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咸海变迁——危机和现状 被引量:2
作者 杨恕 孙凌霄 +2 位作者 何婧 李春兰 于洋 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期181-191,共11页
咸海曾是世界第4大湖。20世纪60年代开始,由于农业灌溉需求,咸海流域各地区大量从阿姆河和锡尔河调水,从而导致咸海快速缩小、水面降低、水质恶化。到21世纪初,湖面已缩减到原来的1/8,干涸的湖底成为盐碱度很高的盐漠,生物物种大量减少... 咸海曾是世界第4大湖。20世纪60年代开始,由于农业灌溉需求,咸海流域各地区大量从阿姆河和锡尔河调水,从而导致咸海快速缩小、水面降低、水质恶化。到21世纪初,湖面已缩减到原来的1/8,干涸的湖底成为盐碱度很高的盐漠,生物物种大量减少,生态环境恶化造成生态危机。中亚国家独立后,阿姆河与锡尔河上下游地区由于缺水产生了矛盾,进而严重影响了国家之间的关系。虽进行了多次协商,但最终中亚国家未能对咸海水资源危机提出一致的解决方案。随后,哈萨克斯坦独自开展针对咸海的保护措施,挽救了咸海北部的部分水体;乌兹别克斯坦近年来也开始在咸海危机治理方面采取积极态度。目前,学术界主流意见是,咸海危机是人为的,不宜将其与全球气候变化相联系。咸海危机由于治理和地下水的补给有所缓和,虽不会像预测中的那样完全消失,但最终能够恢复到什么程度还有很大的不确定性。本文通过对咸海危机的历史、现状和前景做了较完整的论述,以期为我国西北干旱环境治理提供科学参考。 展开更多
关键词 咸海 危机 用水矛盾 治理 水资源
A cross-cultural study of sustainable nutrition and its environmental impact in Asia and Europe:A comparison of China and Germany
作者 Birgit Anika RUMPOLD sun lingxiao +1 位作者 Nina LANGEN YU Ruide 《Regional Sustainability》 2024年第2期1-12,共12页
Global challenges such as climate change,biodiversity loss,and health crises necessitate a shift towards sustainable diets.Incorporating sustainability into food-based dietary guidelines(FBDGs)is essential for this sh... Global challenges such as climate change,biodiversity loss,and health crises necessitate a shift towards sustainable diets.Incorporating sustainability into food-based dietary guidelines(FBDGs)is essential for this shift,and cultural considerations also play a vital role,as food culture significantly influences dietary habits.Considering that Asia and Europe exhibit distinct food cultures,tailored approaches are necessary.Additionally,countries face diverse nutritional challenges,ranging from malnutrition to diet-related diseases,and regional variation in environmental impact necessitates context-specific strategies.Achieving sustainable nutrition depends on understanding cultural influences and regional dynamics.This paper compares China’s and Germany’s dietary guidelines and dietary patterns and their impact on sustainability.It shows that Chinese and German FBDGs only slightly differ,despite the different eating cultures and habits of each country.Alone the recommended amounts for eggs and fish are considerably higher in China than in Germany.However,in both China and Germany,actual dietary patterns deviate from the dietary guidelines.In China,concomitant with economic growth and urbanization,a dietary shift towards increased consumption of animal products and decreased consumption of vegetables and cereals has been observed in the last decades,which has led to a decline in nutritional deficiencies but an increase in obesity and overweight.Obesity and overweight are also on the rise in Germany.A dietary shift could therefore also be beneficial for public health.While following the respective national guidelines would benefit the environment,alternative diets such as a plant-based diet offer even lower environmental footprint.Revising guidelines to prioritize sustainability in addition to health aspects while considering regional contexts and cultural preferences is recommended to foster sustainable eating habits globally.This approach is pivotal for promoting dietary shift towards sustainability on a global scale. 展开更多
关键词 Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) Dietary shift Planetary health diet Dietary patterns Sustainable nutrition Greenhouse gas (GHG)emission
作者 孙令骁 万敏 +6 位作者 孙晓霞 刘佳 盖潇潇 王国伟 阮文婷 秦洋 刘成虎 《中国医疗器械杂志》 2024年第1期88-93,共6页
