Pn velocity lateral variation and anisotropy images were reconstructed by adding about 50 000 travel times from the regional seismic networks to the datum set of near 40 000 travel times from National Seismic Network ...Pn velocity lateral variation and anisotropy images were reconstructed by adding about 50 000 travel times from the regional seismic networks to the datum set of near 40 000 travel times from National Seismic Network of China used by WANG, et al. We discussed the relation of Pn velocity variation to Moho depth, Earths heat flow, distribution of Cenozoic volcanic rock and the result of rock experiment under high pressure and high temperature. The result of quantitative analysis indicates that Pn velocity is positively correlated with the crust thickness and negatively correlated with the Earths heat flow. Two linear regression equations, one between Pn velocity and crust thickness, and the other between Pn velocity and heat flow, were obtained. The rate of variation of Pn veloc-ity vP with pressure P, Pv/p, estimated from the velocity variation with crust thickness Hv/p, is close to the result obtained from the rock experiment under high pressure and high temperature. If the effect of crust thick-ness on Pn velocity is deducted from the velocity variation, then the low Pn velocity beneath Qinghai-Xizang pla-teau is more notable. The low Pn velocity regions well agree with the Cenozoic volcanic rock. In the several re-gions with significant anisotropy, the direction of fast Pn velocity is consistent with the orientation of maximum principal crustal compressive stress, and also with the direction of present-day crustal movement. It indicates that the fast Pn velocity direction may be related to the deformation or flow of top mantle material along the direction of maximum pressure.展开更多
为系统、深入地研究中国西部盆(盆地)、山(山脉)、原(高原)的壳幔结构与深部动力学过程,2003年我们提出并领导实施了“羚羊计划”(ANTILOPE-Array Network of Tibetan International Lithospheric Observation and Probe Experiments),...为系统、深入地研究中国西部盆(盆地)、山(山脉)、原(高原)的壳幔结构与深部动力学过程,2003年我们提出并领导实施了“羚羊计划”(ANTILOPE-Array Network of Tibetan International Lithospheric Observation and Probe Experiments),在青藏高原先后完成了羚羊-I(ANTILOPE-I)到羚羊-IV(ANTILOPE-IV)4条二维宽频带台阵剖面,而在青藏高原东西构造结则实施了羚羊-V和羚羊-VI两个三维宽频带台阵探测。另外,我们将前期在准噶尔盆地、天山造山带、塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地开展的九条综合地球物理观测剖面也纳入羚羊计划的总体框架中来。通过“羚羊计划”的实施,我们在中国西部(包括西北部的环青藏高原盆山体系以及西南部的青藏高原)取得了大量的、高质量的、综合的第一手观测数据,获得了中国西部盆、山、原精细的壳幔结构,系统地揭示了中国西部盆山原的深部地球动力学过程。主要结论总结如下:确定了准噶尔盆地基底的结构与属性,优化了盆地的基底构造格架;建立了天山造山带“层间插入削减”新的陆内造山模式,揭示了印欧碰撞在天山岩石圈缩短44%的去向以及由洋陆俯冲到陆陆碰撞俯冲的转换机制;揭示了塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地的盆山接触关系;获得了塔里木盆地顺时针旋转的深部几何学、运动学和动力学证据;确定了青藏高原之下印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞边界;发现目前的青藏高原由南部的印度板块、北部的欧亚板块和夹持于二者之间的巨型破碎区——西藏“板块”构成,首次确定了各自的岩石圈底边界;修正了高原变形的两个端员模型;建立了深部构造对地表地形的制约关系;系统地揭示了印度板块沿喜马拉雅造山带俯冲的水平距离与俯冲角度的变化规律与控制因素。“羚羊计划”以其巨大的观测网络与综合地球物理探测技术,采用地球物理学、地质学、地球化学等不同学科相结合的分析方法,揭示了印度板块俯冲、西藏巨型破碎区发育、塔里木板块顺时针旋转、西部水汽通道提前关闭、中国西北部干旱、沙漠化提前这一深部结构、动力学过程及其对地表地形、油气资源和环境变化的制约关系,推动了青藏高原地球系统科学理论的发展。展开更多
基金State Key Basic Research Project of Development and Programming Mechanism and Prediction of Continental Strong Earthquakes (G1998040700).
