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作者 程远平 王成浩 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期645-663,共19页
煤与瓦斯突出是一种以煤体变形能与瓦斯膨胀能共同驱动的煤岩动力灾害,尽管突出的综合作用假说已被广泛认可,相比于瓦斯膨胀能,煤体变形能在突出中的作用总被忽视。为了确定煤体变形能在突出中是否可以被忽略,对霍多特和郑哲敏的研究(... 煤与瓦斯突出是一种以煤体变形能与瓦斯膨胀能共同驱动的煤岩动力灾害,尽管突出的综合作用假说已被广泛认可,相比于瓦斯膨胀能,煤体变形能在突出中的作用总被忽视。为了确定煤体变形能在突出中是否可以被忽略,对霍多特和郑哲敏的研究(突出能量领域的代表性成果)开展了系统回顾与讨论,认为霍多特提出的突出激发能量判据以煤体变形能为核心,而郑哲敏的数量级对比结果不能作为变形能可以被忽视的证据。大部分煤与瓦斯突出事故发生在构造煤层中,为揭示构造煤变形能在突出中的贡献,开展了煤体循环载荷实验与三轴破坏同步声发射监测实验,实验结果表明:与原生煤的线性、小变形特征不同,构造煤的加卸载曲线具有非线性、大变形的特征,构造煤的变形能与应力不再符合平方关系。基于土力学临界状态模型,构建了适用于构造煤非线性特征的变形能理论计算模型,该模型反映了煤体变形能与应力间的幂函数关系,确定了构造煤的幂指数主要为1.1~1.3,原生煤的幂指数主要为1.7~1.9,进一步表明构造煤的性质与土体更相似,而原生煤的性质更接近理想弹性体。尽管在相同应力水平下,构造煤的变形能更大,但构造煤在失稳后的对外释放能量很低,表现为损伤破碎时几乎不产生声发射信号。构造煤变形能的对外释放能量增加了煤体孔隙率,对内耗散能量为瓦斯快速解吸提供条件,2者综合控制了瓦斯膨胀能的释放。瓦斯膨胀能的研究对象应为参与突出做功的瓦斯,即突出煤体在短时间内的释放瓦斯,进一步的实验与数值分析结果表明,参与突出做功的瓦斯膨胀能与构造煤体变形能数量级相近,为10^(2)~10^(3)kJ/t。煤体变形能与瓦斯膨胀能的释放存在时序性与因果性,在突出孕育–激发阶段,煤体变形能的预先释放是瓦斯膨胀能聚集的必要条件。突出由煤体变形能与瓦斯膨胀能共同控制,煤体变形能与瓦斯膨胀能在突出中具有同等重要的地位。 展开更多
关键词 煤与瓦斯突出 构造煤 煤体变形能 瓦斯膨胀能 释放机制
基于煤中甲烷赋存和运移特性的新孔隙分类方法 被引量:6
作者 程远平 胡彪 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期212-225,共14页
煤中复杂的多尺度孔隙结构是瓦斯赋存的空间和运移的通道,厘清甲烷在不同孔隙中的赋存和运移特性对煤层瓦斯的抽采利用以及灾害防治具有重要意义。在过去的几十年中,学者们对煤中复杂孔隙结构进行了大量的研究与分类。随着孔隙测试技术... 煤中复杂的多尺度孔隙结构是瓦斯赋存的空间和运移的通道,厘清甲烷在不同孔隙中的赋存和运移特性对煤层瓦斯的抽采利用以及灾害防治具有重要意义。在过去的几十年中,学者们对煤中复杂孔隙结构进行了大量的研究与分类。随着孔隙测试技术的发展,以及对煤中甲烷赋存和运移特性的进一步认识,发现现有的煤孔隙分类方法存在不足。因此,对以往的孔隙分类方法进行全面回顾,并基于最新的煤中甲烷赋存和运移特性的研究成果,提出了一种新的针对煤和甲烷系统的孔隙分类方法。将煤中孔隙结构划分为不可达孔(<0.38 nm)、填充孔(0.38~1.50 nm,吸附相扩散)、扩散孔(1.50~100 nm,游离相扩散)和渗流孔(>100 nm)4类,且煤中不同孔隙(填充孔、扩散孔和渗流孔)形成顺序串联,相同孔隙形成相互并联为主的连接模式。煤中甲烷主要以微孔填充形式吸附于填充孔中,填充孔中的吸附态甲烷作为煤层瓦斯运移的源头,以吸附相扩散的形式为扩散孔中的游离相扩散提供源源不断的甲烷分子,而扩散孔中运移的甲烷也汇总至渗流孔并不断渗流到抽采钻孔或煤壁表面。新的煤孔隙分类方法总结了甲烷分子在不同尺寸孔隙结构中的赋存形式(微孔填充吸附态、单分子层吸附态和游离态)及其运移特性,为从微观和宏观相结合角度进一步研究甲烷在煤中的赋存和运移规律提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 甲烷 微孔填充 扩散 渗流 孔隙分类
煤与瓦斯突出相似模拟试验的能量原理 被引量:3
作者 程远平 雷杨 杨斯杰 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期4078-4096,共19页
煤与瓦斯突出作为一种破坏力极强的矿井动力灾害,由于这种动力灾害通常难以直接观测,煤与瓦斯突出的物理相似模拟成为了收集突出观测数据和研究突出机理的重要方法。然而,突出相似模拟试验的能量原理目前仍缺乏系统性研究。通过对过去7... 煤与瓦斯突出作为一种破坏力极强的矿井动力灾害,由于这种动力灾害通常难以直接观测,煤与瓦斯突出的物理相似模拟成为了收集突出观测数据和研究突出机理的重要方法。然而,突出相似模拟试验的能量原理目前仍缺乏系统性研究。通过对过去70 a中突出模拟试验的回顾,发现实验型煤具有普遍较高的孔隙率(10%~40%,中位数为21.2%),显著增大了煤孔隙中储存的初始游离瓦斯膨胀能(几倍到几十倍)。为了进一步获得突出模拟试验的能量释放特征,基于相似准则,利用真三轴煤与瓦斯突出模拟系统开展了一系列突出模拟试验。结合观测数据与能量分析,发现瓦斯膨胀能是突出能量的主要组成部分,占总能量的87.50%~95.31%,其中初始游离气体的贡献占比为1/3~2/3;证明了实验室模拟试验的本质,是将突出过程等效为煤中高压气体驱动的动力过程。特别是,由于实验型煤高孔隙率引起的高初始游离瓦斯膨胀能,模拟试验可以不依赖应力条件,甚至可以由非吸附性气体(如He)在低压下(约0.45 MPa)诱发。与现场实际突出相比,模拟试验往往表现为瓦斯膨胀能与应力能的同时释放,缺乏应力与瓦斯之间的相互作用,因而难以还原突出的激发过程。在未来的试验装置设计中,如何使实验型煤孔隙率与原始煤层相当(通常为1%~11%)是突出相似模拟能否在相似性上获得突破性进展的关键。 展开更多
关键词 煤与瓦斯突出 瓦斯膨胀能 试验仪器 能量原理 突出机理
岩浆岩环境煤层瓦斯异常赋存特征与动力灾害防控关键技术 被引量:8
作者 王亮 郭海军 +6 位作者 程远平 王凯 徐超 蒋静宇 吴昱辰 廖晓雪 唐寒露 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期1244-1259,共16页
为研究岩浆岩赋存环境对煤层瓦斯动力灾害的影响,综合理论分析、实验室试验、多手段数值模拟、工程实践等方法,对岩浆岩侵入煤系地层后的热变质作用特征、煤体化学结构和物理规律变化特性等进行了系统研究与对比分析,并探讨了岩浆岩赋... 为研究岩浆岩赋存环境对煤层瓦斯动力灾害的影响,综合理论分析、实验室试验、多手段数值模拟、工程实践等方法,对岩浆岩侵入煤系地层后的热变质作用特征、煤体化学结构和物理规律变化特性等进行了系统研究与对比分析,并探讨了岩浆岩赋存环境下煤岩瓦斯动力灾害发生机制及防控关键技术。结果表明:①岩浆冷却-向围岩传热的散热方式为热传导,其热演化和接触变质作用不仅提升了煤体的变质程度并使其呈现自然分区特征,还导致煤体内部脱氧、去氢、富碳的趋势逐渐明显;②岩浆岩侵入煤系地层后,构造应力叠加热演化作用易造成影响区内煤体发生构造煤化,导致煤中孔容和比表面积增大,对瓦斯的吸附解吸能力亦增强;③岩浆岩赋存环境中煤体发生“二次生烃”,而致密低渗岩床的圈闭作用进一步提高了异常应力环境下伏煤层的瓦斯含量和瓦斯压力,增大了其煤与瓦斯突出危险性;④煤炭开采导致厚硬岩浆岩床失稳破断产生的冲击载荷作用于下伏含瓦斯煤层后,应力叠加等同于加大了煤层埋深并使煤体产生塑性破坏,能量叠加使得煤体灾变潜能提高,是导致煤层瓦斯动力灾害发生的主要因素。在上述研究基础上,结合岩浆岩赋存环境中煤层及其瓦斯赋存特征,建立了煤岩动力灾害预测敏感指标体系,并提出了煤层瓦斯动力灾害防控关键技术。 展开更多
