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Theory and verification of moiréfringes for x-ray three-phase grating interferometer
作者 单雨征 葛永帅 +5 位作者 杨君 郭大育 蔡学宝 刘晓珂 侯晓文 郭金川 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期532-540,共9页
Dual-phase and three-phase grating x-ray interference is a promising new technique for grating-based x-ray differential phase contrast imaging.Dual-phase grating interferometers have been relatively completely studied... Dual-phase and three-phase grating x-ray interference is a promising new technique for grating-based x-ray differential phase contrast imaging.Dual-phase grating interferometers have been relatively completely studied and discussed.In this paper,the corresponding imaging fringe formula of the three-phase grating interferometer is provided.At the same time,the similarities and differences between the three-phase grating interferometer and the dual-phase grating interferometer are investigated and verified,and that the three-phase grating interferometer can produce large-period moiréfringes without using the analyzing grating is demonstrated experimentally.Finally,a simple method of designing three-phase grating and multi-grating imaging systems from geometric optics based on the thin-lens theory of gratings is presented.These theoretical formulas and experimental results provide optimization tools for designing three-phase grating interferometer systems. 展开更多
关键词 x-ray phase contrast phase grating moiréfringe
Model-driven CT reconstruction algorithm for nano-resolution x-ray phase contrast imaging
作者 谭雨航 蔡学宝 +5 位作者 杨杰成 苏婷 郑海荣 梁栋 朱佩平 葛永帅 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期646-650,共5页
The low-density imaging performance of a zone plate-based nano-resolution hard x-ray computed tomography(CT)system can be significantly improved by incorporating a grating-based Lau interferometer. Due to the diffract... The low-density imaging performance of a zone plate-based nano-resolution hard x-ray computed tomography(CT)system can be significantly improved by incorporating a grating-based Lau interferometer. Due to the diffraction, however,the acquired nano-resolution phase signal may suffer splitting problem, which impedes the direct reconstruction of phase contrast CT(nPCT) images. To overcome, a new model-driven nPCT image reconstruction algorithm is developed in this study. In it, the diffraction procedure is mathematically modeled into a matrix B, from which the projections without signal splitting can be generated invertedly. Furthermore, a penalized weighted least-square model with total variation(PWLSTV) is employed to denoise these projections, from which nPCT images with high accuracy are directly reconstructed.Numerical experiments demonstrate that this new algorithm is able to work with phase projections having any splitting distances. Moreover, results also reveal that nPCT images of higher signal-to-noise-ratio(SNR) could be reconstructed from projections having larger splitting distances. In summary, a novel model-driven nPCT image reconstruction algorithm with high accuracy and robustness is verified for the Lau interferometer-based hard x-ray nano-resolution phase contrast imaging. 展开更多
关键词 splitting phase image reconstruction algorithm grating interferometer
