As China's most important gold-producing district, the Jiaodong Peninsula also contains copper, lead-zinc, molybdenum (tungsten), and other nonferrous metal ore deposits, but the space-time and genetic relationship...As China's most important gold-producing district, the Jiaodong Peninsula also contains copper, lead-zinc, molybdenum (tungsten), and other nonferrous metal ore deposits, but the space-time and genetic relationships with gold deposits remain uncertain. To investigate the temporal relationship between these nonferrous metal and gold ore deposits, We collected the samples from a number of nonferrous metallic and silver deposits and metallogenetic rock bodies in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula for isotopic dating. The results show that the Re-Os isotopic model ages of the Lengjia molybdenum deposit in Rongcheng range from 114.5 ± 1.8 Ma to 112.6 ± 1.5 Ma, with an average age of 113.6 ± 1.6 Ma; the LA-ICP-MS ^206pb/^238U ages of 33 zircons in the sericitization porphyritic monzogranite that hosts the Tongjiazhuang silver deposit in Rongcheng range between 122 Ma and 109 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 116.04 ± 0.95 Ma; the LA-ICP-MS ^206pb/^238U ages of 31 zircons in the copper metallogenic pyroxene monzodiorite that hosts the Kuangbei copper deposit in Rongcheng range from 126 Ma to 106 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 116.6 ± 1.7 Ma; and the LA-ICP-MS ^206pb/^238U ages of 19 zircons in the pyroxene monzodiorite surrounding the Dadengge gold and multimetal deposit in Weihai range from 113 Ma to 110 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 111.7 ± 0.6 Ma. All these results indicate that the metallogenic ages of the silver and nonferrous metallic deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula are in a limited range from 118 Ma to 111 Ma. Previous studies have demonstrated that the isotopic ages of gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula range from 123 Ma to 110 Ma, while Weideshanian magmatism occurred between 126 Ma to 108 Ma. Both these ranges are grossly consistent with the metallogenic ages of silver and nonferrous metallic deposits in this study, suggesting that the large-scale mineralization occurred in the Early Cretaceous when magmatic activities were strong. This epoch may be linked to the lithosphere thinning and the thermo-upwelling extension in eastern China at that time. In addition, field investigation also shows that gold and nonferrous metallic deposits are distributed nearby the Weideshanian granite, with the nonferrous metallic deposits lying within or surrounding the granite pluton and the gold deposits outside the granite pluton. We propose the following mineralization scenario: In the Early Cretaceous, an intensive lithospheric extension induced partial melting and degassing of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle, which resulted in the formation of mantle-derived fluids enriched in metal elements. During the rapid process of magma ascent and intrusion, crust-derived fluids were activated by the magmatic thermal dome and served to further extract ore-forming materials from the crust. These fluids may have mixed with the mantle-derived fluid to form a crust-mantle mixing-type ore-forming fluid. The high-temperature conditions in the center or in contact with the granitic magmatic thermal dome would have been favorable for the formation of porphyry-type, skarn-type, and hydrothermal-vein-type ores, thus forming a series of Mo(W), Cu, and Pb-Zn deposits in the mid-eastern Jiaodong Peninsula. In contrast, the medium- to low-temperature conditions in the periphery of the magmatic thermal dome would have favored the deposition of gold (silver) ores under the appropriate physiochemical and structural conditions. The metaliogenic epoch of the molybdenum, copper, and silver deposits, and their spatio-temporal and genetic relations to the gold deposits, as demonstrated in this study, not only provide important insights to the study of regional metallogeny, our understanding of the metallogenesis of the Jiaodong type gold deposit, and the geodynamic background of the large-scale mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula, but also have practical value in guiding the mineral exploration.展开更多