关键词 岩浆岩 热演化 瓦斯动力灾害 致灾机理 灾害预测 灾害防控
低阶煤孔隙结构定量表征及瓦斯吸附放散特性 被引量:15
作者 蒋静宇 程远平 张硕 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期3221-3233,共13页
低阶煤广泛分布于我国西北、华北和东北地区且储量较大,但近年来部分低阶煤矿区瓦斯突出灾害严重。为研究低阶煤孔隙结构、瓦斯吸附放散特性及其对瓦斯灾害的影响,采用N2/CO2吸附法和小角X射线散射(SAXS)表征手段,开展瓦斯吸附/解吸试验... 低阶煤广泛分布于我国西北、华北和东北地区且储量较大,但近年来部分低阶煤矿区瓦斯突出灾害严重。为研究低阶煤孔隙结构、瓦斯吸附放散特性及其对瓦斯灾害的影响,采用N2/CO2吸附法和小角X射线散射(SAXS)表征手段,开展瓦斯吸附/解吸试验,运用分形理论,对6组煤样开展系统研究。根据煤样孔隙结构参数和瓦斯吸附/解吸特性参数的关系,获得低阶煤微观孔隙结构与宏观瓦斯吸附放散特性的相关性。结果表明:试验低阶煤煤样≤2 nm的微孔孔容为0.055~0.064 cm^(3)/g,总体上高于试验中阶煤样微孔孔容(0.026~0.060 cm^(3)/g);低阶煤介孔主要分布在2~8 nm,而中阶煤最发育孔径为2~4 nm。低阶煤介孔孔容和比表面积总体大于中阶煤;SAXS结果表明:低阶煤最发育孔径为10 nm左右,而中阶煤孔径在35 nm附近最发育。这与N2吸附法测得煤样最发育孔径约为3 nm存在较大差异,可能煤中存在闭孔或气体吸附法无法测到的孔。分形维数结果表明:低阶煤孔隙较中阶煤孔隙更为复杂。结合傅里叶变换红外光谱表明,低阶煤分子结构松散,含有较多长侧链的官能团,导致其微孔和介孔较为发育。微孔孔容与朗格缪尔体积(VL)存在正相关关系,介孔孔容与瓦斯扩散系数(D)亦存在正相关关系,而VL和D反映着煤体的吸附和放散特性。因此低阶煤具有相对较强的瓦斯吸附和放散能力,易于发生瓦斯异常涌出和瓦斯突出。 展开更多
关键词 煤与瓦斯突出 低阶煤 小角度散射 分形维数 瓦斯放散特性
煤与瓦斯突出模拟实验系统研究与教学实践 被引量:10
作者 王亮 王喆 +2 位作者 程远平 刘清泉 裴晓东 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第2期82-85,94,共5页
搭建了真实地层受力下的煤与瓦斯突出物理模拟实验系统,为矿井瓦斯防治课程的实验教学提供设备支持,按照"煤样制备—数据采集—结果分析"流程对学生进行引导,使学生能够变被动学习为主动钻研思考,有效地加强了学生对煤与瓦斯... 搭建了真实地层受力下的煤与瓦斯突出物理模拟实验系统,为矿井瓦斯防治课程的实验教学提供设备支持,按照"煤样制备—数据采集—结果分析"流程对学生进行引导,使学生能够变被动学习为主动钻研思考,有效地加强了学生对煤与瓦斯突出灾害的直观认知。将科研成果用于实验教学,实现了学生以科研方式对理论知识的深层次理解。 展开更多
关键词 煤与瓦斯突出 模拟实验平台 实验教学
煤与瓦斯突出预测敏感指标及其临界值研究进展 被引量:31
作者 程远平 周红星 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期146-154,共9页
煤与瓦斯突出预测是突出煤层2个"四位一体"综合防突措施的关键环节,对确定突出预测敏感指标及其临界值具有重要意义。以往突出预测敏感指标及临界值的确定,包括地应力指标和瓦斯指标,是通过现场反复测试、试验确定的;而现今... 煤与瓦斯突出预测是突出煤层2个"四位一体"综合防突措施的关键环节,对确定突出预测敏感指标及其临界值具有重要意义。以往突出预测敏感指标及临界值的确定,包括地应力指标和瓦斯指标,是通过现场反复测试、试验确定的;而现今的突出防治管理模式不支持这种方法,故只能采取实验室试验研究,主要是针对瓦斯相关指标的研究,结合部分现场验证来确定。选取大隆矿12煤、芦岭矿8煤、祁南矿3煤、朱仙庄矿10煤、童亭矿7煤和新景3煤等6个煤样,煤种涉及中等变质程度的气肥煤到高等变质程度的无烟煤,试验研究了各煤样瓦斯压力P与瓦斯含量W,瓦斯压力P与钻屑瓦斯解吸指标K_1和Δh_2,以及钻屑瓦斯解吸指标K_1与Δh_2之间的关系规律。结果表明:突出预测的瓦斯指标之间具有单值对应关系,但各煤样的这种对应关系是变化的,国家相关标准给出的突出预测指标建议临界值之间并不对应,也不能完全反映煤层的实际突出危险性与突出严重程度,不同变质程度煤层很难存在统一的临界值;应用煤层瓦斯相关指标之间的对应关系,结合突出煤层的实际,如始突深度、突出动力现象、钻孔动力现象等,可间接确定突出预测敏感指标的临界值。同时,未来精细化的突出防治对突出预测敏感指标有更高的要求,进一步研究的方向应包含反映地应力状况、小构造影响下煤层赋存、预测煤层潜在突出强度的指标,以及适应突出灾害差异性的新突出预测方法及措施效果检验方法。 展开更多
关键词 煤与瓦斯突出 突出预测 敏感指标 突出临界值
构造煤和煤与瓦斯突出关系的研究 被引量:62
作者 程远平 雷杨 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期180-198,共19页
构造煤是原生煤经过长期的强烈挤压,剪切变形后形成的,其具有黏聚力低、强度低和渗透率低等特点。长期以来,中国乃至全球的大部分煤与瓦斯突出事故都发生在构造煤层中,但是其根本原因尚未明确。为了揭示构造煤与突出的内在关系,对构造... 构造煤是原生煤经过长期的强烈挤压,剪切变形后形成的,其具有黏聚力低、强度低和渗透率低等特点。长期以来,中国乃至全球的大部分煤与瓦斯突出事故都发生在构造煤层中,但是其根本原因尚未明确。为了揭示构造煤与突出的内在关系,对构造煤与原生煤的孔隙结构、甲烷吸附、解吸、扩散、渗流和力学性质进行了系统性的回顾与对比,并结合突出能量进行了定量分析。结果表明,由于构造作用,构造煤比原生煤具有更大的总孔隙体积和比表面积,其中大孔受到的影响最为显著。此外,构造煤的吸附/解吸能力和扩散系数普遍较高,而抗压强度和弹性模量则普遍较小。在突出激发阶段,煤体破碎依赖于应力能的释放,此时破碎煤体释放的大量解吸瓦斯是突出后续发展的重要能量来源,特别是小于临界粒径的突出煤体,起到了决定性作用。然而,能量分析表明,若要满足临界粒径的要求,原生煤所需应力条件远高于构造煤,甚至会远超过目前采掘深度的应力水平。因此,原生煤难以提供足够的能量支撑突出的发展。在实际情况中,即使首先发生破碎的是原生煤或者岩石,突出的持续发展也强烈依赖于破碎比功更低和解吸能力更强的构造煤,表明构造煤不仅仅是更易于突出,更是突出发展的一个必要条件。此外,就构造煤的储层特性而言,在实验室中获得的构造煤渗透性能显著高于现场获得的结果(差异可达2个数量级),其主要原因可归结为实验室中重构的构造煤样品无法还原构造煤的原始物理性质。因此在未来的研究中,除了仍需要对构造煤体的孔隙结构进行系统性的研究外,还需要探究构造煤样品重构的新方法。 展开更多
