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限制性两阶段多位点全基因组关联分析方法的特点与计算程序 被引量:11
作者 贺建波 刘方东 +4 位作者 邢光南 王吴彬 赵团结 管荣展 盖钧镒 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期1274-1289,共16页
全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS)的理论及应用是近十几年来国内外数量性状研究的热点,但是以往GWAS方法注重于个别主要QTL/基因的检测与发掘。为了相对全面地解析全基因组QTL及其等位基因构成,本研究提出了限制... 全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS)的理论及应用是近十几年来国内外数量性状研究的热点,但是以往GWAS方法注重于个别主要QTL/基因的检测与发掘。为了相对全面地解析全基因组QTL及其等位基因构成,本研究提出了限制性两阶段多位点GWAS方法(RTM-GWAS,https://github.com/njau-sri/rtm-gwas)。RTM-GWAS首先将多个相邻且紧密连锁的SNP分组,成为具有多个单倍型(复等位变异)的连锁不平衡区段(SNPLDB)标记,然后采用两阶段分析策略,基于多位点复等位变异遗传模型,在节省计算空间的条件下保障全基因组QTL及其复等位变异检出的精确度。和以往GWAS方法相比,RTM-GWAS以性状遗传率为上限,能够较充分地检测出QTL及其相应的复等位变异并能有效地控制假阳性的膨胀。由其结果建立的QTL-allele矩阵代表了群体中所研究性状的全部遗传组成。依据这种QTL-allele矩阵的信息,可以设计最优基因型的遗传组成,预测群体中最优化的杂交组合,并用以进行群体遗传和特有与新生等位变异的研究。本研究首先对RTM-GWAS方法的特点和计算程序功能进行说明,然后通过大豆试验数据说明RTM-GWAS计算程序的使用方法。 展开更多
关键词 限制性两阶段多位点全基因组关联分析 连锁不平衡区段 多位点模型 QTL-allele矩阵 种质资源群体 优化组合设计
国审抗病优质高产鲜食大豆新品种南农46 被引量:7
作者 李凯 盖钧镒 +1 位作者 孙长美 智海剑 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期810-811,共2页
南农46是南京农业大学大豆研究所以新六青为母本、南春204为父本杂交选育而成的抗病优质高产鲜食夏大豆新品种。2016-2017年参加国家鲜食大豆夏播组品种区域试验,两年平均鲜荚产量12266 kg·hm^-2,较对照衢鲜3号增产8.31%。2018年... 南农46是南京农业大学大豆研究所以新六青为母本、南春204为父本杂交选育而成的抗病优质高产鲜食夏大豆新品种。2016-2017年参加国家鲜食大豆夏播组品种区域试验,两年平均鲜荚产量12266 kg·hm^-2,较对照衢鲜3号增产8.31%。2018年生产试验,平均鲜荚产量12092 kg·hm^-2,较对照衢鲜3号增产9.34%。南农46口感香甜柔糯,A级。人工接种鉴定,对大豆花叶病毒SC3和SC7株系分别表现抗病和中抗;对大豆疫霉根腐病生理小种Race1、Ps MC1及Ps41-1均表现抗病;对炭疽病福建分离物表现中感。该品种丰产和稳产性均较好,抗倒伏,籽粒较大,落叶性好,鲜荚翠绿,为双青鲜食大豆品种。于2019年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号:国审豆20190030),同年申请植物新品种保护权(申请号:20191002355)。适宜在上海、江苏、浙江、四川南充、江西南昌地区鲜食夏播种植。 展开更多
关键词 鲜食大豆 抗病新品种 南农46 选育
抗病优质高产大豆新品种南农413 被引量:4
作者 李凯 盖钧镒 +1 位作者 孙长美 智海剑 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期162-164,共3页
南农413(参试名称:南农J4-3)是南京农业大学国家大豆改良中心以新六青为母本,南农95C-13为父本杂交选育而成的抗病优质高产鲜食夏大豆新品种。该品种2015-2016年参加江苏省鲜食夏大豆区域试验,两年平均鲜荚和鲜籽粒产量分别较对照通豆6... 南农413(参试名称:南农J4-3)是南京农业大学国家大豆改良中心以新六青为母本,南农95C-13为父本杂交选育而成的抗病优质高产鲜食夏大豆新品种。该品种2015-2016年参加江苏省鲜食夏大豆区域试验,两年平均鲜荚和鲜籽粒产量分别较对照通豆6号增产8.09%和6.37%。2018年生产试验鲜荚和鲜籽粒产量分别较照通豆6号增产2.79%和1.95%。于2019年通过江苏省农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号:苏审豆20190011),同年申请植物新品种保护权(申请号:20191001486)。南农413口感香甜柔糯,人工接种鉴定对大豆花叶病毒SC3和SC7株系均表现抗病。丰产和稳产性均较好,抗倒伏,籽粒大,落叶性好,不裂荚,适宜在江苏省淮河以南地区作鲜食夏大豆种植。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 品种 南农413 选育 抗病
黑龙江省大豆骨干亲本及其后代衍生品种遗传构成解析 被引量:1
作者 王伟威 魏崃 +4 位作者 赵贵兴 毕伟伟 于志远 盖钧镒 刘丽君 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期667-678,共12页
