Mississippi Valley-type(MVT) Zn-Pb deposits predominantly form within both orogenic forelands and fold-andthrust belts, yet the mineralization process within the latter tectonic setting remains inadequately understood...Mississippi Valley-type(MVT) Zn-Pb deposits predominantly form within both orogenic forelands and fold-andthrust belts, yet the mineralization process within the latter tectonic setting remains inadequately understood. This study, through a comprehensive review of MVT deposits across global fold-and-thrust belts, introduces a novel model elucidating the mineralization process in the context of tectonic belt evolution. It is demonstrated that during the stage Ⅰ, regional compression is introduced by early stages of plate convergence, causing the folding and thrusting and creating structural or lithological traps such as evaporite diapirs and unconformity-related carbonate dissolution-collapse structures. Thereafter, in stage Ⅱ, hydrocarbons begin to migrate and accumulate within these traps, where reduced sulfur is generated through thermochemical or bacterial sulfate reduction concurrent with or preceding Zn-Pb mineralization. In the subsequent stage Ⅲ, as plate convergence persists, the regional stress transitions from compression to transpression or extension. Under these conditions, steeply-dipping extensional faults are generated, facilitating the ascent of metalliferous brines into early-formed structural or lithological traps. Precipitation of Zn and Pb sulfides occurs through the mixing of Zn-Pb-transporting fluids with pre-existing reduced sulfur or by interaction with hydrocarbons.展开更多
Located on the northeast margin of the Qiangtang terrane between the Jinshajiang suture zone and Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone,the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn deposits in the Yushu area of Qinghai Province are...Located on the northeast margin of the Qiangtang terrane between the Jinshajiang suture zone and Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone,the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn deposits in the Yushu area of Qinghai Province are representative Pb-Zn deposits of the Pb-Zn-Cu polymetallic mineralization belt in the northern part of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang area,which are in the front belt of the Yushu thrust nappe system.The formed environments of these two deposits are different from those of sediment-hosted base metal deposits elsewhere in the world.The authors hold that they were formed during the Indian-Asian continental collision and developed within the fold-thrust belt combined with thrust and strike-slip-related Cenozoic basins in the interior of the collisional zone.Studying on the metallogenic epochs of these two deposits is helpful to the understanding of ore-forming regularity of the regional Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization belt and also to the search for new deposits in this region.The age of the Dongmozhazhua deposit has been determined by the Rb-Sr isochron method for sphalerite residues,whereas the age of the Mohailaheng deposit has been determined by the Rb-Sr isochron method for sphalerite residues and the Sm-Nd isochron method for fluorite.The age of the Dongmozhazhua deposit is 35.0-±0.0 Ma ((87Sr/86Sr)0=0.708807) for sphalerite residues.The age of the Mohailaheng deposit is 32.2±0.4 Ma ((87Sr/86Sr)o=0.708514) for sphalerite residues and 31.8±0.3 Ma ((143Nd/144Nd)o=0.512362) for fluorite with an average of 32.0 Ma.Together with the regional geological setting during mineralization,a possible tectonic model for metallogeny of the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn deposits has been established.These two ages are close to the ages of the Pb-Zn deposits in the Lanping and Tuotuohe basins,indicating that it is possible that the narrow 1000-kilometer-long belt controlled by a thrust nappe system on the eastern and northern margins of the Tibetan plateau could be a giant Pb-Zn mineralized belt.展开更多
