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不同播期冬小麦小花发育特性与同化物代谢的相关性 被引量:21
作者 朱元刚 肖岩岩 +5 位作者 初金鹏 张秀 钤太峰 马鑫 代兴龙 贺明荣 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期370-381,共12页
【目的】推迟播期能够维持单位面积粒数已在前期研究中得到证实,本研究进一步探讨不同播种期冬小麦小花发育特征及分化、退化的差异性,分析植株同化物积累、分配与小花发育和结实的关系,旨在为提高小麦穗粒数以及丰富小麦高产栽培理论... 【目的】推迟播期能够维持单位面积粒数已在前期研究中得到证实,本研究进一步探讨不同播种期冬小麦小花发育特征及分化、退化的差异性,分析植株同化物积累、分配与小花发育和结实的关系,旨在为提高小麦穗粒数以及丰富小麦高产栽培理论提供参考。【方法】试验于2014—2015年和2015—2016年连续两个小麦生长季,在山东省泰安市岱岳区大汶口镇东武村山东农业大学试验田(35°57′N,117°3′E)进行,以泰农18和济麦22为试验材料,设置9月24日、10月1日、10月8日、10月15日和10月22日共5个播期处理,观察记载小花发育过程中分化和退化数量动态以及最终结实粒数,测定开花期穗部和茎秆的干物质和氮素积累量,计算小花退化阶段整株和穗部的干物质和氮素积累速率。【结果】播期推迟条件下,单位面积可孕花数和单位面积结实粒数获得了维持,单位面积最大分化小花数明显降低,小花存活率显著提高。推迟播期明显减少了小花退化数量,小花退化速率明显降低。在小花退化阶段,推迟播期加速了整株和穗部的干物质和氮素积累,从而为开花期穗干重的维持以及干重穗茎比和氮素穗茎比的提高提供了保证。相关分析表明,开花期单位面积可孕花数分别与穗干物重、干物重和氮积累量穗茎比、整株和穗的干物质和氮的积累速率以及小花存活率均呈极显著正相关。推迟播期明显减少了有效茎蘖和无效分蘖所产生的退化小花数,尤其无效分蘖产生的退化小花数下降幅度更加明显。提高主茎在群体中同化物所占比例能够有效维持单位面积可孕花数和减少退化小花数,降低了小花死亡消耗。此外,推迟播期提高了可孕花累积生长度日生产效率,降低了退化小花累积生长度日生产效率。【结论】推迟播期明显降低了小花的退化,从而提高了小花存活率,开花期单位面积可孕花数的维持与植株同化物代谢密切相关。适期晚播提高了主茎在群体中的比重,有利于减少无效消耗和提高资源利用效率。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 播期 小花发育 同化物代谢
播种方式与种植密度互作对大穗型小麦品种产量和氮素利用率的调控效应 被引量:57
作者 郑飞娜 初金鹏 +3 位作者 张秀 费立伟 代兴龙 贺明荣 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期423-431,共9页
为探明实现冬小麦进一步增产增效的调控途径,于2015—2016年和2016—2017年连续两个生长季,选用大穗型品种泰农18,设置2种播种方式(宽幅播种和常规条播)和7个种植密度(130×104、200×104、270×104、340×104、410... 为探明实现冬小麦进一步增产增效的调控途径,于2015—2016年和2016—2017年连续两个生长季,选用大穗型品种泰农18,设置2种播种方式(宽幅播种和常规条播)和7个种植密度(130×104、200×104、270×104、340×104、410×104、480×104和550×104株hm–2),研究了播种方式与种植密度互作对大穗型小麦品种产量和氮素利用率的调控效应。结果表明,与常规条播相比,宽幅播种配合增密能够有效缓解单位面积穗数增加与单穗粒重降低、氮素吸收效率提高与氮素内在利用效率下降之间的矛盾,通过增加单位面积穗数和氮素吸收效率协同提高籽粒产量和氮素利用率。宽幅播种条件下获得最高产量和氮素利用率的密度为410×104株hm–2,显著高于常规条播条件下的最优密度(340×104株hm–2),且其增产增效幅度亦显著高于常规条播。综上所述,宽幅播种配合合理密植具有进一步协同提高大穗型小麦品种产量和氮素利用率的潜力。在本试验条件下,宽幅播种(苗带宽8~10 cm)与410×104株hm–2密度相匹配是大穗型小麦品种泰农18获得更高产高效的最优组合。 展开更多
关键词 宽幅播种 种植密度 互作效应 产量 氮素利用率
宽幅播种对强筋小麦籽粒产量、品质和氮素吸收利用的影响 被引量:18
作者 刘运景 郑飞娜 +4 位作者 张秀 初金鹏 于海涛 代兴龙 贺明荣 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期716-725,共10页
宽幅播种与适宜种植密度合理组配能够提高小麦籽粒产量和氮素利用率。然而,在协同改善产量和氮素利用率的同时,宽幅播种对籽粒品质有何影响未见报道。本研究于2018—2019和2019—2020连续2个生长季,选用藁优5766、济麦44、泰山27、洲元9... 宽幅播种与适宜种植密度合理组配能够提高小麦籽粒产量和氮素利用率。然而,在协同改善产量和氮素利用率的同时,宽幅播种对籽粒品质有何影响未见报道。本研究于2018—2019和2019—2020连续2个生长季,选用藁优5766、济麦44、泰山27、洲元9369等4个强筋小麦品种,设置宽幅播种和常规条播2种播种方式,研究了宽幅播种对强筋小麦籽粒产量、品质和氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,宽幅播种条件下,主要得益于单位面积穗数的增加,4个强筋小麦品种的单位面积粒数平均增加13.16%,籽粒产量相应提高13.39%。与此同时,宽幅播种强化了整个生育期特别是花后氮素的吸收,整个生育期小麦植株氮素积累量平均增幅为10.29%,花后氮素吸收量平均增幅为36.83%,进而提高了氮素吸收效率和氮素利用率,平均增幅分别为12.73%、13.39%。整个生育期特别是花后氮素吸收的增加,保障了籽粒氮素供应,提高了单位面积籽粒氮积累量,且其提高幅度(平均增幅为13.38%)与单位面积粒数(平均增幅为13.16%)和籽粒产量(平均增幅为13.39%)的提高幅度相近,籽粒单粒含氮量和蛋白质含量得以保持不变,籽粒蛋白质构成和籽粒品质保持稳定。综上所述,宽幅播种在提高强筋小麦籽粒产量和氮素利用率的同时,能够通过优化产量形成过程与氮素吸收转运过程的耦合匹配,保持良好的籽粒品质。 展开更多
