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作者 田俊龙 穆青隔 叶灵云 《安阳师范学院学报》 2011年第5期1-8,共8页
用改进的量子分子动力学模型研究了重核强阻尼反应过程中巨复合体系的形成和衰变机制。计算了强阻尼反应238U+238U和232Th+250Cf的入射道动力学势、绝热势和密度冻结势并对它们进行了比较,我们发现动力学势与绝热势非常接近,相对于非常... 用改进的量子分子动力学模型研究了重核强阻尼反应过程中巨复合体系的形成和衰变机制。计算了强阻尼反应238U+238U和232Th+250Cf的入射道动力学势、绝热势和密度冻结势并对它们进行了比较,我们发现动力学势与绝热势非常接近,相对于非常陡峭的密度冻结势来说,在弹靶接触位型阶段两者都变的比较平坦。正因为这种比较平坦的相互作用势使巨复合体系能够存活一定的时间。通过不同能量下反应体系的密度分布随时间的演化,从而得到每个反应事件形成巨复合体系的寿命,进一步给出复合体系的寿命分布和平均寿命的能量依赖关系。研究表明:选择合适的入射能量可以使强阻尼反应形成的复合体系有最长的寿命。在动量空间中,通过复合体系形变的各向异性作为入射能量的函数的研究,发现使形成的巨复合体系具有各向同性的动量分布所对应的能量是最佳入射能量的选择,它能使复合体系保持最长的寿命,这种情况最有利于正电子的产生。 展开更多
关键词 强阻尼反应 巨复合体系 ImQMD模型
作者 李青 汪旻祥 +3 位作者 刘通 穆青隔 任治安 李世燕 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第20期203-208,共6页
RbCr_3As_3是具有[(Cr_3As_3)~-]∞线性链的准一维超导体,超导转变温度约为6.6 K.对RbCr3As_3单晶进行了电输运和极低温热输运性质的研究.低温下,拟合了RbCr_3As_3正常态电阻率随温度的变化,发现其满足费米液体行为.通过拟合超导转变... RbCr_3As_3是具有[(Cr_3As_3)~-]∞线性链的准一维超导体,超导转变温度约为6.6 K.对RbCr3As_3单晶进行了电输运和极低温热输运性质的研究.低温下,拟合了RbCr_3As_3正常态电阻率随温度的变化,发现其满足费米液体行为.通过拟合超导转变温度随磁场的关系,得到RbCr_3As_3单晶的上临界场约为25.6 T.对RbCr3_As_3进行了零场下的极低温热导率测量,得到其剩余线性项为7.5μW·K~(-2)·cm~(-1),占正常态热导率值的24%.测量不同磁场FRbCr_3As_3的热导率,发现与单带s波超导体相比较,RbCr_3As_3剩余线性项随磁场增加相对较快.这些结果表明RbCr_3As_3单晶很可能是有节点的非常规超导体. 展开更多
关键词 RbCr3As3 极低温热导率 超导能隙
A New Quasi-One-Dimensional Ternary Molybdenum Pnictide Rb2Mo3As3 with Superconducting Transition at 10.5K 被引量:2
作者 Kang Zhao Qing-Ge Mu +7 位作者 Bin-Bin Ruan Meng-Hu Zhou Qing-Song Yang Tong Liu Bo-Jin Pan Shuai Zhang Gen-Fu Chen Zhi-An Ren 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第9期73-77,共5页
We report superconductivity in a new ternary molybdenum pnictide Rb2 Mo3 As3,synthesized via the solid state reaction method.Powder x-ray diffraction analysis reveals a hexagonal crystal structure with space group P6 ... We report superconductivity in a new ternary molybdenum pnictide Rb2 Mo3 As3,synthesized via the solid state reaction method.Powder x-ray diffraction analysis reveals a hexagonal crystal structure with space group P6 m2(No.187),and the refined lattice parameters are a=10.431(5)A,c=4.460(4)A.SEM images show rod-like grains with good ductility,confirming a quasi-one-dimensional(Q1 D)structure.Electrical resistivity and dc magnetic susceptibility characterizations exhibit superconductivity with an onset of Tc=10.5 K.The upper critical field of Rb2 Mo3 As3 is estimated to be 28.2 T at zero temperature,providing an evidence of possible unconventional superconductivity.Our recent discovery of MoAs-based superconductors above 10 K provides a unique platform for the study of exotic superconductivity in 4 d electron systems with Q1 D crystal structures. 展开更多
作者 于佳 刘通 +4 位作者 赵康 潘伯津 穆青隔 阮彬彬 任治安 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第20期99-104,共6页
铁基超导体中含有一类特殊的112型结构化合物,其层状结构中含有一层锯齿形的As链构型.本文报道了用CsCl助熔剂法生长新型铁基112型EuFeAs_2母体单晶的具体方法,以及对该单晶的结构和物性的详细表征.通过能量色散X射线能谱扫描对单晶样... 铁基超导体中含有一类特殊的112型结构化合物,其层状结构中含有一层锯齿形的As链构型.本文报道了用CsCl助熔剂法生长新型铁基112型EuFeAs_2母体单晶的具体方法,以及对该单晶的结构和物性的详细表征.通过能量色散X射线能谱扫描对单晶样品进行的化学成分分析,以及单晶X射线衍射的结构解析,确定该单晶样品属于EuFeAs_2相,结构精修得到EuFeAs_2具有空间群为Imm2 (No. 44)的正交晶体结构,晶格常数分别是a=21.285(9) A,b=3.9082(10) A,c=3.9752(9) A.通过低温电阻测量,发现在110 K附近和46 K附近存在两个异常电阻跳变.进一步分析表明,110 K附近存在两个邻近的相变,这两个相变与铁基母体材料中常见的结构相变和Fe^(2+)的反铁磁相变相符合.结合磁化率测量分析,可知46 K附近的相变属于Eu~(2+)的反铁磁相变. 展开更多
关键词 EuFeAs2 单晶生长 结构相变 反铁磁相变
Revisiting the Electron-Doped SmFeAsO:Enhanced Superconductivity up to 58.6 K by Th and F Codoping 被引量:1
作者 王小川 于佳 +6 位作者 阮彬彬 潘伯津 穆青隔 刘通 赵康 陈根富 任治安 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第7期228-231,共4页
