为了更好地满足液化天然气(LNG)行业对高性能低温调节阀的需求,本文设计出一种新型低温球形调节阀。该阀门的公称通径为NPS 4、公称压力为ANSI Class 900,能够在-196℃的极端低温环境下稳定工作。本文深入探讨了阀门的关键技术,包括调...为了更好地满足液化天然气(LNG)行业对高性能低温调节阀的需求,本文设计出一种新型低温球形调节阀。该阀门的公称通径为NPS 4、公称压力为ANSI Class 900,能够在-196℃的极端低温环境下稳定工作。本文深入探讨了阀门的关键技术,包括调节原理、低温材料的选择与处理、结构设计及性能仿真,并优化了阀芯、先导结构和压力平衡设计;介绍了产品的检验与性能测试流程,以确保其在投产后的安全性和可靠性。最后,总结出设计过程中面临的挑战及解决策略,包括高压差下的密封有效性、开启问题以及介质力引起的阀杆不平衡力问题。展开更多
BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated that the risk factors of vascular dementia following stroke are greatly different in region, race and other aspects. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the conditions and incidental risk fac...BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated that the risk factors of vascular dementia following stroke are greatly different in region, race and other aspects. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the conditions and incidental risk factors of vascular dementia in patients with acute cerebral infarction from Chongqing City. DESIGN: Case analysis. SETTING: Department of Neurology, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University of Chinese PLA. PARTICIPANTS: Altogether 546 inpatients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to Department of Neurology, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University of Chinese PLA between May 1999 and December 2002 were involved in this study. The involved patients, including 295 males and 251 females, aged 55 - 94 years, dwelled in Chongqing over 5 years. They were admitted to hospital within 48 hours of attack of acute ischemic stroke, and survived for over 3 months. Informed consents were obtained from all the involved subjects. METHODS: ① Following the same standard, cognitive and social function evaluations were conducted by one physician on admission and 3 months after admission, Unified questionnaire, consisting of general characteristics, vascular risk factors, stroke characteristics, neurological physical sign, and other 28 factors of involved subjects, was used in all the patients. According to the investigation results, the patients were assigned into 2 groups: dementia group and non-dementia group. ②Ischemic stroke was diagnosed according to acute ischemic brain disorder 〉 24 hours and CT or MRI imageology.③ Neurophysiological examination was conducted in all the patients at 7 to l0 days after stroke (score was two SD less than or equaled to normal level was considered as abnormal). ④Diagnosis and statistics of dementia were carried out with Mini-Mental State Examination and The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Ⅳ (published by American Psychiatric Association) on admission and 3 months after admission. Neurologic deficit scoring was carried out with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. ⑤ Chi-square test was used for categorical variable, and t test for quantitative variable between dementia group and non-dementia group. Dementia-related factors were performed multiple-factor Logistic regression model analysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of dementia and dementia-related risk factors of patients. RESULTS: Altogether 546 patients with stroke were involved in this study, 403 of them participated in the final analysis, and 143 dropped out. A total of 342 were followed-up in the hospital and 61 at home. At 3 months after cerebral infarction, vascular dementia occurred in 87 (21.6%) of 403 patients. The main risk factors were age (OR 1.179; 95%CI 1.130 - 1.230), low education level (OR 1.806; 95%CI 1.024 - 3.186), daily alcohol drinking (OR 3.447; 95%(1/ 1.591 - 7.468), stroke history (OR 2.531; 95%CI 1.419 - 4.512), atrial fibrilation(OR 3.475; 95%CI 1.712 - 7.057), dysphonia (OR 5.873; 95%6/2.620 - 13.163) and left carotid artery infarction (OR 1.975; 95%(1/1.152 - 3.388). CONCLUSION: The incidence of vascular dementia is determined by synthetic action of multiple risk factors. Dysphonia is the most important influencing factor.展开更多
