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泥河湾盆地第四纪哺乳动物群概览及若干新认识 被引量:1
作者 同号文 张贝 陈曦 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期157-183,共27页
泥河湾盆地最初以其广泛分布的含化石河湖相地层而受关注,并以其丰富的哺乳动物化石而著称于世,而今,泥河湾盆地已成为世界著名旧石器考古重地和研究第四纪地质古生物的重要场所。狭义泥河湾动物群(或下沙沟动物群)是我国北方早更新世... 泥河湾盆地最初以其广泛分布的含化石河湖相地层而受关注,并以其丰富的哺乳动物化石而著称于世,而今,泥河湾盆地已成为世界著名旧石器考古重地和研究第四纪地质古生物的重要场所。狭义泥河湾动物群(或下沙沟动物群)是我国北方早更新世的标准动物群,其古地磁年龄是2.2-1.7 MaBP。随着地层古生物工作的深入开展,盆地内也发现了若干中-晚更新世化石点;丁家堡水库全新统中发现的象颊齿,之前被鉴定为亚洲象,新的测年数据表明其时代大于5万年,依据牙齿测量数据和形态特征,本研究将其归入诺氏古菱齿象。目前已在泥河湾盆地发现百余个化石地点,鉴定出236种(包括未定属种)哺乳动物,分属于8目、32科和121属,其中38个属种(包括亚种)最初是以泥河湾化石材料而建立。总而言之,泥河湾盆地哺乳动物化石以早更新世者居多,并且化石材料保存完好;有些属种在欧亚大陆古北区第四纪哺乳动物群形成过程中发挥过重要作用,例如早期猛犸象、披毛犀、野牛及真枝角鹿等,还有直隶狼、貉及各种真马。泥河湾盆地由于河流和断层切割以及沉积相变等原因,导致各个化石点及史前考古遗址地层难以直接对比,更难全窥盆地内动物群演化的整体脉络;新的生物地层对比研究表明,桑干河南岸的岑家湾台地周缘的早更新世化石点,其主化石层位与下沙沟地区经典泥河湾动物群的层位大致相当。泥河湾盆地哺乳动物化石主要产自细砂、粉砂及黏土地层;化石成堆产出或者呈条带状及凸镜状分布的特点,多数与水流搬运有关。除过1枚豪猪牙齿和少量麂类化石之外,泥河湾盆地第四纪哺乳动物群中几乎不含东洋界动物,总体反映了干冷草原为主的古环境背景。 展开更多
关键词 哺乳动物 生物地层 古环境 泥河湾 第四纪
安徽东至华龙洞古人类遗址哺乳动物化石的初步研究 被引量:9
作者 同号文 吴秀杰 +4 位作者 董哲 盛锦朝 金泽田 裴树文 刘武 《人类学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期284-305,共22页
华龙洞遗址发现于2004年,先后于2006和2014~2017年进行了5次发掘,期间发现了若干古人类化石和大量哺乳动物化石;本文是对2014~2016年出土哺乳动物化石的初步研究成果。目前已鉴定出8目24科43种(含未定种)哺乳动物,其中以偶蹄类化石最... 华龙洞遗址发现于2004年,先后于2006和2014~2017年进行了5次发掘,期间发现了若干古人类化石和大量哺乳动物化石;本文是对2014~2016年出土哺乳动物化石的初步研究成果。目前已鉴定出8目24科43种(含未定种)哺乳动物,其中以偶蹄类化石最丰富。化石保存状况较差,以碎骨为主,牙齿较少,完整骨骼更少;但骨骼上鲜见啮齿类啮咬痕迹。华龙洞动物群与南京汤山猿人遗址、和县猿人遗址及重庆盐井沟等动物群较为相似,尤其是与和县猿人遗址及南京猿人遗址动物群最为接近,主要表现在如下方面:1)都含古人类化石;2)都不含第三纪动物群的孑遗分子;3)都含有大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的主要成员(大熊猫、剑齿象、巨貘及猪獾等),同时也都含一定量的北方属种,但华龙洞含北方成分相对较少,只发现翁氏麝鼩、麝鼹、变异仓鼠、布氏毛足田鼠、棕熊、李氏野猪、葛氏斑鹿及大角鹿等,华龙洞的大角鹿是该属分布最靠南的地点;4)都含有剑齿象而不含晚更新世常见的亚洲象;5)都含有大量头后骨骼,与以含单个牙齿为主的其它南方洞穴迥然有别。从化石保存状况及属种组成判断,华龙洞堆积时代与和县猿人遗址最为接近,也是中更新世。由于遗址尚未完全暴露,其堆积性质尚不清楚;但从蝙蝠类化石判断,很可能与洞穴堆积有关。 展开更多
关键词 哺乳动物群 华龙洞 安徽东至 中更新世
泥河湾盆地早更新世山神庙咀遗址动物群及其时代意义 被引量:6
作者 同号文 张贝 +2 位作者 陈曦 王晓敏 孙吉嘉 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期469-489,共21页
狭义(或经典)泥河湾动物群主要产自桑干河北岸的下沙沟村周边,化石来源于不同地点;该动物群被作为我国北方早更新世的代表,但其绝对年代一直饱受争议,最新古地磁测年数据是2.2-1.7 MaBP。由于受河流及断层切割影响,泥河湾盆地内部不同... 狭义(或经典)泥河湾动物群主要产自桑干河北岸的下沙沟村周边,化石来源于不同地点;该动物群被作为我国北方早更新世的代表,但其绝对年代一直饱受争议,最新古地磁测年数据是2.2-1.7 MaBP。由于受河流及断层切割影响,泥河湾盆地内部不同区域尤其是桑干河两岸的地层对比,一直是个科学难题,其根本原因在于长期以来在桑干河南岸未发现重要化石点。最近,在桑干河南岸的岑家湾台地发现了山神庙咀化石点,目前已在此地点做过9次正规发掘,出土哺乳动物化石1526件,鉴定出25个种(含未定种),其中23种属于狭义泥河湾动物群的成员。由此看出,山神庙咀动物群的时代应当与狭义泥河湾动物群的时代接近,其地质年代应当不晚于1.7 MaBP。山神庙咀遗址与小长梁遗址隔沟相望,但其化石层稍高于小长梁文化层;山神庙咀动物群的研究结果还表明,小长梁遗址年代要比先前所测得的1.36 MaBP要早;小长梁周边的史前遗址的地质年代应当再做深入研究。小长梁地区的泥河湾层底部普遍存在砾石层,但其出现的水平位置以及砾石在分选和磨圆程度等方面都各不相同。调查清楚不同剖面中底砾层的分布状况及其性质,将会对本地区地层对比研究以及推断当时泥河湾盆地的古环境都将具有十分重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 泥河湾山神庙咀 发掘小结 哺乳动物化石 早更新世
中国真猛犸象和披毛犀化石^(14)C年代研究新进展 被引量:3
作者 赵克良 姜海涛 +6 位作者 王元 同号文 张雅平 葛俊逸 周新郢 金昌柱 李小强 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期551-562,共12页
