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作者 刘泽弦 高菊生 +4 位作者 黄晶 邓岚 李冬初 高学成 杨雷 《湖南农业科学》 2024年第7期35-38,共4页
为改良湘南红壤稻作区土壤和提高农民收入,研究通过6 a定位试验,以稻—冬闲为对照,分析比较了稻—萝卜、稻—蚕豆、稻—豌豆3种模式下的水稻产量、土壤理化性质和综合经济效益。结果表明:3种经济绿肥模式下的水稻产量均有显著提升,连续... 为改良湘南红壤稻作区土壤和提高农民收入,研究通过6 a定位试验,以稻—冬闲为对照,分析比较了稻—萝卜、稻—蚕豆、稻—豌豆3种模式下的水稻产量、土壤理化性质和综合经济效益。结果表明:3种经济绿肥模式下的水稻产量均有显著提升,连续种植经济绿肥可以显著提高水稻的稻谷产量和地上部生物量;3种经济绿肥模式下土壤的pH值、有机质、全氮、碱解氮和速效钾含量没有显著变化,但全钾含量均显著高于对照模式;3种经济绿肥模式均能提高种植的经济效益,其中稻—蚕豆模式的综合经济效益最高。出于土壤培肥和经济效益综合考量,建议在南方红壤稻田区推广稻—蚕豆种植模式。 展开更多
关键词 经济绿肥 水稻产量 土壤性质 经济效益
绿肥和稻草联合还田提高土壤有机质含量并稳定氮素供应 被引量:40
作者 高菊生 黄晶 +4 位作者 杨志长 曹卫东 张会民 高鹏 高学成 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期472-480,共9页
【目的】研究绿肥、稻草不同还田模式对湘南地区水稻产量和土壤肥力的影响,为绿肥、稻草还田技术的推广和土壤培肥提供理论依据。【方法】2013—2018年在湘南红壤地区开展了6年田间小区定位试验,共设置6个处理,分别为冬闲+稻草不还田(CK... 【目的】研究绿肥、稻草不同还田模式对湘南地区水稻产量和土壤肥力的影响,为绿肥、稻草还田技术的推广和土壤培肥提供理论依据。【方法】2013—2018年在湘南红壤地区开展了6年田间小区定位试验,共设置6个处理,分别为冬闲+稻草不还田(CK)、冬种紫云英+稻草不还田(MV)、冬闲+早稻草全部还田(RS1)、冬闲+早、晚稻草全部还田(RS2)、冬种紫云英+早稻草全部还田(RS3)、冬种紫云英+早稻草全部还田+晚稻留高茬还田(RS4),各处理均施等量化肥。每季收获后测产,计算平均产量、产量变异系数和可持续指数。2017年晚稻收获后,取0—20 cm土层土壤样品,测定其养分含量和水稳性团聚体含量。【结果】与CK相比,除R S 1处理外,其余处理早稻、晚稻和周年平均产量均显著提高,增幅分别为6.6%~24.6%、11.9%~28.8%和9.0%~26.5%,以RS4处理增产效果最显著,其晚稻和周年平均产量均显著高于其他还田处理。与CK相比,除RS1处理早稻和MV处理晚稻外,其余处理早、晚稻产量变异系数均下降,且均以RS3处理最低;除晚稻MV处理外,其余处理早、晚稻产量可持续系数保持不变或提高,且早、晚稻均以RS3处理最高。试验开展5年后,各处理土壤有机质含量与初始土壤相比均明显提高,绿肥、稻草还田处理除RS1外均显著高于CK,RS4处理还显著高于RS1处理;各处理土壤全氮含量较2013年均有所降低,但绿肥、稻草还田处理较CK下降幅度小,MV和RS3处理全氮含量显著高于CK。土壤速效钾含量除MV和RS3处理低于CK外,其他处理均有不同程度的增加。粒径>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体以RS2处理最高,达68.9%。【结论】绿肥联合早稻草全部还田和晚稻留高茬还田措施可提高土壤有机质含量,稳定土壤氮素供应的长期效果显著,是湘南红壤地区水稻高产稳产和可持续发展相对较好的耕作制度,能够有效促进水稻增产,改善土壤理化性质,稳定氮素供应。 展开更多
关键词 绿肥 稻草 产量 土壤肥力 水稳性团聚体
长期施肥红壤稻田肥力与产量的相关性及县域验证 被引量:7
作者 刘淑军 李冬初 +5 位作者 高菊生 黄晶 余泓 李照全 文炯 张会民 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1262-1272,共11页
【目的】土壤肥力是水稻生产可持续发展的基础资源,研究长期施肥下红壤稻田土壤肥力变化特征以及土壤肥力质量指数(SFI)和水稻产量之间的相关性,以期科学指导红壤稻田土壤培肥和评估区域水稻产量。【方法】本研究基于1982年开始的红壤... 【目的】土壤肥力是水稻生产可持续发展的基础资源,研究长期施肥下红壤稻田土壤肥力变化特征以及土壤肥力质量指数(SFI)和水稻产量之间的相关性,以期科学指导红壤稻田土壤培肥和评估区域水稻产量。【方法】本研究基于1982年开始的红壤稻田有机无机肥配施长期定位试验,采用模糊评判法计算不同施肥处理的SFI,建立SFI和水稻产量之间的拟合方程,并结合典型县域数据对拟合方程进行验证。【结果】经过30年的培肥,M(有机肥)、NKM(氮钾肥+有机肥)、NPM(氮磷肥+有机肥)、PKM(磷钾肥+有机肥)、NPKM(氮磷钾肥+有机肥)、NPK(氮磷钾肥)处理的SFI随施肥年限延长均呈缓慢线性增长趋势,年均增长0.0035~0.0136,而不施肥对照的SFI逐年下降。PKM和NPKM处理的年均SFI最高,比CK处理分别增加了70.6%和68.4%。5个施有机肥处理的年均SFI均高于单施化肥的NPK处理。线性拟合结果发现,1984、1988、1994、1998、2004、2008、2012年等7个年份的年均SFI与年均水稻绝对产量、相对产量呈显著线性正相关关系(P<0.05),相关系数分别为0.708、0.683。县域尺度的验证结果表明,基于SFI预测的水稻绝对产量、相对产量与实际的绝对产量和相对产量(RRMSE均小于25%)均高度相符。【结论】有机肥的投入是红壤稻田提高土壤肥力的有效措施,在红壤丘陵双季稻区,SFI和水稻产量之间存在显著的线性正相关关系,且SFI和水稻产量尚有一定的提升潜力。通过SFI和水稻产量的关系模型预测评估该稻区县域的水稻产量是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 长期施肥 红壤稻田 土壤肥力质量指数 水稻产量 县域验证
陕西凤太地区铅锌矿床关键控矿要素探讨 被引量:5
作者 刘红涛 底青云 +4 位作者 薛国强 王瑞廷 高菊生 郭文波 周楠楠 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期902-916,共15页
本文从陕西凤太矿集区容矿盆地的地层和沉积建造入手,对本区找矿勘探密切相关的赋矿层位、容矿岩、矿床建构样式和矿化分带等原生控矿要素和矿化空间特征进行了梳理与分析,认为凤太地区铅锌矿应属于盆地热卤水喷流沉积矿床;成矿后区域... 本文从陕西凤太矿集区容矿盆地的地层和沉积建造入手,对本区找矿勘探密切相关的赋矿层位、容矿岩、矿床建构样式和矿化分带等原生控矿要素和矿化空间特征进行了梳理与分析,认为凤太地区铅锌矿应属于盆地热卤水喷流沉积矿床;成矿后区域挤压和盆地反转,导致容矿沉积建造发生褶皱变形与浅变质,也使一些矿体最终定位于褶皱枢纽及附近两翼;但成矿后褶皱变形对原生沉积喷流成矿系统的完整性并无重大改变。鉴于上述认识,建议今后的找矿勘探应减少对成矿后"背斜控矿"现象的过度依赖,应重视沉积喷流成矿系统原生控矿要素的分析与研究,并借助沉积喷流矿床特有的原生地球化学向量、找矿线索与找矿标志,配合有效的深部地球物理探测技术,切实将成矿规律和矿床成因认识转化为勘查找矿的工具。 展开更多
关键词 凤太矿集区 Sedex铅锌矿 矿床建构 原生控矿要素 深部勘查 陕西
用宏基因组学方法研究绿肥对水稻根际微生物磷循环功能基因的影响 被引量:8
作者 唐治喜 高菊生† +6 位作者 宋阿琳 王恩召 司知远 易可可 黄晶 赵士诚 范分良 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1578-1590,共13页