文摘Pn velocity lateral variation and anisotropy images were reconstructed by adding about 50 000 travel times from the regional seismic networks to the datum set of near 40 000 travel times from National Seismic Network of China used by WANG, et al. We discussed the relation of Pn velocity variation to Moho depth, Earths heat flow, distribution of Cenozoic volcanic rock and the result of rock experiment under high pressure and high temperature. The result of quantitative analysis indicates that Pn velocity is positively correlated with the crust thickness and negatively correlated with the Earths heat flow. Two linear regression equations, one between Pn velocity and crust thickness, and the other between Pn velocity and heat flow, were obtained. The rate of variation of Pn veloc-ity vP with pressure P, Pv/p, estimated from the velocity variation with crust thickness Hv/p, is close to the result obtained from the rock experiment under high pressure and high temperature. If the effect of crust thick-ness on Pn velocity is deducted from the velocity variation, then the low Pn velocity beneath Qinghai-Xizang pla-teau is more notable. The low Pn velocity regions well agree with the Cenozoic volcanic rock. In the several re-gions with significant anisotropy, the direction of fast Pn velocity is consistent with the orientation of maximum principal crustal compressive stress, and also with the direction of present-day crustal movement. It indicates that the fast Pn velocity direction may be related to the deformation or flow of top mantle material along the direction of maximum pressure.
文摘为系统、深入地研究中国西部盆(盆地)、山(山脉)、原(高原)的壳幔结构与深部动力学过程,2003年我们提出并领导实施了“羚羊计划”(ANTILOPE-Array Network of Tibetan International Lithospheric Observation and Probe Experiments),在青藏高原先后完成了羚羊-I(ANTILOPE-I)到羚羊-IV(ANTILOPE-IV)4条二维宽频带台阵剖面,而在青藏高原东西构造结则实施了羚羊-V和羚羊-VI两个三维宽频带台阵探测。另外,我们将前期在准噶尔盆地、天山造山带、塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地开展的九条综合地球物理观测剖面也纳入羚羊计划的总体框架中来。通过“羚羊计划”的实施,我们在中国西部(包括西北部的环青藏高原盆山体系以及西南部的青藏高原)取得了大量的、高质量的、综合的第一手观测数据,获得了中国西部盆、山、原精细的壳幔结构,系统地揭示了中国西部盆山原的深部地球动力学过程。主要结论总结如下:确定了准噶尔盆地基底的结构与属性,优化了盆地的基底构造格架;建立了天山造山带“层间插入削减”新的陆内造山模式,揭示了印欧碰撞在天山岩石圈缩短44%的去向以及由洋陆俯冲到陆陆碰撞俯冲的转换机制;揭示了塔里木盆地、阿尔金造山带和柴达木盆地的盆山接触关系;获得了塔里木盆地顺时针旋转的深部几何学、运动学和动力学证据;确定了青藏高原之下印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞边界;发现目前的青藏高原由南部的印度板块、北部的欧亚板块和夹持于二者之间的巨型破碎区——西藏“板块”构成,首次确定了各自的岩石圈底边界;修正了高原变形的两个端员模型;建立了深部构造对地表地形的制约关系;系统地揭示了印度板块沿喜马拉雅造山带俯冲的水平距离与俯冲角度的变化规律与控制因素。“羚羊计划”以其巨大的观测网络与综合地球物理探测技术,采用地球物理学、地质学、地球化学等不同学科相结合的分析方法,揭示了印度板块俯冲、西藏巨型破碎区发育、塔里木板块顺时针旋转、西部水汽通道提前关闭、中国西北部干旱、沙漠化提前这一深部结构、动力学过程及其对地表地形、油气资源和环境变化的制约关系,推动了青藏高原地球系统科学理论的发展。