近年来,我国在基础纳米医学、纳米毒理学、纳米生物学等研究领域取得了重大进展,纳米技术被不断应用于生物材料和医疗器械领域,越来越多应用纳米材料的医疗器械被研发和生产。为了对纳米材料医疗器械的学术研究和产业发展有更全面和准... 近年来,我国在基础纳米医学、纳米毒理学、纳米生物学等研究领域取得了重大进展,纳米技术被不断应用于生物材料和医疗器械领域,越来越多应用纳米材料的医疗器械被研发和生产。为了对纳米材料医疗器械的学术研究和产业发展有更全面和准确的了解,该研究梳理了医疗器械中常用的纳米材料以及国内外对应用纳米材料的医疗器械的监管情况,探讨了目前该类医疗器械在生物学评价方面面临的挑战,以期为相关产品的安全性评价与研究提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 纳米材料 生物材料 医疗器械 生物学评价
作者 高望 王琦 孙凌霄 《建设监理》 2024年第4期19-21,共3页
工程项目管理和供应链管理水平的高低往往直接决定了工程质量、进度和成本的控制水准。新建住宅小区广电接入网工程是房建工程项目的附属配套工程之一,与水、电、燃气和暖通等其他配套工程项目相比,存在战线工期长、制约因素多和专业性... 工程项目管理和供应链管理水平的高低往往直接决定了工程质量、进度和成本的控制水准。新建住宅小区广电接入网工程是房建工程项目的附属配套工程之一,与水、电、燃气和暖通等其他配套工程项目相比,存在战线工期长、制约因素多和专业性较强等特点。通过OA系统将相关管理平台进行资源整合,打通相应数据壁垒,依据更为科学的工程项目管理手段对广电接入网工程甲供材的领缴程序和工程实体的实际造价进行合理管控,如在广电接入网工程中使用新的供应链管理模式来提升项目整体的管理效率,可使工程项目管理模式更加合规、高效,有助于提升企业运营效率和竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 广电接入网工程 供应链管理 数据孤岛 项目合规性 工程管理
基于整体性与可持续发展的历史遗产研究——以厦门市大小嶝岛为例 被引量:1
作者 王绍森 孙玲潇 +1 位作者 胡璟 全峰梅 《城市建筑》 2019年第10期9-14,24,共7页
本文以厦门市大小嶝岛为研究对象,在对岛上战争遗产进行调查、统计、归类并建立遗产资源库的基础上,判断价值和制定遗产等级,在整体性原则的指导下探寻战争遗产的可持续性保护与利用策略,以期形成对我国近代战争遗产保护研究的重要补充... 本文以厦门市大小嶝岛为研究对象,在对岛上战争遗产进行调查、统计、归类并建立遗产资源库的基础上,判断价值和制定遗产等级,在整体性原则的指导下探寻战争遗产的可持续性保护与利用策略,以期形成对我国近代战争遗产保护研究的重要补充和完善。 展开更多
关键词 整体性 可持续发展 战争遗产 厦门
塔里木盆地南缘绿洲土地覆盖变化及驱动力 被引量:8
作者 高宇婷 于洋 +1 位作者 孙凌霄 于瑞德 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1172-1183,共12页
以塔里木盆地南缘的策勒绿洲为研究区,基于4期土地利用和遥感影像、以及气象、水文和社会经济数据,分析了1990—2018年策勒绿洲土地利用/覆被变化特征。结果表明:(1)策勒绿洲各土地利用类型发生明显转变,农田面积向四周扩增,林地分布区... 以塔里木盆地南缘的策勒绿洲为研究区,基于4期土地利用和遥感影像、以及气象、水文和社会经济数据,分析了1990—2018年策勒绿洲土地利用/覆被变化特征。结果表明:(1)策勒绿洲各土地利用类型发生明显转变,农田面积向四周扩增,林地分布区域发生大幅度转移,不同覆盖程度的草地之间转化频繁。(2)绿洲共有138.41 km2的面积发生转变,占总面积的53.85%,各类型的单一动态度依次为:高覆盖草地>农田>低覆盖草地>建设用地>中覆盖草地>未利用土地>林地,双向动态度依次为:高覆盖草地>农田>低覆盖草地>建设用地>林地>中覆盖草地>未利用土地。(3)绿洲林草植被指数低于0,表明林地和草地一直处于退化的状态;绿洲土地利用变化驱动力主要为人口、降水以及径流量。 展开更多
关键词 荒漠绿洲 策勒绿洲 土地利用 时空变化 NDVI 驱动力
基于CMIP5模式的2006—2017年中亚降水预估误差分析 被引量:3
作者 黄芳 甘淼 +5 位作者 于洋 他志杰 张海燕 皮原月 孙凌霄 于瑞德 《中国科学院大学学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期333-340,共8页
利用第5次耦合模式计划(CMIP5)的24个模式模拟数据,与英国East Anglia大学气候研究中心提供的2006—2017年的月降水格点数据进行比较,通过误差空间分布、误差百分率、标准差以及误差趋势分析,对多模式集合下的中亚降水预估误差进行评估... 利用第5次耦合模式计划(CMIP5)的24个模式模拟数据,与英国East Anglia大学气候研究中心提供的2006—2017年的月降水格点数据进行比较,通过误差空间分布、误差百分率、标准差以及误差趋势分析,对多模式集合下的中亚降水预估误差进行评估。结果表明:模式集合对中亚大部分地区的年均降水预估偏多,尤其是东南部帕米尔高原与西天山的少数区域,误差偏大明显;夏半年(6—11月)在中亚东南及南部部分地区降水预估明显偏多,对中亚东北大部分区域降水预估偏少但不明显;冬半年(12及1—5月)中亚大部分区域降水量预估偏多,帕米尔高原西部部分区域以及巴尔喀什湖东部降水预估偏少,预估偏多与偏少均不明显。同时发现,中亚西部与西北部年、夏半年、冬半年模式间标准差均小于中亚东部及东南部;中亚大部分地区尤其中部的年、夏半年与冬半年降水预估误差均呈现减小趋势;厄尔尼诺年以及拉尼娜年的降水预估误差的空间分布决定多年平均预估误差分布特征。各种误差分析表明,直接使用CMIP5模式预估未来降水存在较大的不确定性,可能多来自模式本身存在的问题,如分辨率及地形处理、积云对流参数化方案、降水物理过程等描述不完善。 展开更多
关键词 CMIP5 中亚降水 多模式集合 误差分析
Climate change, water resources and sustainable development in the arid and semi-arid lands of Central Asia in the past 30 years 被引量:23
作者 YU Yang PI Yuanyue +7 位作者 YU Xiang TA Zhijie sun lingxiao Markus DISSE ZENG Fanjiang LI Yaoming CHEN Xi YU Ruide 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第1期1-14,共14页
The countries of Central Asia are collectively known as the five "-stans": Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. In recent times, the Central Asian region has been affected by the ... The countries of Central Asia are collectively known as the five "-stans": Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. In recent times, the Central Asian region has been affected by the shrinkage of the Aral Sea, widespread desertification, soil salinization, biodiversity loss, frequent sand storms, and many other ecological disasters. This paper is a review article based upon the collection, identification and collation of previous studies of environmental changes and regional