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Epidemiological and Subtype Characterization of Influenza Viruses Infection in Children in Shenzhen, China during Three Consecutive Seasons (January 2016-December 2018)
作者 Yaxian Kuang Ruihong Ma +3 位作者 Lei Jia qiang yao Chenhui Zhang Xiaoying Fu 《Open Journal of Pediatrics》 2024年第5期851-864,共14页
Background: Children with seasonal influenza infection cause a significant burden of disease each year in the pediatric clinic. Influenza A and B viruses are the major types responsible for illness. A better understan... Background: Children with seasonal influenza infection cause a significant burden of disease each year in the pediatric clinic. Influenza A and B viruses are the major types responsible for illness. A better understanding of the periodicity facilitates the prevention and control of influenza in children. Objective: This study aims to analyze the epidemiological patterns and subtype characterization of influenza viruses among children in Shenzhen, China. Methods: Influenza samples were collected by nasopharyngeal swabs from influenza like illness patients in Shenzhen Children’s Hospital from January 2016 to December 2018. The positive cases and influenza subtypes were determined by gold labeled antigen detection and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The influenza periodicity and age, subtype distribution as well as the association between climate parameters and different influenza subtypes were analyzed by SPSS 22.0. Results: The influenza positive rate during 2016-2018 was 21.0%, with a highest positive rate in the year 2018. The positive rate varied by month, season, and year describing a sequence of peaks presenting primarily in all year including spring, summer and winter. The characteristics of influenza peak were different in each year, with a spring peak in 2016 and a summer plus a winter-spring peaks in 2017 and 2018. In addition, influenza B exhibited a winter-spring seasonal pattern while influenza A displayed a more variable seasonality, highlighting influenza B rather than influenza A which had a negative association with climate parameters. Influenza-positive cases were older than influenza-negative cases (P P Conclusion: Influenza activity in children from Shenzhen typically displays both winter-spring and summer peaks. Influenza A epidemic occurred separately or co-circulated with influenza B, with a winter-spring pattern for influenza B and a much more variable seasonality for influenza A. Influenza B had a negative association with climate parameters. In addition, hospitalization with influenza often occurs in younger individuals infected with influenza A. 展开更多
关键词 INFLUENZA Influenza Like Illness Gold Labeled Antigen Detection Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction Influenza A Influenza B
Clinical Study of Shentong Zhuyu Decoction Combined with Massage Therapy in the Treatment of Exertional Chronic Lumbar Muscle Strain
作者 Lijun HAN Pengjun QIN +2 位作者 Junbao KE qiang yao Yongzhi LI 《Medicinal Plant》 2024年第2期65-68,共4页
[Objectives]To explore the effects of Shentong Zhuyu decoction combined with massage therapy in the treatment of exertional chronic lumbar muscle strain.[Methods]Sixty-four cases of exertional chronic lumbar muscle st... [Objectives]To explore the effects of Shentong Zhuyu decoction combined with massage therapy in the treatment of exertional chronic lumbar muscle strain.[Methods]Sixty-four cases of exertional chronic lumbar muscle strain were randomly divided into two groups(32 cases each group).The patients in the control group only took celecoxib capsules,and those in the treatment group additionally took Shentong Zhuyu decoction combined with massage therapy.TCM syndrome score,lumbar function,hemorrheology index and clinical effect were compared between the two groups before and after treatment.