Although the term orogenic gold deposit has been widely accepted for all gold-only lode-gold deposits,with the exception of Carlin-type deposits and rare intrusion-related gold systems,there has been continuing debate...Although the term orogenic gold deposit has been widely accepted for all gold-only lode-gold deposits,with the exception of Carlin-type deposits and rare intrusion-related gold systems,there has been continuing debate on their genesis.Early syngenetic models and hydrothermal models dominated by meteoric fluids are now clearly unacceptable.Magmatic-hydrothermal models fail to explain the genesis of orogenic gold deposits because of the lack of consistent spatially- associated granitic intrusions and inconsistent temporal relationships.The most plausible,and widely accepted,models involve metamorphic fluids,but the source of these fluids is hotly debated.Sources within deeper segments of the supracrustal successions hosting the deposits,the underlying continental crust,and subducted oceanic lithosphere and its overlying sediment wedge all have their proponents.The orogenic gold deposits of the giant Jiaodong gold province of China,in the delaminated North China Craton,contain ca.120 Ma gold deposits in Precambrian crust that was metamorphosed over 2000 million years prior to gold mineralization.The only realistic source of fluid and gold is a subducted oceanic slab with its overlying sulfide-rich sedimentary package,or the associated mantle wedge.This could be viewed as an exception to a general metamorphic model where orogenic gold has been derived during greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism of supracrustal rocks:basaltic rocks in the Precambrian and sedimentary rocks in the Phanerozoic.Alternatively,if a holistic view is taken,Jiaodong can be considered the key orogenic gold province for a unified model in which gold is derived from late-orogenic metamorphic devolatilization of stalled subduction slabs and oceanic sediments throughout Earth history.The latter model satisfies all geological,geochronological,isotopic and geochemical constraints but the precise mechanisms of auriferous fluid release,like many other subduction-related processes,are model-driven and remain uncertain.展开更多
Tectonic processes involving amalgamations of microblocks along zones of ocean closure represented by granite-greenstone belts(GGB) were fundamental in building the Earth's early continents. The crustal growth and...Tectonic processes involving amalgamations of microblocks along zones of ocean closure represented by granite-greenstone belts(GGB) were fundamental in building the Earth's early continents. The crustal growth and cratonization of the North China Craton(NCC) are correlated to the amalgamation of microblocks welded by 2.75-2.6 Ga and ~2.5 Ga GGBs. The lithological assemblages in the GGBs are broadly represented by volcano-sedimentary sequences, subduction-collision related granitoids and bimodal volcanic rocks(basalt and dacite) interlayered with minor komatiites and calc-alkalic volcanic rocks(basalt, andesite and felsic rock). The geochemical features of meta-basalts in the major GGBs of the NCC display affinity with N-MORB, E-MORB, OIB and calc-alkaline basalt, suggesting that the microblocks were separated by oceanic realm. The granitoid rocks display arc signature with enrichment of LILE(K,Rb, Sr, Ba) and LREE, and depletion of HFSE(Nb, Ta, Th, U, Ti) and HREE, and fall in the VAG field. The major mineralization includes Neoarchean BIF-type iron and VMS-type Cu-Zb deposits and these,together with the associated supracrustal rocks possibly formed in back-arc basins or arc-related oceanic slab subduction setting with or without input from mantle plumes. The 2.75-2.60 Ga TTG rocks,komatiites, meta-basalts and metasedimentary rocks in the Yanlingguan GGB are correlated to the upwelling mantle plume with eruption close to the continental margin within an ocean basin. The volcanosedimentary rocks and granitoid rocks in the late Neoarchean GGBs display formation ages of 2.60-2.48 Ga, followed by metamorphism at 2.52-2.47 Ga, corresponding to a typical modern-style subduction-collision system operating at the dawn of Proterozoic. The late Neoarchean komatiite(Dongwufenzi GGB), sanukitoid(Dongwufenzi GGB and Western Shandong GGB), BIF(Zunhua GGB) and VMS deposit(Hongtoushan-Qingyuan-Helong GGB) have closer connection to a combined process of oceanic slab subduction and mantle plume. The Neoarchean cratonization of the NCC appears to have involved two stages of tectonic process along the 2.75-2.6 Ga GGB and ~2.5 Ga GGBs, the former involve plume-arc interaction process, and the latter involving oceanic lithospheric subduction, with or without arcplume interaction.展开更多
With very few exceptions, orogenic gold deposits formed in subduction-related tectonic settings in accretionary to collisional orogenic belts from Archean to Tertiary times. Their genesis, including metal and fluid so...With very few exceptions, orogenic gold deposits formed in subduction-related tectonic settings in accretionary to collisional orogenic belts from Archean to Tertiary times. Their genesis, including metal and fluid source, fluid pathways, depositional mechanisms, and timing relative to regional structural and metamorphic events, continues to be controversial. However, there is now general agreement that these deposits formed from metamorphic fluids, either from metamorphism of intra-basinal rock sequences or de-volatilization of a subducted sediment wedge, during a change from a compressional to transpressional, less commonly transtensional, stress regime, prior to orogenic collapse. In the case of Archean and Paleoproterozoic deposits, the formation of orogenic gold deposits was one of the last events prior to cratonization. The late timing of orogenic gold deposits within the structural evolution of the host orogen implies that any earlier structures may be mineralized and that the current structural geometry of the gold deposits is equivalent to that at the time of their formation provided that there has been no significant post-gold orogenic overprint. Within the host volcano-sedimentary sequences at the province scale, world-class orogenic gold deposits are most commonly located in second-order structures adjacent to crustal scale faults and shear zones, representing the first-order ore-forming fluid pathways, and whose deep lithospheric connection is marked by lamprophyre intrusions which, however, have no direct genetic association with gold deposition. More specifically, the gold deposits are located adjacent to ~10°-25° district-scale jogs in these crustal-scale faults. These jogs are commonly the site of arrays of ~70° cross faults that accommodate the bending of the more rigid components, for example volcanic rocks and intrusive sills, of the host belts. Rotation of blocks between these accommodation faults causes failure of more competent units and/or reactivation and dilation of pre-existing structures, leading to deposit-scale focussing of ore-fluid and gold deposition.Anticlinal or antiformal fold hinges, particularly those of 'locked-up' folds with ~30° apical angles and overturned back limbs, represent sites of brittle-ductile rock failure and provide one of the more robust parameters for location of orogenic gold deposits.In orogenic belts with abundant pre-gold granitic intrusions, particularly Precambrian granitegreenstone terranes, the boundaries between the rigid granitic bodies and more ductile greenstone sequences are commonly sites of heterogeneous stress and inhomogeneous strain. Thus, contacts between granitic intrusions and volcano-sedimentary sequences are common sites of ore-fluid infiltration and gold deposition. For orogenic gold deposits at deeper crustal levels, ore-forming fluids are commonly focused along strain gradients between more compressional zones where volcano-sedimentary sequences are thinned and relatively more extensional zones where they are thickened. World-class orogenic gold deposits are commonly located in the deformed volcano-sedimentary sequences in such strain gradients adjacent to triple-point junctions defined by the granitic intrusions, or along the zones of assembly of micro-blocks on a regional scale. These repetitive province to district-scale geometrical patterns of structures within the orogenic belts are clearly critical parameters in geology-based exploration targeting for orogenic gold deposits.展开更多
More than 2.5 billion people on the globe rely on groundwater for drinking and providing high-quality drinking water has become one of the major challenges of human society.Although groundwater is considered as safe,h...More than 2.5 billion people on the globe rely on groundwater for drinking and providing high-quality drinking water has become one of the major challenges of human society.Although groundwater is considered as safe,high concentrations of heavy metals like arsenic(As)can pose potential human health concerns and hazards.In this paper,we present an overview of the current scenario of arsenic contamination of groundwater in various countries across the globe with an emphasis on the Indian Peninsula.With several newly affected regions reported during the last decade,a significant increase has been observed in the global scenario of arsenic contamination.It is estimated that nearly 108 countries are affected by arsenic contamination in groundwater with concentration beyond maximum permissible limit of 10 ppb recommended by the World Health Organization.The highest among these are from Asia(32)and Europe(31),followed by regions like Africa(20),North America(11),South America(9)and Australia(4).More than 230 million people worldwide,which include 180 million from Asia,are at risk of arsenic poisoning.Southeast Asian countries,Bangladesh,India,Pakistan,China,Nepal,Vietnam,Burma,Thailand and Cambodia,are the most affected.In India,20 states and 4 Union Territories have so far been affected by arsenic contamination in groundwater.An attempt to evaluate the correlation between arsenic poisoning and aquifer type shows that the groundwater extracted from unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers,particularly those which are located within the younger orogenic belts of the world,are the worst affected.More than 90%of arsenic pollution is inferred to be geogenic.We infer that alluvial sediments are the major source for arsenic contamination in groundwater and we postulate a strong relation with plate tectonic processes,mountain building,erosion and sedimentation.Prolonged consumption of arsenic-contaminated groundwater results in severe health issues like skin,lung,kidney and bladder cancer;coronary heart disease;bronchiectasis;hyperkeratosis and arsenicosis.Since the major source of arsenic in groundwater is of geogenic origin,the extend of pollution is complexly linked with aquifer geometry and aquifer properties of a region.Therefore,remedial measures are to be designed based on the source mineral,climatological and hydrogeological scenario of the affected region.The corrective measures available include removing arsenic from groundwater using filters,exploring deeper or alternative aquifers,treatment of the aquifer itself,dilution method by artificial recharge to groundwater,conjunctive use,and installation of nano-filter,among other procedures.The vast majority of people affected by arsenic contamination in the Asian countries are the poor who live in rural areas and are not aware of the arsenic poisoning and treatment protocols.Therefore,creating awareness and providing proper medical care to these people remain as a great challenge.Very few policy actions have been taken at international level over the past decade to reduce arsenic contamination in drinking water,with the goal of preventing toxic impacts on human health.We recommend that that United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)and WHO should take stock of the global arsenic poisoning situation and launch a global drive to create awareness among people/medical professionals/health workers/administrators on this global concern.展开更多
