能够特异性裂解细菌,本研究分析了一株从自然界中分离的宽宿主谱裂解性大肠杆菌噬菌体的种属和进化关系。前期用Adams双层平板琼脂法从猪场污水中分离纯化出一株裂解性噬菌体v B_Eco M_JS09,裂解谱分析能够裂解禽致病性大... 裂解性噬菌体能够特异性裂解细菌,本研究分析了一株从自然界中分离的宽宿主谱裂解性大肠杆菌噬菌体的种属和进化关系。前期用Adams双层平板琼脂法从猪场污水中分离纯化出一株裂解性噬菌体v B_Eco M_JS09,裂解谱分析能够裂解禽致病性大肠杆菌和产肠毒素大肠杆菌。扩增分析gene18、gene 23序列,并根据gp18和gp23氨基酸序列构建系统进化树,分析JS09的遗传进化关系。结果表明噬菌体v B_Eco M_JS09基因组为ds DNA,属于有尾噬菌体目、肌尾噬菌体科、T4-like噬菌体、T-evens亚群。其gp18氨基酸序列与大肠杆菌噬菌体RB69同源性最高,为100%;gp23氨基酸序列与大肠杆菌T4噬菌体同源性最高为96%。该结果为禽致病性大肠杆菌和产肠毒素大肠杆菌的防控提供了生物学基础。 展开更多
关键词 禽致病性大肠杆菌 产肠毒素大肠杆菌 宽宿主谱裂解性大肠杆菌噬菌体 T4-like噬菌体 进化分析
A Novel QTL qTGW3 Encodes the GSK3/ SHAGGY-Like Kinase OsGSK5/OsSK41 that Interacts with OsARF4 to Negatively Regulate Grain Size and Weight in Rice 被引量:63
作者 Zejun Hu Sun-Jie Lu +13 位作者 Mei-Jing Wang Haohua He Le Sun Hongru Wang Xue-Huan Liu Ling Jiang Jing-Liang sun Xiaoyun Xin Wei Kong Chengcai Chu Hong-Wei Xue Jinshui Yang Xiaojin Luo Jian-Xiang Liu 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期736-749,共14页
Grain size and shape are important determinants of grain weight and yield in rice. Here, we report a new major quantitative trait locus (QTL), qTGW3, that controls grain size and weight in rice. This locus, qTGW3, e... Grain size and shape are important determinants of grain weight and yield in rice. Here, we report a new major quantitative trait locus (QTL), qTGW3, that controls grain size and weight in rice. This locus, qTGW3, encodes OsSK41 (also known as OsGSK5), a member of the GLYCOGEN SYNTHASE KINASE 3/SHAGGY-like family. Rice near-isogenic lines carrying the loss-of-function allele of OsSK41 have increased grain length and weight. We demonstrate that OsSK41 interacts with and phosphorylates AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 4 (OsARF4). Co-expression of OsSK41 with OsARF4 increases the accumulation of OsARF4 in rice protoplasts. Loss of function of OsARF4 results in larger rice grains. RNA-sequencing analysis suggests that OsARF4 and OsSK41 repress the expression of a common set of downstream genes, including some auxin-responsive genes, during rice grain development. The loss-of-function form of OsSK41 at qTGW3 represents a rare allele that has not been extensively utilized in rice breeding. Suppression of OsSK41 function by either targeted gene editing or QTL pyramiding enhances rice grain size and weight. Thus, our study reveals the important role of OsSK41 in rice grain development and provides new candidate genes for genetic improvement of grain yield in rice and perhaps in other cereal crops. 展开更多
关键词 QTL mapping GSK3-like family protein OsGSK5 OsARF4 grain size and weight Oryza sativa
Characterization and complete genome sequence of vB_EcoP-Bp4,a novel polyvalent N4-like bacteriophage that infects chicken pathogenic Escherichia coli 被引量:7
作者 Can Zhang Yanxiang Ma +3 位作者 Ting Wang Huzhi Sun Guomin Lu Huiying Ren 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期353-356,共4页
Pathogenic Escherichia coli cause chicken colibacillosis, which is economically devastating to the poultry in- dustry worldwide (Bagheri et al., 2014). Owing to in- creasing antibiotic resistance, phage therapy reag... Pathogenic Escherichia coli cause chicken colibacillosis, which is economically devastating to the poultry in- dustry worldwide (Bagheri et al., 2014). Owing to in- creasing antibiotic resistance, phage therapy reagents have been developed to treat bacterial infections (Xu et al., 2015). 展开更多
关键词 coli ORFs Characterization and complete genome sequence of vB_EcoP-Bp4 a novel polyvalent N4-like bacteriophage that infects chicken pathogenic Escherichia coli