[Results]After treatment,the TCM syndrome scores of lumbar distension/dull pain,tingling-like lumbago,adverse lateral turn,body weight loss,dark purple tongue,slow or astringent pulse,and Oswestry disability index(ODI)score in the treatment group were lower than those in the control group,and the levels of plasma viscosity,red blood cell aggregation index,platelet aggregation rate(PAG)and fibrinogen(Fib)were lower than those in the control group,showing statistical significance(P<0.05).The overall clinical effect distribution of the treatment group was better than that of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).[Conclusions]Shentong Zhuyu decoction combined with massage therapy can effectively relieve the symptoms of patients with lumbago and improve the lumbar mobility function and hemorrheology,with obvious therapeutic effects in the treatment of exertional chronic lumbar muscle strain. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic lumbar muscle strain EXERTIONAL MASSAGE Shentong Zhuyu decoction
奉新猕猴桃黑斑病病原菌鉴定及室内药剂筛选 被引量:12
作者 周英 李庚花 +5 位作者 胡叶开 强遥 张凯东 赵尚高 李帮明 蒋军喜 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期48-56,共9页
【目的】明确江西省奉新县猕猴桃黑斑病病原菌种类,筛选防治该病害的有效药剂。【方法】从奉新县果园中随机采集40个呈典型症状的猕猴桃黑斑病病果,采用PDA培养基按照常规组织分离法对其进行病菌分离和纯化。从获得的菌株中选择代表性菌... 【目的】明确江西省奉新县猕猴桃黑斑病病原菌种类,筛选防治该病害的有效药剂。【方法】从奉新县果园中随机采集40个呈典型症状的猕猴桃黑斑病病果,采用PDA培养基按照常规组织分离法对其进行病菌分离和纯化。从获得的菌株中选择代表性菌株HB-1进行病菌鉴定和药剂筛选。在测定其致病性的基础上对其培养性状、分生孢子和分生孢子链形态进行观察,并测量其分生孢子大小。根据菌落形态特征和病菌形态大小,参考相关文献,对病原菌进行种类归属鉴定。提取菌株HB-1基因组DNA,对其rDNA-ITS和EF-1α基因进行PCR扩增和序列测定,根据序列同源性大小对病原菌进行分子鉴定。采用菌丝生长速率法测定22种杀菌剂对该病菌的室内抑菌活性。【结果】共分离获得35个培养性状一致的真菌菌株,供试菌株HB-1具有致病性,其菌落绒状,正面墨绿色,背面淡绿色。菌株产生卵形或倒棍棒形,具2~5个横隔膜和1~3个纵、斜隔膜、大小(15~50)μm×(7.5~12.5)μm的分生孢子。分生孢子链状着生并有分支,支链一般长1~5个孢子,最长也未达到10个孢子。上述培养性状和形态特征符合文献中对链格孢(Alternaria alternata)的描述。该菌株的rDNA-ITS和EF-1α基因序列长度分别为531 bp和240 bp,与GenBank中链格孢(A.alternata)的序列同源性为100%。在药剂筛选试验中,申嗪霉素、咪鲜胺锰盐、己唑醇、肟菌·戊唑醇、丙环唑、苯醚甲环唑、戊唑·嘧菌酯和氟硅䂳8种杀菌剂抑菌活性强,EC50值均小于1μg/mL;中生菌素、嘧菌环胺、吡唑醚菌酯、异菌脲、噁酮·锰锌、多抗霉素、丙森锌、代森联和腈苯唑9种杀菌剂抑菌活性较强,EC50值1~10μg/mL;啶酰菌胺、乙蒜素、春雷霉素、精甲·百菌清和百菌清5种杀菌剂的抑菌活性较弱或不明显,EC50值均大于25μg/mL。【结论】确定奉新县猕猴桃黑斑病病原为链格孢(A.alternata),申嗪霉素、咪鲜胺锰盐、己唑醇、肟菌·戊唑醇、丙环唑、苯醚甲环唑、戊唑·嘧菌酯和氟硅䂳8种杀菌剂对链格孢具有强烈的抑菌活性。 展开更多
关键词 猕猴桃黑斑病 链格孢 杀菌剂 毒力测定
一株侵染黄桃果实的葡萄座腔菌菌株鉴定 被引量:5
作者 虞凡霜 强遥 +4 位作者 秦双林 张凯东 刘冰 熊桂红 蒋军喜 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期566-573,共8页
【目的】明确从江西省井冈山市“锦绣”黄桃病果上分离到的1株葡萄座腔菌的种类归属及其致病性。【方法】对黄桃病果进行症状描述,使用PDA平板按照常规真菌分离法从病果中分离病菌并进行菌种纯化,观察该菌的培养性状和形态特征,测量其... 【目的】明确从江西省井冈山市“锦绣”黄桃病果上分离到的1株葡萄座腔菌的种类归属及其致病性。【方法】对黄桃病果进行症状描述,使用PDA平板按照常规真菌分离法从病果中分离病菌并进行菌种纯化,观察该菌的培养性状和形态特征,测量其分生孢子器和分生孢子大小,根据观测值,依据相关文献对其进行形态学鉴定。提取该菌株基因组DNA,对rDNA-ITS、EF-1和β-tubulin基因分别进行PCR扩增和测序,将测定序列输入到NCBI中利用BLAST程序搜索其同源序列并构建系统发育树,根据序列同源性大小和亲缘发生关系,对该菌株进行分子生物学鉴定;采用菌饼接种法分别对健康的桃一年生枝条和果实进行刺伤接种,测定该菌株的致病性。【结果】该黄桃病果病斑褐色、圆形或不规则形,病健交界不清楚,病斑果皮较完好,内部果肉变软腐烂。从病果中分离获得形态特征一致的真菌菌落,取其中一个菌株进行观察,其菌落初呈白色,后从中央开始变为灰绿色,菌落背面为墨绿色,菌落蓬松。菌落生长迅速,生长速率达35.5 mm/d,其培养性状与已报道的葡萄座腔菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)培养性状一致。分生孢子器球形或扁球形,大小221.2(214.2~244.8)μm×225.9(204~255)μm。分生孢子梭形、无色、单胞,大小22.6(18.7~28.6)μm×5.1(3.9~5.2)μm,其形态大小与B.dothidea的无性态七叶树壳梭孢(Fusicoccum aesculi)的分生孢子器和分生孢子形态大小相吻合;测定的rDNA-ITS、EF-1和β-tubulin 3个基因的序列长度分别为583,297,681 bp,其在GenBank中的序列登录号分别为MW202368、MW202401和MW202404,此3个序列与GenBank中葡萄座腔菌(B.dothidea)对应序列具有最高的同源性,均为100%。将本菌株的3个序列按rDNA-ITS、EF-1、β-tubulin顺序连接成一个大的串联序列,与从GenBank中下载连接的对应序列一起构建系统发育树,结果显示,该菌株与B.dothidea的各菌株聚类成一个分支,而其他种类的菌株各构成独立的分支;在人工接种试验中,该菌株能侵染桃枝条和果实,引起的症状与自然发病症状相同,并从病斑中成功进行了病菌再分离。【结论】确定从“锦绣”黄桃果实上分离到的1株葡萄座腔菌属菌株为葡萄座腔菌(B.dothidea),命名为JGT01,该菌株对桃果实和枝条均具有致病性。 展开更多
关键词 黄桃果实腐烂病 病原鉴定 葡萄座腔菌 七叶树壳梭孢
江西省吉水县柑桔黄龙病菌检测 被引量:3
作者 张凯东 强遥 +4 位作者 鄢明峰 贺哲 虞凡霜 叶莹 蒋军喜 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2021年第1期8-10,共3页
为了确切诊断江西省吉安市吉水县近年出现的疑似柑桔黄龙病,2019年12月从该县6个柑桔园中共采集12份(株)叶片样品,采用PCR和序列测定技术对叶样进行黄龙病菌检测。结果,从6份样品中检测到柑桔黄龙病菌亚洲种,即亚洲韧皮部杆菌(Candidatu... 为了确切诊断江西省吉安市吉水县近年出现的疑似柑桔黄龙病,2019年12月从该县6个柑桔园中共采集12份(株)叶片样品,采用PCR和序列测定技术对叶样进行黄龙病菌检测。结果,从6份样品中检测到柑桔黄龙病菌亚洲种,即亚洲韧皮部杆菌(Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,CLas)。表明吉水县已有柑桔黄龙病发生。 展开更多
关键词 柑桔黄龙病 亚洲韧皮部杆菌 PCR检测 吉水县
南昌市辣椒疫病病原鉴定 被引量:2
作者 强遥 广业兰 +3 位作者 秦双林 张凯东 杨渭澄 蒋军喜 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2020年第11期39-42,共4页
为江西南昌辣椒疫病的防治及深入研究提供依据,于2019年7月从当地采集呈典型症状的辣椒疫病植株样品,采用组织分离法、回接致病性观察及形态学和分子生物学相结合鉴定南昌市辣椒疫病的病原菌种类。结果表明:从发病组织中分离获得16个培... 为江西南昌辣椒疫病的防治及深入研究提供依据,于2019年7月从当地采集呈典型症状的辣椒疫病植株样品,采用组织分离法、回接致病性观察及形态学和分子生物学相结合鉴定南昌市辣椒疫病的病原菌种类。结果表明:从发病组织中分离获得16个培养性状一致的真菌菌株,人工回接均具有致病性;其游动孢子囊形态和大小相同;随机挑选2个菌株提取基因组DNA,其rDNA-ITS区的PCR扩增序列完全一致,且与GenBank中辣椒疫霉的对应序列具有99.88%的同源性,确定南昌市辣椒疫病病原为辣椒疫霉(Phytophthora capsici Leonian)。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒疫病 病原鉴定 辣椒疫霉 南昌