developments in Central Asia in the past 30 years. Most recent studies have reached a consensus that the temperature rise in Central Asia is occurring faster than the global average. This warming trend will not only result in a higher evaporation in the basin oases, but also to a significant retreat of glaciers in the mountainous areas. Water is the key to sustainable development in the arid and semi-arid regions in Central Asia. The uneven distribution, over consumption, and pollution of water resources in Central Asia have caused severe water supply problems, which have been affecting regional harmony and development for the past 30 years. The widespread and significant land use changes in the 1990 s could be used to improve our understanding of natural variability and human interaction in the region. There has been a positive trend of trans-border cooperation among the Central Asian countries in recent years. International attention has grown and research projects have been initiated to provide water and ecosystem protection in Central Asia. However, the agreements that have been reached might not be able to deliver practical action in time to prevent severe ecological disasters. Water management should be based on hydrographic borders and ministries should be able to make timely decisions without political intervention. Fully integrated management of water resources, land use and industrial development is essential in Central Asia. The ecological crisis should provide sufficient motivation to reach a consensus on unified water management throughout the region. 展开更多
关键词 Central ASIA climate change water resources ARID and SEMI-ARID lands land use changes sustainable DEVELOPMENT SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
用药包材急性全身毒性检查法替代异常毒性检查法的可行性分析 被引量:1
作者 褚祥宇 孙令骁 +7 位作者 孙晓霞 许铭 屈秋锦 王焱 李文婷 史志超 陈蕾 刘成虎 《中国药事》 CAS 2023年第5期540-548,共9页
目的:比较药品包装材料(药包材)异常毒性与急性全身毒性检查法,研究用急性全身毒性检查法代替异常毒性检查法的可能性。方法:对不同国家、地区的药典、法规和标准中急性全身毒性检查法和异常毒性检查法进行分析对比。在此基础上,选择93... 目的:比较药品包装材料(药包材)异常毒性与急性全身毒性检查法,研究用急性全身毒性检查法代替异常毒性检查法的可能性。方法:对不同国家、地区的药典、法规和标准中急性全身毒性检查法和异常毒性检查法进行分析对比。在此基础上,选择93批不同类型药包材进行急性全身毒性和异常毒性检查并进行结果分析。结果:结合各国、地区对药包材急性全身毒性和异常毒性检查的要求,以及两者方法学之间的对比分析结果,急性全身毒性检查法具有更加广泛的适用性。结论:针对药包材急性毒性风险,特别是不断涌现的新型药包材产品,从生物学风险控制的角度出发,使用急性全身毒性检查法可以更加科学、合理地控制风险,用急性全身毒性检查法替代异常毒性检查法具有实际可行性。 展开更多
关键词 药包材 异常毒性 急性全身毒性 生物学风险 质量控制
作者 高宇婷 于洋 +2 位作者 孙凌霄 范留飞 于瑞德 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期200-208,共9页
策勒绿洲是新疆典型的荒漠绿洲区,地下水是维持该绿洲及过渡带植被生长的关键因素,以绿洲灌区为主体,以2008—2015年地下水时空变化为主线,采用遥感、GS+地统计学、优化K-means聚类和空间信息叠加等方法分析绿洲地下水和地表覆被的变化... 策勒绿洲是新疆典型的荒漠绿洲区,地下水是维持该绿洲及过渡带植被生长的关键因素,以绿洲灌区为主体,以2008—2015年地下水时空变化为主线,采用遥感、GS+地统计学、优化K-means聚类和空间信息叠加等方法分析绿洲地下水和地表覆被的变化特征。结果表明:(1)绿洲地下水埋深变幅最大是11号井,为9.66 m;变幅最小是25号井,为0.1 m;地下水埋深存在明显的空间自相关,相关距离为11.852 km;绿洲东北部地下水埋深明显下降,下降区域面积为184.85 km^2,占绿洲面积的72%;(2)对绿洲地下水埋深进行优化K-means聚类分区,结果分为4个子区,其中第一、第二聚类中心的地下水埋深均呈现下降趋势;(3)2000—2015年绿洲土地覆盖类型发生较大转变,林地面积显著性减少了26.02 km^2,草地面积增加了11.15 km^2,农田向东北部明显扩增;(4)绿洲不同地表覆被类型的地下水埋深从深到浅依次为:农田>林地>草地。 展开更多
关键词 地下水埋深 地表覆被 时空变化 K-MEANS聚类 叠加分析 荒漠绿洲
Can climate change influence agricultural GTFP in arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China? 被引量:7
作者 FENG Jian ZHAO Lingdi +3 位作者 ZHANG Yibo sun lingxiao YU Xiang YU Yang 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期837-853,共17页