The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geody...The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geodynamics during the multi-plate convergence in the Cenozoic.Several Cenozoic basins formed in the northern margin of the SCS,which preserve the sedimentary tectonic records of the opening of the SCS.Due to the spatial non-uniformity among different basins,a systematic study on the various basins in the northern margin of the SCS constituting the Northern Cenozoic Basin Group(NCBG) is essential.Here we present results from a detailed evaluation of the spatial-temporal migration of the boundary faults and primary unconformities to unravel the mechanism of formation of the NCBG.The NCBG is composed of the Beibu Gulf Basin(BBGB),Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB),Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB) and Taixinan Basin(TXNB).Based on seismic profiles and gravity-magnetic anomalies,we confirm that the NE-striking onshore boundary faults propagated into the northern margin of the SCS.Combining the fault slip rate,fault combination and a comparison of the unconformities in different basins,we identify NE-striking rift composed of two-stage rifting events in the NCBG:an early-stage rifting(from the Paleocene to the Early Oligocene) and a late-stage rifting(from the Late Eocene to the beginning of the Miocene).Spatially only the late-stage faults occurs in the western part of the NCBG(the BBGB,the QDNB and the western PRMB),but the early-stage rifting is distributed in the whole NCBG.Temporally,the early-stage rifting can be subdivided into three phases which show an eastward migration,resulting in the same trend of the primary unconformities and peak faulting within the NCBG.The late-stage rifting is subdivided into two phases,which took place simultaneously in different basins.The first and second phase of the early-stage rifting is related to back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.The third phase of the earlystage rifting resulted from the joint effect of slab-pull force due to southward subduction of the proto-SCS and the back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.In addition,the first phase of the late-stage faulting corresponds with the combined effect of the post-collision extension along the Red River Fault and slab-pull force of the proto-SCS subduction.The second phase of the late-stage faulting fits well with the sinistral faulting of the Red River Fault in response to the Indochina Block escape tectonics and the slab-pull force of the proto-SCS.展开更多
It is quite evident that it is not anomalous metal transport,nor unique depositional conditions,nor any single factor at the deposit scale,that dictates whether a mineral deposit becomes a giant or not.A hierarchical ...It is quite evident that it is not anomalous metal transport,nor unique depositional conditions,nor any single factor at the deposit scale,that dictates whether a mineral deposit becomes a giant or not.A hierarchical approach thus is required to progressively examine controlling parameters at successively decreasing scales in the total mineral system to understand the location of giant gold deposits in non-arc environments.For giant orogenic,intrusion-related gold systems(IRGS) and Carlin-type gold deposits and iron oxide-copper-gold(IOCG) deposits,there are common factors among all of these at the lithospheric to crustal scale.All are sited in giant gold provinces controlled by complex fundamental fault or shear zones that follow craton margins or,in the case of most Phanerozoic orogenic giants,define the primary suture zones between tectonic terranes.Giant provinces of IRGS,IOCG,and Carlin-type deposits require melting of metasomatized lithosphere beneath craton margins with ascent of hybrid lamprophyric to granitic magmas and associated heat flux to generate the giant province.The IRGS and IOCG deposits require direct exsolution of volatile-rich magmatic-hydrothermal fluids,whereas the association of such melts with Carlin-type ores is more indirect and enigmatic.Giant orogenic gold provinces show no direct relationship to such magmatism.forming from metamorphic fluids,but show an indirect relationship to lamprophyres that reflect the mantle connectivity of controlling first-order structures.In contrast to their province scale similarities,the different giant gold deposit styles show contrasting critical controls at the district to deposit scale.For orogenic gold deposits,the giants appear to have formed by conjunction of a greater number of parameters to those that control smaller deposits,with resultant geometrical and lithostratigraphic complexity as a guide to their location.There are few giant IRGS due to their inferior fluid-flux systems relative to orogenic gold deposits,and those few giants are essentially preservational exceptions.Many Carlin-type deposits are giants due to the exceptional conjunction of both structural and lithological parameters that caused reactive and permeable rocks,enriched in syngenetic gold,to be located below an impermeable cap along antiformal "trends".Hydrocarbons probably played an important role in concentrating metal.The supergiant Post-Betze deposit has additional ore zones in strain heterogeneities surrounding the pre-gold Goldstrike stock.All unequivocal IOCG deposits are giant or near-giant deposits in terms of gold-equivalent resources,partly due to economic factors for this relatively poorly understood,low Cu-Au grade deposit type.The supergiant Olympic Dam deposit,the most shallowly formed deposit among the larger IOCGs,probably owes its origin to eruption of volatile-rich hybrid magma at surface,with formation of a large maar and intense and widespread brecciation,alteration and Cu-Au-U deposition in a huge rock volume.展开更多
Recent advances in three-dimensional numerical simulations of mantle convection have aided in approximately reproducing continental movement since the Pangea breakup at 200 Ma. These have also led to a better understa...Recent advances in three-dimensional numerical simulations of mantle convection have aided in approximately reproducing continental movement since the Pangea breakup at 200 Ma. These have also led to a better understanding of the thermal and mechanical coupling between mantle convection and surface plate motion and predictions of the configuration of the next supercontinent. The simulations of mantle convection from 200 Ma to the present reveals that the development of large-scale cold mantle downwellings in the North Tethys Ocean at the earlier stage of the Pangea breakup triggered the northward movement of the Indian subcontinent. The model of high temperature anomaly region beneath Pangea resulting from the thermal insulation effect support the breakup of Pangea in the real Earth time scale, as also suggested in previous geological and geodynamic models. However, considering the low radioactive heat generation rate of the depleted upper mantle, the high temperature anomaly region might have been generated by upwelling plumes with contribution of deep subducted TTG(tonalite-trondhjemite-granite) materials enriched in radiogenic elements. Integrating the numerical results of mantle convection from 200 Ma to the present, and from the present to the future, it is considered that the mantle drag force acting on the base of continents may be comparable to the slab pull force, which implies that convection in the shallower part of the mantle is strongly coupled with surface plate motion.展开更多
An early Paleozoic Proto-Tethys ocean in western Yunnan has long been postulated although no robust geological evidence has been identified.Here we investigated the recently-identified Mayidui and Wanhe ophiolitic m...An early Paleozoic Proto-Tethys ocean in western Yunnan has long been postulated although no robust geological evidence has been identified.Here we investigated the recently-identified Mayidui and Wanhe ophiolitic mélanges in SW Yunnan,which occurs in a N-S trending belt east of the late Paleozoic Changning-Menglian suture zone.The ophiolites consist mainly of meta-basalts(amphibole schists),meta-(cumulate)gabbros and gabbroic diorites,and meta-chert-shale,representing ancient oceanic crust and pelagic and hemipelagic sediments,respectively.Six samples of gabbros and gabbroic diorites from 3 profiles(Mayidui,Kongjiao and Yinchanghe)yielded zircon U-Pb ages between 462±6 Ma and 447±9 Ma,constraining the formation of the Mayidui and Wanhe ophiolites to Middle Ordovician.Gabbros from the Mayidui and Kongjiao profiles share similar geochemical characteristics with affinities to tholeiitic series,and are characterized by depleted to slightly enriched LREEs relative to HREEs with(La/Sm)N=0.69-1.87,(La/Yb)N=0.66-4.72.These,along with their predominantly positive wholerock eNd(t)and zircon eHf(t)values,indicate a MORB-like magma source.By contrast,the meta-mafic rocks from the Yinchanghe profile show significantly enriched LREEs((La/Sm)N=0.97-3.33,(La/Yb)N=1.19-14.93),as well as positive whole-rock eNd(t)and positive to negative zircon eHf(t)values,indicating an E-MORB-type mantle source.These geochemical features are consistent with an intra-oceanic setting for the formation of the Mayidui-Wanhe ophiolites.Our data,integrated with available geological evidence,provide robust constraints on the timing and nature of the Mayidui-Wanhe ophiolitic mélange,and suggest that the ophiolites represent remnants of the Proto-Tethys Ocean,which opened through separation of the Indochina and Simao blocks from the northern margin of Gondwana before the Early Cambrian,and evolved through to the Silurian.展开更多
The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understand...The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of this belt. The mafic dykes, intruded into the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement, are mainly composed of diabase with a mineral assemblage of plagioclase(45%-60%), pyroxene(25%-35%), minor quartz and Fe-Ti oxides. The LA-ICPMS U-Pb analysis of zircon grains from representative dykes yield a weighted mean age of 206 ± 1.9 Ma, which represents the crystallization age of the dyke. The diabases show high contents of Fe_2 O_3~T(11.88-17.55 wt.%), low contents of SiO_2(45.65-50.95 wt.%) and MgO(3.31-5.50 wt.%) with low Mg#(=100×MgO/(MgO + FeO) atomic ration) of 33-44. They are characterized by enrichment of light rare earth elements(LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g., Rb, Ba and Pb), and slight depletion of high field strength elements(HFSEs). These features suggest that the magma has undergone extensive fractionation of olivine and pyroxene but only minor crustal contamination during its evolution. Their high Sm contents and La/Sm ratios, and low Sm/Yb ratios indicate that magma from which the dykes formed was derived from low degree(about 5%) partial melting of an enriched garnet + spinel lherzolite mantle source. Together with regional geology, these geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the mafic dykes in the HTB were formed in an intracontinental extensional setting during the late Triassic.展开更多
Concept-based orogenic gold exploration requires a scale-integrated approach using a robust mineral system model.Most genetic hypotheses for orogenic gold deposits that involve near-surface or magmatic-hydrothermal fl...Concept-based orogenic gold exploration requires a scale-integrated approach using a robust mineral system model.Most genetic hypotheses for orogenic gold deposits that involve near-surface or magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are now negated in terms of a global mineral system model.Plausible models involve metamorphic fluids,but the fluid source has been equivocal.Crustal metamorphic-fluid models are most widely-accepted but there are serious problems for Archean deposits,and numerous Chinese provinces,including Jiaodong,where the only feasible fluid source is sub-crustal.If all orogenic gold deposits define a coherent mineral system,there are only two realistic sources of fluid and gold,based on their syn-mineralization geodynamic settings.These are from devolatilization of a subducted oceanic slab with its overlying gold-bearing sulfide-rich sedimentary package,or release from mantle lithosphere that was metasomatized and fertilized during a subduction event,particularly adjacent to craton margins.In this model,CO_2 is generated during decarbonation and S and ore-related elements released from transformation of pyrite to pyrrhotite at about 500 ℃.This orogenic gold mineral system can be applied to conceptual exploration by first identifying the required settings at geodynamic to deposit scales.Within these settings,it is then possible to define the critical gold mineralization processes in the system:fertility,architecture,and preservation.The geological parameters that define these processes,and the geological,geophysical and geochemical proxies and responses for these critical parameters can then be identified.At the geodynamic to province scales,critical processes include a tectonic thermal engine and deep,effective,fluid plumbing system driven by seismic swarms up lithosphere-scale faults in an oblique-slip regime during uplift late in the orogenic cycle of a convergent margin.At the district to deposit scale,the important processes are fluid focussing into regions of complex structural geometry adjacent to crustal-scale plumbing systems,with gold deposition in trap sites involving complex conjugations of competent and/or reactive rock sequences and structural or lithological fluid caps.Critical indirect responses to defined parameters change from those generated by geophysics to those generated by geochemistry with reduction in scale of the mineral system-driven conceptual exploration.展开更多