【目的】绿肥对土壤微生物磷循环的影响受到研究者们的广泛关注,但绿肥影响土壤磷循环的微生物机理尚不明确。利用宏基因组学方法剖析长期绿肥还田对土壤磷循环功能微生物的影响,旨在阐明绿肥对土壤磷循环影响的微生物机理,为绿肥的科... 【目的】绿肥对土壤微生物磷循环的影响受到研究者们的广泛关注,但绿肥影响土壤磷循环的微生物机理尚不明确。利用宏基因组学方法剖析长期绿肥还田对土壤磷循环功能微生物的影响,旨在阐明绿肥对土壤磷循环影响的微生物机理,为绿肥的科学利用提供依据。【方法】以中国湖南祁阳绿肥及稻草还田定位试验的水稻根际土为材料,利用宏基因组学方法,对土壤微生物DNA进行PE150(双端读长150 bp)宏基因组测序,使用MetaWRAP软件中的read_qc模块进行质控,用assembly模块megahit方法进行组装;基于组装的较长序列(>1000 bp)使用Diamond软件的BLASTX和UniProtKB/SWISS-PROT数据库进行序列比对,根据磷活化(磷酸酯矿化、膦酸酯矿化、无机磷溶解)、磷吸收(膦酸酯运输、磷酸酯运输和无机磷酸盐运输)和缺磷诱导响应调控三大类主要磷循环功能相关基因(重点关注的64个磷循环功能基因)进行筛选;再利用R语言进一步分析水稻根际土壤中磷循环功能基因相对丰度及其与土壤理化指标之间的关系,阐述绿肥对土壤磷循环功能微生物的影响。【结果】土壤pH等9个常规指标在有、无绿肥处理之间均无显著差异。无稻草还田时,绿肥处理对64个磷循环功能基因中的11个相对丰度影响显著,这11个基因广泛分布在除磷酸酯运输及无机磷溶解外的5个功能组中,其中phnA、phnN、phnV等3个基因相对丰度上升,phnI、phnL、glpB、glpO、pitA、phoA、phoP、phoU等8个基因相对丰度下降。而在稻草还田时,绿肥处理仅phnPP基因相对丰度显著降低。相关性分析显示,土壤pH与磷酸酶活性、无机磷溶解基因pqqB、pqqC、pqqCD、pqq E、pqqF相对丰度呈显著负相关(P<0.05);无机磷溶解pqqB、pqqC、pqqCD、pqq E等4个基因相对丰度分别与有效磷含量、磷酸酶活性以及有机氮含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。冗余分析(RDA)结果表明,绿肥处理通过pH、AP以及磷酸酶活性影响磷循环功能基因。【结论】绿肥翻压下水稻根际微生物磷功能基因相对丰度深受稻草还田的影响。与单绿肥或单稻草还田相比,绿肥翻压基础上增加稻草还田对磷循环功能基因影响效果不明显,秸秆甚至减弱了绿肥对磷循环功能基因的影响,其原因可能是绿肥和稻草还田下不同微生物及不同磷循环功能基因之间存在激烈竞争。 展开更多
关键词 水稻根际土 绿肥 土壤微生物 磷循环 功能基因 宏基因组
脲酶/硝化抑制剂双控下红壤性水稻土氮素变化特征 被引量:10
作者 唐贤 陆太伟 +4 位作者 黄晶 张旭博 高菊生 孙楠 徐明岗 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期30-37,共8页
以红壤性水稻土为对象,设置大田试验处理:不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(U)、氮肥配施0. 5%脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)与1%硝化抑制剂3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)(U+N/D)、氮肥配施1%NBPT与2%DMPP [U+2 (N/D)],研究4种施肥组合下双季... 以红壤性水稻土为对象,设置大田试验处理:不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(U)、氮肥配施0. 5%脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)与1%硝化抑制剂3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)(U+N/D)、氮肥配施1%NBPT与2%DMPP [U+2 (N/D)],研究4种施肥组合下双季稻土壤脲酶、土壤NH+4-N、田面水NH+4-N和NO-3-N的变化特征。结果表明,与CK和U处理相比,各施肥处理在施肥后第1~15 d,土壤脲酶活性、土壤NH+4-N、田面水NH+4-N含量增加,田面水NO-3-N含量无显著变化。与U+2 (N/D)处理相比,早稻中U+N/D处理的脲酶活性显著增加了0. 03~0. 70 mg·g-1,土壤NH+4-N含量显著增加了19. 11~61. 44 mg·kg-1,田面水NH+4-N含量显著增加了34. 48~40. 70 mg·L-1。相关分析表明,土壤NH+4-N与土壤脲酶、田面水NH+4-N均呈显著负相关,田面水NH+4-N与土壤脲酶、田面水NO-3-N均呈显著正相关(P <0. 05)。综上,与其他处理相比,U+N/D处理是在短期内有效提高土壤脲酶活性、土壤NH+4-N和田面水NH+4-N含量的最优处理,合理配施尿素及0. 5%脲酶抑制剂NBPT和1%硝化抑制剂DMPP能够显著提高NH+4-N供水稻吸收,减少氮素损失。 展开更多
关键词 脲酶抑制剂 硝化抑制剂 红壤性水稻土 脲酶 氮素变化
长期稻-稻-紫云英轮作对水稻种子内生细菌的影响及促生功能评价 被引量:6
作者 赵霞 张子强 +5 位作者 夏振远 Kyu Kyu Thin 郭鹤宝 何山文 高菊生 张晓霞 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期208-215,共8页
种子被视为有益微生物的储存库和载体。与根际和叶际相比,种子相关细菌的研究还十分落后。本研究以长期绿肥植物与水稻轮作(稻-稻-紫云英,R-R-MV)和冬闲(稻-稻-冬闲,R-R-WF)两种种植模式的水稻种子为材料,分离种子内生细菌;在对菌株进行... 种子被视为有益微生物的储存库和载体。与根际和叶际相比,种子相关细菌的研究还十分落后。本研究以长期绿肥植物与水稻轮作(稻-稻-紫云英,R-R-MV)和冬闲(稻-稻-冬闲,R-R-WF)两种种植模式的水稻种子为材料,分离种子内生细菌;在对菌株进行16S r RNA基因系统发育分析基础上,依据分离来源和分类地位选择代表菌株,进行溶磷、产IAA和铁载体等植物促生功能的检测。结果显示,绿肥轮作后水稻种子内生细菌的数量显著高于冬闲,群落组成也发生了明显变化。在属水平上,Pseudomonas和Xanthomonas是R-R-WF中的优势属,分别占28.57%和26.19%,而R-R-MV中Pantoea是优势属,占27.94%,其次是Pseudomonas(14.71%)和Paenibacillus(13.24%)。进行功能检测的31个菌株中,大多数分离株具有有益于植物的特性,表明种子内生细菌与植物的生长及健康密切相关。本研究不仅揭示了长期轮作条件可以改变种子的微生物组成,还获得了有益的微生物资源,将有助于种子内生菌作为生物接种剂在可持续农业中的研究和应用。 展开更多
关键词 绿肥 轮作 水稻种子内生细菌 植物促生细菌
紫云英接种根瘤菌效果研究 被引量:2
作者 高鹏 杨志长 +4 位作者 高菊生 马晓彤 黄晶 曹卫东 张晓霞 《湖南农业科学》 2020年第3期20-22,共3页
探讨并比较了接种不同菌剂对紫云英湘肥3号和闽紫6号生长和产量的影响。结果表明:湘肥3号和闽紫6号接种不同菌剂均可以促进紫云英的生长和盛花期鲜草产量与成熟期籽粒产量的提高。湘肥3号接种13052号菌剂效果优于13025号菌剂。闽紫6号接... 探讨并比较了接种不同菌剂对紫云英湘肥3号和闽紫6号生长和产量的影响。结果表明:湘肥3号和闽紫6号接种不同菌剂均可以促进紫云英的生长和盛花期鲜草产量与成熟期籽粒产量的提高。湘肥3号接种13052号菌剂效果优于13025号菌剂。闽紫6号接种13061号菌剂效果较佳。建议实际生产中湘肥3号接种13052号菌剂,闽紫6号接种13061号菌剂。 展开更多
关键词 紫云英 根瘤菌 效果 鲜草产量 籽粒产量
Effects of Long-Term Winter Planted Green Manure on Physical Properties of Reddish Paddy Soil Under a Double-Rice Cropping System 被引量:42
