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作者 张琳 仝照民 +1 位作者 刘耀林 段志强 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期17-27,共11页
公共交通导向发展(TOD)是实现城市紧凑、人居可持续发展的重要途径,共享单车与轨道交通的接驳出行极大提升了公共交通的服务范围,促进了TOD规划策略的落实。该文基于TOD规划理念,识别共享单车的接驳流动模式,在考虑地铁站语义功能基础上... 公共交通导向发展(TOD)是实现城市紧凑、人居可持续发展的重要途径,共享单车与轨道交通的接驳出行极大提升了公共交通的服务范围,促进了TOD规划策略的落实。该文基于TOD规划理念,识别共享单车的接驳流动模式,在考虑地铁站语义功能基础上,使用可解释机器学习模型挖掘武汉市主城区共享单车潮汐流模式及与建成环境的非线性关联关系,结论如下:①根据共享单车早晚高峰时段的潮汐均衡性指数,发现武汉市主城区存在“早入晚出”和“早出晚入”两类潮汐流模式,前者出现在距城市中心距离中等的居住区和汉口中央活动区边缘的就业区,后者出现在二环线附近的就业密集区;②通过POI语义信息建模和层次聚类识别出4类地铁站语义功能主题及两种混合功能聚类簇,地铁站语义功能类型与共享单车流动模式呈强相关;③建成环境因子的非线性效应明显,当配套生活设施和道路密度适中、居住规模较大时,能有效促进共享单车高流量稳定接驳模式发生。研究结果可从共享单车优化调度、城市建成环境调整等方面为缓解共享单车潮汐流问题提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 公共交通导向发展 共享单车 语义功能 建成环境 可解释机器学习模型
地理大数据挖掘研究进展与挑战 被引量:16
作者 刘耀林 刘启亮 +1 位作者 邓敏 石岩 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1544-1560,共17页
大数据时代,全面涵盖人类活动与地理环境信息的地理大数据为更全面认识“人-地”关系提供了新的机遇。数据挖掘是地理大数据产生“大价值”的关键。与传统目的性采样数据(或“小数据”)相比,地理大数据具有更细的时空粒度、更广的时空... 大数据时代,全面涵盖人类活动与地理环境信息的地理大数据为更全面认识“人-地”关系提供了新的机遇。数据挖掘是地理大数据产生“大价值”的关键。与传统目的性采样数据(或“小数据”)相比,地理大数据具有更细的时空粒度、更广的时空范围、更丰富的人地关系信息、更高的时空有偏性及更低的时空精度。地理大数据的独特性使得地理大数据挖掘面临新的挑战。本文首先对地理大数据挖掘与空间数据挖掘的区别与联系进行分析;然后,对当前地理大数据挖掘方法、应用及软件的研究进展进行回顾和总结;最后,对地理大数据挖掘面临的挑战和发展趋势进行了展望。通过对地理大数据挖掘研究进展进行系统的分析,有望为地理大数据挖掘理论与方法的完善提供一定的参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 地理大数据 数据挖掘 时空模式 尺度
面向个性化人才培养的空间分析课程模块化重构 被引量:12
作者 俞艳 刘耀林 +2 位作者 袁艳斌 黄解军 何建华 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期137-140,共4页
面向网络化教学和个性化人才培养对课程知识的多线程、模块化组织的需求,本文以地理信息科学专业的核心专业课程空间分析为例,研究了空间分析课程知识内容的更新、知识点划分,梳理了空间分析与其他专业课程之间及空间分析课程知识点间... 面向网络化教学和个性化人才培养对课程知识的多线程、模块化组织的需求,本文以地理信息科学专业的核心专业课程空间分析为例,研究了空间分析课程知识内容的更新、知识点划分,梳理了空间分析与其他专业课程之间及空间分析课程知识点间的逻辑联系,从专业课程体系和空间分析课程知识体系两个尺度层次,更新和重构了空间分析课程知识的模块化结构体系,为教师进行空间分析课程网络化建设奠定基础,为学生个性化知识链路的构建和学习提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 空间分析 课程知识体系 模块化重构 个性化人才培养 网络化教学
武汉市中心城区住宅价格空间分布格局及其影响因素研究 被引量:13
作者 刘子靖 刘耀林 +1 位作者 何青松 赵菁 《地理信息世界》 2017年第2期20-25,共6页
利用网页爬虫技术从安居客网站抓取了武汉市中心城区2016年7月共3 188个小区的平均房价数据。运用GIS空间分析方法和GWR模型对武汉市中心城区房价空间分布模式及其影响因素进行探讨。研究发现武汉市中心城区的房价具有聚类分布特征;新... 利用网页爬虫技术从安居客网站抓取了武汉市中心城区2016年7月共3 188个小区的平均房价数据。运用GIS空间分析方法和GWR模型对武汉市中心城区房价空间分布模式及其影响因素进行探讨。研究发现武汉市中心城区的房价具有聚类分布特征;新盘房价与片区位置(汉口、武昌、汉阳)、环线位置(内环、二环、中环)、距湖泊距离、距商圈距离、小区附近学校个数显著相关;楚河汉街商圈对二手房房价的影响力度高于其他商圈,东湖和沙湖对二手房房价的影响效应也很显著。 展开更多
关键词 住宅价格 空间分析 GWR模型
2009-2019年山东省耕地生态安全评价及障碍因子诊断 被引量:10
作者 王立业 师春春 +3 位作者 张文信 刘艳芳 刘耀林 关梅 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期138-145,153,共9页
耕地生态安全是国家和区域生态安全的重要组成部分。为了明确认识耕地生态安全及其障碍因子、促进耕地生态与农业发展,利用PSR模型构建耕地生态安全的指标体系,基于第三次国土调查和第二次土地调查数据,评估了山东省2009—2019年的耕地... 耕地生态安全是国家和区域生态安全的重要组成部分。为了明确认识耕地生态安全及其障碍因子、促进耕地生态与农业发展,利用PSR模型构建耕地生态安全的指标体系,基于第三次国土调查和第二次土地调查数据,评估了山东省2009—2019年的耕地生态安全变化,同时利用障碍度模型,诊断了影响耕地生态安全的障碍因子。结果表明:(1)山东省2009—2019年耕地生态安全整体上呈现下降的态势,生态安全指数由0.27下降至0.14;(2)2009—2019年不同地级市耕地生态安全状况变化不同,5个地级市呈现上升的趋势,4个地级市耕地安全基本稳定,7个地级市出现不同程度的下降;(3)二三产业从业人员比重、二三产业产值比重、农村居民人均可支配收入、耕地平均海拔和复种指数在2009—2019年是影响耕地生态安全的主要障碍因子。综上,2009—2019年山东省耕地生态安全出现下降的趋势,存在多个影响耕地生态安全的障碍因子。研究认为加强耕地污染治理、发展生态农业、缓解产业结构不平衡是改善耕地生态安全的关键措施。 展开更多
