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定量PCR技术的研究现状及应用概述 被引量:12
作者 帅小蓉 夏庆友 朱勇 《蚕学通讯》 2002年第4期20-27,共8页
定量PCR的问世是继定性PCR(即常规PCR)后分子生物学方法学研究的一大飞跃 ,实现了对核酸信息量的分析比较 ,为疾病的诊断和治疗提供了更多、更有效的基因水平信息。本文旨在介绍定量PCR技术的研究现状 ,包括PCR产物定量检测的几种常用... 定量PCR的问世是继定性PCR(即常规PCR)后分子生物学方法学研究的一大飞跃 ,实现了对核酸信息量的分析比较 ,为疾病的诊断和治疗提供了更多、更有效的基因水平信息。本文旨在介绍定量PCR技术的研究现状 ,包括PCR产物定量检测的几种常用技术以及近年来研究和应用较多的几种重要的定量PCR方法。同时 ,对定量PCR技术在分子生物学和临床上的应用也作了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 定量PCR技术 研究现状 应用 发展 PCR技术
SSR及其在家蚕中的应用 被引量:1
作者 帅小蓉 《蚕学通讯》 2005年第1期25-27,共3页
微卫星DNA(MicrosatelleteDNA) ,又称为简单重复序列(SSR ,singlesequencerepeats) ,是一类由2~6个核苷酸为重复单位组成的长达几十个核苷酸的重复序列如(GA)n ,(AC)n ,(GAA)n等,广泛存在于原核及真核基因组中。本文针对SSR标记的原理。
关键词 家蚕 应用 简单重复序列 SSR标记 核基因组 研究现状 操作程序 核苷酸 微卫星
家蚕胚胎发育时期的RNA干涉研究 被引量:3
作者 刘春 帅小蓉 +5 位作者 程廷才 徐汉福 李春峰 代方银 夏庆友 向仲怀 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期322-327,共6页
通过导入特定基因的dsRNA特异性地关闭该基因的功能 ,由此产生的现象为RNA干涉 .为在家蚕胚胎发育时期建立有效的RNAi技术体系 ,在前人的基础上以家蚕第三白卵基因Bmwh3为材料 ,建立了有效的RNAi技术体系 ,结果表明 ,成功诱导第三白卵... 通过导入特定基因的dsRNA特异性地关闭该基因的功能 ,由此产生的现象为RNA干涉 .为在家蚕胚胎发育时期建立有效的RNAi技术体系 ,在前人的基础上以家蚕第三白卵基因Bmwh3为材料 ,建立了有效的RNAi技术体系 ,结果表明 ,成功诱导第三白卵突变表型的有效注射时间为产卵后 8h内 ,wh3dsRNA的有效浓度须大于 2 0 g/L .在发育胚胎的第三天注射wh3dsRNA ,同样可诱导第三白卵突变的另一表型———半透明蚁蚕 ,根据实验结果初步推测 ,Bmwh3不仅参与眼色素和卵浆液膜色素前体的转运 ,还可能参与胚胎体壁色素前体的转运 . 展开更多
关键词 RNA干涉 家蚕 胚胎发育 第三白卵突变 基因
Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on the Content and Yield of DNJ of Mulberry Leaves in Spring 被引量:1
作者 刘刚 殷浩 +5 位作者 佟万红 黄盖群 王丽 危玲 郑继川 帅小蓉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1937-1941,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to scientifically improve the 1-deoxynojimycin (DNJ) yield of mulberry leaves in spring. [Method] "3414" experimental design was adopted to investigate the effects of different fertili... [Objective] This study aimed to scientifically improve the 1-deoxynojimycin (DNJ) yield of mulberry leaves in spring. [Method] "3414" experimental design was adopted to investigate the effects of different fertilizer application rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the DNJ content in mulberry leaves. The regression relationship was further simulated with DNJ yield as the objective function and fertil- izer application rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as the regulatory factors. [Result] The results showed that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium all have great effects on the DNJ content in mulberry leaves at different parts of mulberry tree (Morus alba); the DNJ content in mulberry leaves increases with the increasing single-factor fertilizer application rate and reaches the maximum under N2P2K2 level; different fertilizer application rates and combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can significantly affect the DNJ content in mulberry leaves; according to the simulated fertilizer effect function, the optimal economic yield of total DNJ in mul- berry leaves was 23.23 kg/hm^2, the recommended fertilization indicators were 286.11 kg/hm^2 N, 95.22 kg/hm^2 P2O5 and 159.62 kg/hm^2 K20. [Conclusion] After confirmation in productive practice, this optimal fertilization program can provide reference for the construction of mulberry plantation with high yield and high quality of DNJ. 展开更多
关键词 Mulberry ieaves 1-deoxynojimycin yield Balanced iertilization Fertilizereffect function
作者 夏庆友 帅小蓉 +1 位作者 刘春 朱勇 《蚕业科学》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期213-216,共4页