Clean Coal Technologies in China: Current Status and Future Perspectives 被引量:49
作者 Shiyan Chang Jiankun Zhuo +2 位作者 Shuo Meng Shiyue Qin qiang yao 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期447-459,共13页
Coal is the dominant primary energy source in China and the major source of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. To facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way, clean coal... Coal is the dominant primary energy source in China and the major source of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. To facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way, clean coal technologies (CCTs) are necessary. This paper presents a review of recent research and development of four kinds of CCTs: coal power generation; coal conversion; pollution control; and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. It also outlines future perspectives on directions for technology re search and development (R&D). This review shows that China has made remarkable progress in the R&D of CCTs, and that a number of CCTs have now entered into the commercialization stage. 展开更多
关键词 Clean coal technologies Power generation Coal conversion Pollution control Carbon capture utilization and storage
Influence of flue gas cleaning system on characteristics of PM_(2.5)emission from coal-fired power plants 被引量:18
作者 Ao Wang qiang Song +3 位作者 Gongming Tu Hui Wang Yong Yue qiang yao 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI CAS 2014年第1期4-12,共9页
This study investigated the influence of precipitators and wet flue gas desulfurization equipment on characteristics of PM_(2.5)emission from coal-fired power stations.We measured size distribution and removal efficie... This study investigated the influence of precipitators and wet flue gas desulfurization equipment on characteristics of PM_(2.5)emission from coal-fired power stations.We measured size distribution and removal efficiencies,including hybrid electrostatic precipitator/bag filters(ESP/BAGs)which have rarely been studied.A bimodal distribution of particle concentrations was observed at the inlet of each precipitator.After the precipitators,particle concentrations were significantly reduced.Although a bimodal distribution was still observed,all peak positions shifted to the smaller end.The removal efficiencies of hybrid ESP/BAGs reached 99%for PM_(2.5),which is considerably higher than those for other types of precipitators.In particular,the influence of hybrid ESP/BAG operating conditions on the performance of dust removal was explored.The efficiency of hybrid ESP/BAGs decreased by 1.9%when the first electrostatic field was shut down.The concentrations and distributions of particulate matter were also measured in three coal-fired power plants before and after desulfurization devices.The results showed diverse removal efficiencies for different desulfurization towers.The reason for the difference requires further research.We estimated the influence of removal technology for particulate matter on total emissions in China.Substituting ESPs with hybrid ESP/BAGs could reduce the total emissions to 104.3 thousand tons,with 47.48 thousand tons of PM_(2.5). 展开更多
关键词 Coal-fired power station PRECIPITATION PM_(2.5) Emission characteristics Electrostatic precipitator ESP/BAG
S-1-based vs non-S-1-based chemotherapy in advanced gastric cancer: A meta-analysis 被引量:15
作者 Jian Yang Yan Zhou +2 位作者 Ke Min qiang yao Chun-Ni Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第33期11886-11893,共8页
AIM: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of S-1-based vs non-S-1-based chemotherapy in advanced gastric cancer (AGC).
关键词 S-1 Advanced gastric cancer CHEMOTHERAPY First line treatment META-ANALYSIS
Rapid report of the 8 January 2022 M_(S)6.9 Menyuan earthquake,Qinghai,China 被引量:27
作者 Hongfeng Yang Dun Wang +7 位作者 Rumeng Guo Mengyu Xie Yang Zang Yue Wang qiang yao Chuang Cheng Yanru An Yingying Zhang 《Earthquake Research Advances》 CSCD 2022年第1期4-14,共11页
