2012~2021年进入关键区影响云南的台风研究表明:进入影响关键区的台风在消亡前24小时其外围激发的强对流区域局地会出现明显大风天气。云南台风降水影响主要集中在7~8月,其中进入II区的台风造成影响较重,进入III区的影响出现严重次数最...2012~2021年进入关键区影响云南的台风研究表明:进入影响关键区的台风在消亡前24小时其外围激发的强对流区域局地会出现明显大风天气。云南台风降水影响主要集中在7~8月,其中进入II区的台风造成影响较重,进入III区的影响出现严重次数最多,进入I区的以一般影响为主。MJO所处位相和强度对云南强降雨只起到补充增强作用。台风对云南降雨的影响除与台风登陆和消亡位置有关外,副高是台风造成云南强降雨的最主要因素,冷空气配合是台风造成云南强降雨的重要因素。 The results of statistical from 2012 to 2021 analysis show that the strong convective area triggered by the typhoon entering Yunnan will locally have obvious gale weather 24 hours before its demise. The rainfall of typhoon-induced in Yunnan was mainly concentrated in July and August. The typhoon in Region II caused more severe impacts, the typhoon in Region III caused the most severe impacts, and the typhoon in Region I mainly caused general impacts. The phase and intensity of MJO can only supplement and enhance the heavy rainfall in Yunnan. The influence of typhoons on rainfall in Yunnan is related to the position of typhoon landing and extinction. Subtropical high is the most important factor in typhoons causing heavy rainfall in Yunnan, and cold air coordination is the important factor in typhoons causing heavy rainfall in Yunnan.展开更多
利用FY2G卫星云图、雷达资料、自动雨量站等观测资料和NCEP/NCAR逐6 h 2.5°×2.5°再分析资料对2018年6月22日~25日云南省文山州大暴雨天气过程进行分析。结果表明,此次暴雨过程的主要影响系统是两高之间的辐合区和低涡切...利用FY2G卫星云图、雷达资料、自动雨量站等观测资料和NCEP/NCAR逐6 h 2.5°×2.5°再分析资料对2018年6月22日~25日云南省文山州大暴雨天气过程进行分析。结果表明,此次暴雨过程的主要影响系统是两高之间的辐合区和低涡切变线。由于高原槽不断东移加深,孟湾低压与印度半岛低压系统合并加强,西太平洋副热带高压加强西伸,文山州受强偏南气流影响,产生强烈水汽辐合,造成持续强降水;不断有对流单体发展且合并到大的对流云团中,有较大范围的对流云团持续影响是此次大暴雨的主要云图特征;雷达上持续存在“S”型径向速度图,且存在较强降水回波在文山附近生消发展,造成明显的“列车效应”。展开更多
文摘2012~2021年进入关键区影响云南的台风研究表明:进入影响关键区的台风在消亡前24小时其外围激发的强对流区域局地会出现明显大风天气。云南台风降水影响主要集中在7~8月,其中进入II区的台风造成影响较重,进入III区的影响出现严重次数最多,进入I区的以一般影响为主。MJO所处位相和强度对云南强降雨只起到补充增强作用。台风对云南降雨的影响除与台风登陆和消亡位置有关外,副高是台风造成云南强降雨的最主要因素,冷空气配合是台风造成云南强降雨的重要因素。 The results of statistical from 2012 to 2021 analysis show that the strong convective area triggered by the typhoon entering Yunnan will locally have obvious gale weather 24 hours before its demise. The rainfall of typhoon-induced in Yunnan was mainly concentrated in July and August. The typhoon in Region II caused more severe impacts, the typhoon in Region III caused the most severe impacts, and the typhoon in Region I mainly caused general impacts. The phase and intensity of MJO can only supplement and enhance the heavy rainfall in Yunnan. The influence of typhoons on rainfall in Yunnan is related to the position of typhoon landing and extinction. Subtropical high is the most important factor in typhoons causing heavy rainfall in Yunnan, and cold air coordination is the important factor in typhoons causing heavy rainfall in Yunnan.
文摘利用FY2G卫星云图、雷达资料、自动雨量站等观测资料和NCEP/NCAR逐6 h 2.5°×2.5°再分析资料对2018年6月22日~25日云南省文山州大暴雨天气过程进行分析。结果表明,此次暴雨过程的主要影响系统是两高之间的辐合区和低涡切变线。由于高原槽不断东移加深,孟湾低压与印度半岛低压系统合并加强,西太平洋副热带高压加强西伸,文山州受强偏南气流影响,产生强烈水汽辐合,造成持续强降水;不断有对流单体发展且合并到大的对流云团中,有较大范围的对流云团持续影响是此次大暴雨的主要云图特征;雷达上持续存在“S”型径向速度图,且存在较强降水回波在文山附近生消发展,造成明显的“列车效应”。