作者 YANG Zeng-ping XU Ming-gang +4 位作者 ZHENG Sheng-xian NIE Jun gao ju-sheng LIAO Yu-lin XIE Jian 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期655-664,共10页
Soil physical properties are important indicators of the potential for agricultural production.Our objective was to evaluate the effects of long-term inputs of green manures on physical properties of a reddish paddy s... Soil physical properties are important indicators of the potential for agricultural production.Our objective was to evaluate the effects of long-term inputs of green manures on physical properties of a reddish paddy soil(Fe-Typic Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols) under a double cropping system.The common cropping pattern before the study was early-late rice-fallow(winter).The field treatments included rice-rice-fallow(R-R-WF),rice-rice-rape(R-R-RP),rice-rice-Chinese milk vetch(RR-MV),and rice-rice-ryegrass(R-R-RG).The rape,Chinese milk vetch and ryegrass were all incorporated as green manures 15 d before early rice transplanting during the following year.The soil bulk density in all green manure treatments was significantly reduced compared with the winter fallow treatment.Soil porosity with green manure applications was significantly higher than that under the winter fallow.The green manure treatments had higher 0.25-5 mm water stable aggregates and aggregates stabilities in the plow layer(0-15 cm depth) compared with the fallow treatment.The mean weight diameter(MWD) and normalized mean weight diameter(NMWD) of aggregates in the green manure treatment were larger than that with the winter fallow.Soil given green manure retained both a higher water holding capacity in the plow layer soil,and a larger volume of moisture at all matric potentials(-10,-33 and-100 kPa).We conclude that the management of double-rice fields in southern central China should be encouraged to use green manures along with chemical fertilizers to increase SOC content,improve soil physical properties and soil fertility. 展开更多
关键词 long-term experiment soil physical property green manure reddish paddy soil
Effects of long-term green manure application on the content and structure of dissolved organic matter in red paddy soil 被引量:22
作者 gao Song-juan gao ju-sheng +4 位作者 CAO Wei-dong ZOU Chun-qin HUANG Jing BAI Jinshun DOU Fu-gen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1852-1860,共9页
Dissolved organic matter(DOM) plays important roles in soil biogeochemistry activity and nutrients transportation in soils, but studies regarding the long-term effects of green manures on the content and structure of ... Dissolved organic matter(DOM) plays important roles in soil biogeochemistry activity and nutrients transportation in soils, but studies regarding the long-term effects of green manures on the content and structure of DOM in red paddy soil have not been reported yet. A long-term green manure experiment established in 1982 was utilized to test the DOM contents in different treatments, and the spectral characteristics of DOM were investigated by using ultraviolet-visible(UV-Vis) spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectrometry. The experiment included four cropping systems: ricerice-milk vetch(RRV), rice-rice-rape(RRP), rice-rice-ryegrass(RRG) and rice-rice-winter fallow(RRF), among them, milk vetch, rape, and ryegrass are popular winter green manure species in southern China. The results showed that the content of dissolved organic carbon(DOC), which is widely used to estimate the concentration of DOM, was significantly promoted after the incorporation of green manures compared with the other sampling