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作者 李东明 晁阳 +2 位作者 李同春 齐慧君 林潮宁 《水力发电》 CAS 2025年第1期62-68,92,共8页
水工高压隧洞常以裂缝最大宽度作为钢筋混凝土衬砌设计的控制标准,但针对大洞径、高水头隧洞的裂缝最大宽度计算,公式法存在一些局限性。许多专家学者尝试将数值模拟方法应用至衬砌裂缝宽度计算当中,但难以统筹考虑钢筋混凝土粘结滑移... 水工高压隧洞常以裂缝最大宽度作为钢筋混凝土衬砌设计的控制标准,但针对大洞径、高水头隧洞的裂缝最大宽度计算,公式法存在一些局限性。许多专家学者尝试将数值模拟方法应用至衬砌裂缝宽度计算当中,但难以统筹考虑钢筋混凝土粘结滑移、裂缝开裂后的应力重分布等多重因素的影响。基于此,提出一种通过损伤模型指导布设虚拟裂缝单元以反应裂缝特征的方法,即首先利用考虑粘结滑移的混凝土损伤模型模拟钢筋混凝土联合作用下衬砌混凝土损伤随着荷载施加发展的过程,进一步对损伤集中区域增设虚拟裂缝单元以计算裂缝开展过程。经对比,采用该方法计算得到的裂缝最大宽度、发展规律与分布情况与既有文献相似,且计算收敛性好,实现了通过有限元算法精确且高效地直接得到衬砌裂缝宽度,在设计与运行安全预测方面具有较大的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 水工高压隧洞 钢筋混凝土衬砌 裂缝宽度 粘结滑移 虚拟裂缝 损伤模型
Global research status and trends of somatic symptom disorder: A bibliometric study
作者 chao yang Kun Zhang +3 位作者 Qian Wang Shuai Wang Huan Li Kai Zhang 《World Journal of Psychiatry》 SCIE 2025年第1期168-178,共11页
BACKGROUND With the growing scholarly and clinical fascination with somatic symptom dis-order(SSD),a bibliometric analysis is lacking.AIM To conduct a bibliometric analysis to investigate the current status and fronti... BACKGROUND With the growing scholarly and clinical fascination with somatic symptom dis-order(SSD),a bibliometric analysis is lacking.AIM To conduct a bibliometric analysis to investigate the current status and frontiers of SSD.METHODS The documents related to SSD are obtained from the web of science core collection database(WoSCC),and VOSviewer 1.6.16 from January 1,2000 to December 31,2023,and the WoSCC’s literature analysis wire were used to conduct the biblio-metric analysis.RESULTS A total of 567 documents related to SSD were included,and 2325 authors across 947 institutions from 57 countries/regions have contributed to SSD research,published in 277 journals.The most productive author,institution,country and journal were Löwe B,University of Hamburg,Germany,and Journal of Psycho-somatic Research respectively.The first high-cited document was published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research in 2013 by Dimsdale JE and colleagues,which explored the rationale behind the SSD diagnosis introduction in diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.CONCLUSION In conclusion,the main research hotspots and frontiers in the field of SSD are validity and reliability of the SSD criteria,functional impairment of SSD,and the treatment for SSD.More high-quality studies are needed to assess the diagnosis and treatment of SSD. 展开更多
关键词 Somatic symptom disorder Validity and reliability Functional impairment Treatment Bibliometric analysis
作者 时慧欣 王永格 +2 位作者 王英博 巢阳 丛日晨 《西北林学院学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期119-125,177,共8页
