A prestigious conference claimed recently a revolution in neuroscience to understand consciousness.In this paper it is shown that this revolution already came,revealing the determinant role of information for human an...A prestigious conference claimed recently a revolution in neuroscience to understand consciousness.In this paper it is shown that this revolution already came,revealing the determinant role of information for human and living structures,both for their structuration and behavior,explaining consciousness at human as the result of the activity of the Informational System of Human and Living Structures.For this,it is emphasized and discussed the informational structure of the eukaryotic cell,the basic/representative composing unit of the multicellular body of human,animals,and plants,showing that the composition and functions of the informational system are basically similar with that of human.To reveal the driving role of informational mechanisms in human and subhuman organisms,it is introduced the concept of matter-related information,showing that information can be hidden/“embodied”or released/“disembodied”in or from the elemental micro/macro components of the body,during the multiple chain/cascade interactions including transduction processes.It is shown that such interactions are initiated from two main categories of informational sources:implicit(genetic)and explicit(external/internal)sources,the first category leading to structuration of the body and the second the reactive behavior.Consciousness in human and subhuman organisms,expressed by two corresponding informational relations,is the result of the release of information by the mind,acting as an informational operator/device,the development degree of mind and consciousness depending on the complexity degree and adaptation.An analogy of this Informational Model of Human and Living Structures(IMHLS)with the ancient model of chakras is highlighted,showing that these models support each other,applied with beneficial effects in Reiki technique and music-based cognitive multi-task therapy for neuro-rehabilitation.展开更多
In this paper,there are discussed the informational functions of the living structures,analyzing the properties of the simplest eukaryotic cell as an example of a structural unit of the living unicellular and multicel...In this paper,there are discussed the informational functions of the living structures,analyzing the properties of the simplest eukaryotic cell as an example of a structural unit of the living unicellular and multicellular systems.The initiation of this analysis starts from an older example of an imaginary mechanism,particularly that described by the Maxwell’s demon experiment,which along the history of the information development concepts accompanied the philosophic vision on the structuration of matter and of the living entities,showing that these are actually the result of the intervention of information on the matter available substrate.Particularly,it is shown that the deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)structure is appropriate to store a large quantity of structural information,allowing the transfer of this information by transcription and translation mechanisms to proteins,which act as(re)structuration/transmission informational agents,or the generation of a new cellular daughter structure by a replication process.On the basis of the theory of information in communication channels,applicable also in biological systems,it was discussed the followed line for the evaluation of the quantity of structural information in various cells,demonstrating the evolution of organism complexity by the increase of the structural information quantity from unicellular(bacterium)to human cell.Applying a natural strategy of entropy lowering mainly by heat elimination,folding protein structuration and compartmentalization on the evolutionary scale,the living structures act as dynamic entities assuring their self-organizational structure by a permanent change of matter,energy and information with the environment in an efficient way,following a negative entropic process by internal structuration,similarly with Maxwell’s demon work.It is shown that to assure such a communication with external and internal intracellular structure,it was necessary the development of an own info-operational system of communication and decision,in which the operational“Yes/No”decisional binary(Bit)unit is essential.These revolutionary results show that the cell unit complies with the similar informational functions like the multicellular structure of the human body,organized in seven-type informational components,allowing the informational modeling of the activity of the living biologic structures and the opening of a shortcutting way to mimic the biologic functions in artificial cells.展开更多
In this paper it is analyzed from the informational perspective the relation between mind and body, an ancientphilosophic issue defined as a problem, which still did not receive up to date an adequate solution. Byintr...In this paper it is analyzed from the informational perspective the relation between mind and body, an ancientphilosophic issue defined as a problem, which still did not receive up to date an adequate solution. Byintroducing/using the concept of information, it is shown that this concept includes two facets, one of themreferring to the common communications and another one referring to a hidden/structuring matter-relatedinformation, effectively acting in the human body and in the living systems, which determines the dynamicinter-change of information between specific structures of the organism by electric/electronic/chemical agents andgenetic/epigenetic processes. It is shown that the maintenance of body, permanently and obligatory depending onthe external matter (foods, air, water) resources, needed to provide both the structuring/restructuring basic materialand energy, determines the necessary existence of an info-managing system, administrating the internalmechano-chemical/physical processes. As a natural consequence, such a system should organize and assure ownsurvival by an effective informational operability to detect the external food resources, to select the appropriateinterest