A quantum BP neural networks model with learning algorithm is proposed. First, based on the universality of single qubit rotation gate and two-qubit controlled-NOT gate, a quantum neuron model is constructed, which is...A quantum BP neural networks model with learning algorithm is proposed. First, based on the universality of single qubit rotation gate and two-qubit controlled-NOT gate, a quantum neuron model is constructed, which is composed of input, phase rotation, aggregation, reversal rotation and output. In this model, the input is described by qubits, and the output is given by the probability of the state in which (1) is observed. The phase rotation and the reversal rotation are performed by the universal quantum gates. Secondly, the quantum BP neural networks model is constructed, in which the output layer and the hide layer are quantum neurons. With the application of the gradient descent algorithm, a learning algorithm of the model is proposed, and the continuity of the model is proved. It is shown that this model and algorithm are superior to the conventional BP networks in three aspects: convergence speed, convergence rate and robustness, by two application examples of pattern recognition and function approximation.展开更多
An adaptive ant colony algorithm is proposed based on dynamically adjusting the strategy of updating trail information. The algorithm can keep good balance between accelerating convergence and averting precocity and s...An adaptive ant colony algorithm is proposed based on dynamically adjusting the strategy of updating trail information. The algorithm can keep good balance between accelerating convergence and averting precocity and stagnation. The results of function optimization show that the algorithm has good searching ability and high convergence speed. The algorithm is employed to design a neuro-fuzzy controller for real-time control of an inverted pendulum. In order to avoid the combinatorial explosion of fuzzy rules due tσ multivariable inputs, a state variable synthesis scheme is employed to reduce the number of fuzzy rules greatly. The simulation results show that the designed controller can control the inverted pendulum successfully.展开更多
The convergence and stability analysis for two end-to-end rate-based congestion control algorithms with unavoidable random loss in packets are presented, which can be caused by, for example, errors on wireless links. ...The convergence and stability analysis for two end-to-end rate-based congestion control algorithms with unavoidable random loss in packets are presented, which can be caused by, for example, errors on wireless links. The convergence rates of these two algorithms are analyzed by linearizing them around their equilibrium points, since they are globally stable and can converge to their unique equilibrium points. Some sufficient conditions for local stability in the presence of round-trip delay are obtained based on the general Nyquist criterion of stability. The stability conditions can be considered to be more general. If random loss in the first congestion control algorithm is not considered, they reduce to the local stability conditions which have been obtained in some literatures. Furthermore, sufficient conditions for local stability of a new congestion control algorithm have also been obtained if random loss is not considered in the second congestion control algorithm.展开更多
The Newton-Like algorithm with price estimation error in optimization flow control in network is analyzed. The estimation error is treated as inexactness of the gradient and the inexact descent direction is analyzed. ...The Newton-Like algorithm with price estimation error in optimization flow control in network is analyzed. The estimation error is treated as inexactness of the gradient and the inexact descent direction is analyzed. Based on the optimization theory, a sufficient condition for convergence of this algorithm with bounded price estimation error is obtained. Furthermore, even when this sufficient condition doesn't hold, this algorithm can also converge, provided a modified step size, and an attraction region is obtained. Based on Lasalle's invariance principle applied to a suitable Lyapunov function, the dynamic system described by this algorithm is proved to be global stability if the error is zero. And the Newton-Like algorithm with bounded price estimation error is also globally stable if the error satisfies the sufficient condition for convergence. All trajectories ultimately converge to the equilibrium point.展开更多