Recombination of T4-like Phages and Its Activity against Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Planktonic and Biofilm Forms 被引量:1
作者 Min Li Donglin Shi +5 位作者 Yanxiu Li Yuyi Xiao Mianmian Chen Liang Chen Hong Du Wei Zhang 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第5期651-661,共11页
The increasing emergence of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli(E.coli)has become a global concern,primarily due to the limitation of antimicrobial treatment options.Phage therapy has been considered as a promising ... The increasing emergence of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli(E.coli)has become a global concern,primarily due to the limitation of antimicrobial treatment options.Phage therapy has been considered as a promising alternative for treating infections caused by multi-drug resistant E.coli.However,the application of phages as a promising antimicrobial agent is limited by their narrow host range and specificity.In this research,a recombinant T4-like phage,named WGqlae,has been obtained by changing the receptor specificity determinant region of gene 37,using a homologous recombination platform of T4-like phages established by our laboratory previously.The engineered phage WGqlae can lyse four additional hosts,comparing to its parental phages WG01 and QL01.WGqlae showed similar characteristics,including thermo and pH stability,optimal multiplicity of infection and one-step growth curve,to the donor phage QL01.In addition,sequencing results showed that gene 37 of recombinant phage WGqlae had genetically stable even after 20 generations.In planktonic test,phage WGqlae had significant antimicrobial effects on E.coli DE192 and DE205 B.The optical density at 600 nm(OD600)of E.coli in phage WGqlae treating group was significantly lower than that of the control group(P\0.01).Besides,phage WGqlae demonstrated an obvious inhibitory effect on the biofilm formation and the clearance of mature biofilms.Our study suggested that engineered phages may be promising candidates for future phage therapy applications against pathogenic E.coli in planktonic and biofilm forms. 展开更多
关键词 T4-like phages Escherichia coli(E.coli) Homologous recombination Gp37 PLANKTONIC BIOFILM
作者 郭建国 卢卫红 孙野青 《药物生物技术》 CAS CSCD 2009年第3期279-282,286,共5页
recql4(recQ protein-like 4)是RecQ螺旋酶家族的一个成员,这一家族在维持基因的稳定性中起重要作用,在人类中发现,它的突变可以引起一种常染色体隐性遗传病Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome(RTS),通过研究发现该蛋白在DNA复制和DNA断裂修复... recql4(recQ protein-like 4)是RecQ螺旋酶家族的一个成员,这一家族在维持基因的稳定性中起重要作用,在人类中发现,它的突变可以引起一种常染色体隐性遗传病Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome(RTS),通过研究发现该蛋白在DNA复制和DNA断裂修复过程中有重要作用,但精确分子机制还不是很清楚,对于这一基因的研究工作在几个课题组相继展开,现对此基因做一综述。 展开更多
关键词 RecQ蛋白-like4 Rothmund-Thomson综合症 DNA复制 DSB修复
Roles and regulations of the ETS transcription factor ELF4/MEF 被引量:8
作者 Mary Ann Suico Tsuyoshi Shuto Hirofumi Kai 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期168-177,共10页
Most E26 transformation-specific (ETS) transcription factors are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of cancer. This is in part due to the roles of ETS transcription factors in basic biological processes su... Most E26 transformation-specific (ETS) transcription factors are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of cancer. This is in part due to the roles of ETS transcription factors in basic biological processes such as growth, proliferation, and differentiation, and also because of their regulatory functions that have physiological relevance in tumorigenesis, immunity, and