作者 周文雄 何源 +3 位作者 李大蓬 贾欢 童腾 葛永帅 《大学科普》 2023年第1期67-68,共2页
核技术是指以核性质、核反应、核效应和核谱学为基础,以反应堆、加速器、辐射源和核辐射探测器为工具的现代高新技术[1]。核技术广泛应用在各个领域,为国民经济的发展、日常生活的改善和科技进步做出了巨大的贡献:当核技术应用在医学领... 核技术是指以核性质、核反应、核效应和核谱学为基础,以反应堆、加速器、辐射源和核辐射探测器为工具的现代高新技术[1]。核技术广泛应用在各个领域,为国民经济的发展、日常生活的改善和科技进步做出了巨大的贡献:当核技术应用在医学领域时,就形成了核医学,如正电子发射型计算机断层显像(PET)、电子计算机断层扫描(CT)、胸透等,我们在医院中经常见到的检测设备都是核技术的具体应用;把核技术引入到农业领域时,就诞生了核农学,如中国科学院近代物理研究所通过核技术的方法选育的高糖含量的甜高粱品种已经得到了大规模的推广种植[2];核技术应用到其他领域,同样可以形成新的成果,并促进行业发展或人类进步,如电子加速器消毒灭菌[3]、集装箱无损检测、加速器驱动次临界洁净核能系统(ADS)等[4]。核技术是一门非常具有前景,值得深入研究和推广的综合性交叉学科。 展开更多
关键词 核技术 科技进步 消毒灭菌 电子加速器 核农学 检测设备 医学领域 核谱学
新形势下对博物馆消防安全动态管理的分析 被引量:6
作者 葛永帅 《消防界(电子版)》 2022年第21期15-17,共3页
新形势下,博物馆的火灾隐患问题越来越受到关注,采取动态化管理措施对目前管理方案进行升级尤为重要,是提高管理效能,确保消防安全的关键。文章首先对博物馆消防安全管理的重要意义进行解读,提出动态化管理可降低博物馆火灾发生率的观点... 新形势下,博物馆的火灾隐患问题越来越受到关注,采取动态化管理措施对目前管理方案进行升级尤为重要,是提高管理效能,确保消防安全的关键。文章首先对博物馆消防安全管理的重要意义进行解读,提出动态化管理可降低博物馆火灾发生率的观点,其次分析了博物馆消防安全管理存在的隐患,具体包括安全意识不足、监控手段落后、灭火设施维护不到位、消防管理制度不健全等,最后根据上述隐患,制定了基于博物馆消防安全的动态化管理措施,以全面提升火灾风险因素的识别能力,为博物馆的消防安全管理作出有益贡献。 展开更多
关键词 博物馆 消防安全 动态管理
作者 朱佩平 廖可梁 +2 位作者 何其利 罗亮 葛永帅 《中国体视学与图像分析》 2022年第4期334-354,共21页
X射线相位衬度成像是近年来发展迅速的X射线成像技术,由于其对低密度物体的成像能力优于传统的X射吸收衬度成像方法,在过去的30年中吸引了广泛的研究兴趣。本文对X射线相位衬度成像进行一次追根溯源的回顾,目的是从基础理论到成像方法,... X射线相位衬度成像是近年来发展迅速的X射线成像技术,由于其对低密度物体的成像能力优于传统的X射吸收衬度成像方法,在过去的30年中吸引了广泛的研究兴趣。本文对X射线相位衬度成像进行一次追根溯源的回顾,目的是从基础理论到成像方法,搞清楚X射线相位衬度成像的来龙去脉,在此基础上梳理已经发展的各种方法和近年来的新进展,分析不同方法之间的比较优势,力图从中洞察出可能的发展潜力,展望X射线相位衬度成像未来的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 相位衬度 显微成像 医学成像
作者 葛永帅 吴延峰 +3 位作者 张翠 韩星 陈铭 张龙 《河南科技》 2021年第4期56-59,共4页
汽车作为重要的代步工具,为人们的出行提供了极大的方便,但是,随之而来的晕车发生率呈不断上升的趋势。本文针对乘客在汽车加速、转向、制动等工况下的运动刺激和乘客自身感觉冲突等晕动症诱发因素,设计一种体感视觉综合防晕车座椅自主... 汽车作为重要的代步工具,为人们的出行提供了极大的方便,但是,随之而来的晕车发生率呈不断上升的趋势。本文针对乘客在汽车加速、转向、制动等工况下的运动刺激和乘客自身感觉冲突等晕动症诱发因素,设计一种体感视觉综合防晕车座椅自主平衡装置。该装置依靠座椅减震器和自动控制系统保持竖直和水平方向上的体感平衡,借助头戴式显示设备使得内耳前庭感受器与视觉感受到的信息一致,保持体感与视觉的协同平衡,从而达到综合防晕车的效果。 展开更多
关键词 晕动症 防晕车座椅 阻尼可调节式减震器 头戴式显示设备
作者 葛永帅 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2021年第23期168-170,共3页
关键词 博物馆 安防系统 建设现状 发展趋势
利用ICCD定位宇宙线来测量探测器时间分辨的方法研究 被引量:1
作者 吕绮雯 郑阳恒 +16 位作者 田彩星 刘福虎 蔡啸 方建 高龙 葛永帅 刘颖彪 孙丽君 孙希磊 牛顺利 王志刚 谢宇广 薛镇 俞伯祥 章爱武 胡涛 吕军光 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期124-130,共7页
本研究采用双层150 mm×150 mm闪烁条阵列定位宇宙线的入射和出射位置.阵列信号光使用波移光纤吸收传输,在ICCD相机前插入前置像增强器,使信号光延迟大于200 ns,使ICCD可以由外部高速触发信号控制,有效记录随机触发事例.该宇宙线定... 本研究采用双层150 mm×150 mm闪烁条阵列定位宇宙线的入射和出射位置.阵列信号光使用波移光纤吸收传输,在ICCD相机前插入前置像增强器,使信号光延迟大于200 ns,使ICCD可以由外部高速触发信号控制,有效记录随机触发事例.该宇宙线定位系统可以同时多点密集测量通用探测器测试平台的时间分辨和闪烁光的渡越时间.该新方法与传统时间分辨测量方法相比提高了30倍以上的效率.实验结果显示:时间探测器的时间分辨好于200 ps,满足通用探测器测试平台的设计要求. 展开更多
关键词 ICCD 宇宙线定位 时间探测器 时间分辨
A novel 2-dimensional cosmic ray position detector based on a CsI(Na) pixel array and an ICCD camera
作者 葛永帅 王志刚 +14 位作者 俞伯祥 谢宇广 章爱武 薛镇 刘颖彪 高龙 牛顺利 蔡啸 方建 孙希磊 吕绮雯 宁飞鹏 周莉 胡涛 吕军光 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第11期1101-1105,共5页