stages. The contents of aromatic groups and the degree of humification of DOM increased in RRV and RRP, suggesting more complex compositions of the soil DOM after long-term application of milk vetch and rape. The contents of phenol, alcohol and carboxylic acid group at the mature stage of early rice were significantly higher than those at the stage of after green manures turned over, especially for the RRV treatment. The absorption ratio of FTIR indicated that winter plantation of rape increased the aromatic-C/aliphatic-C ratio, and ryegrass increased the aromatic-C/carboxyl-C ratio. In conclusion, long-term planting of milk vetch and rape as green manures increased the degree of aromaticity, humification and average molecular weight of DOM, and made the DOM more stable in red paddy soil. 展开更多
关键词 green manure red paddy soil dissolved organic matter ultraviolet-visible spectra Fourier transform infrared spectra
Changes of Organic Matter, N, P and K Content of Soils in Red Soil Areas Under Long-Term Experiment 被引量:9
作者 JIANG Duan-sheng ZENG Xi-bai +1 位作者 gao ju-sheng LI Lian-fang 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2008年第7期853-859,共7页
The content of organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the three selected soils, including Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols (purple sand-shale parent material), Dystric Turbi-... The content of organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the three selected soils, including Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols (purple sand-shale parent material), Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols (quaternary red clay parent material) and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols (granite parent material) were studied under a long-term experiment by using crop straw and inorganic fertilizers at the Hunan Red Soil Experiment Station of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The results showed that the contents of OM, N, P and K in the three selected soils increased after 23 years application of crop straw and inorganic fertilizers, but the contents increased much less when crop straw or inorganic fertilizers was applied alone. The nutrient contents in the three soils developed from granite changed more remarkably than those in the soil derived from quaternary red clay and purple sand-shale. It was also found that the contents of OM, N, and P increased slightly in the treatments without applying fertilizers or returning the crop straw to the root bed. Combined application of inorganic fertilizers and crop straw could remarkably increase the contents of OM, alkalihydrolyzable N and available K, the positive correlation between application of organic fertilizers and increase of OM in soil did not always happened, it provided evidence for the relation between appropriate C/N ratio and accumulation of OM in soil. The increase of nutrient content was influenced by the soil properties. By comparing the contents of nutrient in 0-20 cm depth in the three different soils, it was concluded that the most increases of OM, alkali-hydrolyzable N, and available P were observed in Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols with the average increase by 3.03, 27.38, and 21.73 mg kg^-1, respectively. The available K increased in Dystric Turbi-Anthric Primosols with the average increase by 25.82 mg kg^-1, while it decreased in Calcaric Purpli-Orthic Primosols and Typic Udi-Sandic Primosols. It was concluded that the application of inorganic fertilizer and crop straw was important to improve the soil fertility for all of three selected soils. The straw return to the field had played a significant role for enhancement of the soil quality in the study areas. The application of inorganic fertilizer combined with the straw return to the fields could remarkably improve the soil fertility. 展开更多