The densities of CO2 inclusions in minerals are commonly used to determine the crystallizing conditions of the host minerals. However, conventional microthermometry is difficult to apply for inclusions of small size ...The densities of CO2 inclusions in minerals are commonly used to determine the crystallizing conditions of the host minerals. However, conventional microthermometry is difficult to apply for inclusions of small size (〈 5-10 μm) or low density. Raman analysis is an alternative method for determining CO2 density, provided that the CO2 density-Raman shift relation is known. This study aims to establish this CO2 density-Raman shift relation by using CO2 inclusions synthesized in fused silica capillaries. By using this newly-developed synthetic technique, we formed pure CO2 inclusions, and their densities were determined by microthermometry. The Raman analysis showed that the relation between CO2 density (D in g/cm^3) and the separations (△ in cm^-1) between the two main bands (i.e. Fermi diad bands) in CO2 Raman spectra can be represented by a cubic equation: D (g/cm^3)=0.74203(-0.019^3+5.90332△^2-610.79472△+21050.30165)-3.54278 (r^2=0.99920). Our calculated D value for a given A is between those obtained from two previously-reported equations, which were derived from different experimental methods. An example was given in this study to demonstrate that the densities of natural CO2 inclusions that could not be derived from microthermometry could be determined by using our method.展开更多
The Lanping Basin in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang (the Sanjiang) area of northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an important part of eastern Tethyan metallogenic domain. This basin hosts a number of l...The Lanping Basin in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang (the Sanjiang) area of northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an important part of eastern Tethyan metallogenic domain. This basin hosts a number of large unique sediment-hosted Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits or ore districts, such as the Baiyangping ore concentration area which is one of the representative ore district. The Baiyangping ore concentration area can be divided into the east and west ore belts, which were formed in a folded tectogene of the India-Asia continental coUisional setting and was controlled by a large reverse fault. Field observations reveal that the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary strata were outcropped in the mining area, and that the orebodies are obviously controlled by faults and hosted in sandstone and carbonate rocks. However, the oreforming elements in the east ore belt are mainly Pb-Zn -Sr-Ag, while Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Co elements are dominant in the west ore belt. Comparative analysis of the C-O-Sr-S-Pb isotopic compositions suggest that both ore belts had a homogeneous carbon source, and the carbon in hydrothermal calcite is derived from the dissolution of carbonate rock strata; the ore- forming fluids were originated from formation water and precipitate water, which belonged to basin brine fluid system; sulfur was from organic thermal chemical sulfate reduction and biological sulfate reduction; the metal mineralization material was from sedimentary strata and basement, but the difference of the material source of the basement and the strata and the superimposed mineralization of the west ore belt resulted in the difference of metallogenic elements between the eastern and western metallogenic belts. The Pb-Zn mineralization age of both ore belts was contemporary and formed in the same metaliogenetic event. Both thrust formed at the same time and occurred at the Early Oligocene, which is consistent with the age constrained by field geological relationship.展开更多
The Duocaima carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposit is a newly found large deposit in the southern area of Qinghai Province.In this paper, the characteristics, genesis, significance to Pb-Zn mineralization of the widely devel...The Duocaima carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposit is a newly found large deposit in the southern area of Qinghai Province.In this paper, the characteristics, genesis, significance to Pb-Zn mineralization of the widely developed breccias, and the ore-forming process have been carefully studied based on geological documentation of drilling holes, microscopic observations of petrography and microstructure and some stable isotope measurements.Based on the compositions of the clast and matrix, the breccias can be classified into three types: limestone clasts cemented by marl; limestone clasts with fine-grained calcareous materials; and limestone clasts cemented by hydrothermal calcite.The mineralization in the first type of breccia is weak, whereas it is strong in the latter two types of breccias.According to the locations of occurrence and structural characteristics of the breccias along with the