四川盆地震旦系灯影组是重要的油气勘探开发层系,复杂的成岩演化和多期流体活动导致多种类型的白云岩形成。揭示震旦系白云岩的形成时代和成因不仅可以为四川盆地震旦系下一步的油气勘探提供更加充实的科学依据,也可为理解全球大规模存...四川盆地震旦系灯影组是重要的油气勘探开发层系,复杂的成岩演化和多期流体活动导致多种类型的白云岩形成。揭示震旦系白云岩的形成时代和成因不仅可以为四川盆地震旦系下一步的油气勘探提供更加充实的科学依据,也可为理解全球大规模存在前寒武纪白云岩的原因提供有益启示。本文针对川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩的形成时代和成因进行了综合研究。岩相学研究表明,“葡萄花边”白云岩充填于藻白云岩的孔隙内,向内对称生长,结晶程度明显好于藻白云岩。在岩相学的基础上,利用激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)微区原位U-Pb定年确定其形成时代,研究结果表明:川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩形成时代为530±12Ma~502±12Ma,略新于灯影组地层年代。结合微量元素分析以及碳-氧-锶同位素数据,对川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩进行成因分析。结果表明,其稀土元素总量(∑REE)相对较低(0.680×10^(-6)~8.963×10^(-6)),δ13 C VPDB(-0.1‰~1.7‰)略低于与同时期海水沉积白云岩的碳同位素值,δ18 O VPDB(-2.3‰~1.4‰)略高于与同时期海水达到氧同位素平衡的白云岩氧同位素值,87 Sr/86 Sr值(0.70876~0.70909)基本落入同时期海水范围。稀土元素配分总体为水平的模式,所有样品表现出Ce负异常。表明其形成环境既非海水沉积环境,也不完全是表生大气水岩溶条件。综合上述特征,推断川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩是在震旦纪末-寒武纪早期海平面高频低幅度波动这一背景下,灯影组地层多次暴露与淹没,形成岩溶裂缝和孔洞的同时在溶蚀空间内结晶形成。残留孔洞为其后流体活动、油气充注提供了储集空间。本研究为认识川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩成因、震旦纪末-寒武纪早期水化学条件、及超深层油气勘探开发提供了有益参考。展开更多
The Mengyejing potash deposit is located in the southern port of the Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, and is hosted in mid-Cretaceous strata. The chemical compositions of fluid inclusions in halite crystals, collected fr...The Mengyejing potash deposit is located in the southern port of the Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, and is hosted in mid-Cretaceous strata. The chemical compositions of fluid inclusions in halite crystals, collected from the level-610 adit in the deposit, were analysed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS). The results show that the brine is of the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl type and has K concentrations that are distinctly higher than those of Mg and Ca, unlike normal brines associated with Cretaceous halite. The high K concentrations indicate that the degree of evaporation of the ancient Mengyejing saline lake was very high, reaching the sylvite deposition stage but rarely reaching the carnallite deposition stage. The trajectory of the H and O isotopic compositions of the brines in the halite-hosted fluid inclusions corresponds to intense evaporation, indicating that the net evaporation exceeded the net inflow of brines. These brine compositions in halite-hosted fluid inclusions were likely formed by the dissolution of previously deposited K-bearing minerals by fresh continental and/or seawater, forming a type of modified seawater, with deep hydrothermal fluids potentially supplying additional potassium. The basin likely experienced multiple seawater incursion, dissolution and redeposition events in a high-temperature environment with high evaporation rates.展开更多
Sea surface temperature (SST) proxies including B/Ca, Mg/Ca, St/Ca, U/Ca and δ180 were analyzed in the skeleton of a Porites coral collected from the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary (ZRE). These geochemica...Sea surface temperature (SST) proxies including B/Ca, Mg/Ca, St/Ca, U/Ca and δ180 were analyzed in the skeleton of a Porites coral collected from the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary (ZRE). These geochemical proxies are influenced by river runoff and this area of the northern South China Sea is strongly affected by seasonal freshwater floods. We assessed the robustness of each SST proxy through comparison with the local instrumental SST. Coral St/Ca shows the highest correlation with SST variations (r2=0.59), suggesting St/Ca is the most robust SST proxy. In contrast, coral δ180 (r2=0.46), B/Ca (r2=0.43) and U/Ca (r2=0.41) ratios were only moderately correlated with SST variations, suggesting that they are disturbed by some other factors in addition to SST. The poor correlation (r2=0.27) between SST and Mg/Ca indicates that Mg/Ca in coral skeletons is not a simple function of SST variations. This may ultimately limit the use of Mg/Ca as a coral paleothermometer.展开更多