information and to decide as a function of circumstances. One important component in such aninformational system is memory, allowing to dispose of the reference informational data for analysis/comparisonand the selection between good and bad binary possible decisions. The memory receives and stores thereforesignals from external reality and from the body itself, referring to the emotional reaction, digestion status, creation,and inherited predilections, within specific info-neural communication circuits between the brain and bodyexecution/sensitive organs, the human body appearing as an integrated info-matter self-managed dynamic system.The specific body components memorize information with different degrees of info-integration: short/long-termintegration, emotive/action reaction, info-abilities, culminating with the integration in the chromosomal structuresby epigenetic processes. The new acquired information is transgenerationally transmissible, and is manifested asnew traits, showing the adaptation capability of the human and close relation between mind and body. Analyzingthe results of such a mind-body informational model in comparison with the earlier assumed/proposed/assertedarchaic, Greek and Occidental philosophies, which represent only partial aspects of this relation, it is shown thatthis informational model, elaborated in terms of information on the basis of scientific reasons and arguments,constitutes a general, realist, and coherent model of the mind-body relation, able to integrate and/or explain most ofthe others.展开更多
Information was a frequently used concept in many fields of investigation. However, this concept is still not really understood, when it is referred for instance to consciousness and its informational structure. In th...Information was a frequently used concept in many fields of investigation. However, this concept is still not really understood, when it is referred for instance to consciousness and its informational structure. In this paper it is followed the concept of information from philosophical to physics perspective, showing especially how this concept could be extended to matter in general and to the living in particular, as a result of the intimate interaction between matter and information, the human body appearing as a bipolar informed-matter structure. It is detailed on this way how this concept could be referred to consciousness, and an informational modeling of consciousness as an informational system of the human body is presented. Based on the anatomic architecture of the organism and on the inference of the specific information concepts, it is shown that the informational system of the human body could be described by seven informational subsystems, which are reflected in consciousness as corresponding cognitive centers. These results are able to explain the main properties of consciousness, both the cognitive and extra-cognitive properties of the mind, like that observed during the near-death experiences and other similar phenomena. Moreover, the results of such a modeling are compared with the existing empirical concepts and models on the energetic architecture of the organism, showing their relevance for the understanding of consciousness.展开更多
Starting from a philosophical perspective,which states that the living structures are actually a combination between matter and information,this article presents the results on an analysis of the bipolar information-m...Starting from a philosophical perspective,which states that the living structures are actually a combination between matter and information,this article presents the results on an analysis of the bipolar information-matter structure of the human organism,distinguishing three fundamental circuits for its survival,which demonstrates and supports this statement,as a base for further development of the informational model of consciousness to a general informational model of the human organism.For this,it was examined the Informational System of the Human Body and its components from the perspective of the physics/information/neurosciences concepts,showing specific functions of each of them,highlighting the correspondence of these centers with brain support areas and with their projections in consciousness,which are:Center of Acquisition and Storing of Information(CASI)reflected in consciousness as memory,Center of Decision and Command(CDC)(decision),Info-Emotional Center(IES)(emotions),Maintenance Informational System(MIS)(personal status),Genetic Transmission System(GTS)(associativity/genetic transmission)and Info Genetic Generator(IGG)related by the body development and inherited behaviors.The Info Connection(IC),detected in consciousness as trust and confidence can explain the Near-Death Experiences(NDEs)and associated phenomena.This connection is antientropic and informational,because from the multitude of uncertain possibilities is selected a certain one,helping/supporting the survival and life.The human body appears therefore as a bipolar structure,connected to two poles:information and matter.It is argued that the survival,which is the main objective of the organism,is complied in three main ways,by means of:(i)the reactive operation for adaptation by attitude;(ii)the info-genetic integration of information by epigenetic processes and genetic transmission of information for species survival,both circuits(i)and(ii)being associated to the information pole;(iii)maintenance of the material body(defined as informed matter)and its functions,associated to the matter pole of the organism.It results therefore that the informational system of the human body is supported by seven informational circuits formed by the neuro-connections between the specific zones of the brain corresponding to the informational subsystems,the cognitive centers,the sensors,transducers and execution(motor/mobile)elements.The fundamental informational circuits assuring the survival are the reactive circuit,expressible by attitude,the epigenetic/genetic circuit,absorbing and codifying information to be transmitted to the next generations,and the metabolic circuit,connected to matter(matter pole).The presented analysis allows to extend the informational modeling of consciousness to an Informational Model of Consciousness and Organism,fully describing the composition/functions of the organism in terms of information/matter and neurosciences concepts.展开更多