以北京上方山1938—2022年古侧柏的38株树芯为试验材料,建立年轮宽度年表,结合试验区气象数据,探讨了侧柏树龄与自身因子、气候因子之间的相关性,建立侧柏树龄与胸径、降水、温度的古侧柏树龄测定数学关系式和侧柏树龄与胸径的树龄测定... 以北京上方山1938—2022年古侧柏的38株树芯为试验材料,建立年轮宽度年表,结合试验区气象数据,探讨了侧柏树龄与自身因子、气候因子之间的相关性,建立侧柏树龄与胸径、降水、温度的古侧柏树龄测定数学关系式和侧柏树龄与胸径的树龄测定单因子最优模型。结果表明:1)阶段法树龄测定模型测量各样品的树龄,各样品测量相对误差均小于单因子模型测量的对应样品树龄相对误差,因此阶段法树龄测定模型的精度高于单因子树龄测定模型,相比于单因子树龄测定模型,阶段法树龄测定模型可为本区域古树树龄测定提供参考依据;2)用4株相同采样地侧柏样本对阶段法模型进行检验,最大误差为7%;3)用四季青、红螺寺、玉泉山、颐和园古侧柏样品检验侧柏的阶段法树龄测定模型和单因子树龄测定模型,四季青古侧柏样品用阶段法树龄测定模型和单因子树龄测定模型进行测定,误差均在9%以内;红螺寺古侧柏样品用阶段法树龄测定模型测定树龄,相对误差在36%以内,用单因子树龄测定模型进行测定,误差在13%以内,阶段法树龄测定模型测定树龄相对误差高于单因子树龄测定模型,玉泉山、颐和园古侧柏样本均表现出类似规律。 展开更多
关键词 年轮 古侧柏 定年分析 树龄测定
作者 晁帅 晁阳 曹冬晓 《罕少疾病杂志》 2025年第1期124-126,共3页
目的分析急性阑尾炎(AA)手术患儿住院期间切口感染(SSI)发生率及相关因素分析。方法回顾性分析法选择2022年7月至2023年7月68例AA手术患儿的临床资料,依据住院期间是否发生SSI进行分组,将评估出SSiIi者划分为发生组,未评估出感染者则划... 目的分析急性阑尾炎(AA)手术患儿住院期间切口感染(SSI)发生率及相关因素分析。方法回顾性分析法选择2022年7月至2023年7月68例AA手术患儿的临床资料,依据住院期间是否发生SSI进行分组,将评估出SSiIi者划分为发生组,未评估出感染者则划分为未发生组,收集2组患儿疾病相关.特征、一般资料,分析AA手术患儿住.院期间发生SSI相关因素,通过Logstc回归分析有差异项目。结果68例AA手术患儿中19例发生SSI,发生率为2794%,未发生SS.I共有49例,占比7206%;2组年龄、体征指数(BMI)、性别、基础疾病、切口类型、切口方法、切口保.护、术前CRPi水i平比较发生无统计学意义(P>005),发生组使用预防性抗菌药物、留置腹腔引流管、手术时间、阑尾穿孔和未发生组存在显著差异(P<005);采取Logstc回归方程计算上述有差异的项目,发现使用预防性抗菌药物、留置腹腔引流管、手术时间、阑尾穿孔是AA患儿发生SSI的危险因素。结论AA手术患儿住院期间发生SSI的因素存在多种,如使用预防性抗菌药物、留置腹腔引流管、手术时间、阑尾穿孔,临床需高度引起重视,最大程度降低SSI发生风险。 展开更多
关键词 急性阑尾炎 住院期间 切口感染 留置腹腔引流管 阑尾穿孔
美对华半导体管制的趋势、实施要点与中国因应 被引量:4
作者 杨超 李伟 贺俊 《产业经济评论》 CSSCI 2024年第2期187-200,共14页
针对不断升级的中美半导体领域争端,本文梳理了美国对华半导体管制的趋势与要点。从特朗普政府到拜登政府,美对华半导体管制呈现出由“有限出口”向“全面出口管制”、由“5G”延伸至“AI”、由“大棒”扩展为“胡萝卜加大棒”、从“单... 针对不断升级的中美半导体领域争端,本文梳理了美国对华半导体管制的趋势与要点。从特朗普政府到拜登政府,美对华半导体管制呈现出由“有限出口”向“全面出口管制”、由“5G”延伸至“AI”、由“大棒”扩展为“胡萝卜加大棒”、从“单边约束”扩展到“多边合围”的趋势。从管制要点来看,拜登政府在半导体产业链的所有关键环节都设计了阻碍中国技术进步的方案,不但限制高算力芯片成品对华出口,而且限制产业链上游的芯片制造设备、零部件、芯片设计软件出口以及产业链下游的算力租赁服务。针对美政府全方位围堵,本文提出对外强化与非热点半导体国家的联系、重视非传统技术路线半导体开发、借鉴比利时微电子研究中心运作模式发展共性技术机构等产业突围思路。 展开更多
关键词 半导体 芯片 中美竞争 产业竞争
作者 晁阳 胡俊鹏 《杨凌职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期43-46,共4页
文章深入调研了当前山区农村基层党建工作的现状,探究了山区农村党建带动产业发展实现乡村振兴的痛点堵点,提出涉农高职院校与山区农村共建党支部,以便强化山区农村党员理论水平、提升基层党建活力、构建双赢机制的重大意义,指出了组织... 文章深入调研了当前山区农村基层党建工作的现状,探究了山区农村党建带动产业发展实现乡村振兴的痛点堵点,提出涉农高职院校与山区农村共建党支部,以便强化山区农村党员理论水平、提升基层党建活力、构建双赢机制的重大意义,指出了组织共建、干部共管、人才共育、资源共享等共建党支部服务乡村振兴战略的途径。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 农村 基层党建 乡村振兴
作者 晁阳 《建筑技艺(中英文)》 2024年第2期36-41,共6页
简要介绍芯片生产的工艺、流程及关键技术。从总体布局、建筑设计两个层面阐述国家存储器基地项目(一期)的设计思考,在满足工艺需求的基础上,建筑师可以通过建筑立面、厂房外部色彩的处理体现工业建筑之美。深入挖掘项目分期实施策略、... 简要介绍芯片生产的工艺、流程及关键技术。从总体布局、建筑设计两个层面阐述国家存储器基地项目(一期)的设计思考,在满足工艺需求的基础上,建筑师可以通过建筑立面、厂房外部色彩的处理体现工业建筑之美。深入挖掘项目分期实施策略、建筑消防设计特征及空间管理概念。 展开更多
关键词 工业建筑 高科技厂房 芯片 洁净室 微振动控制
铁浴条件下电炉粉尘球团的熔融与分离行为 被引量:1
作者 杨超 佘雪峰 +2 位作者 王如意 王静松 薛庆国 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期347-360,共14页