There are eight provinces and autonomous regions(Gansu Province,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Tibet Autonomous Region,Qinghai Province,Shanxi Province,... There are eight provinces and autonomous regions(Gansu Province,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Tibet Autonomous Region,Qinghai Province,Shanxi Province,and Shaanxi Province)in Northwest China,most areas of which are located in arid and semi-arid regions(northwest of the 400 mm precipitation line),accounting for 58.74%of the country's land area and sustaining approximately 7.84×10^6 people.Because of drought conditions and fragile ecology,these regions cannot develop agriculture at the expense of the environment.Given the challenges of global warming,the green total factor productivity(GTFP),taking CO2 emissions as an undesirable output,is an effective index for measuring the sustainability of agricultural development.Agricultural GTFP can be influenced by both internal production factors(labor force,machinery,land,agricultural plastic film,diesel,pesticide,and fertilizer)and external climate factors(temperature,precipitation,and sunshine duration).In this study,we used the Super-slacks-based measure(Super-SBM)model to measure agricultural GTFP during the period 2000-2016 at the regional level.Our results show that the average agricultural GTFP of most provinces and autonomous regions in arid and semi-arid regions underwent a fluctuating increase during the study period(2000-2016),and the fluctuation was caused by the production factors(input and output factors).To improve agricultural GTFP,Shaanxi,Shanxi,and Gansu should reduce agricultural labor force input;Shaanxi,Inner Mongolia,Gansu,and Shanxi should decrease machinery input;Shaanxi,Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang,and Shanxi should reduce fertilizer input;Shaanxi,Xinjiang,Gansu,and Ningxia should reduce diesel input;Xinjiang and Gansu should decrease plastic film input;and Gansu,Shanxi,and Inner Mongolia should cut pesticide input.Desirable output agricultural earnings should be increased in Qinghai and Tibet,and undesirable output(CO2 emissions)should be reduced in Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang,Gansu,and Shaanxi.Agricultural GTFP is influenced not only by internal production factors but also by external climate factors.To determine the influence of climate factors on GTFP in these provinces and autonomous regions,we used a Geographical Detector(Geodetector)model to analyze the influence of climate factors(temperature,precipitation,and sunshine duration)and identify the relationships between different climate factors and GTFP.We found that temperature played a significant role in the spatial heterogeneity of GTFP among provinces and autonomous regions in arid and semi-arid regions.For Xinjiang,Inner Mongolia,and Tibet,a suitable average annual temperature would be in the range of 7℃-9℃;for Gansu,Shanxi,and Ningxia,it would be 11℃-13℃;and for Shaanxi,it would be 15℃-17℃.Stable climatic conditions and more efficient production are prerequisites for the development of sustainable agriculture.Hence,in the agricultural production process,reducing the redundancy of input factors is the best way to reduce CO2 emissions and to maintain temperatures,thereby improving the agricultural GTFP.The significance of this study is that it explores the impact of both internal production factors and external climatic factors on the development of sustainable agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions,identifying an effective way forward for the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China. 展开更多
关键词 climate change agricultural GTFP Super-slacks-based measure(Super-SBM)model Geodetector CO2 emissions arid regions semi-arid regions