关键词 构造煤 储层特性 突出机理 能量分析 应力
微孔填充——煤中甲烷的主要赋存形式 被引量:26
作者 程远平 胡彪 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期2933-2948,共16页
煤中甲烷赋存形式是其吸附能力的表征,也是其扩散和渗透特性研究的基础,厘清煤中甲烷赋存形式对煤矿瓦斯抽采和灾害防治具有重要意义。运用低压氮气和低压二氧化碳吸附法对不同变质程度的6个煤样微观孔隙结构进行定量分析,基于微孔填充... 煤中甲烷赋存形式是其吸附能力的表征,也是其扩散和渗透特性研究的基础,厘清煤中甲烷赋存形式对煤矿瓦斯抽采和灾害防治具有重要意义。运用低压氮气和低压二氧化碳吸附法对不同变质程度的6个煤样微观孔隙结构进行定量分析,基于微孔填充和单层吸附理论研究煤中甲烷极限吸附平衡状态,建立表征煤样甲烷吸附能力的量化方法,最后通过甲烷极限吸附实验结果验证理论结果的可靠性,获得甲烷在煤储层不同尺度孔隙结构中的赋存特征及其吸附能力的控制因素。结果表明:煤中0.38~1.50 nm孔隙结构的甲烷吸附能力受限于微孔孔容,而大于1.50 nm孔隙结构的甲烷吸附能力受孔隙表面积控制;6个煤样的孔隙结构中微孔孔容为0.028~0.065 cm^(3)/g、占66.1%~96.6%,微孔比表面积为75.4~197.3 m^(2)/g、占82.8%~98.2%;微孔填充计算的甲烷吸附量为14.50~32.27 cm^(3)/g,孔隙外表面积计算的甲烷吸附量为0.10~7.31 cm^(3)/g,计算的甲烷极限吸附量为14.60~33.35 cm^(3)/g;通过实验获得的甲烷极限吸附量为13.30~35.75 cm^(3)/g,与理论计算结果具有较好的相关性;说明煤中甲烷主要以微孔填充形式吸附在微孔孔隙中,5个煤样以微孔填充形式吸附的甲烷量超过极限吸附量的91%以上,0.38~0.76 nm微孔结构提供的甲烷吸附能力占总吸附能力的41.27%~55.32%;仅XQ煤样由于外比表面积的吸附作用,使其微孔填充形式吸附的甲烷量为极限吸附量的73.74%,0.38~0.76 nm微孔结构提供的甲烷吸附能力占总吸附能力的37.51%。 展开更多
关键词 孔隙特征 甲烷 吸附 微孔填充 单层吸附
基于煤中瓦斯赋存和运移方式的孔隙网络结构特征表征 被引量:13
作者 张开仲 程远平 +2 位作者 王亮 胡彪 李伟 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期3680-3694,共15页
煤层微观孔隙结构对瓦斯储运特性具有关键控制作用,厘清煤的复杂孔隙网络结构表征对瓦斯高效抽采及灾害防治具有重要意义。通过流体侵入法、光电辐射与数字岩心技术,分别从孔隙多级性、网络特性、连通性、自相似性等开展对煤中孔隙网络... 煤层微观孔隙结构对瓦斯储运特性具有关键控制作用,厘清煤的复杂孔隙网络结构表征对瓦斯高效抽采及灾害防治具有重要意义。通过流体侵入法、光电辐射与数字岩心技术,分别从孔隙多级性、网络特性、连通性、自相似性等开展对煤中孔隙网络结构特征的形态学、拓扑学和几何学新表征。结果表明:首先,随着孔隙尺度降低,多级孔隙形态由不规则外生孔转变为圆形矿物质孔或气孔,且不同阶段孔径分布大致呈递减趋势,其中微孔空间占主导地位,孔容和比表面积分别占56%~85%和92%~98%;不同煤样多尺度孔隙的三维重构体现出多级性和相似性,具有微纳米网络骨架特征且局部伴有纳米孔隙群,分别构成了储层气体运移微通道和主要赋存场所。其次,根据流体侵入法间接反映了孔隙网络连通性,运用分形维数论证了多级孔隙存在分段特征,且拟合系数高于0.9;利用数字岩心技术构建了具有拓扑等价的孔隙网络模型及其配位数,并基于泰勒多边形的煤体微观分形结构阐释多级孔隙间以串联为主的结构配置关系,证明了煤样作为分形几何体的可能性。最后,论证了绝大多数瓦斯分子是以吸附态附着在“填充孔-扩散孔-渗流孔”多级结构上,且微孔填充是煤中瓦斯主要赋存方式,其甲烷吸附量占比大都高于90%;填充孔(<1.5 nm)充当煤中瓦斯分子“储藏罐”,扩散孔(1.5~100 nm)充当串联填充空间与渗流通道的“桥梁”,而渗流孔(>100 nm)充当与外界连通的“门户”,在此理解上构建了基于瓦斯赋存和运移方式的孔隙网络特征的表征模型。 展开更多
关键词 孔隙结构 多尺度 连通性 瓦斯赋存 瓦斯运移
原生结构煤与构造煤孔隙结构与瓦斯扩散特性研究 被引量:17
作者 胡彪 程远平 王亮 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期103-107,24,共6页
为了研究原生结构煤与构造煤孔隙结构与瓦斯扩散特性,采用压汞、低温液氮、二氧化碳吸附和稳压吸附试验对试验煤样进行研究。分析了原生结构煤与构造煤的孔隙结构特征,以及在颗粒条件下吸附瓦斯的时间效应,获得原生结构煤与构造煤孔隙... 为了研究原生结构煤与构造煤孔隙结构与瓦斯扩散特性,采用压汞、低温液氮、二氧化碳吸附和稳压吸附试验对试验煤样进行研究。分析了原生结构煤与构造煤的孔隙结构特征,以及在颗粒条件下吸附瓦斯的时间效应,获得原生结构煤与构造煤孔隙的复杂程度与瓦斯在煤粒中运移快慢的关系。研究表明:祁南矿和大宁矿原生结构煤的微孔孔长度分别为8.087×10^(10)m/g和1.202×10^(11)m/g,而构造煤的微孔孔长度分别为6.932×10^(10)m/g和1.090×10^(11)m/g;给定试验煤样条件下,原生结构煤吸附达到平衡状态需要的时间远大于构造煤,构造煤在前3 min的平均吸附速率分别为原生结构煤的3.3和3.8倍;煤样中的微孔孔长度越小,瓦斯在煤中的扩散路径越短,运移所需时间越少,在初期吸附的瓦斯量越大。 展开更多
关键词 瓦斯吸附 瓦斯扩散 构造煤 原生结构煤 煤孔隙
采动裂隙形态响应及覆岩渗透性演变试验研究 被引量:6
作者 孔胜利 贾音 +2 位作者 程远平 宋雨晴 杨洋 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期135-140,共6页
采场覆岩岩层移动和裂隙发育产生的卸压增透作用是实现瓦斯高效抽采的保障,为了探究回采中采动裂隙的分布和覆岩渗透性的演变,基于相似模拟技术,分析了裂隙的形态响应过程,并利用瞬态流量法以空气为介质对覆岩渗透性进行了测试,研究结... 采场覆岩岩层移动和裂隙发育产生的卸压增透作用是实现瓦斯高效抽采的保障,为了探究回采中采动裂隙的分布和覆岩渗透性的演变,基于相似模拟技术,分析了裂隙的形态响应过程,并利用瞬态流量法以空气为介质对覆岩渗透性进行了测试,研究结果表明:裂隙布展在频数上,近开切眼区域高于采场内部;在形态上,裂隙角度多集中在水平夹角0°~10°、90°~110°和170°~180°三个区域,近开切眼区域裂隙角度与岩层卸压角表现出一致性,而在采场内部裂隙角度多以正交方向为主。回采过程中,测点流量数据与采动影响密切相关,水平方向上各测点流量均经历了波动—激增—稳定3个阶段,而垂向上流量激增阶段较不明显,最终稳定流量与测点与回采层位层间距呈负相关。利用数据拟合,获得了描述覆岩渗透性与层间距关系的三参数对数式,并对各参数的物理意义进行了解释。研究成果可对瓦斯抽采的工程参数布置提供一定的指导。 展开更多