为挖掘和解析骨干亲本的分子遗传特征,采用田间表型调查、病虫害接种鉴定和SLAF-seg技术相结合的方法,对黑龙江省不同积温区大豆骨干亲本满仓金、绥农4、合丰25、黑农37及其后代衍生品种的遗传性状和基因组遗传特征进行解析。结果表明:... 为挖掘和解析骨干亲本的分子遗传特征,采用田间表型调查、病虫害接种鉴定和SLAF-seg技术相结合的方法,对黑龙江省不同积温区大豆骨干亲本满仓金、绥农4、合丰25、黑农37及其后代衍生品种的遗传性状和基因组遗传特征进行解析。结果表明:满仓金衍生品种在表型性状上有较大改进,如生育期提早,对根腐病抗性增强,品种间叶片的净光合速率有所改进。满仓金与衍生品种间遗传保守位点6 804个,占进化标记位点的8.5%。合交8号继承了满仓金适应性强的特点,改良了满仓金多分枝、高大的特性,使后代品种丰产性增强,特别是杆强、喜肥耐湿的特点明显优于满仓金,合交8号与满仓金的遗传距离为0.562。绥农4号衍生品种的表型性状有所改善,黑河30在结荚习性,生育日数,蛋白质含量,产量性状方面得到明显改进。绥农4号与衍生品种间遗传保守位点3 561个,占标记进化位点的3.44%。合丰55具有绥农4号秆强,耐密,适应性好的特点,SNP位点分析表明73.4%位点是相同的,26.6%位点被新基因替代,这些位点涉及生育日数、产量、油分和净光合速率的变化。合丰25衍生品种蛋白质含量和抗病性明显增强,净光合速率和抗胞囊线虫病指数有变化。合丰25与其衍生品种间遗传保守位点4 834个,占进化位点4.27%。绥农14拥有合丰25的丰富遗传信息,SNP标记位点分析表明72.3%位点是相同的,27.74%位点被遗传改良,这些位点涉及到花色、产量、油份和抗病级别性状的变化;黑农37衍生品种叶型、品质和叶片光合特性有所变化。黑农37与衍生品种间遗传保守位点7 328个,占标记进化位点7.64%。黑农44与黑农37的SNP位点分析表明74.95%位点是相同的,25.1%位点被遗传改良,这些位点涉及到株高、叶型、生育日数、产量、油份和蛋白质含量、胞囊线虫指数和根腐病抗性。骨干亲本与其衍生品种在18号染色体上具有相同的基因组区段,含有一些特殊的重要农艺性状调控位点,如光周期钝感、光合特性、根腐病抗性、产量、抗倒性和节间长度相关的基因组位点,并成为骨干亲本的遗传基础。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 骨干亲本 等位变异 遗传贡献
基于分水岭和统计矩的大豆籽粒形态参数测量方法 被引量:4
作者 丁琦 徐伟 +5 位作者 李蒙 王秀成 卢伟 盖钧镒 王玲 邢光南 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期960-967,共8页
为促进大豆考种及育种工作的高效进行,本研究设计一种大豆籽粒计数和面积、周长、粒长、粒宽等形态参数的测量软件。使用高拍仪采集大豆籽粒和标定板彩色图像,基于"Otsu"阈值法去除图像背景,获得大豆籽粒二值图像,基于分水岭... 为促进大豆考种及育种工作的高效进行,本研究设计一种大豆籽粒计数和面积、周长、粒长、粒宽等形态参数的测量软件。使用高拍仪采集大豆籽粒和标定板彩色图像,基于"Otsu"阈值法去除图像背景,获得大豆籽粒二值图像,基于分水岭变换法分割二值图中的粘连大豆籽粒,获取了一系列单粒、多粒大豆连通域,对极少数多粒连通域进行籽粒计数校正,实现了大豆籽粒的计数;使用单粒连通域的白色像素点总和来计算大豆籽粒面积,基于freeman链码算法的校正公式计算大豆籽粒周长,使用二阶统计矩求取大豆籽粒的主轴方向并将大豆扭到水平方向,继而计算大豆边界点横、纵坐标的极差来获取粒长与粒宽。用3份不同尺寸的大豆材料来验证本软件的精确性,试验结果表明,大豆籽粒计数准确率可达100%,软件测量与人工测量大豆籽粒的平均粒长和平均粒宽的误差普遍为0.01~0.04 cm,相对误差为3.8%~9.7%,平均相对误差为5.6%。该软件及相应的图像采集装置可以有效地满足农业科学研究工作的准确性要求,同时具有成本低廉,工作效率高的特点。 展开更多
关键词 大豆籽粒图像 分水岭 计数 形态测量 软件开发
夏大豆重组自交系群体NJRIMN开花期和株高QTL定位 被引量:2
作者 张雅娟 曹永策 +4 位作者 李曙光 常芳国 孔杰杰 盖钧镒 赵团结 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期860-865,共6页
大豆开花期和株高是存在相关性的重要育种目标性状,但江淮夏大豆该性状研究相对较少。为进一步解析这2个相关性状的遗传基础,本研究以夏大豆重组自交系群体NJRIMN为试验材料,利用QTLNetwok 2. 1软件基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法(MC... 大豆开花期和株高是存在相关性的重要育种目标性状,但江淮夏大豆该性状研究相对较少。为进一步解析这2个相关性状的遗传基础,本研究以夏大豆重组自交系群体NJRIMN为试验材料,利用QTLNetwok 2. 1软件基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法(MCIM)和Win QTLCart 2. 5软件的多性状复合区间作图法(MT-CIM),对该供试材料5个环境下开花期和株高性状进行QTL定位。研究结果表明利用MCIM法定位到8个开花期加性QTL,其中q FT-6-2和q FT-11-1存在显著的加性与环境互作效应;还定位到11对开花期上位性QTL,其与环境的互作均不显著。加性效应共解释了71. 30%的开花期表型变异,而上位性效应只占8. 88%。定位到6个株高加性QTL,其中qPH-6-1、qPH-12-1和qPH-19-2存在显著的加性与环境互作效应;还定位到4对株高上位性QTL,其中qPH-8-1和qPH-16-1存在显著的上位性与环境互作效应。加性效应共解释了41. 04%的株高表型变异,上位性效应可解释14. 45%的表型变异。共发现4个同时控制开花期和株高的QTL,其中位于6、10和19号染色体上的位点分别与E1、E2和Dt1基因位置重叠。 展开更多
关键词 夏大豆 开花期 株高 QTL定位 性状相关
黑龙江省抗胞囊线虫大豆的分子遗传和相关基因挖掘(英文) 被引量:1
作者 魏崃 王伟威 +5 位作者 于志远 李云辉 王家军 喻德跃 盖钧镒 刘丽君 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期843-853,875,共12页
