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作者 卢雨征 熊英杰 +11 位作者 单验博 叶健廷 武艳斌 宋继鹏 张垚 林万程 瓮琪瑞 程萱 孟昊业 许文静 彭江 丁立祥 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第28期5994-6002,共9页
背景:磷酸钙骨水泥的力学性能差、成骨能力弱等问题阻碍了其进一步发展。硅酸盐生物活性玻璃因具有良好的生物活性及成骨能力而备受青睐,同时其纤维结构能够加强材料的力学强度。目的:探究硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维复合磷酸钙骨水泥的力... 背景:磷酸钙骨水泥的力学性能差、成骨能力弱等问题阻碍了其进一步发展。硅酸盐生物活性玻璃因具有良好的生物活性及成骨能力而备受青睐,同时其纤维结构能够加强材料的力学强度。目的:探究硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维复合磷酸钙骨水泥的力学性能、生物相容性及成骨效果。方法:将不同质量百分比(0%,10%,20%)的硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维分别加入磷酸钙骨水泥固相中,与液相混合后固化48 h,得到磷酸钙骨水泥与硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维复合磷酸钙骨水泥,表征骨水泥的力学性能、凝固时间及离子析出情况。将3组骨水泥浸提液分别与MC3T3-E1细胞共培养,通过CCK-8检测、活死染色、鬼笔环肽染色评估材料的细胞相容性;成骨诱导后,通过碱性磷酸酶染色、茜素红染色、RUNX2免疫荧光染色及RT-PCR检测评估材料的成骨诱导能力。结果与结论:①随着硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维含量的增加,骨水泥的抗压强度与抗弯强度均升高,凝固时间延长;将骨水泥浸泡于模拟体液中均可检测到硅离子、钙离子、磷离子析出,并且随着硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维含量的增加,骨水泥释放的硅离子、磷离子质量浓度升高,钙离子质量浓度降低;②活死染色、鬼笔环肽染色结果显示,硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维复合磷酸钙骨水泥对MC3T3-E1细胞无毒性作用;CCK-8检测结果显示,硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维复合磷酸钙骨水泥可促进MC3T3-E1细胞的增殖;③随着骨水泥中硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维含量的增加,MC3T3-E1细胞的碱性磷酸酶活性及细胞外钙沉积均增加,RUNX2蛋白表达增加,碱性磷酸酶、骨钙素、骨桥蛋白、RUNX2 mRNA表达增加;④结果表明,硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维可增强磷酸钙骨水泥的力学性能与成骨诱导能力,其中以20%硅酸盐生物活性玻璃纤维的效果更明显。 展开更多
关键词 骨缺损 骨水泥 硅酸盐生物活性玻璃 磷酸钙骨水泥 骨移植
作者 王冲 彭江 +1 位作者 华德睿 黄林 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期140-147,共8页
针对国内船厂分段建造计划存在的制定粗放、排产不够精准等问题,提出一种旨在达成分段的准时均衡生产以及降低最大完工时间的分段排产数学模型。该模型以NSGA-Ⅱ算法为核心,通过引入立方混沌搜索、改良精英保留策略以及邻域搜索等算子... 针对国内船厂分段建造计划存在的制定粗放、排产不够精准等问题,提出一种旨在达成分段的准时均衡生产以及降低最大完工时间的分段排产数学模型。该模型以NSGA-Ⅱ算法为核心,通过引入立方混沌搜索、改良精英保留策略以及邻域搜索等算子对原始算法予以改进,而后运用熵权法于帕累托解集中进行方案决策。最终再针对船厂实际问题进行验证,结果显示:改进算法所得优化结果资源均衡性更好;空闲时间比实际计划、原始算法和MOPSO分别缩减214.5 h、194.5 h和186h;最大完工时间分别缩减34.5h、19h和34.5h,验证了改进算法的有效性与实用性,且为船厂排产方案的制定提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 分段排产 NSGA-Ⅱ 邻域搜索 立方映射 精益造船
中国公众对异种肾移植接受度的预测模型构建及验证 被引量:1
作者 杨树军 卫浩 +3 位作者 彭江 崔梦一 尚攀峰 孙圣坤 《器官移植》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期102-111,共10页
目的通过构建和验证基于异种移植调查问卷的预测模型,探讨中国公众对异种肾移植的态度。方法使用问卷星平台对中国公众进行方便抽样调查,分析公众对异种肾移植的接受度及影响因素。使用随机分配法将所有纳入的问卷(2280份)按7∶3分为训... 目的通过构建和验证基于异种移植调查问卷的预测模型,探讨中国公众对异种肾移植的态度。方法使用问卷星平台对中国公众进行方便抽样调查,分析公众对异种肾移植的接受度及影响因素。使用随机分配法将所有纳入的问卷(2280份)按7∶3分为训练集和验证集,构建预测模型并进行验证。结果共纳入2280份调查问卷,公众对于异种肾移植的接受度为71.3%。多因素分析结果显示性别、婚姻状况、居住地区、医保状况、宗教信仰、是否素食主义、异种肾移植知晓情况、是否肾移植等待者是公众能否接受异种肾移植的独立影响因素(均为P<0.05)。训练集预测模型的受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)为0.773,验证集预测模型的AUC为0.785,训练集和验证集校准曲线均提示预测模型有较好的预测价值,决策曲线分析(DCA)均提示模型预测效能较好。结论中国公众对于异种肾移植的接受度相对较高且存在较大提升空间。基于问卷调查所构建的预测模型预测效能较好,为今后的研究提供了参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 器官移植 器官短缺 异种移植 肾移植 预测模型 列线图 基因修饰猪 接受度
作者 刘伟 蒋洪宇 +10 位作者 陈嘉杰 高宇阳 管延军 贾志博 焦颖 华真 蒋格涵 何莹 汪爱媛 彭江 亓建洪 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第25期4022-4026,共5页
背景:与传统二维培养相比,三维培养软骨微组织具有更大的优势,但仍需进一步探索更有利的三维培养方式。目的:评价2种三维培养方式下微组织的细胞行为及促软骨形成能力。方法:通过化学脱细胞方法和组织粉碎方法制备软骨源性微载体,采用DN... 背景:与传统二维培养相比,三维培养软骨微组织具有更大的优势,但仍需进一步探索更有利的三维培养方式。目的:评价2种三维培养方式下微组织的细胞行为及促软骨形成能力。方法:通过化学脱细胞方法和组织粉碎方法制备软骨源性微载体,采用DNA定量和核染色验证脱细胞是否成功,通过组织学染色观察脱细胞前后基质保留情况,采用扫描电子显微镜和CCK-8方法对微载体进行表征;通过三维静态培养法和三维动态培养法将软骨源性微载体与人脂肪间充质干细胞结合构建软骨源性微组织,利用扫描电子显微镜、活死染色、RT-qPCR等手段检测两组微组织的细胞活力及成软骨能力。结果与结论:①成功制备软骨源性微载体,与脱细胞前相比,脱细胞后DNA含量显著降低(P<0.001);扫描电子显微镜观察微载体表面有胶原包绕,保持天然软骨细胞外基质特征;CCK-8法检测表明微载体无细胞毒性且能够促进细胞增殖;②扫描电子显微镜及活死染色结果显示,相比三维静态组,三维动态组微组织细胞具有更舒展的形态,细胞与细胞间、细胞与基质间、基质与基质间形成广泛的连接;③RT-qPCR结果表明两组微组织SOX9、蛋白聚糖、Ⅱ型胶原表达在培养7 d或14 d时均增高;14 d时三维动态组各基因相对表达量均显著高于三维静态组(P<0.05);21 d时三维静态组各基因表达均显著高于三维动态组(P<0.001);④结果表明,与三维静态培养微组织相比,三维动态培养微组织可在更短时间实现软骨相关基因的高表达,显示出更好的细胞活性和成软骨能力。 展开更多