On the long and well-worn road of many, but justifiable attempts of human to discover his origin, his trajectory as a species, and a suitable understanding consciousness, his system allowing the connection to the envi...On the long and well-worn road of many, but justifiable attempts of human to discover his origin, his trajectory as a species, and a suitable understanding consciousness, his system allowing the connection to the environment and to his own organism, the concepts and models of philosophy enunciated or experienced by millennia, meet today with modern science concepts of physics and of science of information. Based on recent discoveries of quantum physics and astrophysics, revealing a new understanding of our environment and starting from some philosophical concepts on information of matter and of living structures, this work discusses the dynamics of information within the frame of the Informational Model of Consciousness as an informational system of the human body, connected both to the environment and to the body itself, to control the adaptation for survival. It is shown that consciousness is actually an informational projection in the mind of seven informational subsystems, three of which forming the operative system of consciousness for the short-term adaptation, and other three forming the programmed operating system, dedicated to the maintenance of body and to the long-term survival of species, showing various inputs and outputs of information. The seventh subsystem is the information pole, connecting the organism with the external information, especially related to the extra-sensorial properties of the mind, the human body appearing as a bipolar info-matter structure, managed by the brain. The received information is progressively integrated into the informational system of the organism, which absorbs and emanates information as a reactive system for adaptation, able to operate both with matter-related (codified) and non-matter related (virtual) information. As both connections with external and internal environment (body itself) can be described in terms of information, this model opens the gate to investigate consciousness by means of the tools of the information science, offering also answers to the philosophic “mind-body” problem and to the “hard” problem and showing correspondences with some ancient philosophies.展开更多
With the purpose to smooth the way of a correct understanding of information concepts and their evolution,in this paper,is discussed the evolution and development of the concept of information in biological systems,sh...With the purpose to smooth the way of a correct understanding of information concepts and their evolution,in this paper,is discussed the evolution and development of the concept of information in biological systems,showing that this concept was intuitively perceived even since ancient times by our predecessors,and described according to their language level of that times,but the crystallization of the real meaning of information is an achievement of our nowadays,by successive contribution of various scientific branches and personalities of the scientific community of the world,leading to a modern description/modeling of reality,in which information plays a fundamental role.It is shown that our reality can be understood as a contribution of matter/energy/information and represented/discussed as the model of the Universal Triangle of Reality(UTR),where various previous models can be suggestively inserted,as a function of their basic concern.The modern concepts on information starting from a theoretic experiment which would infringe the thermodynamics laws and reaching the theory of information and modern philosophic concepts on the world structuration allow us to show that information is a fundamental component of the material world and of the biological structures,in correlation with the structuration/destructuration processes of matter,involving absorption/release of information.Based on these concepts,is discussed the functionality of the biologic structures and is presented the informational model of the human body and living structures,as a general model of info-organization on the entire biological scale,showing that a rudimentary proto-consciousness should be operative even at the low-scale biological systems,because they work on the same principles,like the most developed bio-systems.The operability of biologic structures as informational devices is also pointed out.展开更多
With the purpose to understand better the role of information not only in communication systems,but actually in our environmental reality,this paper presented the model of Universal Triangle of Reality,composed by Mat...With the purpose to understand better the role of information not only in communication systems,but actually in our environmental reality,this paper presented the model of Universal Triangle of Reality,composed by Matter,Energy and Information,as fundamental constitutive components of this reality.Arguments coming from the field of physics,both at the cosmic and microparticles scale are presented,showing undoubtable conclusions that information is a fundamental component of reality in our material world.At the cosmic level,where the unusual high concentration of mass in the black holes constitutes a special state of matter,suitable for analysis of their special properties,the problem of the conservation principle of information is discussed.At the quantum level,the special unusual characteristics derived from the non-localization principle are also highlighted,together with information-involved problems and solutions.The Universal Triangle of Reality in the living systems reveals the high role of the involved information,both as the informational common organization on the entire evolution scale,and as the info-dynamics processes inside of own structure and resulted from interaction with the environment.The relevant advances in the approaching and understanding of the functionality of the living systems from informational point of view are highlighted,showing the high contribution of information concepts in understanding/solving of various older/recent problems in philosophy,neuroscience/neurology/psychiatry,neuro-physics/neuropsychology/behavior sciences,geriatrics/gerontology,biology and life sciences.展开更多
