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煤矿千米深井围岩控制及智能开采技术构想 被引量:195
作者 康红普 王国法 +7 位作者 姜鹏飞 王家臣 张农 靖洪文 黄炳香 杨宝贵 管学茂 王志根 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1789-1800,共12页
深地资源开发是我国未来科技发展的重要方向。在分析煤矿千米深井围岩控制及智能开采技术现状和问题的基础上,围绕安全、高效开采这一主题,综合考虑巷道和采煤工作面相互影响,以合理加大工作面长度,实现生产集约化,降低掘进率、提高煤... 深地资源开发是我国未来科技发展的重要方向。在分析煤矿千米深井围岩控制及智能开采技术现状和问题的基础上,围绕安全、高效开采这一主题,综合考虑巷道和采煤工作面相互影响,以合理加大工作面长度,实现生产集约化,降低掘进率、提高煤炭回收率为思路,提出要解决的关键科学问题与技术构想。关键科学问题有4个:千米深井巷道围岩大变形机理;巷道围岩支护―改性―卸压协同控制原理;350 m超长工作面应力与覆岩结构演化机理;超长工作面多信息融合智能开采模式,为千米深井围岩控制及智能开采提供理论基础。针对千米深井巷道围岩高应力、强采动的特点,提出巷道支护―改性―卸压"三位一体"协同控制技术,实现高预应力、高强度、高冲击韧性锚杆主动支护,高压劈裂注浆主动改性及水力压裂主动卸压的"三主动"协同作用,解决千米深井巷道围岩控制难题。针对千米深井超长工作面开采过程中覆岩分区破断、矿压动态迁移的特点,以围岩控制为核心,研发液压支架抗冲击技术,开发超长工作面多信息融合的液压支架自适应群组协同控制技术与装备,并系统集成采煤机等其他工作面设备,最终形成千米深井超长工作面智能开采成套技术体系,为深部煤炭资源安全、高效、高回收率开采提供理论与技术保障。 展开更多
关键词 千米深井 围岩控制 支护—改性—卸压 超长工作面 智能开采 液压支架 群组协同控制
深井采动巷道围岩流变和结构失稳大变形理论 被引量:105
作者 黄炳香 张农 +5 位作者 靖洪文 阚甲广 孟波 李楠 谢文兵 焦金宝 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期911-926,共16页
与浅部相比,深部巷道特别是千米深井采动巷道,地应力高、采动影响强烈,导致巷道围岩变形大、持续时间长、破坏严重,目前的理论不能科学解释深井采动巷道的围岩劣化、大变形与破坏机理。深部开采条件下的巷道围岩大变形破坏理论已经成为... 与浅部相比,深部巷道特别是千米深井采动巷道,地应力高、采动影响强烈,导致巷道围岩变形大、持续时间长、破坏严重,目前的理论不能科学解释深井采动巷道的围岩劣化、大变形与破坏机理。深部开采条件下的巷道围岩大变形破坏理论已经成为煤炭深部开采面临的重大课题之一。为此,采用现场调研与试验、实验室实验、数值模拟和理论分析等方法,从应力强度比出发,并考虑偏应力和梯度应力,提出了采动系数的概念;从力学本质和工程应用的角度明确了巷道强采动和大变形的概念,探讨了其科学内涵,并初步提出确定了强采动和大变形的量化的评价方法;在此基础上,基于深井强采动巷道围岩所处应力环境及其大变形特征,初步提出了深部采动巷道围岩流变和结构失稳大变形理论框架。其核心思想是巷道围岩结构运动、围岩劣化、梯度应力和偏应力诱导围岩裂隙扩展、软岩流变与结构性流变大变形、破裂岩体长时扩容;基本问题包括深井采动巷道围岩应力路径、考虑应力路径的偏应力和梯度应力对巷道围岩的作用机理、巷道围岩锚固承载结构流变大变形、巷道围岩结构失稳大变形等。偏应力和梯度应力导致巷道浅部围岩张拉劈裂扩容和承载区围岩剪切滑动,且承载区围岩剪切滑动对浅部张拉劈裂围岩产生向巷道内的推力,扩容与推力导致浅部锚固体出现结构体滑移流变和整体性的挤入。由传统的软岩流变上升至软岩流变与锚固体结构性流变大变形。巷道围岩结构失稳大变形包括上覆岩层大结构失稳导致的整体移动大变形和松动圈内破裂岩体运动失稳大变形。提出的深部采动巷道围岩流变和结构失稳大变形理论从深部环境、深部岩体及强烈施工扰动相互作用出发,揭示深部巷道围岩应力场时空演变规律和大变形与破坏机理。 展开更多
关键词 深部开采 采动巷道 强采动 大变形 流变 结构失稳
深部巷道围岩锚固结构失稳破坏全过程试验研究 被引量:21
作者 靖洪文 尹乾 +2 位作者 朱栋 孙彦景 王勃 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期889-901,共13页
为了探索深部巷道围岩锚固结构从开始承载至整体失稳全过程,揭示围岩内部应力及变形破裂演化规律,以口孜东矿-967 m水平西翼轨道大巷为工程背景,依托自主研制的深部地下工程结构失稳全过程模拟试验系统,结合声发射、电磁辐射、电阻率、... 为了探索深部巷道围岩锚固结构从开始承载至整体失稳全过程,揭示围岩内部应力及变形破裂演化规律,以口孜东矿-967 m水平西翼轨道大巷为工程背景,依托自主研制的深部地下工程结构失稳全过程模拟试验系统,结合声发射、电磁辐射、电阻率、数字散斑等多源地球物理信息监测技术,对无支护、锚杆支护及锚杆索支护巷道围岩锚固结构承载特性及变形破裂演化特征进行大尺度物理模型试验研究。试验获得了不同支护锚固结构变形破裂全过程荷载-位移曲线,随着支护强度的增加,荷载-位移曲线应力跌落现象逐渐减弱,而锚固结构峰值承载能力、等效弹性模量和峰值位移分别增加了82.57%,33.33%和107.24%,巷道围岩越容易形成“压力拱”结构效应,抵抗变形的能力逐渐增强;试验过程中,顶板围岩变形量最大,两帮次之,底板最小,锚固结构破坏特征随支护强度的增加由张拉裂纹为主的脆性破坏向剪切滑移为主的塑性破坏转化;多源地球物理信息响应特征与荷载-位移曲线具有良好的耦合关系,随着支护强度的增加,锚固结构内部单位时间破坏次数逐渐减少,电磁辐射强度及脉冲数均逐渐减弱;声发射事件与锚固结构裂纹萌生扩展呈现较好的对应特征,在模型进入非稳定破坏阶段,随着裂纹迅速扩展,声发射活动异常活跃;随着荷载的增加,锚固结构由于裂纹发育趋于松散破裂,视电阻率逐渐升高导致区域导电能力逐渐降低,随着支护强度的增加,锚固结构的高阻区形成时间变大而范围变小。 展开更多
关键词 深部巷道 锚固结构 变形破裂 承载特性 信息化
循环加卸载损伤大理岩的动力学特性 被引量:6
作者 蔚立元 朱子涵 +3 位作者 孟庆彬 靖洪文 苏海健 何明 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期60-70,共11页
利用MTS 815电液伺服岩石实验系统进行上限应力为80%、85%、90%、95%单轴抗压强度的大理岩单轴压缩循环加卸载实验,每种上限应力条件分别设置20、40、60、80次循环。再利用分离式Hopkinson压杆对损伤岩样进行动力学实验。分析了循环加... 利用MTS 815电液伺服岩石实验系统进行上限应力为80%、85%、90%、95%单轴抗压强度的大理岩单轴压缩循环加卸载实验,每种上限应力条件分别设置20、40、60、80次循环。再利用分离式Hopkinson压杆对损伤岩样进行动力学实验。分析了循环加卸载上限应力及循环次数对大理岩塑性应变的影响,揭示了大理岩动态力学参数和破碎吸收能随损伤变量的演化规律。实验结果表明:塑性应变与循环次数呈正相关,且上限应力越大,塑性应变趋于稳定所需的循环次数也会增大;动态单轴抗压强度、动态弹性模量随损伤变量增加呈指数衰减;破碎吸能占比以损伤变量D=0.343为临界点分为两个阶段,D<0.343时,破碎吸能占比稳定在10%左右,数值约为13 J,当D>0.343时破碎吸能占比随损伤变量增加不断增大。研究结果可为岩体工程的设计、施工及支护参数的选取提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 循环加卸载 分离式HOPKINSON压杆 损伤变量 动态力学特性 能量