关键词 宽幅播种 强筋小麦 产量 品质 氮素利用率
播种方式与缓控释氮肥一次性基施对冬小麦干物质积累转运和产量的影响 被引量:12
作者 华一帆 秦际远 +6 位作者 王洁 张秀 初金鹏 郑飞娜 于海涛 贺明荣 代兴龙 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2185-2200,共16页
【目的】研究不同新型缓控释氮肥一次性施用在宽幅播种和常规条播技术下对小麦产量和干物质积累与转运的影响,为小麦生产中缓控释肥的推广应用提供支撑。【方法】于2020—2021年小麦生育季,以冬小麦品种‘泰农18’和‘太麦198’为试材,... 【目的】研究不同新型缓控释氮肥一次性施用在宽幅播种和常规条播技术下对小麦产量和干物质积累与转运的影响,为小麦生产中缓控释肥的推广应用提供支撑。【方法】于2020—2021年小麦生育季,以冬小麦品种‘泰农18’和‘太麦198’为试材,在山东省泰安市和潍坊市两试验点开展了大田试验。主区设置播种方式常规条播和宽幅播种,副区设置4个肥料处理:常规分次施肥对照(F1)、稳定性氮肥一次性施用(F2)、腐植酸控释掺混氮肥一次性施用(F3)、树脂包膜氮肥与常规尿素7∶3掺混一次性施用(F4)。调查了小麦群体光合速率、干物质积累与转运、花后氮素吸收、产量及产量构成因素等指标。【结果】与常规条播相比,宽幅播种小麦单位面积穗数、花后氮素吸收量、花后群体光合速率、群体光合高值持续期、花后干物质生产量分别平均提高48.0×10^(4)/hm^(2)、12.4 kg/hm^(2)、7.9μmol CO_(2)/(m^(2)·s)、5.6天、920.7 kg/hm^(2),进而产量平均提高了902.6kg/hm^(2)。小麦花后干物质生产量与群体光合高值持续期、群体光合高值持续期与花后氮素吸收量呈显著线性正相关关系。与F1相比,F2、F3和F4处理的花后氮素吸收量、花后群体光合高值持续期和花后干物质生产量均明显降低,但是宽幅播种下3个处理的小麦花后氮素吸收量和花后群体光合高值持续期的降低量分别为21.8kg/hm^(2)和2.6天,均小于对应的常规条播,花后干物质生产量的降低量(631.4 kg/hm^(2))可由其花前干物质向籽粒转运的增加量(551.7 kg/hm^(2))所弥补,进而产量与常规分次施肥持平。常规条播下,F2、F3和F4处理的小麦花后氮素吸收量和花后群体光合高值持续期降低量较大,分别平均为27.2 kg/hm^(2)和4.5天,导致其花后干物质生产量的降低量过高(1054.8 kg/hm^(2)),未能被其花前干物质向籽粒转运的增加量(540.6 kg/hm^(2))所弥补,进而产量低于F1处理。3个控释肥料处理之间在所有测定项目上没有显著差异。【结论】宽幅播种较常规条播可显著提高小麦产量。新型氮肥一次性施用在常规条播下会降低小麦产量,而在宽幅播种由于花前较高的干物质积累和运转量补偿了花后干物质积累量的下降,不会降低小麦产量,3种新型肥料的施用效果没有显著差异。因此,在宽幅播种条件下,可以采用新型氮肥一次基施替代传统的分次施肥,而在常规条播条件下,应慎重考虑采用新型氮肥一次性基施。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 宽幅播种 常规条播 缓控释肥 群体光合高值持续期 干物质积累 干物质运转 产量
Late sowing enhances lodging resistance of wheat plants by improving the biosynthesis and accumulation of lignin and cellulose 被引量:4
作者 DONG Xiu-chun QIAN Tai-feng +4 位作者 chu jin-peng ZHANG Xiu LIU Yun-jing DAI Xing-long HE Ming-rong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第5期1351-1365,共15页
Delayed sowing mitigates lodging in wheat. However, the mechanism underlying the enhanced lodging resistance in wheat has yet to be fully elucidated. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of sowi... Delayed sowing mitigates lodging in wheat. However, the mechanism underlying the enhanced lodging resistance in wheat has yet to be fully elucidated. