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高海拔宇宙线观测站LHAASO概况 被引量:20
作者 曹臻 陈明君 +12 位作者 陈松战 胡红波 刘成 刘烨 马玲玲 马欣华 盛祥东 吴含荣 肖刚 姚志国 尹丽巧 查敏 张寿山(代表LHAASO合作组) 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期1-16,共16页
宇宙线发现百年以来,宇宙线起源仍然是一个谜.研究宇宙线起源主要在甚高能(VHE)伽马射线天文学和宇宙线物理学两个领域交叉展开.新一代高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO)拥有高海拔、全天候和大规模优势,利用多种探测手段对宇宙线开展联合观测... 宇宙线发现百年以来,宇宙线起源仍然是一个谜.研究宇宙线起源主要在甚高能(VHE)伽马射线天文学和宇宙线物理学两个领域交叉展开.新一代高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO)拥有高海拔、全天候和大规模优势,利用多种探测手段对宇宙线开展联合观测,大幅提升对伽马射线和宇宙线的鉴别能力.LHAASO将开展全天区伽马源扫描搜索以大量发现新伽马源,将获得30TeV以上伽马射线探测的最高灵敏度,将在宽达5个数量级的能量范围内精确测量宇宙线分成份能谱,为揭开宇宙线起源谜团给出重要判据.系统介绍了LHAASO的探测器结构、性能优势和科学目标. 展开更多
关键词 宇宙线 甚高能伽马射线 广延大气簇射 高海拔宇宙线观测站
作者 吴含荣 陈义成 黄文涛 《高等函授学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第2期10-11,共2页
对于这两类表面为无心二次曲面的带电导体 ,在文献[1] 讨论的基础上 ,本文由电位分布精确计算了这两类导体表面的电荷分布。
关键词 带电导体 电荷分布 电荷密度 无心二次曲面 等位面 椭圆抛物面 导体表面
作者 黄文涛 吴含荣 《高等函授学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第6期23-26,共4页
科学理论的表述方法应随时代的发展而有所不同 ,为此 ,本文利用少量的相对论知识 ,依靠作用于电磁场中运动带电粒子的洛仑兹力表达式 ,以不同于传统的方法 ,从两个麦克斯韦散度方程出发 ,将完整的麦克期韦方程组导出。
关键词 麦克斯韦方程组 相对论 电磁场 洛伦兹变换 洛伦兹力
追踪宇宙“信使” 冲击世纪谜题——高海拔宇宙线观测站简介 被引量:1
作者 查敏 陈松战 +3 位作者 吴含荣 马玲玲 马欣华 胡红波 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第21期32-45,共14页
宇宙线的研究具有悠久的历史,取得了许多划时代的发现性成果。但是人类对宇宙线的起源、加速和传播等问题仍存在诸多疑惑。大型高海拔空气簇射观测站(LHAASO)独具高海拔和大规模优势,计划利用多种探测手段开展联合观测,大幅提升对伽马... 宇宙线的研究具有悠久的历史,取得了许多划时代的发现性成果。但是人类对宇宙线的起源、加速和传播等问题仍存在诸多疑惑。大型高海拔空气簇射观测站(LHAASO)独具高海拔和大规模优势,计划利用多种探测手段开展联合观测,大幅提升对伽马和宇宙线粒子的鉴别能力。LHAASO有望获得史上最高的伽玛探测灵敏度,并在很宽的能量范围内精确测量宇宙线能谱,为宇宙线物理、高能天体物理、宇宙学和新物理学规律研究做出贡献。介绍了LHAASO的探测器结构、性能优势和科学目标。 展开更多
关键词 宇宙线 伽马射线 高海拔空气簇射观测站
用地面阵列寻找TeV能区γ点源的方法探讨 被引量:1
作者 王保胜 崔树旺 +19 位作者 丁林恺 苟全补 胡红波 何会海 卢红 蓝春林 沈培若 盛祥东 谭有恒 唐云秋 王辉 吴超勇 吴含荣 阎志涛 朱清棋 张吉龙 张慧敏 张勇 祝凤荣 张毅 《高能物理与核物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期679-684,共6页
文中探讨搜寻TeV能区γ点源的方法 .讨论利用student变量t判断来自源区及背景区宇宙线事例的统计差别 ,并由Bayes定理与MonteCarlo模拟相结合计算源区各能段的信号数 。
关键词 天体物理 天文观测 地面阵列 蟹状星云 超新星遗迹 γ点源
Optimization of performance of the KM2A full array using the Crab Nebula
作者 曹臻 F.Aharonian +275 位作者 安琪 阿西克古 白云翔 包逸炜 D.Bastieri 毕效军 毕玉江 蔡金庭 曹晴 曹文羽 曹喆 常进 常劲帆 陈尚明 陈恩生 陈亮 陈林 陈龙 陈明君 陈玛丽 陈起辉 陈素弘 陈天禄 陈阳 程宁 程耀东 崔明阳 崔树旺 崔晓红 崔昱东 戴本忠 代洪亮 戴子高 单增罗布 D.della Volpe 董绪强 段凯凯 樊军辉 范一中 方军 方堃 冯存峰 封莉 冯少辉 丰晓婷 冯有亮 S.Gabici 高博 高川东 高林青 高启 高卫 高伟康 葛茂茂 耿利斯 G.Giacinti 龚光华 苟全补 顾旻皓 郭福来 郭晓磊 郭义庆 郭莹莹 韩毅昂 何会海 贺昊宁 何佳银 何新波何钰 M.Heller 贺远强 侯博文 侯超 侯贤 胡红波 胡铨 胡世聪 黄代绘 黄天奇 黄文俊 黄性涛 黄晓渊 黄勇 黄志成 季筱璐 贾焕玉 贾康 江琨 姜晓巍 姜泽军 金敏 康明铭 柯通 D.Kuleshov.K.Kurinov 李兵兵 李澄 李骢 李丹 李飞 李海波 李会财 李华阳 李军 李剑 李捷 李凯 李文龙 李文莲 李秀荣 李昕 李一卓 李哲 黎卓 梁恩维 梁云峰 林苏杰 刘冰 刘成 刘栋 刘虎 刘海东 刘佳 刘江来 刘金艳 刘茂元 柳若愚 刘四明 刘伟 刘怡 刘以农 鲁睿 罗晴 吕洪魁 马伯强 马玲玲 马欣华 毛基荣 闵振 W.Mitthumsiri 穆慧君 南云程 A.Neronov 区子维 庞彬宇 P.Pattarakijwanich 裴致远 齐孟尧 祁业情 乔冰强 秦家军 D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz D.Semikoz 邵澄宇 邵琅 O.Shchegolev 盛祥东 舒富文 宋慧超 Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov 苏扬 孙秦宁 孙晓娜 孙志斌 谭柏轩 唐庆文 唐泽波 田文武 王超 王昌贝 王广威 王洪光 王惠惠 王建成 汪凯 王利苹 王玲玉 王培汉 王冉 王为 王祥高 王祥玉 王阳 王玉东 王岩谨 王忠海 王仲翔 王振 王铮 韦大明 魏俊杰 魏永健 文韬 吴超勇 吴含荣 武莎 吴雪峰 吴雨生 席邵强 夏捷 夏君集 项光漫 肖迪泫 肖刚 辛广广 辛玉良 邢祎 熊峥 徐东莲 徐仁峰 徐仁新 徐伟立 薛良 闫大海 颜景志 颜田 杨朝文 杨帆 杨冯帆 杨何文 杨佳盈 杨莉莉 杨明洁 杨睿智 杨深邦 姚玉华 姚志国 叶一锰 尹丽巧 尹娜 游晓浩 游智勇 于艳红 袁强 岳华 曾厚敦 曾婷轩 曾玮 查敏 张彬彬 张丰 张海明 张恒英 张建立 张丽霞 张力 张鹏飞 张佩佩 张瑞 张少博 张少如 张寿山 张潇 张笑鹏 张云峰 张毅 张勇 赵兵 赵静 赵雷 赵立志 赵世平 郑福 周斌 周浩 周佳能 周猛 周平 周荣 周勋秀 祝成光 祝凤荣 朱辉 朱科军 左雄 LHAASO Collaboration 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期169-178,共10页