关键词 organic matter inorganic fertilizers NUTRIENT crop straw long-term experiment
Effects of long-term application of different green manures on ferric iron reduction in a red paddy soil in Southern China 被引量:7
作者 gao Song-juan CAO Wei-dong +5 位作者 gao ju-sheng HUANG Jing BAI Jin-shun ZENG Nao-hua CHANG Dan-na SHIMIZU Katsuyoshi 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期959-966,共8页
Dissimilatory Fe(Ⅲ) reduction is an important process in the geochemical cycle of iron in anoxic environment. As the main products of dissimilatory iron reduction, the Fe(Ⅱ) species accumulation could indicate t... Dissimilatory Fe(Ⅲ) reduction is an important process in the geochemical cycle of iron in anoxic environment. As the main products of dissimilatory iron reduction, the Fe(Ⅱ) species accumulation could indicate the reduction ability. The effects of different green manures on Fe(Ⅲ) reduction in paddy soil were explored based on a 31-year rice-rice-winter green manure cropping experiment. Four treatments were involved, i.e., rice-rice-milk vetch (RRV), rice-rice-rape (RRP), rice-rice-ryegrass (RRG) and rice-rice-winter fallow (RRF). Soils were sampled at flowering stage of milk vetch and rape (S1), before transplantation (S2), at tillering (S3), jointing (S4), and mature (S5) stages of the early rice, and after the harvest of the late rice (S6). The contents of TFeHa (HCI-extractable total Fe), Fe(Ⅱ)HCI (HCI-extractable Fe(Ⅱ) species) and Fe(Ⅲ)HCI (HCI- extractable Fe(Ⅲ) species) were measured. The correlations among those Fe species with selected soil environmental factors and the dynamic characteristics of Fe(Ⅱ)HCI accumulation were investigated. The results showed that TFeHc~ in RRF was significantly higher than those in the green manure treatments at most of the sampling stages. Fe(II)Ha increased rapidly after the incorporation of green manures in all treatments and kept rising with the growth of early rice. Fe(Ⅱ)Ha in RRG was quite different from those in other treatments, i.e., it reached the highest at the S2 stage, then increased slowly and became the lowest one at the S4 and S5 stages. Fe(Ⅲ)Ha showed oppositely, and Fe(Ⅱ)HCI/Fe(Ⅲ)HCI performed similarly to Fe(Ⅱ)HCI The maximum accumulation potential of Fe(Ⅱ)HCI was significantly higher in RRF, while the highest maximum reaction rate of Fe(Ⅱ)Ha accumulation appeared in RRG. Significant correlations were found between the indexes of Fe(Ⅱ)HCI accumulation and soil pH, oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) and total organic acids, respectively. In together, we found that long-term application of green manures decreased the TFeHa in red paddy soils, but promoted the ability of Fe(lll) reduction, especially the ryegrass; Fe(Ⅱ)Ha increased along with the growth of rice and was affected by soil conditions and environmental factors, especially the water and redox ability. 展开更多
关键词 green manure red paddy soil ferric iron reduction rice-rice-winter green manure cropping system
Long-term rice-rice-green manure rotation changing the microbial communities in typical red paddy soil in South China 被引量:29
作者 gao Song-juan ZHANG Ren-gang +8 位作者 CAO Wei-dong FAN Yuan-yuan gao ju-sheng HUANG Jing BAI Jin-shun ZENG Nao-hua CHANG Dan-na Shimizu Katsu-yoshi Kristian Thorup-Kristensen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第12期2512-2520,共9页