The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), m...The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), meta-volcano-sedimentary and meta-conglomerate types. The two former types formed during ~2.5-2.3 Ga and the third one at ~1.85 Ga. The characteristics of these Precambrian gold deposits are broadly similar with those of the orogenic gold deposits. Based on available geochronological data, here we reconstruct the major tectonic events and their relationship with gold mineralization in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region during Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic as follows.(1)~2.6-2.5 Ga: widespread intrusion of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) magmas in the Hengshan terrane and Fuping continental arc, formation of the Wutai volcanic arc in the southern margin of Hengshan terrane with granitoids emplacement, and the Hengshan-Wutai intra-oceanic arc accretion to the Fuping arc at the end of Neoarchean.(2) ~ 2.5-2.3 Ga: the subduction of Hengshan arc from north leading to persistent magmatism and orogenic gold mineralization.(3)~2.2-2.1 Ga:extension leading to the formation of graben structure in the Wutai and Fuping region, deposition of the Hutuo and Wanzi Group sediments, formation of placer gold through erosion of the orogenic gold deposits.(4)~2.2-2.0 Ga: widespread magmatism in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region.(5)~1.95-1.8 Ga: regional metamorphism associated with collision of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC and associated orogenic gold deposits. The multiple subduction-accretion-collision history and subsequent deep erosion has significantly affected most of the Precambrian gold deposits in the Wutai greenstone belt.展开更多
The North China Craton(NCC)hosts some of the world-class gold deposits that formed more than 2 billion years after the major orogenic cycles and cratonization.The diverse models for the genesis of these deposits remai...The North China Craton(NCC)hosts some of the world-class gold deposits that formed more than 2 billion years after the major orogenic cycles and cratonization.The diverse models for the genesis of these deposits remain equivocal,and mostly focused on the craton margin examples,although synchronous deposits formed in the interior domains.Here we adopt an integrated geological and geophysical perspective to evaluate the possible factors that contributed to the formation of the major gold deposits in the NCC.In the Archean tectonic framework of the NCC,the locations of the major gold deposits fall within or adjacent to greenstone belts or the margins of micro-continents.In the Paleoproterozoic framework,they are markedly aligned along two major collisional sutures-the Trans North China Orogen and the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt.Since the Mesozoic intrusions hosting these deposits do not carry adequate signals for the source of gold,we explore the deep roots based on available geophysical data.We show that the gold deposits are preferentially distributed above zones of uplifted MOHO and shallow LAB corresponding to thinned crust and eroded sub-lithospheric mantle,and that the mineralization is located above regions of high heat flow representing mantle upwelling.The NCC was at the center of a multi-convergent regime during the Mesozoic which intensely churned the mantle and significantly en riched it.The geophysical data on Moho and LAB upwarp from the centre towards east of the craton is more consistent with paleo-Pacific slab subduction from the east exerting the dominant control on lithospheric thinning.Based on these results,and together with an evaluation of the geochemical and isotopic features of the Mesozoic magmatic intrusions hosting the gold mineralization,we propose a genetic model that invokes reworking of ancient Au archives preserved in the lower crust and metasomatised upper mantle and which were generated through multiple subduction,underplating and cumulation events associated with cratonization of the NCC as well as the subduction-collision of Yangtze Craton with the NCC.The heat and material input along zones of heterogeneously thinned lithosphere from a rising turbulent mantle triggered by Mesozoic convergent margins surrounding the craton aided in reworking the deep roots of the ancient Au reservoirs,leading to the major gold metallogeny along craton margins as well as in the interior of the NCC.展开更多
When plate tectonics began on the Earth has been long debated and here we argue this topic based on the records of Earth-Moon geology and asteroid belt to conclude that the onset of plate tectonics was during the midd...When plate tectonics began on the Earth has been long debated and here we argue this topic based on the records of Earth-Moon geology and asteroid belt to conclude that the onset of plate tectonics was during the middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga). The trigger of the initiation of plate tectonics is the ABEL Bombardment, which delivered oceanic and atmospheric components on a completely dry reductive Earth, originally comprised of enstatite chondrite-like materials. Through the accretion of volatiles, shock metamorphism processed with vaporization of both CI chondrite and supracrustal rocks at the bombarded location, and significant recrystallization went through under wet conditions, caused considerable eclogitization in the primordial continents composed of felsic upper crust of 21 km thick anorthosite, and 50 km or even thicker KREEP lower crust. Eclogitization must have yielded a powerful slab-pull force to initiate plate tectonics in the middle Hadean. Another important factor is the size of the bombardment. By creating Pacific Ocean class crater by 1000 km across impactor, rigid plate operating stagnant lid tectonics since the early Hadean was severely destroyed, and oceanic lithosphere was generated to have bi-modal lithosphere on the Earth to enable the operation of plate tectonics.Considering the importance of the ABEL Bombardment event which initiated plate tectonics including the appearance of ocean and atmosphere, we propose that the Hadean Eon can be subdivided into three periods:(1) early Hadean(4.57-4.37 Ga),(2) middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga), and(3) late Hadean(4.20-4.00 Ga).展开更多
Diverse models have been proposed for the role of the Tarim Craton within the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent assembly. Here we report a suite of-1.71 Ga Nb-enriched meta-gabbro lenses in the eastern Quanji M...Diverse models have been proposed for the role of the Tarim Craton within the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent assembly. Here we report a suite of-1.71 Ga Nb-enriched meta-gabbro lenses in the eastern Quanji Massif, within the Tarim Craton in NW China. The meta-gabbroic rocks have Nb contents of 11.5-16.4 ppm with Nb/La ratios varying from 0.84 to 1.02((Nb/La)_N = 0.81-0.98) and Nb/U ratios from 38.0 to 47.2. They show low SiO_2(45.1-48.5 wt.%) and MgO(5.96-6.81 wt.%) and Mg#(Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 43.5-47.7), high FeO^t(13.0-15.7 wt.%) and moderate Ti02(1.70-2.51 wt.%).with tholeiitic affinities. These rocks possess low fractionated REE patterns without obvious Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu~* = 0.87-1.02). Their primitive mantle-normalized elements patterns display significant Zr-Hf troughs, positive Nb anomalies, weak negative Ti and P anomalies, and high contents of Rb and Ba,resembling Nb-enriched basalts generated in arc-related tectonic settings. Their arc-like geochemical signatures together with whole rock εNd(t) values of 0.4-2.1 and corresponding old T_(DM)(2.22-2.37 Ga)as well as(^(143)Nd/^(144)Nd)_t and(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)t(t = 1712 Ma) values of 0.5104-0.5105 and 0.7030-0.7058,respectively, suggest that their precursor magma originated from mantle wedge peridotite metasomatised by subduction-derived melts. The results from our study reveal subduction along the eastern periphery of the Tarim Craton and marginal outgrowth continuing to ~1.7 Ga within the Columbia supercontinent.展开更多
The current margins of the North China and Yangtze Cratons provide arguably the best examples globally of anomalously high mineral endowment within a 100 km buffer zone,hosting 66 diverse world-class to giant ore syst...The current margins of the North China and Yangtze Cratons provide arguably the best examples globally of anomalously high mineral endowment within a 100 km buffer zone,hosting 66 diverse world-class to giant ore systems that help explain China’s premier position as a producer of multiple metal and mineral commodities.After the cratonization of these crustal blocks during the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic,with incorporation of iron ores on assembled micro-block margins,the margins of the cratons experienced multiple convergence and rifting events leading to metasomatism and fertilization of their underlying sub-continental lithospheric mantle.The rifted margins with trans-lithosphere faults provided pathways for Cu-Au(Mo-W-Sn)-bearing felsic to Ni-Cu-bearing ultrabasic intrusions and REE-rich carbonatite magmas,and for the development of marginal sedimentary basins with both Cu-Pb-Zn-rich source units and reactive carbonate or carbonaceous host rocks.There was diachronous formation of hydrothermal orogenic gold,antimony,and bismuth systems in the narrow orogenic belts between the cratons.Complexity in the Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific subduction systems resulted in asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere extension and thinning in the North China Craton,leading to anomalous heat flow and formation of orogenic gold deposits,including those of the giant Jiaodong gold province on its north-eastern margin.These gold deposits,many of which formed from fluids liberated by devolatilization of previously metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle,helped propel China to be the premier gold producer globally.The thick sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the cold buoyant cratons helped the preservation of some of the world’s oldest porphyry-skarn and epithermal mineral systems.Although craton margins globally control the formation and preservation of a diverse range of mineral deposits,China represents the premier example in terms of metal endowment due to the anomalous length of its craton margins combined with their abnormally complex tectonic history.展开更多
The ophiolite suite from south Andaman Islands forms part of the Tethyan Ophiolite Belt and preserves the remnants of an ideal ophiolite sequence comprising a basal serpentinized and tectonised mantle peridotite follo...The ophiolite suite from south Andaman Islands forms part of the Tethyan Ophiolite Belt and preserves the remnants of an ideal ophiolite sequence comprising a basal serpentinized and tectonised mantle peridotite followed by ultramafic and mafic cumulate units, basaltic dykes and spilitic pillow basalts interlayered with arkosic wacke. Here, we present new major, trace, rare earth(REE) and platinum group(PGE) element data for serpentinized and metasomatized peridotites(dunites) exposed in south Andaman representing the tectonized mantle section of the ophiolite suite. Geochemical features of the studied rocks, marked by Al_2 O_3/TiO_2 > 23, LILE-LREE enrichment, HFSE depletion, and U-shaped chondrite-normalized REE patterns with(La/Sm)N > 1 and(Gd/Yb)N <1, suggest contributions from boninitic mantle melts. These observations substantiate a subduction initiation process ensued by rapid slab roll-back with extension and seafloor spreading in an intraoceanic fore-arc regime. The boninitic composition of the serpentinized peridotites corroborate fluid and melt interaction with mantle manifested in terms of(i) hydration, metasomatism and serpentinization of depleted, MORB-type, sub-arc wedge mantle residual after repeated melt extraction; and(ii) refertilization of refractory mantle peridotite by boninitic melts derived at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. Serpentinized and metasomatized mantle dunites in this study record both MOR and intraoceanic arc signatures collectively suggesting suprasubduction zone affinity. The elevated abundances of Pd(4.4-12.2 ppb) with highΣPPGE/∑IPGE(2-3) and Pd/Ir(2-5.5) ratios are in accordance with extensive melt-rock interaction through percolation of boninitic melts enriched in fluid-fluxed LILE-LREE into the depleted mantle after multiple episodes of melt extraction. The high Pd contents with relatively lower Ir concentrations of the samples are analogous to characteristic PGE signatures of boninitic magmas and might have resulted by the infiltration of boninitic melts into the depleted and residual mantle wedge peridotite during fore-arc extension at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. The PGE patterns with high Os + Ir(2-8.6 ppb)and Ru(2.8-8.4 ppb) also suggest mantle rejuvenation by infiltration of melts derived by high degree of mantle melting. The trace, REE and PGE data presented in our study collectively reflect heterogeneous mantle compositions and provide insights into ocean-crust-mantle interaction and associated geochemical cycling within a suprasubduction zone regime.展开更多