The full array of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO)has been in operation since July 2021.For its kilometer-square array(KM2A),we optimized the selection criteria for very high and ultrahigh energy... The full array of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO)has been in operation since July 2021.For its kilometer-square array(KM2A),we optimized the selection criteria for very high and ultrahigh energyγ-rays using data collected from August 2021 to August 2022,resulting in an improvement in significance of the detection in the Crab Nebula of approximately 15%,compared with that of previous cuts.With the implementation of these new selection criteria,the angular resolution was also significantly improved by approximately 10%at tens of TeV.Other aspects of the full KM2A array performance,such as the pointing error,were also calibrated using the Crab Nebula.The resulting energy spectrum of the Crab Nebula in the energy range of 10-1000 TeV are well fitted by a log-parabola model,which is consistent with the previous results from LHAASO and other experiments. 展开更多
利用羊八井广延大气簇射阵列探测来自壳型超新星遗迹G40.5-0.5的TeV γ射线发射
作者 羊八井ASγ合作组 张吉龙 +36 位作者 崔树旺 丹增罗布 丁林垲 丁晓红 冯存峰 冯振勇 高晓宇 耿庆喜 郭宏伟 何会海 何瑁 胡红波 黄庆 贾焕玉 乐贵明 李金玉 卢红 陆穗苓 孟宪茹 木均 任敬儒 谭有恒 王辉 王云冈 吴含荣 薛良 杨先楚 叶宗海 余光策 袁爱芳 张慧敏 张乃健 张学尧 张勇 张毅 扎西桑珠 周勋秀 《高能物理与核物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期13-17,共5页
利用羊八井广延大气簇射阵列从2000年10月到2001年9月的数据,对壳型超新星遗迹 G40.5-0.5可能的TeV γ射线发射进行了探测.用对扩展源的二维分析方法发现一个最高超出为 4.4σ的天区,EGRET不明源GeV J1907+0557非常接近这一最高超... 利用羊八井广延大气簇射阵列从2000年10月到2001年9月的数据,对壳型超新星遗迹 G40.5-0.5可能的TeV γ射线发射进行了探测.用对扩展源的二维分析方法发现一个最高超出为 4.4σ的天区,EGRET不明源GeV J1907+0557非常接近这一最高超出天区的中心. 展开更多
关键词 广延大气簇射 Γ射线 壳型超新星遗迹 EGRET不明源
Performance of LHAASO-WCDA and observation of the Crab Nebula as a standard candle 被引量:5
作者 F.Aharonian Q.An +257 位作者 Axikegu L.X.Bai Y.X.Bai Y.W.Bao D.Bastieri X.J.Bi Y.J.Bi H.Cai J.T.Cai Z.Cao Z.Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang X.C.Chang B.M.Chen J.Chen L.Chen L.Chen L.Chen M.J.Chen M.L.Chen Q.H.Chen S.H.Chen S.Z.Chen T.L.Chen X.L.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.D.Cheng S.W.Cui X.H.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai H.L.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu D.della Volpe B.D'Ettorre Piazzoli X.J.Dong J.H.Fan Y.Z.Fan Z.X.Fan J.Fang K.Fang C.F.Feng L.Feng S.H.Feng Y.L.Feng B.Gao C.D.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao M.M.Ge L.S.Geng G.H.Gong Q.B.Gou M.H.Gu J.G.Guo X.L.Guo Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.Han H.H.He H.N.He J.C.He S.L.He X.B.He Y.He M.Heller Y.K.Hor C.Hou X.Hou H.B.Hu S.Hu S.C.Hu X.J.Hu D.H.Huang Q.L.Huang W.H.Huang X.T.Huang Z.C.Huang F.Ji X.L.Ji H.Y.Jia K.Jiang Z.J.Jiang C.Jin D.Kuleshov K.Levochkin B.B.Li C.Li C.Li F.Li H.B.Li H.C.Li H.Y.Li J.Li K.Li W.L.Li X.Li X.Li X.R.Li Y.Li Y.Z.Li Z.Li Z.Li E.W.Liang Y.F.Liang S.J.Lin B.Liu C.Liu D.Liu H.Liu H.D.Liu J.Liu J.L.Liu J.S.Liu J.Y.Liu M.Y.Liu R.Y.Liu S.M.Liu W.Liu Y.N.Liu Z.X.Liu W.J.Long R.Lu H.K.Lv B.Q.Ma L.L.Ma X.H.Ma J.R.Mao A.Masood W.Mitthumsiri T.Montaruli Y.C.Nan B.Y.Pang P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei M.Y.Qi B.Q.Qiao D.Ruffolo V.Rulev A.Saiz L.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng J.R.Shi H.C.Song Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov Q.N.Sun X.N.Sun Z.B.Sun P.H.T.Tam Z.B.Tang W.W.Tian B.D.Wang C.Wang H.Wang H.G.Wang J.C.Wang J.S.Wang L.P.Wang L.Y.Wang R.N.Wang W.Wang W.Wang X.G.Wang X.J.Wang X.Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.J.Wang Y.P.Wang Z.Wang Z.Wang Z.H.Wang Z.X.Wang D.M.Wei J.J.Wei Y.J.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu H.R.Wu S.Wu W.X.Wu X.F.Wu S.Q.Xi J.Xia J.J.Xia G.M.Xiang G.Xiao H.B.Xiao G.G.Xin Y.L.Xin Y.Xing D.L.Xu R.X.Xu L.Xue D.H.Yan C.W.Yang F.F.Yang J.Y.Yang L.L.