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作者 孟帅举 王孟璐 +6 位作者 宋金龙 张明池 毕广利 曹驰 刘海峰 陈体军 李元东 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期3352-3365,共14页
为研究Cu元素对Mg-Bi-Sn系合金微观组织与力学性能的影响规律,制备了铸态Mg-3Bi-5Sn-xCu(x=0,1,2,3,质量分数,%)合金,采用OM、SEM、XRD、EPMA、维氏硬度计和拉伸试验机,研究了Cu元素对铸态Mg-3Bi-5Sn(BT35)合金的微观组织和力学性能的... 为研究Cu元素对Mg-Bi-Sn系合金微观组织与力学性能的影响规律,制备了铸态Mg-3Bi-5Sn-xCu(x=0,1,2,3,质量分数,%)合金,采用OM、SEM、XRD、EPMA、维氏硬度计和拉伸试验机,研究了Cu元素对铸态Mg-3Bi-5Sn(BT35)合金的微观组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:Cu元素可以显著细化BT35合金晶粒组织,随着Cu含量的增加,合金晶粒尺寸先显著减小后略微增大,在本研究所制备的四种合金中,Mg-3Bi-5Sn-2Cu (BTC352)合金具有最小的晶粒尺寸(62.0μm)。此外,BT35合金中主要物相组成为α-Mg、Mg_(3)Bi_(2)相和Mg2Sn相;而添加Cu元素后,合金中还出现了额外的Mg_(2)Cu相和BiSn相。当Cu元素的添加量由0%提升到3%时,合金的抗拉强度和伸长率均呈现先升高后降低的趋势,主要是由于2%Cu合金化引起的晶粒细化、第二相强化和固溶强化的综合作用,BTC352合金表现出最佳的力学性能,其抗拉强度和伸长率为分别为(249.9±6.0) MPa和(13.0±1.0)%,其断口组织呈现典型穿晶断裂特征。 展开更多
关键词 镁合金 铸造 Cu元素 微观组织 力学性能
石墨烯纳米片超声分散的研究 被引量:10
作者 张斌 陈体军 +1 位作者 王凌云 杨宝清 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期8133-8139,共7页
为获得分散均匀无污染、不团聚的的石墨烯纳米片,通过超声处理技术分散已团聚的石墨烯纳米片并研究了主要影响因素--超声功率和超声时间在分散过程中对石墨烯纳米片分散效果和结构的影响。利用场发射电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、傅里... 为获得分散均匀无污染、不团聚的的石墨烯纳米片,通过超声处理技术分散已团聚的石墨烯纳米片并研究了主要影响因素--超声功率和超声时间在分散过程中对石墨烯纳米片分散效果和结构的影响。利用场发射电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、傅里叶变换红外光谱、X射线光电子能谱、拉曼光谱、原子力显微镜对超声分散后的石墨烯纳米片的形貌、尺寸和结构进行表征与分析。结果表明,延长超声时间或增加超声功率可以显著提高石墨烯纳米片的分散效果,但相应的也一定程度降低了石墨烯纳米片的尺寸,生成大量的边缘型缺陷,尤其当功率过大或时间过长时甚至会生成空位缺陷。当超声功率960 W,超声时间4 h时石墨烯纳米片的分散效果最好,且破碎程度相对较低。 展开更多
关键词 石墨烯纳米片 团聚 超声分散 均匀 空化效应
硫酸溶液中TC4合金电化学腐蚀与摩擦行为研究 被引量:6
作者 樊亚龙 文怀兴 +4 位作者 韩昉 何乃如 陈威 陈体军 贾均红 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期11200-11206,共7页
针对钛合金冷拉拔出现的表面加工硬化、加工效率低;以及产品表面平整性差的现存问题,探索研究钛合金在腐蚀介质下的电化学腐蚀对其表面摩擦学行为的影响及其机制,以期为未来钛合金电化学拉拔工艺应用提供理论基础。采用球-盘式往复摩擦... 针对钛合金冷拉拔出现的表面加工硬化、加工效率低;以及产品表面平整性差的现存问题,探索研究钛合金在腐蚀介质下的电化学腐蚀对其表面摩擦学行为的影响及其机制,以期为未来钛合金电化学拉拔工艺应用提供理论基础。采用球-盘式往复摩擦试验机、电化学工作站研究TC4钛合金在硫酸溶液中的电化学腐蚀摩擦行为,分析不同外加电位、滑动速度与摩擦系数、磨损形貌的关系。结果表明:滑动摩擦产生的接触区局部塑性变形促进了磨痕处阳极溶解,引起开路电位负移与腐蚀电流增大。当外电位从-0.3 V增大到1.0 V,摩擦系数先减小后增大。在外加阳极电位促进腐蚀作用下,试样表层的腐蚀产物能够对其表面形貌与磨损机制产生影响,从而有效改善TC4表面的摩擦学性能。 展开更多
关键词 TC4合金 拉拔工艺 电化学效应 腐蚀摩擦行为 磨损机理
SiC体积分数和热处理对SiC/2024Al复合材料性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 康靖 阎峰云 +3 位作者 陈体军 汪洋 刘景山 赵永生 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2020年第12期74-77,81,共5页
采用直接电热粉末半固态触变成形法制备Si C不同体积分数(10vol%、20vol%、30vol%、40vol%)的Si C/2024Al复合材料。利用扫描电镜观察复合材料的微观组织,通过检测其物理性能和力学性能,获得Si C体积含量和热处理对Si C/2024Al复合材料... 采用直接电热粉末半固态触变成形法制备Si C不同体积分数(10vol%、20vol%、30vol%、40vol%)的Si C/2024Al复合材料。利用扫描电镜观察复合材料的微观组织,通过检测其物理性能和力学性能,获得Si C体积含量和热处理对Si C/2024Al复合材料组织与性能的影响规律。结果显示:随着Si C体积含量的增大,复合材料的组织出现了程度不一的Si C颗粒团聚,使材料的致密度下降;经过T6热处理后,Si C/2024Al复合材料抗拉强度在20vol%时达到最大值(505 MPa),比完全退火态提高了68.3%;布氏硬度在40vol%达到最大值(244 HB),比完全退火态提高了41.0%。 展开更多
关键词 SiC体积分数 2024AL复合材料 T6热处理 抗拉强度 硬度
等离子喷涂NiAl-MoO_(3)复合涂层的高温摩擦学与抗热震性能 被引量:1
作者 姚仟仟 陈体军 +1 位作者 贾均红 杨杰 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2022年第2期91-96,共6页