Objective: To explore nutritional support under the Neuman systems model in treating dysphagia in stroke patients. Methods: In this retrospective study, we enrolled 97 patients with dysphagia after stroke admitted to ...Objective: To explore nutritional support under the Neuman systems model in treating dysphagia in stroke patients. Methods: In this retrospective study, we enrolled 97 patients with dysphagia after stroke admitted to our hospital, and randomly divided them into the Neuman group (n = 51) given nursing intervention based on Neuman systems model and a control group (n = 46) given routine nursing intervention. Both groups received nutritional support for 3 months. Nutritional indexes (serum total protein, plasma albumin, serum albumin, hemoglobin and transferrin levels) and immune indexes (immunoglobulin (Ig) A, IgG, IgM and total lymphocyte count (TLC) in both groups were recorded and compared. Pulmonary function recovery, video fluoroscopic swallowing study score, water swallowing test score, complication rate, and health knowledge mastery level were also compared between the two groups. Results: After the intervention, the Neuman group showed less decrease in the nutritional and immune index scores (serum total protein, plasma albumin, hemoglobin, serum albumin;IgA, IgG, IgM, and TLC;all P Conclusion: For patients with stroke and dysphagia, comprehensive nursing intervention (e.g., nutritional support) under theNeuman systems model can promote the recovery of immune, swallowing, and pulmonary function, reduce complication incidence and facilitate comprehensive rehabilitation, ensuring adequate nutritional intake.展开更多
目的·评价基于智能可穿戴设备BPMpathway的居家康复方案在全膝关节置换(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)术后患者中的应用效果。方法·采用方便抽样法,选取苏州大学附属第四医院(苏州市独墅湖医院)和苏州大学附属第一医院骨科202...目的·评价基于智能可穿戴设备BPMpathway的居家康复方案在全膝关节置换(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)术后患者中的应用效果。方法·采用方便抽样法,选取苏州大学附属第四医院(苏州市独墅湖医院)和苏州大学附属第一医院骨科2021年4月—2022年12月收治的膝关节骨关节炎并接受TKA术的患者作为研究对象。按照患者入院顺序,将住院号尾数为奇数的患者纳入对照组,住院号尾数为偶数的患者纳入干预组。对照组患者给予常规居家康复训练方案,干预组在对照组的基础上实施基于BPMpathway的远程居家康复训练方案。分别于基线及术后1、3、6个月采用骨科患者功能锻炼依从性量表、美国特种外科医院膝关节评分表(Hospital for Special Surgery Scale,HSS)和36项简明健康状况调查表(36-item Short Form Health Survey,SF-36)对2组患者进行测评,同时测量患者的膝关节活动度。结果·最终纳入110例患者,其中对照组56例,干预组54例。2组患者的一般资料差异无统计学意义。2组患者基线时的膝关节活动度、HSS评分、SF-36评分差异均无统计学意义。重复测量方差分析结果显示:2组患者膝关节活动度、功能锻炼依从性评分、HSS评分及SF-36评分的组间效应、时间效应及交互效应均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。术后1、3、6个月干预组的膝关节活动度、功能锻炼依从性评分、HSS评分及SF-36评分均高于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论·医护人员基于智能可穿戴设备BPMpathway开展的远程康复训练方案,有助于提高TKA术后患者居家康复期间功能锻炼的依从性,改善膝关节活动度,促使膝关节功能恢复,提高其生存质量,对患者预后具有积极的作用。展开更多
中子辐射俘获反应在反应堆运行、核装置设计及核天体物理研究中起重要的作用.4πBaF_(2)探测装置有着高时间分辨能力、低中子灵敏度、高探测效率等优点,适合开展中子辐射俘获反应截面数据的测量.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室...中子辐射俘获反应在反应堆运行、核装置设计及核天体物理研究中起重要的作用.4πBaF_(2)探测装置有着高时间分辨能力、低中子灵敏度、高探测效率等优点,适合开展中子辐射俘获反应截面数据的测量.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室建立了伽马全吸收装置(Gamma total absorption facility,GTAF),该装置用28块六棱BaF_(2)晶体和12块五棱BaF_(2)晶体构成了外径25 cm,内径10 cm的球壳,覆盖了95.2%的立体角.利用GTAF在中国散裂中子源Back-n束线上,测量了197Au(n,γ)的反应截面数据.测量数据通过能量筛选、PSD方法、晶体多重性筛选进行了初步本底扣除,随后结合对^(nat)C及空样品的测量数据对本底进行了分析及扣除,获得了197Au俘获反应的产额,利用SAMMY程序拟合得到了^(197)Au在1—100 e V的共振能量、中子共振宽度和伽马共振宽度参数.实验测量结果与ENDF/B-VIII.0数据库符合良好,其共振参数存在一定差异,分析原因可能与GTAF能量分辨率、Back-n的中子能谱测量精度、以及实验本底扣除方法相关,这也是下一步工作的重点.展开更多
BACKGROUND Autoimmune enteropathy(AIE)is a rare disease whose diagnosis and long-term prognosis remain challenging,especially for adult AIE patients.AIM To improve overall understanding of this disease’s diagnosis an...BACKGROUND Autoimmune enteropathy(AIE)is a rare disease whose diagnosis and long-term prognosis remain challenging,especially for adult AIE patients.AIM To improve overall understanding of this disease’s diagnosis and prognosis.METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the clinical,endoscopic and histopathological characteristics and prognoses of 16 adult AIE patients in our tertiary medical center between 2011 and 2023,whose diagnosis was based on the 2007 diagnostic criteria.RESULTS Diarrhea in AIE patients was characterized by secretory diarrhea.The common endoscopic manifestations were edema,villous blunting and mucosal hyperemia in the duodenum and ileum.Villous blunting(100%),deep