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and provide reliable solutions to the Reiki application technique,starting from the fundamental principles expressed by the Reiki origin philosophy,which are proved to be i...The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and provide reliable solutions to the Reiki application technique,starting from the fundamental principles expressed by the Reiki origin philosophy,which are proved to be in accordance with the Informational Model of Human and Living Structures(IMHLS).This model reveals the following main fundamental features of the living organisms:(i)On the entire scale of evolution and organization,from the eukaryotic cell-the composing unit of human,plants,animals to human,the living organisms show a similar informational structure,defined as Informational System of Human and Living Structure(ISHLS);(ii)this informational system is organized in seven informational components,three of them assuring the structuration/restructuration/reproduction and maintenance of the body itself,and the other four the connection with external/inner reality for adaptation;(iii)the neuro-connections between brain and body of the informational components of the ISHLS correspond with the activity of“Chakras”of the ancient empirical model as vital centers of human;(iv)the activity of the ISHLS is reflected in mind by cognitive centers,explaining consciousness.The comparison between the informational results of the IMHLS,with the philosophic Reiki origin concepts,sustains the application of Reiki technique,but improves its understanding and right application by using new,modern concepts developed by the informational model,in accordance not only with their ancient,empirical expression,but much more than that,with actual scientific knowledge on this issue nowadays,concerning information and info-transferring/communication stream in the living bodies.The successful application and effective results of this new version allow to consider this as Ro-Reiki version,just to recognize the essential Romanian contribution to this improvement,concerning the implication and effectiveness of information and the info-communication mechanisms into the human and living organisms,explained in scientific terms of information and psycho-somatic therapy effects.展开更多
The main purpose of this paper is to respond to the questions what is mind and consciousness and where this resides.The answers are based on the frontline Informational Model of Human Body and Living Structures(IMHBLS...The main purpose of this paper is to respond to the questions what is mind and consciousness and where this resides.The answers are based on the frontline Informational Model of Human Body and Living Structures(IMHBLS),which shows that mind and consciousness can be described by the activity of the Informational System of the Human Body and Living Structures(ISHBLS),consisting of seven informational components,each of them with specific activity and functions,inter-correlated to support the immaterial/informational manifestation of the body expressed by mind and consciousness.The basic concept of matter-related and virtual information results as a consequence of the operability of the physics,chemistry,biologic,or mathematics laws,which actually act as informational operators,such processes are informationally driven and manifested finally as a“media-like functions”of mind and consciousness,on the“screen/display”of prefrontal cortex.The mind is therefore described as the capacity of every individual to access the data field of own life experience,where the thought acts as an informational operator,which can activate the required information from internal/external reality.Consciousness is the result of the info-representation of the explored reality,accumulated by the momentary connection,and compared/combined with the life experience,serving as judgment reference/criteria.The question is discussed in relation with the localization of consciousness,showing that this resides in the brain,as a result of the activity of ISHBLS.The discussion on the experimental evidences concerning the minimal basic components necessary and sufficient to sustain consciousness,compared with the results of the informational model,indicates the cortico-thalamus axis,in a full agreement each other.One of the basic findings is that the activation of consciousness is operated in two steps,one consisting in a feed-forward reception and another in feedback perception for recognition of the info-significance,which is fully supported by the recently reported experimental results.The phenomena of intuition,inspiration,premonition,“deja vue”,retrocausality,and intentionality are discussed.This model unifies the eastern and western concepts/models on consciousness and mind,explaining the energetic Yung/Yin Chinese model by YES/NO-informational Bit-type behavior,the Plato’s ideas/forms by“information”concept as a participating component of reality,Aristotle’s materialist view with matter structuration(assisted by information),and archaic model of the seven“chakras”at human,as vital informational centers connected with the body.展开更多
