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北京艺术中心基于BIM技术的智能建造应用 被引量:1
作者 陈志方 刘亚飞 +2 位作者 谭旺 闫晔 曾念祥 《建筑技术》 2024年第12期1485-1488,共4页
北京艺术中心项目造型独特涉及专业众多;幕墙形式多样、钢结构造型复杂、加工制作精度要求高;机电系统种类多,交叉问题严重;工程质量以鲁班奖为目标且工期紧张。为解决这些项目实施中遇到的重难点,北京艺术中心项目采用基于BIM的智能建... 北京艺术中心项目造型独特涉及专业众多;幕墙形式多样、钢结构造型复杂、加工制作精度要求高;机电系统种类多,交叉问题严重;工程质量以鲁班奖为目标且工期紧张。为解决这些项目实施中遇到的重难点,北京艺术中心项目采用基于BIM的智能建造技术,保证现场安装精度,提升项目整体施工质量,提高建造效率,保障施工进度,有效控制了成本,降低能耗和环境污染,推动建筑业转型升级。 展开更多
关键词 智能建造 BIM 转型升级
洪奇门特大桥钢箱梁智能顶推施工关键技术 被引量:2
作者 倪学平 谭旺 +1 位作者 阳维华 吴改 《世界桥梁》 北大核心 2024年第3期29-35,共7页
南沙至中山高速公路洪奇门特大桥主桥为(80.5+222.5+520+222.5+80.5)m双塔双索面半飘浮体系钢箱梁斜拉桥。大桥位于珠三角近海冲积平原滨海区,边跨分别位于洪奇沥水道浅滩区及大堤内侧,钢箱梁采用边跨顶推、中跨悬臂架设的施工方案。考... 南沙至中山高速公路洪奇门特大桥主桥为(80.5+222.5+520+222.5+80.5)m双塔双索面半飘浮体系钢箱梁斜拉桥。大桥位于珠三角近海冲积平原滨海区,边跨分别位于洪奇沥水道浅滩区及大堤内侧,钢箱梁采用边跨顶推、中跨悬臂架设的施工方案。考虑钢箱梁顶推距离长、重量大、工期长,为确保施工安全并提高工效,边跨钢箱梁采用智能顶推施工,研发了一套完整的全场景智能化成套技术。将非均匀载荷条件下桥梁顶推智能同步控制技术、基于动态监测数据驱动的桥梁顶推智能纠偏控制技术、基于数字孪生的桥梁顶推施工智能监测与控制系统相结合,使结构状态和设备控制形成联动,50个钢箱梁节段顶推施工平均工效可达3.8 m/h,实现了桥梁顶推施工全过程状态的实时监测、动态可视、预警及智能控制。 展开更多
关键词 斜拉桥 钢箱梁 全场景智能化 智能控制 智能纠偏 智能监测 顶推施工
作者 谭旺 刘义 +4 位作者 董建华 杨阳 黄介生 敖畅 曾文治 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2024年第7期210-217,228,共9页
本研究旨在探讨结合多光谱遥感技术和土壤物理化学属性进行土壤水溶性离子含量预测的可行性。研究区域位于新疆南部的盐渍化土壤区域,测定土壤中主要水溶性盐基离子含量(K^(+)、Na^(+)、Ca^(2+)、Mg^(2+)、HCO_(3)^(-)、Cl^(-)、SO_(4)^... 本研究旨在探讨结合多光谱遥感技术和土壤物理化学属性进行土壤水溶性离子含量预测的可行性。研究区域位于新疆南部的盐渍化土壤区域,测定土壤中主要水溶性盐基离子含量(K^(+)、Na^(+)、Ca^(2+)、Mg^(2+)、HCO_(3)^(-)、Cl^(-)、SO_(4)^(2-)),并应用随机森林(Random Forest,RF),梯度提升回归树(Gradient Boosting Regression,GBR)和极端梯度提升(Extreme gradient boosting,XGBoost)3种机器学习算法构建基于遥感光谱特征及土壤信息的土壤离子含量反演模型,同时对比了纳入与未纳入土壤变量的模型预测精度。结果表明:仅使用多光谱遥感数据作为输入变量时,3种模型均仅能区分土壤离子含量的高低水平,但对各离子含量进行精确预测的能力有限。