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作者 赵亚儒 《华夏教师》 2024年第3期102-104,共3页
党史教育是青少年思想道德建设的重要组成部分,对于培养他们的爱国情怀、坚定理想信念具有重要意义。将党史教育融入中小学思政课教学中,不仅可以丰富教学内容,提高教学效果,也有助于培养学生的历史观念和国家观念。然而,当前在实际操... 党史教育是青少年思想道德建设的重要组成部分,对于培养他们的爱国情怀、坚定理想信念具有重要意义。将党史教育融入中小学思政课教学中,不仅可以丰富教学内容,提高教学效果,也有助于培养学生的历史观念和国家观念。然而,当前在实际操作中还存在一些问题,如融合方式单一、师资力量不足等,这些问题都需要我们进一步研究和解决。本文旨在探讨如何更好地将党史教育融入中小学思政课教学中,以提高教育质量和效果。 展开更多
关键词 党史教育 中小学 思政课 融合方式
作者 赵亚儒 邢立三 雷蕾 《甘肃教育》 2024年第5期19-23,共5页
思想政治理论课是落实立德树人根本任务的关键课程,把党的二十大精神融入中小学“大思政课”对实现立德树人总目标、保证社会主义办学方向、落实课程标准和根本任务有重要意义。文章探索以推进大中小学思政课一体化、上好专题课程及打... 思想政治理论课是落实立德树人根本任务的关键课程,把党的二十大精神融入中小学“大思政课”对实现立德树人总目标、保证社会主义办学方向、落实课程标准和根本任务有重要意义。文章探索以推进大中小学思政课一体化、上好专题课程及打造主题教育活动等为抓手,在教育教学全过程中讲好党的二十大精神,是学习贯彻党的二十大精神的重要渠道。 展开更多
关键词 党的二十大精神 大思政课 实施路径
作者 赵连越 赵亚儒 《社科纵横》 2024年第1期116-123,共8页
佛之辨广泛涉及心性论、本体论、功夫论、伦理观等哲学基本问题,但受限于两教内部复杂之理论系统,遗留下“两教教间批判的不彻底”“同教教内批判的失当”“两教未能真正的会通”三方面的理论困境,这三方面的理论困境也是未能明确地建... 佛之辨广泛涉及心性论、本体论、功夫论、伦理观等哲学基本问题,但受限于两教内部复杂之理论系统,遗留下“两教教间批判的不彻底”“同教教内批判的失当”“两教未能真正的会通”三方面的理论困境,这三方面的理论困境也是未能明确地建立一能代表儒佛同异的纵贯性的判定基准所致。近代,牟宗三从“体用”视角入手,在儒家,他以儒家道德性的“本心性体”为基点而建立起“实体性”“纵贯创生”的体用论;在佛家,通对“般若系”“阿赖耶缘起”“真如心缘起”“天台圆教”体用思想的诠释而建立起佛家“缘起性空”“流转还灭”的“虚紧无碍”的非体用的体用。体用论之异也成为牟宗三分判儒佛的基准性原则,在此基础上我们可对学术史上儒佛之辨所遗留的难题予以回应。 展开更多
关键词 儒佛之辨 牟宗三 体用论 实体创生 流转还灭
从《周易· 困》卦看君子的“处穷守德” 被引量:2
作者 赵亚儒 《今古文创》 2020年第44期13-14,共2页
关键词 《困》卦 辩证穷理 德性修养
站在新起点 开启新征程——金昌市教育高质量发展综述
作者 赵亚儒 《甘肃教育》 2023年第17期6-9,共4页
教育是国之大计、党之大计。长期以来,金昌市把优先发展教育事业作为各项事业发展的重要“先手棋”,推进教育高质量发展,努力办好人民满意的教育。“回顾教育发展历程,金昌市抓改革、破难题,促公平、提质量、保复学,实现了金昌教育发展... 教育是国之大计、党之大计。长期以来,金昌市把优先发展教育事业作为各项事业发展的重要“先手棋”,推进教育高质量发展,努力办好人民满意的教育。“回顾教育发展历程,金昌市抓改革、破难题,促公平、提质量、保复学,实现了金昌教育发展新突破,开启了教育高质量发展新征程。教育管理体制不断完善,贫困学生、外来务工人员随迁子女、残疾少年儿童入学得到有效保障,控辍保学成果持续巩固,学生资助实现全学段全覆盖。尤其在教育优质均衡发展阶段,金川区、永昌县先后通过国家义务教育基本均衡县验收,在全省率先消除大班额,率先开展课后服务。”金昌市教育局副局长张力强说。 展开更多
关键词 教育局副局长 国家义务教育 教育管理体制 教育发展历程 学生资助 大班额 贫困学生 控辍保学
打造思政“金课” 奏响育人强音——金昌市思政课改革综述
作者 赵亚儒 贠艳红 《甘肃教育》 2022年第12期8-9,共2页
近年来,金昌教育系统认真贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,持续深化思政课改革创新,擦亮“红底色”、用好“活教材”、开创“新方式”、开展“大教研”、打造“金课群”,把“大思政课”讲得有深度、有力度、有温度,教育引导学生感党... 近年来,金昌教育系统认真贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,持续深化思政课改革创新,擦亮“红底色”、用好“活教材”、开创“新方式”、开展“大教研”、打造“金课群”,把“大思政课”讲得有深度、有力度、有温度,教育引导学生感党恩、听党话、跟党走,自觉把爱国情、强国志、报国行融入全面建设社会主义现代化强国的伟大奋斗之中,争做担当民族复兴大任的“国之大才”。 展开更多
关键词 思政课改革 课群 社会主义现代化强国 爱国情 习近平总书记重要讲话精神 “大教研” 育人 金昌市
作者 赵亚儒 《甘肃教育》 2021年第13期14-15,共2页
金昌市教育系统聚焦青少年群体,贴近青少年需求,以“五突出”“五做到”抓实青少年党史学习教育,推动党史学习教育进校园、进课堂,引导广大青少年自觉坚持党的领导,听党话、跟党走,让红色基因、革命薪火代代传承。突出“读”字,做到“... 金昌市教育系统聚焦青少年群体,贴近青少年需求,以“五突出”“五做到”抓实青少年党史学习教育,推动党史学习教育进校园、进课堂,引导广大青少年自觉坚持党的领导,听党话、跟党走,让红色基因、革命薪火代代传承。突出“读”字,做到“沉浸式”学习金昌市各学校积极开展读党史、诵经典活动,丰富青少年党史学习教育形式。组织开展“青春心向党·少年颂华章”诗歌朗诵会,将党史故事融入朗诵全过程,抒发青少年对党的热爱,增强其爱党、爱国、爱社会主义的朴素情感。 展开更多
关键词 心向 诗歌朗诵会 沉浸式 青少年群体 党史学习 朴素情感 入脑入心 多样化学习
作者 赵亚儒 《内江科技》 2021年第4期36-37,共2页
科学精神是核心素养的重要组成部分,物理学史中蕴含了许多科学家在探索自然的过程中表现出来的求真、创造、奉献、批判和怀疑的科学精神和态度,在原子物理教学中结合物理学史的讲授一方面可以激发学生的学习兴趣,另一方面可以培养学生... 科学精神是核心素养的重要组成部分,物理学史中蕴含了许多科学家在探索自然的过程中表现出来的求真、创造、奉献、批判和怀疑的科学精神和态度,在原子物理教学中结合物理学史的讲授一方面可以激发学生的学习兴趣,另一方面可以培养学生的科学思维能力和科学精神,对培养学生的核心素养具有非常重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 核心素养 物理学史 原子物理 科学思维能力 激发学生的学习兴趣 教学中的作用 探索自然
构建班级认同 助力学生成长
作者 赵亚儒 《发明与创新(初中生)》 2020年第2期134-134,共1页
班级认同即班级成员从态度或是行为方面对组织表现出的一致性倾向。较强的班级认同能凝聚力量、营造优良的班级氛围,促进学生进步。班级管理中,可通过多种方式,留意“特殊”学生,给予合理关怀,达成生存性认同;制定班级价值目标及制度,... 班级认同即班级成员从态度或是行为方面对组织表现出的一致性倾向。较强的班级认同能凝聚力量、营造优良的班级氛围,促进学生进步。班级管理中,可通过多种方式,留意“特殊”学生,给予合理关怀,达成生存性认同;制定班级价值目标及制度,取得价值共识,达成归属性认同;开展小组合作,激励成员互助、促使共同成长,实现成功性认同。同时,以学生行为检视班级认同强弱,并反思改进,以强化认同,提升班级凝聚力,为学生发展提供良好场域。 展开更多