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of sowing date on lignin and cellulose metabolism, stem morphological characteristics, lodging resistance, and grain yield. Seeds of Tainong 18,a winter wheat variety, were sown on October 8(normal sowing) and October 22(late sowing) during both of the 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 growing seasons. The results showed that late sowing enhanced the lodging resistance of wheat by improving the biosynthesis and accumulation of lignin and cellulose. Under late sowing, the expression levels of key genes(Ta PAL, Ta CCR, Ta COMT, TaCAD, and TaCesA1, 3, 4, 7, and 8) and enzyme activities(TaPAL and TaCAD) related to lignin and cellulose biosynthesis peaked 4–12 days earlier, and except for the TaPAL, TaCCR, and TaCesA1 genes and TaPAL, in most cases they were significantly higher than under normal sowing. As a result, lignin and cellulose accumulated quickly during the stem elongation stage. The mean and maximum accumulation rates of lignin and cellulose increased, the maximum accumulation contents of lignin and cellulose were higher, and the cellulose accumulation duration was prolonged. Consequently, the lignin/cellulose ratio and lignin content were increased from 0 day and the cellulose content was increased from 11 days after jointing onward. Our main finding is that the improved biosynthesis and accumulation of lignin and cellulose were responsible for increasing the stem-filling degree, breaking strength, and lodging resistance. The major functional genes enhancing lodging resistance in wheat that are induced by delayed sowing need to be determined. 展开更多
Effect of delayed sowing on grain number, grain weight, and protein concentration of wheat grains at specific positions within spikes 被引量:2
作者 chu jin-peng GUO Xin-hu +3 位作者 ZHENG Fei-na ZHANG Xiu DAI Xing-long HE Ming-rong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第8期2359-2369,共11页
Delays in sowing have significant effects on the grain yield,yield components,and grain protein concentrations of winter wheat.However,little is known about how delayed sowing affects these characteristics at differen... Delays in sowing have significant effects on the grain yield,yield components,and grain protein concentrations of winter wheat.However,little is known about how delayed sowing affects these characteristics at different positions in the wheat spikes.In this study,the effects of sowing date were investigated in a winter wheat cultivar,Shannong 30,which was sown in 2019 and 2020 on October 8(normal sowing)and October 22(late sowing)under field conditions.Delayed sowing increased the partitioning of ^(13)C-assimilates to spikes,particularly to