Objective The Zhongchaye vermiculite deposit is located north of Laiwu.Tectonically,it belongs to the Luxi Block,west of the Tan-Lu fault zone(Fig.1a).The crystalline basement of this area consists of the Neoarchean T...Objective The Zhongchaye vermiculite deposit is located north of Laiwu.Tectonically,it belongs to the Luxi Block,west of the Tan-Lu fault zone(Fig.1a).The crystalline basement of this area consists of the Neoarchean Taishan Group and Paleoproterozoic Granitoid.The overlying strata are mainly Paleozoic carbonate rocks,Mesozoic clastic rocks。展开更多
目的了解功能磁共振成像(Function Magnetic Resonance Imaging,fMRI)在认知功能领域的研究进展、热点趋势以及未来发展方向。方法检索2012—2022年CNKI和Web of Science数据库中关于fMRI在认知功能研究中应用的中英文文献。借助CiteSp...目的了解功能磁共振成像(Function Magnetic Resonance Imaging,fMRI)在认知功能领域的研究进展、热点趋势以及未来发展方向。方法检索2012—2022年CNKI和Web of Science数据库中关于fMRI在认知功能研究中应用的中英文文献。借助CiteSpace和VOSviewer软件对发文的国家、作者合作关系、发文机构、被引频次和关键词进行可视化分析。结果CNKI文献纳入研究1220篇,发文量逐年增长,合作团体较少,机构内部合作紧密,发文量最高的机构是首都医科大学宣武医院;关键词“低频振幅”“功能连接”出现的频次较高,研究集中于糖尿病、抑郁症、痴呆等疾病,主要关注注意力、记忆、短时记忆、执行功能等认知功能。Web of Science文献纳入研究10056篇,文献中作者形成多个合作团体,团体之间合作紧密,发文量最高的机构是Harvard Medical School,关键词“functional connectivity”“brain network”“default mode network”等出现频次较高,研究集中于阿尔茨海默病、轻度认知障碍等疾病,主要关注注意力、工作记忆、情景记忆以及执行功能。结论中文和英文文献中对于fMRI在认知功能中的研究热度保持稳定,已对多种疾病展开认知功能研究。展开更多
为满足船东对MAN低速主机配置、机舱布置和船舶经济性的要求,分别对基于选择催化还原(Selective Catalytic Reduction,SCR)技术和废气再循环(Exhaust Gas Recirculation,EGR)技术的2种MAN低速主机配置方案的设计原理及辅助系统设计进行...为满足船东对MAN低速主机配置、机舱布置和船舶经济性的要求,分别对基于选择催化还原(Selective Catalytic Reduction,SCR)技术和废气再循环(Exhaust Gas Recirculation,EGR)技术的2种MAN低速主机配置方案的设计原理及辅助系统设计进行分析。从燃油、化学品消耗和机舱布置方面进行研究,为船东基于安装和运行成本考虑选择合适的减排技术方案提供参考。实例对比分析结果表明,虽然SCR配置方案的机舱布置相对困难,但目前其设备和燃油成本低于EGR配置方案,具有更好的经济性。随着燃油和设备价格的不断调整,可综合对比2种配置方案的经济性之后选择更优的方案。展开更多
目的观察脂氧素A4 (LXA4)对异氟烷麻醉诱发老龄大鼠促炎因子释放及认知功能障碍的影响。方法将120只雄性SD大鼠随机分成对照组(C组)、异氟烷组(I组)、LXA4+异氟烷组(L+I组)和LXA4组(L组)(n=30)。异氟烷麻醉开始前,L组和L+I组脑室注射0.3...目的观察脂氧素A4 (LXA4)对异氟烷麻醉诱发老龄大鼠促炎因子释放及认知功能障碍的影响。方法将120只雄性SD大鼠随机分成对照组(C组)、异氟烷组(I组)、LXA4+异氟烷组(L+I组)和LXA4组(L组)(n=30)。异氟烷麻醉开始前,L组和L+I组脑室注射0.3 nmol·L-1LXA4 5μL,C组和I组脑室注射等量0.9%氯化钠溶液。C组和L组大鼠以30%O2-70%N2混合气体处理6 h,I组和L+I组大鼠以1.4%异氟烷处理6 h。麻醉结束后测定动脉血气及血糖,麻醉后0,3,6,12和24 h监测海马肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素6(IL-6)、白细胞介素1β(IL-1β)和核因子κB抑制因子α(IκBα)表达,每次5只。其余大鼠完全清醒后,饲养至麻醉后2周,Morris水迷宫实验检测空间学习和记忆能力,分离海马,Western Blotting检测IκBα表达水平。结果与C组比较,I组麻醉后0,3,6 h IL-1β和IL-6表达明显上调(P<0.05);麻醉后0,3,6,12 h TNF-α表达明显上调(P<0.05);麻醉后0,3,6 h IκBα表达下调(P<0.05)。与I组比较,L+I组麻醉后0,3,6 h TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6表达下调,IκBα表达上调(P<0.05)。水迷宫实验训练第3天和第4天,与I组比较,L+I组大鼠定位平台时间缩短,在目标象限的时间百分比更高(P<0.05)。结论 LXA4可改善异氟烷麻醉所致的老年大鼠学习记忆功能障碍,其机制可能与抑制老年大鼠海马促炎因子释放有关。展开更多
基金funded by Taishan Scholar Special Project Funds(ts201511076)Key Research and Development Project of Shandong Province(2017CXGC1604)
文摘As China's most important gold-producing district, the Jiaodong Peninsula also contains copper, lead-zinc, molybdenum (tungsten), and other nonferrous metal ore deposits, but the space-time and genetic relationships with gold deposits remain uncertain. To investigate the temporal relationship between these nonferrous metal and gold ore deposits, We collected the samples from a number of nonferrous metallic and silver deposits and metallogenetic rock bodies in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula for isotopic dating. The results show that the Re-Os isotopic model ages of the Lengjia molybdenum deposit in Rongcheng range from 114.5 ± 1.8 Ma to 112.6 ± 1.5 Ma, with an average age of 113.6 ± 1.6 Ma; the LA-ICP-MS ^206pb/^238U ages of 33 zircons in the sericitization porphyritic monzogranite that hosts the Tongjiazhuang silver deposit in Rongcheng range between 122 Ma and 109 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 116.04 ± 0.95 Ma; the