In the iron-based high-To bulk superconductors, Tc above 50 K was only observed in the electron-doped 1111-type compounds. Here we revisit the electron-doped SmFeAsO polycrystals to make a further investigation for th... In the iron-based high-To bulk superconductors, Tc above 50 K was only observed in the electron-doped 1111-type compounds. Here we revisit the electron-doped SmFeAsO polycrystals to make a further investigation for the highest Tc in these materials. To introduce more electron carriers and less crystal lattice distortions, we study the Th and F eodoping effects into the Sm-O layers with heavy electron doping. Dozens of Sm1-xThx FeAsO1-yFy samples are synthesized through the solid state reaction method, and these samples are carefully characterized by the structural, resistive, and magnetic measurements. We find that the codoping of Th and F clearly enhances the superconducting Tc more than the Th or F single-doped samples, with the highest record Tc up to 58.6K when x = 0.2 and y=0.225. Further element doping causes more impurities and lattice distortions in the samples with a weakened superconductivity. 展开更多
关键词 TH AS Revisiting the Electron-Doped SmFeAsO:Enhanced Superconductivity up to58.6K by Th and F Codoping
Fermi Surface and Band Structure of(Ca,La)FeAs2 Superconductor from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy 被引量:1
作者 LIU Xu LIU De-Fa +16 位作者 ZHAO LinGUO Qi MU Qing-Ge CHEN Dong-Yun SHEN Bing YI He-Mian HUANG Jian-Wei HE Jun-Feng PENG Ying-Ying LIU Yan HE Shao-Long LIU Guo-Dong DONG Xiao-Li ZHANG Jun CHEN Chuang-Tian XU Zu-Yan REN Zhi-An ZHOU Xing-Jiang 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第12期139-143,共5页
The(Ca,R)FeAs_(2)(R=La,Pr,etc.)superconductors with a signature of superconductivity transition above 40 K possess a new kind of block layers that consist of zig-zag As chains.We report the electronic structure of the... The(Ca,R)FeAs_(2)(R=La,Pr,etc.)superconductors with a signature of superconductivity transition above 40 K possess a new kind of block layers that consist of zig-zag As chains.We report the electronic structure of the new(Ca,La)FeAs_(2)superconductor investigated by both band structure calculations and high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements.Band structure calculations indicate that there are four hole-like bands around the zone centerΓ(0,0)and two electron-like bands near the zone corner M(π,π)in CaFeAs_(2).In our angle-resolved photoemission measurements on(Ca0.9La0.1)FeAs_(2),we have observed three hole-like bands around theΓpoint and one electron-like Fermi surface near the M(π,π)point.These results provide important information to compare and contrast with the electronic structure of other iron-based compounds in understanding the superconductivity mechanism in the iron-based superconductors. 展开更多
Superconductivity in Undoped CaFe_2As_2 Single Crystals
作者 陈东云 于佳 +7 位作者 阮彬彬 郭琦 张蕾 穆青隔 王小川 潘伯津 陈根富 任治安 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期128-131,共4页
Single crystals of undoped CaFe2As2 are grown by an FeAs self-flux method, and the crystals are quenched in ice-water rapidly after high-temperature growth. The quenched crystal undergoes a collapsed tetragonal struct... Single crystals of undoped CaFe2As2 are grown by an FeAs self-flux method, and the crystals are quenched in ice-water rapidly after high-temperature growth. The quenched crystal undergoes a collapsed tetragonal structural phase transition around 80 K revealed by the temperature-dependent x-ray diffraction measurements. Superconductivity below 25 K is observed in the collapsed phase by resistivity and magnetization measurements. The isothermal magnetization curve measured at 2 K indicates that this is a typical type-ll superconductor. For comparison, we systematically characterize the properties of the furnace-cooled, quenched, and post-annealed single crystals, and find strong internal crystallographic strain existing in the quenched samples, which is the key for the occurrence of superconductivity in the undoped CaFe2As2 single crystals. 展开更多