florets at the apical section of a spike and those occupying distal positions on the same spikelet.Consequently,the increase in grain number was the greatest for the apical sections,followed by the basal and central sections.No significant differences were observed between sowing dates in the superior grain number in the basal and central sections,while the number in apical sections was significantly different.The number of inferior grains in each section also increased substantially in response to delayed sowing.The average grain weights in all sections remained unchanged under delayed sowing because there were parallel increases in grain number and ^(13)C-assimilate partitioning to grains at specific positions in the spikes.Increases in grain number m^(–2) resulted in reduced grain protein concentrations as the limited nitrogen supply was diluted into more grains.Delayed sowing caused the greatest reduction in grain protein concentration in the basal sections,followed by the central and apical sections.No significant differences in the reduction of the grain protein concentration were observed between the inferior and superior grains under delayed sowing.In conclusion,a 2-week delay in sowing improved grain yield through increased grain number per spike,which originated principally from an increased grain number in the apical sections of spikes and in distal positions on the same spikelet.However,grain protein concentrations declined in each section because of the increased grain number and reduced N uptake. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT delay in sowing grain number grain weight grain protein concentration
Integrated management strategy for improving the grain yield and nitrogen-use efficiency of winter wheat 被引量:7
作者 XU Hai-cheng DAI Xing-long +5 位作者 chu jin-peng WANG Yue-chao YIN Li-jun MA Xin DONG Shu-xin HE Ming-rong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期315-327,共13页
Understanding of how combinations of agronomic options can be used to improve the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) of winter wheat is limited. A three-year experiment involving four integrated management... Understanding of how combinations of agronomic options can be used to improve the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) of winter wheat is limited. A three-year experiment involving four integrated management strategies was conducted from 2013 to 2015 in Tai'an, Shandong Province, China, to evaluate changes in grain yield and NUE. The integrated management treatments