Through the development and calibration of a reference material which is 209.8 Ma old using a newly-developed Laser Ablation(LA)Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry(MC-ICP-MS)technique,we succe...Through the development and calibration of a reference material which is 209.8 Ma old using a newly-developed Laser Ablation(LA)Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry(MC-ICP-MS)technique,we successfully overcome the difficulty in sampling and dating ultra-low U-Pb ancient marine carbonates,which was previously untenable by isotope dilution(ID)methods.We developed the LA-MC-ICP-MS in situ U-Pb dating technique for ancient marine carbonates for the study of diagenesis-porosity evolution history in Sinian Dengying Formation,Sichuan Basin.By systematically dating of dolomitic cements from vugs,matrix pores and fractures,we found that the burial and diagenetic process of dolomite reservoirs in Sinian Dengying Formation was characterized by progressive filling-up of primary pores and epigenic dissolution vugs.The filling of vugs happened in three stages,early Caledonian,late Hercynian-Indosinian and Yanshanian-Himalayan,while the filling of matrix pores mainly took place in early Caledonian.The unfilled residual vugs,pores and fractures constitute the main reservoir sapce.Based on the above knowledge,we established the diagenesis-porosity evolution history of the dolomite reservoir in Sinian Dengying Formation,Sichuan Basin.These findings are highly consistent with the tectonic-burial and basin thermal histories of the study area.Our study confirmed the reliability of this in situ U-Pb dating technique,which provides an effective way for the investigation of diagenesis-porosity evolution history and evaluation of porosity in ancient marine carbonate reservoirs before hydrocarbon migration.展开更多
Ancient marine carbonates experienced complex modifications,making it difficult to identify reservoir genesis and effective porosity before hydrocarbon migration.To solve these issues,we used element mapping and carbo...Ancient marine carbonates experienced complex modifications,making it difficult to identify reservoir genesis and effective porosity before hydrocarbon migration.To solve these issues,we used element mapping and carbonate mineral laser U-Pb radiometric dating techniques to study the diagenetic environments based on geochemistry and diagenesis-porosity evolution based on geochronology of the dolomite reservoir of the Sinian Qigebrak Formation,northwest Tarim Basin.Two major understandings were obtained as follows:(1)Supported by petrographic observations,the element mapping,stable isotopes,strontium isotope,and cathodoluminescence tests were performed on different phases of dolomite cements precipitated in vugs and dissolved fissures.The results show that the dolomite reservoirs of the Qigebrak Formation went through freshwater,marine,extremely shallow burial,burial and hydrothermal diagenetic environments after synsedimentary dolomitization;the reservoir spaces were mainly formed in the synsedimentary period(primary pores)and freshwater environment(supergene dissolution pores)before burial;whereas the marine,burial and hydrothermal environments caused the gradual filling of reservoir space by dolomite cements.(2)Based on the above understandings,each phase of dolomite cement precipitated in the reservoir space was dated by the U-Pb radiometric dating technique,and the diagenesis-porosity evolution curves constrained by geochronology were established.The loss of reservoir porosity mainly occurred in the early Caledonian,and during the peak period of hydrocarbon generation of Yuertusi Formation source rock,the reservoirs still maintained at a porosity of 6%?10%.The above understandings provide a certain basis for the evaluation of accumulation effectiveness of the Sinian Qigebrak Formation,northwestern Tarim Basin,and provide a case for the application of mapping and dating techniques in the study of ancient carbonate reservoirs.展开更多
Coral bleaching has generally been recognized as the main reason for tropical coral reef degradation, but there are few long-term records of coral bleaching events. In this study, trace metals including chromium(Cr), ...Coral bleaching has generally been recognized as the main reason for tropical coral reef degradation, but there are few long-term records of coral bleaching events. In this study, trace metals including chromium(Cr), copper(Cu), molybdenum(Mo), manganese(Mn), lead(Pb), tin(Sn), titanium(Ti), vanadium(V), and yttrium(Y), were analyzed in two Porites corals collected from Meiji Reef in the tropical South China Sea(SCS) to assess differences in trace metal concentrations in bleached compared with unbleached coral growth bands. Ti, V, Cr, and Mo generally showed irregular fluctuations in both corals. Bleached layers contained high concentrations of Mn, Cu, Sn, and Pb. Unbleached layers showed moderately high concentrations of Mn and Cu only. The different distribution of trace metals in Porites may be attributable to different selectivity on the basis of vital utility or toxicity. Ti, V, Cr, and Mo are discriminated against by both coral polyps and zooxanthellae, but Mn, Cu, Sn, and Pb are accumulated by zooxanthellae and only Mn and Cu are accumulated by polyps as essential elements. The marked increase in Cu, Mn, Pb, and Sn are associated with bleaching processes, including mucus secretion, tissue retraction, and zooxanthellae expulsion and occlusion. Variation in these trace elements within the coral skeleton can be used as potential tracers of short-lived bleaching events.展开更多