基于多源信息表征的深部巷道围岩结构灾变演化机理 被引量:3
作者 靖洪文 赵振龙 吴疆宇 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期163-176,共14页
深部煤炭资源开采的强度和深度不断增加,深部巷道围岩的结构性失稳灾变问题日趋严峻、复杂,严重制约深部煤炭安全高效开采。鉴于深部巷道围岩结构变形失稳的渐进演化过程中释放多物理场响应信息,采用自主研制的深部地下工程结构变形失... 深部煤炭资源开采的强度和深度不断增加,深部巷道围岩的结构性失稳灾变问题日趋严峻、复杂,严重制约深部煤炭安全高效开采。鉴于深部巷道围岩结构变形失稳的渐进演化过程中释放多物理场响应信息,采用自主研制的深部地下工程结构变形失稳全过程模拟试验系统,配合声发射、并行电法、电磁辐射等监测系统,研究基于多源信息表征的深部巷道围岩结构灾变演化机理。开展了完整、层状和块状3种结构围岩的破坏性物理模型试验,利用声、电、磁多源信息演化规律对不同结构围岩的荷载-位移全过程进行了定量化评价和多源信息表征,从荷载-位移全程曲线、多源信息响应规律、围岩峰后损伤特性3个角度综合揭示了不同结构围岩的灾变演化及变形失稳机制。研究结果表明:(1)随着围岩完整性的降低,围岩由塑性破坏向脆性破坏转变,其变形破坏过程的波动性和渐进式破坏特征更加显著,层状和块状结构围岩的物理模型峰值承载能力相比于完整结构分别降低4.73%和20.73%;(2)与完整结构围岩的声、电、磁多源信息的连续性响应过程不同,层状和块状结构围岩呈现出阶段式响应规律且特征值更突出,尤其块状结构围岩的阶段跳跃性现象显著;(3)完整、层状和块状结构围岩的裂隙发育区面积依次为448.84、651.76和824.49 cm^(2),即随着围岩结构完整性的降低,裂隙发育区面积不断增大,在本研究中增大范围在1.5~1.9倍;(4)围岩的破坏失稳由完整结构的强度控制型向块状结构的结构控制型转变,而层状结构表现出强度-结构联合控制特征,围岩破坏失稳的结构效应越来越显著。 展开更多
关键词 灾变演化 围岩结构 深部巷道 多源信息 荷载-位移全过程
含弧形预制裂隙砂岩力学特征试验研究 被引量:8
作者 朱栋 靖洪文 +2 位作者 尹乾 陶祥令 宗义江 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期2721-2732,共12页
天然岩体中富含近似弧形裂隙缺陷,在外荷载作用下弧形裂隙容易萌生新生裂纹,新生裂纹的扩展容易导致岩石工程的失稳,但针对含弧形预制裂隙岩石力学相关特征的研究还不够全面,基于此在板状黄砂岩试样内预制了不同γ值(弧形高度和直径比值... 天然岩体中富含近似弧形裂隙缺陷,在外荷载作用下弧形裂隙容易萌生新生裂纹,新生裂纹的扩展容易导致岩石工程的失稳,但针对含弧形预制裂隙岩石力学相关特征的研究还不够全面,基于此在板状黄砂岩试样内预制了不同γ值(弧形高度和直径比值)的弧形裂隙,研究含弧形预制缺陷砂岩的力学特征。利用高压水射流切割机在完整板状黄砂岩试样中切割出不同γ值弧形裂隙缺陷,采用YNS-2000型电液伺服控制试验系统、DS2声发射和数字照相采集系统研究了不同弧形裂隙γ在单轴压缩作用下对黄砂岩峰值强度、平均模量、割线模量、声发射、破坏过程、起裂形式、起裂应力和破坏形式的影响规律。利用复变函数求解在弧形裂隙应力场中所构建的黎曼-希尔伯特问题,获得尖端应力强度因子表达式。试验结果表明:①弧形裂隙缺陷砂岩试样随着γ的增大,峰后试样的承载能力逐渐降低,试样峰值强度、平均模量和割线模量出现总体减小趋势,当γ=0.2时峰值强度最大为27.09MPa;当γ=1时峰值强度最小为18.99MPa。②预制弧形裂隙γ对试样起裂应力、起裂位置、破裂演化过程、声发射特征和破坏模式均具有重要影响,随着γ值的增大,试样起裂应力呈总体减小趋势,当γ=0.8时,试样的平均起裂应力最小,其值为4.99MPa;当γ=0时,试样的平均起裂应力值为11.08MPa,平均起裂应力值最大。③随着γ的增大,试样的破坏模式由拉剪混合破坏向拉伸破坏转变,当γ=0时,试样为拉剪破坏;当γ在0.2~1.0时,试样为拉伸破坏。初始起裂裂纹扩展并不是导致试样最终破坏的原因,次生裂纹的扩展与自由面贯通才是导致试样整体破坏原因,试样破坏瞬间释放大量弹性能导致岩块折断和表面剥落现象。通过对含弧形裂隙裂纹扩展机制探讨推导出应力强度因子表达式,并根据该表达式求出相应应力强度因子值,曲线拟合后发现其变化趋势与试验值变化趋势基本吻合。研究仅通过单轴压缩作用研究发现弧形裂隙γ对砂岩力学参数、破裂演化过程和破坏形式影响明显,为了充分研究外界荷载对含弧形裂隙砂岩的破坏特征,将通过改变加载形式和加载路径深入研究含该类缺陷岩石的力学特征。 展开更多
关键词 弧形裂隙 起裂应力 破裂过程 声发射 应力强度因子
高压流体注入对煤岩变形和破裂特性的影响 被引量:3
作者 刘超 靖洪文 +2 位作者 蔚立元 张东明 刘义鑫 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期2027-2040,共14页
煤岩储层中孔隙压力、地应力和煤岩自身结构的耦合效应对煤体内裂纹的萌生、扩展以及破裂特性起着显著作用。以原煤为研究对象,进行了真三轴应力条件下高压流体致裂煤岩试验,以探究不同水平应力差(或中间主应力)和不同黏度流体耦合作用... 煤岩储层中孔隙压力、地应力和煤岩自身结构的耦合效应对煤体内裂纹的萌生、扩展以及破裂特性起着显著作用。以原煤为研究对象,进行了真三轴应力条件下高压流体致裂煤岩试验,以探究不同水平应力差(或中间主应力)和不同黏度流体耦合作用下煤体内裂隙扩展规律和破裂模式。得到流体压力峰值随中间主应力的增加而减小,且注水产生的流体压力峰值相比液态CO_(2)和N_(2)较大。随着中间主应力的减小,煤体破碎程度加剧。低中间主应力水平下,煤体内主要形成沿层理面及层理面附近扩展的拉伸裂隙。高中间主应力水平下,煤体内主裂隙呈斜穿层理结构的剪切破坏特性,形成了较大的煤块。孔隙压力增加过程中,裂隙扩展行为包括:①煤颗粒翻转;②高压流体作用下诱发拉伸裂隙所引起的层理平移;③偏应力作用下诱发剪切裂纹穿越层理而形成宏观剪切滑移面;④剪切裂纹在拉伸裂纹处中止扩展。因有效应力各向异性特性,煤体内孔隙压力增大使得最大偏应力也相应增大,最终导致煤体失稳破裂。基于此,提出修正裂纹滑动模型,获得了流体注入过程中裂纹密度参数随流体压力的增加而增大,随水平应力差的增加而减小,这与原煤的应变变化一致。由于水的黏度较大,裂纹密度参数在增压注水时相比注液态CO_(2)和N_(2)情况下较小,表明低黏度流体可以激活更多的孔隙裂隙。 展开更多
关键词 高压流体 裂隙扩展 中间主应力 破裂模式 层理
高温后混凝土损伤评估的声发射试验研究 被引量:11