为了提高对含锌电弧炉粉尘(EAFD)的利用效率,实验研究EAFD球团在铁浴条件下的还原熔化行为。定义铁液滴球形度作为判断其凝聚的标准,然后探讨铁液滴直径和球形度之间随时间变化的关系。根据实验最终建立EAFD颗粒的熔化和分离行为。结果... 为了提高对含锌电弧炉粉尘(EAFD)的利用效率,实验研究EAFD球团在铁浴条件下的还原熔化行为。定义铁液滴球形度作为判断其凝聚的标准,然后探讨铁液滴直径和球形度之间随时间变化的关系。根据实验最终建立EAFD颗粒的熔化和分离行为。结果表明,在铁浴条件下,EAFD球团的Zn去除率在5.0 min时达到99%以上,但在15.0 min时金属渣分离还没有完成。由于成分的波动,在EAFD球团中形成几个区域的液态渣,然后液态渣不断增加,直到球团完全熔化。球形度>65%、直径>500μm的Fe液滴的数量随着时间的推移而减少,大直径的Fe液滴先完成分离。渣铁分离过程如下:在布朗运动下Fe液滴在渣中形成,之后Fe液滴直径在马兰戈尼效应下增加,Fe液滴在渣中下降速度符合斯托克斯定律。 展开更多
关键词 电炉粉尘 铁浴 球团融化 渣铁分离
作者 张政 童志明 +2 位作者 杨超 王占生 陈武 《日用化学工业(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第7期784-794,共11页
LP油田沉降罐过渡带原油中含有起乳化作用的胶态FeS等成分,导致原油脱水困难,不能满足原油进后续电脱水器的要求;分析了过渡带原油物性、原油组分及采出水组成,对FeS脱除剂及破乳剂的筛选进行优化实验,重点研究了FeS脱除剂与破乳剂联合... LP油田沉降罐过渡带原油中含有起乳化作用的胶态FeS等成分,导致原油脱水困难,不能满足原油进后续电脱水器的要求;分析了过渡带原油物性、原油组分及采出水组成,对FeS脱除剂及破乳剂的筛选进行优化实验,重点研究了FeS脱除剂与破乳剂联合破乳效果及适应性。结果表明,筛选出的FeS脱除剂BLJ-01对FeS有很好的溶解效果,体积分数3%的FeS脱除剂BLJ-01和质量浓度800 mg/L的破乳剂X-75联合使用,55℃下可有效去除沉降罐过渡带原油中FeS,沉降罐过渡带原油脱水率达85.78%;BLJ-01与X-75配合使用适应性较强,对含水率超过40%的P2联合站沉降罐过渡带原油脱水率均可达80%以上,且在弱酸或弱碱性条件下都可以表现出优良的破乳效果,也适用于SJ站沉降罐过渡带原油的破乳脱水,并能显著降低破乳剂使用量。 展开更多
关键词 沉降罐过渡带原油 破乳 硫化亚铁 处理剂
作者 李东明 李龙龙 +3 位作者 晁阳 李同春 齐慧君 林潮宁 《水力发电》 CAS 2024年第9期110-117,共8页
针对传统大坝安全监测系统在海量数据管理、风险识别灵敏度及预警预报响应时效方面存在的不足,采用基于Revit的BIM技术与Three.js可视化技术,构造与原型高度相似的数字模型,通过有限元法迭代进行材料性能参数反演,进而分析得到大坝各部... 针对传统大坝安全监测系统在海量数据管理、风险识别灵敏度及预警预报响应时效方面存在的不足,采用基于Revit的BIM技术与Three.js可视化技术,构造与原型高度相似的数字模型,通过有限元法迭代进行材料性能参数反演,进而分析得到大坝各部位运行性态;利用MySQL关系数据库技术、NEO4J图数据库技术、智能算法及微服务技术进行数据管理,构建包含完整监测信息的大坝数字孪生安全监测系统。通过嵌入的概率图模型进行大坝安全风险评估,实现大坝的在线监测、实时参数反演和安全风险评估,并对未来工况进行安全性态预测和预警。工程应用实践表明,系统在风险识别和预测预警的实时、高效、准确性等各方面都得到极大改进,显著提升了大坝安全管理效率与抵御风险的能力。可为同类型工程的安全监测系统提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 数字孪生 大坝安全监测 数据管理 参数反演
作者 陈忠安 包彬颖 +5 位作者 张广义 潮阳 王玉峰 姚喆赫 焦俊科 张文武 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期700-710,共11页
碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)复合材料在水导激光加工后,切缝表面和横截面存在热损伤,这些损伤是影响材料力学性能、降低材料服役性能的重要因素。针对该问题,采用试验方法分析了加工参数对沟槽几何形貌和表面形貌的影响规律,研究了沟槽表面... 碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)复合材料在水导激光加工后,切缝表面和横截面存在热损伤,这些损伤是影响材料力学性能、降低材料服役性能的重要因素。针对该问题,采用试验方法分析了加工参数对沟槽几何形貌和表面形貌的影响规律,研究了沟槽表面和横截面的热损伤形成机理。研究结果表明:高激光功率、低脉冲频率和低切割速度可有效增大沟槽深度;激光与材料的相互作用和水射流的冲刷作用是形成沟槽表面热损伤的主要原因。在2 mm厚CFRP切割试验中发现:横截面热影响区宽度与纤维排布方向有关,0°碳纤维热影响区宽度最大,45°和135°碳纤维热影响区宽度次之且宽度相近,90°碳纤维热影响宽度最小;另外,提高水射流速度有利于抑制热影响区的扩展,水射流速度由80 m/s提高至120 m/s,最大热影响宽度缩小35.7%。 展开更多
关键词 水导激光 碳纤维增强聚合物 几何形貌 损伤机理
Au NPs/Cu-TCPP材料的构筑及其催化薄荷醇氧化的研究
作者 李世叶 张剑 +3 位作者 王杰 杨超 张晋 成世兴 《日用化学工业(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第11期1330-1338,共9页