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang S.B.Yang Y.H.Yao Z.G.Yao Y.M.Ye L.Q.Yin N.Yin X.H.You Z.Y.You Y.H.Yu Q.Yuan H.D.Zeng T.X.Zeng W.Zeng Z.K.Zeng M.Zha X.X.Zhai B.B.Zhang H.M.Zhang H.Y.Zhang J.L.Zhang J.W.Zhang L.Zhang L.Zhang L.X.Zhang P.F.Zhang P.P.Zhang R.Zhang S.R.Zhang S.S.Zhang X.Zhang X.P.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.F.Zhang Y.L.Zhang B.Zhao J.Zhao L.Zhao L.Z.Zhao S.P.Zhao F.Zheng Y.Zheng B.Zhou H.Zhou J.N.Zhou P.Zhou R.Zhou X.X.Zhou C.G.Zhu F.R.Zhu H.Zhu K.J.Zhu X.Zuo 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第8期166-181,共16页
The first Water Cherenkov detector of the LHAASO experiment(WCDA-1)has been operating since April 2019.The data for the first year have been analyzed to test its performance by observing the Crab Nebula as a standard ... The first Water Cherenkov detector of the LHAASO experiment(WCDA-1)has been operating since April 2019.The data for the first year have been analyzed to test its performance by observing the Crab Nebula as a standard candle.The WCDA-1 achieves a sensitivity of 65 mCU per year,with a statistical threshold of 5 cr.To accomplish this,a 97.7%cosmic-ray background rejection rate around 1 TeV and 99.8%around 6 TeV with an ap proximate photon acceptance of 50%is achieved after applying an algorithm to separate gamma-induced showers.The angular resolution is measured using the Crab Nebula as a point source to be approximately 0.45°at 1 TeV and better than 0.2°above 6 TeV,with a pointing accuracy better than 0.05°.These values all match the design specifications.The energy resolution is found to be 33%for gamma rays around 6 TeV.The spectral energy distribution of the Crab Nebula in the range from 500 GeV to 15.8 TeV is measured and found to be in agreement with the results from other TeV gamma ray observatories. 展开更多
关键词 LHAASO-WCDA Crab Nebula angular resolution spectral energy distribution
Chapter 1 LHAASO Instruments and Detector technology 被引量:4
作者 Xin-Hua Ma Yu-Jiang Bi +21 位作者 Zhen Cao Ming-Jun Chen Song-Zhan Chen Yao-Dong Cheng Guang-Hua Gong Min-Hao Gu Hui-Hai He Chao Hou Wen-Hao Huang Xing-Tao Huang Cheng Liu Oleg Shchegolev Xiang-Dong Sheng Yuri Stenkin Chao-Yong Wu Han-Rong Wu Sha Wu Gang Xiao Zhi-Guo Yao Shou-Shan Zhang Yi Zhang Xiong Zuo 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第3期1-35,共35页
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO)(Fig.1)is located at Mt.Haizi(4410 m a.s.l.,600 g/cm^(2),29°21'27.56"N,100°08'19.66"E)in Daocheng,Sichuan province,P.R.China.LHAASO con... The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO)(Fig.1)is located at Mt.Haizi(4410 m a.s.l.,600 g/cm^(2),29°21'27.56"N,100°08'19.66"E)in Daocheng,Sichuan province,P.R.China.LHAASO consists of 1.3 km^(2) array(KM2A)of electromagnetic particle detectors(ED)and muon detectors(MD),a water Cherenkov detector array(WCDA)with a total active area of 78,000 m^(2),18 wide field-of-view air Cherenkov telescopes(WFCTA)and a newly proposed electron-neutron detector array(ENDA)covering 10,000 m^(2).Each detector is synchronized with all the other through a clock synchronization network based on the White Rabbit protocol.The observatory includes an IT center which comprises the data acquisition system and trigger system,the data analysis facility.In this Chapter,all the above-mentioned components of LHAASO as well as infrastructure are described. 展开更多
关键词 LHAASO gamma ray astronomy cosmic ray physics
Energy spectrum of cosmic protons and helium nuclei by a hybrid measurement at 4300 m a.s.l. 被引量:1
