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作者 施剑阳 朱一鸣 +1 位作者 张俊文 迟楠 《移动通信》 2024年第12期9-14,共6页
无缝光纤太赫兹集成通信已经成为6G领域的一种很有前景的技术。电子太赫兹通信系统具有高集成度、小型化和潜在低成本的优点,但其缺点是带宽小和谐波干扰水平高。提出了一种基于残差学习的双向门控循环单元(ResBi-GRU)模型作为此通信系... 无缝光纤太赫兹集成通信已经成为6G领域的一种很有前景的技术。电子太赫兹通信系统具有高集成度、小型化和潜在低成本的优点,但其缺点是带宽小和谐波干扰水平高。提出了一种基于残差学习的双向门控循环单元(ResBi-GRU)模型作为此通信系统的后均衡器,这种模型能够利用残差学习对于输入输出间残差进行学习的特性,简化模型的复杂度,而不引起性能的损失。通过实验验证了在无缝光纤太赫兹集成通信系统中,在20%的软判决前向纠错(SD-FEC)阈值(2.4×10^(-2))下,离散多音调调制(DMT)信号通过5公里光纤和1米209 GHz太赫兹信号传输,数据传输速率达到74.82 Gbps。与未进行残差学习的方法相比,传输速率提升80 Mbps,同时空间复杂度降低为原来的50%。 展开更多
关键词 后均衡 残差学习 无缝光纤 太赫兹 双向门控循环单元
基于波前整形和自适应光学的水下可见光通信系统 被引量:1
作者 陈超旭 徐迟 +1 位作者 施剑阳 迟楠 《重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期166-171,共6页
为了解决水下可见光通信中复杂的水下湍流、散射环境对光束造成的畸变而导致信号传输失败的问题,使用随机相位屏方法模拟了水下湍流信道,在发射端对光束进行波前整形实现远距离聚焦,接收端使用自适应相位恢复算法对接收端光斑进行恢复。... 为了解决水下可见光通信中复杂的水下湍流、散射环境对光束造成的畸变而导致信号传输失败的问题,使用随机相位屏方法模拟了水下湍流信道,在发射端对光束进行波前整形实现远距离聚焦,接收端使用自适应相位恢复算法对接收端光斑进行恢复。在1.2 m水下实验平台使用比特功率加载技术发射离散多音信号(discrete multi-tone, DMT)信号测量接收光功率与数据传输速率的对应关系,基于此,预测了100 m湍流环境下可见光信号的传输速率,与经过波前整形以及自适应相位恢复后的结果对比得到,所提出的方法可以使得水下可见光系统的传输速率得到极大提升。 展开更多
关键词 水下可见光通信 波前整形 随机相位屏 湍流 自适应光学
作者 施剑阳 《电脑知识与技术》 2024年第3期19-21,24,共4页
课堂专注度是学习者课堂投入的重要呈现,是调节学习状态和优化教学过程的抓手。深入发掘课堂专注度的影响因素及其作用效果,对课堂专注度的提升具有重要意义。文章利用人工智能技术,综合课堂表情和头部姿态两个维度提出了课堂专注度识... 课堂专注度是学习者课堂投入的重要呈现,是调节学习状态和优化教学过程的抓手。深入发掘课堂专注度的影响因素及其作用效果,对课堂专注度的提升具有重要意义。文章利用人工智能技术,综合课堂表情和头部姿态两个维度提出了课堂专注度识别模型。并基于该模型进一步探讨了教师指点手势对学习者课堂专注度的影响。单因素方差分析(ANOVA)的结果表明,当教师使用指点手势时,能在短时间内提升学习者的课堂专注度。该文研究结果在一定程度上有助于改进教师的教学行为,增强学习者的学习效果。 展开更多
关键词 指点手势 课堂表情 头部姿态 课堂专注度 人工智能
W波段大容量光纤无线融合系统的关键技术 被引量:2
作者 施剑阳 李欣颖 +2 位作者 王源泉 王一光 迟楠 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2014年第4期67-70,共4页
W波段(75~110GHz)作为一个新的RF(射频)波段,相比于其他波段有着更宽的带宽和更高的频率,在这个波段能够为移动数据通信提供千兆的无线链路,这已经成为下一代无线通信系统的一个热点话题。实现W波段大容量通信系统有多种方法,如高... W波段(75~110GHz)作为一个新的RF(射频)波段,相比于其他波段有着更宽的带宽和更高的频率,在这个波段能够为移动数据通信提供千兆的无线链路,这已经成为下一代无线通信系统的一个热点话题。实现W波段大容量通信系统有多种方法,如高阶调制、天线复用和多频带调制等,目前这些技术从调制效率、频带利用率和带宽宽度等多方面已实现了系统的优化。文章深入介绍了W波段大容量光纤无线融合系统的背景、研究成果及技术支持,以期为未来的研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 W波段 天线偏振复用 多频段复用 大容量光纤无线融合 射频波段
面向6G的可见光通信关键技术 被引量:12
作者 施剑阳 牛文清 +1 位作者 徐增熠 迟楠 《无线电通信技术》 2021年第6期692-697,共6页
随着6G通信的到来,泛在接入蓝图的提出,迫切需要寻找新的无线通信频谱资源,来满足全场景覆盖的新诉求。近年来发展的可见光通信技术,作为一种频段为400~800 THz的高速通信技术,具有诸多优点,有望在6G网络中担任重要角色。针对可见光通信... 随着6G通信的到来,泛在接入蓝图的提出,迫切需要寻找新的无线通信频谱资源,来满足全场景覆盖的新诉求。近年来发展的可见光通信技术,作为一种频段为400~800 THz的高速通信技术,具有诸多优点,有望在6G网络中担任重要角色。针对可见光通信在6G领域发展遇到的新场景挑战,对水下可见光通信和星基可见光通信进行简要介绍;并在总结现有相关研究基础上,提出了人工智能(AI)赋能的可见光通信技术,并指出该技术将极大地推动面向6G的可见光通信技术发展。 展开更多
关键词 6G 可见光通信 水下通信 星基通信 人工智能
基于BO-BiGRU的后均衡器在水下高速可见光通信系统中的应用 被引量:2
作者 张昊宇 姚力 +3 位作者 陈超旭 施剑阳 沈超 迟楠 《电信科学》 2023年第5期11-19,共9页
信号在水下可见光通信(UVLC)信道传输的过程中易受到非线性效应的影响,为了提高系统通信性能,对接收的信号进行均衡是至关重要的。提出了一种基于贝叶斯优化算法的双向门控循环单元(BO-BiGRU)模型作为UVLC系统中的后均衡器,其能够自动... 信号在水下可见光通信(UVLC)信道传输的过程中易受到非线性效应的影响,为了提高系统通信性能,对接收的信号进行均衡是至关重要的。提出了一种基于贝叶斯优化算法的双向门控循环单元(BO-BiGRU)模型作为UVLC系统中的后均衡器,其能够自动寻找模型最优超参数,以实现模型的最佳性能。BO-BiGRU模型应用于1.2 m水下实验平台,采用64正交调幅(QAM)-无载波幅相调制(CAPM),在系统的误码率(BER)低于3.8×10^(-3)的7%前向纠错(FEC)阈值的情况下,实现了3.10 Gbit/s的数据传输速率,比传统的后均衡方法提高了128 Mbit/s。 展开更多