关键词 耕地 生态安全 PSR模型 山东省 障碍因子
山东沿海生态系统服务协同与权衡的空间格局及驱动力 被引量:4
作者 盛舒童 刘艳芳 +1 位作者 刘耀林 陆砚池 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期384-392,共9页
提升区域生态保护效能,可为区域生态治理科学决策提供政策依据,以山东省沿海地区为研究区,使用InVEST模型和CASA模型测度产水服务、土壤保持、植被固碳和生物多样性的时空演变,借助差异比较法探究生态系统服务协同权衡的时空分异机制,... 提升区域生态保护效能,可为区域生态治理科学决策提供政策依据,以山东省沿海地区为研究区,使用InVEST模型和CASA模型测度产水服务、土壤保持、植被固碳和生物多样性的时空演变,借助差异比较法探究生态系统服务协同权衡的时空分异机制,进一步利用多尺度地理加权回归(MGWR)剖析了自然因素和人类活动因素对协同权衡的影响。结果表明:(1) 2018年研究区产水服务、生物多样性的均值为605.27 mm/a, 0.28,2010—2018年总量递增速率分别为0.21 mm/a, 0.23;土壤保持、植被固碳的均值为0.000 73 t/(hm^(2)·a),537.56 gC/(m^(2)·a),2010—2018年总量递减速率分别为0.62 t/(hm^(2)·a),2.1 gC/(m^(2)·a)。(2) 2010—2018年,生态系统服务的协同权衡具有显著的空间异质性,产水服务分别与土壤保持、生物多样性表现为强权衡弱协同;植被固碳分别与产水服务、土壤保持、生物多样性表现为强协同弱权衡。(3)产水服务、土壤保持、植被固碳三者存在显著相关性,受坡度、高程、日照时数等自然因素的影响大于人类活动因素的影响,其正负性和强度具有空间异质性。其余因子的解释力度较小且不固定,各项因素动态且综合影响协同权衡的变化。总之,研究区内4种生态系统服务之间协同与权衡具有显著的空间异质性,且影响因素的正负性和强度也具有空间异质性,研究结果可为山东省沿海地区生态治理提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务 协同权衡 多尺度地理加权回归 山东沿海地区
基于制度分析和发展框架的农村土地流转问题研究及对策建议——以湖北省监利县为例 被引量:3
作者 余珮珩 朱佩娟 +3 位作者 江沛 陈奕云 王静 刘耀林 《小城镇建设》 2021年第12期13-19,共7页
面向乡村振兴战略需求,结合制度分析和发展框架研究农村土地流转过程中存在的具体问题,有助于推动乡村可持续发展。本文以湖北省荆州市监利县土地流转频繁的连福村、李场村和网市村为例,从IAD框架中的外部变量出发,结合实地调研成果,对... 面向乡村振兴战略需求,结合制度分析和发展框架研究农村土地流转过程中存在的具体问题,有助于推动乡村可持续发展。本文以湖北省荆州市监利县土地流转频繁的连福村、李场村和网市村为例,从IAD框架中的外部变量出发,结合实地调研成果,对农村土地流转中出现的问题进行分析。发现在土地流转过程中,破坏农用地的自然属性可能造成流转市场波动;基于当地的社会文化背景,乡土秩序弱化了相关规定形成的契约精神;聚合规则不连贯导致农户具备的流转条件与实际状况不相符,产生流转信息的壁垒;信息规则不对称导致流转信息获取困难;位置规则不完善导致合作社功能缺失,正向作用不明显。本文提出通过严格管控流转过程,形成“土地流出—中介服务组织—土地流入”的农村土地流转流程,并鼓励农业合作社与银行等正规金融机构进行对接来应对。 展开更多
关键词 土地经济 农村土地流转 IAD框架 可持续发展 监利县
Mining Weights of Land Evaluation Factors Based on Cloud Model and Correlation Analysis 被引量:17
作者 HU Shiyuan LI Deren +1 位作者 liu yaolin LI Deyi 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第3期218-222,共5页
The veracity of land evaluation is tightly related to the reasonable weights of land evaluation fac- tors. By mapping qualitative linguistic words into a fine-changeable cloud drops and translating the uncertain facto... The veracity of land evaluation is tightly related to the reasonable weights of land evaluation fac- tors. By mapping qualitative linguistic words into a fine-changeable cloud drops and translating the uncertain factor conditions into quantitative values with the uncertain illation based on cloud model, and then, inte- grating correlation analysis, a new way of figuring out the weight of land evaluation factors is proposed. It may solve the limitations of the conventional ways. 展开更多
关键词 cloud models correlation analysis land evaluation factor weight data mining
Suitability Evaluation of Rural Settlements Based on Accessibility of Production and Living: A Case Study of Tingzu Town in Hubei Prov- ince of China 被引量:8
作者 liu yaolin YE Qingqing +2 位作者 LI Jiwei KONG Xuesong JIAO Limin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期550-565,共16页