作者 B.Bartoli P.Bernardini +98 位作者 毕效军 I.Bolognino P.Branchini A.Budano A.K.Calabrese Melcarne P.Camarri 曹臻 R.Cardarelli S.Catalanotti 陈松战 陈天禄 P.Creti 崔树旺 戴木忠 A.D'Amone 单增罗布 I.De Mitri B.D'Ettorre Piazzoli T.Di Girolamo G.Di Sciascio 冯存峰 冯朝阳 冯振勇 苟全补 郭义庆 何会海 胡海兵 胡红波 M.Iacovacci R.Iuppa 贾焕玉 拉巴次仁 厉海金 G.Liguori 刘成 刘俊 刘茂元 卢红 马玲玲 马欣华 G.Mancarella S.M.Mari G.Marsella D.Martello S.Mastroianni P.Montini C.C.Ning M.Panareo B.Panico L.Perrone P.Pistilli F.Ruggieri P.Salvini R.Santonico S.N.Sbano 沈培若 盛向东 石峰 A.Surdo 谭有恒 P.Vallania S.Vernetto C.Vigorito 王辉 吴超勇 吴含荣 薛良 杨群羽 杨先楚 姚志国 袁爱芳 查敏 张慧敏 张力 张学尧 张勇 赵静 扎西次仁 扎西桑珠 周勋秀 祝凤荣 朱清棋 G.Zizzi 白云翔 陈明君 陈垚 冯少辉 高博 顾旻皓 侯超 李晓晓 刘佳 刘加丽 王旭 肖刚 张丙开 张寿山 周斌 左雄 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期25-31,共7页
The energy spectrum of cosmic Hydrogen and Helium nuclei has been measured below the so-called "knee" by using a hybrid experiment with a wide field-of-view Cherenkov telescope and the Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC... The energy spectrum of cosmic Hydrogen and Helium nuclei has been measured below the so-called "knee" by using a hybrid experiment with a wide field-of-view Cherenkov telescope and the Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) array of the ARGO-YBJ experiment at 4300 m above sea level. The Hydrogen and Helium nuclei have been well separated from other cosmic ray components by using a multi-parameter technique. A highly uniform energy resolution of about 25% is achieved throughout the whole energy range (100-700 TeV). The observed energy spectrum is compatible with a single power law with index γ=-2.63±0.06. 展开更多
关键词 Cherenkov telescope ARGO-YBJ energy spectrum hybrid measurement COMPOSITION
A method to monitor and measure the water transparency in LHAASO-WCDA using cosmic muon signals 被引量:1
作者 李会财 姚志国 +7 位作者 喻纯旭 陈明君 吴含荣 查敏 高博 王晓洁 刘金艳 寥文英 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期143-150,共8页
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO) is to be built at Daocheng, Sichuan Province, China. As one of the major components of the LHAASO project, a Water Cherenkov Detector Array(WCDA), with an are... The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO) is to be built at Daocheng, Sichuan Province, China. As one of the major components of the LHAASO project, a Water Cherenkov Detector Array(WCDA), with an area of 78000 m^2, contains 350000 tons of purified water. The water transparency and its stability are critical for successful long-term operation of this project. To gain full knowledge of the water Cherenkov technique and investigate the engineering issues, a 9-cell detector array has been built at the Yangbajing site, Tibet, China. With the help of the distribution of single cosmic muon signals, the monitoring and measurement of water transparency are studied. The results show that a precision of several percent can be obtained for the attenuation length measurement,which satisfies the requirements of the experiment. In the near future, this method could be applied to the LHAASOWCDA project. 展开更多
关键词 water Cherenkov LHAASO-WCDA cosmic muon water transparency
Performance of the muon detector A under TIBET Ⅲ array 被引量:1
作者 刘成 毕效军 +46 位作者 陈天禄 陈文益 崔树旺 单增罗布 丁林恺 丁晓红 冯存峰 冯朝阳 冯振勇 苟全补 郭宏伟 郭义庆 何会海 侯正涛 胡海冰 胡红波 黄晶 李万杰 贾焕玉 姜龙 康明铭 乐贵明 雷文华 李爱凤 厉海金 刘金胜 刘茂元 卢红 孟宪茹 钱祥利 曲晓波 谭有恒 王辉 吴含荣 沈长铨 沈培若 薛良 杨振 袁爱芳 翟留名 张慧敏 张吉龙 张学尧 张勇 张毅 张颖 周勋秀 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期39-43,共5页