作者 范留飞 于洋 +3 位作者 他志杰 皮原月 孙凌霄 于瑞德 《中国科学院大学学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期94-102,共9页
吐鲁番地区干旱少雨,蒸发量远大于降水量,是中国水资源严重匮乏的地区之一。准确估算参考作物蒸散发量(ET0)是吐鲁番地区农田灌溉系统设计和发展节水农业的基础。利用吐鲁番站2000—2015年作物生长季(4—10月)的气象资料,基于线性回归... 吐鲁番地区干旱少雨,蒸发量远大于降水量,是中国水资源严重匮乏的地区之一。准确估算参考作物蒸散发量(ET0)是吐鲁番地区农田灌溉系统设计和发展节水农业的基础。利用吐鲁番站2000—2015年作物生长季(4—10月)的气象资料,基于线性回归、均方根误差(RMSE)、平均绝对误差(MAE)和平均相对误差(MRE)评价指标,以FAO-56 Penman-Monteith(FAO-56 PM)模型为标准,评价Priestley-Taylor(P-T)、Hargreaves-Samani(H-S)、Jensen-Haise(J-H)、Turc、Makkink-Allen(M-A)、Trajkovic(Traj)、Makkink-Hansen(M-H)和Berti-Hargreaves(B-H)模型在吐鲁番地区的适用性,并分析各模型偏差原因。结果如下:1)所有模型在生长季期间均呈单峰型变化趋势;H-S、Traj和B-H模型高估月ET0,其他模型均在不同程度上表现出低估现象。2)Traj温度模型模拟精度最高,其RMSE、MAE和MRE分别为6.38 mm、5.69 mm和4.29%;M-H辐射模型模拟精度次之,Turc辐射模型模拟精度最差。3)Rn和VPD是影响温度和辐射模型计算值偏差的主要气象因子。同时分析FAO-56 PM模型计算的ET0和蒸发皿蒸发量之间的关系,为利用蒸发皿水面蒸发量估算吐鲁番地区ET0提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 参考作物蒸散发量 FAO-56 Penman-Monteith模型 吐鲁番 蒸发皿蒸发量 适用性评价
Temporal and spatial variations of net primary productivity and its response to groundwater of a typical oasis in the Tarim Basin, China 被引量:3
作者 sun lingxiao YU Yang +7 位作者 GAO Yuting ZHANG Haiyan YU Xiang HE Jing WANG Dagang Ireneusz MALIK Malgorzata WISTUBA YU Ruide 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第11期1142-1154,共13页
Net primary productivity (NPP) of the vegetation in an oasis can reflect the productivity capacity of a plant community under natural environmental conditions. Owing to the extreme arid climate conditions and scarce p... Net primary productivity (NPP) of the vegetation in an oasis can reflect the productivity capacity of a plant community under natural environmental conditions. Owing to the extreme arid climate conditions and scarce precipitation in the arid oasis regions, groundwater plays a key role in restricting the development of the vegetation. The Qira Oasis is located on the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert (Tarim Basin, China) that is one of the most vulnerable regions regarding vegetation growth and water scarcity in the world. Based on remote sensing images of the Qira Oasis and daily meteorological data measured by the ground stations during the period 2006-2019, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial patterns of NPP in the oasis as well as its relation with the variation of groundwater depth using a modified Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach (CASA) model. At the spatial scale, NPP of the vegetation decreased from the interior of the Qira Oasis to the margin;at the temporal scale, NPP of the vegetation in the oasis fluctuated significantly (ranging from 29.80 to 50.07 g C/(m2•month)) but generally showed an increasing trend, with the average increase rate of 0.07 g C/(m2•month). The regions with decreasing NPP occupied 64% of the total area of the oasis. During the study period, NPP of both farmland and grassland showed an increasing trend, while that of forest showed a decreasing trend. The depth of groundwater was deep in the south of the oasis and shallow in the north, showing a gradual increasing trend from south to north. Groundwater, as one of the key factors in the surface change and evolution of the arid oasis, determines the succession direction of the vegetation in the Qira Oasis. With the increase of groundwater depth, grassland coverage and vegetation NPP decreased. During the period 2008-2015, with the recovery of groundwater level, NPP values of all types of vegetation with different coverages increased. This study will provide a scientific basis for the rational utilization and sustainable management of groundwater resources in the oasis. 展开更多
