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谷胱甘肽引发对老化燕麦种子发芽与幼苗生长特性的影响 被引量:1
作者 米春娇 洪流 +1 位作者 马馼 毛培胜 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期928-934,共7页
为探讨谷胱甘肽(Glutathione,GSH)引发对老化燕麦(Avena sativa)种子活力的影响,以老化5 d种子为材料,研究了不同浓度(0.1,0.2,0.5和1.0 mmol·L^(-1))GSH溶液引发不同时间(12 h,24 h和36 h)下种子发芽及幼苗生长特性的变化规律。... 为探讨谷胱甘肽(Glutathione,GSH)引发对老化燕麦(Avena sativa)种子活力的影响,以老化5 d种子为材料,研究了不同浓度(0.1,0.2,0.5和1.0 mmol·L^(-1))GSH溶液引发不同时间(12 h,24 h和36 h)下种子发芽及幼苗生长特性的变化规律。结果表明,老化后燕麦种子发芽率、发芽指数及活力指数显著下降(P<0.05),平均发芽时间显著增加(P<0.05),苗长、苗重、根长和根重均显著降低(P<0.05)。不同GSH引发浓度和引发时间处理后对老化燕麦种子发芽及幼苗生长各项指标的影响有所差异,其中0.2 mmol·L^(-1)GSH引发24 h是缓解种子老化的最佳处理,显著缩短了老化种子平均发芽时间(P<0.05),显著提高了发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、苗长、苗重和根长(P<0.05)。燕麦种子引发处理可以为保持种子活力提供有效改善措施。 展开更多
关键词 GSH引发 燕麦 种子活力 种子老化
作者 戴子淙 高建昊 +5 位作者 张小杰 洪流 王春明 周天旺 陈杰新 郭成 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期562-572,共11页
为掌握甘肃地区玉米灰斑病的发生分布、病原种类及遗传多样性,于2021-2022年调查了该病害在甘肃的分布范围,对采集的灰斑病样品进行分离与鉴定,并采用ISSR分子标记技术对甘肃玉米灰斑病菌的遗传多样性进行分析。结果表明,玉米灰斑病在... 为掌握甘肃地区玉米灰斑病的发生分布、病原种类及遗传多样性,于2021-2022年调查了该病害在甘肃的分布范围,对采集的灰斑病样品进行分离与鉴定,并采用ISSR分子标记技术对甘肃玉米灰斑病菌的遗传多样性进行分析。结果表明,玉米灰斑病在甘肃陇南和陇东大部分地区均有发生,并已扩展至陇中地区;经形态学和分子生物学鉴定甘肃地区玉米灰斑病病原菌为玉米尾孢(Cercospora zeina);16条ISSR引物共扩增出74条条带,多态性条带73条,比例为98.65%。甘肃省陇南地区种群遗传多样性最为丰富,且与陕西省的遗传距离最小(0.021 4)、遗传相似度最高(0.978 9),陇东地区次之。在遗传相似系数为0.63时,可以将所有菌株分为4个亚群,亚群1中有28个菌株,其中包括16株陇南地区菌株、5株陇东地区菌株和7株来自陕西地区的菌株;亚群2中只有1个陇南地区菌株;亚群3中有10个菌株,包括陇南地区4个、陇东地区1个和5个陕西菌株;亚群4有2个菌株,陇东地区和陕西菌株各1个,4大类群分别包含来自不同地域的菌株。以上结果说明,同陇东地区相比,陇南地区与陕西地区的菌株遗传相似度更高,且亚群内遗传多样性与地理来源之间无明显的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 甘肃 玉米灰斑病 分布 玉米尾孢 遗传多样性
作者 高建昊 戴子淙 +4 位作者 张小杰 周天旺 王春明 洪流 郭成 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期736-743,共8页
为明确甘肃省玉米大斑病菌交配型组成及遗传结构,利用交配型鉴定特异引物对采自该省不同地区的玉米大斑病菌进行交配型测定,并采用简单序列重复区间扩增多态性(ISSR)分子标记技术对供试菌株进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:甘肃省玉米大... 为明确甘肃省玉米大斑病菌交配型组成及遗传结构,利用交配型鉴定特异引物对采自该省不同地区的玉米大斑病菌进行交配型测定,并采用简单序列重复区间扩增多态性(ISSR)分子标记技术对供试菌株进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:甘肃省玉米大斑病菌主要包括3种交配型,即A交配型、a交配型和Aa交配型,其比例约为8∶8∶1。24条ISSR引物共扩增出136条条带,平均每个引物扩增出5.67条,其中多态性条带134条,多态性条带比例为98.53%。利用PopGen 32软件分析发现甘肃3个地区玉米大斑病菌间的亲缘关系更近,遗传距离均小于0.08;陇南地区与陕西省的菌株有更高的遗传相似度,为0.9338;用NTSYS-pc软件对陇东地区的菌株聚类分析,发现ISSR类群的划分与菌株交配型间并没有直接关系。说明玉米大斑病菌遗传类群和交配型之间无明显相关性,但与菌株地理来源有一定的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 玉米大斑病菌 交配型 ISSR 遗传多样性
作者 王林英 张小杰 +5 位作者 洪流 常卫格 高建昊 周天旺 王春明 郭成 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期2320-2328,共9页
为明确甘肃省玉米鞘腐病致病菌种类及优势病原菌的遗传多样性,2022—2023年在甘肃省陇东、陇南等不同地区采集60份玉米鞘腐病病样进行组织分离,通过形态学观察、分子生物学鉴定及致病性测定相结合的方法,对其病原进行鉴定。结果表明,共... 为明确甘肃省玉米鞘腐病致病菌种类及优势病原菌的遗传多样性,2022—2023年在甘肃省陇东、陇南等不同地区采集60份玉米鞘腐病病样进行组织分离,通过形态学观察、分子生物学鉴定及致病性测定相结合的方法,对其病原进行鉴定。结果表明,共获得166株镰孢菌菌株,分别为拟轮枝镰孢(Fusarium verticillioides)(73.5%)、层出镰孢(Fusarium proliferatum)(13.3%)、胶孢镰孢(Fusarium subglutinans)(5.4%)、温孢镰孢(Fusarium temperatum)(3.6%)、木贼镰孢(Fusarium equiseti)(1.8%)、布氏镰孢(Fusarium boothii)(1.2%)和燕麦镰孢(Fusarium avenaceum)(1.2%),其中拟轮枝镰孢(F.verticillioides)为优势病原菌。采用简单序列重复区间(ISSR)分子标记技术对72株拟轮枝镰孢进行遗传多样性分析,结果显示25条引物共扩增出193条清晰条带,其中192条为多态性条带,比例为99.48%,4个生态区Shannon’s信息指数和Nei’s遗传多样性指数平均为0.4612和0.3087,遗传相似度、遗传距离集中在0.9258~0.9510、0.0503~0.0771,证明拟轮枝镰孢存在较高的遗传多样性。陇东地区菌株遗传多样性最为丰富,且和陇南地区的遗传相似度最高,为0.9501,遗传距离最小,为0.0503,陇中地区次之。在遗传相似系数为0.67时,供试菌株可划分为9个类群,同一地理来源的菌株分布在不同的ISSR类群中,说明玉米鞘腐病优势病原菌拟轮枝镰孢ISSR类群的划分与地理来源没有明显的相关性。本研究结果可为甘肃省玉米鞘腐病的科学防治提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 甘肃 玉米鞘腐病 镰孢菌 遗传多样性
作者 王俊鉴 于清泉 +6 位作者 刘舜尧 陈玉客 刘晓雨 李国栋 刘晓燕 刘宏 周伟家 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期176-183,共8页
传统的油墨打印具有方便快捷的优势,但打印过程中墨水或碳粉的大量使用对人体和环境造成了不可忽视的危害。基于激光的高能粒子特性和光热辐射热效应,利用激光欠焦和聚焦两种工作模式,可实现激光无墨打印和微区加工。本文报道了一种基... 传统的油墨打印具有方便快捷的优势,但打印过程中墨水或碳粉的大量使用对人体和环境造成了不可忽视的危害。基于激光的高能粒子特性和光热辐射热效应,利用激光欠焦和聚焦两种工作模式,可实现激光无墨打印和微区加工。本文报道了一种基于羟基磷灰石的“有机-无机-有机”三明治结构多功能纸,并利用激光的光热辐射效应使功能纸表层有机材料——纤维素纤维表面温度升高,实现表层均匀碳化,夹层无机材料——羟基磷灰石阻挡能量继续传导防止纸张烧穿,以此来达到无墨打印的效果。基于激光烧蚀的无墨打印,能够显著降低打印成本,有利于激光烧蚀打印技术的推广。此外,采用激光烧蚀打印技术作用于功能纸上的打印效果具有稳定、绿色环保等特点,在档案存储用纸、食品包装用纸和后天致盲患者阅读等方面具有广泛的应用。 展开更多