crypt lymphocytic infiltration(67%),apoptotic bodies(50%),and mild intraepithelial lymphocytosis(69%)were observed in the duodenal biopsies.Moreover,there were other remarkable abnormalities,including reduced or absent goblet cells(duodenum 94%,ileum 62%),reduced or absent Paneth cells(duodenum 94%,ileum 69%)and neutrophil infiltration(duodenum 100%,ileum 69%).Our patients also fulfilled the 2018 diagnostic criteria but did not match the 2022 diagnostic criteria due to undetectable anti-enterocyte antibodies.All patients received glucocorticoid therapy as the initial medication,of which 14/16 patients achieved a clinical response in 5(IQR:3-20)days.Immunosuppressants were administered to 9 patients with indications of steroid dependence(6/9),steroid refractory status(2/9),or intensified maintenance medication(1/9).During the median of 20.5 months of followup,2 patients died from multiple organ failure,and 1 was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.The cumulative relapse-free survival rates were 62.5%,55.6%and 37.0%at 6 months,12 months and 48 months,respectively.CONCLUSION Certain histopathological findings,including a decrease or disappearance of goblet and Paneth cells in intestinal biopsies,might be potential diagnostic criteria for adult AIE.The long-term prognosis is still unsatisfactory despite corticosteroid and immunosuppressant medications,which highlights the need for early diagnosis and novel medications.展开更多
Obesity is associated with numerous metabolic disorders,and dietary polyphenols have been confirmed to have beneficial effects on the metabolism in obesity.However,the effect of 3-(3’,4’-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoic ac...Obesity is associated with numerous metabolic disorders,and dietary polyphenols have been confirmed to have beneficial effects on the metabolism in obesity.However,the effect of 3-(3’,4’-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid(DHPA)and 3’,4’-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid(DHAA),two main metabolites of dietary polyphenols,on obesity remains poorly understood.In this study,DHPA and DHAA were found to alleviate obesity,as well as regulate insulin resistance,lipid metabolism,and oxidative stress response in high-fat diet(HFD)mice.Surprisingly,the 16S rRNA sequencing and UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS demonstrated that DHPA and DHAA only slightly disturbed the intestinal microbiome,but significantly altered the urine metabolome of HFD mice mainly by regulating pentose and glucuronate interconversion,tyrosine metabolism,pentose phosphate and tricarboxylic acid(TCA)cycle as indicated by metabolic pathway analysis based on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)database.Correlation analysis revealed that the differential metabolites are strongly associated with body weight,blood glucose,insulin level,and superoxide dismutase(SOD)enzyme activity.Our results revealed that DHPA and DHAA exert their anti-obesity effect by regulating important metabolites in the glucose,lipid and tyrosine metabolism pathways.展开更多
Effective development and utilization of wood resources is critical.Wood modification research has become an integral dimension of wood science research,however,the similarities between modified wood and original wood...Effective development and utilization of wood resources is critical.Wood modification research has become an integral dimension of wood science research,however,the similarities between modified wood and original wood render it challenging for accurate identification and classification using conventional image classification techniques.So,the development of efficient and accurate wood classification techniques is inevitable.This paper presents a one-dimensional,convolutional neural network(i.e.,BACNN)that combines near-infrared spectroscopy and deep learning techniques to classify poplar,tung,and balsa woods,and PVA,nano-silica-sol and PVA-nano silica sol modified woods of poplar.The results show that BACNN achieves an accuracy of 99.3%on the test set,higher than the 52.9%of the BP neural network and 98.7%of Support Vector Machine compared with traditional machine learning methods and deep learning based methods;it is also higher than the 97.6%of LeNet,98.7%of AlexNet and 99.1%of VGGNet-11.Therefore,the classification method proposed offers potential applications in wood classification,especially with homogeneous modified wood,and it also provides a basis for subsequent wood properties studies.展开更多