采用大气等离子喷涂技术(APS)在S31008基体表面分别制备了NiAl涂层和NiAl-MoO_(3)复合涂层。结果表明:等离子喷涂制备的复合涂层具有致密的微观组织。MoO_(3)的添加使得复合涂层的结合强度和显微硬度均低于NiAl涂层,即分别从66.4MPa和24... 采用大气等离子喷涂技术(APS)在S31008基体表面分别制备了NiAl涂层和NiAl-MoO_(3)复合涂层。结果表明:等离子喷涂制备的复合涂层具有致密的微观组织。MoO_(3)的添加使得复合涂层的结合强度和显微硬度均低于NiAl涂层,即分别从66.4MPa和248.6HV0.3降低至35.9MPa和232.8HV0.3。800℃时摩擦系数和磨损率分别低至0.16和6.55×10^(-5)mm^(3)/(N·m)。涂层在50次加热-水冷循环中,未出现大面积的脱落。 展开更多
关键词 大气等离子喷涂 NiAl-MoO_(3)复合涂层 摩擦化学反应 热震
Al-Ti-B晶粒细化剂的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 缪欢 阎峰云 +1 位作者 陈体军 刘洪军 《中国铸造装备与技术》 CAS 2018年第4期11-16,共6页
关键词 Al-Ti-B晶粒细化剂 制备方法 熔体处理 成型技术
预电化学腐蚀时间对Q235钢棒材电化学冷拉拔的影响 被引量:1
作者 杨宝清 陈体军 +2 位作者 张斌 张金玉 王凌云 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2021年第3期20-24,共5页
通过光学显微镜(OM)、显微硬度仪(HV)、正电子湮没寿命谱仪(PALS)等分析手段,研究了不同预电化学腐蚀时间对Q235钢电化学冷拉拔过程中的拉拔力、硬度、变形层、塑化层的影响。结果表明:当预电化学腐蚀时间为20 min时,拉拔力下降幅度最大... 通过光学显微镜(OM)、显微硬度仪(HV)、正电子湮没寿命谱仪(PALS)等分析手段,研究了不同预电化学腐蚀时间对Q235钢电化学冷拉拔过程中的拉拔力、硬度、变形层、塑化层的影响。结果表明:当预电化学腐蚀时间为20 min时,拉拔力下降幅度最大,与传统拉拔相比下降了14.6%,且拉拔后的棒材的变形层厚度及硬度也最小;不同的预电化学腐蚀时间使Q235钢棒材的表面出现不同程度的塑化,其主要是由于空位缺陷的形成。而棒材表面形成的空位缺陷进一步降低拉拔力,其主要是由于已形成的空位缺陷使位错进一步松弛。 展开更多
关键词 电化学冷拉拔 拉拔力 塑化 空位缺陷
Microstructure evolution of ZA72 magnesium alloy during partial remelting 被引量:11
作者 Feng Kai Huang Xiaofeng +2 位作者 Ma Ying chen tijun Hao Yuan 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期74-80,共7页
The application of some semi-solid forming magnesium alloys is restricted due to their weak mechanical properties. To improve the mechanical properties, it is necessary to research the regularity and theory of semi-so... The application of some semi-solid forming magnesium alloys is restricted due to their weak mechanical properties. To improve the mechanical properties, it is necessary to research the regularity and theory of semi-solid microstructure evolution of the alloy. In this study, microstructure evolution of ZA72 alloy during the partial remelting, and the effect of holding temperature and holding time on the semi-solid microstructure evolution of ZA72 magnesium alloy were investigated by means of OM, SEM and EDS analysis. The results indicate that the microstructure with small and spheroidal semi-solid particles which are available for thixo-forming can be obtained using proper heating parameters. After being isothermally treated at between 580 and 610 ℃ for 30 min, the equivalent size and shape factor of primary solid phase of ZA72 alloy decrease gradually, while the liquid volume fraction increases. When isothermally treated at 600 ℃ and held for different times from 15 to 60 min, with the increase of holding time, the equivalent size of primary particles decreases at first and then increases gradually; while the shape factor decreases gradually. The best heat treatment parameters in this experiment are to hold at 610 ℃for 30 min. Compared with as-cast ZA72 alloy, the sizes of the eutectic phase and second a-Mg phase obtained in semi-solid state are smaller due to the higher solidification rate and the higher under-cooling degree than as-cast state. These decrease the fracture probability during tensile stress and improve the properties of the ZA72 alloy by semi-solid forming. 展开更多