关键词 激光 羟基磷灰石 夹层纸 无墨打印
作者 范松 洪鎏 陈德珍 《锅炉技术》 北大核心 2024年第3期41-48,共8页
为了研究生活垃圾挥发分和热解碳分离燃烧污染物排放特性,探索通过改变燃烧方式来降低生活垃圾燃烧污染物排放,利用固定床装置对生活垃圾直接燃烧和热解后的挥发分、热解炭单独燃烧进行了试验对比。结果表明:与直接燃烧相比,气炭分离燃... 为了研究生活垃圾挥发分和热解碳分离燃烧污染物排放特性,探索通过改变燃烧方式来降低生活垃圾燃烧污染物排放,利用固定床装置对生活垃圾直接燃烧和热解后的挥发分、热解炭单独燃烧进行了试验对比。结果表明:与直接燃烧相比,气炭分离燃烧生成CO、HCl、SO_(2)、NO_(2)、NH_(3)、HCN、HNCO等污染物的总量明显减少,NO和N_(2)O生成量略有增加;不同的燃烧方式产生的NO_(x)组分有较大的区别,直接燃烧产生的NO_(x)主要是NO和NO_(2),气炭分离后燃烧产生的NO主要是NO不同燃烧方式下,过量空气系数α对污染物的生成量均有影响,随着α的增加,直接燃烧时产生的CO、N_(2)O、SO_(2)、NH_(3)有所减少,NO、NO_(2)、HCN、HNCO有所增加,挥发分燃烧产生NO明显增加,HCN和HNCO略有减少,HCl、N_(2)O、NO_(2)、NH_(3)生成量很小变化不明显;热解炭燃烧时各污染物生成量均较低。 展开更多
关键词 生活垃圾 焚烧发电 挥发分/热解炭燃烧 污染物排放特性 NO_(x)
Development and identification of two novel wheat-rye 6R derivative lines with adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew and high-yielding potential 被引量:1
作者 Guohao Han Jing Wang +10 位作者 Hanwen Yan Tiantian Gu Lijun Cao Shiyu liu Xiuquan Li Yilin Zhou Jieru Fan Zhipeng Shi hong liu Lihui Li Diaoguo An 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期308-313,共6页
Powdery mildew,caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici(Bgt),is a devastating disease that seriously threatens wheat yield and quality.To control this disease,host resistance is the most effective measure.Compared wit... Powdery mildew,caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici(Bgt),is a devastating disease that seriously threatens wheat yield and quality.To control this disease,host resistance is the most effective measure.Compared with the resistance genes from common wheat,alien resistance genes can better withstand infection of this highly variable pathogen.Development of elite alien germplasm resources with powdery mildew resistance and other key breeding traits is an attractive strategy in wheat breeding.In this study,three wheat-rye germplasm lines YT4-1,YT4-2,and YT4-3 were developed through hybridization between octoploid triticale and common wheat,out of which the lines YT4-1 and YT4-2 conferred adult-plant resistance(APR)to powdery mildew while the line YT4-3 was susceptible to powdery mildew during all of its growth stages.Using genomic in situ hybridization,multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization,multi-color GISH,and molecular marker analysis,YT4-1,YT4-2,and YT4-3 were shown to be cytogenetically stable wheat-rye 6R addition and T1RS.1BL translocation line,6RL ditelosomic addition and T1RS.1BL translocation line,and T1RS.1BL translocation line,respectively.Compared with previously reported wheat-rye derivative lines carrying chromosome 6R,YT4-1 and YT4-2 showed stable APR without undesirable pleiotropic effects on agronomic traits.Therefore,these novel wheat-rye 6R derivative lines are expected to be promising bridge resources in wheat disease breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Powdery mildew Secale cereale Triticum aestivum Wheat-rye 6R derivatives Agronomic performance
作者 米春娇 洪流 +1 位作者 马馼 毛培胜 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期51-59,共9页
本研究探讨了谷胱甘肽(glutathione,GSH)引发对老化燕麦种胚线粒体抗氧化能力的影响,以期为种子合理贮藏与利用提供科学依据。试验以老化5 d种子为材料,研究了0.2 mmol·L^(-1) GSH引发24 h处理下种胚线粒体抗氧化酶活性、抗氧化物... 本研究探讨了谷胱甘肽(glutathione,GSH)引发对老化燕麦种胚线粒体抗氧化能力的影响,以期为种子合理贮藏与利用提供科学依据。试验以老化5 d种子为材料,研究了0.2 mmol·L^(-1) GSH引发24 h处理下种胚线粒体抗氧化酶活性、抗氧化物和过氧化氢(H_(2)O_(2))含量的变化规律。结果表明,种子老化导致种胚线粒体内H_(2)O_(2)含量显著(P<0.05)升高,过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、单脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(MDHAR)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)和脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)活性均显著(P<0.05)降低,抗坏血酸(AsA)含量无显著变化,GSH含量、AsA/脱氢抗坏血酸(DHA)和GSH/氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)显著(P<0.05)升高,DHA和GSSG含量显著(P<0.05)下降。而GSH引发处理使老化种子胚中线粒体的H_(2)O_(2)含量显著(P<0.05)降低,CAT和GR活性显著(P<0.05)升高,POD、SOD、MDHAR、APX、DHAR活性以及AsA、DHA含量和GSH/GSSG有所增加,GSH、GSSG含量和AsA/DHA有所降低,但差异均不显著。综上,GSH引发处理主要通过提高老化燕麦种胚线粒体抗氧化酶活性,降低H_(2)O_(2)含量,有效缓解了氧化损伤,维持种子活力。 展开更多