关键词 关节软骨损伤 组织工程 人脂肪间充质干细胞 微组织 三维动态培养
作者 杨树军 卫浩 +2 位作者 彭江 尚攀峰 孙圣坤 《器官移植》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期816-823,共8页
目的分析我国异种器官移植领域的研究现状及发展趋势。方法检索2014年1月1日至2023年12月31日中国知网学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science核心合集数据库收录的有关异种器官移植研究的中文和英文文献,应用CiteSpace软件和R语言... 目的分析我国异种器官移植领域的研究现状及发展趋势。方法检索2014年1月1日至2023年12月31日中国知网学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science核心合集数据库收录的有关异种器官移植研究的中文和英文文献,应用CiteSpace软件和R语言从发文量、关键词、期刊来源分布、核心作者合作网络、主要研究机构、重点文献被引等方面对该领域的研究情况、热点话题以及研究前沿进行可视化分析。结果我国学者共发表中文文章684篇及英文文章共624篇,发文量稳居世界前2水平。我国学者发文量前3的中文杂志为《器官移植》《实用器官移植电子杂志》《中国实验动物学报》,发文量前3的英文杂志为Xenotransplantation、Frontiers in Immunology、Scientific Reports。中文发文前5的作者为潘登科、蔡志明、牟丽莎、李霄、窦科峰;英文发文前5的中国作者分别为牟丽莎、蔡志明、戴一凡、王毅、潘登科。中文高频关键词为异种器官移植、免疫排斥、移植、异种、动物模型、异种骨、肝移植、基因编辑、肾移植、烧伤及骨移植;英文高频关键词为expression、xenotransplantation、cells、transplantation、survival。结论近年来我国异种器官移植领域已有一定研究基础并且在世界范围内有较高的影响力,涉及的学科多种多样,研究内容广泛,但各机构间合作较少,今后应增加跨区域、跨学科交流协作,加强资源共享和资源整合才能使该领域更加迅速稳定进展。 展开更多
关键词 异种移植 文献计量学 CiteSpace 可视化分析 基因修饰猪 排斥反应 感染 免疫抑制
Towards carbon neutrality of calcium carbide-based acetylene production with sustainable biomass resources 被引量:2
作者 peng jiang Guanhan Zhao +4 位作者 Hao Zhang Tuo Ji Liwen Mu Xiaohua Lu Jiahua Zhu 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1068-1078,共11页
Acetylene is produced from the reaction between calcium carbide(CaC_(2))and water,while the production of CaC_(2) generates significant amount of carbon dioxide not only because it is an energy-intensive process but a... Acetylene is produced from the reaction between calcium carbide(CaC_(2))and water,while the production of CaC_(2) generates significant amount of carbon dioxide not only because it is an energy-intensive process but also the raw material for CaC_(2) synthesis is from coal.Here,a comprehensive biomass-to-acetylene process was constructed that integrated several units including biomass pyrolysis,oxygen-thermal CaC_(2) fabrication and calcium looping.For comparison,a coal-to-acetylene process was also established by using coal as feedstock.The carbon efficiency,energy efficiency and environmental impacts of the bio-based calcium carbide acetylene(BCCA)and coal-based calcium carbide acetylene(CCCA)processes were systematically analyzed.Moreover,the environmental impacts were further evaluated by applying thermal integration at system level and energy substitution in CaC_(2) furnace.Even though the BCCA process showed lower carbon efficiency and energy efficiency than that of the CCCA process,life cycle assessment demonstrated the BCCA(1.873 kgCO_(2eq) kg-prod^(-1))a lower carbon footprint process which is 0.366 kgCO_(2eq) kg-prod^(-1) lower compared to the CCCA process.With sustainable energy(biomass power)substitution in CaC_(2) furnace,an even lower GWP value of 1.377 kgCO_(2eq) kg-prod^(-1) can be achieved in BCCA process.This work performed a systematic analysis on integrating biomass into industrial acetylene production,and revealed the positive role of biomass as raw material(carbon)and energy supplier. 展开更多
关键词 Biomass pyrolysis CO_(2)mitigation Calcium carbide ACETYLENE Calcium loop
作者 宋翔宇 贾志博 +3 位作者 崔梦一 陈蕾佳 彭江 赵亚群 《解放军医学院学报》 CAS 2024年第1期96-99,F0003,共5页
