acupuncture therapy was used as control. The result shows that the effect of treatment by acupuncure through Jiaji points with long needle is better than that of common acupuncrture therapy. There is a significant dif...acupuncture therapy was used as control. The result shows that the effect of treatment by acupuncure through Jiaji points with long needle is better than that of common acupuncrture therapy. There is a significant difference between them(P < 0.05)展开更多
针对转子不对中和滚动轴承微弱损伤的复合故障诊断问题,提出了一种基于平均经验算法(ensemble empirical mode decom—position,EEMD)和高效快速独立分量分析(efficient variant of Fast ICA,EFICA)的盲源分离故障诊断方法;利用EEMD算...针对转子不对中和滚动轴承微弱损伤的复合故障诊断问题,提出了一种基于平均经验算法(ensemble empirical mode decom—position,EEMD)和高效快速独立分量分析(efficient variant of Fast ICA,EFICA)的盲源分离故障诊断方法;利用EEMD算法将单通路复合故障信号分解成多个不同信号特征的本征模函数(intrinsic mode function,IMF),解决了盲源分离中的欠定问题;在此基础上利用EFICA算法对各个不同信号特征的IMF进行故障特征分离;通过仿真实验和转子实验台的实验结果,表明该算法可以有效分离出各个不同的故障特征。展开更多
文摘acupuncture therapy was used as control. The result shows that the effect of treatment by acupuncure through Jiaji points with long needle is better than that of common acupuncrture therapy. There is a significant difference between them(P < 0.05)
文摘针对转子不对中和滚动轴承微弱损伤的复合故障诊断问题,提出了一种基于平均经验算法(ensemble empirical mode decom—position,EEMD)和高效快速独立分量分析(efficient variant of Fast ICA,EFICA)的盲源分离故障诊断方法;利用EEMD算法将单通路复合故障信号分解成多个不同信号特征的本征模函数(intrinsic mode function,IMF),解决了盲源分离中的欠定问题;在此基础上利用EFICA算法对各个不同信号特征的IMF进行故障特征分离;通过仿真实验和转子实验台的实验结果,表明该算法可以有效分离出各个不同的故障特征。