With the increasing attention received by lightweight metals,numerous essential fields have increased requirements for mag-nesium(Mg)alloys with good room-temperature and high-temperature mechanical properties.However...With the increasing attention received by lightweight metals,numerous essential fields have increased requirements for mag-nesium(Mg)alloys with good room-temperature and high-temperature mechanical properties.However,the high-temperature mechanic-al properties of commonly used commercial Mg alloys,such as AZ91D,deteriorate considerably with increasing temperatures.Over the past several decades,extensive efforts have been devoted to developing heat-resistant Mg alloys.These approaches either inhibit the gen-eration of thermally unstable phases or promote the formation of thermally stable precipitates/phases in matrices through solid solution or precipitation strengthening.In this review,numerous studies are systematically introduced and discussed.Different alloy systems,includ-ing those based on Mg–Al,Mg–Zn,and Mg–rare earth,are carefully classified and compared to reveal their mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms.The emphasis,limitations,and future prospects of these heat-resistant Mg alloys are also pointed out and dis-cussed to develop heat-resistant Mg alloys and broaden their potential application areas in the future.展开更多
Understanding the response of solid combustibles under high radiant fluxes is critical in predicting the thermal damage from extreme scenarios.Unlike the more moderate radiant fluxes in conventional hydrocarbon fires,...Understanding the response of solid combustibles under high radiant fluxes is critical in predicting the thermal damage from extreme scenarios.Unlike the more moderate radiant fluxes in conventional hydrocarbon fires,extreme events such as strong explosion,concentrated sunlight and directed energy can generate dynamic radiant fluxes at the MW/m^(2) level,creating a unique threat to materials.This study investigates the pyrolysis and spontaneous ignition behaviors of corrugated cardboard by using both experimental and numerical methods,under 10-cm dynamic high radiant fluxes ranging from 0.2 to 1.25 MW/m^(2) for 10 s.The spontaneous ignition process at dynamic high radiant fluxes was recorded and quantified.Two ignition modes were found at the critical radiant flux of 0.4 MW/m^(2),namely hot-gas spontaneous ignition and hot-residue piloted ignition.The latter is not the focus of this paper due to its extremely small probability of occurrence.The research reveals that the increase in flux intensity induces shorter delay times for both pyrolysis and ignition,lower ignition energy density,along with a corresponding rise in the critical mass flux and surface temperature at ignition moment.The simulation results are generally aligned with the experimental findings,despite some divergences may be attributed to model simplifications and parameter assumptions.The work contributes to a deeper insight into material behavior under extreme radiation,with valuable implications for fire safety and hazard assessment.展开更多
文摘为了更好地满足液化天然气(LNG)行业对高性能低温调节阀的需求,本文设计出一种新型低温球形调节阀。该阀门的公称通径为NPS 4、公称压力为ANSI Class 900,能够在-196℃的极端低温环境下稳定工作。本文深入探讨了阀门的关键技术,包括调节原理、低温材料的选择与处理、结构设计及性能仿真,并优化了阀芯、先导结构和压力平衡设计;介绍了产品的检验与性能测试流程,以确保其在投产后的安全性和可靠性。最后,总结出设计过程中面临的挑战及解决策略,包括高压差下的密封有效性、开启问题以及介质力引起的阀杆不平衡力问题。