机械灌注技术已广泛应用于心脏、肝、肺、肾和脑等器官的保护,在脑组织保护方面主要用于心脏血管相关手术、失血、栓塞等原因引起的脑组织缺血损伤的辅助治疗。机械灌注技术能够及时恢复缺血性脑组织血供或提供低温环境降低脑组织代谢,... 机械灌注技术已广泛应用于心脏、肝、肺、肾和脑等器官的保护,在脑组织保护方面主要用于心脏血管相关手术、失血、栓塞等原因引起的脑组织缺血损伤的辅助治疗。机械灌注技术能够及时恢复缺血性脑组织血供或提供低温环境降低脑组织代谢,可以减少脑组织神经元以及脑组织结构的损伤和破坏,提高患者生命质量。脑组织机械灌注方式种类多样,哪种可作为最佳脑组织保护策略仍未达成有效共识,但并不影响该技术的临床应用。机械灌注技术对组织器官和生命整体的保护具有巨大潜力,未来希望创建更好的脑机械灌注技术平台,以应对各种缺血导致的脑组织损伤情况。同时,也可将其应用于各种严重创伤引起的血液循环停滞致脑组织损伤患者,在更大程度上救治当前常规治疗方案无法救治的脑组织损伤病患。 展开更多
关键词 机械灌注技术 脑血管损伤 脑缺氧缺血 缺血性脑卒中 再灌注损伤
作者 张培旭 杨华 +6 位作者 纪晓娜 韩冰 宝艳儒 常思源 彭江 罗林 赖慧慧 《长春工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第4期107-111,共5页
以总黄酮类成分提取率作为评定指标,采用单因素法优化微波辅助法提取中药化橘红和橘红中的黄酮类化合物的提取条件。使用高效液相色谱检测柚皮苷、橙皮苷、新橙皮苷、川皮苷和桔皮素5种单体黄酮成分。优化后的提取条件为微波功率1200 W... 以总黄酮类成分提取率作为评定指标,采用单因素法优化微波辅助法提取中药化橘红和橘红中的黄酮类化合物的提取条件。使用高效液相色谱检测柚皮苷、橙皮苷、新橙皮苷、川皮苷和桔皮素5种单体黄酮成分。优化后的提取条件为微波功率1200 W,乙醇体积分数80%,料液比1∶30,提取温度90℃,提取时间15 min。在最优条件下,化橘红和橘红中总黄酮提取率分别为31.02~33.51 mg/g和24.26~30.75 mg/g。结果显示:化橘红、橘红样品中均检测到柚皮苷,柚皮苷含量最高可达0.50 mg/g;均未检测到桔皮素成分;部分化橘红、橘红样品中检测到橙皮苷、新橙皮苷成分。为化橘红和橘红中黄酮类化学成分的提取研究提供了方法参考,也为化橘红和橘红的质量评价提供了数据参考。 展开更多
关键词 芸香科植物药材 总黄酮 单体黄酮 微波辅助提取 高效液相色谱
作者 许勇 宋翔宇 +8 位作者 王恒恩 杨树军 贾志博 卫浩 陈胜峰 崔梦一 任延玲 彭江 孙圣坤 《器官移植》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期229-235,共7页
目的总结基因修饰猪活体供肾切取的经验及其实践价值。方法采用活体供肾切取技术,切取六基因修饰猪左侧肾脏。首先阻断输尿管,游离下腔静脉及腹主动脉后,切取过程中依次完成输尿管、肾静脉、肾动脉的显露、游离。在腹主动脉、下腔静脉... 目的总结基因修饰猪活体供肾切取的经验及其实践价值。方法采用活体供肾切取技术,切取六基因修饰猪左侧肾脏。首先阻断输尿管,游离下腔静脉及腹主动脉后,切取过程中依次完成输尿管、肾静脉、肾动脉的显露、游离。在腹主动脉、下腔静脉上阻断钳,离断肾动脉、静脉后立即用4℃肾保存液进行灌注,保存在冰生理盐水中准备移植。同时完成供体腹主动脉、下腔静脉缺口的缝合。记录手术时间,出血量,热缺血和冷缺血时间,并发症发生情况以及供、受体存活情况。结果成功切取基因修饰猪左肾,取肾术中出血5 mL,热缺血时间45 s,冷缺血时间2.5 h。供、受体均未输血,植入受体内的肾脏恢复泌尿功能。切取左肾后供体健康存活8个月余。结论基因修饰猪活体供肾切取技术安全可靠,游离肾脏过程中同时处理分支血管,减少了修肾过程,缩短了冷缺血时间,活体供肾切取有助于后续供体存活并进行其他科学研究。 展开更多
关键词 异种移植 活体供肾 肾切除术 终末期肾病 肾移植 供肾获取 基因修饰猪 微创技术
A thermodynamic view on the in-situ carbon dioxide reduction by biomass-derived hydrogen during calcium carbonate decomposition
作者 peng jiang Hao Zhang +5 位作者 Guanhan Zhao Lin Li Tuo Ji Liwen Mu Xiaohua Lu Jiahua Zhu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期231-240,共10页
In the carbonate industry,deep decarbonization strategies are necessary to effectively remediate CO_(2).These strategies mainly include both sustainable energy supplies and the conversion of CO_(2)in downstream proces... In the carbonate industry,deep decarbonization strategies are necessary to effectively remediate CO_(2).These strategies mainly include both sustainable energy supplies and the conversion of CO_(2)in downstream processes.This study developed a coupled process of biomass chemical looping H2 production and reductive calcination of CaCO_(3).Firstly,a mass and energy balance of the coupled process was established in Aspen Plus.Following this,process optimization and energy integration were implemented to provide optimized operation conditions.Lastly,a life cycle assessment was carried out to assess the carbon footprint of the coupled process.Results reveal that the decomposition temperature of CaCO_(3)in an H_(2)atmosphere can be reduced to 780℃(generally around 900℃),and the conversion of CO_(2)from CaCO_(3)decomposition reached 81.33%with an H2:CO ratio of 2.49 in gaseous products.By optimizing systemic energy through heat integration,an energy efficiency of 86.30%was achieved.Additionally,the carbon footprint analysis revealed that the process with energy integration had a low global warming potential(GWP)of-2.624 kg·kg^(-1)(CO_(2)/CaO).Conclusively,this work performed a systematic analysis of introducing biomass-derived H_(2)into CaCO_(3)calcination and demonstrated the positive role of reductive calcination using green H_(2)in mitigating CO_(2)emissions within the carbonate industry. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS CaCO_(3)reductive calcination Chemical looping Hydrogen production Carbon footprint Thermodynamics process