The M_(S)6.9 Menyuan earthquake in Qinghai Province,west China is the largest earthquake by far in 2022.The earthquake occurs in a tectonically active region,with a background b-value of 0.87 within 100 km of the epic... The M_(S)6.9 Menyuan earthquake in Qinghai Province,west China is the largest earthquake by far in 2022.The earthquake occurs in a tectonically active region,with a background b-value of 0.87 within 100 km of the epicenter that we derived from the unified catalog produced by China Earthquake Networks Center since late 2008.Field surveys have revealed surface ruptures extending 22 km along strike,with a maximum ground displacement of 2.1 m.We construct a finite fault model with constraints from In SAR observations,which showed multiple fault segments during the Menyuan earthquake.The major slip asperity is confined within 10 km at depth,with the maximum slip of 3.5 m.Near real-time back-projection results of coseismic radiation indicate a northwest propagating rupture that lasted for~10 s.Intensity estimates from the back-projection results show up to a Mercalli scale of IX near the ruptured area,consistent with instrumental measurements and the observations from the field surveys.Aftershock locations(up to January 21,2022)exhibit two segments,extending to~20 km in depth.The largest one reaches M_(S)5.3,locating near the eastern end of the aftershock zone.Although the location and the approximate magnitude of the mainshock had been indicated by previous studies based on paleoearthquake records and seismic gap,as well as estimated stressing rate on faults,significant surfacebreaching rupture leads to severe damage of the high-speed railway system,which poses a challenge in accurately assessing earthquake hazards and risks,and thus demands further investigations of the rupture behaviors for crustal earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Surface rupture Coseismic slip Real-time Intensity Aftershock location and statistics Earthquake magnitude forecasting
Rebamipide suppresses diclofenac-induced intestinal permeability via mitochondrial protection in mice 被引量:8
作者 Lei Diao Qiao Mei +5 位作者 Jian-Ming Xu Xiao-Chang Liu Jing Hu Juan Jin qiang yao Mo-Li Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第10期1059-1066,共8页
AIM: To investigate the protective effect and mechanism of rebamipide on small intestinal permeability induced by diclofenac in mice. METHODS: Diclofenac (2.5 mg/kg) was administered once daily for 3 d orally. A contr... AIM: To investigate the protective effect and mechanism of rebamipide on small intestinal permeability induced by diclofenac in mice. METHODS: Diclofenac (2.5 mg/kg) was administered once daily for 3 d orally. A control group received the vehicle by gavage. Rebamipide (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg) was administered intragastrically once a day for 3 d 4 h after diclofenac administration. Intestinal permeability was evaluated by Evans blue and the FITC-dextran method. The ultrastructure of the mucosal barrier was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Mitochondrial function including mitochondrial swelling, mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-reduced (NADH) levels, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and ATPase activities were measured. Small intestinal mucosa was collected for assessment of malondialdehyde (MDA) content and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, intestinal permeability was significantly increased in the diclofenac group, which was accompanied by broken tight junctions, and significant increases in MDA content and MPO activity. Rebamipide significantly reduced intestinal permeability, improved inter-cellular tight junctions, and was associated with decreases in intestinal MDA content and MPO activity. At the mitochondrial level, rebamipide increased SDH and ATPase activities, NADH level and decreased mitochondrial swelling. CONCLUSION: Increased intestinal permeability induced by diclofenac can be attenuated by rebamipide, which partially contributed to the protection of mitochondrial function. 展开更多