真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)和披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)是北半球高纬度地区晚更新世动物群的主要成员,其消亡的年代和原因一直是国际学术界关注的热点科学问题。本文对黑龙江青冈县英贤村最新出土的5个真猛犸象和5个披毛... 真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)和披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)是北半球高纬度地区晚更新世动物群的主要成员,其消亡的年代和原因一直是国际学术界关注的热点科学问题。本文对黑龙江青冈县英贤村最新出土的5个真猛犸象和5个披毛犀化石进行了AMS^(14)C年代测定,结果均大于4万年,部分化石可能已经超出了目前^(14)C的测定范围。通过整理并对比已公开发表的中国境内两种动物化石的^(14)C年代学数据,本文认为早期常规^(14)C测年方法所获得的年代值需要重新考虑其准确性。埋藏地层与最新的AMS^(14)C测年数据显示,我国真猛犸象化石年代主要集中于MIS3阶段;披毛犀在我国消亡的时间很可能晚于真猛犸象,至少延续到末次冰消期。中国猛犸象-披毛犀动物群化石仍然需要开展更多的年代学研究。 展开更多
关键词 青冈县 MIS3阶段 末次盛冰期 大型哺乳动物灭绝 埋藏地层
湖北郧西白龙洞中更新世古人类遗址的哺乳动物化石 被引量:3
作者 同号文 张贝 +1 位作者 武仙竹 屈胜明 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期613-640,共28页
白龙洞是位于鄂西北部郧西县的一处出土物丰富的古人类洞穴遗址,先后在此出土了8枚古人类牙齿化石、若干石制品和骨制品及大量哺乳动物化石。但有关白龙洞遗址的形成时间却一直存在争议,主要原因之一是动物群没有得到充分研究。基于郧... 白龙洞是位于鄂西北部郧西县的一处出土物丰富的古人类洞穴遗址,先后在此出土了8枚古人类牙齿化石、若干石制品和骨制品及大量哺乳动物化石。但有关白龙洞遗址的形成时间却一直存在争议,主要原因之一是动物群没有得到充分研究。基于郧西县文管所和中科院古脊椎所收藏标本,本文首次对白龙洞历年出土的哺乳动物化石进行了综合研究;研究结果表明,白龙洞动物群由32种(含未定种)哺乳动物组成,优势属种是谷氏大额牛、岩羊、野猪及各种鹿类(水鹿、斑鹿、麂、毛冠鹿);此外,还有豪猪、竹鼠、变异狼、貉、豺、猪獾、黑熊、大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、锯齿剑齿虎、虎、豹、金猫、云豹、剑齿象、苏门犀、梅氏犀、巨貘、鬣羚及水牛等;该动物群缺乏猴类动物,并且豪猪化石也很少,这与其所处的时空位置很不相符;但总体面貌属于大熊猫-剑齿象动物群。白龙洞的大熊猫、中国硕鬣狗、猪獾、虎及巨貘的牙齿测量数值均达到或接近我国各自记录的最大值。白龙洞动物群组成与盐井沟动物群及南京猿人动物群最为接近;从动物群组合及有关属种的演化阶段来综合判断,白龙洞动物群的地质时代应当是中更新世中期。 展开更多
关键词 哺乳动物 白龙洞 湖北郧西 中更新世
安徽东至华龙洞遗址洞穴演化与古人类活动 被引量:1
作者 裴树文 蔡演军 +5 位作者 董哲 同号文 盛锦朝 金泽田 吴秀杰 刘武 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期593-607,共15页
安徽东至华龙洞因发现距今约30万年的古人类头骨化石和大量动物化石及石制品受到学术界广泛关注。本文对华龙洞遗址的地质、地貌、沉积物特点及洞穴演化过程与古人类活动的关系进行分析。华龙洞地处扬子陆块区西北缘,周边呈现低山—丘... 安徽东至华龙洞因发现距今约30万年的古人类头骨化石和大量动物化石及石制品受到学术界广泛关注。本文对华龙洞遗址的地质、地貌、沉积物特点及洞穴演化过程与古人类活动的关系进行分析。华龙洞地处扬子陆块区西北缘,周边呈现低山—丘陵—湖泊平原地貌景观。与华龙洞遗址密切关联的岩溶洞穴,发育在上寒武统微晶灰岩和白云质灰岩岩系内,中更新以来的地壳运动和岩溶发育是其形成的主要营力。华龙洞遗址是一处坍塌的洞穴,其发育大致经历发育初期(中更新世早期甚至更早)—稳定发育期(中更新世中期)—坍塌埋藏期(中更新世中晚期)等三个阶段,岩溶发育和洞外溪谷的侵蚀使得原始洞穴和堆积物一起在重力作用下坍塌。洞穴坍塌沉积物主要包括围岩岩块与碎屑、各种岩溶沉积物和文化遗物,胶结坚硬,不规则地埋藏于裂隙和巨石之间。古人类在遗址的活动时间处在距今约30万年前的稳定发育期,石制品和骨骼表面痕迹证据表明,华龙洞古人类具备依据不同原料的特点采取砸击法与锤击法并用的技术策略;石片边缘的使用痕迹和动物骨骼表面痕迹显示,古人类在遗址可能进行过肢解动物的行为。本研究对揭示长江下游中更新世中晚期古人类演化与适应生存行为具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 华龙洞遗址 洞穴演化 人类演化 中更新世 安徽
二十二碳六烯酸强化蛋黄粉的制备及其贮藏稳定性 被引量:2
作者 陈伊凡 李欢欢 +5 位作者 唐宏刚 张晋 张映萍 童颢雯 朱冬荣 陈黎洪 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期2226-2231,共6页
以二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)营养强化鸡蛋为原料制备DHA强化蛋黄粉,通过测定pH值、色差值、DHA含量和过氧化值等指标,探讨烘箱加速氧化25 d,及不同温度(4、25、37℃)、光照(照光/避光)和氧气(有氧/无氧)条件下DHA强化蛋黄粉的稳定性。结果表... 以二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)营养强化鸡蛋为原料制备DHA强化蛋黄粉,通过测定pH值、色差值、DHA含量和过氧化值等指标,探讨烘箱加速氧化25 d,及不同温度(4、25、37℃)、光照(照光/避光)和氧气(有氧/无氧)条件下DHA强化蛋黄粉的稳定性。结果表明:冷冻干燥相较于喷雾干燥能更好地保留DHA,制得的DHA强化蛋黄粉中DHA含量为17.1 g·kg^-1。高温氧化使DHA强化蛋黄粉的pH值降低,红度值增加,亮度值下降。37℃贮藏7周时,DHA强化蛋黄粉中DHA的保存率为93.1%。25℃贮藏60 d时,无氧避光条件下DHA强化蛋黄粉中DHA的保存率为95.2%,有氧避光条件下为93.6%;无氧照光条件下DHA强化蛋黄粉中DHA的保存率为94.2%,有氧照光条件下为91.7%,且有氧照光组的过氧化值为有氧避光条件下的3.7倍。综上,温度对DHA强化蛋黄粉中DHA保存率的影响具有主导作用,氧气和光照对DHA强化蛋黄粉的氧化变质具有促进作用。DHA强化蛋黄粉应优先考虑低温、避光、密封存放。 展开更多
关键词 蛋黄粉 氧化 保存率
Inter-Regional Comparisons on the Quaternary Large Mammalian Faunas between China and Sub-Saharan Africa 被引量:2