关键词 GSH引发 种子老化 燕麦 抗氧化能力 种子活力
Microdynamic mechanical properties and fracture evolution mechanism of monzogabbro with a true triaxial multilevel disturbance method
作者 Zhi Zheng Bin Deng +3 位作者 hong liu Wei Wang Shuling Huang Shaojun Li 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期385-411,共27页
The far-field microdynamic disturbance caused by the excavation of deep mineral resources and underground engineering can induce surrounding rock damage in high-stress conditions and even lead to disasters.However,the... The far-field microdynamic disturbance caused by the excavation of deep mineral resources and underground engineering can induce surrounding rock damage in high-stress conditions and even lead to disasters.However,the mechanical properties and damage/fracture evolution mechanisms of deep rock induced by microdynamic disturbance under three-dimensional stress states are unclear.Therefore,a true triaxial multilevel disturbance test method is proposed,which can completely simulate natural geostress,excavation stress redistribution(such as stress unloading,concentration and rotation),and subsequently the microdynamic disturbance triggering damaged rock failure.Based on a dynamic true triaxial test platform,true triaxial microdynamic disturbance tests under different frequency and amplitudes were carried out on monzogabbro.The results show that increasing amplitude or decreasing frequency diminishes the failure strength of monzogabbro.Deformation modulus gradually decreases during disturbance failure.As frequency and amplitude increase,the degradation rate of deformation modulus decreases slightly,disturbance dissipated energy increases significantly,and disturbance deformation anisotropy strengthens obviously.A damage model has been proposed to quantitatively characterize the disturbance-induced damage evolution at different frequency and amplitude under true triaxial stress.Before disturbance failure,the micro-tensile crack mechanism is dominant,and the micro-shear crack mechanism increases significantly at failure.With the increase of amplitude and frequency,the micro-shear crack mechanism increases.When approaching disturbance failure,the acoustic emission fractal dimension changes from a stable value to local large oscillation,and finally increases sharply to a high value at failure.Finally,the disturbance-induced failure mechanism of surrounding rock in deep engineering is clearly elucidated. 展开更多
关键词 True triaxial disturbance test Mechanical properties Fracture evolution mechanism Disturbance-induced damage evolution Failure mechanism and precursor
Branch-Chain-Rich Diisopropyl Ether with Steric Hindrance Facilitates Stable Cycling of Lithium Batteries at-20℃
作者 Houzhen Li Yongchao Kang +6 位作者 Wangran Wei Chuncheng Yan Xinrui Ma Hao Chen Yuanhua Sang hong liu Shuhua Wang 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期121-135,共15页
Li metal batteries(LMBs)offer signifi-cant potential as high energy density alternatives;nev-ertheless,their performance is hindered by the slow desolvation process of electrolytes,particularly at low temperatures(LT)... Li metal batteries(LMBs)offer signifi-cant potential as high energy density alternatives;nev-ertheless,their performance is hindered by the slow desolvation process of electrolytes,particularly at low temperatures(LT),leading to low coulombic efficiency and limited cycle stability.Thus,it is essential to opti-mize the solvation structure thereby achieving a rapid desolvation process in LMBs at LT.Herein,we introduce branch chain-rich diisopropyl ether(DIPE)into a 2.5 M Li bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide dipropyl