二维纳米片具有大的比表面积和高孔隙率的特征,这使得其可以承载更多的活性中心,从而提高该材料的催化性能。如Cu-TCPP纳米片,拥有大的比表面积,可用于负载Pd NPs、Pt NPs以及Au NPs,以获得X NPs/Cu-TCPP纳米片(X=Pd NPs、Pt NPs和Au N... 二维纳米片具有大的比表面积和高孔隙率的特征,这使得其可以承载更多的活性中心,从而提高该材料的催化性能。如Cu-TCPP纳米片,拥有大的比表面积,可用于负载Pd NPs、Pt NPs以及Au NPs,以获得X NPs/Cu-TCPP纳米片(X=Pd NPs、Pt NPs和Au NPs)。本研究首先通过水热法,以三水合硝酸铜(Cu(NO_(3))_(2)·3H_(2)O)为金属盐,4-羧基卟啉(TCPP)为有机配体,N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)和CH_(3)CH_(2)OH(体积比3∶1)的混合溶液作为溶剂,合成Cu-TCPP纳米片。随后,采用还原法将Au NPs负载到Cu-TCPP纳米片上,形成Au NPs/Cu-TCPP纳米片,用于催化薄荷醇进行选择性氧化反应。在反应中,以叔丁基过氧化氢(TBHP)为氧化剂,乙腈(Me CN)为溶剂,氨基酸咪唑离子液体([C_(4)mim]Cys)为助催化剂,Au NPs/Cu-TCPP催化薄荷醇进行选择性氧化,生成薄荷酮。在50℃下反应18 h,薄荷醇的转化率和薄荷酮的选择性和产率都达到最高,分别为70.2%,99.9%和69.5%,该方法不仅将薄荷醇转化为高选择性的薄荷酮,而且操作简便,绿色环保,符合当前绿色化工发展的要求。 展开更多
关键词 二维纳米片 Au NPs/Cu-TCPP纳米片 薄荷醇 选择性氧化 薄荷酮
作者 余娜 何国荣 +1 位作者 晁阳 李培东 《微型电脑应用》 2024年第4期85-88,共4页
为了提升工业机器人在装配作业中的效率和精准度,结合软指派算法进行研究,构建基于相机位姿估计算法的单目标视觉定位系统,并对其进行仿真验证。实验结果显示,在参数对成功率的影响实验中实验成功率最低为92.5%,在图像噪声对成功率的影... 为了提升工业机器人在装配作业中的效率和精准度,结合软指派算法进行研究,构建基于相机位姿估计算法的单目标视觉定位系统,并对其进行仿真验证。实验结果显示,在参数对成功率的影响实验中实验成功率最低为92.5%,在图像噪声对成功率的影响实验中成功率最高达到了97.5%,位置估计误差最大值不超过4 mm,旋转误差在伪特征点的数量为最大时得到了最大值7°。 展开更多
关键词 单目视觉 工业机器人 位姿估计 视觉定位 软指派算法
作者 何裕坤 晁阳 +1 位作者 李同春 杰德尔别克·马迪尼叶提 《水利水电技术(中英文)》 北大核心 2024年第S01期78-86,共9页
变形是大坝安全性态的综合反映,建立其与环境量的可靠关系模型对保障大坝长效服役具有重要意义。为提高大坝变形预测的精度和泛化能力,并解决长短期记忆神经网络(LSTM)参数选取随机性大、选取困难的问题,提出了一种利用缎蓝园丁鸟优化算... 变形是大坝安全性态的综合反映,建立其与环境量的可靠关系模型对保障大坝长效服役具有重要意义。为提高大坝变形预测的精度和泛化能力,并解决长短期记忆神经网络(LSTM)参数选取随机性大、选取困难的问题,提出了一种利用缎蓝园丁鸟优化算法(SBO)来优化长短期记忆神经网络的混凝土坝变形预测模型(SBO-LSTM)。该方法首先通过高斯滤波和Symlet小波滤值两种方法对选定的监测数据进行统一的清洗、归一化、去噪等预处理;其次,借助SBO算法对长短期记忆神经网络模型的超参数进行寻优;最后对混凝土坝变形进行高精度预测并通过三种不同评价指标(MAE,RMSE,MAPE)对预测结果进行评价。以某混凝土坝为例并与传统优化算法对比分析,结果表明通过SBO算法优化后LSTM神经网络具有更高的预测精度和稳定性,综上,该预测模型为大坝变形监测数据分析与预测提供了一种新的可行方法。 展开更多
关键词 大坝变形预测 长短期记忆神经网络 缎蓝园丁鸟优化算法 强化寻优策略
Diagnostic value associated with the combination of saliva pepsin and microorganisms in functional heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease
作者 Yu-Qi Huang chao yang Wen Luo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第19期2612-2614,共3页
Heartburn is a common symptom shared by both gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)and functional heartburn(FHB),which can make it challenging to differentiate between the two conditions.However,examining oral manifest... Heartburn is a common symptom shared by both gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)and functional heartburn(FHB),which can make it challenging to differentiate between the two conditions.However,examining oral manifestations of GERD can be a cost-effective and readily available method to aid in this differentiation process.It may serve as a valuable tool in distinguishing GERD from FHB. 展开更多
关键词 Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastric acid HEARTBURN Differential diagnosis EPIDEMIOLOGY Oral manifestations Prevalence Risk factors Dental erosion Periodontal diseases
Systematic Elastostatic Stiffness Model of Over-Constrained Parallel Manipulators Without Additional Constraint Equations