Preventing the Immense Increase in the Life-Cycle Energy and Carbon Footprints of LLM-Powered Intelligent Chatbots
作者 peng jiang Christian Sonne +2 位作者 Wangliang Li Fengqi You Siming You 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期202-210,共9页
Intelligent chatbots powered by large language models(LLMs)have recently been sweeping the world,with potential for a wide variety of industrial applications.Global frontier technology companies are feverishly partici... Intelligent chatbots powered by large language models(LLMs)have recently been sweeping the world,with potential for a wide variety of industrial applications.Global frontier technology companies are feverishly participating in LLM-powered chatbot design and development,providing several alternatives beyond the famous ChatGPT.However,training,fine-tuning,and updating such intelligent chatbots consume substantial amounts of electricity,resulting in significant carbon emissions.The research and development of all intelligent LLMs and software,hardware manufacturing(e.g.,graphics processing units and supercomputers),related data/operations management,and material recycling supporting chatbot services are associated with carbon emissions to varying extents.Attention should therefore be paid to the entire life-cycle energy and carbon footprints of LLM-powered intelligent chatbots in both the present and future in order to mitigate their climate change impact.In this work,we clarify and highlight the energy consumption and carbon emission implications of eight main phases throughout the life cycle of the development of such intelligent chatbots.Based on a life-cycle and interaction analysis of these phases,we propose a system-level solution with three strategic pathways to optimize the management of this industry and mitigate the related footprints.While anticipating the enormous potential of this advanced technology and its products,we make an appeal for a rethinking of the mitigation pathways and strategies of the life-cycle energy usage and carbon emissions of the LLM-powered intelligent chatbot industry and a reshaping of their energy and environmental implications at this early stage of development. 展开更多
关键词 Large language models Intelligent chatbots Carbon emissions Energy and environmental footprints Life-cycle assessment Global cooperation
New HⅠObservations Toward the NGC 5055 Galaxy Group with FAST
作者 Xiao-Lan Liu Ming Zhu +5 位作者 Jin-Long Xu peng jiang Chuan-peng Zhang Nai-Ping Yu Jun-Jie Wang Yan-Bin Yang 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期249-256,共8页
We report a new high-sensitivity HⅠmapping observation of the NGC 5055 galaxy group over an area of 1°.5×0°.75 with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST).Our observation revea... We report a new high-sensitivity HⅠmapping observation of the NGC 5055 galaxy group over an area of 1°.5×0°.75 with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST).Our observation reveals that the warped HⅠdisk of NGC 5055 is more extended than what was previously observed by WSRT,out to239(61.7 kpc).The total HⅠmass of NGC 5055 is determined to be~1.1×10^(10)M_Θ.We identified three HⅠclouds with HⅠmasses of the order of~10^(7)M_Θat the southeastern edge of the HⅠdisk,as well as a candidate high-velocity cloud with an HⅠmass