大豆胞囊线虫是世界大豆生产的一种毁灭性病原,为解析抗胞囊线虫大豆种质的分子遗传特征,挖掘相关基因,采用田间试验、接种鉴定和SLAF-seg技术相结合的方法,对黑龙江省主推的抗线虫品种的遗传性状和基因组遗传特性进行解析,并应用关联... 大豆胞囊线虫是世界大豆生产的一种毁灭性病原,为解析抗胞囊线虫大豆种质的分子遗传特征,挖掘相关基因,采用田间试验、接种鉴定和SLAF-seg技术相结合的方法,对黑龙江省主推的抗线虫品种的遗传性状和基因组遗传特性进行解析,并应用关联分析方法确立抗胞囊线虫3号小种的相关基因位点。研究结果表明:抗线品种的抗原来源于Franklin和Peking小黑豆;抗线2、抗线6、抗线10的遗传距离较近,品种间的遗传距离为0. 24和0. 213,抗线2与丰豆3的遗传距离为0. 799,亲缘关系较远.抗线2号及其抗线品种的进化SNP位点有105 563个,而品种间遗传保守位点4 352个,占进化标记位点的4. 12%;品种间相同等位变异在不同品种和不同染色体上存在差异;相同等位变异为56%~96. 3%;抗线2对抗线4和抗线6的遗传贡献表现在不同染色体上的遗传信息传递在65%以上,在4号染色体上,抗线2与抗线4、抗线6比较的相同等位变异比例达95%以上,在10号染色体上相同等位变异比例超过91%,推测抗线虫大豆在4、10号染色体上有一些特殊与主要农艺性状、胞囊线虫抗性、疫霉菌抗性、抗旱性、病毒病1号抗性、根系形态、脐色、百粒重等相关基因位点的遗传成为黑龙江省西部地区抗线大豆的生态遗传基础。在11号染色体上找到了抗胞囊线虫3号小种的关联位点4个,其中Glyma11g 35700. 1的增效作用较大,可用于大豆育种的分子标记辅助选择。 展开更多
关键词 抗胞囊线虫大豆 等位变异 遗传贡献 黑龙江
大豆GmMADS基因的克隆及表达分析 被引量:2
作者 任秋燕 盖钧镒 李凯 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期30-38,共9页
为了探究大豆MADS-box编码基因在生物和非生物胁迫中的调控作用,以SMV抗感大豆品种为试验材料,从大豆中克隆GmMADS基因Glyma.02g121500,进行生物信息学分析和表达特点分析,同时检测不同逆境胁迫下GmMADS基因表达量变化情况。结果表明:Gm... 为了探究大豆MADS-box编码基因在生物和非生物胁迫中的调控作用,以SMV抗感大豆品种为试验材料,从大豆中克隆GmMADS基因Glyma.02g121500,进行生物信息学分析和表达特点分析,同时检测不同逆境胁迫下GmMADS基因表达量变化情况。结果表明:GmMADS基因完整ORF长度为735 bp,编码244个氨基酸,pI 6.68,相对分子质量为28.2 kD。抗感品种间基因CDS序列存在1个SNP差异,氨基酸序列无差异。启动子序列包含防卫和胁迫响应元件、植物激素应答元件、光应答元件等许多顺式作用元件。GmMADS与木豆、花生、豇豆、羽扇豆等物种中的同源基因亲缘关系较近。亚细胞定位结果显示GmMADS在细胞核上表达。组织特异性表达分析显示GmMADS在花中的表达量最高。接种大豆花叶病毒后,抗病品种科丰1号GmMADS在2 h表达最高且显著高于感病品种南农1138-2;低温胁迫时,GmMADS表达在2 h上调;盐胁迫时,GmMADS表达在1 h下调;干旱胁迫时,GmMADS表达在2 h下调。本研究对下一步分析该基因功能、阐明该基因在调控大豆抗病和耐逆的分子机制具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 GmMADS 顺式作用元件 亚细胞定位 大豆花叶病毒(SMV) 非生物胁迫
Maize-soybean strip intercropping: Achieved a balance between high productivity and sustainability 被引量:50
作者 DU Jun-bo HAN Tian-fu +8 位作者 gai jun-yi YONG Tai-wen SUN Xin WANG Xiao-chun YANG Feng LIU Jiang SHU Kai LIU Wei-guo YANG Wen-yu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期747-754,共8页
Intercropping is one of the most vital practice to improve land utilization rate in China that has limited arable land resource. However, the traditional intercropping systems have many disadvantages including illogic... Intercropping is one of the most vital practice to improve land utilization rate in China that has limited arable land resource. However, the traditional intercropping systems have many disadvantages including illogical field lay-out of crops, low economic value, and labor deficiency, which cannot balance the crop production and agricultural sustainability. In view of this, we developed a novel soybean strip intercropping model using maize as the partner, the regular maize-soybean strip intercropping mainly popularized in northern China and maize-soybean relay-strip intercropping principally extended in southwestern China. Compared to the traditional maize-soybean intercropping systems, the main innovation of field lay-out style in our present intercropping systems is that the distance of two adjacent maize rows are shrunk as a narrow strip, and a strip called wide strip between two adjacent narrow strips is expanded reserving for the growth of two or three rows of soybean plants. The distance between outer rows of maize and