关键词 采动裂隙 渗透性 层间距 瓦斯抽采
Regional gas drainage techniques in Chinese coal mines 被引量:14
作者 Wang Haifeng cheng yuanping Wang Lei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第6期873-878,共6页
China's rapid economic development has increased the demand for coal.These results in Chinese coal mines being extended to deeper levels.The eastern Chinese,more economical developed,regions have a long history of... China's rapid economic development has increased the demand for coal.These results in Chinese coal mines being extended to deeper levels.The eastern Chinese,more economical developed,regions have a long history of coal mining and many coal mines have now started deep mining at a depth from 800 to 1500 m.This increase in mining depth,geostresses,pressures,and gas content of the coal seam complicates geologic construction conditions.Lower permeability and softer coal contribute to increasing numbers of coal and gas outburst,and gas explosion,disasters.A search on effective methods of preventing gas disasters has been provided funds from the Chinese government since 1998.The National Engineering Research Center of Coal Gas Control and the Huainan and Huaibei Mining Group have conducted theoretical and experimental research on a regional gas extraction technology.The results included two important findings.First,grouped coal seams allow adoption of a method where a first,key protective layer is mined to protect upper and lower coal seams by increasing permeability from 400 to 3000 times.Desorption of gas and gas extraction in the protected coal seam of up to 60%,or more,may be achieved in this way.Second,a single seam may be protected by using a dense network of extraction boreholes consisting of cross and along-bed holes.Combined with this is increased use of water that increases extraction of coal seam gas by up to 50%.Engineering practice showed that regional gas drainage technology eliminates regional coal and gas outburst and also enables mining under low gas conditions.These research results have been adopted into the national safety codes of production technology.This paper systematically introduces the principles of the technology,the engineering methods and techniques,and the parameters of regional gas drainage.Engineering applications are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Coal and GAS OUTBURST GAS drainage Protective SEAM Pressure-relief GAS DENSE BOREHOLE
Sponge Effect on Coal Mine Methane Separation Based on Clathrate Hydrate Method 被引量:13
作者 ZHANG Baoyong cheng yuanping WU Qiang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第4期610-614,共5页
The findings were presented from laboratory investigations on the hydrate formation and dissociation processes employed to recover methane from coal mine gas.The separation process of coal mine methane(CMM) was carrie... The findings were presented from laboratory investigations on the hydrate formation and dissociation processes employed to recover methane from coal mine gas.The separation process of coal mine methane(CMM) was carried out at 273.15K under 4.00 MPa.The key process variables of gas formation rate,gas volume stored in hydrate