of(1.2±0.5)×10^(6)M_Θto the north of NGC 5055.The HⅠcontent of UGCA337 is robustly detected for the first time by the FAST observations.It has a narrow HⅠlinewidth of W_(50)=17.4±3.8 km s^(-1)with a total HⅠmass of(3.5±0.3)×10^(6)M_Θ.Comparing the gas content and g-r color of UGCA 337 with typical low-mass dwarf galaxies,UGCA 337 appears relatively gas-poor despite its blue color.This suggests that UGCA 337 may have undergone gas stripping in the past.We also analyzed the possible origin of the diffuse HⅠclouds located at the outskirts of NGC 5055,and speculate that they might be the remnant features of a merger event in the past. 展开更多
关键词 GALAXIES evolution-galaxies structure-galaxies individual(NGC 5055)-galaxies kinematics and dynamics-galaxies INTERACTIONS
作者 白佳坤 徐婷 +3 位作者 张璐 彭江 李宇强 贾俊辉 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1095-1104,共10页
设计、合成了一种基于巴比妥酸衍生物的具有D-π-A结构的光学探针3。该探针能够作为一种高度灵敏和选择性的次氯酸指示剂,快速实现对次氯酸的比色和荧光信号(开-关)的双响应(约15 s)。推测的响应机制是ClO-与C=C之间发生了亲电加成和氧... 设计、合成了一种基于巴比妥酸衍生物的具有D-π-A结构的光学探针3。该探针能够作为一种高度灵敏和选择性的次氯酸指示剂,快速实现对次氯酸的比色和荧光信号(开-关)的双响应(约15 s)。推测的响应机制是ClO-与C=C之间发生了亲电加成和氧化裂解反应,导致探针的D-π-A结构遭到破坏,从而阻断了其分子内电荷转移(intramolecular charge transfer,ICT)进程。探针只需一步即可合成,同时具有红光发射(628 nm)和较大的斯托克斯位移(158 nm),检测限(limit of detection,LOD)低至14 nmol·L^(-1)。此外,探针还表现出低细胞毒性,并成功应用于活细胞成像。 展开更多
关键词 大斯托克斯位移 次氯酸检测 比色荧光双响应 红光发射 细胞成像
Punicalagin prevents obesity-related cardiac dysfunction through promoting DNA demethylation in mice
作者 Shengjie Pei Run Liu +10 位作者 Qingqing Ma peng jiang Xin He Zhongshi Qi Jiacheng Fang Xu Yang Zirui Yao Xiaoqian Liu Xianfeng Jing Lei Chen Duo Li 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期1465-1474,共10页
The aim of this study was to investigate whether punicalagin(PU)could prevent obesity-related cardiac dysfunction by promoting DNA demethy lation,and to explore its possible mechanism.C57BL/6J mice were fed with stand... The aim of this study was to investigate whether punicalagin(PU)could prevent obesity-related cardiac dysfunction by promoting DNA demethy lation,and to explore its possible mechanism.C57BL/6J mice were fed with standard diet,high-fat diet(HFD),HFD supplemented with resveratrol,low-dose PU(LPU)and high-dose PU(HPU)for 8 weeks.Compared with HFD group,body weight was significantly lower in PU treatment groups,number of cardionwocytes and the protein level of myosin heavy chain 7B were significantly higher in PU treatment groups.Levels of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and 5-formylcytosine were significantly lower in HFD group than in other groups.Compared with the HFD group,the protein level of ten-eleven translocation enzyme(TET)2 was significantly higher in PU treatment groups,p-AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK)was significantly higher in LPU group.Levels of total antioxidant capacity and the protein levels of complexesⅡ/Ⅲ/Ⅴ,oxoglutarate dehydrogenase,succinate dehydrogenase B and fumarate hdrolase were significantly lower in HFD group than PU treatment group.The ratio of(succinic acid+fumaric acid)/a-ketoglutarate was significantly higher in HFD group than other groups.In conclusion,PU up-regulated TETs enzyme activities and TET2 protein stability through alleviating mitochondrial dysfunction and activating AMPK,so as to promote DNA demethylation,thus preventing obesity-related cardiac dysfunction. 展开更多
关键词 DNA demethylation Mitochondrial function Obesity-related cardiac dysfunction PUNICALAGIN Ten-eleven translocation family enzymes