关键词 水下可见光通信 非线性效应 波形级别后均衡器 贝叶斯优化 双向门控循环单元
作者 申王伟 王佳叶 +6 位作者 李国强 邢思哲 颜安 李忠亚 施剑阳 迟楠 张俊文 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1-8,共8页
为了在保持帧结构完整性的同时,低代价地传输管理和控制信号,提出面向高速频分复用相干无源光网络(FDM-CPON)的两种传输管理和控制信号传输机制,即数字端辅助管理和控制通道(AMCC)和数据通道的相加和相乘。通过将AMCC传输的通断键控(OOK... 为了在保持帧结构完整性的同时,低代价地传输管理和控制信号,提出面向高速频分复用相干无源光网络(FDM-CPON)的两种传输管理和控制信号传输机制,即数字端辅助管理和控制通道(AMCC)和数据通道的相加和相乘。通过将AMCC传输的通断键控(OOK)信号映射为数据通道信号幅值的变化,完成数据通道信号幅值再调制,成功将AMCC与数据通道相结合,实现了管理和控制信号与数据通道信号的同步传输。实验结果表明,在基于16QAM传输20 km光纤的200 Gbit/s FDM-CPON系统中,当AMCC的带宽和调制因子(MI)相同时,乘性AMCC对于信号性能的影响更小,自身传输信号的质量也更高。在AMCC的MI为26.1%、带宽为24.4 MHz时,乘性AMCC对信号灵敏度的惩罚比加性AMCC小3 dB。以上研究为未来高速相干频分复用无源光网络AMCC传输与系统设计提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 光通信 相干无源光网络 相干光通信 光纤通信 频分复用 辅助管理和控制通道
Tutorial on laser-based visible light communications[Invited]
作者 Yuqi Hou Yue Wang +12 位作者 Zengxin Li Meixin Liu Shulan Yi Xiaoqian Wang Liang Xia Guangyi Liu Jianyang Shi Ziwei Li Junwen Zhang Nan Chi Tien Khee Ng Boon S.Ooi Chao Shen 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期126-136,共11页
Facing escalating demands for high-speed,large-bandwidth,and low-latency wireless data links,laser communication technology has emerged as a promising technology.While free-space optical communication conventionally u... Facing escalating demands for high-speed,large-bandwidth,and low-latency wireless data links,laser communication technology has emerged as a promising technology.While free-space optical communication conventionally utilizes nearinfrared light sources,there has been growing interest in exploring new spectral resources,including visible lasers.Recently,laser-based white light has been demonstrated in visible light communication(VLC),with a unique capability to seamlessly integrate with illumination and display systems.This review summarizes the key devices and system technologies in semiconductor-laser-based white light for VLC-related applications.The recent advances and many emerging applications in the evolution of lighting,display,and communication are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 visible light communication LiFi laser lighting GaN laser semiconductor laser
Low-cost,large-coverage,and high-flexibility coherent PON for next-generation access networks:advances,challenges,and prospects[Invited]
作者 邢思哲 张俊文 +9 位作者 申王伟 颜安 李国强 孙奥龙 周骥 郭栋 施剑阳 李子薇 沈超 迟楠 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期26-35,共10页