This paper approaches two main philosophical questions concerning the biological structures,from unicellular to multicellular organisms:one of them(i),referred to the information-body relation,as an extension of the m...This paper approaches two main philosophical questions concerning the biological structures,from unicellular to multicellular organisms:one of them(i),referred to the information-body relation,as an extension of the mind-body relation at human,and another one(ii),to the consciousness problem,concerning the existence and nature of consciousness(if any),at the inferior organisms on the complexity scale,as this concept is known at humans.As philosophy benefits of the privilege to use data/concepts from other sciences to obtain philosophical conclusions,there were included detailed descriptions of some key biologic mechanisms,analyzed from informational perspective,necessary just to support/demonstrate/reinforce the informational nature/substrate of the mentioned relations.The analysis of the close relation between information and body,related to the structuration and functional properties of the biological organisms,from cells to multicellular structures,shows that all of them are able to“embody/disembody”information during/by structuration/destructuration processes of matter,in particular that of DNA/RNA/proteins,their functions appearing as a result of their informational capabilities to internally manage the inter-connection with environment,primarily due to their permanent dependence on the food resources and adaptation/survival needs.The experimental and theoretical studies,revealing/documenting on one hand the automatic management of maintenance metabolic processes,the reproduction,and growth/development,and on the other hand the adaptive decision-making/sentient processes as a responsive reaction to the environmental cues,show/support the consistency of the informational model of the human body and living structures on the entire biological scale,providing support to the informational solution of the stated problems(i)and(ii).A distinct attention is paid to plants,which are organisms without nervous system,but which show/manifest also informational capabilities to detect/react to information and to modulate their behavior accordingly.The question if the living organisms possess a pseudo/proto-consciousness level as a consequence of the informational activity of their body,distinct from human,but active in any biological structure under certain conditions is furthermore discussed,and a reliable definition of rudimentary pseudo/proto-consciousness level is given/described and compared with other empirical/theoretical concepts.展开更多
文摘A prestigious conference claimed recently a revolution in neuroscience to understand consciousness.In this paper it is shown that this revolution already came,revealing the determinant role of information for human and living structures,both for their structuration and behavior,explaining consciousness at human as the result of the activity of the Informational System of Human and Living Structures.For this,it is emphasized and discussed the informational structure of the eukaryotic cell,the basic/representative composing unit of the multicellular body of human,animals,and plants,showing that the composition and functions of the informational system are basically similar with that of human.To reveal the driving role of informational mechanisms in human and subhuman organisms,it is introduced the concept of matter-related information,showing that information can be hidden/“embodied”or released/“disembodied”in or from the elemental micro/macro components of the body,during the multiple chain/cascade interactions including transduction processes.It is shown that such interactions are initiated from two main categories of informational sources:implicit(genetic)and explicit(external/internal)sources,the first category leading to structuration of the body and the second the reactive behavior.Consciousness in human and subhuman organisms,expressed by two corresponding informational relations,is the result of the release of information by the mind,acting as an informational operator/device,the development degree of mind and consciousness depending on the complexity degree and adaptation.An analogy of this Informational Model of Human and Living Structures(IMHLS)with the ancient model of chakras is highlighted,showing that these models support each other,applied with beneficial effects in Reiki technique and music-based cognitive multi-task therapy for neuro-rehabilitation.
文摘In this paper,there are discussed the informational functions of the living structures,analyzing the properties of the simplest eukaryotic cell as an example of a structural unit of the living unicellular and multicellular systems.The initiation of this analysis starts from an older example of an imaginary mechanism,particularly that described by the Maxwell’s demon experiment,which along the history of the information development concepts accompanied the philosophic vision on the structuration of matter and of the living entities,showing that these are actually the result of the intervention of information on the matter available substrate.Particularly,it is shown that the deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)structure is appropriate to store a large quantity of structural information,allowing the transfer of this information by transcription and translation mechanisms to proteins,which act as(re)structuration/transmission informational agents,or the generation of a new cellular daughter structure by a replication process.On the basis of the theory of information in communication channels,applicable also in biological systems,it was discussed the followed line for the evaluation of the quantity of structural information in various cells,demonstrating the evolution of organism complexity by the increase of the structural information quantity from unicellular(bacterium)to human cell.Applying a natural strategy of entropy lowering mainly by heat elimination,folding protein structuration and compartmentalization on the evolutionary scale,the living structures act as dynamic entities assuring their self-organizational structure by a permanent change of matter,energy and information with the environment in an efficient way,following a negative entropic process by internal structuration,similarly with Maxwell’s demon work.It is shown that to assure such a communication with external and internal intracellular structure,it was necessary the development of an own info-operational system of communication and decision,in which the operational“Yes/No”decisional binary(Bit)unit is essential.These revolutionary results show that the cell unit complies with the similar informational functions like the multicellular structure of the human body,organized in seven-type informational components,allowing the informational modeling of the activity of the living biologic structures and the opening of a shortcutting way to mimic the biologic functions in artificial cells.