On the basis of a long-term(30 years) field experiment that involved four rotation systems, rice-rice-winter fallow(RRF), rice-rice-ryegrass(RRG), rice-rice-rape(RRP), and rice-rice-milk vetch(RRV), this stu... On the basis of a long-term(30 years) field experiment that involved four rotation systems, rice-rice-winter fallow(RRF), rice-rice-ryegrass(RRG), rice-rice-rape(RRP), and rice-rice-milk vetch(RRV), this study described the effects of green manure on the microbial communities in the red paddy soils using 454 pyrosequencing for the 16 S r RNA gene. The Chao1 richness and non-parametric Shannon's index increased in all soil samples that received green manure treatments. The communities' structures with the green manure applications were significantly dissimilar from that under the winter fallow. Using Metastats tests, many genera in the RRG, RRP and RRV soils were significantly different from those in the RRF soil, including a number of genera that functioned in the nitrogen and sulfur cycles. Analyses of the genera with these functions revealed the shifts in microbial ecosystem functions after long-term green manuring. Changes in the microbial communities increased the ammonium supply and decreased the soil acidification in green-manure-amended soils. Together, these data suggested powerful effects of green manure on both the microbial communities and the biogeochemical cycle driven by the shifts in bacterial functional groups. 展开更多
关键词 green manure community structure community function 16S rRNA gene double rice
Effects of Magnesium Compound with Fertilizer on Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) Growth and Soil Nutrients 被引量:2
作者 SUN Nan ZENG Xi-bai +2 位作者 LI Ju-mei gao ju-sheng WANG Bo-ren 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期123-129,共7页
Effects of two kinds of magnesium compound with fertilizer on Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) growth, yield, and soil nutrients in red soil were studied. The results indicated that significant effects of magne... Effects of two kinds of magnesium compound with fertilizer on Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) growth, yield, and soil nutrients in red soil were studied. The results indicated that significant effects of magnesium applied to soils were observed in increasing Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) yield, improving its growth, and strengthening its antivirus property as well as increasing the amount of exchangeable Mg, N, P, and K in red soil. In particular, the effects of magnesium compound fertilizer Ⅱ (MCF2) with higher Mg content were better than that of the others, which increased Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) yield by 57.4, 32.8, and 14.5% compared to that of control treatment (CK), chemical fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium treatment (CF), and magnesium compound fertilizer Ⅰ treatment (MCF1) with lower Mg content. It increased soil Alkali N, available P, exchangeable K, and exchangeable Mg by 94.9, 46.5, 31.1, and 35.3%, respectively, compared with that of CK treatment. Therefore, the application of magnesium compound with fertilizer is an optimum method for improving red soil quality. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium compound fertilizer Daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni) GROWTH soil nutrient
Improvement of soil fertility and rice yield after long-term application of cow manure combined with inorganic fertilizers 被引量:1