CA IX-targeted Ag_(2)S quantum dots bioprobe for NIR-II imaging-guided hypoxia tumor chemo-photothermal therapy
作者 Xinyue Cui Zhuang Hu +3 位作者 Ruihan Li peng jiang Yongchang Wei Zilin Chen 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期878-888,共11页
Hypoxia is the common characteristic of almost all solid tumors,which prevents therapeutic drugs from reaching the tumors.Therefore,the development of new targeted agents for the accurate diagnosis of hypoxia tumors i... Hypoxia is the common characteristic of almost all solid tumors,which prevents therapeutic drugs from reaching the tumors.Therefore,the development of new targeted agents for the accurate diagnosis of hypoxia tumors is widely concerned.As carbonic anhydrase IX(CA IX)is abundantly distributed on the hypoxia tumor cells,it is considered as a potential tumor biomarker.4-(2-Aminoethyl)benzenesulfonamide(ABS)as a CA IX inhibitor has inherent inhibitory activity and good targeting effect.In this study,Ag_(2)S quantum dots(QDs)were used as the carrier to prepare a novel diagnostic and therapeutic bioprobe(Ag_(2)S@polyethylene glycol(PEG)-ABS)through ligand exchange and amide condensation reaction.Ag_(2)S@PEG-ABS can selectively target tumors by surface-modified ABS and achieve accurate tumor imaging by the near infrared-II(NIR-II)fluorescence characteristics of Ag_(2)S QDs.PEG modification of Ag_(2)S QDs greatly improves its water solubility and stability,and therefore achieves high photothermal stability and high photothermal conversion efficiency(PCE)of 45.17%.Under laser irradiation,Ag_(2)S@PEG-ABS has powerful photothermal and inherent antitumor combinations on colon cancer cells(CT-26)in vitro.It also has been proved that Ag_(2)S@PEG-ABS can realize the effective treatment of hypoxia tumors in vivo and show good biocompatibility.Therefore,it is a new efficient integrated platform for the diagnosis and treatment of hypoxia tumors. 展开更多
关键词 CA IX-targeted Hypoxia tumor combination therapy NIR-II imaging Photothermal effect
Research on Vibration Control of FAST Feed Cabin Based on Active Mass Damper
作者 Lucong Zhang Jinghai Sun peng jiang 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第11期119-131,共13页
In this paper,an effective active vibration control method was investigated to further improve the positioning accuracy of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)feed cabin.The actual operation... In this paper,an effective active vibration control method was investigated to further improve the positioning accuracy of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)feed cabin.The actual operation data of FAST was collected to analyze the vibration characteristics of the feed cabin in multiple directions.A simplified model of the cabin-cable system was established to evaluate the effects of a mass damper on different vibration frequencies and modes.On this basis,an active mass damper system and control system were designed for the cabin with multiple degrees of freedom and modal variation characteristics.Theoretical calculation and simulation proved that it has a significant effect on improving the damping of the cabin-cable system and suppressing the vibration of the FAST feed cabin. 展开更多
关键词 telescopes-methods data analysis-instrumentation miscellaneous-techniques miscellaneous-Astronomical Instrumentation-Methods and Techniques
Pathfinding Pulsar Observations with the CVN Incorporating the FAST