and separation concentration were closely investigated in twelve THF-SDS-sponge-gas systems to verify the sponge effect in these hydrate-based separation processes.The gas volume stored in hydrate is calculated based on the measured gas pressure.The CH4 mole fraction in hydrate phase is measured by gas chromatography to confirm the separation efficiency.Through close examination of the overall results,it was clearly verified that sponges with volumes of 40,60 and 80 cm 3 significantly increase gas hydrate formation rate and the gas volume stored in hydrate,and have little effect on the CH4 mole fraction in hydrate phase.The present study provides references for the application of the kinetic effect of porous sponge media in hydrate-based technology.This will contribute to CMM utilization and to benefit for local and global environment. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine methane separation clathrate hydrate SPONGE porous media mass transfer
Gas desorption characteristics of the high-rank intact coal and fractured coal 被引量:15
作者 Lu Shouqing cheng yuanping +3 位作者 Qin Liming Li Wei Zhou Hongxing Guo Haijun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期819-825,共7页
The objective of this work is to study the gas desorption characteristics of the high-rank intact coal and fractured coal.The gas adsorption,mercury porosimetry and gas desorption experiments were carried out in this ... The objective of this work is to study the gas desorption characteristics of the high-rank intact coal and fractured coal.The gas adsorption,mercury porosimetry and gas desorption experiments were carried out in this study.Then,the theories of thermodynamics,diffusion mechanism and desorption kinetics were used to estimate the gas desorption characteristics.The results of gas adsorption experiments show that the initial isosteric adsorption heat of the intact coal is greater than that of the fractured coal,indicating that the gas molecules desorb more easily from fractured coal than intact coal.Using the mercury porosimetry,we find that the diffusion channels of fractured coal are more developed than those of intact coal.The difficult diffusion form dominates in the intact coal during the gas diffusing,while the easy diffusion form dominates in the fractured coal.The results of gas desorption experiments show that the initial gas desorption volume and velocity of the fractured coal are both greater than those of the intact coal.Using the Fick diffusion law,the study calculates the gas diffusion coefficients of the intact coal and fractured coal.The diffusion coefficients of the fractured coal are 2 times and 10 times greater than those of the intact coal at the time of 0-120 and 0-10 min,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Intact coal Fractured coal Isosteric adsorption heat Diffusion coefficient
△P index with different gas compositions for instantaneous outburst prediction in coal mines 被引量:10
作者 WU Dongmei ZHAO Yuemin +1 位作者 cheng yuanping AN Fenghua 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第5期723-726,共4页