作者 gao Peng ZHANG Tuo +8 位作者 LEI Xing-yu CUI Xin-wei LU Yao-xiong FAN Peng-fei LONG Shi-ping HUANG Jing gao ju-sheng ZHANG Zhen-hua ZHANG Hui-min 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第7期2221-2232,共12页
Fertilization is an effective technique to improve soil fertility and increase crop yield.The long-term effects of different fertilizers on soil considerably vary.Over 38 consecutive years of different fertilization p... Fertilization is an effective technique to improve soil fertility and increase crop yield.The long-term effects of different fertilizers on soil considerably vary.Over 38 consecutive years of different fertilization positioning experiments in a double cropping rice field of Qiyang Red Soil Experimental Station,seven different fertilization treatments including CK(no fertilization),NPK(nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium fertilizer),M(cow manure),NPKM(nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium with cow manure),NPM(nitrogen and phosphorus with cow manure),NKM(nitrogen and potassium with cow manure),and PKM(phosphorus and potassium with cow manure)were applied to study the effects on rice yield,soil fertility,and nutrient apparent balance in a paddy field.The results showed that the annual average yields of rice in NPKM,NPM,NKM,PKM,M,NPK and CK treatments ranged from 6214 to 11562 kg ha-1.Yields under long-term organic and inorganic treatments(NPKM,NPM,NKM and PKM)were 22.58,15.35,10.53 and 4.41%,respectively,greater than under the NPK treatment.Soil organic carbon(SOC),total nitrogen(TN),available nitrogen(AN)and available potassium(AK)concentration with long-term organic and inorganic treatment(NPKM,NPM,NKM and PKM)were significantly higher than in inorganic fertilizer(NPK)treatments.Soil total phosphorus(TP)and available phosphorus(AP)contentration with organic fertilizer combined with inorganic N and P fertilizer treatment(NPKM,NPM and PKM)were significantly higher than with inorganic fertilizer alone(NPK treatments).The average annual rice yield(11562 kg ha-1),SOC(20.88 g kg-1),TN(2.30 g kg-1),TP(0.95 g kg-1),TK(22.50 g kg-1)and AP(38.94 mg kg-1)concentrations were the highest in the NPKM treatment.The soil AN concentration(152.40 mg kg-1)and AK contentration(151.00 mg kg-1)were the highest in the NKM treatment.N and P application led to a surplus of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil,but NPKM treatment effectively reduced the surplus compared with other treatments.Soils under all treatments were deficient in potassium.Correlation analysis showed that SOC,TN,AN,TP,and AP contentration was significantly correlated with rice yield;the correlation coefficients were 0.428,0.496,0.518,0.501,and 0.438,respectively.This study showed that the combined application of N,P,and K with cow manure had important effects on rice yield and soil fertility,but balanced application of N,P,and K with cow manure was required. 展开更多
关键词 long-term fertilization rice yield soil fertility nutrient balance
Effects of Cropping System Change for Paddy Field with Double Harvest Rice on the Crops Growth and Soil Nutrient
作者 ZENG Xi-bai SUN Nan +2 位作者 gao ju-sheng WANG Bo-ren LI Lian-fang 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1115-1123,共9页