文摘四川盆地震旦系灯影组是重要的油气勘探开发层系,复杂的成岩演化和多期流体活动导致多种类型的白云岩形成。揭示震旦系白云岩的形成时代和成因不仅可以为四川盆地震旦系下一步的油气勘探提供更加充实的科学依据,也可为理解全球大规模存在前寒武纪白云岩的原因提供有益启示。本文针对川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩的形成时代和成因进行了综合研究。岩相学研究表明,“葡萄花边”白云岩充填于藻白云岩的孔隙内,向内对称生长,结晶程度明显好于藻白云岩。在岩相学的基础上,利用激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)微区原位U-Pb定年确定其形成时代,研究结果表明:川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩形成时代为530±12Ma~502±12Ma,略新于灯影组地层年代。结合微量元素分析以及碳-氧-锶同位素数据,对川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩进行成因分析。结果表明,其稀土元素总量(∑REE)相对较低(0.680×10^(-6)~8.963×10^(-6)),δ13 C VPDB(-0.1‰~1.7‰)略低于与同时期海水沉积白云岩的碳同位素值,δ18 O VPDB(-2.3‰~1.4‰)略高于与同时期海水达到氧同位素平衡的白云岩氧同位素值,87 Sr/86 Sr值(0.70876~0.70909)基本落入同时期海水范围。稀土元素配分总体为水平的模式,所有样品表现出Ce负异常。表明其形成环境既非海水沉积环境,也不完全是表生大气水岩溶条件。综合上述特征,推断川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩是在震旦纪末-寒武纪早期海平面高频低幅度波动这一背景下,灯影组地层多次暴露与淹没,形成岩溶裂缝和孔洞的同时在溶蚀空间内结晶形成。残留孔洞为其后流体活动、油气充注提供了储集空间。本研究为认识川中地区震旦系灯影组“葡萄花边”白云岩成因、震旦纪末-寒武纪早期水化学条件、及超深层油气勘探开发提供了有益参考。
基金supported by the Basic Research Project for the Central Public Welfare Scientific Institutions of China (No.K1405)the National Key Project for Basic Research of China (No.2011CB403007)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41572067)
文摘The Mengyejing potash deposit is located in the southern port of the Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, and is hosted in mid-Cretaceous strata. The chemical compositions of fluid inclusions in halite crystals, collected from the level-610 adit in the deposit, were analysed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS). The results show that the brine is of the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl type and has K concentrations that are distinctly higher than those of Mg and Ca, unlike normal brines associated with Cretaceous halite. The high K concentrations indicate that the degree of evaporation of the ancient Mengyejing saline lake was very high, reaching the sylvite deposition stage but rarely reaching the carnallite deposition stage. The trajectory of the H and O isotopic compositions of the brines in the halite-hosted fluid inclusions corresponds to intense evaporation, indicating that the net evaporation exceeded the net inflow of brines. These brine compositions in halite-hosted fluid inclusions were likely formed by the dissolution of previously deposited K-bearing minerals by fresh continental and/or seawater, forming a type of modified seawater, with deep hydrothermal fluids potentially supplying additional potassium. The basin likely experienced multiple seawater incursion, dissolution and redeposition events in a high-temperature environment with high evaporation rates.
基金The National Basic Research Program(973 program) of China under contract No.2013CB956104the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41106054,41306109 and 41476038
文摘Sea surface temperature (SST) proxies including B/Ca, Mg/Ca, St/Ca, U/Ca and δ180 were analyzed in the skeleton of a Porites coral collected from the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary (ZRE). These geochemical proxies are influenced by river runoff and this area of the northern South China Sea is strongly affected by seasonal freshwater floods. We assessed the robustness of each SST proxy through comparison with the local instrumental SST. Coral St/Ca shows the highest correlation with SST variations (r2=0.59), suggesting St/Ca is the most robust SST proxy. In contrast, coral δ180 (r2=0.46), B/Ca (r2=0.43) and U/Ca (r2=0.41) ratios were only moderately correlated with SST variations, suggesting that they are disturbed by some other factors in addition to SST. The poor correlation (r2=0.27) between SST and Mg/Ca indicates that Mg/Ca in coral skeletons is not a simple function of SST variations. This may ultimately limit the use of Mg/Ca as a coral paleothermometer.