作者 tong haowen HU Nan +1 位作者 LIU Jinyi Ronald CLARKE 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期91-106,共16页
The current and dominant theory about the origin of modern humans is the out-of-Africa hypothesis, which asserts that populations of Homo sapiens left Africa 100,000 years ago and replaced indigenous populations of hu... The current and dominant theory about the origin of modern humans is the out-of-Africa hypothesis, which asserts that populations of Homo sapiens left Africa 100,000 years ago and replaced indigenous populations of humans in Eurasia. Many scholars equated the out-of-Africa dispersal of humans with paleoenvironmental changes. However, until now, few have paid special attention to the faunal data and whether or not faunal patterns are supportive of the popular theory. Recent comparative study of the Chinese fauna shows that the communication of faunas between Africa and East Asia could have occurred during the Neogene, but it was very limited during the Pleistocene. In the Chinese Quaternary fauna, only 16% of the genera are also present in the sub-Saharan African fauna. There is also no element among the dominant taxa of the Chinese Quaternary fauna which can be related to the African fauna. There is no reliable proof for the existence of Hippopotamus and Giraffa, as well as Panthera leo, during the Quaternary in China. Two controversial taxa are Acinonyx and Crocuta, about which there is still argument concerning their species identification in Eurasia. It is possible that both of the genera have co-specific taxa in Africa and Eurasia. Although the two genera are confined to Africa today, they did have a long evolutionary history in China. For the Out of Africa hypothesis for Homo sapiens, the implications of the limited faunal interchanges between China and Africa are not completely clear yet. 展开更多
关键词 large mammals faunal comparisons QUATERNARY out of Africa theory Sub-SaharanAfrica China
Fossils of Macaca mulatta from Tianyuan Cave, with Notes on Some Previously Unpublished Specimens of Macaca from Zhoukoudian Area
作者 tong haowen 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1397-1408,共12页
The recently discovered macaque fossils, including isolated teeth and mandible fragments, from Tianyuan Cave and the juvenile maxilla from Wanglaopu Cave near Zhoukoudian can be identified as Macaca mulatta; they repr... The recently discovered macaque fossils, including isolated teeth and mandible fragments, from Tianyuan Cave and the juvenile maxilla from Wanglaopu Cave near Zhoukoudian can be identified as Macaca mulatta; they represent the first recognized occurrence of fossil M. mulatta in the far north of China. Some previously unearthed but still unpublished Macaca specimens were also studied, including a cranium and the associated mandible from CKT Loc.13A, a maxilla and a mandible from Loc.1, a mandible from Loc.4, and a maxilla from Loc.20, as well as a mandible with complete toothrow from Zhoukoudian but without locality details, all of them can be