作者 陈伟强 靖洪文 +2 位作者 高远 周泽敷 林震 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期54-58,共5页
为研究高温后混凝土的损伤特征,对25~900℃范围10种温度水平的混凝土立方体试块进行单轴压缩和变幅循环加卸载试验,同步进行声发射采集。试验结果表明高温后试块表观特征、受压破坏形态、力学性能、加载过程中的Kaiser效应和声发射速率... 为研究高温后混凝土的损伤特征,对25~900℃范围10种温度水平的混凝土立方体试块进行单轴压缩和变幅循环加卸载试验,同步进行声发射采集。试验结果表明高温后试块表观特征、受压破坏形态、力学性能、加载过程中的Kaiser效应和声发射速率过程参数均能有效表征高温对混凝土的损伤作用;以声发射速率过程理论和损伤力学建立的高温后混凝土损伤模型,实现了利用初始损伤因子D0对高温后混凝土损伤程度进行定量评估。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 高温 损伤评估 凯塞效应 声发射
高温处理后花岗岩应力作用下渗透特性演化研究 被引量:5
作者 李林林 朱俊福 +2 位作者 靖洪文 贺立新 陈颖 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期45-50,共6页
随着核废料处置、地下煤层气开发、地热资源的开采利用等领域的蓬勃发展,高温处理后岩石物理力学性质和渗透特征演化规律备受关注。为了对不同高温处理后花岗岩试样渗透特性进行研究,采用实验室试验的方法,设定围压10-30 MPa,进水口压... 随着核废料处置、地下煤层气开发、地热资源的开采利用等领域的蓬勃发展,高温处理后岩石物理力学性质和渗透特征演化规律备受关注。为了对不同高温处理后花岗岩试样渗透特性进行研究,采用实验室试验的方法,设定围压10-30 MPa,进水口压力低于相应围压区间并逐渐增大,选用GWD-02A型高温炉对加工好的花岗岩试样进行高温加热,将花岗岩试样分别加温至200、300、400、500、600、800℃,采用全自动岩石渗透率测试系统对高温处理后花岗岩试样开展一系列渗透试验。通过测量不同温度作用后花岗岩试样直径、高度以及质量,得到不同温度花岗岩的密度;采用PDSSW声波检测仪对不同高温处理后花岗岩纵波波速进行测试,得到波速与密度随温度变化情况;分析高温对花岗岩密度和波速的影响,得出高温处理后花岗岩试样体积流速与压力梯度的关系,分析得出渗透系数和导水系数与围压和温度的关系。研究结果表明:①随着温度的升高,花岗岩内部微裂纹逐渐发育,纵波波速与密度逐渐减小。②压力梯度与体积流速呈现线性关系,可用线性达西定律进行描述,随着温度的升高,等效渗透系数表现为逐渐增加的趋势,且温度越高,增大幅度越显著,试验结果可以用指数函数很好地拟合。③对于同一种高温处理后的试样,随着围压的升高,导水系数表现为减小的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 渗透系数 高温 达西定律 围压 花岗岩
Fracture evolution characteristics of sandstone containing double fissures and a single circular hole under uniaxial compression 被引量:15
作者 Chen Minliang jing hongwen +3 位作者 Ma Xiujun Su Haijian Du Mingrui Zhu Tantan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第3期499-505,共7页
The uniaxial compression experiments on the sandstone samples containing double fissures and a single circular hole were carried out by using electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine to investigate the effect... The uniaxial compression experiments on the sandstone samples containing double fissures and a single circular hole were carried out by using electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machine to investigate the effect of rock bridge angle β and fissure angle α on mechanical properties and evolution characteristics of cracks.The results show that the peak strength,peak strain and elastic modulus of defected specimens decrease comparing with those for intact sample,and show a decreased trend firstly and then increase with β changing from 0° to 90°.The peak strength and elastic modulus achieve the minimum value as the rock bridge angle is 60°,while the peak strain reaches the minimum value with the rock bridge angle of 45°.The crack initiation of tested rock samples occurs firstly in stress concentration areas at tips of prefabricated fissures under uniaxial compression,and then propagates constantly and coalescences with the prefabricated hole.Some secondary cracks initiate and propagate as well until buckling failure happens.The rock bridge angle has a great influence on crack initiation,coalescence,final failure mode,crack initiation stress and transfixion stress.The peak strength varies significantly,while the elastic modulus and peak strain change slightly,and the failure modes are also different due to the influence of fissure angle. 展开更多