A novel 2-D cosmic ray position detector has been built and studied. It is integrated from a CsI(Na) crystal pixel array, an optical fiber array, an image intensifier and an ICCD camera. The 2-D positions of one cos... A novel 2-D cosmic ray position detector has been built and studied. It is integrated from a CsI(Na) crystal pixel array, an optical fiber array, an image intensifier and an ICCD camera. The 2-D positions of one cosmic ray track is determined by the location of a fired CsI(Na) pixel. The scintillation light of these 1.0× 1.0 mm CsI(Na) pixels is delivered to the image intensifier through fibers. The light information is recorded in the ICCD camera in the form of images, from which the 2-D positions can be reconstructed. The background noise and cosmic ray images have been studied. The study shows that the cosmic ray detection efficiency can reach up to 11.4%, while the false accept rate is less than 1%. 展开更多
关键词 cosmic ray 2-D position CsI(Na) crystal pixel array optical fiber array image intensifier ICCD camera
Fast light of CsI(Na) crystals 被引量:2
作者 孙希磊 吕军光 +16 位作者 胡涛 周莉 曹俊 王贻芳 占亮 俞伯祥 蔡啸 方建 谢宇广 安正华 王志刚 薛镇 章爱武 吕绮雯 宁飞鹏 葛永帅 刘颖彪 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1130-1133,共4页
The responses of different common alkali halide crystals to alpha-rays and gamma-rays are tested in this research. It is found that only CsI(Na) crystals have significantly different waveforms between alpha and gamm... The responses of different common alkali halide crystals to alpha-rays and gamma-rays are tested in this research. It is found that only CsI(Na) crystals have significantly different waveforms between alpha and gamma scintillations, while others do not exhibit this phenomena. The rise time of the fast light is about 5 ns and the decay time is 174-12 ns. It is suggested that the fast light of CsI(Na) crystals arises from the recombination of free electrons with self-trapped holes of the host crystal CsI. Self-absorption limits the emission of fast light of CsI(T1) and NaI(T1) crystals. 展开更多
Attenuation length measurements of a liquid scintillator with LabVIEW and reliability evaluation of the device 被引量:2
作者 高龙 俞伯祥 +17 位作者 丁雅韵 周莉 温良剑 谢宇广 王志刚 蔡啸 孙希磊 方建 薛镇 章爱武 吕绮雯 孙丽君 葛永帅 刘颖彪 牛顺利 胡涛 曹俊 吕军光 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第7期47-51,共5页
An attenuation length measurement device was constructed using an oscilloscope and LabVIEW for signal acquisition and processing. The performance of the device has been tested in a variety of ways. The test results sh... An attenuation length measurement device was constructed using an oscilloscope and LabVIEW for signal acquisition and processing. The performance of the device has been tested in a variety of ways. The test results show that the set-up has a good stability and high precision (sigma/mean reached 0.4 percent). Besides, the accuracy of the measurement system will decrease by about 17 percent if a filter is used. The attenuation length of a gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillator (Gd-LS) was measured as 15.1±0.35 m where Gd-LS was heavily used in the Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment. In addition, one method based on the Beer-Lambert law was proposed to investigate the reliability of the measurement device, the R-square reached 0.9995. Moreover, three purification methods for Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) production were compared in the experiment. 展开更多
关键词 attenuation length liquid scintillator (LS) Beer-Lambert law LABVIEW
Experimental study of a THGEM detector with mini-rims 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Ai-Wu YU Bo-Xiang +15 位作者 XIE Yu-Guang LIU Hong-Bang AN Zheng-Hua WANG Zhi-Cang CAI Xiao SUN Xi-Lei SHI Feng FANG Jian XUE Zhen LÜQi-Wen SUN Li-Jun GE Yong-Shuai LIU Ying-Biao HU Tao ZHOU Li LÜJun-Guang 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期142-145,共4页
