原文出处SKOETZ N,GOLDKUHLE M,VAN DALEN E C.et al.GRADE guidelines 27:How to calculate absolute effects for time-to-event outcomes in summary of findings tables and Evidence Profiles.J Clin Epidemiol,2020,118(2);124-1...原文出处SKOETZ N,GOLDKUHLE M,VAN DALEN E C.et al.GRADE guidelines 27:How to calculate absolute effects for time-to-event outcomes in summary of findings tables and Evidence Profiles.J Clin Epidemiol,2020,118(2);124-131.原文通讯作者SKOETZ N,email:nicole.skoetz@uk-koeln.de说明本文解读者根据对原文理解做解读,可能不完全反映原文的思想。展开更多
文摘原文出处SKOETZ N,GOLDKUHLE M,VAN DALEN E C.et al.GRADE guidelines 27:How to calculate absolute effects for time-to-event outcomes in summary of findings tables and Evidence Profiles.J Clin Epidemiol,2020,118(2);124-131.原文通讯作者SKOETZ N,email:nicole.skoetz@uk-koeln.de说明本文解读者根据对原文理解做解读,可能不完全反映原文的思想。