were as follows: current practice(T1); improvement of current practice(T2); high-yield management(T3), which aimed to maximize grain yield regardless of the cost of resource inputs; and integrated soil and crop system management(T4) with a higher seeding rate, delayed sowing date, and optimized nutrient management. Seeding rates increased by 75 seeds m^-2 with each treatment from T1(225 seeds m^-2) to T4(450 seeds m^-2). The sowing dates were delayed from T1(5 th Oct.) to T2 and T3(8 th Oct.), and to T4 treatment(12 th Oct.). T1, T2, T3, and T4 received 315, 210, 315, and 240 kg N ha^-1, 120, 90, 210 and 120 kg P2O5 ha^-1, 30, 75, 90, and 45 kg K2O ha^-1, respectively. The ratio of basal application to topdressing for T1, T2, T3, and T4 was 6:4, 5:5, 4:6, and 4:6, respectively, with the N topdressing applied at regreening for T1 and at jointing stage for T2, T3, and T4. The P fertilizers in all treatments were applied as basal fertilizer. The K fertilizer for T1 and T2 was applied as basal fertilizer while the ratio of basal application to topdressing(at jointing stage) of K fertilizer for both T3 and T4 was 6:4. T1, T2, T3, and T4 were irrigated five, four, four and three times, respectively. Treatment T3 produced the highest grain yield among all treatments over three years and the average yield was 9 277.96 kg ha^-1. Grain yield averaged across three years with the T4 treatment(8 892.93 kg ha^-1) was 95.85% of that with T3 and was 21.72 and 6.10% higher than that with T1(7 305.95 kg ha^-1) and T2(8 381.41 kg ha^-1), respectively. Treatment T2 produced the highest NUE of all the integrated treatments. The NUE with T4 was 95.36% of that with T2 and was 51.91 and 25.62% higher than that with T1 and T3, respectively. The N uptake efficiency(UPE) averaged across three years with T4 was 50.75 and 16.62% higher than that with T1and T3, respectively. The N utilization efficiency(UTE) averaged across three years with T4 was 7.74% higher than that with T3. The increased UPE with T4 compared with T3 could be attributed mostly to the lower available N in T4, while the increased UTE with T4 was mainly due to the highest N harvest index and low grain N concentration, which consequently led to improved NUE. The net profit for T4 was the highest among four treatments and was 174.94, 22.27, and 28.10% higher than that for T1, T2, and T3, respectively. Therefore, the T4 treatment should be a recommendable management strategy to obtain high grain yield, high NUE, and high economic benefits in the target region, although further improvements of NUE are required. 展开更多