关键词 AS CA for IS of in Superconductivity in Undoped CaFe2As2 Single Crystals
Superconductivity in Sm-doped CaFe2As2 single crystals
作者 陈东云 阮彬彬 +7 位作者 于佳 郭琦 王小川 穆青隔 潘伯津 刘通 陈根富 任治安 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期59-62,共4页
In this article,the Sm-doping single crystals Ca1-xSmxFe2As2(x = 0 0.2) were prepared by the Ca As flux method,and followed by a rapid quenching treatment after the high temperature growth.The samples were character... In this article,the Sm-doping single crystals Ca1-xSmxFe2As2(x = 0 0.2) were prepared by the Ca As flux method,and followed by a rapid quenching treatment after the high temperature growth.The samples were characterized by structural,resistive,and magnetic measurements.The successful Sm-substitution was revealed by the reduction of the lattice parameter c,due to the smaller ionic radius of Sm3+than Ca2+.Superconductivity was observed in all samples with onset Tc varying from 27 K to 44 K upon Sm-doping.The coexistence of a collapsed phase transition and the superconducting transition was found for the lower Sm-doping samples.Zero resistivity and substantial superconducting volume fraction only happen in higher Sm-doping crystals with the nominal x 〉 0.10.The doping dependences of the c-axis length and onset Tc were summarized.The high-Tc observed in these quenched crystals may be attributed to simultaneous tuning of electron carriers doping and strain effect caused by lattice reduction of Sm-substitution. 展开更多
关键词 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Sm-doping CaFe2As2 collapsed structure
作者 田俊龙 赵红光 +1 位作者 穆青隔 宋满 《广西物理》 2010年第3期8-15,共8页
基于Skyrme能量密度泛函(SEDF)方法,提出了改进的Woods-Saxon势(MWS)来描述核-核相互作用。使用MWS势计算了大量的熔合反应的熔合势垒与基于SEDF方法的计算结果非常靠近。我们进一步用MWS势为合成超重元素的10个冷熔合反应与8个热熔合... 基于Skyrme能量密度泛函(SEDF)方法,提出了改进的Woods-Saxon势(MWS)来描述核-核相互作用。使用MWS势计算了大量的熔合反应的熔合势垒与基于SEDF方法的计算结果非常靠近。我们进一步用MWS势为合成超重元素的10个冷熔合反应与8个热熔合反应选择恰当的入射能量做了初步探索,发现将入射能量选择在平均势垒Bm和MWS势计算的势垒Bws之间更有利于超重核的产生,预言了合成120号超重元素的4个不同反应体系的最佳入射能量范围。 展开更多
关键词 Skyrme能量密度泛函 改进的Woods-Saxon势 熔合势垒
作者 刘子儀 穆青隔 +2 位作者 任治安 孙建平 程金光 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期228-236,共9页
近年来,新型铬(Cr)基非常规超导体因呈现独特晶体结构和奇异物理性质而备受关注,成为超导领域的研究热点之一.A_(2)Cr_(3)As_(3)(A=K,Rb,Cs)是首个常压下的Cr基超导体系,通过化学方法脱除其中一个A离子,可以获得具有类似准一维结构的ACr... 近年来,新型铬(Cr)基非常规超导体因呈现独特晶体结构和奇异物理性质而备受关注,成为超导领域的研究热点之一.A_(2)Cr_(3)As_(3)(A=K,Rb,Cs)是首个常压下的Cr基超导体系,通过化学方法脱除其中一个A离子,可以获得具有类似准一维结构的ACr_(3)As_(3)超导体.其中,KCr_(3)As_(3)和RbCr_(3)As_(3)的超导转变温度(T_c)可以分别达到~5和~7.3 K其上临界场(μ_(0)H_(c2)(0))远超泡利极限(μ_(0)H_(P)^(BCS)).在前期针对A_(2)Cr_(3)As_(3)的高压研究基础上,本文分别采用六面砧和金刚石对顶砧装置详细研究了RbCr_(3)As_(3)的电输运和晶体结构在高压下的演化规律.研究结果表明,随着压力增加T_c单调降低,7 GPa时下降到~2 K;μ_(0)H_(c2)(0)也随加压而逐渐减小,但在研究的压力范围内(0-7 GPa)仍高于μ_(0)H_(P)^(BCS)和轨道极限(μ_(0)H_(c2)^(orb)(0)),这与K_(2)Cr_(3)As_(3)在高压下μ_(0)H_(c2)(0)迅速减小至低于μ_(0)H_(P)^(BCS)的趋势明显不同.高压XRD结果显示在0-8.5 GPa范围内RbCr_(3)As_(3)没有发生结构相变,a轴和c轴分别缩短~8.3%和~2.4%,表现出较强各向异性的压缩行为.通过对比A_(2)Cr_(3)As_(3)与ACr_(3)As_(3)体系的高压调控规律,我们讨论了化学压力和物理压力对这两类Cr基超导体物性的不同影响. 展开更多
关键词 RbCr_(3)As_(3) 非常规超导 Cr基超导体 高压调控
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