ether(DPE)elec-trolyte as a co-solvent for high-performance LMBs at-20℃.The incorporation of DIPE not only enhances the disorder within the electrolyte,but also induces a steric hindrance effect form DIPE’s branch chain,excluding other solvent molecules from Li+solvation sheath.Both of these factors contribute to the weak interactions between Li^(+)and solvent molecules,effectively reducing the desolvation energy of the electrolyte.Consequently,Li(50μm)||LFP(mass loading~10 mg cm^(-2))cells in DPE/DIPE based electrolyte demonstrate stable performance over 650 cycles at-20℃,delivering 87.2 mAh g^(-1),and over 255 cycles at 25℃ with 124.8 mAh g^(-1).DIPE broadens the electrolyte design from molecular structure considera-tions,offering a promising avenue for highly stable LMBs at LT. 展开更多
关键词 Solvation structure Li metal battery Low temperature Steric hindrance DISORDER
Transforming Cu into Cu_(2)O/RuAl intermetallic heterojunction for lowering the thermodynamic energy barrier of the CO_(2) reduction and evolution reactions in Li-CO_(2) battery
作者 Wenqing Ma Jiagang Hou +4 位作者 Siyu liu Tianzhen Jian Jianping Ma Caixia Xu hong liu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期531-540,共10页
The Li-CO_(2) battery has been under the spotlight of future battery technologies since it can achieve CO_(2)utilization and energy conversion simultaneously.However,its advancement is hampered by poor energy efficien... The Li-CO_(2) battery has been under the spotlight of future battery technologies since it can achieve CO_(2)utilization and energy conversion simultaneously.However,its advancement is hampered by poor energy efficiency and limited reversibility due to the sluggish kinetics of the CO_(2) reduction and evolution reactions.Herein,a multiscale nanoporous interpenetrating phase nanohybrid of RuAl intermetallic and Cu_(2)O(MP-Cu_(2)O/RuAl) was carved by driving synchronous phase and microstructure evolutions through dealloying of one RuCuAl master alloy.The built-in RuAl intermetallic and Cu_(2)O closely stack to form abundant nano-interfaces with revolutionized electronic structure,The theoretical simulations reveal that the Cu_(2)O/RuAl interface can distinctly reduce the energy barrier of the Li_(2)CO_(3) decomposition reaction,The interconnected pore channels with large surface area can enhance catalytic site accessibility,mass transfer,and uniform deposition of the discharge products.In situ differential electrochemical mass spectrometry discloses that the CO_(2)-to-electron ratio during charging coincides with the theoretical value of 3/4,demonstrating the high efficacy of MP-Cu_(2)O/RuAl in achieving the recycling of CO_(2).The dealloying protocol provides an affordable platform to empower transition metal oxides into high-efficiency electrocatalysts by hybridizing with metallic nano-sponge for advancing the application of Li-CO_(2)batteries. 展开更多
关键词 INTERMETALLIC Cu_(2)O Heterostructure NANOPOROUS Lithium–CO_(2)battery
Decoupled water electrolysis:Flexible strategy for pure hydrogen production with small voltage inputs
作者 Kexin Zhou Jiahui Huang +3 位作者 Daili Xiang Aijiao Deng Jialei Du hong liu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期340-356,共17页
Hydrogen gas is widely regarded as an ideal green energy carrier and a potential alternative to fossil fuels for coping with the aggravating energy crisis and environmental pollution.Currently,the vast majority of the... Hydrogen gas is widely regarded as an ideal green energy carrier and a potential alternative to fossil fuels for coping with the aggravating energy crisis and environmental pollution.Currently,the vast majority of the world's hydrogen is produced by reforming fossil fuels;however,this hydrogen-making technology is not sustainable or environmentally friendly because ofits high energy consumption and large carbon