soybean strips are expanded enough for light use efficiency improvement and tractors working in the soybean strips. Importantly, optimal cultivar screening and increase of plant density achieved a high yield of both the two crops in the intercropping systems and increased land equivalent ratio as high as 2.2. Annually alternative rotation of the adjacent maize-and soybean-strips increased the grain yield of next seasonal maize, improved the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potasium of maize, while prevented the continuous cropping obstacles. Extra soybean production was obtained without affecting maize yield in our strip intercropping systems, which balanced the high crop production and agricultural sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE SOYBEAN strip intercropping high production agricultural sustainability
Identification, Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Resistance to Phytophthora sojae of Pm28 in Soybean 被引量:14
作者 WU Xiao-ling ZHANG Bao-qiang +5 位作者 SUN Shi ZHAO Jin-ming YANG Feng GUO Na gai jun-yi XING Han 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2011年第10期1506-1511,共6页
Phytophthora sojae Kanfman and Gerdemann (P. sojae) is one of the most prevalent pathogens and causes Phytophthora root rot, which limits soybean production worldwide. Development of resistant cultivars is a cost-ef... Phytophthora sojae Kanfman and Gerdemann (P. sojae) is one of the most prevalent pathogens and causes Phytophthora root rot, which limits soybean production worldwide. Development of resistant cultivars is a cost-effective approach to controlling this disease. In this study, 127 soybean germplasm were evaluated for their responses to Phytophthora sojae strain Pm28 using the hypocotyl inoculation technique, and 49 were found resistant to the strain. The hypocotyl of P1, P2, F1, and F2:3 of two crosses of Ludou 4 (resistant)×Youchu 4 (susceptible) and Cangdou 5 (resistant)×Williams (susceptible) were inoculated with Pm28, and were used to analyze the inheritance of resistance. The population derived from the cross of Ludou 4×Youchu 4 was used to map the resistance gene (designated as Rps9) to a linkage group. 932 pairs of SSR primers were used to detect polymorphism, and seven SSR markers were mapped near the resistance gene. The results showed that the resistance to Pm28 in Ludou 4 and Cangdou 5 was controlled by a single dominant gene Rps9, which was located on the molecular linkage group N between the SSR markers Satt631 (7.5 cM) and Sat_186 (4.3 cM). 展开更多
关键词 Phytophthora sojae resistance identification genetic analysis resistance gene SSR marker
QTL Identification of the Insensitive Response to Photoperiod and Temperature in Soybean by Association Mapping 被引量:6