关键词 ZA72 magnesium alloy microstructure evolution partial remelting SEMI-SOLID
Microstructures and corrosion properties of casting in situ Al_3Ti-Al composites 被引量:7
作者 chen tijun LI Jian HAO Yuan 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第1期78-85,共8页
The effects of Ti content and the alloying elements of Si and Cu on the microstructures of casting in situ Al3Ti-Al composites were investigated. Simultaneously, their corrosion properties were also discussed. The res... The effects of Ti content and the alloying elements of Si and Cu on the microstructures of casting in situ Al3Ti-Al composites were investigated. Simultaneously, their corrosion properties were also discussed. The results indicate that the aspect ratios of Al3Ti platelets in different Al based composites are different although all of them are in flaky shape. The morphologies of Al3Ti phase are not only determined by Ti content, but are also related to the alloying elements. The grain refining role of Al3Ti phase in the pure Al and Al-Cu based composites is more effective than that in the Al-Si based composite. The addition of Ti decreases the corrosion resistance of pure Al and Al alloys. The corrosion resistances of the composites are dependent on both the corrosion characteristics of the corresponding matrixes and the distribution of Al3Ti platelets. 展开更多
关键词 metal matrix composite microstructure corrosion resistance alloying element MORPHOLOGY
Evolution of rheocast microstructure of AZ31 alloy in semisolid state 被引量:5
作者 Xing Bo Li Yuandong +2 位作者 Ma Ying chen tijun Hao Yuan 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期221-226,共6页
Semisolid rheoforming (SSR) is a promising technology for the production of Mg wrought alloy in foundry settings. In order to realize SSR, it is necessary to characterize the grain structure evolution during slurry ... Semisolid rheoforming (SSR) is a promising technology for the production of Mg wrought alloy in foundry settings. In order to realize SSR, it is necessary to characterize the grain structure evolution during slurry preparation. In this paper, slurry of AZ31 alloy was produced by a novel rheocast process known as self-inoculation method (SIM). Interrupted quenching technology was applied to investigate the primary a-Mg evolution during continuous cooling and isothermal holding. Results indicate that the initial microstructure of slurry produced by SIM is a mixture of irregular grains, which becomes ideally globular when the slurry slowly cools to 620 ~C and isothermally held for at least 30 s. The local solute diffusion leads to dendritic fragmentation and forms separated particles. During prolonged holding, the particle surface gradually becomes smooth because of protuberance melting and groove advancement. Coarsening of a-Mg grains in isothermal holding was analyzed using Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner theory. Results suggest that coalescence is most likely the dominant coarsening mechanism in the early stage while Ostwald ripening tends to be the principal one later. The EDS results indicate that a longer holding time leads to AI solute element segregation at the grain boundaries, but Zn distribution within liquid matrix has no obvious change. 展开更多