关键词 Intestinal mucosal permeability MITOCHONDRIA Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs Oxidative damage REBAMIPIDE Tight junction
Formation and emission characteristics of VOCs from a coal-fired power plant 被引量:3
作者 Jingying Xu Yue Lyu +3 位作者 Jiankun Zhuo Yishu Xu Zijian Zhou qiang yao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期256-264,共9页
On-site measurements of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)in different streams of flue gas were carried out on a real coal-fired power plant using sampling bags and SUMMA canisters to collect gas samples,filters to coll... On-site measurements of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)in different streams of flue gas were carried out on a real coal-fired power plant using sampling bags and SUMMA canisters to collect gas samples,filters to collect particle samples.Gas chromatography-flame ionization detector/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was the offline analysis method.We found that the total mass concentration of the tested 102 VOC species at the outlet of wet flue gas desulfuration device was(13456±47)μg·m^(-3),which contained aliphatic hydrocarbons(57.9%),aromatic hydrocarbons(26.8%),halogen-containing species(14.5%),and a small amount of oxygen-containing and nitrogencontaining species.The most abundant species were 1-hexene,n-hexane and 2-methylpentane.The top ten species in terms of mass fraction(with a total mass fraction of 75.3%)were mainly hydrocarbons with a carbon number of 6 or higher and halogenated hydrocarbons with a lower carbon number.The mass concentration of VOC species in the particle phase was significantly lower than that in the gas phase.The change of VOC mass concentrations along the air pollution control devices indicates that conventional pollutant control equipment had a limited effect on VOC reduction.Ozone formation potential calculations showed that aromatic hydrocarbons contributed the highest ozone formation(46.4%)due to their relatively high mass concentrations and MIR(maximum increment reactivity)values. 展开更多
关键词 Volatile organic compounds Coal combustion Ozone formation potential Coal-fired power plant On-site measurement
Duodenum and ventral pancreas preserving subtotal pancreatectomy for low-grade malignant neoplasms of the pancreas: An alternative procedure to total pancreatectomy for low-grade pancreatic neoplasms 被引量:2
作者 Xing Wang Chun-Lu Tan +2 位作者 Hai-Yu Song qiang yao Xu-Bao Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第35期6457-6466,共10页
AIM To describe the indications, technique and outcomes of the novel surgical procedure of duodenum and ventral pancreas preserving subtotal pancreatectomy(DVPPSP).METHODS Data collected retrospectively from 43 patien... AIM To describe the indications, technique and outcomes of the novel surgical procedure of duodenum and ventral pancreas preserving subtotal pancreatectomy(DVPPSP).METHODS Data collected retrospectively from 43 patients who underwent DVPPSP and TP between 2009 and 2015 in our single centre were analysed. For enrolment, only patients with low-grade pancreatic neoplasms, such as pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms(IPMNs), and solid pseudopapillary tumors, were included. Ten DVPPSP(group 1) and 13 TP(group 2) patients were selected in this study.RESULTS There were no significant differences in age, gender, comorbidities, preoperative symptoms, American Society of Anesthesiologists score or indications for surgery between the two groups. The most common indication was IPMN for DVPPSP and TP(60% vs 85%, P = 0.411). Compared with the TP group, the DVPPSP group had comparable postoperative morbidities(P = 0.405) and mortalities(both nil), but significantly shorter operative time(232 ± 19.6 min vs 335 ± 32.3 min, P < 0.001). DVPPSP preserved better long-term pancreatic function with less supplementary therapy(P < 0.001) and better quality of life(Qo L) after surgery, including better scores in social(P = 0.042) and global health(P = 0.047) on functional scales and less appetite loss(P = 0.049) on the symptom scale. CONCLUSION DVPPSP is a feasible and safe procedure that could be an alternative to TP for low-grade neoplasms arising from the body and tail region but across the neck region of the pancreas; DVPPSP had better metabolic function and Qo L after surgery. 展开更多