关键词 Double fissures A single circular hole Strength characteristics Crack propagation Failure mode
Stress evolution and support mechanism of a bolt anchored in a rock mass with a weak interlayer 被引量:13
作者 Ding Shuxue jing hongwen +2 位作者 Chen Kunfu Xu Guo'an Meng Bo 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第3期573-580,共8页
By applying experimental method, the bolt stress and supporting mechanism is studied during the deformation process of a rock mass containing a weak interlayer. The force measuring bolt is installed manually and instr... By applying experimental method, the bolt stress and supporting mechanism is studied during the deformation process of a rock mass containing a weak interlayer. The force measuring bolt is installed manually and instrumented five pairs of symmetrical strain gauges. The experimental results show that the fully grouted bolt suffers tensile, compressive, bending and shear stress at the same time. The bolt stress evolution is closely related to the deformation stages of the rock mass which are very gradually varying stage, gradually varying stage at the pre-peak and suddenly varying stage at the post peak stage.The axial compressive stress in the bolt is mainly induced by the moment. Thus, in most cases the axial compressive stress is distributed on one side of the bolt. For axial stresses, induced by the axial force and the bending moment at the post-peak stage, three types of changing are observed, viz. increasingincreasing type, decreasing-increasing type and increasing-decreasing type. The stress characteristics of the bolt section in the weak interlayer are significantly different from those in the hard rock. The failure models of the anchored bolt are tensile failure and shear failure, respectively. The bolt not only provides constraints on the free surface of the rock mass, but also resists the axial and lateral loading by the bending moment. This study provides valuable guidelines for bolting support design and its safety assessment. 展开更多
关键词 Fully grouted bolt Stress evolution Support mechanism Weak interlayer Deformation process
Numerical investigation on the sensitivity of jointed rock mass strength to various factors 被引量:14
作者 NIU Shuangjian jing hongwen +1 位作者 HU Kun YANG Dafang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期530-534,共5页
The mechanical properties of jointed rock masses, such as strength, deformation and the failure mechanism, can be understood only by studying the sensitivity of jointed rock mass strength (both the peak and residual s... The mechanical properties of jointed rock masses, such as strength, deformation and the failure mechanism, can be understood only by studying the sensitivity of jointed rock mass strength (both the peak and residual strengths) to the factors that affect it. An orthogonal design of uniaxial compression tests was simulated on eighteen groups of jointed rock specimens having different geometric and mechanical properties using RFPA2D (Rock Failure Process Analysis) code. The results show that the peak strength is controlled by the geometric parameters of the joints, but that the residual strength is controlled by the mechanical prop- erties of the joint interfaces. The failure mode of jointed rock specimens is mainly shear failure. Joint quantity, or density, is the most important index that affects jointed rock mass strength and engineering quality. 展开更多