文摘BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated that the risk factors of vascular dementia following stroke are greatly different in region, race and other aspects. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the conditions and incidental risk factors of vascular dementia in patients with acute cerebral infarction from Chongqing City. DESIGN: Case analysis. SETTING: Department of Neurology, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University of Chinese PLA. PARTICIPANTS: Altogether 546 inpatients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to Department of Neurology, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University of Chinese PLA between May 1999 and December 2002 were involved in this study. The involved patients, including 295 males and 251 females, aged 55 - 94 years, dwelled in Chongqing over 5 years. They were admitted to hospital within 48 hours of attack of acute ischemic stroke, and survived for over 3 months. Informed consents were obtained from all the involved subjects. METHODS: ① Following the same standard, cognitive and social function evaluations were conducted by one physician on admission and 3 months after admission, Unified questionnaire, consisting of general characteristics, vascular risk factors, stroke characteristics, neurological physical sign, and other 28 factors of involved subjects, was used in all the patients. According to the investigation results, the patients were assigned into 2 groups: dementia group and non-dementia group. ②Ischemic stroke was diagnosed according to acute ischemic brain disorder 〉 24 hours and CT or MRI imageology.③ Neurophysiological examination was conducted in all the patients at 7 to l0 days after stroke (score was two SD less than or equaled to normal level was considered as abnormal). ④Diagnosis and statistics of dementia were carried out with Mini-Mental State Examination and The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Ⅳ (published by American Psychiatric Association) on admission and 3 months after admission. Neurologic deficit scoring was carried out with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. ⑤ Chi-square test was used for categorical variable, and t test for quantitative variable between dementia group and non-dementia group. Dementia-related factors were performed multiple-factor Logistic regression model analysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of dementia and dementia-related risk factors of patients. RESULTS: Altogether 546 patients with stroke were involved in this study, 403 of them participated in the final analysis, and 143 dropped out. A total of 342 were followed-up in the hospital and 61 at home. At 3 months after cerebral infarction, vascular dementia occurred in 87 (21.6%) of 403 patients. The main risk factors were age (OR 1.179; 95%CI 1.130 - 1.230), low education level (OR 1.806; 95%CI 1.024 - 3.186), daily alcohol drinking (OR 3.447; 95%(1/ 1.591 - 7.468), stroke history (OR 2.531; 95%CI 1.419 - 4.512), atrial fibrilation(OR 3.475; 95%CI 1.712 - 7.057), dysphonia (OR 5.873; 95%6/2.620 - 13.163) and left carotid artery infarction (OR 1.975; 95%(1/1.152 - 3.388). CONCLUSION: The incidence of vascular dementia is determined by synthetic action of multiple risk factors. Dysphonia is the most important influencing factor.
文摘Objective: To explore nutritional support under the Neuman systems model in treating dysphagia in stroke patients. Methods: In this retrospective study, we enrolled 97 patients with dysphagia after stroke admitted to our hospital, and randomly divided them into the Neuman group (n = 51) given nursing intervention based on Neuman systems model and a control group (n = 46) given routine nursing intervention. Both groups received nutritional support for 3 months. Nutritional indexes (serum total protein, plasma albumin, serum albumin, hemoglobin and transferrin levels) and immune indexes (immunoglobulin (Ig) A, IgG, IgM and total lymphocyte count (TLC) in both groups were recorded and compared. Pulmonary function recovery, video fluoroscopic swallowing study score, water swallowing test score, complication rate, and health knowledge mastery level were also compared between the two groups. Results: After the intervention, the Neuman group showed less decrease in the nutritional and immune index scores (serum total protein, plasma albumin, hemoglobin, serum albumin;IgA, IgG, IgM, and TLC;all P Conclusion: For patients with stroke and dysphagia, comprehensive nursing intervention (e.g., nutritional support) under theNeuman systems model can promote the recovery of immune, swallowing, and pulmonary function, reduce complication incidence and facilitate comprehensive rehabilitation, ensuring adequate nutritional intake.