emissions.Renewables-driven water splitting(2H_(2)0-2H_(2)+0_(2))becomes an extensively studied scheme for sustain-able hydrogen production.Conventional water electrolysis requires an input voltage higher than 1.23 V and forms a gas mixture of H_(2)/O_(2),which results in high electricity consumption,potential safety hazards,and harmful reactive oxygen species.By virtue of the auxiliary redox mediators(RMs)as the robust H^(+)/e^(-)reservoir,decoupled electrolysis splits water at a much lower potential and evolves O_(2)(H_(2)O+RMS_(ox)-O_(2)+H-RMS_(red))and H_(2)(H-RMS_(red)-H_(2)+RMS_(ox))at separate times,rates,and spaces,thus pro-ducing the puretarget hydrogen gas safely.Decoupled electrolysis has accelerated the development ofwater electrolysis technology for H_(2) production.However,itis still lack of a comprehensive and in-depth review in this field based on different types of RMs.This review highlights the basic principles and critical progress of this emerging water electrolysis mode over the past decade.Several representative examples are then dis-played in detail according to the differences in the RMs.The rational choice and design of RMs have also been emphasized.Subsequently,novel applications of decoupled water splitting are briefly discussed,including the manufacture of valuable chemicals,Cl_(2) production,pollutant degradation,and other half-reactions in artificial photosynthesis.Finally,thekey characteristics and disadvantages of each type of mediator are sum-marized in depth.In addition,we present an outlook for future directions in decoupled water splitting.Thus,the flexibility in the design of mediators provides huge space for improving this electrochemical technology.@2024 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Published by ELSEVIER B.V.and Science Press.All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogen production Conventional water splitting Decoupled water splitting Redox mediators Biomimetics
Performance Limits and Advancements in Single 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Transistor
作者 Jing Chen Ming-Yuan Sun +8 位作者 Zhen-Hua Wang Zheng Zhang Kai Zhang Shuai Wang Yu Zhang Xiaoming Wu Tian-Ling Ren hong liu Lin Han 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期134-188,共55页
Two-dimensional(2D)transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDs)allow for atomic-scale manipulation,challenging the conventional limitations of semiconductor materials.This capability may overcome the short-channel effect,sp... Two-dimensional(2D)transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDs)allow for atomic-scale manipulation,challenging the conventional limitations of semiconductor materials.This capability may overcome the short-channel effect,sparking significant advancements in electronic devices that utilize 2D TMDs.Exploring the dimension and performance limits of transistors based on 2D TMDs has gained substantial importance.This review provides a comprehensive investigation into these limits of the single 2D-TMD transistor.It delves into the impacts of miniaturization,including the reduction of channel length,gate length,source/drain contact length,and dielectric thickness on transistor operation and performance.In addition,this review provides a detailed analysis of performance parameters such as source/drain contact resistance,subthreshold swing,hysteresis loop,carrier mobility,on/off ratio,and the development of p-type and single logic transistors.This review details the two logical expressions of the single 2D-TMD logic transistor,including current and voltage.It also emphasizes the role of 2D TMD-based transistors as memory devices,focusing on enhancing memory operation speed,endurance,data retention,and extinction ratio,as well as reducing energy consumption in memory devices functioning as artificial synapses.This review demonstrates the two calculating methods for dynamic energy consumption of 2D synaptic devices.This review not only summarizes the current state of the art in this field but also highlights potential future research directions and applications.It underscores the anticipated challenges,opportunities,and potential solutions in navigating the dimension and performance boundaries of 2D transistors. 展开更多