关键词 net primary productivity Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach groundwater depth land use NDVI Qira Oasis
Spatiotemporal changes in water,land use,and ecosystem services in Central Asia considering climate changes and human activities 被引量:2
作者 YU Yang CHEN Xi +9 位作者 Ireneusz MALIK Malgorzata WISTUBA CAO Yiguo HOU Dongde TA Zhijie HE Jing ZHANG Lingyun YU Ruide ZHANG Haiyan sun lingxiao 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第9期881-890,共10页
Central Asia is located in the hinterland of Eurasia,comprising Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan,Turkmenistan,and Tajikistan;over 93.00%of the total area is dryland.Temperature rise and human activities have severe im... Central Asia is located in the hinterland of Eurasia,comprising Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan,Turkmenistan,and Tajikistan;over 93.00%of the total area is dryland.Temperature rise and human activities have severe impacts on the fragile ecosystems.Since the 1970s,nearly half the great lakes in Central Asia have shrunk and rivers are drying rapidly owing to climate changes and human activities.Water shortage and ecological crisis have attracted extensive international attention.In general,ecosystem services in Central Asia are declining,particularly with respect to biodiversity,water,and soil conservation.Furthermore,the annual average temperature and annual precipitation in Central Asia increased by 0.30℃/decade and 6.9 mm/decade in recent decades,respectively.Temperature rise significantly affected glacier retreat in the Tianshan Mountains and Pamir Mountains,which may intensify water shortage in the 21st century.The increase in precipitation cannot counterbalance the aggravation of water shortage caused by the temperature rise and human activities in Central Asia.The population of Central Asia is growing gradually,and its economy is increasing steadily.Moreover,the agricultural land has not been expended in the last two decades.Thus,water and ecological crises,such as the Aral Sea shrinkage in the 21st century,cannot be attributed to agriculture extension any longer.Unbalanced regional development and water interception/transfer have led to the irrational exploitation of water resources in some watersheds,inducing downstream water shortage and ecological degradation.In addition,accelerated industrialization and urbanization have intensified this process.Therefore,all Central Asian countries must urgently reach a consensus and adopt common measures for water and ecological protection. 展开更多
关键词 water resources land-use changes ecosystem services climate changes human activities Aral Sea
Model based decision support system for land use changes and socio-economic assessments 被引量:2
作者 YU Yang CHEN Xi +4 位作者 Philipp HUTTNER Marie HINNENTHAL Andreas BRIEDEN sun lingxiao Markus DISSE 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期169-182,共14页
Hydrological models are often linked with other models in cognate sciences to understand the interactions among climate, earth, water, ecosystem, and human society. This paper presents the development and implementati... Hydrological models are often linked with other models in cognate sciences to understand the interactions among climate, earth, water, ecosystem, and human society. This paper presents the development and implementation of a decision support system(DSS) that links the outputs of hydrological models with real-time decision making on social-economic