LA-ICP-MS ^206pb/^238U ages of 31 zircons in the copper metallogenic pyroxene monzodiorite that hosts the Kuangbei copper deposit in Rongcheng range from 126 Ma to 106 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 116.6 ± 1.7 Ma; and the LA-ICP-MS ^206pb/^238U ages of 19 zircons in the pyroxene monzodiorite surrounding the Dadengge gold and multimetal deposit in Weihai range from 113 Ma to 110 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 111.7 ± 0.6 Ma. All these results indicate that the metallogenic ages of the silver and nonferrous metallic deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula are in a limited range from 118 Ma to 111 Ma. Previous studies have demonstrated that the isotopic ages of gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula range from 123 Ma to 110 Ma, while Weideshanian magmatism occurred between 126 Ma to 108 Ma. Both these ranges are grossly consistent with the metallogenic ages of silver and nonferrous metallic deposits in this study, suggesting that the large-scale mineralization occurred in the Early Cretaceous when magmatic activities were strong. This epoch may be linked to the lithosphere thinning and the thermo-upwelling extension in eastern China at that time. In addition, field investigation also shows that gold and nonferrous metallic deposits are distributed nearby the Weideshanian granite, with the nonferrous metallic deposits lying within or surrounding the granite pluton and the gold deposits outside the granite pluton. We propose the following mineralization scenario: In the Early Cretaceous, an intensive lithospheric extension induced partial melting and degassing of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle, which resulted in the formation of mantle-derived fluids enriched in metal elements. During the rapid process of magma ascent and intrusion, crust-derived fluids were activated by the magmatic thermal dome and served to further extract ore-forming materials from the crust. These fluids may have mixed with the mantle-derived fluid to form a crust-mantle mixing-type ore-forming fluid. The high-temperature conditions in the center or in contact with the granitic magmatic thermal dome would have been favorable for the formation of porphyry-type, skarn-type, and hydrothermal-vein-type ores, thus forming a series of Mo(W), Cu, and Pb-Zn deposits in the mid-eastern Jiaodong Peninsula. In contrast, the medium- to low-temperature conditions in the periphery of the magmatic thermal dome would have favored the deposition of gold (silver) ores under the appropriate physiochemical and structural conditions. The metaliogenic epoch of the molybdenum, copper, and silver deposits, and their spatio-temporal and genetic relations to the gold deposits, as demonstrated in this study, not only provide important insights to the study of regional metallogeny, our understanding of the metallogenesis of the Jiaodong type gold deposit, and the geodynamic background of the large-scale mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula, but also have practical value in guiding the mineral exploration.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50138010)
文摘A quantum BP neural networks model with learning algorithm is proposed. First, based on the universality of single qubit rotation gate and two-qubit controlled-NOT gate, a quantum neuron model is constructed, which is composed of input, phase rotation, aggregation, reversal rotation and output. In this model, the input is described by qubits, and the output is given by the probability of the state in which (1) is observed. The phase rotation and the reversal rotation are performed by the universal quantum gates. Secondly, the quantum BP neural networks model is constructed, in which the output layer and the hide layer are quantum neurons. With the application of the gradient descent algorithm, a learning algorithm of the model is proposed, and the continuity of the model is proved. It is shown that this model and algorithm are superior to the conventional BP networks in three aspects: convergence speed, convergence rate and robustness, by two application examples of pattern recognition and function approximation.