relationship between the breccias and mineralization, part of the limestone clasts that are cemented by marl and outcrop in the contact zone between the Wudaoliang Formation(Nw) and the underlying Jiushidaoban Formation(Pj) are attributed to synsedimentary fault-genetic breccia, whereas the last of the limestone clasts that are cemented by marl and developed in the Jiushidaoban Formation(Pj) are attributed to the breccia generated by karst cave collapse; the limestone clasts with fine-grained calcareous materials and the limestone clasts cemented by hydrothermal calcite are attributed to breccia formed by hydrothermal dissolution.The breccia formed by karst collapse had consistently evolved for a long period of time, while the breccias with other origins were formed around the period of mineralization(i.e., about or slightly later than 20–16 Ma).The breccia generated by karst cave collapse and hydrothermal dissolution are somewhat related; the formation of the breccia from karst cave collapse provided open space for the later mineralization and reaction between hydrothermal fluids and host rocks, and the subsequent strong dissolution by hydrothermal fluids transformed some of the breccia formed earlier by karst cave collapse.Meanwhile, carbonate host rocks with breccias and brecciaed mineralization can be a potential sign of Mississippi Valley Type(MVT) deposits and important indicators for regional mineral exploration.The δ13CV-PDB, δ18OVSMOW, and 87Sr/86 Sr values of hydrothermal calcite in the Duocaima deposit range from 4.3‰ to 7.1‰, 14.9‰ to 20.1‰, and 0.707494 to 0.708185, respectively; the δ13CV-PDB, δ18OV-SMOW, and 87Sr/86 Sr values of the host limestones of the Jiushidaoban Formation range from 3.6‰ to 5.3‰, 18.0‰ to 20.5‰, and 0.707372 to 0.707945, respectively.The δ13CV-PDB and 87Sr/86 Sr values of hydrothermal calcite and limestone are similar, indicating single sources of C and Sr in this deposit, with the likely source being the limestone of the Jiushidaoban Formation.The minor scattering of the δ18OV-SMOW values suggests that different O isotope fluids underwent the isotope exchange reaction.The C-O-Sr isotope characteristics indicate that the host limestones experienced a dissolution and precipitation process during mineralization, which is beneficial to improving the porosity of host rocks and promoting the precipitation of metal sulfides.The δ34SV-CDT value of the breccia-type mineralization sulfides ranges from-30.4‰ to-0.3‰; that is, the δ34SV-CDT value is negative with considerable variation, illustrating that during the breccia-type mineralization process, the bacteriogenic reduction of sulfates provided the vast majority of sulfur, whereas the thermochemical reduction of sulfates was relatively unimportant.The brecciation that occurred as a result of karst cave collapse was mainly generated by the dissolution of groundwater; however, the brecciation related to hydrothermal dissolution and mineralization processes were caused by mixing of different fluids.展开更多
基金funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 42125204, 92155305, 42103068, 42372114, 42372115)。
文摘Mississippi Valley-type(MVT) Zn-Pb deposits predominantly form within both orogenic forelands and fold-andthrust belts, yet the mineralization process within the latter tectonic setting remains inadequately understood. This study, through a comprehensive review of MVT deposits across global fold-and-thrust belts, introduces a novel model elucidating the mineralization process in the context of tectonic belt evolution. It is demonstrated that during the stage Ⅰ, regional compression is introduced by early stages of plate convergence, causing the folding and thrusting and creating structural or lithological traps such as evaporite diapirs and unconformity-related carbonate dissolution-collapse structures. Thereafter, in stage Ⅱ, hydrocarbons begin to migrate and accumulate within these traps, where reduced sulfur is generated through thermochemical or bacterial sulfate reduction concurrent with or preceding Zn-Pb mineralization. In the subsequent stage Ⅲ, as plate convergence persists, the regional stress transitions from compression to transpression or extension. Under these conditions, steeply-dipping extensional faults are generated, facilitating the ascent of metalliferous brines into early-formed structural or lithological traps. Precipitation of Zn and Pb sulfides occurs through the mixing of Zn-Pb-transporting fluids with pre-existing reduced sulfur or by interaction with hydrocarbons.