关键词 班级认同 关怀 班级价值 小组合作
New crystal structure and physical properties of TcB from first-principles calculations 被引量:1
作者 张刚台 白婷婷 +1 位作者 闫海燕 赵亚儒 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期366-372,共7页
By combining first-principles calculations with the particle swarm optimization algorithm, we predicted a hexagonal Pˉ3m1 structure for Tc B, which is energetically more favorable than the previously reported WC-type... By combining first-principles calculations with the particle swarm optimization algorithm, we predicted a hexagonal Pˉ3m1 structure for Tc B, which is energetically more favorable than the previously reported WC-type and Cmcm structures.The new phase is mechanically and dynamically stable, as confirmed by its phonon and elastic constants calculations.The calculated mechanical properties show that it is an ultra-incompressible and hard material. Meanwhile, the elastic anisotropy is investigated by the shear anisotropic factors and ratio of the directional bulk modulus. Density of states analysis reveals that the strong covalent bonding between Tc and B atoms plays a leading role in forming a hard material. Additionally, the compressibility, bulk modulus, Debye temperature, Gruneisen parameter, specific heat, and thermal expansion coefficient of Tc B are also successfully obtained by using the quasi-harmonic Debye model. 展开更多
关键词 TcB structure prediction ultra-incompressible material thermodynamic properities
Probing structural and electronic properties of divalent metal Mg_(n+1) and SrMgn (n=2–12) clusters and their anions 被引量:1
作者 Song-Guo Xi Qing-Yang Li +5 位作者 Yan-Fei Hu Yu-Quan Yuan Ya-Ru Zhao Jun-Jie Yuan Meng-Chun Li Yu-Jie Yang 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期465-471,共7页
Divalent metal clusters have received great attention due to the interesting size-induced nonmetal-to-metal transition and fascinating properties dependent on cluster size,shape,and doping.In this work,the combination... Divalent metal clusters have received great attention due to the interesting size-induced nonmetal-to-metal transition and fascinating properties dependent on cluster size,shape,and doping.In this work,the combination of the CALYPSO code and density functional theory(DFT)optimization is employed to explore the structural properties of neutral and anionic Mg_(n+1) and SrMgn(n=2-12)clusters.The results exhibit that as the atomic number of Mg increases,Sr atoms are more likely to replace Mg atoms located in the skeleton convex cap.By analyzing the binding energy,second-order energy difference and the charge transfer,it can be found the SrMg9 cluster with tower framework presents outstanding stability in a studied size range.Further,bonding characteristic analysis reveals that the stability of SrMg9 can be improved due to the strong s-p interaction among the atomic orbitals of Sr and Mg atoms. 展开更多
关键词 SrMgn(n=2-12)clusters CALYPSO code density functional theory(DFT)optimization
强化校内课后服务涵养学校育人生态——金昌市第三小学推进“五项管理”工作综述 被引量:1
作者 刘金霞 赵亚儒 《甘肃教育》 2022年第10期10-12,共3页
关键词 学校育人 体育大课间活动 工作综述 五年级 金昌市 小学校 校内
Ground-state structure determination and mechanical properties of palladium seminitride
作者 张刚台 白婷婷 +1 位作者 赵亚儒 卢成 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期431-435,共5页