The gas gain and energy resolution of single and double THGEM detectors (5 cm×5 cm effective area) with mini-rims (rim less than 10 um) were studied. The maximum gain was found to reach 5×103 and 2 ×... The gas gain and energy resolution of single and double THGEM detectors (5 cm×5 cm effective area) with mini-rims (rim less than 10 um) were studied. The maximum gain was found to reach 5×103 and 2 × 105 for single and double THGEMs respectively, while the energy resolution for 5.9 keV X-rays varied from 18% to 28% for both single and double THGEM detectors of different hole sizes and thicknesses. Different combinations were also investigated of noble gases (argon, neon) mixed with a quantity of other gases (isobutane, methane) at atmospheric pressure. 展开更多
关键词 THGEM gas gain energy resolution mini-rim
Performance of MPPC at low temperature 被引量:1
作者 安正华 吕军光 +16 位作者 石峰 胡涛 蔡啸 俞伯祥 方建 谢宇广 王志刚 薛镇 孙希磊 吕绮雯 章爱武 宁飞鹏 周莉 孙丽君 葛永帅 刘颖彪 吴冲 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第7期633-638,共6页
The performance of a MultiPixel Photon Counter (MPPC) from room to liquid nitrogen tem- peratures were studied. The gain, the noise rate and bias voltage of the MPPC as a function of temperature were obtained. The e... The performance of a MultiPixel Photon Counter (MPPC) from room to liquid nitrogen tem- peratures were studied. The gain, the noise rate and bias voltage of the MPPC as a function of temperature were obtained. The experimental results show that the MPPC can work at low temperatures. At nearly liquid nitrogen temperatures, the gain of the MPPC drops obviously to 35% and the bias voltage drops about 9 V compared with that at room temperature. The thermal noise rate from 106 Hz/mm at room temperature drops abruptly to 0 Hz/mm at -100℃. The optimized operation point can be acquired by the experiment. 展开更多
关键词 silicon photomultiplier MPPC low temperature gain noise rate
Performance study of a micro-pattern gas detector: leak microstructure 被引量:1
作者 章爱武 谢宇广 +17 位作者 俞伯祥 安正华 王志刚 蔡啸 孙希磊 石峰 方建 薛镇 吕绮雯 孙丽君 葛永帅 刘颖彪 刘宏邦 郑阳恒 谢一冈 胡涛 周莉 吕军光 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第10期985-990,共6页
A micro-pattern gas detector named leak microstructure (LM) has been studied. A new chemical electrolytic technique is introduced to make perfect shaped LM needles with very sharp tips, and this method may be develo... A micro-pattern gas detector named leak microstructure (LM) has been studied. A new chemical electrolytic technique is introduced to make perfect shaped LM needles with very sharp tips, and this method may be developed to make LM array detectors in batches. The experimental results are presented for both a single needle LM detector and a small LM array detector. The gas gain is up to 105 by calculation from the waveform. Good gain stability and uniformity are achieved. The light emission from the needle tip is also measured in Ar/CF4 (95/5) gas mixture. The result shows a promising application for imaging. 展开更多
关键词 leak microstructure (LM) electrolytic technique gas gain light emission
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