作者 ZUO Qiao-mei WEN Zi-xiang +4 位作者 ZHANG Shu-yun HOU Jin-feng gai jun-yi YU De-yue XING Han 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第8期1423-1430,共8页
The insensitive response to photoperiod and temperature is an important quantitative trait for soybean in wide adaptation breeding. The natural variation in response to photoperiod and temperature was detected using 2... The insensitive response to photoperiod and temperature is an important quantitative trait for soybean in wide adaptation breeding. The natural variation in response to photoperiod and temperature was detected using 275 accessions of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] from China. Genome-wide association mapping, based on population structure analysis, was carried out using 118 SSR markers by the TASSEL GLM (general linear model) program. Nine SSR markers (P〈0.01) were associated with the value of the response to photoperiod and temperature (VRPT) caused by days to flowering (DF), among which, Satt308 (LG M), Sattl50 (LG M) and Satt440 (LG l), were identified in both 2006 and 2007. Twelve SSR markers (P〈0.01) were associated with VRPT caused by days to maturity (DM), among which three markers, Satt387 (LG N), Satt307 (LG C2) and AW310961 (LG J), were detected in both 2006 and 2007. In addition, a total of 20 elite alleles were screened out over 2006 and 2007 for being associated with an insensitive response to photoperiod and temperature (IRPT) caused by DF and a total of seven different elite alleles were screened out for being associated with IRPT caused by DM. Among these elite alleles, five alleles, Satt150-244, Satt308-164, Satt308-206, Satt440-176, and Satt440-206, were associated with IRPT caused by DF and were identified in both years, but only one allele, Satt307-170, was identified as being associated with an IRPT caused by DM. Based on these elite alleles, a set of typical accessions were screened out. The result about the genetic basis of IRPT is meaningful for soybean wide adaption breeding. 展开更多
关键词 QTL association mapping SOYBEAN insensitive response photoperiod and temperature
Sampling Survey and Identification of Races of Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) in Huang-Huai Valleys 被引量:5
作者 LU Wei-guo gai jun-yi LI Wei-dong 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2006年第8期615-621,共7页
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) is one of the most important nationwide soybean diseases in China. A total of 38 soil specimens or locations in the area was sampled and tested for SCN races ... Soybean cyst nematode (SCN Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) is one of the most important nationwide soybean diseases in China. A total of 38 soil specimens or locations in the area was sampled and tested for SCN races during 2001-2003 for the inspection of race distribution in Huang-Huai