作者 Zhen Yan Zhiqiang Shen +21 位作者 peng jiang Bo Zhang Haiyan Zhang Lang Cui Jintao Luo Rurong Chen Wu jiang Hua Zhang De Wu Rongbing Zhao Jianping Yuan Yue Hu Yajun Wu Bo Xia Guanghui Li Yongnan Rao Chenyu Chen Xiaowei Wang Hao Ding Yongpeng Liu Fuchen Zhang Yongbin jiang 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期170-176,共7页
The importance of Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI)for pulsar research is becoming increasingly prominent and receiving more and more attention.We present the pathfinding pulsar observation results with the Chin... The importance of Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI)for pulsar research is becoming increasingly prominent and receiving more and more attention.We present the pathfinding pulsar observation results with the Chinese VLBI Network(CVN)incorporating the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST).On MJD 60045(11th April 2023),PSRs B0919+06 and B1133+16 were observed with the phase-referencing mode in the L-band using four radio telescopes(FAST,TianMa,Haoping,and Nanshan)and correlated with the pulsar binning mode of the distributed FX-style software correlator in Shanghai.After further data processing with the NRAO Astronomical Image Processing System(AIPS),we detected these two pulsars and fitted their current positions with accuracy at the milliarcsecond level.By comparison,our results show significantly better agreement with predicted values based on historical VLBI observations than those with previous timing observations,as pulsar astrometry with the VLBI provides a more direct and model-independent method for accurately obtaining related parameters. 展开更多
The FAST Core Array
作者 peng jiang Rurong Chen +8 位作者 Hengqian Gan Jinghai Sun Boqin Zhu Hui Li Weiwei Zhu Jingwen Wu Xuelei Chen Haiyan Zhang Tao An 《Astronomical Techniques and Instruments》 CSCD 2024年第2期84-94,共11页
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope(FAST)Core Array is a proposed extension of FAST,integrating 24 secondary 40-m antennas implanted within 5 km of the FAST site.This original array design will c... The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope(FAST)Core Array is a proposed extension of FAST,integrating 24 secondary 40-m antennas implanted within 5 km of the FAST site.This original array design will combine the unprecedented sensitivity of FAST with a high angular resolution(4.3"at a frequency of 1.4 GHz),thereby exceeding the capabilities at similar frequencies of next-generation arrays such as the Square Kilometre Array Phase 1 or the next-generation Very Large Array.This article presents the technical specifications of the FAST Core Array,evaluates its potential relatively to existing radio telescope arrays,and describes its expected scientific prospects.The proposed array will be equipped with technologically advanced backend devices,such as real-time signal processing systems.A phased array feed receiver will be mounted on FAST to improve the survey efficiency of the FAST Core Array,whose broad frequency coverage and large field of view(FOV)will be essential to study transient cosmic phenomena such as fast radio bursts and gravitational wave events,to conduct surveys and resolve structures in neutral hydrogen galaxies,to monitor or detect pulsars,and to investigate exoplanetary systems.Finally,the FAST Core Array can strengthen China's major role in the global radio astronomy community,owing to a wide range of potential scientific applications from cosmology to exoplanet science. 展开更多
关键词 FAST Radio telescope INTERFEROMETRY Synthesis array
Lone-Star retractor perineal exposure method for laparoscopic abdominal perineal resection of rectal cancer