关键词 rheocast microstructure evolution mechanism AZ31 alloy quiescent state
Casting fabrication of in situ Al_3Ti-Al composites and their wear behaviors 被引量:4
作者 chen tijun Li Jian Hao Yuan 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2009年第4期319-327,共9页
The Al3Ti intermetallic reinforced pure Al,Al-13Si and Al-17Cu matrix composites were prepared by casting method.Their microstructures and dry sliding wear behaviors at room temperature and 100℃were particularly inve... The Al3Ti intermetallic reinforced pure Al,Al-13Si and Al-17Cu matrix composites were prepared by casting method.Their microstructures and dry sliding wear behaviors at room temperature and 100℃were particularly investigated.The results indicated that the Al3Ti phases in these composites were all in flaky form.But the aspect ratio of the Al3Ti platelets decreased with the increase of Ti content in the pure Al,Al-Cu and Al-Si matrix composites,in order of effectiveness.The effect of Si on the Al3Ti morphology seemed to be greater than that of Cu.The distributions of the Al3Ti platelets were different in the different matrix composites,leading to different grain refining effects.Except for the sub-wear regime of adhesive wear,the plastic deformation induced wear was a dominant wear mechanism for all of the composites at room temperature and 100℃.Increasing the testing temperature,decreasing the Al3Ti content or the hardness of materials could enhance these two wear mechanisms,and thus increase the wear rate.The Al-Cu matrix composite had the best wear resistance,while the pure Al matrix composite showed the worst for the same Ti content.These differences or changes were attributed to the differences in materials'hardness or the strengthening effects of the Al3Ti platelets. 展开更多
关键词 in situ Al3Ti-Al composite CASTING MICROSTRUCTURE wear resistance wear mechanism
Grain refining technique of AM60B alloy by Al-Ti-B master alloy 被引量:2
作者 chen tijun Wang Ruiquan +1 位作者 Ma Ying Hao Yuan 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期380-385,共6页
The effects of grain refining parameters on grain size of AM60B magnesium alloy have been investigated using an Al-5Ti-IB master alloy as refiner; and an appropriate refining technique has been developed. The results ... The effects of grain refining parameters on grain size of AM60B magnesium alloy have been investigated using an Al-5Ti-IB master alloy as refiner; and an appropriate refining technique has been developed. The results indicate that the Al-Ti-B master alloy is an effective grain refiner for AM60B alloy and the grain size can be decreased from 348 μm to 76 μm. Raising