Valleys. A map of race distribution was constructed according to the data from both the present study and the published reports cited. Three areas, namely, the area of southeast to Jinan in Shangdong Province; the area of northern Henan Province and its border region to south of Hebei Province; and the area of Luohe, Zhoukou of Henan Province and Fuyang of Anhui Province mainly infested with Race 1 were identified. Race 4 was predominant in Shanxi Province, Beijing and the adjacent area of Henan, Shandong, and Anhui provinces, and the delta of Huanghe River in Shandong Province. Race 2 was mainly found in Liaocheng, Dezhou of Shangdong Province and Shijiazhuang of Hebei Province, and Jiaozuo and Huojia of Henan Province. Race 7 was distributed in the west part of Jiaodong Peninsula of Shandong Province and Kaifeng, Huaxian, Wenxian of Henan Province. Race 5 was found and scattered in Hebei and Henan Province. Race 9 was found in Shangqiu of Henan Province, which was reported for the first time in China. It can be seen that Race 1 and Race 4 were the two predominant races in Huang-Huai Valleys, and that research should focus on developing resistant cultivars of these races. There might exist other races in an area with some predominant races. The race substitution in the past decade was not obviously found, therefore, the results should be meaningful to future breeding for resistance to SCN in Huang-Huai Valleys. 展开更多
关键词 soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Huang-Huai Valleys cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) race
QTL-allele matrix detected from RTM-GWAS is a powerful tool for studies in genetics, evolution, and breeding by design of crops 被引量:2
作者 HE Jian-bo gai jun-yi 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第5期1407-1410,共4页
The plant germplasm resources harboring abundant genetic variations are necessary wealth in developing new cultivars adapted to various geographic and seasonal conditions.Unraveling the complex genetic architecture un... The plant germplasm resources harboring abundant genetic variations are necessary wealth in developing new cultivars adapted to various geographic and seasonal conditions.Unraveling the complex genetic architecture underlying phenotypic diversity in germplasm population is essential in studies on genetics,evolution and breeding plans for crop species.Mapping quantitative trait loci(QTLs)using molecular markers provide a basic tool for understanding the inheritance of quantitative traits,while the genomewide association study(GWAS)is a potential approach to detecting the whole-genome QTLs and their corresponding alleles in a germplasm population.The previous GWAS detects QTLs by taking high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)markers to identify genotypephenotype associations,and has been extensively used for genetic dissection of quantitative traits in plants(Huang and Han 2014). 展开更多