Increasing bandwidth requirements have posed significant challenges for traditional access networks.It is difficult for intensity modulation/direct detection to meet the power budget and flexibility requirements of th... Increasing bandwidth requirements have posed significant challenges for traditional access networks.It is difficult for intensity modulation/direct detection to meet the power budget and flexibility requirements of the next-generation passive optical network(PON)at 100G and beyond considering the new requirements.This is driving researchers to develop novel optical access technologies.Low-cost,wide-coverage,and high-flexibility coherent PON is emerging as a strong contender in the competition.In this article,we will review technologies that reduce the complexity of coherent PON(CPON),enabling it to meet the commercial requirements.Also,advanced algorithms and architectures that can enhance system coverage and flexibility are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 access network coherent optics flexible data rate low complexity wide dynamic range
Channel estimation-based time-frequency neural network for post-equalization in underwater visible light communication
作者 Haoyu Zhang Li Yao +6 位作者 Chaoxu Chen Yuan Wei Chao Shen Jianyang Shi Junwen Zhang Ziwei Li Nan Chi 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期116-122,共7页
This Letter proposes a post-equalizer for underwater visible light communication(UVLC) systems that combines channel estimation and joint time-frequency analysis, named channel-estimation-based bandpass variable-order... This Letter proposes a post-equalizer for underwater visible light communication(UVLC) systems that combines channel estimation and joint time-frequency analysis, named channel-estimation-based bandpass variable-order time-frequency network(CBV-TFNet). By utilizing a bandpass variable-order loss function with communication prior knowledge, CBVTFNet enhances communication performance and training stability. It enables lightweight implementation and faster convergence through a channel estimation-based mask. The superior performance of the proposed equalization method over Volterra and deep neural network(DNN)-based methods has been studied experimentally. Using bit-power loading discrete multitone (DMT) modulation, the proposed method achieves a transmission bitrate of 4.956 Gbps through a 1.2 m underwater channel utilizing only 38.15% of real multiplication calculations compared to the DNN equalizer and achieving a bitrate gain of440 Mbps and a significantly larger dynamic range over the LMS-Volterra equalizer. Results highlight CBV-TFNet's potential for future post-equalization in UVLC systems. 展开更多
关键词 underwater visible light communication channel estimation post-equalizer neural network
Demonstration of radar-aided flexible communication in a photonics-based W-band distributed integrated sensing and communication system for 6G
作者 贾俊连 董博宇 +3 位作者 陶理 施剑阳 迟楠 张俊文 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期119-124,共6页