基金Suppored by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05004-002).
文摘Through the development and calibration of a reference material which is 209.8 Ma old using a newly-developed Laser Ablation(LA)Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry(MC-ICP-MS)technique,we successfully overcome the difficulty in sampling and dating ultra-low U-Pb ancient marine carbonates,which was previously untenable by isotope dilution(ID)methods.We developed the LA-MC-ICP-MS in situ U-Pb dating technique for ancient marine carbonates for the study of diagenesis-porosity evolution history in Sinian Dengying Formation,Sichuan Basin.By systematically dating of dolomitic cements from vugs,matrix pores and fractures,we found that the burial and diagenetic process of dolomite reservoirs in Sinian Dengying Formation was characterized by progressive filling-up of primary pores and epigenic dissolution vugs.The filling of vugs happened in three stages,early Caledonian,late Hercynian-Indosinian and Yanshanian-Himalayan,while the filling of matrix pores mainly took place in early Caledonian.The unfilled residual vugs,pores and fractures constitute the main reservoir sapce.Based on the above knowledge,we established the diagenesis-porosity evolution history of the dolomite reservoir in Sinian Dengying Formation,Sichuan Basin.These findings are highly consistent with the tectonic-burial and basin thermal histories of the study area.Our study confirmed the reliability of this in situ U-Pb dating technique,which provides an effective way for the investigation of diagenesis-porosity evolution history and evaluation of porosity in ancient marine carbonate reservoirs before hydrocarbon migration.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05004-002)the PetroChina Science and Technology Major Project(2018A-0103)
文摘Ancient marine carbonates experienced complex modifications,making it difficult to identify reservoir genesis and effective porosity before hydrocarbon migration.To solve these issues,we used element mapping and carbonate mineral laser U-Pb radiometric dating techniques to study the diagenetic environments based on geochemistry and diagenesis-porosity evolution based on geochronology of the dolomite reservoir of the Sinian Qigebrak Formation,northwest Tarim Basin.Two major understandings were obtained as follows:(1)Supported by petrographic observations,the element mapping,stable isotopes,strontium isotope,and cathodoluminescence tests were performed on different phases of dolomite cements precipitated in vugs and dissolved fissures.The results show that the dolomite reservoirs of the Qigebrak Formation went through freshwater,marine,extremely shallow burial,burial and hydrothermal diagenetic environments after synsedimentary dolomitization;the reservoir spaces were mainly formed in the synsedimentary period(primary pores)and freshwater environment(supergene dissolution pores)before burial;whereas the marine,burial and hydrothermal environments caused the gradual filling of reservoir space by dolomite cements.(2)Based on the above understandings,each phase of dolomite cement precipitated in the reservoir space was dated by the U-Pb radiometric dating technique,and the diagenesis-porosity evolution curves constrained by geochronology were established.The loss of reservoir porosity mainly occurred in the early Caledonian,and during the peak period of hydrocarbon generation of Yuertusi Formation source rock,the reservoirs still maintained at a porosity of 6%?10%.The above understandings provide a certain basis for the evaluation of accumulation effectiveness of the Sinian Qigebrak Formation,northwestern Tarim Basin,and provide a case for the application of mapping and dating techniques in the study of ancient carbonate reservoirs.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(No.2013CB956103)the National Science Foundation of China(Nos.41306109,41476038)
文摘Coral bleaching has generally been recognized as the main reason for tropical coral reef degradation, but there are few long-term records of coral bleaching events. In this study, trace metals including chromium(Cr), copper(Cu), molybdenum(Mo), manganese(Mn), lead(Pb), tin(Sn), titanium(Ti), vanadium(V), and yttrium(Y), were analyzed in two Porites corals collected from Meiji Reef in the tropical South China Sea(SCS) to assess differences in trace metal concentrations in bleached compared with unbleached coral growth bands. Ti, V, Cr, and Mo generally showed irregular fluctuations in both corals. Bleached layers contained high concentrations of Mn, Cu, Sn, and Pb. Unbleached layers showed moderately high concentrations of Mn and Cu only. The different distribution of trace metals in Porites may be attributable to different selectivity on the basis of vital utility or toxicity. Ti, V, Cr, and Mo are discriminated against by both coral polyps and zooxanthellae, but Mn, Cu, Sn, and Pb are accumulated by zooxanthellae and only Mn and Cu are accumulated by polyps as essential elements. The marked increase in Cu, Mn, Pb, and Sn are associated with bleaching processes, including mucus secretion, tissue retraction, and zooxanthellae expulsion and occlusion. Variation in these trace elements within the coral skeleton can be used as potential tracers of short-lived bleaching events.