关键词 Two-dimensional transistors Dimension limits Performance limits Memory devices Artificial synapses
Audio-visual keyword transformer for unconstrained sentence-level keyword spotting
作者 Yidi Li Jiale Ren +3 位作者 Yawei Wang Guoquan Wang Xia Li hong liu 《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期142-152,共11页
As one of the most effective methods to improve the accuracy and robustness of speech tasks,the audio-visual fusion approach has recently been introduced into the field of Keyword Spotting(KWS).However,existing audio-... As one of the most effective methods to improve the accuracy and robustness of speech tasks,the audio-visual fusion approach has recently been introduced into the field of Keyword Spotting(KWS).However,existing audio-visual keyword spotting models are limited to detecting isolated words,while keyword spotting for unconstrained speech is still a challenging problem.To this end,an Audio-Visual Keyword Transformer(AVKT)network is proposed to spot keywords in unconstrained video clips.The authors present a transformer classifier with learnable CLS tokens to extract distinctive keyword features from the variable-length audio and visual inputs.The outputs of audio and visual branches are combined in a decision fusion module.As humans can easily notice whether a keyword appears in a sentence or not,our AVKT network can detect whether a video clip with a spoken sentence contains a pre-specified keyword.Moreover,the position of the keyword is localised in the attention map without additional position labels.Exper-imental results on the LRS2-KWS dataset and our newly collected PKU-KWS dataset show that the accuracy of AVKT exceeded 99%in clean scenes and 85%in extremely noisy conditions.The code is available at https://github.com/jialeren/AVKT. 展开更多
关键词 artificial intelligence multimodal approaches natural language processing neural network speech processing
Exercise-induced modulation of miR-149-5p and MMP9 in LPS-triggered diabetic myoblast ER stress: licorice glycoside E as a potential therapeutic target
作者 Yi Du hong liu 《Traditional Medicine Research》 2024年第8期23-34,共12页
Background:This study explores the relationship between endoplasmic reticulum(ER)stress and diabetes,particularly focusing on the impact of physical exercise on ER stress mechanisms and identifying potential therapeut... Background:This study explores the relationship between endoplasmic reticulum(ER)stress and diabetes,particularly focusing on the impact of physical exercise on ER stress mechanisms and identifying potential therapeutic drugs and targets for diabetes-related sepsis.The research also incorporates traditional physical therapy perspectives,emphasizing the genomic insights gained from exercise therapy in disease management and prevention.Methods:Gene analysis was conducted on the GSE168796 and GSE94717 datasets to identify ER stress-related genes.Gene interactions and immune cell correlations were mapped using GeneCard and STRING databases.A screening of 2,456 compounds from the TCMSP database was performed to identify potential therapeutic agents,with a focus on their docking potential.Techniques such as luciferase reporter gene assay and RNA interference were used to examine the interactions between microRNA-149-5p and MMP9.Results:The study identified 2,006 differentially expressed genes and 616 miRNAs.Key genes like MMP9,TNF-α,and IL1B were linked to an immunosuppressive