referred to M. robusta. The study shows M. robusta is more closely related to M. mulatta than to M. anderssonL Zhoukoudian is the richest area of Macacina fossils in North China, totally 2 genera and 4 species were once recognized from 9 localities, namely, Procynocephalus wimani, M. cf. anderssoni, M. robusta and M. mulatta. The fossil records of Macacina in Zhoukoudian area were almost continuous through the Quaternary Period, and it's reasonable to assume that Zhoukoudian used to be an evolutionary center for macaques in North China. Therefore, the macaque population of M. mulatta once existed decades ago around Beijing probably originated from the Pleistocene ancestors in the local area, rather than being human-introduced as previously thought. 展开更多
关键词 Macaca mulatta Macaca robusta Tianyuan Cave Zhoukoudian PLEISTOCENE
Continuing Diversifying the only Megatrend of Evolution
作者 tong haowen 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 1995年第B06期94-96,共3页
关键词 生物多样性 可持续发展 进化趋势 生物圈
A newly discovered Gigantopithecus fauna from Sanhe Cave, Chongzuo, Guangxi, South China 被引量:15
作者 JIN ChangZhu QIN DaGong +7 位作者 PAN WenShi TANG ZhiLu LIU JinYi WANG Yuan DENG ChengLong ZHANG YingQi DONG Wei tong haowen 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第5期788-797,共10页
Among the most important faunas in the Late Cenozoic, the Gigantopithecus faunas have received a good deal of attention. The Gigantopithecus fauna recently discovered in Sanhe Cave consists of more than 80 mammal spec... Among the most important faunas in the Late Cenozoic, the Gigantopithecus faunas have received a good deal of attention. The Gigantopithecus fauna recently discovered in Sanhe Cave consists of more than 80 mammal species, including cf. Hominidae, Pongo sp., Hylobates sp., Sinomastodon yangzien-sis, Stegodon preorientalis, Cervavitus fenqii, Dicoryphochoerus ultimus and Sus xiaozhu. It is the southernmost Gigantopithecus fauna found so far in China. Its geological age is estimated to be Early Pleistocene based on the fauna and stratigraphic correlation. The significant increase in the estimated body sizes of Ailuropoda, Gigantopithecus and Tapirus shows that the Sanhe fauna is middle Early Pleistocene, later than those from Wushan and Liucheng (early Early Pleistocene). Paleomagnetic dating of the fossil-bearing strata in Sanhe Cave gives an age of approximately 1.2 Ma. The fauna is characterized by tropical-subtropical forest types, including Pongo sp., Tupaia sp., Ia sp., Typhlomys intermedius, etc., and it lacks Palaearctic types. It is a typical tropical forest fauna, suggesting an en-vironment with a lush forest and a warm and humid climate. The discovery of the Sanhe Gigantopith-ecus fauna is significant for establishing the chronological stages of the Gigantopithecus faunas in China, and for discussing their origin, evolution and dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 崇左市 洞穴 巨猿动物群 化石
Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Rhinocerotidae,Mammalia) from the Rhino Cave in Shennongjia,Hubei 被引量:6