文摘目的·评价基于智能可穿戴设备BPMpathway的居家康复方案在全膝关节置换(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)术后患者中的应用效果。方法·采用方便抽样法,选取苏州大学附属第四医院(苏州市独墅湖医院)和苏州大学附属第一医院骨科2021年4月—2022年12月收治的膝关节骨关节炎并接受TKA术的患者作为研究对象。按照患者入院顺序,将住院号尾数为奇数的患者纳入对照组,住院号尾数为偶数的患者纳入干预组。对照组患者给予常规居家康复训练方案,干预组在对照组的基础上实施基于BPMpathway的远程居家康复训练方案。分别于基线及术后1、3、6个月采用骨科患者功能锻炼依从性量表、美国特种外科医院膝关节评分表(Hospital for Special Surgery Scale,HSS)和36项简明健康状况调查表(36-item Short Form Health Survey,SF-36)对2组患者进行测评,同时测量患者的膝关节活动度。结果·最终纳入110例患者,其中对照组56例,干预组54例。2组患者的一般资料差异无统计学意义。2组患者基线时的膝关节活动度、HSS评分、SF-36评分差异均无统计学意义。重复测量方差分析结果显示:2组患者膝关节活动度、功能锻炼依从性评分、HSS评分及SF-36评分的组间效应、时间效应及交互效应均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。术后1、3、6个月干预组的膝关节活动度、功能锻炼依从性评分、HSS评分及SF-36评分均高于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论·医护人员基于智能可穿戴设备BPMpathway开展的远程康复训练方案,有助于提高TKA术后患者居家康复期间功能锻炼的依从性,改善膝关节活动度,促使膝关节功能恢复,提高其生存质量,对患者预后具有积极的作用。
文摘中子辐射俘获反应在反应堆运行、核装置设计及核天体物理研究中起重要的作用.4πBaF_(2)探测装置有着高时间分辨能力、低中子灵敏度、高探测效率等优点,适合开展中子辐射俘获反应截面数据的测量.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室建立了伽马全吸收装置(Gamma total absorption facility,GTAF),该装置用28块六棱BaF_(2)晶体和12块五棱BaF_(2)晶体构成了外径25 cm,内径10 cm的球壳,覆盖了95.2%的立体角.利用GTAF在中国散裂中子源Back-n束线上,测量了197Au(n,γ)的反应截面数据.测量数据通过能量筛选、PSD方法、晶体多重性筛选进行了初步本底扣除,随后结合对^(nat)C及空样品的测量数据对本底进行了分析及扣除,获得了197Au俘获反应的产额,利用SAMMY程序拟合得到了^(197)Au在1—100 e V的共振能量、中子共振宽度和伽马共振宽度参数.实验测量结果与ENDF/B-VIII.0数据库符合良好,其共振参数存在一定差异,分析原因可能与GTAF能量分辨率、Back-n的中子能谱测量精度、以及实验本底扣除方法相关,这也是下一步工作的重点.
基金Supported by National High Level Hospital Clinical Research Funding,No.2022-PUMCH-B-022 and No.2022-PUMCH-D-002CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences,No.2021-1-I2M-003+1 种基金Undergraduate Innovation Program,No.2023-zglc-06034National Key Clinical Specialty Construction Project,No.ZK108000。
文摘BACKGROUND Autoimmune enteropathy(AIE)is a rare disease whose diagnosis and long-term prognosis remain challenging,especially for adult AIE patients.AIM To improve overall understanding of this disease’s diagnosis and prognosis.METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the clinical,endoscopic and histopathological characteristics and prognoses of 16 adult AIE patients in our tertiary medical center between 2011 and 2023,whose diagnosis was based on the 2007 diagnostic criteria.RESULTS Diarrhea in AIE patients was characterized by secretory diarrhea.The common endoscopic manifestations were edema,villous blunting and mucosal hyperemia in the duodenum and ileum.Villous blunting(100%),deep crypt lymphocytic infiltration(67%),apoptotic bodies(50%),and mild intraepithelial lymphocytosis(69%)were observed in the duodenal biopsies.Moreover,there were other remarkable abnormalities,including reduced or absent goblet cells(duodenum 94%,ileum 62%),reduced or absent Paneth cells(duodenum 94%,ileum 69%)and neutrophil infiltration(duodenum 100%,ileum 69%).Our patients also fulfilled the 2018 diagnostic criteria but did not match the 2022 diagnostic criteria due to undetectable anti-enterocyte antibodies.All patients received glucocorticoid therapy as the initial medication,of which 14/16 patients achieved a clinical response in 5(IQR:3-20)days.Immunosuppressants were administered to 9 patients with indications of steroid dependence(6/9),steroid refractory status(2/9),or intensified maintenance medication(1/9).During the median of 20.5 months of followup,2 patients died from multiple organ failure,and 1 was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.The cumulative relapse-free survival rates were 62.5%,55.6%and 37.0%at 6 months,12 months and 48 months,respectively.CONCLUSION Certain histopathological findings,including a decrease or disappearance of goblet and Paneth cells in intestinal biopsies,might be potential diagnostic criteria for adult AIE.The long-term prognosis is still unsatisfactory despite corticosteroid and immunosuppressant medications,which highlights the need for early diagnosis and novel medications.