The Western Qinling Orogen(WQO) is characterized by voluminous distribution of Indosinian granitoids,the formation of which provides an important window to unravel the geochemical and geodynamic evolution and associat...The Western Qinling Orogen(WQO) is characterized by voluminous distribution of Indosinian granitoids,the formation of which provides an important window to unravel the geochemical and geodynamic evolution and associated metallogeny.Here we investigate a group of intrusions termed "Five Golden Flowers" based on petrological,geochemical,zircon U-Pb geochronological and Lu-Hf isotopic studies on the granitoids and their mafic microgranular enclaves(MMEs).Our results show that these intrusions are genetically divided into two types,namely,magma-mixing and highly fractionated.The Jiaochangba,Lujing,Zhongchuan,and Luchuba granitoids are biotite monzogranites(220±0.8 Ma to 217±2.6 Ma) with abundant coeval MMEs(220±.1 Ma to 217±2.7 Ma).The rocks contain moderate to high SiO2,high MgO,Rb,Sr,Ba,and Th contents,but low TiO2,P2 O5,and Sc values,A/CNK of <1.1,and a range of εHf(t) values of-11.7 to +2.23 with corresponding TDM2values of 1967-1228 Ma.The MMEs possess K-feldspar megacrysts,abundant acicular apatites,and show lopsided textures.They have lower SiO2,Al2 O3,and Th contents,but higher MgO,TiO2,and Sc,with εHf(t) values of-18.0 to +3.18 and TDM1 of 849-720 Ma.The data indicate that the MMEs were derived from a magma sourced from the enriched lithospheric mantle.We suggest that these host granitoids were produced by partial melting of latePaleoproterozoic to early-Mesoproterozoic lower crust with the involvement of Neoproterozoic SCLM-derived mafic magmas.The Baijiazhuang pluton is dominantly composed of leucogranite(muscovite granite and twomica monzogranite,216±1.5 Ma) without MMEs.The rocks are peraluminous with high A/CNK(1.06-1.27).Compared with the other four granitoids,the Baijiazhuang leucogranite shows higher SiO2 content,markedly lower concentrations of TiO2,MgO,Al2 O3,CaO,and Fe2 O3T,and lower LREE/HREE and(La/Yb)N values.These leucogranites are also rich in Rb,Th,and U,and display marked depletions in Ba,Sr,Ti,and Eu,indicating that they experienced significant fractionation.Zircon εHf(t) values(-10.2 to-3.27) and TDM2(1868-1424 Ma),as well as the Nb/Ta and K2 O/Na2 O values are similar to the other four granitoids,indicating that they are likely to have been derived from a similar source;with sediments playing only a minor role in the magma generation.The low contents of Yb and Y suggest that their partial melting was controlled by garnets and micrographic texture of K-feldspar reflects high-temperature melting through undercooling.Based on the above features,we infer that the Baijiazhuang leucogranite likely represents the product of high degree fractionation of the I-type biotite monzogranite magma which generated the other four granitoids at relatively high temperatures,within magma chambers at mid-crust depths.We propose that the granitoid suite was formed in the transitional setting from synto post-collision during the collisional orogeny between the SCB and NCB,following break-off of the subducted South China Block lithosphere during 220-216 Ma.展开更多
The formation and disruption of supercontinents have significantly impacted mantle dynamics, solid earth processes, surface environments and the biogeochemical cycle. In the early history of the Earth, the collision o...The formation and disruption of supercontinents have significantly impacted mantle dynamics, solid earth processes, surface environments and the biogeochemical cycle. In the early history of the Earth, the collision of parallel intra-oceanic arcs was an important process in building embryonic continents. Superdownwelling along Y-shaped triple junctions might have been one of the important processes that aided in the rapid assembly of continental fragments into closely packed supercontinents. Various models have been proposed for the fragmentation of supercontinents including thermal blanket and superplume hypotheses. The reassembly of supercontinents after breakup and the ocean closure occurs through "introversion", "extroversion" or a combination of both, and is characterized by either Pacific-type or Atlantic-type ocean closure. The breakup of supercontinents and development of hydro- thermal system in rifts with granitic basement create anomalous chemical environments enriched in nutri- ents, which serve as the primary building blocks of the skeleton and bone of early modern life forms. A typical example is the rifting of the Rodinia supercontinent, which opened up an N--S oriented sea way along which nutrient enriched upwelling brought about a habitable geochemical environment. The assembly of supercontinents also had significant impact on life evolution. The role played by the Cambrian Gondwana assembly has been emphasized in many models, including the formation of 'Trans- gondwana Mountains' that might have provided an effective source of rich nutrients to the equatorial waters, thus aiding the rapid increase in biodiversity. The planet has witnessed several mass extinction events during its history, mostly connected with major climatic fluctuations including global cooling and warming events, major glaciations, fluctuations in sea level, global anoxia, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts and gamma radiation. Some recent models speculate a relationship between superplumes, supercontinent breakup and mass extinction. Upwelling plumes cause continental rifting and formation of large igneous provinces. Subsequent volcanic emissions and resultant plume-induced "winter" have catastrophic effect on the atmosphere that lead to mass extinctions and long term oceanic anoxia. The assembly and dispersal of continents appear to have influenced the biogeochemical cycle, but whether the individual stages of organic evolution and extinction on the planet are closely linked to Solid Earth processes remains to be investigated.展开更多
Southeastern Eurasia is a global window to the Cretaceous paleoclimate and lithosphere coupling.China contains one of the most complete and complex sedimentary records of Mesozoic desert basins on planet Earth.In this...Southeastern Eurasia is a global window to the Cretaceous paleoclimate and lithosphere coupling.China contains one of the most complete and complex sedimentary records of Mesozoic desert basins on planet Earth.In this study,we perform the spatio-temporal tracking of 96 Cretaceous palaeoclimate indicators during 79 Myr which reveal that the plateau paleoclimate archives from East Asia resulted from an Early to Mid-Cretaceous ocean–atmosphere coupling and a shift to a preponderant role of Late Cretaceous lithosphere dynamics and tectonic forcing on high-altitude depositional systems linked to the subduction margins of the Tethys and Paleo-Pacific realms beneath the Eurasian plate.The crustal response to tectonic processes linked with the spatio-temporal evolution of the Tethyan and Paleo-Pacific margins defined the configuration of major sedimentary basins on this region.The significant increase and decrease in the number of active sedimentary basins that occur during the Cretaceous,from 16 in the Early Cretaceous,to 28 in the Mid-Cretaceous,and a decreasing to 20 sedimentary basins in the Late Cretaceous,is a direct response of lithospheric dynamics associated with the two main subduction zones(Tethys and Pacific domains).A shift in subduction style from an Early Cretaceous Paleo-Pacific Plate slab roll back to a Late Cretaceous flat-slab mode might have triggered regional plateau uplift,blocked intraplate volcanism,thus enhancing the denudation and sediment availability,and created wind corridors that led to the construction and accumulation of extensive Late Cretaceous aeolian sandy deserts(ergs)that covered Mid-Cretaceous plateau salars.At the same time,plateau uplift associated with crustal thickening following terrane assembly in the Tethyan margin triggered altitudinal cryospheric processes in sandy desert systems.Evidence of an active Cretaceous cryosphere in China include ValanginianHauterivian glacial debris flows,Early Aptian geochemical signature of melt waters from extensive ice sheets,and Cenomanian–Turonian ice-rafted debris(IRD).These cryospheric indicators suggest an already uplifted plateau in southeastern Eurasia during the Cretaceous,and the marked correlation between cold plateau paleoclimate archives and marine records suggests a strong ocean-atmosphere coupling during Early and Mid-Cretaceous cold snaps.We thus conclude that lithospheric tectonics during Cretaceous played a fundamental role in triggering high-altitude basin desertification and spatiotemporal plateau paleohydrology variability in the Cretaceous of south-eastern Eurasia.展开更多
The Eastern Pontides orogenic belt in the Black Sea region of Turkey offers a critical window to plate kinematics and subduction polarity during the closure of the Paleotethys. Here we provide a brief synthesis on rec...The Eastern Pontides orogenic belt in the Black Sea region of Turkey offers a critical window to plate kinematics and subduction polarity during the closure of the Paleotethys. Here we provide a brief synthesis on recent information from this belt. We infer a southward subduction for the origin of the Eastern Pontides orogenic belt and its associated late Mesozoic--Cenozoic magmatism based on clear spatial and temporal variations in Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic arc magmatism, together with the exis- tence of a prominent south-dipping reverse fault system along the entire southern coast of the Black Sea. Our model is at variance with some recent proposals favoring a northward subduction polarity, and illus- trates the importance of arc magmatism in evaluating the geodynamic milieu associated with convergent margin orocesses.展开更多
文摘Although the term orogenic gold deposit has been widely accepted for all gold-only lode-gold deposits,with the exception of Carlin-type deposits and rare intrusion-related gold systems,there has been continuing debate on their genesis.Early syngenetic models and hydrothermal models dominated by meteoric fluids are now clearly unacceptable.Magmatic-hydrothermal models fail to explain the genesis of orogenic gold deposits because of the lack of consistent spatially- associated granitic intrusions and inconsistent temporal relationships.The most plausible,and widely accepted,models involve metamorphic fluids,but the source of these fluids is hotly debated.Sources within deeper segments of the supracrustal successions hosting the deposits,the underlying continental crust,and subducted oceanic lithosphere and its overlying sediment wedge all have their proponents.The orogenic gold deposits of the giant Jiaodong gold province of China,in the delaminated North China Craton,contain ca.120 Ma gold deposits in Precambrian crust that was metamorphosed over 2000 million years prior to gold mineralization.The only realistic source of fluid and gold is a subducted oceanic slab with its overlying sulfide-rich sedimentary package,or the associated mantle wedge.This could be viewed as an exception to a general metamorphic model where orogenic gold has been derived during greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism of supracrustal rocks:basaltic rocks in the Precambrian and sedimentary rocks in the Phanerozoic.Alternatively,if a holistic view is taken,Jiaodong can be considered the key orogenic gold province for a unified model in which gold is derived from late-orogenic metamorphic devolatilization of stalled subduction slabs and oceanic sediments throughout Earth history.The latter model satisfies all geological,geochronological,isotopic and geochemical constraints but the precise mechanisms of auriferous fluid release,like many other subduction-related processes,are model-driven and remain uncertain.