In order to observe gamma rays in the 100 TeV energy region, the 4500 m2 underground muon detector array using water Cherenkov technique is constructed, forming the TIBET Ⅲ+MD hybrid array. Because the showers induc... In order to observe gamma rays in the 100 TeV energy region, the 4500 m2 underground muon detector array using water Cherenkov technique is constructed, forming the TIBET Ⅲ+MD hybrid array. Because the showers induced by primary gamma rays contain much fewer muons than those induced by primary hadrons, significant improvement of the gamma ray sensitivity for TIBET Ⅲ+MD array is expected. In this paper, the design and performance of the MD-A detector with large Tyvek bag is reported. 展开更多
关键词 TIBET array muon detector water Cherenkov large Tyvek bag
Online charge calibration of LHAASO-WCDA——a study with the engineering array 被引量:1
作者 高博 陈明君 +6 位作者 顾旻皓 郝新军 李会财 吴含荣 姚志国 游晓浩 周斌 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期50-56,共7页
LHAASO-WCDA is a large ground-based water Cherenkov detector array planned to be built at ShangriLa, Yunnan Province, China. As a major component of the LHAASO project, the main purpose of LHAASO-WCDA is to survey the... LHAASO-WCDA is a large ground-based water Cherenkov detector array planned to be built at ShangriLa, Yunnan Province, China. As a major component of the LHAASO project, the main purpose of LHAASO-WCDA is to survey the northern sky for very-high-energy(above 100 GeV) gamma ray sources and measure the spectrum. To gain full knowledge of the water Cherenkov technique and to investigate the engineering issues, a 9-cell detector array has been built at the Yang-Ba-Jing site, neighboring the ARGO-YBJ experiment. With the array, charge calibration methods for both low and high ranges of the PMT readout are studied, whose result shows that a precision at several percentages can be reached, which can satisfy the requirement of the detector array. During the long term operation, the charge calibration stability and environmental afection are studied; in this paper, the results are discussed. These calibration methods are proposed to be applied in the future LHAASO-WCDA project. 展开更多
关键词 LHAASO-WCDA water Cherenkov charge calibration
Chapter 3 Extra-galactic gamma-ray sources 被引量:1
作者 Xiang-Yu Wang Xiao-Jun Bi +4 位作者 Zhen Cao Piero Vallania Han-Rong Wu Da-Hai Yan Qiang Yuan 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第3期63-84,共22页
Extra-galactic gammaray sources,such as gamma-ray bursts,active galactic nuclei,starburst galaxies,are interesting and important targets for LHAASO observations.In this chapter,the prospects of detecting these sources... Extra-galactic gammaray sources,such as gamma-ray bursts,active galactic nuclei,starburst galaxies,are interesting and important targets for LHAASO observations.In this chapter,the prospects of detecting these sources with LHAASO and their physical implications are studied.The upgrade plan for the Water Cherenkov Detector Array(WCDA),which aims to enhance the detectability of relatively lower energy photons,is also presented.In addition,a study on constraining the extragalactic background light with LHAASO observation of blazars is presented. 展开更多
An updated search of steady TeV γ-ray point sources in northern hemisphere using the Tibet air shower array
作者 汪越 毕效军 +45 位作者 崔树旺 丁林恺 丹增罗布 丁晓红 樊超 冯存峰 冯朝阳 冯振勇 高晓宇 耿庆喜 郭宏伟 何会海 何瑁 胡海冰 胡红波 黄庆 贾焕玉 拉巴次仁 乐贵明 李爱凤 李金玉 楼宇庆 卢红 陆穗苓 孟宪茹 木钧 任敬儒 谭有恒 王博 王辉 王永刚 吴含荣 薛良 杨先楚 叶宗海 余光策 袁爱芳 张慧敏 张吉龙 张乃健 张学尧 张勇 张毅 扎西桑珠 周勋秀 袁强 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期868-872,共5页