RNA干涉 (RNAInterferance ,简称RNAi)通过导入一段与内源靶基因同源的双链RNA(dsRNA)序列 ,使内源mRNA降解 ,从而达到阻抑基因表达的目的。已在线虫等生物中建立RNAi技术 ,对难于获得突变体的基因或生物体尤其有效。日本九州大学、东... RNA干涉 (RNAInterferance ,简称RNAi)通过导入一段与内源靶基因同源的双链RNA(dsRNA)序列 ,使内源mRNA降解 ,从而达到阻抑基因表达的目的。已在线虫等生物中建立RNAi技术 ,对难于获得突变体的基因或生物体尤其有效。日本九州大学、东京大学和农业生物资源研究所的 3个研究小组对RNAi在家蚕中的应用进行了探索 ,初步发现在家蚕和其培养细胞中存在RNA干涉现象。探讨了RNA干涉技术在家蚕基因功能研究中应用的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 RNA干涉 家蚕 功能基因组 应用 基因反求技术 原理
Establishment of a Mathematical Model for Mulberry Balanced Fertilization in Hilly Areas of Sichuan Province
作者 刘刚 帅小蓉 +7 位作者 张建华 殷浩 佟万红 罗春燕 黄盖群 林超文 危玲 夏庆友 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2137-2141,2146,共6页
In order to increase mulberry leaf yield and production efficiency in hilly areas of Sichuan Province through scientific fertilization,"3414",a quadratic regression design for modern fertilization,was employed to si... In order to increase mulberry leaf yield and production efficiency in hilly areas of Sichuan Province through scientific fertilization,"3414",a quadratic regression design for modern fertilization,was employed to simulate the regression relationship between mulberry leaf yield and major fertilizer elements including nitrogen(N),phosphor(P) and potassium(K) among which mulberry leaf yield was the objective function and N,P and K were the regulatory factors to fertilization level.As a result,7 types of ternary,binary and monadic quadratic fertilizer effect functions of N,P and K fertilizer elements were established.The weight of fertilizer factors in the optimal mulberry leaf yield obtained by various types of functions was in decreasing order of KPKPNPKNKNNP,and the weight of fertilizer factors in the ratio of leaf yield to input was in decreasing order of K〉PK〉NPK〉P〉NK〉NP〉N.To be specific,the ternary quadratic fertilizer effect function(Y=20 313+0.25X1+43.48 X2+34.47X3-0.01X1^2-0.14X2^2-0.06X3^2+0.05X1X2+0.02X1X3-0.07X2X3,in which X1,X2 and X3 indicate the fertilizer factors N,P and K,respectively) was a model containing all factors,thereby being a recommended fertilization program for mulberry field.Single factor effect analysis indicated that K fertilizer had the highest influence on mulberry leaf yield and ratio of leaf yield to input.Therefore,among all the simulation functions,the monadic quadratic fertilizer effect function of K fertilizer factor(Y=25 002.27+44.728X3-0.084X32) leads to the optimal leaf yield and maximum ratio of leaf yield to input.By using the optimal fertilization program with 600 kg/hm2 N,210 kg/hm2 P2O5 and 254.33 kg/hm2 K2O,the optimal economic leaf yield obtained is 30 945.00 kg/hm2,the cost of fertilizer input is 4 403.65 yuan/hm2,and the ratio of leaf yield to input is as high as 17.57.After verification by production practices,the recommended fertilization indicators in the optimal mulberry fertilization program can provide reference for the construction of high-yield mulberry field in hilly areas of Sichuan Province. 展开更多
关键词 MULBERRY High yield Balanced fertilization Fertilizer effect function
作者 曾媛琴 帅小蓉 朱勇 《蚕学通讯》 2011年第1期39-41,共3页
本科毕业论文设计是培养学生综合运用本专业基础理论知识、专业知识与基本技能、增强学生自身实践能力、创造能力、就业能力和创业能力的极为重要的教学过程。本文分析了生物学本科毕业论文实验教学现状,联系蚕学专业,针对本科毕业论文... 本科毕业论文设计是培养学生综合运用本专业基础理论知识、专业知识与基本技能、增强学生自身实践能力、创造能力、就业能力和创业能力的极为重要的教学过程。本文分析了生物学本科毕业论文实验教学现状,联系蚕学专业,针对本科毕业论文实施进行了改革探索。 展开更多
关键词 生物学 本科毕业论文 改革 蚕学专业
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