作者 tong haowen WU XianZhu 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第12期1157-1168,共12页
The Rhino Cave,a Paleolithic site in Shennongjia,is the highest altitude locality of rhinoceros in the Middle-South part of China,and it is also the southernmost and the richest locality in Stephanorhinus kirchbergens... The Rhino Cave,a Paleolithic site in Shennongjia,is the highest altitude locality of rhinoceros in the Middle-South part of China,and it is also the southernmost and the richest locality in Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis fossils which include cranium,mandibles,isolated teeth and postcranials.These materials can be referred to the species Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis according to the following characters:incisorless,mandibular symphysis contracted,occiput high,subaural channel closed,with nasal and frontal horns,nasal septum partially ossified,premolars hypsodont and cheekteeth with smooth enamel surface,etc.;except its relatively shorter limb bones.In China,all the Pleistocene non-Coelodonta tandem-horned rhinoceroses were assigned to the genus Dicerorhinus in the past decades.From today's viewpoint,most of them should be included in the genus Stephanorhinus,because Dicerorhinus is quite different from Stephanorhinus in the following characters:smaller body size,generally unossified nasal septum,subaural channel open and with reduced incisors,etc.This is the first knowledge of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis associated with Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna,the typical Pleistocene mammalian fauna in South China. 展开更多
关键词 神农架 犀牛 哺乳类 哺乳动物群 犀科 湖北 旧石器遗址 表面光滑
Occurrences of warm-adapted mammals in north China over the Quaternary Period and their paleoenvironmental significance 被引量:8
作者 tong haowen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第9期1327-1340,共14页
The north and south China faunas are subdivided along the line of Huaihe River-Qinling Mountains- Hengduan Mountains-Himalayas, to the north is the Palearctic Region, and to the south is the Oriental Region, which is ... The north and south China faunas are subdivided along the line of Huaihe River-Qinling Mountains- Hengduan Mountains-Himalayas, to the north is the Palearctic Region, and to the south is the Oriental Region, which is the result of long-time evolution. Hundreds of Quaternary fossil localities have been known up to now, more than 60 of which contain warm-adapted elements which can be referred to 20 species. Among the warm-adapted elements appearing in north China, Hystrix, Macaca, Palaeoloxodon, Dicerorhinus and Bubalus are the most frequently recorded genera. There are three kinds of causal explanation about the frequent appearance of warm-adapted elements in north China: The first hy- pothesis attributed them to the dispersal events of warm-adapted mammals from the south during warm stages or warm seasons; the second scenario thinks that