关键词 jointed rock mass peak strength residual strength variance analysis sensitivity
区域示范法:作为湾区民商事法律冲突解决路径的追问 被引量:8
作者 荆洪文 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期57-67,共11页
在粤港澳大湾区制定实施区域示范法,是逐步解决粤港澳大湾区民商事法律冲突的有效路径。在全面准确贯彻“一国两制”方针,中央提出全面依法治国方略、全面管治权理论的背景下,随着区域经济一体化的推进,粤港澳大湾区制定实施民商事示范... 在粤港澳大湾区制定实施区域示范法,是逐步解决粤港澳大湾区民商事法律冲突的有效路径。在全面准确贯彻“一国两制”方针,中央提出全面依法治国方略、全面管治权理论的背景下,随着区域经济一体化的推进,粤港澳大湾区制定实施民商事示范法的实践,以及粤港澳大湾区民商事法律语义规范结构与示范法相匹配等因素为区域示范法发挥作用提供了可能。在民商事实体法——程序法——冲突法的链条中,制定区域实体法示范法有利于根据双方的意思自治原则,化解部分区际法律纠纷,减少民商事区际法律冲突。 展开更多
关键词 示范法 粤港澳大湾区 法律冲突 路径
Cable-truss supporting system for gob-side entry driving in deep mine and its application 被引量:3
作者 Yin Qian jing hongwen +3 位作者 Dai Dapeng Zhu Tantan Zhao Honghui Meng Bo 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第5期885-893,共9页
In order to solve the large deformation controlling problem for surrounding rock of gob-side entry driving under common cable anchor support in deep mine, site survey, physical modeling experiment, numerical simulatio... In order to solve the large deformation controlling problem for surrounding rock of gob-side entry driving under common cable anchor support in deep mine, site survey, physical modeling experiment, numerical simulation and field measurement were synthetically used to analyze the deformation and failure characteristics of surrounding rock. Besides, applicability analysis, prestress field distribution characteristics of surrounding rock and the control effect on large deformation of surrounding rock were also further studied for the gob-side entry driving in deep mine using the cable-truss supporting system. The results show that, first, compared with no support and traditional bolt anchor support, roof cable-truss system can effectively restrain the initiation and propagation of tensile cracks in the roof surrounding rock and arc shear cracks in the two sides, moreover, the broken development of surrounding rock, roof separation and extrusion deformation between the two sides of the roadway are all controlled; second, a prestressed belt of trapezoidal shape is generated in the surrounding rock by the cable-truss supporting system, and the prestress field range is wide. Especially, the prestress concentration belt in the shallow surrounding rock can greatly improve the anchoring strength and deformation resisting capability of the rock stratum;third, an optimized support system of ‘‘roof and side anchor net beam, roof cable-truss supporting system and anchor cable of the narrow coal pillar" was put forward, and the support optimization design and field industrial test were conducted for the gob-side entry driving of the working face 5302 in Tangkou Mine, from which a good supporting effect was obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Deep mine Gob-side entry driving Cable-truss supporting system Deformation and failure STABILITY