Using the data taken from Tibet II High Density (HD) Array (1997 February-1999 September) and Tibet-III array (1999 November--2005 November), our previous northern sky survey for TeV γ-ray point sources has now... Using the data taken from Tibet II High Density (HD) Array (1997 February-1999 September) and Tibet-III array (1999 November--2005 November), our previous northern sky survey for TeV γ-ray point sources has now been updated by a factor of 2.8 improved statistics. From 0.0° to 60.0° in declination (Dec) range, no new TeV T-ray point sources with sufficiently high significance were identified while the well-known Crab Nebula and Mrk421 remain to be the brightest TeV γ-ray sources within the field of view of the Tibet air shower array. Based on the currently available data and at the 90% confidence level (C.L.), the flux upper limits for different power law index assumption are re-derived, which are approximately improved by 1.7 times as compared with our previous reported limits. 展开更多
关键词 ASγ experiment γ-ray point sources 90% C.L. flux upper limits
Study on the optimization of the water Cherenkov detector array of the LHAASO project for surveying VHE gamma ray sources
作者 李会财 陈明君 +6 位作者 贾焕玉 高博 吴含荣 姚志国 游晓浩 周斌 祝凤荣 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期49-55,共7页
It is prpopsed that a water Cherenkov detector array, LHAASO-WCDA, is to be built at Shangri-la, Yunnan Province, China. As one of the major components of the LHAASO project, the main purpose of it is to survey the no... It is prpopsed that a water Cherenkov detector array, LHAASO-WCDA, is to be built at Shangri-la, Yunnan Province, China. As one of the major components of the LHAASO project, the main purpose of it is to survey the northern sky for gamma ray sources in the energy range of 100 GeV-30 TeV. In order to design the water Cherenkov array efficiently to economize the budget, a Monte Carlo simulation is carried out. With the help of the simulation, the cost performance of different configurations of the array are obtained and compared with each other, serving as a guide for the more detailed design of the experiment in the next step. 展开更多
关键词 LHAASO-WCDA gamma rays source cost performance OPTIMIZATION
Study on the separation of 100 TeV γ-rays from cosmic rays for the Tibet ASγ experiment
作者 冯朝阳 张毅 +7 位作者 刘成 樊超 李红超 王博 吴含荣 胡红波 卢红 谭有恒 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期153-157,共5页
A γhadron separation analysis is described for the observed air shower events with primary energy above 100 TeV based on the Tibet ASγ detector configuration. The shower age and size parameters are fitted from the m... A γhadron separation analysis is described for the observed air shower events with primary energy above 100 TeV based on the Tibet ASγ detector configuration. The shower age and size parameters are fitted from the measured lateral density distribution and used as discrimination variables. According to the MC simulation while taking into account the systematic uncertainty estimated from data and MC comparison, it is found that 70% of the cosmic ray (CR) background can be rejected while more than 78% of the T-rays can be retained. Sensitivity for 100 TeV γ-rays observation can thus be improved by at least 40%. 展开更多
关键词 origin of cosmic rays 100 TeV γ-rays emission Tibet AST experiment NKG-function
Flux variations of cosmic ray air showers detected by LHAASO-KM2A during a thunderstorm on June 10,2021