文摘In this paper it is analyzed from the informational perspective the relation between mind and body, an ancientphilosophic issue defined as a problem, which still did not receive up to date an adequate solution. Byintroducing/using the concept of information, it is shown that this concept includes two facets, one of themreferring to the common communications and another one referring to a hidden/structuring matter-relatedinformation, effectively acting in the human body and in the living systems, which determines the dynamicinter-change of information between specific structures of the organism by electric/electronic/chemical agents andgenetic/epigenetic processes. It is shown that the maintenance of body, permanently and obligatory depending onthe external matter (foods, air, water) resources, needed to provide both the structuring/restructuring basic materialand energy, determines the necessary existence of an info-managing system, administrating the internalmechano-chemical/physical processes. As a natural consequence, such a system should organize and assure ownsurvival by an effective informational operability to detect the external food resources, to select the appropriateinterest information and to decide as a function of circumstances. One important component in such aninformational system is memory, allowing to dispose of the reference informational data for analysis/comparisonand the selection between good and bad binary possible decisions. The memory receives and stores thereforesignals from external reality and from the body itself, referring to the emotional reaction, digestion status, creation,and inherited predilections, within specific info-neural communication circuits between the brain and bodyexecution/sensitive organs, the human body appearing as an integrated info-matter self-managed dynamic system.The specific body components memorize information with different degrees of info-integration: short/long-termintegration, emotive/action reaction, info-abilities, culminating with the integration in the chromosomal structuresby epigenetic processes. The new acquired information is transgenerationally transmissible, and is manifested asnew traits, showing the adaptation capability of the human and close relation between mind and body. Analyzingthe results of such a mind-body informational model in comparison with the earlier assumed/proposed/assertedarchaic, Greek and Occidental philosophies, which represent only partial aspects of this relation, it is shown thatthis informational model, elaborated in terms of information on the basis of scientific reasons and arguments,constitutes a general, realist, and coherent model of the mind-body relation, able to integrate and/or explain most ofthe others.
文摘Information was a frequently used concept in many fields of investigation. However, this concept is still not really understood, when it is referred for instance to consciousness and its informational structure. In this paper it is followed the concept of information from philosophical to physics perspective, showing especially how this concept could be extended to matter in general and to the living in particular, as a result of the intimate interaction between matter and information, the human body appearing as a bipolar informed-matter structure. It is detailed on this way how this concept could be referred to consciousness, and an informational modeling of consciousness as an informational system of the human body is presented. Based on the anatomic architecture of the organism and on the inference of the specific information concepts, it is shown that the informational system of the human body could be described by seven informational subsystems, which are reflected in consciousness as corresponding cognitive centers. These results are able to explain the main properties of consciousness, both the cognitive and extra-cognitive properties of the mind, like that observed during the near-death experiences and other similar phenomena. Moreover, the results of such a modeling are compared with the existing empirical concepts and models on the energetic architecture of the organism, showing their relevance for the understanding of consciousness.
文摘Starting from a philosophical perspective,which states that the living structures are actually a combination between matter and information,this article presents the results on an analysis of the bipolar information-matter structure of the human organism,distinguishing three fundamental circuits for its survival,which demonstrates and supports this statement,as a base for further development of the informational model of consciousness to a general informational model of the human organism.For this,it was examined the Informational System of the Human Body and its components from the perspective of the physics/information/neurosciences concepts,showing specific functions of each of them,highlighting the correspondence of these centers with brain support areas and with their projections in consciousness,which are:Center of Acquisition and Storing of Information(CASI)reflected in consciousness as memory,Center of Decision and Command(CDC)(decision),Info-Emotional Center(IES)(emotions),Maintenance Informational System(MIS)(personal status),Genetic Transmission System(GTS)(associativity/genetic transmission)and Info Genetic Generator(IGG)related by the body development and inherited behaviors.The Info Connection(IC),detected in consciousness as trust and confidence can explain the Near-Death Experiences(NDEs)and associated phenomena.This connection is antientropic and informational,because from the multitude of uncertain possibilities is selected a certain one,helping/supporting the survival and life.The human body appears therefore as a bipolar structure,connected to two poles:information and matter.It is argued that the survival,which is the main objective of the organism,is complied in three main ways,by means of:(i)the reactive operation for adaptation by attitude;(ii)the info-genetic integration of information by epigenetic processes and genetic transmission of information for species survival,both circuits(i)and(ii)being associated to the information pole;(iii)maintenance of the material body(defined as informed matter)and its functions,associated to the matter pole of the organism.It results therefore that the informational system of the human body is supported by seven informational circuits formed by the neuro-connections between the specific zones of the brain corresponding to the informational subsystems,the cognitive centers,the sensors,transducers and execution(motor/mobile)elements.The fundamental informational circuits assuring the survival are the reactive circuit,expressible by attitude,the epigenetic/genetic circuit,absorbing and codifying information to be transmitted to the next generations,and the metabolic circuit,connected to matter(matter pole).The presented analysis allows to extend the informational modeling of consciousness to an Informational Model of Consciousness and Organism,fully describing the composition/functions of the organism in terms of information/matter and neurosciences concepts.