Rural settlements are the main carriers of agriculture, rural areas and farmers; thus, optimizing the production and living space of rural settlements is highly significant to rural development. Taking the effective a... Rural settlements are the main carriers of agriculture, rural areas and farmers; thus, optimizing the production and living space of rural settlements is highly significant to rural development. Taking the effective allocation of resources as the starting point, a suitability evaluation system of rural settlements, based on accessibility of production and living, was proposed in this study to provide scientific basis for the optimization of production and living space. The accessibility of production and living was measured by an im- proved two-step floating catchment area method, which considered proximity and availability based on the inclination of rural residents. The suitability evaluation system consisted of traditional suitability evaluation and newly proposed limiting factor identification based on the loss score proportion of suitability. Tingzu Town of Hubei Province, China, was chosen as the case study area. Based on the re- suits of the suitability evaluation system, corresponding suggestions on rural land consolidation, industry division, as well as the layout of health care and education facilities were proposed to optimize the production and living space of rural settlements in Tingzu Town. It is found that the suitability evaluation based on accessibility of production and living is more scientific and accurate than the traditional ones which significantly overestimate production and living convenience. Moreover, the limiting factor identification can help us put forward suggestions according to local conditions and bring about the highly targeted optimization of production and living space of rural settlements. 展开更多
关键词 rural settlements suitability evaluation accessibility of production and living two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA)method limiting factor identification Tingzu Town
Re-assessing Vegetation Carbon Storage and Emissions from Land Use Change in China Using Surface Area 被引量:4
作者 HE Qingsong TAN Shukui +2 位作者 XIE Peng liu yaolin LI Jing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第4期601-613,共13页
Land surface area estimation can provide basic information for accurately estimating vegetation carbon storage under complex terrain. This study selected China, a country dominated by mountains, as an example, and cal... Land surface area estimation can provide basic information for accurately estimating vegetation carbon storage under complex terrain. This study selected China, a country dominated by mountains, as an example, and calculated terrestrial vegetation carbon storage(VCS) for 2000 and 2015 using land surface area and traditional ellipsoid area. The land surface area is estimated by a triangular network on the high precision digital elevation model.The results showed that: 1) The VCS estimated by the surface area measurement in 2000 and 2015 were 0.676 and0.692 Pg C(1 Pg = 1015 g) higher than the VCS calculated using the ellipsoid area, respectively. 