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Starch grain analysis reveals function of grinding stone tools at Shangzhai site, Beijing 被引量:34
作者 YANG XiaoYan YU JinCheng +3 位作者 lü houyuan CUI TianXing GUO JingNing GE QuanSheng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第8期1164-1171,共8页
Prehistoric groundstone tools including slabs (metate, mo-pan) and mullers (mano, mo-bang) are often considered to be tools that were used to process cereals in ancient China. Most archaeologists believe that groundst... Prehistoric groundstone tools including slabs (metate, mo-pan) and mullers (mano, mo-bang) are often considered to be tools that were used to process cereals in ancient China. Most archaeologists believe that groundstone tools are indicators of an agrarian economy. This study employed starch grain analysis to examine a slab and a muller excavated from the Shangzhai Site (7500-7000 cal a BP), Beijing. Identifiable starch grains recovered from the stone tools were classified into 9 genera and 12 species, most of which were from acorns and foxtail millets. Remains from the oak species Q. mongolicus, Q. acuttssima, and Q. dentate were identified as well as a few starch grains from broomcorn (Panicum miliaseum) and bean (Vigna sp.). Other starch grains were from unidentifiable roots and grasses. A variety of starch grains indicates that the grinding stone tools were used to process not only cereals, but also other seeds or roots that had to be ground or husked, thus bringing into question the aforementioned cereal hypothesis. Because the numbers of starch grains from nuts and millets were so large, both gathering and cultivation might have been important economic patterns before 7000 years ago in Beijing area. Moreover, the starch remains are derived from plants that indicate that the paleoclimate of Beijing was wetter and warmer than today’s. 展开更多
关键词 STARCH GRAIN ANALYSIS artifact FUNCTION slab and muller Shangzhai SITE BEIJING
Origin area and migration route: Chloroplast DNA diversity in the arctic-alpine plant Koenigia islandica 被引量:2
作者 lONG Cong MIN YunJiang +5 位作者 ZHAO XiuXia YANY Chunlei SUN Hang lü houyuan TANG lingYu ZHOU ZhongZe 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期1760-1770,共11页
The Hengduan Mountains(henceforth H-D Mountains) on the Tibet Plateau are a distribution and diversity center for many alpine genera. We examine patterns of genetic variation in an arctic-alpine plant to evaluate the ... The Hengduan Mountains(henceforth H-D Mountains) on the Tibet Plateau are a distribution and diversity center for many alpine genera. We examine patterns of genetic variation in an arctic-alpine plant to evaluate the possibility that the H-D Mountains constitute the area of origin of the species as well as to uncover postglacial migration routes. 220 individuals of the arctic-alpine plant Koenigia islandica were sampled from 26 populations distributed in western China and northern Finland. DNA haplotypes were identified using restriction site analysis of two chloroplast DNA intergene spacer regions, atpB-rbcL and trnL-trnF. We examined the geographical distribution of haplotype diversity in relation to latitude, and also compared various indices of diversity in putatively glaciated and unglaciated regions. Patterns of migration were inferred using nested clade analysis. A total of 25 haplotypes were detected. High haplotype diversity was found in the H-D Mountains. H3 and its radiated haplotypes were distributed in the Himalayas. Two haplotypes were fixed concurrently in the H-D Mountains and northern Finland. High genetic diversity of K. islandica and high species diversity of K. islandica are expected in the origin area. Our observations suggest that the H-D Mountains are not only the place of origin of K. islandica, but also the refugia for K. islandica on the Tibet Plateau. What is more, the migration route for the arctic-alpine plant K. islandica must have originated in the region defined by the H-D Mountains in western China extending northward to the Arctic circumpolar, and moved westward along the Himalayas, then northward across the Altay Mountains and the Central Siberian Plateau at different time periods. 展开更多
关键词 origin area REFUGIA migration route PHYLOGEOGRAPHY biogeology Koenigia islandica
粟类作物稃片植硅体形态研究回顾与展望 被引量:13
作者 张健平 吕厚远 +1 位作者 葛勇 邵孔兰 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期1-11,共11页
中国是粟、黍的起源地,但受植物遗存保存状况及研究方法的限制,对粟类旱作农业起源与驯化的时间、地点、种类、过程等的认识仍然存在不同观点。植硅体分析为准确鉴定粟、黍及其野生祖本和亲缘物种提供了新的途径。本文总结了近几年来针... 中国是粟、黍的起源地,但受植物遗存保存状况及研究方法的限制,对粟类旱作农业起源与驯化的时间、地点、种类、过程等的认识仍然存在不同观点。植硅体分析为准确鉴定粟、黍及其野生祖本和亲缘物种提供了新的途径。本文总结了近几年来针对粟、黍种子稃片植硅体研究取得的新进展,获得以下认识:1)进一步明确了稃片表皮长细胞植硅体的形态特征、大小、数量是鉴定考古文化堆积中粟、黍及其野生祖本和亲缘野生物种的可靠指标;2)通过对比我国北方常见的狗尾草属稃片植硅体,发现了ΩⅢ型仅发育于粟和青狗尾草的稃片中部,且其大小与狗尾草属野生植物差异显著;3)分析和说明了稃片植硅体鉴定流程和方法、重点强调了稃片Ω/η类型的鉴定特征和应用范围,以及植硅体统计量等关键问题;4)讨论了粟类稃片植硅体产量与农作物产量的关系以及植硅体埋藏学问题,最后对深化粟类植硅体形态学研究提出了初步建议。希望通过本文的总结与讨论,能够使植硅体分析方法在粟类作物起源和传播的研究中得到更准确、更广泛的应用。 展开更多
关键词 旱作农业 农业起源 植物考古 综述
全新世中期郑州地区古代农业的时空演变及其影响因素 被引量:32
作者 王灿 吕厚远 +10 位作者 顾万发 吴乃琴 张健平 左昕昕 李丰江 汪道京 董亚杰 汪松枝 刘彦锋 鲍颖建 胡亚毅 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期108-122,共15页
郑州地区地处中原腹地,是我国旱作农业起源和稻作农业早期传播的重要区域之一,在华夏文明形成与发展过程中具有非常重要的地位。然而,由于区域性系统植物考古研究较少,目前全新世中期郑州地区古代农业的时空演变过程及其影响因素仍不清... 郑州地区地处中原腹地,是我国旱作农业起源和稻作农业早期传播的重要区域之一,在华夏文明形成与发展过程中具有非常重要的地位。然而,由于区域性系统植物考古研究较少,目前全新世中期郑州地区古代农业的时空演变过程及其影响因素仍不清晰。文章在郑州地区选择位于不同地貌部位、不同等级规模的13处裴李岗-仰韶文化遗址进行系统采样,通过植硅体分析和AMS 14C测年,揭示出郑州地区在裴李岗文化和仰韶文化中晚期均属于以黍为主的稻-旱混作的农业模式,其形成得益于全新世适宜期暖湿气候下的稻作北传。裴李岗时期,黍粟旱作分布在浅山丘陵区的黄土台塬沟谷地带,稻-旱混作仅存在于冲积平原,农业模式的选择主要受地形和水文因素影响;仰韶中晚期,粟和稻的比例显著提高,稻作不再局限于冲积平原和大型聚落,在台塬沟谷和中小聚落也有分布,标志着农耕技术的进步和作物结构的优化,这意味着农业生产开始打破自然条件限制,为郑州地区农业社会的建立和文明化进程奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 郑州地区 全新世 植硅体 旱作农业 稻作农业 裴李岗文化 仰韶文化
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