作者 叶莹 曾怡林 +3 位作者 虞凡霜 张凯东 强遥 蒋军喜 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2021年第1期58-63,共6页
【目的】探明茄褐纹病菌的生物学特性及不同防治药剂对其室内毒力强度,为南昌地区茄褐纹病的药剂防治提供理论依据。【方法】采用菌丝生长速率法测定茄褐纹病菌(Phomopsis vexans)的生物学特性及8种杀菌剂对该菌的室内毒力。【结果】该... 【目的】探明茄褐纹病菌的生物学特性及不同防治药剂对其室内毒力强度,为南昌地区茄褐纹病的药剂防治提供理论依据。【方法】采用菌丝生长速率法测定茄褐纹病菌(Phomopsis vexans)的生物学特性及8种杀菌剂对该菌的室内毒力。【结果】该菌最适生长温度为25℃,最适pH为6,全黑暗条件下菌丝生长速率最快,为11.00 mm/d;最适培养基为马铃薯蔗糖琼脂培养基(PSA);最佳碳和氮源分别为麦芽糖和蛋白胨;40%氟硅唑、15%三唑酮、70%丙森锌、50%戊唑醇·25%嘧菌酯、70%甲基硫菌灵、43%戊唑醇和50%异菌脲等杀菌剂对茄褐纹病菌毒力较强,其EC 50依次为0.012μg/mL、0.020μg/mL、0.030μg/mL、0.072μg/mL、0.128μg/mL、0.149μg/mL和0.241μg/mL;40%嘧霉胺的毒力较弱,其EC 50为8.013μg/mL。【结论】该研究为茄褐纹病发病规律研究奠定了一定的工作基础。 展开更多
关键词 茄褐纹病菌 生物学特性 杀菌剂 毒力强度
The Technical Analysis on Upgrade and Coupling of Low-Quality Coal 被引量:1
作者 Bin Zhao qiang yao +2 位作者 Shan Lu Qinggong Wang Junfu Lv 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第13期467-472,共6页
Experimental study was conducted with regard to upgrading low-quality coal by low temperature pyrolysis technology and fluidization classification technology, which laid the theoretical foundation for research and dev... Experimental study was conducted with regard to upgrading low-quality coal by low temperature pyrolysis technology and fluidization classification technology, which laid the theoretical foundation for research and development of low-quality coal upgrading process. Firstly, a pyrolysis pilot experiment of long-flame coal was performed and the optimum pyrolysis conditions were found. When the final pyrolysis temperature was 450?C and the residence time was 10 minutes, the content of semicoke volatile dry ash-free was about 22.89% and the content of semicoke ash was about 16.1%. More than 5% of the ash needs to be removed before entering the pyrolysis fluidized bed. Thus, classification tests were carried out to pick out the coal particles with the target size of 500 μm, using a gas-solid fluidized bed coal picker. It was found that the separating effect of coal particles was the most satisfactory when the inlet velocity at the bottom was 3.27 m/s. The percentage of particles with diameters less than 500 μm was as low as 28.7% in the coarse samples. Based on the test results, a novel process of low-quality coal upgrade and coupling was proposed, which realized the sorting, grading, drying and pyrolysis of low-quality coal through the multi-stage fluidized bed integrated process. 展开更多
关键词 Low-Quality COAL Low TEMPERATURE PYROLYSIS Fluidized BED PARTICLE Classification
Effects of a Dry-Mass Conserving Dynamical Core on the Simulation of Tropical Cyclones
作者 Shaoying LI Jun PENG +4 位作者 Weimin ZHANG Jianping WU qiang yao Xiangrong YANG Tengling LUO 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第3期464-482,共19页
The accurate forecasting of tropical cyclones(TCs)is a challenging task.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a dry-mass conserving(DMC)hydrostatic global spectral dynamical core on TC simulation... The accurate forecasting of tropical cyclones(TCs)is a challenging task.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a dry-mass conserving(DMC)hydrostatic global spectral dynamical core on TC simulation.Experiments were conducted with DMC and total(moist)mass conserving(TMC)dynamical cores.The TC forecast performance was first evaluated considering 20 TCs in the West Pacific region observed during the 2020 typhoon season.The impacts of the DMC dynamical core on forecasts of individual TCs were then estimated.The DMC dynamical core improved both the track and intensity forecasts,and the TC intensity forecast improvement was much greater than the TC track forecast improvement.Sensitivity simulations indicated that the DMC dynamical core-simulated TC intensity was stronger regardless of the forecast lead time.In the DMC dynamical core experiments,three-dimensional