the addition temperature or the poudng temperature is beneficial for grain refinement; while for the addition amount and holding time, there is an optimal value. The appropriate grain refining technique is that 0.3% Al-Ti-B master alloy is added at 780℃ and then the melt is held for 30 min before pouring. The above phenomena can be explained by the refining mechanisms that have been proposed from the related studies on Al and Mg alloys and theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 AM60B magnesium alloy grain refinement Al-Ti-B master alloy refining mechanism
Microstructural evolution of fine-grained ZA27 alloy during partial remelting 被引量:2
作者 chen tijun Fu Mingfeng Hao Yuan 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2010年第4期331-336,共6页
The microstructural evolution process of fined-grained ZA27 alloy during partial remelting has been investigated. The relationship between the as-cast and semi-solid microstructures has been discussed in particular. T... The microstructural evolution process of fined-grained ZA27 alloy during partial remelting has been investigated. The relationship between the as-cast and semi-solid microstructures has been discussed in particular. The results indicate that a semi-solid microstructure with small and spheroidal primary particles can be obtained when the ZA27 alloy is partially remelted. The microstructural evolution can be divided into four stages, the initial coarsening of the dendrites due to coalescence of dendrite arms, structural separation resulted from the melting of residual interdendritic eutectic, spheroidization due to the partial melting of solid particles and final coarsening attributed to the coalescence and Ostwald ripening. An equiaxed dendrite in the as-cast microstructure may evolve into one spheroidal particle in the semi-solid microsturucture after being partially remelted. The more equiaxed the dendrites in an as-cast microstructure are, the more spheroidal the solid particles in the semi-solid microstructure will be. Finer primary particles could be obtained if the alloy with finer as-cast microstructure was partially remelted. However, due to the coalescence effect, their sizes cannot be reduced further if the refined as-cast microstructure reached a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 ZA27 alloy THIXOFORMING semi-solid microstructure partial remelting
Microstructural evolution of equal channel angular pressed AZ91D magnesium alloy during semi-solid isothermal heat treatment 被引量:2
作者 chen tijun Lu Guoxiang Hao Yuan 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2008年第4期234-239,共6页