2) As the elevation increases, the differences between VCS estimated by surface area measurement and ellipsoid area measurement are expanding. Specially, a clear gap was present starting from an elevation of 500 m, with the relative error exceeds8.99%. 3) The total amount of carbon emitted due to land use change reached 0.114 Pg C. The conversions of forestland and grassland to other land use type are the main reasons of the loss of vegetation carbon storage, resulting in a total amount of biomass carbon storage decreased by 0.942 and 0.111 Pg C, respectively. This study was a preliminary exploration of incorporating land surface area as a factor in resource estimation, which can help more accurately understand the status of resources and the environment in the region. 展开更多
关键词 carbon storage LAND use CHANGE surface area RESOURCE estimation ellipsoidal area China
Model of Land Suitability Evaluation Based on Computational Intelligence 被引量:4
作者 JIAO Limin liu yaolin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第2期151-156,共6页
A novel model of land suitability evaluation is built based on computational intelligence (CI). A fuzzy neural network (FNN) is constructed by the integration of fuzzy logic and artificial neural network (ANN). The st... A novel model of land suitability evaluation is built based on computational intelligence (CI). A fuzzy neural network (FNN) is constructed by the integration of fuzzy logic and artificial neural network (ANN). The structure and process of this network is clear. Fuzzy rules (knowledge) are expressed in the model explicitly, and can be self-adjusted by learning from samples. Genetic algorithm (GA) is employed as the learning algorithm to train the network, and makes the training of the model efficient. This model is a self-learning and self-adaptive system with a rule set revised by training. 展开更多
关键词 land suitability evaluation computational intelligence fuzzy neural network genetic algorithm
Road Centrality and Landscape Spatial Patterns in Wuhan Metropolitan Area,China 被引量:9
作者 liu yaolin WANG Huimin +3 位作者 JIAO Limin liu Yanfang HE Jianhua AI Tinghua 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期511-522,共12页
Road network is a corridor system that interacts with surrounding landscapes,and understanding their interaction helps to develop an optimal plan for sustainable transportation and land use.This study investigates the... Road network is a corridor system that interacts with surrounding landscapes,and understanding their interaction helps to develop an optimal plan for sustainable transportation and land use.This study investigates the relationships between road centrality and landscape patterns in the Wuhan Metropolitan Area,China.The densities of centrality measures,including closeness,betweenness,and straightness,are calculated by kernel density estimation(KDE).The landscape patterns are characterized by four landscape metrics,including percentage of landscape(PLAND),Shannon′s diversity index(SHDI),mean patch size(MPS),and mean shape index(MSI).Spearman rank correlation analysis is then used to quantify their relationships at both landscape and class levels.The results