these warm-adapted mammals in north China were once derived there in situ and subsequently emigrated to the south with the cooling down of the global climate; the last hypothesis believes that these warm-adapted elements were not real warm-climate animals at that time. This study shows that almost none of the warm-adapted mammals in north China was recovered in the loess, and also almost all of the fossil localities which bear warm-adapted mammals fall within the warm temperate zone of nowadays. In fossil assemblage, those warm-adapted elements rarely co-exist with the cold-adapted mammals. All these evidences mentioned above indicate that the warm-adapted mammals in north China represent warm climate, but not hot one. Because all these warm-adapted mammals are widely distributed oriental elements, some of them even still exist north of the Huaihe River today. Up to now, no typical oriental elements have ever been re- covered in north China, such as pangolin, primitive primates (e.g. loris and tarsier), big apes (e.g. Gi- gantopithecus, Pongo and Hylobates), etc. The Late Pleistocene lasted a relatively shorter time, but the appearance of warm-adapted mammals during that span were the most frequent and most widespread. It means that the climate of the Late Pleistocene experienced the most frequent fluctuation over the whole period of Quaternary. 展开更多
关键词 mammals oriental elements north China Quaternary paleoenvironment
On fossil remains of Early Pleistocene tapir (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) from Fanchang, Anhui 被引量:2
作者 tong haowen Liu Jinyi Han Ligang 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第7期586-590,共5页
The materials of Tapirus from Renzidong, Fanchang, Anhui Province, are the best ones among the early most Pleistocene findings in China up to now, not only in richness, but also in completeness. The fossils contain co... The materials of Tapirus from Renzidong, Fanchang, Anhui Province, are the best ones among the early most Pleistocene findings in China up to now, not only in richness, but also in completeness. The fossils contain complete tooth rows of both the upper and the lower, as well as most parts of the postcranial skeletons. These materials are very helpful in understanding the evolutionary level of this kind of animal. In morphology, the materials from Fanchang appear to be very similar to Tapirus sanyuanensis, and can be placed within this species. The materials from Fanchang provided sound evidence to distinguish the Early Pleistocene tapirs and the living form Tapirus indicus, As to the geological distribution, it can be tentatively concluded that Tapirus sanyuanensis and Tapirus sinensis only appeared in Early Pleistocene, Megatapirus appeared after Early Pleistocene, and lasted until Holocene. The Early Pleistocene tapirs of South China resemble Megatapirus more closely than Tapirus indicus. 展开更多
关键词 Tapiridae MAMMALIA Early PLEISTOCENE Fanchang Anhui.
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