作者 chao yang Wenyong Yu +2 位作者 Wei Ye Qiaohong Chen Fengli Huang 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期258-276,共19页
The establishment of an elastostatic stiffness model for over constrained parallel manipulators(PMs),particularly those with over constrained subclosed loops,poses a challenge while ensuring numerical stability.This s... The establishment of an elastostatic stiffness model for over constrained parallel manipulators(PMs),particularly those with over constrained subclosed loops,poses a challenge while ensuring numerical stability.This study addresses this issue by proposing a systematic elastostatic stiffness model based on matrix structural analysis(MSA)and independent displacement coordinates(IDCs)extraction techniques.To begin,the closed-loop PM is transformed into an open-loop PM by eliminating constraints.A subassembly element is then introduced,which considers the flexibility of both rods and joints.This approach helps circumvent the numerical instability typically encountered with traditional constraint equations.The IDCs and analytical constraint equations of nodes constrained by various joints are summarized in the appendix,utilizing multipoint constraint theory and singularity analysis,all unified within a single coordinate frame.Subsequently,the open-loop mechanism is efficiently closed by referencing the constraint equations presented in the appendix,alongside its elastostatic model.The proposed method proves to be both modeling and computationally efficient due to the comprehensive summary of the constraint equations in the Appendix,eliminating the need for additional equations.An example utilizing an over constrained subclosed loops demonstrate the application of the proposed method.In conclusion,the model proposed in this study enriches the theory of elastostatic stiffness modeling of PMs and provides an effective solution for stiffness modeling challenges they present. 展开更多
关键词 Parallel manipulator Elastostatic stiffness model Matrix structural analysis Subassembly element Independent displacement coordinates
Silencing of early auxin responsive genes MdGH3-2/12 reduces the resistance to Fusarium solani in apple
作者 Qianwei Liu Shuo Xu +7 位作者 Lu Jin Xi Yu chao yang Xiaomin Liu Zhijun Zhang Yusong Liu chao Li Fengwang Ma 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3012-3024,共13页