assessments and land use management. Discharge and glacier geometry changes were simulated with hydrological model, water availability in semiarid environments. Irrigation and ecological water were simulated by a new commercial software MIKE HYDRO. Groundwater was simulated by MODFLOW. All the outputs of theses hydrological models were taken as inputs into the DSS in three types of links: regression equations, stationary data inputs, or dynamic data inputs as the models running parallel in the simulation periods. The DSS integrates the hydrological data, geographic data, social and economic statistical data, and establishes the relationships with equations, conditional statements and fuzzy logics. The programming is realized in C++. The DSS has four remarkable features:(1) editable land use maps to assist decision-making;(2) conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources;(3) interactions among water, earth, ecosystem, and humans; and(4) links with hydrological models. The overall goal of the DSS is to combine the outputs of scientific models, knowledge of experts, and perspectives of stakeholders, into a computer-based system, which allows sustainability impact assessment within regional planning; and to understand ecosystem services and integrate them into land and water management. 展开更多
关键词 decision support system hydrological modeling ecosystem services land management socio-economic indicator Tarim River Basin
广玉兰新品种‘碧翠’的抗寒性评价及抗寒性指标筛选 被引量:7
作者 孙凌霄 金晓玲 +4 位作者 胡希军 谭殷殷 罗峰 张哲 陈燕 《湖南生态科学学报》 CAS 2020年第1期33-39,共7页
为评价广玉兰新品种‘碧翠’的抗寒性以及筛选抗寒性评价指标,通过低温胁迫对‘碧翠’和‘埃克斯茅斯’抗寒性进行对照研究,测定其离体叶片的生理生化指标,对抗寒性进行综合评价及指标筛选.结果表明:随着温度的降低,两者的相对电导率(R... 为评价广玉兰新品种‘碧翠’的抗寒性以及筛选抗寒性评价指标,通过低温胁迫对‘碧翠’和‘埃克斯茅斯’抗寒性进行对照研究,测定其离体叶片的生理生化指标,对抗寒性进行综合评价及指标筛选.结果表明:随着温度的降低,两者的相对电导率(REC)和丙二醛(MDA)含量均逐渐升高,SOD活性和POD活性无明显变化规律,可溶性蛋白(SP)和游离脯氨酸(Pro)呈现先上升后下降的趋势,半致死温度(LT 50)均随气温的下降而降低,‘碧翠’LT 50为-3.03℃,‘埃克斯茅斯’LT 50为-4.28℃,与抗寒性综合分析结果相一致,‘碧翠’<‘埃克斯茅斯’.6个抗寒性指标中REC、SP两个生理生化指标是反应抗寒性强弱的较佳指标. 展开更多
关键词 广玉兰 '碧翠’ '埃克斯茅斯’ 抗寒性
Seasonal differences in climatic controls of vegetation growth in the Beijing–Tianjin Sand Source Region of China 被引量:1
作者 SHAN Lishan YU Xiang +3 位作者 sun lingxiao HE Bin WANG Haiyan XIE Tingting 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期850-863,共14页
Launched in 2002, the Beiing–Tianjin Sand Source Control Project (BTSSCP) is an ecological restoration project intended to prevent desertification in China. Evidence from multiple sources has confirmed increases in v... Launched in 2002, the Beiing–Tianjin Sand Source Control Project (BTSSCP) is an ecological restoration project intended to prevent desertification in China. Evidence from multiple sources has confirmed increases in vegetation growth in the BTSSCP region since the initiation of this project. Precipitation and essential climate variable-soil moisture (ECV-SM) conditions are typically considered to be the main drivers of vegetation growth in this region. Although many studies have investigated the inter-annual variations of vegetation growth, few concerns have been focused on the annual and seasonal variations of vegetation growth and their climatic drivers, which are crucial for understanding the relationships among the climate, vegetation, and human activities at the regional scale. Based on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from MODIS and the corresponding climatic data, we explored the responses of vegetation growth to climatic factors at annual and seasonal scales in the BTSSCP region during the period 2000–2014. Over the study region as