Failure mechanism and stability control of a large section of very soft roadway surrounding rock shear slip 被引量:24
作者 Meng Bo jing hongwen +1 位作者 Chen Kunfu Su Haijian 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2013年第1期127-134,共8页
The measured data and simulation test phenomenon of surrounding rock deformation and failure at the project site indicate that shear failure which firstly occurs in surrounding rock, block slip and second shear failur... The measured data and simulation test phenomenon of surrounding rock deformation and failure at the project site indicate that shear failure which firstly occurs in surrounding rock, block slip and second shear failure are the root cause of deformation and damage of supporting structure of the surrounding rock at a large scale. We derived limit load of surrounding rock shear slip failure and reasonable support resistance of given load by means of shear slip line field theory, discussed the main factors which influence the limit load of surrounding rock. Shear slip line field and limit load of circular tunnel surrounding rock were obtained by means of physical simulation test, which agreed well with the theoretical analysis results. Based on the theoretical analysis and physical simulation test, the cause deformation and failure at large scale of Xinshanghai No. 1 coal mine big section ingate was analyzed, and the shear failure resistance and block slip in surrounding rock were proposed as the core technical supporting ideas. Proper range of supporting resistance which came from calculation was suggested. The support scheme which is mainly composed of large grouting anchor, sprayed anchor net support technique and full-face grille concrete finally ended the dilemma of repeated failure and mending of ingate and created critical conditions for smooth production in the coal mine. 展开更多
关键词 Rock mechanics Surrounding rock Shear and slip Shear and slip resistance Limit load
Physical and mechanical properties of sandstone containing a single fissure after exposure to high temperatures 被引量:19
作者 Zhu Tantan jing hongwen +3 位作者 Su Haijian Yin Qian Du Mingrui Han Guansheng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第2期319-325,共7页
In order to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of sandstone containing fissures after exposure to high temperatures,fissures with different angles α were prefabricated in the plate sandstone samples,a... In order to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of sandstone containing fissures after exposure to high temperatures,fissures with different angles α were prefabricated in the plate sandstone samples,and the processed samples were then heated at 5 different temperatures.Indoor uniaxial compression was conducted to analyze the change rules of physical properties of sandstone after exposure to high temperature,and the deformation,strength and failure characteristics of sandstone containing fissures.The results show that,with increasing temperature,the volume of sandstone increases gradually while the quality and density