state.Licorice glycoside E demonstrated high affinity for MMP9,suggesting its potential effectiveness in treating diabetes.The constructed miRNA network highlighted the regulatory roles of MMP9,IL1B,IFNG,and TNF-α.Experimental evidence confirmed the binding of microRNA-149-5p to MMP9,impacting apoptosis in diabetic cells.Conclusion:The findings highlight the regulatory role of microRNA-149-5p in managing MMP9,a crucial gene in diabetes pathophysiology.Licorice glycoside E emerges as a promising treatment option for diabetes,especially targeting MMP9 affected by ER stress.The study also underscores the significance of physical exercise in modulating ER stress pathways in diabetes management,bridging traditional physical therapy and modern scientific understanding.Our study has limitations.It focuses on the microRNA-149-5p-MMP9 network in sepsis,using cell-based methods without animal or clinical trials.Despite strong in vitro findings,in vivo studies are needed to confirm licorice glycoside E’s therapeutic potential and understand the microRNA-149-5p-MMP9 dynamics in real conditions. 展开更多
关键词 ER stress diabetes physical exercise gene expression microRNA-149-5p MMP9 licorice glycoside E traditional physical therapy genomics insights
Anesthetic dilemmas in an achondroplastic patient undergoing elective cesarean section
作者 Aaron Brown hong liu Cristina Chandler 《Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2024年第5期512-515,共4页
Achondroplasia is a genetic condition characterized by skeletal dysplasia that results in characteristic craniofacial and spinal abnormalities.It is the most common form of short-limbed skeletal dysplasia.A morbidly o... Achondroplasia is a genetic condition characterized by skeletal dysplasia that results in characteristic craniofacial and spinal abnormalities.It is the most common form of short-limbed skeletal dysplasia.A morbidly obese pregnant patient warrants specific anatomical and physiological considerations,such as a difficult airway with potential hypoxia,full stomach precautions,and a reduced functional residual capacity.Achondroplasia increases the risks of maternal and fetal complications.Although neuraxial techniques are generally preferred for cesarean sections,there is no consensus among patients with achondroplasia.We aimed to discuss the anesthetic challenges in an achondroplastic patient and report our regional anesthesia approach for an elective cesarean section. 展开更多
关键词 ACHONDROPLASIA skeletal dysplasia combined spinal-epidural anesthesia cesarean delivery
Preparation,characterization and antioxidant activity analysis of three Maillard glycosylated bone collagen hydrolysates from chicken,porcine and bovine
作者 Liwei Qi hongru Zhang +2 位作者 Yujie Guo hong liu Chunhui Zhang 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期2002-2013,共12页
Bone collagen hydrolysates(peptides)derived from byproduct of animal product processing have been used to produce commercially valuable products due to their potential antioxidant activity.Maillard glycosylated reacti... Bone collagen hydrolysates(peptides)derived from byproduct of animal product processing have been used to produce commercially valuable products due to their potential antioxidant activity.Maillard glycosylated reaction is considered as a promising method to enhance the antioxidant activity of peptides.Hence,this research aims at investigating the Maillard glycosylation activity and antioxidant activity of bone collagen hydrolysates from different sources.In this study,3 glycosylated bone collagen hydrolysates were prepared and characterized,and cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity were analyzed and evaluated.The free amino groups loss,browning intensity,and fluorescence intensity of G-Cbcp(glycosylated chicken bone collagen hydrolysates(peptides))were the heaviest,followed by