文摘An adaptive ant colony algorithm is proposed based on dynamically adjusting the strategy of updating trail information. The algorithm can keep good balance between accelerating convergence and averting precocity and stagnation. The results of function optimization show that the algorithm has good searching ability and high convergence speed. The algorithm is employed to design a neuro-fuzzy controller for real-time control of an inverted pendulum. In order to avoid the combinatorial explosion of fuzzy rules due tσ multivariable inputs, a state variable synthesis scheme is employed to reduce the number of fuzzy rules greatly. The simulation results show that the designed controller can control the inverted pendulum successfully.
基金supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10671170,60404022)the National Outstanding Youth Foundation of China (60525303)and the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (07M005,F2008000864)
文摘The convergence and stability analysis for two end-to-end rate-based congestion control algorithms with unavoidable random loss in packets are presented, which can be caused by, for example, errors on wireless links. The convergence rates of these two algorithms are analyzed by linearizing them around their equilibrium points, since they are globally stable and can converge to their unique equilibrium points. Some sufficient conditions for local stability in the presence of round-trip delay are obtained based on the general Nyquist criterion of stability. The stability conditions can be considered to be more general. If random loss in the first congestion control algorithm is not considered, they reduce to the local stability conditions which have been obtained in some literatures. Furthermore, sufficient conditions for local stability of a new congestion control algorithm have also been obtained if random loss is not considered in the second congestion control algorithm.
基金supported in part by the National Outstanding Youth Foundation of P.R.China (60525303)the National Natural Science Foundation of P.R.China(60404022,60604004)+2 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (102160)the special projects in mathematics funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province(07M005)the NS of Education Office in Hebei Province (2004123).
文摘The Newton-Like algorithm with price estimation error in optimization flow control in network is analyzed. The estimation error is treated as inexactness of the gradient and the inexact descent direction is analyzed. Based on the optimization theory, a sufficient condition for convergence of this algorithm with bounded price estimation error is obtained. Furthermore, even when this sufficient condition doesn't hold, this algorithm can also converge, provided a modified step size, and an attraction region is obtained. Based on Lasalle's invariance principle applied to a suitable Lyapunov function, the dynamic system described by this algorithm is proved to be global stability if the error is zero. And the Newton-Like algorithm with bounded price estimation error is also globally stable if the error satisfies the sufficient condition for convergence. All trajectories ultimately converge to the equilibrium point.