关键词 breeding GERMPLASM CROPS
Genetic Diversity of Chinese Soybean mosaic virus Strains and Their Relationships with Other Plant Potyviruses Based on P3 Gene Sequences 被引量:1
作者 YANG Qing-hua LI Kai +1 位作者 ZHI Hai-jian gai jun-yi 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期2184-2195,共12页
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), a member of the genus Potyvirus, is a major pathogen of soybean plants in China, and 16 SMV strains have been identified nationwide based on a former detailed SMV classification system. A... Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), a member of the genus Potyvirus, is a major pathogen of soybean plants in China, and 16 SMV strains have been identified nationwide based on a former detailed SMV classification system. As the P3 gene is thought to be involved in viral replication, systemic infection, pathogenicity, and overcoming resistance, knowledge of the P3 gene sequences of SMV and other potyviruses would be useful in efforts to know the genetic relationships among them and control the disease. P3 gene sequences were obtained from representative isolates of the above-mentioned 16 SMV strains and were compared with other SMV strains and 16 Potyvirus species from the National Center for Biotechnology GenBank database. The P3 genes from the 16 SMV isolates are composed of 1041 nucleotides, encoding 347 amino acids, and share 90.7-100% nucleotide (NT) sequence identities and 95.1-100% amino acid (AA) sequence identities. The P3 coding regions of the 16 SMV isolates share high identities (92.4-98.9% NT and 96.0-100% AA) with the reported Korean isolates, followed by the USA isolates (88.5-97.9% NT and 91.4-98.6% AA), and share low identities (80.5-85.2% NT and 82.1-84.7% AA) with the reported HZ 1 and P isolates from Pinellia ternata. The sequence identities of the P3 genes between SMV and the 16 potyviruses varied from 44.4 to 81.9% in the NT sequences and from 21.4 to 85.3% in the AA sequences, respectively. Among them, SMV was closely related to Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), with 76.0-81.9% NT and 77.5-85.3% AA identities. In addition, the SMV isolates and potyvirus species were clustered into six distinct groups. All the SMV strains isolated from soybean were clustered in Group I, and the remaining species were clustered in other groups. A multiple sequence alignment analysis of the C-terminal regions indicated that the P3 genes within a species were highly conserved, whereas those among species were relatively variable. 展开更多
关键词 Soybean mosaic virus POTYVIRUS P3 gene homology analysis phylogenetic tree multiple sequence alignment
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