Combining first-principles calculations with the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, we have explored the ground-state structure of Pd2N, whose structure is in debate although it is the first synthesized bi... Combining first-principles calculations with the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, we have explored the ground-state structure of Pd2N, whose structure is in debate although it is the first synthesized binary platinum group nitride. The ground-state structure is predicted to be tetragonal with space group P^-4m2, which is energetically more favorable than the previously proposed orthorhombic Co2N-type structure. The stability is confirmed by the subsequent calculations on the phonon dispersion curves and elastic constants. Furthermore, the calculated mechanical properties indicate that Pd2N has low incompressibility and is a common hard material. 展开更多
关键词 Pd2N particle swarm optimization algorithm ground-state structure first-principles calculations
A comparative study on geometries,stabilities,and electronic properties between bimetallic Ag_nX(X=Au,Cu; n=1-8) and pure silver clusters
作者 丁利苹 邝小渝 +2 位作者 邵鹏 赵亚儒 李艳芳 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期262-271,共10页
Using the meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) exchange correlation TPSS functional, the geo-metric structures, the relative stabilities, and the electronic properties of bimetallic AgnX (X=Au, Cu; n=... Using the meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) exchange correlation TPSS functional, the geo-metric structures, the relative stabilities, and the electronic properties of bimetallic AgnX (X=Au, Cu; n=1-8) clusters are systematically investigated and compared with those of pure silver clusters. The optimized structures show that the transition point from preferentially planar to three-dimensional structure occurs at n = 6 for the AgnAu clusters, and at n = 5 for AgnCu clusters. For different-sized AgnX clusters, one X (X=Au or Cu) atom substituted Agn+l structure is a dominant growth pattern. The calculated fragmentation energies, second-order differences in energies, and the highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO LUMO) energy gaps show interesting odd-even oscillation behaviours, indicating that Ag2,4,6,s and Agl,3,5,7X (X=Au, Cu) clusters keep high stabilities in comparison with their neighbouring clusters. The natural population analysis reveals that the charges transfer from the Agn host to the impurity atom except for the Ag2Cu cluster. Moreover, vertical ionization potential (VIP), vertical electronic affinity (VEA), and chemical hardness (η) are discussed and compared in depth. The same odd even oscillations are found for the VIP and η of the AgnX (X=Au, Cu; n=1-8) clusters. 展开更多
关键词 AgnX (X=Au Cu) clusters geometric structure meta-GGA exchange correlation functional
Probing the effects of lithium doping on structures, properties, and stabilities of magnesium cluster anions
作者 张小义 赵亚儒 +4 位作者 李红星 成凯格 刘子锐 刘芷萍 何航 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第6期395-403,共9页