Apple replant disease(ARD)has led to severe yield and quality reduction in the apple industry.Fusarium solani(F.solani)has been identified as one of the main microbial pathogens responsible for ARD.Auxin(indole-3-acet... Apple replant disease(ARD)has led to severe yield and quality reduction in the apple industry.Fusarium solani(F.solani)has been identified as one of the main microbial pathogens responsible for ARD.Auxin(indole-3-acetic acid,IAA),an endogenous hormone in plants,is involved in almost all plant growth and development processes and plays a role in plant immunity against pathogens.Gretchen Hagen3(GH3)is one of the early/primary auxin response genes.The aim of this study was to evaluate the function of MdGH3-2 and MdGH3-12 in the defense response of F.solani by treating MdGH3-2/12 RNAi plants with F.solani.The results show that under F.solani infection,RNAi of MdGH3-2/12 inhibited plant biomass accumulation and exacerbated root damage.After inoculation with F.solani,MdGH3-2/12 RNAi inhibited the biosynthesis of acid-amido synthetase.This led to the inhibition of free IAA combining with amino acids,resulting in excessive free IAA accumulation.This excessive free IAA altered plant tissue structure,accelerated fungal hyphal invasion,reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes(SOD,POD and CAT),increased the reactive oxygen species(ROS)level,and reduced total chlorophyll content and photosynthetic ability,while regulating the expression of PR-related genes including PR1,PR4,PR5 and PR8.It also changed the contents of plant hormones and amino acids,and ultimately reduced the resistance to F.solani.In conclusion,these results demonstrate that MdGH3-2 and MdGH3-12 play an important role in apple tolerance to F.solani and ARD. 展开更多
关键词 Fusarium solani early auxin responsive gene apple replant disease plant hormone antioxidant
Multifunctional catalytic sites regulation of atomic-scale iridium on orthorhombic-CoSe_(2)for high efficiency dual-functional alkaline hydrogen evolution and organic degradation
作者 Jingjing Huang Chenglin Zhong +14 位作者 Yanjie Xia Jia Liu Guizhen Li chao yang Jiahong Wang Qian Wang Zhenbao Zhang Feng Yan Jianghua Wu Yu Deng Zhenjiang Zhou Xingchen He Paul K.Chu Woon-Ming Lau Xue-Feng Yu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期271-281,共11页
The earth-abundant and high-performance catalysts are crucial for commercial implementation of hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).Herein,a multifunctional site strategy to construct excellent HER catalysts by incorporat... The earth-abundant and high-performance catalysts are crucial for commercial implementation of hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).Herein,a multifunctional site strategy to construct excellent HER catalysts by incorporating iridium(Ir)ions on the atomic scale into orthorhombic-CoSe2(Ir-CoSe_(2))was reported.Outstanding hydrogen evolution activity in alkaline media such as a low overpotential of 48.7 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm^(-2)and better performance than commercial Pt/C catalysts at