In this study we measured the △P(initial speed of gas emission) index with different gas concentrations of carbon dioxide(pure CO2,90% CO2+10% CH4,67% CO2+33% CH4,50% CO2+50% CH4,30% CO2+10% CH4 and pure CH4) of coal... In this study we measured the △P(initial speed of gas emission) index with different gas concentrations of carbon dioxide(pure CO2,90% CO2+10% CH4,67% CO2+33% CH4,50% CO2+50% CH4,30% CO2+10% CH4 and pure CH4) of coal samples from the No.2 coal seam in the Yaojie Coal Mine,Gansu province,China.The effect of carbon dioxide concentration,gas composition,coal strength and particle size of coal samples on the △P index was investigated.The experimental results show that with gas of various compositions,the △P value of three samples were clearly different.The △P index of coal samples A,B and C(0.2~0.25 mm) were 4,6 and 7 with pure CH4 and 22,30 and 21 when pure CH4 was used.Carbon dioxide concentration affects the △P index markedly.The △P index increases with an increase in carbon dioxide concentration,especially for coal B.Hence,the △P index and K(another outburst index) values tested only with pure CH4 for prediction of the danger of outburst is not accurate.It is important to determine the initial speed of gas emission given the gas composition of the coal seam to be tested for exact outburst prediction. 展开更多
关键词 PREDICTION △P index OUTBURSTS coal mining gas composition carbon dioxide
Partitioning characteristics of gas channel of coal-rock mass in mining space and gas orientation method 被引量:8
作者 Zhao Zhiqiang Ma Nianjie +1 位作者 Jia Housheng cheng yuanping 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2013年第6期873-877,共5页
In order to research the influence of coal-rock mass morphology of mining space on the flow law of gas,the laboratory physical model and numerical computation methods were adopted to simulate coal mining activities.Th... In order to research the influence of coal-rock mass morphology of mining space on the flow law of gas,the laboratory physical model and numerical computation methods were adopted to simulate coal mining activities.The simulation results indicate that,after coal seam mining,the loose rock accumulation body of free caving,ordered rock arrangement body of plate damage rich in longitudinal and transverse fractures and horizontal fissure body formed by rock mass deformation imbalance are formed from bottom to top in the mining space.For these three types of accumulation bodies,there are essential differences in the accumulation state,rock size and gas breakover characteristics.According to this,the coal-rock mass in the mining space is classified into gas turbulence channel area,gas transitional flow channel area and gas seepage channel area.In the turbulence channel area,the gas is distributed transversely and longitudinally and gas diffuses in the form of convection with Reynolds number R_e more than100;in the transitional flow channel area,one-way or two-way gas channels are crisscross and gas is of transitional flow regime with R,.between 10 and 100.In the seepage channel area,there are a few vertical gas channels with R,.less than 10.In this paper,the researches on the gas orientation method in different partitions were further carried out,gas orientation methods of low-level pipe burying,middle-level interception and high-level extraction were determined and an on-site industrial test was conducted,achieving the effective diversion of gas and verifying the reasonableness of gas channel partition. 展开更多