Bimetallic clusters have aroused tremendous interest because the property changes like structure,size,and composition have occurred.Herein,a structural search of the global minimum for anionic LiMg_(n)^(-)(n=2-11) clu... Bimetallic clusters have aroused tremendous interest because the property changes like structure,size,and composition have occurred.Herein,a structural search of the global minimum for anionic LiMg_(n)^(-)(n=2-11) clusters is performed using an efficient crystal structure analysis by particle swarm optimization(CALYPSO) structural searching program with subsequent density functional theory(DFT) calculations.A great variety of low energetic isomers are converged,and the most stable ones are confirmed by comparing their total energy of each size.It is found that the LiMg_(n)^(-)clusters are structurally consistent with corresponding Mg clusters anions except for LiMg_(5)^(-)and LiMg_(7)^(-).In all the doped clusters,the Li atom prefers to occupy the convex position.Simulated photoelectron spectra(PES),Infrared(IR),and Raman spectra of LiMg_(n)^(-)could be used as an essential evidence for identifying cluster structures experimentally in the future.Stability study reveals that a tower-like structure of LiMg_(9)^(-)has prominent stability and can be identified as a magic number cluster.The reason might be that there are both closed-shell 1S^(2)1P^(6)1D^(10)2S^(2) electronic configurations and stronger Li-Mg bonds caused by sp hybridization in the LiMg_(9)^(-)cluster. 展开更多
关键词 LiMg_(n)^(-)clusters crystal structure analysis by particle swarm optimization(CALYPSO) STRUCTURES electronic properties
A density functional theory structures, stabilities, and study on size-dependent electronic properties of bimetallic MnAgm (M=Na, Li; n + m ≤ 7) clusters
作者 孙浩然 邝小渝 +2 位作者 李艳芳 邵鹏 赵亚儒 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期202-210,共9页
The equilibrium geometries, relative stabilities, and electronic properties of MnAgm(M=Na, Li; n + m ≤ 7) as well as pure Agn, Nan, Lin (n ≤ 7) clusters are systematically investigated by means of the density f... The equilibrium geometries, relative stabilities, and electronic properties of MnAgm(M=Na, Li; n + m ≤ 7) as well as pure Agn, Nan, Lin (n ≤ 7) clusters are systematically investigated by means of the density functional theory. The optimized geometries reveal that for 2 ≤ n ≤ 7, there are significant similarities in geometry among pure Agn, Nan, and Lin clusters, and the transitions from planar to three-dimensional configurations occur at n = 7, 7, and 6, respectively. In contrast, the first three-dimensional (3D) structures are observed at n + m = 5 for both NanAgm and LinAgm clusters. When n + m ≥5, a striking feature is that the trigonal bipyramid becomes the main subunit of LinAgm. Furthermore, dramatic odd-even alternative behaviours are obtained in the fragmentation energies, secondorder difference energies, highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy gaps, and chemical hardness for both pure and doped clusters. The analytic results exhibit that clusters with an even electronic configuration (2, 4, 6) possess the weakest chemical reactivity and more enhanced stability. 展开更多
关键词 MnAgm (M=Na Li) clusters density functional theory relative stability
Geometries, stabilities, and electronic properties of Be-doped gold clusters: a density functional theory study
作者 陈冬冬 邝小渝 +2 位作者 赵亚儒 邵鹏 李艳芳 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期230-236,共7页