show that the centrality measures can reflect the hierarchy of road network as they associate with road grade.Further analysis exhibit that as centrality densities increase,the whole landscape becomes more fragmented and regular.At the class level,the forest gradually decreases and becomes fragmented,while the construction land increases and turns to more compact.Therefore,these findings indicate that the ability and potential applications of centrality densities estimated by KDE in quantifying the relationships between roads and landscapes,can provide detailed information and valuable guidance for transportation and land-use planning as well as a new insight into ecological effects of roads. 展开更多
关键词 road centrality landscape patterns kernel density estimation(KDE) landscape metrics Wuhan Metropolitan Area China
Balance of Datum Land Prices Among Cities Based on the City Gravitation Model and Stochastic Diffusion Equation 被引量:2
作者 liu yaolin liu Yang +1 位作者 LAN Zeying XIAYin liu Wei 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第1期71-78,共8页
A balance of urban datum land prices is achieved to harmonize regional land prices and make the prices truly reflect different economic development levels and land prices among cities. The current piecewise linear int... A balance of urban datum land prices is achieved to harmonize regional land prices and make the prices truly reflect different economic development levels and land prices among cities. The current piecewise linear interpolation balance method widely used has two drawbacks that always lead to an unsatisfactory balance among some cities. When the excess of land price in the central city to the surrounding zone reaches a certain degree, land price in the circumjacent city is not only consistent with the local land grade and land use level, but also influenced by the diffusion of land price in the central city. Thus, a new balanced scheme of datum land prices based on the city gravitation model and stochastic diffusion equation is brought forward. Finally, the new method is examined in the practice of datum land price balance in Hubei Province, China. 展开更多
关键词 datum land price balance city gravitation model stochastic diffusion equation
A New Method Based on Association Rules Mining and Geo-filter for Mining Spatial Association Knowledge 被引量:6
作者 liu yaolin XIE Peng +3 位作者 HE Qingsong ZHAO Xiang WEI Xiaojian TAN Ronghui 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期389-401,共13页
Association rule mining methods, as a set of important data mining tools, could be used for mining spatial association rules of spatial data. However, applications of these methods are limited for mining results conta... Association rule mining methods, as a set of important data mining tools, could be used for mining spatial association rules of spatial data. However, applications of these methods are limited for mining results containing large number of redundant rules. In this paper, a new method named Geo-Filtered Association Rules Mining(GFARM) is proposed to effectively