文摘On the long and well-worn road of many, but justifiable attempts of human to discover his origin, his trajectory as a species, and a suitable understanding consciousness, his system allowing the connection to the environment and to his own organism, the concepts and models of philosophy enunciated or experienced by millennia, meet today with modern science concepts of physics and of science of information. Based on recent discoveries of quantum physics and astrophysics, revealing a new understanding of our environment and starting from some philosophical concepts on information of matter and of living structures, this work discusses the dynamics of information within the frame of the Informational Model of Consciousness as an informational system of the human body, connected both to the environment and to the body itself, to control the adaptation for survival. It is shown that consciousness is actually an informational projection in the mind of seven informational subsystems, three of which forming the operative system of consciousness for the short-term adaptation, and other three forming the programmed operating system, dedicated to the maintenance of body and to the long-term survival of species, showing various inputs and outputs of information. The seventh subsystem is the information pole, connecting the organism with the external information, especially related to the extra-sensorial properties of the mind, the human body appearing as a bipolar info-matter structure, managed by the brain. The received information is progressively integrated into the informational system of the organism, which absorbs and emanates information as a reactive system for adaptation, able to operate both with matter-related (codified) and non-matter related (virtual) information. As both connections with external and internal environment (body itself) can be described in terms of information, this model opens the gate to investigate consciousness by means of the tools of the information science, offering also answers to the philosophic “mind-body” problem and to the “hard” problem and showing correspondences with some ancient philosophies.
文摘With the purpose to smooth the way of a correct understanding of information concepts and their evolution,in this paper,is discussed the evolution and development of the concept of information in biological systems,showing that this concept was intuitively perceived even since ancient times by our predecessors,and described according to their language level of that times,but the crystallization of the real meaning of information is an achievement of our nowadays,by successive contribution of various scientific branches and personalities of the scientific community of the world,leading to a modern description/modeling of reality,in which information plays a fundamental role.It is shown that our reality can be understood as a contribution of matter/energy/information and represented/discussed as the model of the Universal Triangle of Reality(UTR),where various previous models can be suggestively inserted,as a function of their basic concern.The modern concepts on information starting from a theoretic experiment which would infringe the thermodynamics laws and reaching the theory of information and modern philosophic concepts on the world structuration allow us to show that information is a fundamental component of the material world and of the biological structures,in correlation with the structuration/destructuration processes of matter,involving absorption/release of information.Based on these concepts,is discussed the functionality of the biologic structures and is presented the informational model of the human body and living structures,as a general model of info-organization on the entire biological scale,showing that a rudimentary proto-consciousness should be operative even at the low-scale biological systems,because they work on the same principles,like the most developed bio-systems.The operability of biologic structures as informational devices is also pointed out.
文摘With the purpose to understand better the role of information not only in communication systems,but actually in our environmental reality,this paper presented the model of Universal Triangle of Reality,composed by Matter,Energy and Information,as fundamental constitutive components of this reality.Arguments coming from the field of physics,both at the cosmic and microparticles scale are presented,showing undoubtable conclusions that information is a fundamental component of reality in our material world.At the cosmic level,where the unusual high concentration of mass in the black holes constitutes a special state of matter,suitable for analysis of their special properties,the problem of the conservation principle of information is discussed.At the quantum level,the special unusual characteristics derived from the non-localization principle are also highlighted,together with information-involved problems and solutions.The Universal Triangle of Reality in the living systems reveals the high role of the involved information,both as the informational common organization on the entire evolution scale,and as the info-dynamics processes inside of own structure and resulted from interaction with the environment.The relevant advances in the approaching and understanding of the functionality of the living systems from informational point of view are highlighted,showing the high contribution of information concepts in understanding/solving of various older/recent problems in philosophy,neuroscience/neurology/psychiatry,neuro-physics/neuropsychology/behavior sciences,geriatrics/gerontology,biology and life sciences.