basal cellular homoeostasis. A member of the E74-1ike factor (ELF) subfamily of the ETS transcription factor family--myeloid elf-l-Uke factor (MEF), designated as ELF4~has been shown to be critically involved in immune response and signalling, osteogenesis, adipo- genesis, cancer, and stem cell quiescence. ELF4 carries out these functions as a transcriptional activator or through interactions with its partner proteins. Mutations in ELF4 cause aberrant interactions and induce downstream processes that may lead to dis- eased cells. Knowing how ELF4 impinges on certain cellular processes and how it is regulated in the cells can lead to a better understanding of the physiological and pathological consequences of modulated ELF4 activity. 展开更多
关键词 myeloid elf-1-like factor (MEF) ELF4 ETS transcription factors immune regulation cancer transcriptional regulation
MST4 kinase regulates immune thrombocytopenia by phosphorylating STAT1-mediated M1 polarization of macrophages 被引量:2
作者 Jingjing Cao Lili Ji +13 位作者 Yanxia Zhan Xia Shao Pengcheng Xu Boting Wu Pu Chen Luya Cheng Xibing Zhuang Yang Ou Fanli Hua Lihua Sun Feng Li Hao Chen Zhaocai Zhou Yunfeng Cheng 《Cellular & Molecular Immunology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第12期1413-1427,共15页
Primary immune thrombocytopenia(ITP)is an autoimmune hemorrhagic disorder in which macrophages play a critical role.Mammalian sterile-20-like kinase 4(MST4),a member of the germinal-center kinase STE20 family,has been... Primary immune thrombocytopenia(ITP)is an autoimmune hemorrhagic disorder in which macrophages play a critical role.Mammalian sterile-20-like kinase 4(MST4),a member of the germinal-center kinase STE20 family,has been demonstrated to be a regulator of inflammation.Whether MST4 participates in the macrophage-dependent inflammation of ITP remains elusive.The expression and function of MST4 in macrophages of ITP patients and THP-1 cells,and of a macrophage-specific Mst4−/−(Mst4ΔM/ΔM)ITP mouse model were determined.Macrophage phagocytic assays,RNA sequencing(RNA-seq)analysis,immunofluorescence analysis,coimmunoprecipitation(co-IP),mass spectrometry(MS),bioinformatics analysis,and phosphoproteomics analysis were performed to reveal the underlying mechanisms.The expression levels of the MST4 gene were elevated in the expanded M1-like macrophages of ITP patients,and this elevated expression of MST4 was restored to basal levels in patients with remission after high-dose dexamethasone treatment.The expression of the MST4 gene was significantly elevated in THP-1-derived M1 macrophages.Silencing of MST4 decreased the expression of M1 macrophage markers and cytokines,and impaired phagocytosis,which could be increased by overexpression of MST4.In a passive ITP mouse model,macrophage-specific depletion of Mst4 reduced the numbers of M1 macrophages in the spleen and peritoneal lavage fluid,attenuated the expression of M1 cytokines,and promoted the predominance of FcγRIIb in splenic macrophages,which resulted in amelioration of thrombocytopenia.Downregulation of MST4 directly inhibited STAT1 phosphorylation,which is essential for M1 polarization of macrophages.Our study elucidates a critical role for MST4 kinase in the pathology of ITP and identifies MST4 kinase as a potential therapeutic target for refractory ITP. 展开更多
关键词 Primary immune thrombocytopenia Mammalian sterile-20-like kinase 4(MST4) MACROPHAGES M1 polarization Signal transducer and activator of transcription-1(STAT1)
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