eliminate the redundant rules. An application of GFARM is performed as a case study in which association rules are discovered between building land distribution and potential driving factors in Wuhan, China from 1995 to 2015. Ten sets of regular sampling grids with different sizes are used for detecting the influence of multi-scales on GFARM. Results show that the proposed method can filter 50%–70% of redundant rules. GFARM is also successful in discovering spatial association pattern between building land distribution and driving factors. 展开更多
关键词 data mining association rules rules spatial visualization driving factors analysis land use change
交直流脉冲TIG焊在薄壁紫铜管焊接中的应用 被引量:3
作者 王飞 刘垚林 张强 《焊接》 2019年第10期62-64,I0005,共4页
研究了交直流脉冲TIG焊在船舶薄壁紫铜管中的焊接应用。通过对交直流脉冲焊接电流的分析,提出了采用直流脉冲TIG焊焊接打底层,交流脉冲TIG焊焊接盖面层的方法。采用该方法,既保证了薄壁紫铜管打底层焊缝的单面焊双面成形,又保证了盖面... 研究了交直流脉冲TIG焊在船舶薄壁紫铜管中的焊接应用。通过对交直流脉冲焊接电流的分析,提出了采用直流脉冲TIG焊焊接打底层,交流脉冲TIG焊焊接盖面层的方法。采用该方法,既保证了薄壁紫铜管打底层焊缝的单面焊双面成形,又保证了盖面层焊缝焊接时,不会因为温度过高而使打底层产生焊瘤。焊后对薄壁紫铜管的焊缝进行检验,射线底片显示该方法焊接的焊缝质量等级为Ⅰ级,力学性能和金相检测也均合格,为提高船舶产品中薄壁紫铜管的焊接质量提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 紫铜管 直流脉冲TIG焊 交流脉冲TIG焊 焊接质量的控制
作者 杨兆晨 刘耀林 +2 位作者 罗璇 安睿 姜永祯 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期279-288,共10页
在乡村振兴背景下,农村生活设施布局优化对乡村发展、农村居民幸福感提升具有重要意义。针对农村可达性研究中评价对象与视角单一等问题,考虑四类生活设施,采用“面向服务需求的等时线分析方法”与改进的“两步移动搜索法”,从“门槛”... 在乡村振兴背景下,农村生活设施布局优化对乡村发展、农村居民幸福感提升具有重要意义。针对农村可达性研究中评价对象与视角单一等问题,考虑四类生活设施,采用“面向服务需求的等时线分析方法”与改进的“两步移动搜索法”,从“门槛”与“供需”角度分析高安市农村生活可达性的空间分布特征,进而提出一种基于耦合视角的可达性分区模式,并探讨农村生活可达性的驱动机制与优化路径。结果表明:1)从最低时间成本来看,农村学前教育、大病就医、物流快递、文体活动均存在较大障碍,城乡发展的不均衡现象显著。2)从供需关系来看,教育资源与人口形成相对平衡的区域供需关系。部分乡镇中心医疗设施供给高于城区,商业与文体的供给普遍具有明显的城镇偏向性。3)基于“门槛-供需”耦合视角的农村可达性分区将高安市按四类设施分为高门槛-低供给、高门槛-高供给、低门槛-低供给、低门槛-高供给四种可达区和不可达区。农村生活可达性受空间阻抗与供需关系的影响,可从空间关系调整、生活设施与道路建设、生活服务服务要素流动三方面进行优化。研究可为县域农村生活设施、农村居民点的布局优化提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 生活设施 可达性 分区 等时圈 改进的两步移动搜索法(2SFCA) 蜂窝格网 优化路径
作者 许钊 刘耀林 +2 位作者 银超慧 陈飞 陆砚池 《地理空间信息》 2023年第3期59-65,71,共8页
深入探究多尺度道路网络中心性与土地利用格局之间的关系有助于指导和优化城市道路和土地布局。运用多中心评价模型对广州市主城区的道路网络进行多尺度测度,计算不同中心性等级城市的土地景观格局指数,通过Spearman相关分析探讨了多尺... 深入探究多尺度道路网络中心性与土地利用格局之间的关系有助于指导和优化城市道路和土地布局。运用多中心评价模型对广州市主城区的道路网络进行多尺度测度,计算不同中心性等级城市的土地景观格局指数,通过Spearman相关分析探讨了多尺度道路网络中心性与景观格局指数之间的关系。结果表明:①道路网络中心性高值在广州主城区呈多核分布,道路网络表现为明显的多中心性;②在景观层面,MPS和SHDI与道路网络中心性均呈较强的负相关,MSI只与邻近中心性表现为强负相关性,在类型层面,各用地类型的MPS和MSI均与道路网络中心性具有强负相关性,不同城市用地PLAND与道路网络中心性的相关性差异较大;③邻近中心性和直线中心性与居住用地的正相关性强于商业服务业用地,中介中心性与商业服务业用地的相关系数大于居住用地,体现了广州市作为我国大城市独有的特点;④广州主城区在半径约为3000 m的尺度上,城市道路网络空间特征与土地利用格局呈现同质性。 展开更多
关键词 道路中心性 土地利用格局 广州市
Urban Sprawl and Related Problems: Bibliometric Analysis and Refined Analysis from 1991 to 2011 被引量:1
作者 ZENG Chen liu yaolin +1 位作者 liu Yanfang QIU Liquan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期245-257,共13页