We have systematically investigated the geometrical structures, relative stabilities and electronic properties of small bimetallic AunBe (n = 1, 2, . .. 8) clusters using a density functional method at BP86 level. T... We have systematically investigated the geometrical structures, relative stabilities and electronic properties of small bimetallic AunBe (n = 1, 2, . .. 8) clusters using a density functional method at BP86 level. The optimized geometries reveal that the impurity beryllium atom dramatically affects the structures of the Aun clusters. The averaged binding energies, fragmentation energies, second-order difference of energies, the highest occupied-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy gaps and chemical hardness are investigated, All of them exhibit a pronounced odd-even alternation, manifesting that the clusters with even number of gold atoms possess relatively higher stabilities. Especially, the linear Au2Be cluster is magic cluster with the most stable chemical stability. According to the natural population analysis, it is found that charge-transferring direction between Au atom and Be atom changes at the size of n = 4. 展开更多
关键词 AunBe clusters geometrical configuration density functional method
Effect of local structure on electron paramagnetic resonance spectra for trigonal [Cr(H_2O)_6]^(3+) coordination complex in the sulfate alums series:a ligand field theory study
作者 李艳芳 邝小渝 +2 位作者 高明亮 赵亚儒 王怀谦 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第7期2967-2974,共8页
A simple theoretical method is introduced for studying the interrelation between electronic and molecular structures.By diagonalizing the 120 × 120 complete energy matrices,the relationships between zero-field sp... A simple theoretical method is introduced for studying the interrelation between electronic and molecular structures.By diagonalizing the 120 × 120 complete energy matrices,the relationships between zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameter D and local distortion parameter △θ for Cr^3+ ions doped,separately,in α- and β- alums are investigated.Our results indicate that there exists an approximately linear relationship between D and △θ in a temperature range 4.2-297 K and the signs of D and △θ are opposite to each other.Moreover,in order to understand the contribution of spin-orbit coupling coefficient ζ to ZFS parameter D,the relation between D and ζ is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 complete energy matrices electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra local structure
作者 任洋 赵亚儒 《宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第2期60-64,75,共6页
目的设计具有超硬结构的硼铪化合物并研究其结构的稳定性、力学性质及电子性质。方法结合基于粒子群优化算法的晶体预测技术和基于密度泛函的第一性原理计算方法对Hf_(2)B_(5)晶体进行结构预测和物性计算。结果预测了一种六方相P6/m-Hf_... 目的设计具有超硬结构的硼铪化合物并研究其结构的稳定性、力学性质及电子性质。方法结合基于粒子群优化算法的晶体预测技术和基于密度泛函的第一性原理计算方法对Hf_(2)B_(5)晶体进行结构预测和物性计算。结果预测了一种六方相P6/m-Hf_(2)B_(5)结构,形成焓、声子谱、弹性常数计算结果表明该结构是热力学、动力学及力学稳定的,高的弹性常数和体弹模量以及小的泊松比说明这种结构具备超抗压缩性,电子态密度分析表明此结构中均存在强的B-B和Hf-B共价键。结论计算表明P6/m-Hf_(2)B_(5)的理论硬度高达37.6 GPa,是一种潜在的高硬度硬质材料。 展开更多
关键词 结构预测 Hf_(2)B_(5) 超硬材料 电子性质
作者 尹晓军 赵亚儒 《甘肃教育》 2022年第17期10-12,共3页
身穿藏蓝色的工作服,穿梭在数控车间各个机床间,一会儿在数控机床旁指导学生实践操作的要领,一会儿在电脑前和学生一同分析零件图样的绘图工艺……这是永昌职专数控铣工实训教师刘世攀和数控车工实训教师张长存指导学生进行数控实训操... 身穿藏蓝色的工作服,穿梭在数控车间各个机床间,一会儿在数控机床旁指导学生实践操作的要领,一会儿在电脑前和学生一同分析零件图样的绘图工艺……这是永昌职专数控铣工实训教师刘世攀和数控车工实训教师张长存指导学生进行数控实训操作的场景。职业教育打造工匠摇篮,技能大赛提升工匠技能。 展开更多
关键词 数控实训 数控车工实训 数控车间 数控铣工 实训教师 零件图样 数控机床 实践操作
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