The microstructural evolution of AZ91D magnesium alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing during isothermal heat treatment at 570℃was investigated.The results indicated that the equal channel angular pressin... The microstructural evolution of AZ91D magnesium alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing during isothermal heat treatment at 570℃was investigated.The results indicated that the equal channel angular pressing followed by semi-solid isothermal heat treatment was an effective method to prepare semi-solid nondendritic slurry of AZ91D magnesium alloy.During this process,its microstructure change underwent four stages,the initial coarsening stage,the structure separation stage,the spheroidization stage and the final coarsening stage.The microstructural spheroidization effect was the best after being heated for 15 min for the alloy pressed for four passes,and the grain size was the smallest.With the further increase of heating time,the grain size and shape factor increased.When the heating time was kept constant,the grain size and shape factor decreased with the increase of pressing passes. 展开更多
关键词 AZ91D magnesium alloy semi-solid isothermal heat treatment MICROSTRUCTURE semi-solid forming
Friction and wear properties of casting in-situ silicon particle reinforced ZA27 composites 被引量:1
作者 chen tijun Yuan chengren +3 位作者 Fu Mingfeng Ma Ying LiYuandong Hao Yuan 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2009年第1期1-8,共8页
The effects of silicon particle content and testing temperature on friction and wear properties of casting in-situ silicon particle reinforced ZA27 composites were investigated.The wear mechanisms were mainly discusse... The effects of silicon particle content and testing temperature on friction and wear properties of casting in-situ silicon particle reinforced ZA27 composites were investigated.The wear mechanisms were mainly discussed by observations of both worn surfaces and their side views.The results indicated that the variations of wear resistance with increasing of silicon particle content,at all of the testing temperatures applied,showed a similar tendency with a manner of non-monotonous change.It was surprised that the wear resistance decreased with the increase of silicon particle content from 2 vol.%to 5 vol.%,while it increased when the content was less than 2 vol.%or more than 5 vol.%.Similarly,the friction coefficient also did not change monotonously.The dominative wear mechanism changed from a relatively severe regime of plastic deformation accompanied by adhesion wear to a mild regime of smear,then to a very severe regime of severe plastic deformation induced wear,and finally again to a relatively mild regime of smear accompanied by abrasive wear as the silicon content increased.The wear resistance always decreased with elevating testing temperature,but the decrease ranges were different for the composites with different silicon contents.The friction coefficients changed irregularly for the different composites with the increase of testing temperature.Correspondingly,the wear mechanism alternated from a mild regime of smear accompanied by abrasive wear to a severe regime of plastic deformation accompanied by adhesion wear. 展开更多
关键词 in-situ composite silicon particle friction and wear wear mechanism HARDNESS