文摘Located on the northeast margin of the Qiangtang terrane between the Jinshajiang suture zone and Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone,the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn deposits in the Yushu area of Qinghai Province are representative Pb-Zn deposits of the Pb-Zn-Cu polymetallic mineralization belt in the northern part of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang area,which are in the front belt of the Yushu thrust nappe system.The formed environments of these two deposits are different from those of sediment-hosted base metal deposits elsewhere in the world.The authors hold that they were formed during the Indian-Asian continental collision and developed within the fold-thrust belt combined with thrust and strike-slip-related Cenozoic basins in the interior of the collisional zone.Studying on the metallogenic epochs of these two deposits is helpful to the understanding of ore-forming regularity of the regional Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization belt and also to the search for new deposits in this region.The age of the Dongmozhazhua deposit has been determined by the Rb-Sr isochron method for sphalerite residues,whereas the age of the Mohailaheng deposit has been determined by the Rb-Sr isochron method for sphalerite residues and the Sm-Nd isochron method for fluorite.The age of the Dongmozhazhua deposit is 35.0-±0.0 Ma ((87Sr/86Sr)0=0.708807) for sphalerite residues.The age of the Mohailaheng deposit is 32.2±0.4 Ma ((87Sr/86Sr)o=0.708514) for sphalerite residues and 31.8±0.3 Ma ((143Nd/144Nd)o=0.512362) for fluorite with an average of 32.0 Ma.Together with the regional geological setting during mineralization,a possible tectonic model for metallogeny of the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn deposits has been established.These two ages are close to the ages of the Pb-Zn deposits in the Lanping and Tuotuohe basins,indicating that it is possible that the narrow 1000-kilometer-long belt controlled by a thrust nappe system on the eastern and northern margins of the Tibetan plateau could be a giant Pb-Zn mineralized belt.
基金funded by Basic Outlay of Scientific Research Work from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China *J0723 to Song Yucai)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(20070420418 to Song Yucai)National Natural Science Foundation of China (40673040 to Hu Wenxuan),and Energy Program of the USGS(to Chou I-Ming)
文摘The densities of CO2 inclusions in minerals are commonly used to determine the crystallizing conditions of the host minerals. However, conventional microthermometry is difficult to apply for inclusions of small size (〈 5-10 μm) or low density. Raman analysis is an alternative method for determining CO2 density, provided that the CO2 density-Raman shift relation is known. This study aims to establish this CO2 density-Raman shift relation by using CO2 inclusions synthesized in fused silica capillaries. By using this newly-developed synthetic technique, we formed pure CO2 inclusions, and their densities were determined by microthermometry. The Raman analysis showed that the relation between CO2 density (D in g/cm^3) and the separations (△ in cm^-1) between the two main bands (i.e. Fermi diad bands) in CO2 Raman spectra can be represented by a cubic equation: D (g/cm^3)=0.74203(-0.019^3+5.90332△^2-610.79472△+21050.30165)-3.54278 (r^2=0.99920). Our calculated D value for a given A is between those obtained from two previously-reported equations, which were derived from different experimental methods. An example was given in this study to demonstrate that the densities of natural CO2 inclusions that could not be derived from microthermometry could be determined by using our method.
基金granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grants No.41302067,41472067 and 41403043)the Fundamental Research Funds of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences(grant No.YYWF201614 and 09 program of Institute of Geomechanics)IGCP/SIDA–600,and China Geological Survey(grant No.DD20160053)
文摘The Lanping Basin in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang (the Sanjiang) area of northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an important part of eastern Tethyan metallogenic domain. This basin hosts a number of large unique sediment-hosted Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits or ore districts, such as the Baiyangping ore concentration area which is one of the representative ore district. The Baiyangping ore concentration area can be divided into the east and west ore belts, which were formed in a folded tectogene of the India-Asia continental coUisional setting and was controlled by a large reverse fault. Field observations reveal that the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary strata were outcropped in the mining area, and that the orebodies are obviously controlled by faults and hosted in sandstone and carbonate rocks. However, the oreforming elements in the east ore belt are mainly Pb-Zn -Sr-Ag, while Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Co elements are dominant in the west ore belt. Comparative analysis of the C-O-Sr-S-Pb isotopic compositions suggest that both ore belts had a homogeneous carbon source, and the carbon in hydrothermal calcite is derived from the dissolution of carbonate rock strata; the ore- forming fluids were originated from formation water and precipitate water, which belonged to basin brine fluid system; sulfur was from organic thermal chemical sulfate reduction and biological sulfate reduction; the metal mineralization material was from sedimentary strata and basement, but the difference of the material source of the basement and the strata and the superimposed mineralization of the west ore belt resulted in the difference of metallogenic elements between the eastern and western metallogenic belts. The Pb-Zn mineralization age of both ore belts was contemporary and formed in the same metaliogenetic event. Both thrust formed at the same time and occurred at the Early Oligocene, which is consistent with the age constrained by field geological relationship.