关键词 integrated management strategy grain yield winter wheat nitrogen use efficiency nitrogen uptake efficiency nitrogen utilization efficiency
不同播期冬小麦氮素出籽效率与氮素利用及转运的相关性 被引量:16
作者 朱元刚 初金鹏 +3 位作者 张秀 钤太峰 代兴龙 贺明荣 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1151-1160,共10页
为探讨不同播期冬小麦氮素出籽效率与氮素利用及转运的关系,在2014—2016年2个生长季,比较了不同播期(S_1:9月24日;S_2:10月1日;S_3:10月8日;S_4:10月15日;S_5:10月22日)冬小麦氮素出籽效率、氮素利用和转运的差异及相互间的关系.结果表... 为探讨不同播期冬小麦氮素出籽效率与氮素利用及转运的关系,在2014—2016年2个生长季,比较了不同播期(S_1:9月24日;S_2:10月1日;S_3:10月8日;S_4:10月15日;S_5:10月22日)冬小麦氮素出籽效率、氮素利用和转运的差异及相互间的关系.结果表明:籽粒产量和单位面积粒数在不同播期处理间未发生显著差异.推迟播期降低了地上部氮素积累量和穗部氮素积累量,从而降低了氮素吸收效率,但明显提高了氮素利用效率和氮素出籽效率.氮素出籽效率与氮素利用效率呈正相关,而与氮素吸收效率呈负相关,与氮素利用率无显著相关关系.氮素营养指数随播期推迟趋于最佳状态,与氮素出籽效率的改善展现出同步性.推迟播期显著降低了花前营养器官氮素转移量和花后氮素积累量,但明显改善了花前营养器官氮素转运效率.氮素出籽效率与氮素转运效率之间存在正相关关系,说明氮素转运效率的改善一定程度上有利于穗部氮素生产籽粒能力的提升.综合来看,适当推迟播期减少了氮素吸收,但提高了氮素利用效率和氮素出籽效率,改善了氮素供应状态.研究结果为本地区冬小麦生产中氮素减施增效的实施提供了理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 播期 氮素 积累 转运 出籽效率 冬小麦
灌水量与密度互作对冬小麦籽粒产量和水分利用效率的影响 被引量:13
作者 张秀 朱文美 +5 位作者 董述鑫 初金鹏 费立伟 郑飞娜 代兴龙 贺明荣 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期163-174,共12页
为明确协同提高冬小麦产量和水分利用效率的适宜灌水量和种植密度,选用大穗型品种‘泰农18’(T18)和中穗型品种‘山农22’(S22)为试验材料,设置4个灌溉水平(不灌水、每次灌水45、60、75 mm)和4个种植密度,其中泰农18选用135×10^(4)... 为明确协同提高冬小麦产量和水分利用效率的适宜灌水量和种植密度,选用大穗型品种‘泰农18’(T18)和中穗型品种‘山农22’(S22)为试验材料,设置4个灌溉水平(不灌水、每次灌水45、60、75 mm)和4个种植密度,其中泰农18选用135×10^(4)、270×10^(4)、405×10^(4)、540×10^(4)株·hm^(-2),山农22选用90×10^(4)、180×10^(4)、270×10^(4)、360×10^(4)株·hm^(-2),研究了籽粒产量、麦田耗水特性和水分利用效率对灌水量和密度互作效应的响应。结果表明:籽粒产量、总耗水量、土壤贮水消耗量和水分利用效率均受到灌溉水平、种植密度及两者互作效应的显著影响。每次灌水量为45 mm,泰农18种植密度为405×10^(4)株·hm^(-2)、山农22种植密度为270×10^(4)株·hm^(-2)时,两品种籽粒产量均达到最高,拔节后棵间蒸发量占阶段农田总耗水量的比例最小,1 m以下土壤水消耗比例、水分利用效率高。种植密度与灌溉量合理组合,有利于降低水分无效损耗,提高水分利用效率。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 种植密度 灌水量 总耗水量 产量 水分利用效率
宽幅播种对冬小麦‘泰农18’产量和氮素利用率的影响 被引量:34
作者 初金鹏 朱文美 +5 位作者 尹立俊 石玉华 邓淑珍 张良 贺明荣 代兴龙 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期2517-2524,共8页
为阐明小麦宽幅播种的增产增效效应,于2015—2016年小麦生育季在泰安、兖州试验点分别采用宽幅播种和常规条播两种播种方式,研究了播种方式对冬小麦‘泰农18’产量和氮素吸收利用的影响.结果表明:播种方式、试验点及两者的互作效应显著... 为阐明小麦宽幅播种的增产增效效应,于2015—2016年小麦生育季在泰安、兖州试验点分别采用宽幅播种和常规条播两种播种方式,研究了播种方式对冬小麦‘泰农18’产量和氮素吸收利用的影响.结果表明:播种方式、试验点及两者的互作效应显著影响冬小麦产量、氮素利用率及其相关指标.在两试验点,相对于常规条播,宽幅播种均可通过提高单株与群体分蘖数和单株成穗数来提高单位面积穗数,实现增产,在泰安、兖州点分别增产22.5%和15.4%;宽幅播种均可通过促进小麦氮素吸收积累、提高氮素吸收效率来提高氮素利用率,在泰安、兖州点氮素吸收效率分别提高27.7%和17.5%,氮素利用率分别提高22.5%和15.4%.泰安点宽幅播种的增效效应尤为显著.生产上采用宽幅播种方式可有效提高冬小麦产量和氮素利用率,实现小麦高产高效栽培. 展开更多
关键词 宽幅播种 小麦 产量 氮素吸收利用 氮素利用率
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