作者 杨旭鲲 陈体军 +1 位作者 薛晗 张宗旭 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2023年第15期75-79,共5页
采用强制对流混合方式的受控扩散凝固技术制备了亚共晶Al-8%Si合金,研究了不同的母合金成分和混合温度对亚共晶Al-8%Si合金组织中初生α-Al相的形貌和尺寸的影响。结果表明,在纯Al与Al-12%Si合金混合后制备的Al-8%Si合金中初生α-Al相... 采用强制对流混合方式的受控扩散凝固技术制备了亚共晶Al-8%Si合金,研究了不同的母合金成分和混合温度对亚共晶Al-8%Si合金组织中初生α-Al相的形貌和尺寸的影响。结果表明,在纯Al与Al-12%Si合金混合后制备的Al-8%Si合金中初生α-Al相为细小圆整的球状晶,而且在纯Al的混合温度为665℃时,初生α-Al相的细化效果最好,晶粒尺寸可以达到43μm。随着母合金中Si含量的增加与纯Al混合温度的升高,初生α-Al相的细化效果变差。 展开更多
关键词 受控扩散凝固 强制对流 亚共晶Al-8%Si合金 初生α-Al相
作者 张治国 陈体军 +1 位作者 张学拯 王延明 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期520-528,共9页
采用粉末触变成形技术制备了由“芯-壳”结构粒子增强的A356Al复合材料,然后通过T6热处理进一步提高该复合材料的综合力学性能。结果表明,“芯-壳”结构增强体颗粒不仅能够提高复合材料的抗拉强度、屈服强度(增加率分别为18.0%和32.7%)... 采用粉末触变成形技术制备了由“芯-壳”结构粒子增强的A356Al复合材料,然后通过T6热处理进一步提高该复合材料的综合力学性能。结果表明,“芯-壳”结构增强体颗粒不仅能够提高复合材料的抗拉强度、屈服强度(增加率分别为18.0%和32.7%),延伸率10.8%,具备与基体铝合金(12.4%)相当的塑性。在T6热处理过程中,随时效时间的延长,该复合材料的强度、硬度先增加(1~7 h,即欠时效)后减小(9~12 h,即过时效),在8 h时达到最大值(即峰时效),此时复合材料的抗拉强度、屈服强度和硬度分别为325.4 MPa、254.4 MPa和1019.2 MPa,比热处理前分别提高了33.7%、74.0%和48.5%;峰时效延伸率为9.4%,与热处理前相比几乎没有下降。即经过T6热处理后,“芯-壳”结构增强体粒子能在提高复合材料强度的同时,最大程度地保留其良好的塑性。最后,分析了时效8和12h的复合材料基体中析出相的尺寸、密度和类型,并对其强化机制进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 铝基复合材料 粉末触变成形 “芯-壳”结构 T6热处理 组织与性能
成形压力对SiCp/2024铝基复合材料性能的影响 被引量:3
作者 王振 阎峰云 +2 位作者 陈体军 张芳芳 李小红 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第1期88-91,共4页
采用直热法粉末触变成形工艺制备了SiCp体积分数为60%的SiCp/2024铝基复合材料,研究了成形压力对其孔隙率、抗弯强度、热膨胀系数的影响。结果表明,成形压力过大不利于提高复合材料的密度;成形压力为60 MPa时,复合材料的抗弯强度最大,为... 采用直热法粉末触变成形工艺制备了SiCp体积分数为60%的SiCp/2024铝基复合材料,研究了成形压力对其孔隙率、抗弯强度、热膨胀系数的影响。结果表明,成形压力过大不利于提高复合材料的密度;成形压力为60 MPa时,复合材料的抗弯强度最大,为289.33MPa;随着成形压力增加,复合材料的热膨胀系数先增加后减小。在成形压力为60 MPa时,复合材料在200℃的热膨胀系数最小,为6.687×10^-6 K^-1。 展开更多
关键词 触变成形 颗粒增强 复合材料 成形压力
粉末触变成形制备石墨烯增强ZK61镁基复合材料及性能 被引量:4
作者 张斌 陈体军 +1 位作者 王凌云 杨宝清 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第9期1008-1012,共5页
针对石墨烯在镁基合金中分散不均匀的问题,采用静电吸引法将Hummers法制备的氧化石墨烯与酸洗后的ZK61镁合金粉末均匀混合,通过粉末触变成形技术制备氧化石墨烯增强ZK61镁基复合材料。研究了制备工艺参数对氧化石墨烯在基体中的分散效... 针对石墨烯在镁基合金中分散不均匀的问题,采用静电吸引法将Hummers法制备的氧化石墨烯与酸洗后的ZK61镁合金粉末均匀混合,通过粉末触变成形技术制备氧化石墨烯增强ZK61镁基复合材料。研究了制备工艺参数对氧化石墨烯在基体中的分散效果以及对复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明,0.1%氧化石墨烯在840W功率下超声处理40min后,与经1%的乙酸酸洗后的镁合金粉末均匀混合,成形后氧化石墨烯在基体中分散均匀,复合材料抗拉强度比基体提高42.97%,伸长率提高6.76%,硬度变化不大。 展开更多
关键词 镁基复合材料 静电吸引 氧化石墨烯 均匀分散
重熔时间对固溶态Ti@(Al-Si-Ti)_(p)/A356复合材料组织和性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈体军 张治国 +1 位作者 张学拯 张金玉 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第6期729-736,共8页
通过粉末触变法制备了一种“芯-壳”结构颗粒增强A356铝基复合材料[Ti@(Al-Si-Ti)_(p)/A356],并对不同重熔时间下制备的复合材料进行545℃×1 h的固溶处理,研究了重熔时间对基体微观组织和“芯-壳”结构颗粒微观组织的演变和力学性... 通过粉末触变法制备了一种“芯-壳”结构颗粒增强A356铝基复合材料[Ti@(Al-Si-Ti)_(p)/A356],并对不同重熔时间下制备的复合材料进行545℃×1 h的固溶处理,研究了重熔时间对基体微观组织和“芯-壳”结构颗粒微观组织的演变和力学性能的影响。结果表明,随部分重熔时间延长,固溶态复合材料中初生α-Al颗粒不断粗化,共晶组织球化和粗化并且含量逐渐减少,“芯-壳”结构颗粒的壳层进一步反应增厚直至Ti芯被完全消耗。重熔时间为40 min的固溶态复合材料的力学性能最好,其屈服强度、抗拉强度和伸长率分别为172.1 MPa、263.9 MPa和20.0%,与铸态复合材料相比分别提高了7.3%、11.7%和12.4%。 展开更多
关键词 粉末触变成形 铝基复合材料 “芯-壳”结构增强体 组织 力学性能
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