winds and warm and moist cores were consistently enhanced with the TC intensity.Drier air in the boundary inflow layer was found in the DMC dynamical core experiments at the early simulation times.Water vapor mixing ratio budget analysis indicated that this mainly depended on the simulated vertical velocity.Higher updraft above the boundary layer yielded a drier boundary layer,resulting in surface latent heat flux(SLHF)enhancement,the major energy source of TC intensification.The higher DMC dynamical core-simulated updraft in the inner core caused a higher net surface rain rate,producing higher net internal atmospheric diabatic heating and increasing the TC intensity.These results indicate that the stronger DMC dynamical coresimulated TCs are mainly related to the higher DMC vertical velocity. 展开更多
关键词 dry mass conservation tropical cyclone intensity forecast track forecast
Role of Ocean Dynamics in the Seasonal Hadley Cell:A Response to Idealized Arctic Amplification
作者 Haijin DAI qiang yao 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第12期2211-2223,共13页
How atmospheric and oceanic circulations respond to Arctic warming at different timescales are revealed with idealized numerical simulations.Induced by local forcing and feedback,Arctic warming appears and leads to se... How atmospheric and oceanic circulations respond to Arctic warming at different timescales are revealed with idealized numerical simulations.Induced by local forcing and feedback,Arctic warming appears and leads to sea-ice melting.Deep-water formation is inhibited,which weakens the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC).The flow and temperature in the upper layer does not respond to the AMOC decrease immediately,especially at mid-low latitudes.Thus,nearly uniform surface warming in mid-low latitudes enhances(decreases)the strength(width)of the Hadley cell(HC).With the smaller northward heat carried by the weaker AMOC,the Norwegian Sea cools significantly.With strong warming in Northern Hemisphere high latitudes,the long-term response triggers the“temperature-wind-gyre-temperature”cycle,leading to colder midlatitudes,resulting in strong subsidence and Ferrel cell enhancement,which drives the HC southward.With weaker warming in the tropics and stronger warming at high latitudes,there is a stronger HC with decreased width.A much warmer Southern Hemisphere appears due to a weaker AMOC that also pushes the HC southward.Our idealized model results suggest that the HC strengthens under both warming conditions,as tropical warming determines the strength of the HC convection.Second,extreme Arctic warming led by artificially reduced surface albedo decreases the meridional temperature gradient between high and low latitudes,which contracts the HC.Third,a warmer mid-high latitude in the Northern(Southern)Hemisphere due to surface albedo feedback(weakened AMOC)in our experiments pushes the HC northward(southward).In most seasons,the HC exhibits the same trend as that described above. 展开更多
关键词 Hadley cell Arctic amplification Southern Hemisphere warming Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Deformation measurement by single spherical near-field intensity measurement for large reflector antenna
作者 Qian Ye Bo-Yang Wang +3 位作者 qiang yao Jin-Qing Wang Qing-Hui Liu Zhi-qiang Shen 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第10期175-186,共12页
This paper presents a new method to obtain the deformation distribution on the main reflector of an antenna only by measuring the electric intensity on a spherical surface with the focal point as the center of the sph... This paper presents a new method to obtain the deformation distribution on the main reflector of an antenna only by measuring the electric intensity on a spherical surface with the focal point as the center of the sphere,regardless of phase.Combining the differential geometry theory with geometric optics method,this paper has derived a deformation-intensity equation to relate the surface deformation to the intensity distribution of a spherical near-field directly.Based on the finite difference method(FDM)and