a whole, NDVI generally increased from 2000 to 2014, at a rate of 0.002/a. Vegetation growth is stimulated mainly by the elevated temperature in spring, whereas precipitation is the leading driver of summer greening. In autumn, positive effects of both temperature and precipitation on vegetation growth were observed. The warming in spring promotes vegetation growth but reduces ECV-SM. Summer greening has a strong cooling effect on land surface temperature. These results indicate that the ecological and environmental consequences of ecological restoration projects should be comprehensively evaluated. 展开更多
关键词 vegetation growth climatic drivers seasonal variation ecological engineering interaction Beiing–Tianjin Sand Source Controlling Project(BTSSCP) NDVI
采用体内碱性彗星试验检测两种聚醚醚酮材料的遗传毒性 被引量:1
作者 孙令骁 刘香东 +4 位作者 刘增祥 王鸾鸾 朱福余 孙晓霞 刘成虎 《癌变.畸变.突变》 CAS 2022年第5期388-394,399,共8页
目的:采用哺乳动物体内碱性彗星试验,检测两种聚醚醚酮材料的遗传毒性,为医疗器械及其材料的遗传毒性体内碱性彗星试验方法的建立提供依据。方法:采用0.9%氯化钠注射液(SC)和棉籽油(CSO)两种介质制备聚醚醚酮材料的试验液,以SC和CSO作... 目的:采用哺乳动物体内碱性彗星试验,检测两种聚醚醚酮材料的遗传毒性,为医疗器械及其材料的遗传毒性体内碱性彗星试验方法的建立提供依据。方法:采用0.9%氯化钠注射液(SC)和棉籽油(CSO)两种介质制备聚醚醚酮材料的试验液,以SC和CSO作为阴性对照,甲基磺酸甲酯(MMS)作为阳性对照。选取SD大鼠70只,雌雄各半,大鼠连续两次(间隔24 h)染毒,SC组和MMS阳性对照组按照10 m L/kg的剂量由静脉途径染毒,CSO组按照5 mL/kg的剂量由腹腔途径染毒,末次染毒后3 h处死大鼠,称取肝脏和肾脏的质量并进行组织病理学检查。取肝脏、肾脏和外周血分别制备单细胞悬液进行碱性彗星试验,以尾部DNA百分比、尾矩和Olive尾矩为分析指标判断DNA损伤程度。结果:试验组的大鼠肝脏系数、肾脏系数分别与SC和CSO阴性对照组相比差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),所有大鼠的肝脏和肾脏形态结构正常,未见明显的组织病理学改变。与SC和CSO阴性对照组相比,MMS阳性对照组尾部DNA含量百分比、尾矩和Olive尾矩的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),两种聚醚醚酮材料组间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:应用体内碱性彗星试验的研究方法,在本研究条件下,两种聚醚醚酮材料的试验液不能诱导大鼠肝细胞DNA链断裂,未检测出遗传毒性。 展开更多
关键词 体内碱性彗星试验 医疗器械 甲基磺酸甲酯 遗传毒性 聚醚醚酮材料
作者 屈秋锦 孙令骁 +5 位作者 秦越 乔春霞 褚祥宇 许晶 董传俊 刘成虎 《中国标准化》 2023年第5期229-233,共5页
为了建立适用于预灌封注射器生物相容性试验的新方法,探讨所建立新方法的可行性,本文对预灌封注射器的风险点和国内外生物相容性检测标准进行对比分析,选择多批次预灌封注射器进行对比试验并进行结果分析。结果表明,所建立的新方法能充... 为了建立适用于预灌封注射器生物相容性试验的新方法,探讨所建立新方法的可行性,本文对预灌封注射器的风险点和国内外生物相容性检测标准进行对比分析,选择多批次预灌封注射器进行对比试验并进行结果分析。结果表明,所建立的新方法能充分考虑各部件和人体接触的风险,与现有检测方法对比两者结果无差异。用本研究所建立的新方法来代替现行国家药品包装标准中的检测方法具有实际可行性。 展开更多
关键词 预灌封注射器 生物相容性试验 生物学评价 药品包装
成人副流感病毒下呼吸道感染患者临床特征和预后分析 被引量:5
作者 李丽娟 黎斌斌 +5 位作者 王一民 王春雷 孙凌霄 刘颖梅 鲁炳怀 曹彬 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第27期2109-2115,共7页
目的分析成人副流感病毒(PIV)下呼吸道感染患者的临床特征及预后。方法以2016年8月至2019年11月入住中日友好医院呼吸科或重症监护病房(ICU)的PIV核酸阳性患者70例为研究对象,患者均行鼻咽拭子、痰或支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)检查,且符合... 目的分析成人副流感病毒(PIV)下呼吸道感染患者的临床特征及预后。方法以2016年8月至2019年11月入住中日友好医院呼吸科或重症监护病房(ICU)的PIV核酸阳性患者70例为研究对象,患者均行鼻咽拭子、痰或支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)检查,且符合下呼吸道感染的诊断,根据是否合并免疫功能低下,分为免疫功能正常组(44例)和免疫功能低下组(26例),根据是否合并混合感染,分为单纯PIV感染组和混合感染组。对两组患者的年龄、性别、基础疾病、症状、疾病严重程度、影像学表现、病原学特征、是否合并呼吸衰竭、机械通气、是否应用血管活性药物、抗菌药物应用情况、30 d病死率等情况等进行比较分析,并应用Cox回归分析探讨PIV下呼吸道感染患者的预后因素。结果4月份、7~8月份和12月份是PIV发病高峰,占所有患者的58.6%(41/70)。70例患者包括肺炎43例(61.4%),间质性肺疾病合并感染16例(22.9%),支气管扩张合并感染7例(10%),慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重4例(5.7%)。8例(11.4%)患者没有任何基础疾病,21例(30.0%)合并呼吸衰竭,18例(25.7%)给予机械通气治疗,15例(21.4%)30 d内死亡。免疫功能低下组患者肺炎严重指数评分,CT合并磨玻璃影和网格、蜂窝影的比例,机械通气、呼吸衰竭、住ICU的比例及30 d病死率均显著高于免疫功能正常组[(91.5分比84.0分)、(60.0%比34.1%)、(44.0%比11.4%)、(42.3%比15.9%)、(50.0%比18.2%)、(38.5%比22.7%)、(34.6%比13.6%)](均P<0.05);PIV下呼吸道感染中合并混合感染27例(38.6%),其中病毒检出17株(24.3%),细菌19株(27.1%),真菌(曲霉)14株(20.0%),胞内分枝杆菌1株(1.4%)。混合感染组中16例(59.3%)患者合并免疫功能低下,21例(77.8%)患者合并基础肺疾病。Cox回归分析发现机械通气和间质性肺疾病为PIV下呼吸道感染患者预后的独立预测因子,机械通气为单纯PIV感染患者预后的独立预测因子。结论成人PIV下呼吸道感染患者多合并基础疾病,且易合并混合感染,30 d病死率高,若合并间质性肺疾病或机械通气提示预后不佳。 展开更多
关键词 呼吸道感染 副流感病毒 疾病特征 预后
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