基金jointly supported through the Foreign Expert grant from China University of Geosciences(Beijing)the Professorial position at the University of Adelaide, Australia to M.Santosh
文摘Tectonic processes involving amalgamations of microblocks along zones of ocean closure represented by granite-greenstone belts(GGB) were fundamental in building the Earth's early continents. The crustal growth and cratonization of the North China Craton(NCC) are correlated to the amalgamation of microblocks welded by 2.75-2.6 Ga and ~2.5 Ga GGBs. The lithological assemblages in the GGBs are broadly represented by volcano-sedimentary sequences, subduction-collision related granitoids and bimodal volcanic rocks(basalt and dacite) interlayered with minor komatiites and calc-alkalic volcanic rocks(basalt, andesite and felsic rock). The geochemical features of meta-basalts in the major GGBs of the NCC display affinity with N-MORB, E-MORB, OIB and calc-alkaline basalt, suggesting that the microblocks were separated by oceanic realm. The granitoid rocks display arc signature with enrichment of LILE(K,Rb, Sr, Ba) and LREE, and depletion of HFSE(Nb, Ta, Th, U, Ti) and HREE, and fall in the VAG field. The major mineralization includes Neoarchean BIF-type iron and VMS-type Cu-Zb deposits and these,together with the associated supracrustal rocks possibly formed in back-arc basins or arc-related oceanic slab subduction setting with or without input from mantle plumes. The 2.75-2.60 Ga TTG rocks,komatiites, meta-basalts and metasedimentary rocks in the Yanlingguan GGB are correlated to the upwelling mantle plume with eruption close to the continental margin within an ocean basin. The volcanosedimentary rocks and granitoid rocks in the late Neoarchean GGBs display formation ages of 2.60-2.48 Ga, followed by metamorphism at 2.52-2.47 Ga, corresponding to a typical modern-style subduction-collision system operating at the dawn of Proterozoic. The late Neoarchean komatiite(Dongwufenzi GGB), sanukitoid(Dongwufenzi GGB and Western Shandong GGB), BIF(Zunhua GGB) and VMS deposit(Hongtoushan-Qingyuan-Helong GGB) have closer connection to a combined process of oceanic slab subduction and mantle plume. The Neoarchean cratonization of the NCC appears to have involved two stages of tectonic process along the 2.75-2.6 Ga GGB and ~2.5 Ga GGBs, the former involve plume-arc interaction process, and the latter involving oceanic lithospheric subduction, with or without arcplume interaction.
基金financial support provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41702070)
文摘With very few exceptions, orogenic gold deposits formed in subduction-related tectonic settings in accretionary to collisional orogenic belts from Archean to Tertiary times. Their genesis, including metal and fluid source, fluid pathways, depositional mechanisms, and timing relative to regional structural and metamorphic events, continues to be controversial. However, there is now general agreement that these deposits formed from metamorphic fluids, either from metamorphism of intra-basinal rock sequences or de-volatilization of a subducted sediment wedge, during a change from a compressional to transpressional, less commonly transtensional, stress regime, prior to orogenic collapse. In the case of Archean and Paleoproterozoic deposits, the formation of orogenic gold deposits was one of the last events prior to cratonization. The late timing of orogenic gold deposits within the structural evolution of the host orogen implies that any earlier structures may be mineralized and that the current structural geometry of the gold deposits is equivalent to that at the time of their formation provided that there has been no significant post-gold orogenic overprint. Within the host volcano-sedimentary sequences at the province scale, world-class orogenic gold deposits are most commonly located in second-order structures adjacent to crustal scale faults and shear zones, representing the first-order ore-forming fluid pathways, and whose deep lithospheric connection is marked by lamprophyre intrusions which, however, have no direct genetic association with gold deposition. More specifically, the gold deposits are located adjacent to ~10°-25° district-scale jogs in these crustal-scale faults. These jogs are commonly the site of arrays of ~70° cross faults that accommodate the bending of the more rigid components, for example volcanic rocks and intrusive sills, of the host belts. Rotation of blocks between these accommodation faults causes failure of more competent units and/or reactivation and dilation of pre-existing structures, leading to deposit-scale focussing of ore-fluid and gold deposition.Anticlinal or antiformal fold hinges, particularly those of 'locked-up' folds with ~30° apical angles and overturned back limbs, represent sites of brittle-ductile rock failure and provide one of the more robust parameters for location of orogenic gold deposits.In orogenic belts with abundant pre-gold granitic intrusions, particularly Precambrian granitegreenstone terranes, the boundaries between the rigid granitic bodies and more ductile greenstone sequences are commonly sites of heterogeneous stress and inhomogeneous strain. Thus, contacts between granitic intrusions and volcano-sedimentary sequences are common sites of ore-fluid infiltration and gold deposition. For orogenic gold deposits at deeper crustal levels, ore-forming fluids are commonly focused along strain gradients between more compressional zones where volcano-sedimentary sequences are thinned and relatively more extensional zones where they are thickened. World-class orogenic gold deposits are commonly located in the deformed volcano-sedimentary sequences in such strain gradients adjacent to triple-point junctions defined by the granitic intrusions, or along the zones of assembly of micro-blocks on a regional scale. These repetitive province to district-scale geometrical patterns of structures within the orogenic belts are clearly critical parameters in geology-based exploration targeting for orogenic gold deposits.
基金KSCSTE,Govt.of Kerala for providing fellowship to K.V.Sarath under arsenic project(KSCSTE/5979/2017E&E dated 09-11-2018)NCESS(MOES),Govt.of India,Trivandrum for providing fellowship to Pranav Prakash under Mission-SGD project(MOES/P.O/NCESS/SGD-2018)。
文摘More than 2.5 billion people on the globe rely on groundwater for drinking and providing high-quality drinking water has become one of the major challenges of human society.Although groundwater is considered as safe,high concentrations of heavy metals like arsenic(As)can pose potential human health concerns and hazards.In this paper,we present an overview of the current scenario of arsenic contamination of groundwater in various countries across the globe with an emphasis on the Indian Peninsula.With several newly affected regions reported during the last decade,a significant increase has been observed in the global scenario of arsenic contamination.It is estimated that nearly 108 countries are affected by arsenic contamination in groundwater with concentration beyond maximum permissible limit of 10 ppb recommended by the World Health Organization.The highest among these are from Asia(32)and Europe(31),followed by regions like Africa(20),North America(11),South America(9)and Australia(4).More than 230 million people worldwide,which include 180 million from Asia,are at risk of arsenic poisoning.Southeast Asian countries,Bangladesh,India,Pakistan,China,Nepal,Vietnam,Burma,Thailand and Cambodia,are the most affected.In India,20 states and 4 Union Territories have so far been affected by arsenic contamination in groundwater.An attempt to evaluate the correlation between arsenic poisoning and aquifer type shows that the groundwater extracted from unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers,particularly those which are located within the younger orogenic belts of the world,are the worst affected.More than 90%of arsenic pollution is inferred to be geogenic.We infer that alluvial sediments are the major source for arsenic contamination in groundwater and we postulate a strong relation with plate tectonic processes,mountain building,erosion and sedimentation.Prolonged consumption of arsenic-contaminated groundwater results in severe health issues like skin,lung,kidney and bladder cancer;coronary heart disease;bronchiectasis;hyperkeratosis and arsenicosis.Since the major source of arsenic in groundwater is of geogenic origin,the extend of pollution is complexly linked with aquifer geometry and aquifer properties of a region.Therefore,remedial measures are to be designed based on the source mineral,climatological and hydrogeological scenario of the affected region.The corrective measures available include removing arsenic from groundwater using filters,exploring deeper or alternative aquifers,treatment of the aquifer itself,dilution method by artificial recharge to groundwater,conjunctive use,and installation of nano-filter,among other procedures.The vast majority of people affected by arsenic contamination in the Asian countries are the poor who live in rural areas and are not aware of the arsenic poisoning and treatment protocols.Therefore,creating awareness and providing proper medical care to these people remain as a great challenge.Very few policy actions have been taken at international level over the past decade to reduce arsenic contamination in drinking water,with the goal of preventing toxic impacts on human health.We recommend that that United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)and WHO should take stock of the global arsenic poisoning situation and launch a global drive to create awareness among people/medical professionals/health workers/administrators on this global concern.