作者 F.Aharonian 安琪 +270 位作者 阿西克古 白立新 白云翔 包逸炜 D.Bastieri 毕效军 毕玉江 蔡金庭 曹喆 曹臻 常进 常劲帆 陈恩生 陈良 陈亮 陈龙 陈明君 陈玛丽 陈素弘 陈松战 陈天禄 陈学健 陈阳 程皓麟 程宁 程耀东 崔树旺 崔晓红 崔昱东 戴本忠 代洪亮 戴子高 单增罗布 D.della Volpe 段凯凯 樊军辉 范一中 范志香 方军 方堃 冯存峰 封莉 冯少辉 丰晓婷 冯有亮 高博 高川东 高林青 高启 高卫 高伟康 葛茂茂 耿利斯 龚光华 苟全补 顾旻皓 郭福来 郭俊广 郭晓磊 郭义庆 郭莹莹 韩毅昂 何会海 贺昊宁 何思乐 何新波 何钰 M.Heller 贺远强 侯超 侯贤 胡红波 胡铨 胡森 胡世聪 呼晓军 黄代绘 黄文昊 黄性涛 黄晓渊 黄勇 黄志成 季筱璐 贾焕玉 贾康 江琨 姜泽军 金敏 康明铭 柯通 D.Kuleshov 李兵兵 李澄 李骢 李飞 李海波 李会财 李华阳 李军 李剑 李捷 李凯 李文龙 李秀荣 李昕 李新 李一卓 李哲 黎卓 梁恩维 梁云峰 林苏杰 刘冰 刘成 刘栋 刘虎 刘海东 刘佳 刘江来 刘佳松 刘金艳 刘茂元 柳若愚 刘四明 刘伟 刘怡 刘以农 龙文杰 鲁睿 罗晴 吕洪魁 马伯强 马玲玲 马欣华 毛基荣 A.Masood 闵振 W.Mitthumsiri 南云程 区子维 庞彬宇 P.Pattarakijwanich 裴致远 齐孟尧 祁业情 乔冰强 秦家军 D.Ruffolo A.Sáiz 邵澄宇 邵琅 O.Shchegolev 盛祥东 石京燕 宋慧超 Yu.V.Stenkin V.Stepanov 苏扬 孙秦宁 孙晓娜 孙志斌 谭柏轩 唐泽波 田文武 王博东 王超 王辉 王洪光 王建成 王界双 王利苹 王玲玉 王冉 王润娜 王为 王祥高 王祥玉 王阳 王玉东 王岩谨 王亚平 王忠海 王仲翔 王振 王铮 韦大明 魏俊杰 魏永健 文韬 吴超勇 吴含荣 武莎 吴雪峰 吴雨生 席邵强 夏捷 夏君集 项光漫 肖迪泫 肖刚 辛广广 辛玉良 邢祎 熊峥 徐东莲 徐仁新 薛良 闫大海 颜景志 杨朝文 杨冯帆 杨何文 杨佳盈 杨莉莉 杨明洁 杨睿智 杨深邦 姚玉华 姚志国 叶一锰 尹丽巧 尹娜 游晓浩 游智勇 于艳红 袁强 岳华 曾厚敦 曾婷轩 曾玮 曾宗康 查敏 翟徐徐 张彬彬 张丰 张海明 张恒英 张建立 张丽霞 张力 张路 张鹏飞 张佩佩 张瑞 张少博 张少如 张寿山 张潇 张笑鹏 张云峰 张月雷 张毅 张勇 赵兵 赵静 赵雷 赵立志 赵世平 郑福 郑应 周斌 周浩 周佳能 周平 周荣 周勋秀 祝成光 祝凤荣 朱辉 朱科军 左雄 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第1期193-203,共11页
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO)has three sub-arrays,KM2A,WCDA,and WFCTA.The flux variations of cosmic ray air showers were studied by analyzing the KM2A data during a thunderstorm on June 10,202... The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory(LHAASO)has three sub-arrays,KM2A,WCDA,and WFCTA.The flux variations of cosmic ray air showers were studied by analyzing the KM2A data during a thunderstorm on June 10,2021.The number of shower events that meet the trigger conditions increases significantly in atmospheric electric fields,with a maximum fractional increase of 20%.The variations in trigger rates(increases or decreases)were found to be strongly dependent on the primary zenith angle.The flux of secondary particles increased significantly,following a trend similar to that of shower events.To better understand the observed behavior,Monte Carlo simulations were performed with CORSIKA and G4KM2A(a code based on GEANT4).We found that the experimental data(in saturated negative fields)were in good agreement with the simulations,assuming the presence of a uniform electric field of-700 V/cm with a thickness of 1500 m in the atmosphere above the observation level.Due to the acceleration/deceleration by the atmospheric electric field,the number of secondary particles with energy above the detector threshold was modified,resulting in the changes in shower detection rate. 展开更多
关键词 THUNDERSTORM cosmic rays extensive air showers LHAASO-KM2A
Updated study on multi-TeV cosmic-ray modulation with the Tibet Ⅲ air shower array using the east-west method
作者 李爱凤 毕效军 +46 位作者 陈天禄 陈文益 崔树旺 单增罗布 丁林恺 丁晓红 冯存峰 冯朝阳 冯振勇 苟全补 郭宏伟 郭义庆 何会海 侯正涛 胡海冰 胡红波 黄晶 李万杰 贾焕玉 姜龙 康明铭 乐贵明 雷文华 厉海金 刘成 刘金胜 刘茂元 卢红 孟宪茹 钱祥利 曲晓波 谭有恒 王辉 吴含荣 沈长铨 沈培若 薛良 杨振 袁爱芳 翟留名 张慧敏 张吉龙 张学尧 张勇 张毅 张颖 周勋秀 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期53-57,共5页
We study the sidereal and solar time modulation of multi-TeV cosmic rays using the east-west method with Tibet air shower array data taken from November 1999 to December 2008. The statistics are twice the amount used ... We study the sidereal and solar time modulation of multi-TeV cosmic rays using the east-west method with Tibet air shower array data taken from November 1999 to December 2008. The statistics are twice the amount used in our previous paper. In this analysis, the amplitude of the observed sidereal time modulation is about 0.1%, and the modulation shows an excess from about 4 to 7 hours and a deficit around 12 hours in local sidereal time. The sidereal time modulation has a weak dependence on the primary energy of the cosmic rays. However, the solar time modulation shows a large energy dependence. We find that the solar time modulation is fairly consistent with the prediction of the Compton-Getting effect for high-energy samples (6.2TeV and 12.0TeV), but exceeds the prediction for the low-energy sample (4.0TeV). Such a discrepancy may be due to the solar modulation or the characteristics of the experimental device in the near threshold energy. 展开更多