decrease gradually,and the color of sandstone remains basically unchanged while the brightness increases markedly when the temperature is higher than 585 ℃;the peak strength of sandstone containing fissures first decreases then increases when the temperature is between 25℃and 400℃.The peak strain of sandstone containing fissures increases gradually while the average modulus decreases gradually with increasing temperature,and the mechanical properties of sandstone show obvious deterioration after 400 ℃.The peak strain of sandstone containing fissures increases gradually while the average modulus decreases gradually with increasing temperature;with increasing angle αof the fissure,the evolution characteristics of the macro-mechanical parameters of sandstone are closely related to the their own mechanical properties.When the temperature is 800 ℃,the correlation between the peak strength and average modulus of sandstone and the angle α of the fissure is obviously weakened.The failure modes of sandstone containing fissures after high temperature exposure are of three different kinds including:tensile crack failure,tensile and shear cracks mixed failure,and shear crack failure.Tensile and shear crack mixed failure occur mainly at low temperatures and small angles;tensile crack failure occurs at high temperatures and large angles. 展开更多
关键词 High temperature Sandstone containing fissure Strength characteristics Deformation characteristics Evolution law
Numerical simulations of failure behavior around a circular opening in a non-persistently jointed rock mass under biaxial compression 被引量:7
作者 Yang Xuxu jing hongwen Chen Kunfu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期729-738,共10页
Pre-existing discontinuities change the mechanical properties of rock masses,and further influence failure behavior around an underground opening.In present study,the failure behavior in both Inner and Outer zones aro... Pre-existing discontinuities change the mechanical properties of rock masses,and further influence failure behavior around an underground opening.In present study,the failure behavior in both Inner and Outer zones around a circular opening in a non-persistently jointed rock mass under biaxial compression was investigated through numerical simulations.First,the micro parameters of the PFC^(3D) model were carefully calibrated using the macro mechanical properties determined in physical experiments implemented on jointed rock models.Then,a parametrical study was undertaken of the effect of stress condition,joint dip angle and joint persistency.Under low initial stress,the confining stress improves the mechanical behavior of the surrounding rock masses;while under high initial stress,the surrounding rock mass failed immediately following excavation.At small dip angles the cracks around the circular opening developed generally outwards in a step-path failure pattern;whereas,at high dip angles the surrounding rock mass failed in an instantaneous intact rock failure pattern.Moreover,the stability of the rock mass around the circular opening deteriorated significantly with increasing joint persistency. 展开更多