基金This research was funded by National Program on Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction,SOA(No.GASI-GEOGE-01)National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0601401 and 2016YFC0601002)+2 种基金Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(2016ASKJ13,2017ASKJ02)the financially support from the Aoshan Talents Program Supported by Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology to Prof.Sanzhong Li(No.2015ASTP-0S10)the Taishan Scholar Program to Prof.Sanzhong Li
文摘The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geodynamics during the multi-plate convergence in the Cenozoic.Several Cenozoic basins formed in the northern margin of the SCS,which preserve the sedimentary tectonic records of the opening of the SCS.Due to the spatial non-uniformity among different basins,a systematic study on the various basins in the northern margin of the SCS constituting the Northern Cenozoic Basin Group(NCBG) is essential.Here we present results from a detailed evaluation of the spatial-temporal migration of the boundary faults and primary unconformities to unravel the mechanism of formation of the NCBG.The NCBG is composed of the Beibu Gulf Basin(BBGB),Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB),Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB) and Taixinan Basin(TXNB).Based on seismic profiles and gravity-magnetic anomalies,we confirm that the NE-striking onshore boundary faults propagated into the northern margin of the SCS.Combining the fault slip rate,fault combination and a comparison of the unconformities in different basins,we identify NE-striking rift composed of two-stage rifting events in the NCBG:an early-stage rifting(from the Paleocene to the Early Oligocene) and a late-stage rifting(from the Late Eocene to the beginning of the Miocene).Spatially only the late-stage faults occurs in the western part of the NCBG(the BBGB,the QDNB and the western PRMB),but the early-stage rifting is distributed in the whole NCBG.Temporally,the early-stage rifting can be subdivided into three phases which show an eastward migration,resulting in the same trend of the primary unconformities and peak faulting within the NCBG.The late-stage rifting is subdivided into two phases,which took place simultaneously in different basins.The first and second phase of the early-stage rifting is related to back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.The third phase of the earlystage rifting resulted from the joint effect of slab-pull force due to southward subduction of the proto-SCS and the back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.In addition,the first phase of the late-stage faulting corresponds with the combined effect of the post-collision extension along the Red River Fault and slab-pull force of the proto-SCS subduction.The second phase of the late-stage faulting fits well with the sinistral faulting of the Red River Fault in response to the Indochina Block escape tectonics and the slab-pull force of the proto-SCS.
基金funded by Talent Award under the 1000 Plan Project from the Chinese Government
文摘It is quite evident that it is not anomalous metal transport,nor unique depositional conditions,nor any single factor at the deposit scale,that dictates whether a mineral deposit becomes a giant or not.A hierarchical approach thus is required to progressively examine controlling parameters at successively decreasing scales in the total mineral system to understand the location of giant gold deposits in non-arc environments.For giant orogenic,intrusion-related gold systems(IRGS) and Carlin-type gold deposits and iron oxide-copper-gold(IOCG) deposits,there are common factors among all of these at the lithospheric to crustal scale.All are sited in giant gold provinces controlled by complex fundamental fault or shear zones that follow craton margins or,in the case of most Phanerozoic orogenic giants,define the primary suture zones between tectonic terranes.Giant provinces of IRGS,IOCG,and Carlin-type deposits require melting of metasomatized lithosphere beneath craton margins with ascent of hybrid lamprophyric to granitic magmas and associated heat flux to generate the giant province.The IRGS and IOCG deposits require direct exsolution of volatile-rich magmatic-hydrothermal fluids,whereas the association of such melts with Carlin-type ores is more indirect and enigmatic.Giant orogenic gold provinces show no direct relationship to such magmatism.forming from metamorphic fluids,but show an indirect relationship to lamprophyres that reflect the mantle connectivity of controlling first-order structures.In contrast to their province scale similarities,the different giant gold deposit styles show contrasting critical controls at the district to deposit scale.For orogenic gold deposits,the giants appear to have formed by conjunction of a greater number of parameters to those that control smaller deposits,with resultant geometrical and lithostratigraphic complexity as a guide to their location.There are few giant IRGS due to their inferior fluid-flux systems relative to orogenic gold deposits,and those few giants are essentially preservational exceptions.Many Carlin-type deposits are giants due to the exceptional conjunction of both structural and lithological parameters that caused reactive and permeable rocks,enriched in syngenetic gold,to be located below an impermeable cap along antiformal "trends".Hydrocarbons probably played an important role in concentrating metal.The supergiant Post-Betze deposit has additional ore zones in strain heterogeneities surrounding the pre-gold Goldstrike stock.All unequivocal IOCG deposits are giant or near-giant deposits in terms of gold-equivalent resources,partly due to economic factors for this relatively poorly understood,low Cu-Au grade deposit type.The supergiant Olympic Dam deposit,the most shallowly formed deposit among the larger IOCGs,probably owes its origin to eruption of volatile-rich hybrid magma at surface,with formation of a large maar and intense and widespread brecciation,alteration and Cu-Au-U deposition in a huge rock volume.
文摘Recent advances in three-dimensional numerical simulations of mantle convection have aided in approximately reproducing continental movement since the Pangea breakup at 200 Ma. These have also led to a better understanding of the thermal and mechanical coupling between mantle convection and surface plate motion and predictions of the configuration of the next supercontinent. The simulations of mantle convection from 200 Ma to the present reveals that the development of large-scale cold mantle downwellings in the North Tethys Ocean at the earlier stage of the Pangea breakup triggered the northward movement of the Indian subcontinent. The model of high temperature anomaly region beneath Pangea resulting from the thermal insulation effect support the breakup of Pangea in the real Earth time scale, as also suggested in previous geological and geodynamic models. However, considering the low radioactive heat generation rate of the depleted upper mantle, the high temperature anomaly region might have been generated by upwelling plumes with contribution of deep subducted TTG(tonalite-trondhjemite-granite) materials enriched in radiogenic elements. Integrating the numerical results of mantle convection from 200 Ma to the present, and from the present to the future, it is considered that the mantle drag force acting on the base of continents may be comparable to the slab pull force, which implies that convection in the shallower part of the mantle is strongly coupled with surface plate motion.
文摘An early Paleozoic Proto-Tethys ocean in western Yunnan has long been postulated although no robust geological evidence has been identified.Here we investigated the recently-identified Mayidui and Wanhe ophiolitic mélanges in SW Yunnan,which occurs in a N-S trending belt east of the late Paleozoic Changning-Menglian suture zone.The ophiolites consist mainly of meta-basalts(amphibole schists),meta-(cumulate)gabbros and gabbroic diorites,and meta-chert-shale,representing ancient oceanic crust and pelagic and hemipelagic sediments,respectively.Six samples of gabbros and gabbroic diorites from 3 profiles(Mayidui,Kongjiao and Yinchanghe)yielded zircon U-Pb ages between 462±6 Ma and 447±9 Ma,constraining the formation of the Mayidui and Wanhe ophiolites to Middle Ordovician.Gabbros from the Mayidui and Kongjiao profiles share similar geochemical characteristics with affinities to tholeiitic series,and are characterized by depleted to slightly enriched LREEs relative to HREEs with(La/Sm)N=0.69-1.87,(La/Yb)N=0.66-4.72.These,along with their predominantly positive wholerock eNd(t)and zircon eHf(t)values,indicate a MORB-like magma source.By contrast,the meta-mafic rocks from the Yinchanghe profile show significantly enriched LREEs((La/Sm)N=0.97-3.33,(La/Yb)N=1.19-14.93),as well as positive whole-rock eNd(t)and positive to negative zircon eHf(t)values,indicating an E-MORB-type mantle source.These geochemical features are consistent with an intra-oceanic setting for the formation of the Mayidui-Wanhe ophiolites.Our data,integrated with available geological evidence,provide robust constraints on the timing and nature of the Mayidui-Wanhe ophiolitic mélange,and suggest that the ophiolites represent remnants of the Proto-Tethys Ocean,which opened through separation of the Indochina and Simao blocks from the northern margin of Gondwana before the Early Cambrian,and evolved through to the Silurian.
基金Financial support for this study was jointly provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41421002and 41225008)MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics,Northwest UniversityProject for Key Innovative Research Team of Science and Technology in Shaanxi Province(Grant No.2013KCT-18)
文摘The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of this belt. The mafic dykes, intruded into the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement, are mainly composed of diabase with a mineral assemblage of plagioclase(45%-60%), pyroxene(25%-35%), minor quartz and Fe-Ti oxides. The LA-ICPMS U-Pb analysis of zircon grains from representative dykes yield a weighted mean age of 206 ± 1.9 Ma, which represents the crystallization age of the dyke. The diabases show high contents of Fe_2 O_3~T(11.88-17.55 wt.%), low contents of SiO_2(45.65-50.95 wt.%) and MgO(3.31-5.50 wt.%) with low Mg#(=100×MgO/(MgO + FeO) atomic ration) of 33-44. They are characterized by enrichment of light rare earth elements(LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g., Rb, Ba and Pb), and slight depletion of high field strength elements(HFSEs). These features suggest that the magma has undergone extensive fractionation of olivine and pyroxene but only minor crustal contamination during its evolution. Their high Sm contents and La/Sm ratios, and low Sm/Yb ratios indicate that magma from which the dykes formed was derived from low degree(about 5%) partial melting of an enriched garnet + spinel lherzolite mantle source. Together with regional geology, these geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the mafic dykes in the HTB were formed in an intracontinental extensional setting during the late Triassic.
基金partly funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41230311,41572069,41702070)the National Key Research and Development Project of China(2016YFC0600307)+2 种基金the National Key Research Program of China(Grant Nos.2016YFC0600107-4 and 2016YFC0600307)the MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences(Grant No.MSFGPMR201804)the 111 Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology,China(Grant No.BP0719021)。
文摘Concept-based orogenic gold exploration requires a scale-integrated approach using a robust mineral system model.Most genetic hypotheses for orogenic gold deposits that involve near-surface or magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are now negated in terms of a global mineral system model.Plausible models involve metamorphic fluids,but the fluid source has been equivocal.Crustal metamorphic-fluid models are most widely-accepted but there are serious problems for Archean deposits,and numerous Chinese provinces,including Jiaodong,where the only feasible fluid source is sub-crustal.If all orogenic gold deposits define a coherent mineral system,there are only two realistic sources of fluid and gold,based on their syn-mineralization geodynamic settings.These are from devolatilization of a subducted oceanic slab with its overlying gold-bearing sulfide-rich sedimentary package,or release from mantle lithosphere that was metasomatized and fertilized during a subduction event,particularly adjacent to craton margins.In this model,CO_2 is generated during decarbonation and S and ore-related elements released from transformation of pyrite to pyrrhotite at about 500 ℃.This orogenic gold mineral system can be applied to conceptual exploration by first identifying the required settings at geodynamic to deposit scales.Within these settings,it is then possible to define the critical gold mineralization processes in the system:fertility,architecture,and preservation.The geological parameters that define these processes,and the geological,geophysical and geochemical proxies and responses for these critical parameters can then be identified.At the geodynamic to province scales,critical processes include a tectonic thermal engine and deep,effective,fluid plumbing system driven by seismic swarms up lithosphere-scale faults in an oblique-slip regime during uplift late in the orogenic cycle of a convergent margin.At the district to deposit scale,the important processes are fluid focussing into regions of complex structural geometry adjacent to crustal-scale plumbing systems,with gold deposition in trap sites involving complex conjugations of competent and/or reactive rock sequences and structural or lithological fluid caps.Critical indirect responses to defined parameters change from those generated by geophysics to those generated by geochemistry with reduction in scale of the mineral system-driven conceptual exploration.