The effects of the cropping system change for paddy field with double harvest rice on crops growth and soil nutrient in red soil were studied. The results indicated that the economic benefit and the ratio of the outpu... The effects of the cropping system change for paddy field with double harvest rice on crops growth and soil nutrient in red soil were studied. The results indicated that the economic benefit and the ratio of the output to input were all increased in terms of the market price for the crops under various treatments. The greatest economic benefit was obtained in the treatment of paddy-upland rotation, and the corresponding economic benefit was increased by 34.7, 21.4, and 2.2% in comparison with that of control (rice-rice-astragali), pasture, and upland cropping treatments. The economic benefits in pasture and upland cultivation treatments were increased by I 1.0 and 31.8%, respectively, when compared with that of the control treatment (CK). The ratio of output to input in pasture, paddy-upland rotation, and upland cropping treatments was enhanced by 0.9, 0.6, and 0.3, respectively, in comparison with that of control. To grow pasture is beneficial for improving soil fertility since the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and available phosphorus are all enhanced significantly. However, the concentrations of the soil available nitrogen, the total potassium, the available potassium were somewhat reduced in all the treatments, suggesting that increasing the input of nitrogen, particularly potassium, was necessary under the present fertilization level. Based on the conditions of fertility, climate, cultivation, and management of paddy field with double harvest rice in red soil regions, it is feasible to alter the cultivation system of paddy field with bad irrigation condition. In particular, cultivation systems such as pasture and paddy-upland rotation can be selected to extend because better economic benefit and improvement of soil fertility in the purpose region were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 cropping system crop growth economic benefit soil nutrient
冬种绿肥和秸秆还田对双季稻区土壤团聚体和有机质官能团的影响 被引量:32
作者 宋佳 黄晶 +4 位作者 高菊生 王亚男 吴翠霞 白玲玉 曾希柏 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期564-570,共7页
为探讨外源有机物料在提升土壤有机碳和改良土壤肥力中的作用机理,依托中国农业科学院衡阳红壤实验站的长期定位试验,研究了冬种绿肥和秸秆还田模式(CK,冬闲;MV,冬种紫云英;S,早稻秸秆全量还田;DS,早、晚稻秸秆全量还田;SMV,冬种紫云英... 为探讨外源有机物料在提升土壤有机碳和改良土壤肥力中的作用机理,依托中国农业科学院衡阳红壤实验站的长期定位试验,研究了冬种绿肥和秸秆还田模式(CK,冬闲;MV,冬种紫云英;S,早稻秸秆全量还田;DS,早、晚稻秸秆全量还田;SMV,冬种紫云英+早稻秸秆全量还田;DSMV,冬种紫云英+早、晚稻秸秆全量还田)对土壤团聚体和有机质官能团的影响。结果表明:双季稻土壤超大团聚体(>2 mm)和大团聚体(0.25~2 mm)含量最多,为72.1%~81.8%,且两者中有机碳含量高达12.1~20.7 g·kg^(-1),占总有机碳的22.7%~59.0%。水稻土中有机物官能团以多糖为主,其次为脂肪碳和芳香碳,各官能团的丰度受紫云英种植和秸秆还田的影响。与其他处理相比,DSMV显著增加了水稻土中超大团聚体(>2 mm)和大团聚体(0.25~2 mm)的含量,并促进了两种团聚体内芳香碳等惰性碳的积累。因此,DSMV更有利于土壤团聚体和有机质稳定性的提升,在实际农业生产中具有较大的应用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 红壤水稻土 水稳性 碳氮比 有机质官能团 红外光谱
湖南省不同种植制度农田土壤肥力长期演变特征 被引量:2
作者 宫殿林 张文钊 +11 位作者 罗尊长 高菊生 郑超 洪曦 曾希柏 董春华 程爱武 汤春纯 李荣 何运祥 毛卫华 涂赛军 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1120-1130,共11页
明确不同种植制度农田肥力长期演变特征可为选择合适种植制度以提升耕地质量提供参考依据。以湖南省12个国家和省级农田长期定位试验点的种植制度试验为研究对象,选择当地习惯施肥条件下的水稻—水稻—黑麦草(RRR)、水稻—水稻—紫云英(... 明确不同种植制度农田肥力长期演变特征可为选择合适种植制度以提升耕地质量提供参考依据。以湖南省12个国家和省级农田长期定位试验点的种植制度试验为研究对象,选择当地习惯施肥条件下的水稻—水稻—黑麦草(RRR)、水稻—水稻—紫云英(RRC)、水稻—水稻—大麦(RRB)、水稻—水稻—冬闲(RRW)和水稻—水稻—油菜(RRO)5种双季稻模式,烤烟—水稻(RT)、水稻—冬闲(RW)、水稻—油菜(RO)和水稻—绿肥(RG)4种一季稻模式,棉花—油菜(CR)、大豆—红薯(SS)和玉米—萝卜(MR)3种旱作模式,研究其土壤基础肥力指标和综合肥力的演变趋势。结果表明,双季稻模式有机质含量高于旱作模式,长期习惯性施肥条件下,除RRO、RT和RW有机质含量下降外,其余均有上升。RRW、RRO、RT和RW全氮含量相对较高但均有下降,其余则均有增加。RRO和RG碱解氮含量下降明显,而旱作模式均呈增加趋势。RRO和RRW速效磷含量下降明显,而旱作模式年均增加约1.23~4.76 mg/kg。双季稻模式速效钾含量均有下降,而一季稻和旱作模式除RT和MR增加外呈下降趋势或无明显变化。双季稻模式综合肥力下降,而一季稻和旱作模式均有上升。研究表明,湖南省不同种植制度农田肥力变化差异较大,双季稻模式应控氮重钾,一季稻模式应减施氮磷,旱作模式应培肥地力和控施磷肥。 展开更多
关键词 土壤有机质 综合肥力 长期定位试验 农田 种植制度
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