基金funded by Natural Science Foundation of Hebei province(D2020403061)Taishan Scholar Program of Shandong(grant No.ts201511076)+3 种基金National Research and Development Program of China(2016YFC0600408)Key Research and Development Project of Shandong Province(2017CXGC1604)Geological Exploration Project of Shandong Province(202017)Opening Fondation of Key Laboratory of Regional Geology and Mineralization,Hebei GEO University(HGU-RGM2017)。
文摘Objective The Zhongchaye vermiculite deposit is located north of Laiwu.Tectonically,it belongs to the Luxi Block,west of the Tan-Lu fault zone(Fig.1a).The crystalline basement of this area consists of the Neoarchean Taishan Group and Paleoproterozoic Granitoid.The overlying strata are mainly Paleozoic carbonate rocks,Mesozoic clastic rocks。
文摘目的了解功能磁共振成像(Function Magnetic Resonance Imaging,fMRI)在认知功能领域的研究进展、热点趋势以及未来发展方向。方法检索2012—2022年CNKI和Web of Science数据库中关于fMRI在认知功能研究中应用的中英文文献。借助CiteSpace和VOSviewer软件对发文的国家、作者合作关系、发文机构、被引频次和关键词进行可视化分析。结果CNKI文献纳入研究1220篇,发文量逐年增长,合作团体较少,机构内部合作紧密,发文量最高的机构是首都医科大学宣武医院;关键词“低频振幅”“功能连接”出现的频次较高,研究集中于糖尿病、抑郁症、痴呆等疾病,主要关注注意力、记忆、短时记忆、执行功能等认知功能。Web of Science文献纳入研究10056篇,文献中作者形成多个合作团体,团体之间合作紧密,发文量最高的机构是Harvard Medical School,关键词“functional connectivity”“brain network”“default mode network”等出现频次较高,研究集中于阿尔茨海默病、轻度认知障碍等疾病,主要关注注意力、工作记忆、情景记忆以及执行功能。结论中文和英文文献中对于fMRI在认知功能中的研究热度保持稳定,已对多种疾病展开认知功能研究。
文摘为满足船东对MAN低速主机配置、机舱布置和船舶经济性的要求,分别对基于选择催化还原(Selective Catalytic Reduction,SCR)技术和废气再循环(Exhaust Gas Recirculation,EGR)技术的2种MAN低速主机配置方案的设计原理及辅助系统设计进行分析。从燃油、化学品消耗和机舱布置方面进行研究,为船东基于安装和运行成本考虑选择合适的减排技术方案提供参考。实例对比分析结果表明,虽然SCR配置方案的机舱布置相对困难,但目前其设备和燃油成本低于EGR配置方案,具有更好的经济性。随着燃油和设备价格的不断调整,可综合对比2种配置方案的经济性之后选择更优的方案。
文摘目的观察脂氧素A4 (LXA4)对异氟烷麻醉诱发老龄大鼠促炎因子释放及认知功能障碍的影响。方法将120只雄性SD大鼠随机分成对照组(C组)、异氟烷组(I组)、LXA4+异氟烷组(L+I组)和LXA4组(L组)(n=30)。异氟烷麻醉开始前,L组和L+I组脑室注射0.3 nmol·L-1LXA4 5μL,C组和I组脑室注射等量0.9%氯化钠溶液。C组和L组大鼠以30%O2-70%N2混合气体处理6 h,I组和L+I组大鼠以1.4%异氟烷处理6 h。麻醉结束后测定动脉血气及血糖,麻醉后0,3,6,12和24 h监测海马肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素6(IL-6)、白细胞介素1β(IL-1β)和核因子κB抑制因子α(IκBα)表达,每次5只。其余大鼠完全清醒后,饲养至麻醉后2周,Morris水迷宫实验检测空间学习和记忆能力,分离海马,Western Blotting检测IκBα表达水平。结果与C组比较,I组麻醉后0,3,6 h IL-1β和IL-6表达明显上调(P<0.05);麻醉后0,3,6,12 h TNF-α表达明显上调(P<0.05);麻醉后0,3,6 h IκBα表达下调(P<0.05)。与I组比较,L+I组麻醉后0,3,6 h TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6表达下调,IκBα表达上调(P<0.05)。水迷宫实验训练第3天和第4天,与I组比较,L+I组大鼠定位平台时间缩短,在目标象限的时间百分比更高(P<0.05)。结论 LXA4可改善异氟烷麻醉所致的老年大鼠学习记忆功能障碍,其机制可能与抑制老年大鼠海马促炎因子释放有关。