This paper experimentally demonstrates a distributed photonics-based W-band integrated sensing and communication(ISAC) system, in which radar sensing can aid the communication links in alignment and data rate estimati... This paper experimentally demonstrates a distributed photonics-based W-band integrated sensing and communication(ISAC) system, in which radar sensing can aid the communication links in alignment and data rate estimation. As a proof-of-concept, the ISAC system locates the users, guides the alignment, and sets a communication link with the estimated highest data rate. A peak net data rate of 68.6 Gbit/s and a target sensing with a less-than-1-cm error and a sub-2-cm resolution have been tested over a 10-km fiber and a 1.15-m free space transmission in the photonics-based W-band ISAC system. The achievable net data rates of the users at different locations estimated by sensing are experimentally verified. 展开更多
关键词 integrated sensing and communication photonics-aided technique W-BAND radar-aided flexible communication
Lens-free wavefront shaping method for a diffuse non-lineof-sight link in visible light communication
作者 陈超旭 周晓萌 +4 位作者 李子薇 沈超 张俊文 施剑阳 迟楠 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期81-87,共7页
In this Letter,we propose and experimentally demonstrate a lens-free wavefront shaping method that utilizes synchronized signal block beam alignment and a genetic algorithm(SSBGA)for a diffuse non-line-of-sight(NLOS)v... In this Letter,we propose and experimentally demonstrate a lens-free wavefront shaping method that utilizes synchronized signal block beam alignment and a genetic algorithm(SSBGA)for a diffuse non-line-of-sight(NLOS)visible light communication(VLC)system.The proposed method effectively controls the position and mobility of visible light beams by partitioning spatial light modulator pixels and manipulating beams to converge at distinct spatial positions,thereby enhancing wavefront shaping efficiency,which achieves a significant 23.9 dB optical power enhancement at+2 mm offset,surpassing the lens-based continuous sequence(CS)scheme by 21.7 dB.At+40°angle,the improvement reaches up to 11.8 dB and 16.8 dB compared to the results with and without lens-based CS,respectively.A maximum rate of 5.16 Gbps is successfully achieved using bit-power loading discrete multi-tone(DMT)modulation and the proposed SSBGA in an NLOS VLC system,which outperforms the lens-based CS by 1.07 Gbps and obtains a power saving of 55.6%during the transmission at4 Gbps.To the best of our knowledge,this is the first time that high-speed communication has been realized in an NLOS VLC system without a lens. 展开更多
关键词 NON-LINE-OF-SIGHT lens-free wavefront shaping visible light communication
可见光通信中LED非线性失真补偿算法研究 被引量:2
作者 迟楠 张梦洁 施剑阳 《光学与光电技术》 2015年第5期9-14,共6页
可见光通信(VLC)技术是一种新型的无线光通信技术,它兼具照明和通信,有许多优点及广阔的应用前景,已成为近年来通信领域研究的热点。发光二极管(LED)是VLC系统中常用的光源,LED具有较强的非线性,会显著降低VLC系统的性能。为了补偿LED... 可见光通信(VLC)技术是一种新型的无线光通信技术,它兼具照明和通信,有许多优点及广阔的应用前景,已成为近年来通信领域研究的热点。发光二极管(LED)是VLC系统中常用的光源,LED具有较强的非线性,会显著降低VLC系统的性能。为了补偿LED的非线性失真,研究人员已经提出了多种附加失真补偿方法,主要包括预失真补偿技术和后失真补偿技术。对这两类技术中的不同方法进行了探讨,比较总结了它们的特点,预失真技术实施简单但不符合成本效应,而后失真技术不需额外电路但所需的计算复杂度较高。这为深入理解和进一步研究LED非线性补偿技术提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 可见光通信 LED非线性 预失真 后失真 沃尔泰拉均衡 维纳模型 记忆多项式模型