基金supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for the National Key Research and Development Program(Grand No.2016YFC0600106)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grand Nos.41602028 and 90914002)contributed to the 1000 Talent Award to M.Santosh from the Chinese Government
文摘The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), meta-volcano-sedimentary and meta-conglomerate types. The two former types formed during ~2.5-2.3 Ga and the third one at ~1.85 Ga. The characteristics of these Precambrian gold deposits are broadly similar with those of the orogenic gold deposits. Based on available geochronological data, here we reconstruct the major tectonic events and their relationship with gold mineralization in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region during Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic as follows.(1)~2.6-2.5 Ga: widespread intrusion of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) magmas in the Hengshan terrane and Fuping continental arc, formation of the Wutai volcanic arc in the southern margin of Hengshan terrane with granitoids emplacement, and the Hengshan-Wutai intra-oceanic arc accretion to the Fuping arc at the end of Neoarchean.(2) ~ 2.5-2.3 Ga: the subduction of Hengshan arc from north leading to persistent magmatism and orogenic gold mineralization.(3)~2.2-2.1 Ga:extension leading to the formation of graben structure in the Wutai and Fuping region, deposition of the Hutuo and Wanzi Group sediments, formation of placer gold through erosion of the orogenic gold deposits.(4)~2.2-2.0 Ga: widespread magmatism in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region.(5)~1.95-1.8 Ga: regional metamorphism associated with collision of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC and associated orogenic gold deposits. The multiple subduction-accretion-collision history and subsequent deep erosion has significantly affected most of the Precambrian gold deposits in the Wutai greenstone belt.
基金funded by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.2652018048)
文摘The North China Craton(NCC)hosts some of the world-class gold deposits that formed more than 2 billion years after the major orogenic cycles and cratonization.The diverse models for the genesis of these deposits remain equivocal,and mostly focused on the craton margin examples,although synchronous deposits formed in the interior domains.Here we adopt an integrated geological and geophysical perspective to evaluate the possible factors that contributed to the formation of the major gold deposits in the NCC.In the Archean tectonic framework of the NCC,the locations of the major gold deposits fall within or adjacent to greenstone belts or the margins of micro-continents.In the Paleoproterozoic framework,they are markedly aligned along two major collisional sutures-the Trans North China Orogen and the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt.Since the Mesozoic intrusions hosting these deposits do not carry adequate signals for the source of gold,we explore the deep roots based on available geophysical data.We show that the gold deposits are preferentially distributed above zones of uplifted MOHO and shallow LAB corresponding to thinned crust and eroded sub-lithospheric mantle,and that the mineralization is located above regions of high heat flow representing mantle upwelling.The NCC was at the center of a multi-convergent regime during the Mesozoic which intensely churned the mantle and significantly en riched it.The geophysical data on Moho and LAB upwarp from the centre towards east of the craton is more consistent with paleo-Pacific slab subduction from the east exerting the dominant control on lithospheric thinning.Based on these results,and together with an evaluation of the geochemical and isotopic features of the Mesozoic magmatic intrusions hosting the gold mineralization,we propose a genetic model that invokes reworking of ancient Au archives preserved in the lower crust and metasomatised upper mantle and which were generated through multiple subduction,underplating and cumulation events associated with cratonization of the NCC as well as the subduction-collision of Yangtze Craton with the NCC.The heat and material input along zones of heterogeneously thinned lithosphere from a rising turbulent mantle triggered by Mesozoic convergent margins surrounding the craton aided in reworking the deep roots of the ancient Au reservoirs,leading to the major gold metallogeny along craton margins as well as in the interior of the NCC.
基金supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas Grant Number 26106002
文摘When plate tectonics began on the Earth has been long debated and here we argue this topic based on the records of Earth-Moon geology and asteroid belt to conclude that the onset of plate tectonics was during the middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga). The trigger of the initiation of plate tectonics is the ABEL Bombardment, which delivered oceanic and atmospheric components on a completely dry reductive Earth, originally comprised of enstatite chondrite-like materials. Through the accretion of volatiles, shock metamorphism processed with vaporization of both CI chondrite and supracrustal rocks at the bombarded location, and significant recrystallization went through under wet conditions, caused considerable eclogitization in the primordial continents composed of felsic upper crust of 21 km thick anorthosite, and 50 km or even thicker KREEP lower crust. Eclogitization must have yielded a powerful slab-pull force to initiate plate tectonics in the middle Hadean. Another important factor is the size of the bombardment. By creating Pacific Ocean class crater by 1000 km across impactor, rigid plate operating stagnant lid tectonics since the early Hadean was severely destroyed, and oceanic lithosphere was generated to have bi-modal lithosphere on the Earth to enable the operation of plate tectonics.Considering the importance of the ABEL Bombardment event which initiated plate tectonics including the appearance of ocean and atmosphere, we propose that the Hadean Eon can be subdivided into three periods:(1) early Hadean(4.57-4.37 Ga),(2) middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga), and(3) late Hadean(4.20-4.00 Ga).
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of ChinaNSFC grants(Grant Nos.41602056,41372075,41172069)+1 种基金the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2016M590729)the Fundamental Research Funds for National Universities,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan)(Grant No.CUG160846)
文摘Diverse models have been proposed for the role of the Tarim Craton within the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent assembly. Here we report a suite of-1.71 Ga Nb-enriched meta-gabbro lenses in the eastern Quanji Massif, within the Tarim Craton in NW China. The meta-gabbroic rocks have Nb contents of 11.5-16.4 ppm with Nb/La ratios varying from 0.84 to 1.02((Nb/La)_N = 0.81-0.98) and Nb/U ratios from 38.0 to 47.2. They show low SiO_2(45.1-48.5 wt.%) and MgO(5.96-6.81 wt.%) and Mg#(Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 43.5-47.7), high FeO^t(13.0-15.7 wt.%) and moderate Ti02(1.70-2.51 wt.%).with tholeiitic affinities. These rocks possess low fractionated REE patterns without obvious Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu~* = 0.87-1.02). Their primitive mantle-normalized elements patterns display significant Zr-Hf troughs, positive Nb anomalies, weak negative Ti and P anomalies, and high contents of Rb and Ba,resembling Nb-enriched basalts generated in arc-related tectonic settings. Their arc-like geochemical signatures together with whole rock εNd(t) values of 0.4-2.1 and corresponding old T_(DM)(2.22-2.37 Ga)as well as(^(143)Nd/^(144)Nd)_t and(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)t(t = 1712 Ma) values of 0.5104-0.5105 and 0.7030-0.7058,respectively, suggest that their precursor magma originated from mantle wedge peridotite metasomatised by subduction-derived melts. The results from our study reveal subduction along the eastern periphery of the Tarim Craton and marginal outgrowth continuing to ~1.7 Ga within the Columbia supercontinent.
基金partly funded by the National Key Research Program of China(2019YFA0708603)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42130801,41230311,41572069,41702070)+2 种基金the 111 Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology,China(BP0719021)the MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences(MSFGPMR201804)the Key Laboratory of Gold Mineralization Processes and Resource Utilization Subordinated to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Key Laboratory of Metallogenic Geological Process and Resources Utilization in Shandong Province,Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences(KFKT201801,KFKT201802)。
文摘The current margins of the North China and Yangtze Cratons provide arguably the best examples globally of anomalously high mineral endowment within a 100 km buffer zone,hosting 66 diverse world-class to giant ore systems that help explain China’s premier position as a producer of multiple metal and mineral commodities.After the cratonization of these crustal blocks during the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic,with incorporation of iron ores on assembled micro-block margins,the margins of the cratons experienced multiple convergence and rifting events leading to metasomatism and fertilization of their underlying sub-continental lithospheric mantle.The rifted margins with trans-lithosphere faults provided pathways for Cu-Au(Mo-W-Sn)-bearing felsic to Ni-Cu-bearing ultrabasic intrusions and REE-rich carbonatite magmas,and for the development of marginal sedimentary basins with both Cu-Pb-Zn-rich source units and reactive carbonate or carbonaceous host rocks.There was diachronous formation of hydrothermal orogenic gold,antimony,and bismuth systems in the narrow orogenic belts between the cratons.Complexity in the Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific subduction systems resulted in asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere extension and thinning in the North China Craton,leading to anomalous heat flow and formation of orogenic gold deposits,including those of the giant Jiaodong gold province on its north-eastern margin.These gold deposits,many of which formed from fluids liberated by devolatilization of previously metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle,helped propel China to be the premier gold producer globally.The thick sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the cold buoyant cratons helped the preservation of some of the world’s oldest porphyry-skarn and epithermal mineral systems.Although craton margins globally control the formation and preservation of a diverse range of mineral deposits,China represents the premier example in terms of metal endowment due to the anomalous length of its craton margins combined with their abnormally complex tectonic history.