To shed light on the general patterns and trends in urban sprawl research,and to provide reference for future study,bibliometric analysis and refined analysis are conducted for publications in this area from 1991 to 2... To shed light on the general patterns and trends in urban sprawl research,and to provide reference for future study,bibliometric analysis and refined analysis are conducted for publications in this area from 1991 to 2011.The general publication output,the global geographical distribution of the authors,the funding and institutions involved,the research areas,and the source titles are analyzed and discussed.Scholars in the United States and China have produced most of the documents in urban sprawl and these two countries are also the largest contributors in terms of funding and institutions.′Environmental Sciences&Ecology′,′Urban Studies′,and′Geography′are the most common research areas,and the journal titled Urban Studies has contributed the most articles.Furthermore,the refined analyses on the 500 top-cited and most relevant publications have revealed that research on urban sprawl is closely associated with the categories of′Urban form and development′,′Land use/land development′and′environment/ecology/biology′.Conclusions are made with respect to the basic paradigm of research on urban sprawl.The multi-disciplinary research into urban sprawl are expected to be more diversified and integrated. 展开更多
关键词 urban sprawl BIBLIOMETRICS scientific output multi-discipline
作者 王磊 刘尧林 +2 位作者 张伟 贾梦梦 孟瑞锋 《直升机技术》 2023年第2期22-26,共5页
针对四旋翼飞行器数学模型固有的耦合项,提出用滑模控制算法来设计四旋翼飞行器控制器。首先设置六个子系统来解耦四旋翼飞行器系统;然后通过修正虚拟控制项来完成控制器的设计;最后通过构造能量函数来确保这个子系统的稳定性。同理,通... 针对四旋翼飞行器数学模型固有的耦合项,提出用滑模控制算法来设计四旋翼飞行器控制器。首先设置六个子系统来解耦四旋翼飞行器系统;然后通过修正虚拟控制项来完成控制器的设计;最后通过构造能量函数来确保这个子系统的稳定性。同理,通过该方法完成其他子系统控制器设计。利用MATLAB-SIMULINK仿真四旋翼飞行器,结果显示可以在这个控制器的作用下顺利快速地到达预先设定好的位置,验证了控制器的有效性。针对外界扰动多为未知的情况,利用自适应方法设计相应的控制器。仿真试验验证了该控制器在有外界扰动和未知扰动的情况下,都具有较好的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 四旋翼飞行器 滑模控制 未知扰动
Urban Residential Land Value Analysis: Case Danyang, China
作者 liu yaolin ZHENG Bin +1 位作者 HUANG Lina TANG Xu 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第3期228-234,共7页
The research attempts to find out how the location of the CBD(central business district), the dis- tance to the main roads, the distribution of the public facilities, and the urban land-use pattern influence the urban... The research attempts to find out how the location of the CBD(central business district), the dis- tance to the main roads, the distribution of the public facilities, and the urban land-use pattern influence the urban residential land value variations. The study begins by identifying the influences into two categories: general circumstance and micro/neighboring circumstances. Benchmark price and market land value are tested to be the results influenced by general circumstance and both the influential range and the influential force of individual land-use are investigated and compared. At last explicit case comparisons are also taken for testing the result. The finding of the research is not only useful for understanding the spatial patterns of land values, but also beneficial for the policy-makers concerning land administration and urban planning. 展开更多
关键词 urban residential land value land value evaluation benchmark price spatial analysis
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