high current densities were found in the Ir-CoSe_(2) samples.In the experiments and theoretical calculations,it was revealed that Ir enabled CoSe_(2)to form multifunctional sites to synergistically catalyze alkaline HER by promoting the adsorption and dissociation of H_(2)O(Ir sites)and optimizing the binding energy for H^(*)on Co sites.It was noticeable that the electrolytic system comprising the Ir-CoSe_(2)electrode not only produced hydrogen efficiently via HER,but also degraded organic pollutants(Methylene blue).The cell voltage of the dual-function electrolytic system was 1.58 V at the benchmark current density of 50 mA cm^(-2),which was significantly lower than the conventional water splitting voltage.It was indicated that this method was a novel strategy for designing advanced HER electrocatalysts by constructing multifunctional catalytic sites for hydrogen production and organic degradation. 展开更多
关键词 Orthorhombic-CoSe_(2) Multifunctional sites design Hydrogen evolution reaction Synergistically catalyze Methylene blue oxidation
Heat exposure and hospitalizations for chronic kidney disease in China: a nationwide time series study in 261 major Chinese cities
作者 Fu-Lin Wang Wan-Zhou Wang +9 位作者 Fei-Fei Zhang Su-Yuan Peng Huai-Yu Wang Rui Chen Jin-Wei Wang Peng-Fei Li yang Wang Ming-Hui Zhao chao yang Lu-Xia Zhang 《Military Medical Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期469-478,共10页
Background:Climate change profoundly shapes the population health at the global scale.However,there was still insufficient and inconsistent evidence for the association between heat exposure and chronic kidney disease... Background:Climate change profoundly shapes the population health at the global scale.However,there was still insufficient and inconsistent evidence for the association between heat exposure and chronic kidney disease(CKD).Methods:In the present study,we studied the association of heat exposure with hospitalizations for cause-specific CKD using a national inpatient database in China during the study period of hot season from 2015 to 2018.Standard time-series regression models and random-effects Meta-analysis were developed to estimate the city-specific and national averaged associations at a 7 lag-day span,respectively.Results:A total of 768,129 hospitalizations for CKD was recorded during the study period.The results showed that higher temperature was associated with elevated risk of hospitalizations for CKD,especially in sub-tropical cities.With a 1℃ increase in daily mean temperature,the cumulative relative risks(RR)over lag 0-7 d were 1.008[95% confidence interval(CI)1.003-1.012]for nationwide.The attributable fraction of CKD hospitalizations due to high temperatures