Nonlinear coded nonuniform superposition QAM by trellis-coding for MISO system in visible light communication 被引量:2
作者 Zengyi Xu Wenqing Niu +1 位作者 Jianyang Shi Nan Chi 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第4期71-76,共6页
In this paper,we propose a 36-quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM)superposition modulation technique that is featured with uneven symbol probability by nonlinear precoding,named nonlinear coded nonuniform superpositio... In this paper,we propose a 36-quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM)superposition modulation technique that is featured with uneven symbol probability by nonlinear precoding,named nonlinear coded nonuniform superposition(NCNS)QAM.Its aim is to alleviate the nonlinearity effect caused by high instantaneous power in multi-input single-output(MISO)visible light communication(VLC)system,with an uneven probabilistic-shaped constellation.The transmitter includes two LEDs to send signals independently,and the receiver uses a photo detector to receive the superposed QAM signal.The experiment results show that NCNS has a better robustness against nonlinearity than pulse amplitude modulation 4,approximately gaining a 16% increase in maximum usable peak-to-peak voltage and a 33% enlargement in dynamic range area.It is a simple but effective approach to solve the bandwidth limits related to signal power and hopefully be applied in large power VLC systems such as underwater VLC,or to improve the robustness against power fluctuation. 展开更多
关键词 visible light communication light-emitting diode multi-input single-output quadrature amplitude modulation nonlinear coding spectral shaping
Security enhanced underwater visible light communication system based on chaotic phase scrambling and conjugate frequency hopping 被引量:1
作者 卢芝蓝 沈超 +1 位作者 施剑阳 迟楠 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第6期11-16,共6页
We propose an encryption technique for underwater visible light communication[UVLC]based on chaotic phase scrambling[PS]and conjugate frequency hopping[CFH].The technique is experimentally tested using an 8-level puls... We propose an encryption technique for underwater visible light communication[UVLC]based on chaotic phase scrambling[PS]and conjugate frequency hopping[CFH].The technique is experimentally tested using an 8-level pulse amplitude modulation[PAM-8]and a 1.2 m underwater link.The security key of the phase scrambling code is generated according to a logistic map,and the frequency hopping is achieved by adding the same zero frequency points to the signal spectrum.The maximum transmission rate of 2.1 Gbit/s is measured with bit-error-rate[BER]below 7%the hard-decision forward error correction[HD-FEC]threshold of 3.8×10^(-3). 展开更多
关键词 underwater visible light communication pulse amplitude modulation phase scrambling logistic mapping conjugate frequency hopping
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