文摘The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and provide reliable solutions to the Reiki application technique,starting from the fundamental principles expressed by the Reiki origin philosophy,which are proved to be in accordance with the Informational Model of Human and Living Structures(IMHLS).This model reveals the following main fundamental features of the living organisms:(i)On the entire scale of evolution and organization,from the eukaryotic cell-the composing unit of human,plants,animals to human,the living organisms show a similar informational structure,defined as Informational System of Human and Living Structure(ISHLS);(ii)this informational system is organized in seven informational components,three of them assuring the structuration/restructuration/reproduction and maintenance of the body itself,and the other four the connection with external/inner reality for adaptation;(iii)the neuro-connections between brain and body of the informational components of the ISHLS correspond with the activity of“Chakras”of the ancient empirical model as vital centers of human;(iv)the activity of the ISHLS is reflected in mind by cognitive centers,explaining consciousness.The comparison between the informational results of the IMHLS,with the philosophic Reiki origin concepts,sustains the application of Reiki technique,but improves its understanding and right application by using new,modern concepts developed by the informational model,in accordance not only with their ancient,empirical expression,but much more than that,with actual scientific knowledge on this issue nowadays,concerning information and info-transferring/communication stream in the living bodies.The successful application and effective results of this new version allow to consider this as Ro-Reiki version,just to recognize the essential Romanian contribution to this improvement,concerning the implication and effectiveness of information and the info-communication mechanisms into the human and living organisms,explained in scientific terms of information and psycho-somatic therapy effects.
文摘The main purpose of this paper is to respond to the questions what is mind and consciousness and where this resides.The answers are based on the frontline Informational Model of Human Body and Living Structures(IMHBLS),which shows that mind and consciousness can be described by the activity of the Informational System of the Human Body and Living Structures(ISHBLS),consisting of seven informational components,each of them with specific activity and functions,inter-correlated to support the immaterial/informational manifestation of the body expressed by mind and consciousness.The basic concept of matter-related and virtual information results as a consequence of the operability of the physics,chemistry,biologic,or mathematics laws,which actually act as informational operators,such processes are informationally driven and manifested finally as a“media-like functions”of mind and consciousness,on the“screen/display”of prefrontal cortex.The mind is therefore described as the capacity of every individual to access the data field of own life experience,where the thought acts as an informational operator,which can activate the required information from internal/external reality.Consciousness is the result of the info-representation of the explored reality,accumulated by the momentary connection,and compared/combined with the life experience,serving as judgment reference/criteria.The question is discussed in relation with the localization of consciousness,showing that this resides in the brain,as a result of the activity of ISHBLS.The discussion on the experimental evidences concerning the minimal basic components necessary and sufficient to sustain consciousness,compared with the results of the informational model,indicates the cortico-thalamus axis,in a full agreement each other.One of the basic findings is that the activation of consciousness is operated in two steps,one consisting in a feed-forward reception and another in feedback perception for recognition of the info-significance,which is fully supported by the recently reported experimental results.The phenomena of intuition,inspiration,premonition,“deja vue”,retrocausality,and intentionality are discussed.This model unifies the eastern and western concepts/models on consciousness and mind,explaining the energetic Yung/Yin Chinese model by YES/NO-informational Bit-type behavior,the Plato’s ideas/forms by“information”concept as a participating component of reality,Aristotle’s materialist view with matter structuration(assisted by information),and archaic model of the seven“chakras”at human,as vital informational centers connected with the body.
文摘This paper approaches two main philosophical questions concerning the biological structures,from unicellular to multicellular organisms:one of them(i),referred to the information-body relation,as an extension of the mind-body relation at human,and another one(ii),to the consciousness problem,concerning the existence and nature of consciousness(if any),at the inferior organisms on the complexity scale,as this concept is known at humans.As philosophy benefits of the privilege to use data/concepts from other sciences to obtain philosophical conclusions,there were included detailed descriptions of some key biologic mechanisms,analyzed from informational perspective,necessary just to support/demonstrate/reinforce the informational nature/substrate of the mentioned relations.The analysis of the close relation between information and body,related to the structuration and functional properties of the biological organisms,from cells to multicellular structures,shows that all of them are able to“embody/disembody”information during/by structuration/destructuration processes of matter,in particular that of DNA/RNA/proteins,their functions appearing as a result of their informational capabilities to internally manage the inter-connection with environment,primarily due to their permanent dependence on the food resources and adaptation/survival needs.The experimental and theoretical studies,revealing/documenting on one hand the automatic management of maintenance metabolic processes,the reproduction,and growth/development,and on the other hand the adaptive decision-making/sentient processes as a responsive reaction to the environmental cues,show/support the consistency of the informational model of the human body and living structures on the entire biological scale,providing support to the informational solution of the stated problems(i)and(ii).A distinct attention is paid to plants,which are organisms without nervous system,but which show/manifest also informational capabilities to detect/react to information and to modulate their behavior accordingly.The question if the living organisms possess a pseudo/proto-consciousness level as a consequence of the informational activity of their body,distinct from human,but active in any biological structure under certain conditions is furthermore discussed,and a reliable definition of rudimentary pseudo/proto-consciousness level is given/described and compared with other empirical/theoretical concepts.