作者 Jun Ma Dai-Bin Tang +3 位作者 Yu-Quan Tang Da-Tian Wang peng jiang Ya-Ming Zhang 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第8期2528-2537,共10页
BACKGROUND The abdominal perineal resection(APR),historically referred to as Mile’s proce-dure,stands as a time-honored surgical intervention for rectal cancer manage-ment.Advancements in surgical techniques and the ... BACKGROUND The abdominal perineal resection(APR),historically referred to as Mile’s proce-dure,stands as a time-honored surgical intervention for rectal cancer manage-ment.Advancements in surgical techniques and the advent of neoadjuvant therapies have significantly improved the rate of sphincter preservation among patients afflicted with rectal cancer,including those with ultralow rectal cancer.Despite these improvements,APR maintains its irreplaceable role in the clinical landscape,particularly for cases involving low rectal cancer with encroachment on the external anal sphincter or levator ani muscles.Optimal perineal exposure stands as a pivotal phase in APR,given that the precision of this maneuver is directly correlated with both the safety of the surgery and the patient’s subse-quent long-term prognosis.AIM To evaluate the value of Lone-Star retractor(LSR)perineal exposure method in the treatment for laparoscopic APR of rectal cancer.METHODS We reviewed the records of 38 patients with rectal cancer at Anqing Municipal Hospital from January 2020 to December 2023,including 20 patients who underwent the APR procedure with a LSR perineal exposure method(LSR group)and 18 patients who underwent the APR procedure with a conventional perineal exposure method(control group).In the LSR group,following incision of the skin and subcutaneous tissue,the LSR was placed and dynamically adjusted according to the surgical plane to fully expose the perineal operative field.RESULTS A total of 38 patients underwent laparoscopic APR,none of whom were found to have distant metastasis upon intraoperative exploration.Perineal blood loss,the postoperative hospital stays and the wound pain scores in the LSR group were significantly lower than those in the control group.A single surgeon completed the perineal operation significantly more often in the LSR group than in the control group(P<0.05).The incidence of infection via the perineal incision in the LSR group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).No cases of distant metastasis or local recurrence were found among the patients at the postoperative follow-up.CONCLUSION The application of the LSR technique might be helpful for performing perineal exposure during APR for rectal cancer and could reduce the incidence of perineal complications,shorten the postoperative hospital stay,improve postoperative pain,and allow one surgeon to perform the perineal operation. 展开更多
关键词 Rectal cancer Lone-Star retractor Abdominal perineal resection Perineal exposure method Technique
作者 彭江 王静 《光通信技术》 北大核心 2024年第1期39-45,共7页
为了进一步提升生物传感器传感性能,设计了一种基于表面等离子共振(SPR)效应的深刻蚀微开口双芯对称D型光子晶体光纤(PCF)传感器。该传感器采用堆叠、拉伸技术和化学气相沉积(CVD)技术制备,具有2种不同直径的气孔,且这2种气孔呈对称结... 为了进一步提升生物传感器传感性能,设计了一种基于表面等离子共振(SPR)效应的深刻蚀微开口双芯对称D型光子晶体光纤(PCF)传感器。该传感器采用堆叠、拉伸技术和化学气相沉积(CVD)技术制备,具有2种不同直径的气孔,且这2种气孔呈对称结构。介绍了采用该传感器的葡萄糖浓度检测系统原理,仿真分析了金属材料、气孔参数、抛光参数对传感器性能的影响。仿真结果表明,当折射率检测范围为1.26~1.41时,传感器的最大波长灵敏度、分辨率和葡萄糖浓度检测灵敏度分别可达24600 nm/RIU、4.06×10^(-6)RI U和2.73 nm/(g·L^(-1))。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄糖 折射率传感 生物传感 表面等离子体共振
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