基金supported by the project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32272331)the project of Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2662019PY034)。
文摘Obesity is associated with numerous metabolic disorders,and dietary polyphenols have been confirmed to have beneficial effects on the metabolism in obesity.However,the effect of 3-(3’,4’-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid(DHPA)and 3’,4’-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid(DHAA),two main metabolites of dietary polyphenols,on obesity remains poorly understood.In this study,DHPA and DHAA were found to alleviate obesity,as well as regulate insulin resistance,lipid metabolism,and oxidative stress response in high-fat diet(HFD)mice.Surprisingly,the 16S rRNA sequencing and UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS demonstrated that DHPA and DHAA only slightly disturbed the intestinal microbiome,but significantly altered the urine metabolome of HFD mice mainly by regulating pentose and glucuronate interconversion,tyrosine metabolism,pentose phosphate and tricarboxylic acid(TCA)cycle as indicated by metabolic pathway analysis based on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)database.Correlation analysis revealed that the differential metabolites are strongly associated with body weight,blood glucose,insulin level,and superoxide dismutase(SOD)enzyme activity.Our results revealed that DHPA and DHAA exert their anti-obesity effect by regulating important metabolites in the glucose,lipid and tyrosine metabolism pathways.
基金This study was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2572023DJ02).
文摘Effective development and utilization of wood resources is critical.Wood modification research has become an integral dimension of wood science research,however,the similarities between modified wood and original wood render it challenging for accurate identification and classification using conventional image classification techniques.So,the development of efficient and accurate wood classification techniques is inevitable.This paper presents a one-dimensional,convolutional neural network(i.e.,BACNN)that combines near-infrared spectroscopy and deep learning techniques to classify poplar,tung,and balsa woods,and PVA,nano-silica-sol and PVA-nano silica sol modified woods of poplar.The results show that BACNN achieves an accuracy of 99.3%on the test set,higher than the 52.9%of the BP neural network and 98.7%of Support Vector Machine compared with traditional machine learning methods and deep learning based methods;it is also higher than the 97.6%of LeNet,98.7%of AlexNet and 99.1%of VGGNet-11.Therefore,the classification method proposed offers potential applications in wood classification,especially with homogeneous modified wood,and it also provides a basis for subsequent wood properties studies.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2022YFB3709300)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52101123,U1764253,51971044,U1910213,52001037,U21A2048,U207601,and 52101126)+1 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing,China(No.CSTB2023NSCQ-MSX0571)the Qinghai Scientific&Technological Program,China(No.2018-GX-A1).
文摘With the increasing attention received by lightweight metals,numerous essential fields have increased requirements for mag-nesium(Mg)alloys with good room-temperature and high-temperature mechanical properties.However,the high-temperature mechanic-al properties of commonly used commercial Mg alloys,such as AZ91D,deteriorate considerably with increasing temperatures.Over the past several decades,extensive efforts have been devoted to developing heat-resistant Mg alloys.These approaches either inhibit the gen-eration of thermally unstable phases or promote the formation of thermally stable precipitates/phases in matrices through solid solution or precipitation strengthening.In this review,numerous studies are systematically introduced and discussed.Different alloy systems,includ-ing those based on Mg–Al,Mg–Zn,and Mg–rare earth,are carefully classified and compared to reveal their mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms.The emphasis,limitations,and future prospects of these heat-resistant Mg alloys are also pointed out and dis-cussed to develop heat-resistant Mg alloys and broaden their potential application areas in the future.
基金the Presidential Foundation of CAEP(Grant No.YZJJZQ2023008)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.NSFC 12372342)for financial support of this work.
文摘Understanding the response of solid combustibles under high radiant fluxes is critical in predicting the thermal damage from extreme scenarios.Unlike the more moderate radiant fluxes in conventional hydrocarbon fires,extreme events such as strong explosion,concentrated sunlight and directed energy can generate dynamic radiant fluxes at the MW/m^(2) level,creating a unique threat to materials.This study investigates the pyrolysis and spontaneous ignition behaviors of corrugated cardboard by using both experimental and numerical methods,under 10-cm dynamic high radiant fluxes ranging from 0.2 to 1.25 MW/m^(2) for 10 s.The spontaneous ignition process at dynamic high radiant fluxes was recorded and quantified.Two ignition modes were found at the critical radiant flux of 0.4 MW/m^(2),namely hot-gas spontaneous ignition and hot-residue piloted ignition.The latter is not the focus of this paper due to its extremely small probability of occurrence.The research reveals that the increase in flux intensity induces shorter delay times for both pyrolysis and ignition,lower ignition energy density,along with a corresponding rise in the critical mass flux and surface temperature at ignition moment.The simulation results are generally aligned with the experimental findings,despite some divergences may be attributed to model simplifications and parameter assumptions.The work contributes to a deeper insight into material behavior under extreme radiation,with valuable implications for fire safety and hazard assessment.