关键词 cosmic-ray anisotropy Compton-Getting effect east-west method
Prospects for a multi-TeV gamma-ray sky survey with the LHAASO water Cherenkov detector array
作者 F.Aharonian V.Alekseenko +212 位作者 Q.An Axikegu L.X.Bai Y.W.Bao D.Bastieri9 X.J.Bi H.Cai Zhe Cao Zhen Cao J.Chang J.F.Chang X.C.Chang S.P.Chao B.M.Chen J.Chen L.Chen L.Chen M.L.Chen M.J.Chen Q.H.Chen S.H.Chen S.Z.Chen T.L.Chen X.L.Chen Y.Chen N.Cheng Y.D.Cheng S.W.Cui X.H.Cui Y.D.Cui B.Z.Dai H.L.Dai Z.G.Dai Danzengluobu B.D'Ettorre Piazzoli J.Fang J.H.Fan Y.Z.Fan C.F Feng L.Feng S.H.Feng Y.L.Feng B.Gao Q.Gao W.Gao M.M.Ge L.S.Geng G.H.Gong Q.B.Gou M.H.Gu Y.Q.Guo Y.Y.Guo Y.A.Han H.H.He J.C.He M.Heller S.L.He Y.He C.Hou D.H.Huang Q.L.Huang W.H.Huang X.T.Huang H.B.Hu S.Hu H.Y.Jia K.Jiang F.Ji C.Jin X.L.Ji K.Levochkin E.W.Liang Y.F Liang Cheng Li Cong Li F.Li H.Li H.B.Li H.C.Li H.M.Li J.Li K.Li W.L.Li X.Li X.R.Li Y.Li Z.Li Z.Li B.Liu C.Liu D.Liu H.D.Liu H.Liu J.Liu J.Y.Liu M.Y.Liu R.Y.Liu S.M.Liu W.Liu Y.N.Liu Z.X.Liu W.J.Long R.Lu H.K.Lv B.Q.Ma L.L.Ma J.R.Mao A.Masood X.H.Ma W.Mitthumsiri T.Montaruli Y.C.Nan P.Pattarakijwanich Z.Y.Pei B.Q.Qiao M.Y.Qi D.Ruffolo V.Rulev A.Sáiz L.Shao O.Shchegolev X.D.Sheng J.R.Shi Y.Stenkin V.Stepanov Z.B.Sun P.H.T.Tam Z.B.Tang W.W.Tian D.D.Volpe C.Wang H.Wang H.G.Wang J.C.Wang L.Y.Wang W.Wang W.Wang X.G.Wang X.Y.Wang X.J.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.J.Wang Y.N.Wang Y.P.Wang Z.Wang Z.H.Wang Z.X.Wang D.M.Wei J.J.Wei T.Wen C.Y.Wu H.R.Wu S.Wu W.X.Wu X.F.Wu G.M.Xiang G.Xiao G.G.Xin Y.Xing R.X.Xu L.Xue D.H.Yan C.W.Yang F.F.Yang L.L.Yang M.J.Yang R.Z.Yang S.B.Yang Y.H.Yao Z.G.Yao Y.M.Ye L.Q.Yin N.Yin X.H.You Z.Y.You Q.Yuan Y.H.Yu Z.J.Jiang H.D.Zeng T.X.Zeng W.Zeng Z.K.Zeng M.Zha B.B.Zhang H.M.Zhang H.Y.Zhang J.L.Zhang J.W.Zhang L.Zhang P.F.Zhang P.P.Zhang S.R.Zhang S.S.Zhang X.Zhang X.P.Zhang Yi Zhang Yong Zhang Y.F.g Zhang B.Zhao J.Zhao L.Zhao L.Z.Zhao F.Zheng Y.Zheng J.N.Zhou P.Zhou R.Zhou X.X.Zhou C.G.Zhu F.R.Zhu H.Zhu K.J.Zhu X.Zuo 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期123-132,共10页
The Water Cherenkov Detector Array(WCDA) is a major component of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Array Observatory(LHAASO), a new generation cosmic-ray experiment with unprecedented sensitivity, currently under con... The Water Cherenkov Detector Array(WCDA) is a major component of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Array Observatory(LHAASO), a new generation cosmic-ray experiment with unprecedented sensitivity, currently under construction. WCDA is aimed at the study of TeV γ-rays. In order to evaluate the prospects of searching for TeV γ-ray sources with WCDA, we present a projection of the one-year sensitivity of WCDA to TeV γ-ray sources from TeVCat using an all-sky approach. Out of 128 TeVCat sources observable by WCDA up to a zenith angle of 45°, we estimate that 42 would be detectable in one year of observations at a median energy of 1 TeV. Most of them are Galactic sources, and the extragalactic sources are Active Galactic Nuclei(AGN). 展开更多
关键词 TeVγ-ray astronomy observational prospect LHAASO-WCDA
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