关键词 Gas channel Partitioning characteristics Gas flow regime Gas orientation method
New technological partition for “three zones” spontaneous coal combustion in goaf 被引量:22
作者 Pan Rongkun cheng yuanping +2 位作者 Yu Minggao Lu Chang Yang Ke 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2013年第4期487-491,共5页
On detailed analysis basis of spontaneous coal combustion for the three zones in mine goaf,we use O2 and CO concentrations to divide the three zones of the coal combustion.Through our experiment,we selected a typical ... On detailed analysis basis of spontaneous coal combustion for the three zones in mine goaf,we use O2 and CO concentrations to divide the three zones of the coal combustion.Through our experiment,we selected a typical working face and focused on the changes in gas concentrations.In order to overcome establishment limitations of actual layout location and underground conditions in a mine goaf,we based our observations on the three zones,combined them with numerical simulation,described the distribution and the changes in O2 and CO concentrations during the coal spontaneous combustion in the goaf,which provided us with an understanding of the distribution of coal spontaneous combustion in the three zones in the form of maps.Essentially,our study summarizes the changes of O2and CO concentrations in the entire goaf and shows them to be in agreement with our observations at the scene.The study shows that it is feasible to divide the three zones,given our comprehensive targets of O2,CO and our numerical simulation.This method avoids the limitation of dividing the three zones with a single target and the likely errors of observations at the scene.In addition,the method offers a basis for optimizing measures of fre-fghting with important and practical effects. 展开更多
关键词 Goaf Spontaneous combustion Three zones Target
Reservoir reconstruction technologies for coalbed methane recovery in deep and multiple seams 被引量:11
作者 Wang Liang Liu Shimin +3 位作者 cheng yuanping Yin Guangzhi Zhang Dongming Guo Pinkun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期277-284,共8页
Multiple coal seams widely develop in the deep Chinese coal-bearing strata. Ground in situ stress and coal seam gas pressure increase continuously with the increase of the mining depth, and coal and gas outburst disas... Multiple coal seams widely develop in the deep Chinese coal-bearing strata. Ground in situ stress and coal seam gas pressure increase continuously with the increase of the mining depth, and coal and gas outburst disasters become increasingly severe. When the coal is very deep, the gas content and pressure will elevate and thus coal seams tends to outburst-prone seams. The safety and economics of exploited firstmined coal seams are tremendously restricted. Meanwhile, the multiple seams occurrence conditions resulted in different methane pressure systems in the coal-bearing strata, which made the reservoir reconstruction of coal