关键词 Underground opening Failure behavior Non-persistent joints Rock mass PFC^3D
Fast determination of meso-level mechanical parameters of PFC models 被引量:4
作者 Guo Jianwei Xu Guoan +1 位作者 jing hongwen Kuang Tiejun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2013年第1期157-162,共6页
To solve the problems of blindness and inefficiency existing in the determination of meso-level mechanical parameters of particle flow code (PFC) models, we firstly designed and numerically carried out orthogonal test... To solve the problems of blindness and inefficiency existing in the determination of meso-level mechanical parameters of particle flow code (PFC) models, we firstly designed and numerically carried out orthogonal tests on rock samples to investigate the correlations between macro-and meso-level mechanical parameters of rock-like bonded granular materials. Then based on the artificial intelligent technology, the intelligent prediction systems for nine meso-level mechanical parameters of PFC models were obtained by creating, training and testing the prediction models with the set of data got from the orthogonal tests. Lastly the prediction systems were used to predict the meso-level mechanical parameters of one kind of sandy mudstone, and according to the predicted results the macroscopic properties of the rock were obtained by numerical tests. The maximum relative error between the numerical test results and real rock properties is 3.28% which satisfies the precision requirement in engineering. It shows that this paper provides a fast and accurate method for the determination of meso-level mechanical parameters of PFC models. 展开更多
关键词 Particle flow code Meso-level mechanical parameter Macroscopic property Orthogonal test Intelligent prediction
作者 潘兵 靖洪文 褚卫江 《矿业工程研究》 2020年第1期41-46,共6页
原岩应力是影响巷道围岩稳定的决定因素,通过选择合理的巷道布置方式,改善巷道横断面应力分布状态,是解决巷道围岩变形破裂问题的关键所在.采用理论分析方法得到了表征巷道断面应力分布的应力椭圆表达式,并利用FLAC 3D数值模拟软件,分... 原岩应力是影响巷道围岩稳定的决定因素,通过选择合理的巷道布置方式,改善巷道横断面应力分布状态,是解决巷道围岩变形破裂问题的关键所在.采用理论分析方法得到了表征巷道断面应力分布的应力椭圆表达式,并利用FLAC 3D数值模拟软件,分析了不同巷道布置情况下,围岩变形破裂特征与应力椭圆的关系.研究结果表明:巷道断面应力椭圆大小和分布随其走向不同存在显著差异,应力椭圆越大,巷道开挖后应力集中越明显;随着巷道断面主应力和的增大,巷道围岩变形和破坏范围也随之增大,且破坏主要发生在垂直最大主应力方向上,因此,最优的巷道布置方式应使应力椭圆最小.在平顶山十二矿井下进行原岩应力、巷道变形和松动圈实测,验证了理论分析和数值模拟结果. 展开更多
关键词 原岩应力 应力椭圆 巷道布置 变形破裂特征 数值模拟
作者 尹乾 何满潮 +7 位作者 靖洪文 王琦 祁生文 吴疆宇 孟波 张强 朱淳 吴赛赛 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1176-1189,共14页
开展正弦波式循环法向动载–循环剪切位移叠加作用下三维粗糙节理面剪切试验,探讨初始法向静载(Fs)、法向动载振幅(Fa)、法向动载频率(fv)及循环剪切次数(N)对节理面剪切特性的影响。随着Fs与Fa的增加,节理面法向荷载变化范围逐渐增大,... 开展正弦波式循环法向动载–循环剪切位移叠加作用下三维粗糙节理面剪切试验,探讨初始法向静载(Fs)、法向动载振幅(Fa)、法向动载频率(fv)及循环剪切次数(N)对节理面剪切特性的影响。随着Fs与Fa的增加,节理面法向荷载变化范围逐渐增大,一个剪切位移周期内剪切荷载呈现波动增加→波动减小→波动增加趋势;稳定状态下峰值剪切荷载随着Fs与Fa的增加分别增大4.90倍与65.12%,节理面抗剪能力逐渐增强,而随着fv的增加,节理表面损伤渐进累积导致峰值剪切荷载逐渐减小,且出现的时刻逐渐前移,稳定状态峰值剪切荷载减小17.49%。一个剪切位移周期内节理面法向位移呈现波动增加→波动减小→二次增加→二次减小的趋势,当节理面远离初始位置剪切时,凸起体持续“爬坡效应”导致法向位移逐渐增大;节理面法向位移–法向荷载呈现明显负相关,且最大法向位移滞后于最大剪切位移1/4法向荷载周期;随着N的增加,节理面持续磨损劣化导致最大法向位移呈指数函数减小趋势;最大法向位移随着Fs,Fa及fv的增加分别呈现逐渐减小、逐渐增加及先增后减的特征。剪切后节理表面粗糙度系数随着Fs,Fa与fv的增加,呈现的变化规律分别为减小了57.79%,43.26%以及以1 Hz为拐点先增加后减小的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 粗糙节理面 循环剪切 法向动载 法向位移 表面磨损
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