基金the funds from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR)to CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography through the MLP-1703 and GAP 2175 projectsupported by Foreign Expert funding from CUGB and Professorial position at the Adelaide University
文摘The ophiolite suite from south Andaman Islands forms part of the Tethyan Ophiolite Belt and preserves the remnants of an ideal ophiolite sequence comprising a basal serpentinized and tectonised mantle peridotite followed by ultramafic and mafic cumulate units, basaltic dykes and spilitic pillow basalts interlayered with arkosic wacke. Here, we present new major, trace, rare earth(REE) and platinum group(PGE) element data for serpentinized and metasomatized peridotites(dunites) exposed in south Andaman representing the tectonized mantle section of the ophiolite suite. Geochemical features of the studied rocks, marked by Al_2 O_3/TiO_2 > 23, LILE-LREE enrichment, HFSE depletion, and U-shaped chondrite-normalized REE patterns with(La/Sm)N > 1 and(Gd/Yb)N <1, suggest contributions from boninitic mantle melts. These observations substantiate a subduction initiation process ensued by rapid slab roll-back with extension and seafloor spreading in an intraoceanic fore-arc regime. The boninitic composition of the serpentinized peridotites corroborate fluid and melt interaction with mantle manifested in terms of(i) hydration, metasomatism and serpentinization of depleted, MORB-type, sub-arc wedge mantle residual after repeated melt extraction; and(ii) refertilization of refractory mantle peridotite by boninitic melts derived at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. Serpentinized and metasomatized mantle dunites in this study record both MOR and intraoceanic arc signatures collectively suggesting suprasubduction zone affinity. The elevated abundances of Pd(4.4-12.2 ppb) with highΣPPGE/∑IPGE(2-3) and Pd/Ir(2-5.5) ratios are in accordance with extensive melt-rock interaction through percolation of boninitic melts enriched in fluid-fluxed LILE-LREE into the depleted mantle after multiple episodes of melt extraction. The high Pd contents with relatively lower Ir concentrations of the samples are analogous to characteristic PGE signatures of boninitic magmas and might have resulted by the infiltration of boninitic melts into the depleted and residual mantle wedge peridotite during fore-arc extension at the initial stage of intraoceanic subduction. The PGE patterns with high Os + Ir(2-8.6 ppb)and Ru(2.8-8.4 ppb) also suggest mantle rejuvenation by infiltration of melts derived by high degree of mantle melting. The trace, REE and PGE data presented in our study collectively reflect heterogeneous mantle compositions and provide insights into ocean-crust-mantle interaction and associated geochemical cycling within a suprasubduction zone regime.
基金This study was jointly supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.41730426,41421002,41272092 and 41803039)MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics,Northwest University,China
文摘The Western Qinling Orogen(WQO) is characterized by voluminous distribution of Indosinian granitoids,the formation of which provides an important window to unravel the geochemical and geodynamic evolution and associated metallogeny.Here we investigate a group of intrusions termed "Five Golden Flowers" based on petrological,geochemical,zircon U-Pb geochronological and Lu-Hf isotopic studies on the granitoids and their mafic microgranular enclaves(MMEs).Our results show that these intrusions are genetically divided into two types,namely,magma-mixing and highly fractionated.The Jiaochangba,Lujing,Zhongchuan,and Luchuba granitoids are biotite monzogranites(220±0.8 Ma to 217±2.6 Ma) with abundant coeval MMEs(220±.1 Ma to 217±2.7 Ma).The rocks contain moderate to high SiO2,high MgO,Rb,Sr,Ba,and Th contents,but low TiO2,P2 O5,and Sc values,A/CNK of <1.1,and a range of εHf(t) values of-11.7 to +2.23 with corresponding TDM2values of 1967-1228 Ma.The MMEs possess K-feldspar megacrysts,abundant acicular apatites,and show lopsided textures.They have lower SiO2,Al2 O3,and Th contents,but higher MgO,TiO2,and Sc,with εHf(t) values of-18.0 to +3.18 and TDM1 of 849-720 Ma.The data indicate that the MMEs were derived from a magma sourced from the enriched lithospheric mantle.We suggest that these host granitoids were produced by partial melting of latePaleoproterozoic to early-Mesoproterozoic lower crust with the involvement of Neoproterozoic SCLM-derived mafic magmas.The Baijiazhuang pluton is dominantly composed of leucogranite(muscovite granite and twomica monzogranite,216±1.5 Ma) without MMEs.The rocks are peraluminous with high A/CNK(1.06-1.27).Compared with the other four granitoids,the Baijiazhuang leucogranite shows higher SiO2 content,markedly lower concentrations of TiO2,MgO,Al2 O3,CaO,and Fe2 O3T,and lower LREE/HREE and(La/Yb)N values.These leucogranites are also rich in Rb,Th,and U,and display marked depletions in Ba,Sr,Ti,and Eu,indicating that they experienced significant fractionation.Zircon εHf(t) values(-10.2 to-3.27) and TDM2(1868-1424 Ma),as well as the Nb/Ta and K2 O/Na2 O values are similar to the other four granitoids,indicating that they are likely to have been derived from a similar source;with sediments playing only a minor role in the magma generation.The low contents of Yb and Y suggest that their partial melting was controlled by garnets and micrographic texture of K-feldspar reflects high-temperature melting through undercooling.Based on the above features,we infer that the Baijiazhuang leucogranite likely represents the product of high degree fractionation of the I-type biotite monzogranite magma which generated the other four granitoids at relatively high temperatures,within magma chambers at mid-crust depths.We propose that the granitoid suite was formed in the transitional setting from synto post-collision during the collisional orogeny between the SCB and NCB,following break-off of the subducted South China Block lithosphere during 220-216 Ma.
文摘The formation and disruption of supercontinents have significantly impacted mantle dynamics, solid earth processes, surface environments and the biogeochemical cycle. In the early history of the Earth, the collision of parallel intra-oceanic arcs was an important process in building embryonic continents. Superdownwelling along Y-shaped triple junctions might have been one of the important processes that aided in the rapid assembly of continental fragments into closely packed supercontinents. Various models have been proposed for the fragmentation of supercontinents including thermal blanket and superplume hypotheses. The reassembly of supercontinents after breakup and the ocean closure occurs through "introversion", "extroversion" or a combination of both, and is characterized by either Pacific-type or Atlantic-type ocean closure. The breakup of supercontinents and development of hydro- thermal system in rifts with granitic basement create anomalous chemical environments enriched in nutri- ents, which serve as the primary building blocks of the skeleton and bone of early modern life forms. A typical example is the rifting of the Rodinia supercontinent, which opened up an N--S oriented sea way along which nutrient enriched upwelling brought about a habitable geochemical environment. The assembly of supercontinents also had significant impact on life evolution. The role played by the Cambrian Gondwana assembly has been emphasized in many models, including the formation of 'Trans- gondwana Mountains' that might have provided an effective source of rich nutrients to the equatorial waters, thus aiding the rapid increase in biodiversity. The planet has witnessed several mass extinction events during its history, mostly connected with major climatic fluctuations including global cooling and warming events, major glaciations, fluctuations in sea level, global anoxia, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts and gamma radiation. Some recent models speculate a relationship between superplumes, supercontinent breakup and mass extinction. Upwelling plumes cause continental rifting and formation of large igneous provinces. Subsequent volcanic emissions and resultant plume-induced "winter" have catastrophic effect on the atmosphere that lead to mass extinctions and long term oceanic anoxia. The assembly and dispersal of continents appear to have influenced the biogeochemical cycle, but whether the individual stages of organic evolution and extinction on the planet are closely linked to Solid Earth processes remains to be investigated.
基金jointly funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41872099,91855213,41602127,41688103,41672111)Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China(Grant No.2021JJ30388)Open Foundation of Hubei Key Laboratory of Paleontology and Geological Environment Evolution(Wuhan Center of China Geological Survey(PEL-202203))。
文摘Southeastern Eurasia is a global window to the Cretaceous paleoclimate and lithosphere coupling.China contains one of the most complete and complex sedimentary records of Mesozoic desert basins on planet Earth.In this study,we perform the spatio-temporal tracking of 96 Cretaceous palaeoclimate indicators during 79 Myr which reveal that the plateau paleoclimate archives from East Asia resulted from an Early to Mid-Cretaceous ocean–atmosphere coupling and a shift to a preponderant role of Late Cretaceous lithosphere dynamics and tectonic forcing on high-altitude depositional systems linked to the subduction margins of the Tethys and Paleo-Pacific realms beneath the Eurasian plate.The crustal response to tectonic processes linked with the spatio-temporal evolution of the Tethyan and Paleo-Pacific margins defined the configuration of major sedimentary basins on this region.The significant increase and decrease in the number of active sedimentary basins that occur during the Cretaceous,from 16 in the Early Cretaceous,to 28 in the Mid-Cretaceous,and a decreasing to 20 sedimentary basins in the Late Cretaceous,is a direct response of lithospheric dynamics associated with the two main subduction zones(Tethys and Pacific domains).A shift in subduction style from an Early Cretaceous Paleo-Pacific Plate slab roll back to a Late Cretaceous flat-slab mode might have triggered regional plateau uplift,blocked intraplate volcanism,thus enhancing the denudation and sediment availability,and created wind corridors that led to the construction and accumulation of extensive Late Cretaceous aeolian sandy deserts(ergs)that covered Mid-Cretaceous plateau salars.At the same time,plateau uplift associated with crustal thickening following terrane assembly in the Tethyan margin triggered altitudinal cryospheric processes in sandy desert systems.Evidence of an active Cretaceous cryosphere in China include ValanginianHauterivian glacial debris flows,Early Aptian geochemical signature of melt waters from extensive ice sheets,and Cenomanian–Turonian ice-rafted debris(IRD).These cryospheric indicators suggest an already uplifted plateau in southeastern Eurasia during the Cretaceous,and the marked correlation between cold plateau paleoclimate archives and marine records suggests a strong ocean-atmosphere coupling during Early and Mid-Cretaceous cold snaps.We thus conclude that lithospheric tectonics during Cretaceous played a fundamental role in triggering high-altitude basin desertification and spatiotemporal plateau paleohydrology variability in the Cretaceous of south-eastern Eurasia.
基金The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey(TUBITAK-Grant 108Y309)
文摘The Eastern Pontides orogenic belt in the Black Sea region of Turkey offers a critical window to plate kinematics and subduction polarity during the closure of the Paleotethys. Here we provide a brief synthesis on recent information from this belt. We infer a southward subduction for the origin of the Eastern Pontides orogenic belt and its associated late Mesozoic--Cenozoic magmatism based on clear spatial and temporal variations in Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic arc magmatism, together with the exis- tence of a prominent south-dipping reverse fault system along the entire southern coast of the Black Sea. Our model is at variance with some recent proposals favoring a northward subduction polarity, and illus- trates the importance of arc magmatism in evaluating the geodynamic milieu associated with convergent margin orocesses.