G-Pbcp(glycosylated porcine bone collagen hydrolysates(peptides))and G-Bbcp(glycosylated bovine bone collagen hydrolysates(peptides)).The results of amino acid analysis showed that amino acid composition of different bone collagen hydrolysates was significantly different and the amino acid decreased to different degrees after Maillard glycosylated reaction,which may lead to differences in Maillard glycosylated reaction activity.Furthermore,the 3 glycosylated hydrolysates showed no significant cytotoxicity.The results showed that glycosylation process significantly increased the antioxidant activity of bone collagen hydrolysates,and G-Cbcp showed the strongest antioxidant activity,followed by G-Pbcp and G-Bbcp.Therefore,compared with the bone collagen hydrolysates,3 glycosylated hydrolysates showed significant characteristic and structural changes,and higher antioxidant activity. 展开更多
关键词 Bone collagen hydrolysates Glycosylation reaction Antioxidant activity
作者 杨飘飘 张静雅 +1 位作者 刘红 李丽霞 《日用化学工业(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第8期997-1007,共11页
建立了高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定化妆品中喹诺酮类、磺胺类等53种抗感染药物的检测方法。样品采用饱和氯化钠分散,体积分数1%甲酸-乙腈溶液超声提取,离心后,以0.1%甲酸水溶液(含1 mmol/L乙酸铵)和0.1%甲酸-甲醇溶液作为流动相,... 建立了高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定化妆品中喹诺酮类、磺胺类等53种抗感染药物的检测方法。样品采用饱和氯化钠分散,体积分数1%甲酸-乙腈溶液超声提取,离心后,以0.1%甲酸水溶液(含1 mmol/L乙酸铵)和0.1%甲酸-甲醇溶液作为流动相,梯度洗脱,并采用电喷雾离子源、正离子多反应监测模式(MRM)测定,外标法定量。结果表明,53种禁用原料线性拟合良好,相关系数大于0.9910,检出限为0.01~0.1μg/g,在低、中、高3种加标质量浓度下,磺胺类和喹诺酮类的平均回收率为80.84%~115.09%。筛查的100批次样品中有1批次样品检出磺胺甲噁唑。该方法具有良好灵敏度、选择性和准确性,可用于化妆品中53种抗感染药物测定。 展开更多
关键词 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法 磺胺类 喹诺酮类
作者 魏思宇 洪流 +1 位作者 杨万里 白寒 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2024年第6期1132-1136,共5页
EI24(etoposide-induced gene 24)是由依托泊苷诱导的DNA损伤相关基因,可由p53基因直接激活。EI24蛋白主要定位于内质网膜上,是一种激活自噬的重要蛋白,参与细胞自噬形成。同时,EI24还参与细胞凋亡、增殖、耐药、炎症、细胞转移、上皮-... EI24(etoposide-induced gene 24)是由依托泊苷诱导的DNA损伤相关基因,可由p53基因直接激活。EI24蛋白主要定位于内质网膜上,是一种激活自噬的重要蛋白,参与细胞自噬形成。同时,EI24还参与细胞凋亡、增殖、耐药、炎症、细胞转移、上皮-间质转化(epithelial-mesenchymal transition,EMT)等生物学过程。EI24的异常表达与包括食管癌、肝癌、结直肠癌等在内的多种消化道肿瘤密切相关,具有一定的临床诊治及预后价值。本文就近年来有关EI24在消化道肿瘤中的研究进展作一综述,以期为消化道肿瘤的基础研究及临床诊治提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 EI24 消化道肿瘤 增殖 自噬 转移
作者 王卓 王敏 +5 位作者 刘莹 吕丹丹 屈园园 谌慧君 洪流 周威 《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2024年第2期254-264,共11页
目的表观遗传重编程在胆管癌(CCA)进展中起关键作用,m7G甲基化修饰是转录后调控中最常见的碱基修饰形式之一,其通过调节肿瘤相关基因的表达在增殖、侵袭和转移等多种肿瘤相关的生物学活动中发挥着巨大作用。实验研究是探索m7G甲基化调... 目的表观遗传重编程在胆管癌(CCA)进展中起关键作用,m7G甲基化修饰是转录后调控中最常见的碱基修饰形式之一,其通过调节肿瘤相关基因的表达在增殖、侵袭和转移等多种肿瘤相关的生物学活动中发挥着巨大作用。实验研究是探索m7G甲基化调节因子构建的相关修饰模式及其对CCA临床预后及治疗效果的评估。方法分析基于癌症基因组图谱(TCGA)和基因表达综合数据库(GEO)中27个m7G甲基化调节因子[Argonaute2蛋白(AGO2),细胞质脆性X智力迟钝蛋白1(FMR1)相关蛋白1(CYFIP1),脱帽mRNA2(DCP2)、清道夫脱帽酶(DCPS),真核翻译起始因子3(EIF3)亚基D(EIF3D),真核翻译起始因子4A1(EIF4A1),真核翻译起始因子4E(EIF4E),真核翻译起始因子4E家族成员1B(EIF4E1B),真核翻译起始因子4E家族成员2(EIF4E2),真核翻译起始因子4E家族成员3(EIF4E3),真核翻译起始因子4伽玛3(EIF4G3),宝石核细胞器相关蛋白5(GEMIN5),干扰素诱导蛋白5(IFIT5),La核糖核蛋白1(LARP1),Sm样蛋白(LSM1),甲基转移酶1(METTL1),核帽结合蛋白(NCBP)1,NCBP2,NCBP2样蛋白(NCBP2L),NOP2/Sun RNA甲基转移酶家族成员2(NSUN2),Nudix水解酶(NUDT)10,NUDT3,NUDT4,营养素1(SNUPN),WD重复结构域4(WDR4)]的表达水平,利用CCA患者临床数据进行生存分析。对所有患者数据进行共识聚类分析并筛选预后相关的差异表达基因(DEG),为了检测m7G甲基化调节因子及其DEG的影响进行共识聚类分析,进一步建立m7G甲基化评分系统,评估m7G甲基化评分与CCA患者预后的相关性。结果约48%(12/25)的m7G甲基化调节因子DNA拷贝数增加,其中AGO2的拷贝数增加程度最高;约56%(14/25)的m7G甲基化调节因子DNA拷贝数减少,其中EIF4G3的拷贝数减少程度最高,并且与患者预后密切相关;除IFIT5外,其余调节因子之间存在复杂且密切的相互作用关系。17个与CCA患者预后相关的m7G甲基化调节基因,其中LARP1、NUDT3、SNUPN、NCBP2、EIF4E1B、NUDT11、NSUN2、EIF4A1、GEMIN5和CYFIP1的高表达与患者预后正相关,EIF4E3、WDR4、EIF4E2、NUDT4、NCBP1、EIF4E和DCP2的高表达与患者预后不良相关(P<0.05)。通过对m7G甲基化分型之间取交集DEG,DEG主要富集于血管内皮细胞增殖与新生血管生成等。筛选预后相关基因,得到2个具有预后差异的m7G甲基化基因特征亚组,m7G甲基化评分高低两组分型之间差异有统计学意义,即m7G甲基化低评分组患者预后相对较好。结论研究表明,m7G甲基化修饰异常与CCA的发生发展密切相关,并且在肿瘤调控网络的形成中起着重要作用,评估肿瘤中的m7G甲基化修饰模式将有助于指导制定更有效的治疗策略。 展开更多
关键词 胆管癌 m7G甲基化 预后 m7G甲基化评分
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