difficult. Given the characteristics of low saturation, low permeability, strong anisotropy and soft coal of Chinese coal seams, a single hydraulic fracturing surface well for reservoir reconstruction to pre-drain the coalbed methane(CBM) of multiple seams concurrently under the different gas pressure systems has not yet gained any breakthroughs. Based on analyses of the main features of deep CBM reservoirs in China, current gas control methods and the existing challenges in deep and multiple seams, we proposed a new technology for deep CBM reservoir reconstruction to realize simultaneous high-efficiency coal mining and gas extraction. In particular, we determined the first-mined seam according to the principles of effectiveness and economics, and used hydraulic fracturing surface well to reconstruct the first-mined seam which enlarges the selection range of the first-mined seam. During the process of mining first-mined seam, adjacent coal seams could be reconstructed under the mining effect which promoted high-efficiency pressure relief gas extraction by using spatial and comprehensive gas drainage methods(combination of underground and ground CBM extraction methods). A typical integrated reservoir reconstruction technology, ‘‘One well for triple use", was detailed introduced and successfully applied in the Luling coal mine. The application showed that the proposed technology could effectively promote coal mining safety and simultaneously high-efficiency gas extraction. 展开更多
关键词 Reservoir reconstruction Coalbed methane Multiple seam Surface well Gas drainage
Component fractionation of temporal evolution in adsorption-desorption for binary gas mixtures on coals from Haishiwan Coal Mine 被引量:4
作者 Wang Liguo cheng yuanping +2 位作者 Li Wei Lu Shouqing Xu Chao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2013年第2期211-215,共5页
Adsorption-desorption experiments on CO2-CH4 gas mixtures with varying compositions have been conducted to study the fractionation characteristics of CO2-CH4 on Haishiwan coal samples. These were carried out at consta... Adsorption-desorption experiments on CO2-CH4 gas mixtures with varying compositions have been conducted to study the fractionation characteristics of CO2-CH4 on Haishiwan coal samples. These were carried out at constant temperature but different equilibrium pressure conditions. Based on these experimental results, the temporal evolution of component fractionation in the field was investigated. The results show that the CO2 concentration in the adsorbed phase is always greater than that in the original gas mixture during the desorption process, while CH4 shows the opposite characteristics. This has confirmed that CO2 , with a greater adsorption ability has a predominant position in the competition with CH4 under different pressures. Where gas drainage is employed, the ratio of CO2 to CH4 varies with time and space in floor roadways used for gas drainage, and in the ventilation air in Nos.1 and 2 coal seams, which is consistent with laboratory results. 展开更多
关键词 Binary-component gas Adsorption–desorption Component fractionation Temporal evolution
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