was 5.50%.Stronger associations were observed among younger patients and those with obstructive nephropathy.Our study also found that exposure to heatwaves was associated with added risk of hospitalizations for CKD compared to non-heatwave days(RR=1.116,95%CI 1.069-1.166)above the effect of daily mean temperature.Conclusions:Short-term heat exposure may increase the risk of hospitalization for CKD.Our findings provide insights into the health effects of climate change and suggest the necessity of guided protection strategies against the adverse effects of high temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic kidney disease HOSPITALIZATION Climate change Temperature Time-series study
Research progress on catalysts for organic sulfur hydrolysis: Review of activity and stability
作者 Bingning Wang Xianzhe Wang +3 位作者 Song yang chao yang Huiling Fan Ju Shangguan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期203-216,共14页
The removal of organic sulfur through catalytic hydrolysis is a significant area of research in the field of desulfurization.This review provides an overview of recent advancements in catalytic hydrolysis technology o... The removal of organic sulfur through catalytic hydrolysis is a significant area of research in the field of desulfurization.This review provides an overview of recent advancements in catalytic hydrolysis technology of organic sulfur,including the activity,stability,and atmosphere effects of hydrolysis catalysts.The emphasis is on strategies for enhancing hydrolysis activity and anti-oxygen poisoning property of catalysts.Surface modification,metal doping and nitrogen doping have been found to improve the activity of catalysts.Alkaline components modification is the most commonly used method,the formation of oxygen vacancies through metal doping and creation of nitrogen basic sites through nitrogen doping also contribute to the hydrolysis of organic sulfur.The strategies for anti-oxygen poisoning are discussed in a systematic manner.The structural regulation of catalysts is beneficial for the desorption and diffusion of hydrogen sulfide(H_(2)S),thereby effectively inhibiting its oxidation.Nitrogen doping and the addition of electronic promoters such as transition metals can protect active sites and decrease the number of active oxygen species.These methods have been proven to enhance the anti-poisoning performance of catalysts.Additionally,this article summarizes how different atmospheres affect the activity of hydrolysis catalysts.The objective of this review is to pave the way for the development of efficient,stable and widely used catalysts for organic sulfur hydrolysis. 展开更多
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