GaussSeidel iteration,deformation has been calculated from intensity simulated by geometrical optics(GO)and physical optics(PO)methods,respectively,with relatively small errors,which prove the effectiveness of the equation proposed in this paper.By means of this method,it is possible to measure the deformation only by scanning the electric intensity of a single hemispherical near-field whose area is only about 1/15 of the aperture.The measurement only needs a plane wave at any frequency as the incident wave,which means that both the signals from the outer space satellite and the far-field artificial beacon could be used as the sources.The scanning can be realized no matter what attitude and elevation angle the antenna is in because the size and angle of the hemisphere are changeable. 展开更多
关键词 telescopes WAVES line:profiles SCATTERING
Design and Implementation of PLC-Based Autonomous Construction System of Unmanned Vibratory Roller
作者 Weizu Huang Dong Wang +2 位作者 Zuodong Xiao qiang yao Danjie Du 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2020年第10期897-912,共16页
The vibratory roller is a piece of vital construction machinery in the field of road construction.The unmanned vibratory roller efficiently utilizes the automated driving technology in the vehicle engineering field,wh... The vibratory roller is a piece of vital construction machinery in the field of road construction.The unmanned vibratory roller efficiently utilizes the automated driving technology in the vehicle engineering field,which is innovative for the unmanned road construction.This paper develops and implements the autonomous construction system for the unmanned vibratory roller.Not only does the roller have the function of remote-controlled driving,but it also has the capability of autonomous road construction.The overall system design uses the Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)as the kernel controller.It establishes the communication network through multiple Input/Output(I/O)modules,Recommended Standard 232(RS232)serial port,Controller Area Network(CAN)bus,and wireless networks to control the roller vehicle completely.The locating information is obtained through the Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS)satellite navigation equipment group to support the process of autonomous construction.According to the experimental results,the autonomous construction system can finally enable the roller to perform driving operations and construction independently,which was a significant step forward in engineering application. 展开更多
关键词 PLC-based autonomous construction unmanned system vibratory roller road engineering
Rapid Survey of Total Protein Content in Mycelia of Oyster Mushroom Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy
作者 Jin LI Jiandong HAN +5 位作者 Hongwei QIN Haixia REN Pengfei REN Luzhang WAN qiang yao Zhiyuan GONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1916-1920,共5页
Using the total protein content in mycelia of oyster mushroom cultured in plate medium as the index, the spectral information in 1 000-1 799 nm region was collected to establish a quantitative prediction model for the... Using the total protein content in mycelia of oyster mushroom cultured in plate medium as the index, the spectral information in 1 000-1 799 nm region was collected to establish a quantitative prediction model for the parameters of strains through partial least squares regression combined with chemometrics. The results showed that the optimal spectral pretreatment method was the combination of Savitzky-Golay smoothing+Savitzky-Golay derivative+MSC+Mean-Centefing. Parameters of the quantitative model including RC, SEC, RP, SEP, MF, SEP /SEC were all in the reasonable regions. The correlation coefficient of the real value and predictive value of the model was 0.672 63. The prediction model had better reliability, robustness and predictive effects, so it could be used for protein content detection in mycelia. 展开更多
关键词 Near infrared spectroscopy Oyster. mushroom Protein content in mycelia Quantitative model
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