基金funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China (41273050, 41320104004)National Key Technology R&D Program in the 11th Five year Plan of China (No.2006 BAB01A08)the Geological Survey Project of China (12120114010301, 1212011220908)
文摘The Duocaima carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposit is a newly found large deposit in the southern area of Qinghai Province.In this paper, the characteristics, genesis, significance to Pb-Zn mineralization of the widely developed breccias, and the ore-forming process have been carefully studied based on geological documentation of drilling holes, microscopic observations of petrography and microstructure and some stable isotope measurements.Based on the compositions of the clast and matrix, the breccias can be classified into three types: limestone clasts cemented by marl; limestone clasts with fine-grained calcareous materials; and limestone clasts cemented by hydrothermal calcite.The mineralization in the first type of breccia is weak, whereas it is strong in the latter two types of breccias.According to the locations of occurrence and structural characteristics of the breccias along with the relationship between the breccias and mineralization, part of the limestone clasts that are cemented by marl and outcrop in the contact zone between the Wudaoliang Formation(Nw) and the underlying Jiushidaoban Formation(Pj) are attributed to synsedimentary fault-genetic breccia, whereas the last of the limestone clasts that are cemented by marl and developed in the Jiushidaoban Formation(Pj) are attributed to the breccia generated by karst cave collapse; the limestone clasts with fine-grained calcareous materials and the limestone clasts cemented by hydrothermal calcite are attributed to breccia formed by hydrothermal dissolution.The breccia formed by karst collapse had consistently evolved for a long period of time, while the breccias with other origins were formed around the period of mineralization(i.e., about or slightly later than 20–16 Ma).The breccia generated by karst cave collapse and hydrothermal dissolution are somewhat related; the formation of the breccia from karst cave collapse provided open space for the later mineralization and reaction between hydrothermal fluids and host rocks, and the subsequent strong dissolution by hydrothermal fluids transformed some of the breccia formed earlier by karst cave collapse.Meanwhile, carbonate host rocks with breccias and brecciaed mineralization can be a potential sign of Mississippi Valley Type(MVT) deposits and important indicators for regional mineral exploration.The δ13CV-PDB, δ18OVSMOW, and 87Sr/86 Sr values of hydrothermal calcite in the Duocaima deposit range from 4.3‰ to 7.1‰, 14.9‰ to 20.1‰, and 0.707494 to 0.708185, respectively; the δ13CV-PDB, δ18OV-SMOW, and 87Sr/86 Sr values of the host limestones of the Jiushidaoban Formation range from 3.6‰ to 5.3‰, 18.0‰ to 20.5‰, and 0.707372 to 0.707945, respectively.The δ13CV-PDB and 87Sr/86 Sr values of hydrothermal calcite and limestone are similar, indicating single sources of C and Sr in this deposit, with the likely source being the limestone of the Jiushidaoban Formation.The minor scattering of the δ18OV-SMOW values suggests that different O isotope fluids underwent the isotope exchange reaction.The C-O-Sr isotope characteristics indicate that the host limestones experienced a dissolution and precipitation process during mineralization, which is beneficial to improving the porosity of host rocks and promoting the precipitation of metal sulfides.The δ34SV-CDT value of the breccia-type mineralization sulfides ranges from-30.4‰ to-0.3‰; that is, the δ34SV-CDT value is negative with considerable variation, illustrating that during the breccia-type mineralization process, the bacteriogenic reduction of sulfates provided the vast majority of sulfur, whereas the thermochemical reduction of sulfates was relatively unimportant.The brecciation that occurred as a result of karst cave collapse was mainly generated by the dissolution of groundwater; however, the brecciation related to hydrothermal dissolution and mineralization processes were caused by mixing of different fluids.