将土壤变量纳入模型后,预测精度均得到显著提升。在所选用的3种方法中,随机森林模型的预测精度最高,XGBoost次之,GBR模型的精度最低。就各个离子的预测而言,Mg^(2+)、Ca^(2+)和Na^(+)含量的预测精度较高且模型表现较为稳定;SO_(4)^(2-)、Cl^(-)和K^(+)的预测表现一般,具备定量预测能力;而HCO_(3)^(-)含量的预测仅GBR模型具有一定程度的可行性。不同离子的最优预测模型存在差异,其中随机森林模型对K^(+)、Mg^(2+)和Cl^(-)三种离子的反演效果最佳;XGBoost模型在Ca^(2+)、Na^(+)和SO_(4)^(2-)三种离子的反演中表现为最优;GBR模型则在HCO_(3)^(-)离子反演中展现了较好的性能。特别地,Mg^(2+)、Ca^(2+)和Na^(+)含量的最优相对分析误差分别为2.829、1.951和1.870,说明这些模型对于这3种离子含量的预测具有较高的可靠性。研究成果可以为干旱区土壤盐分主要离子含量的区域尺度预测提供科学参考。 展开更多
关键词 土壤 盐渍化 盐基离子 Sentinel-2 机器学习 反演模型
作者 仝美娜 谭旺 +2 位作者 韩晋 王鹏 李孟谦 《建筑技术》 2024年第12期1482-1484,共3页
随着BIM技术在设计阶段和施工阶段的应用,大量相关数据随之产生,如何将这些数据交付给建设单位,辅助业主后期的智慧运维,成为数据价值转化的关键。结合北京艺术中心项目,针对实际应用情况进行建筑数字化交付与智慧运维管理研究,提出了... 随着BIM技术在设计阶段和施工阶段的应用,大量相关数据随之产生,如何将这些数据交付给建设单位,辅助业主后期的智慧运维,成为数据价值转化的关键。结合北京艺术中心项目,针对实际应用情况进行建筑数字化交付与智慧运维管理研究,提出了建筑行业的数字化交付和运维的可借鉴新思路。 展开更多
关键词 数字交付 智慧运维 BIM技术 数字化资产
自走式四圆锯割灌机的设计 被引量:5
作者 杨春梅 陈叶叶 +4 位作者 马岩 姬广磊 缪骞 谭望 孙天宇 《林业工程学报》 北大核心 2018年第5期115-120,共6页
在分析和研究国内外割灌机以及灌木生长特性的基础上,设计了一种适应我国国情的自走式四圆锯割灌机,为我国灌木资源的有效利用提供技术支持。在对内蒙古、西藏和新疆等地区进行实地考察的基础上,确定了自走式四圆锯割灌机的设计方案,运... 在分析和研究国内外割灌机以及灌木生长特性的基础上,设计了一种适应我国国情的自走式四圆锯割灌机,为我国灌木资源的有效利用提供技术支持。在对内蒙古、西藏和新疆等地区进行实地考察的基础上,确定了自走式四圆锯割灌机的设计方案,运用三维软件完成自走式四圆锯割灌机整体结构及关键零部件设计。首先介绍了整机的结构与工作原理,由于灌木切口的质量会直接影响灌木的再次生长,因此,主要分析了锯切所需的锯切力、进给速度、主轴功率等影响切削质量的关键要素,阐述了关键机构的设计原理与具体结构:支撑调节机构和拨挡机构。最后对样机进行了试验验证,试验结果证明:割灌机的切割质量可达预期设计效果,支撑调节机构可以调节灌木的伐根高度5 cm;拨挡机构可以实现被割倒的灌木朝同一方向倾倒,便于灌木的收集清理。该机器的设计符合预期设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 自走式四圆锯割灌机 支撑调节机构 拨挡机构 样机试验 灌木
大掺量磷石膏泡沫轻质土的制备 被引量:2
作者 郑波涛 谭旺 +3 位作者 郭广银 丁庆军 施建军 解鹏洋 《新型建筑材料》 2023年第8期79-83,共5页
为推动固废在泡沫轻质土中的应用,以水泥、矿粉、磷石膏为原料制备大掺量磷石膏泡沫轻质土,研究磷石膏掺量对泡沫轻质土流动性能、力学性能、抗冻性能与耐水性能的影响。试验结果表明:随着磷石膏掺量增加,泡沫轻质土的流动性能、力学性... 为推动固废在泡沫轻质土中的应用,以水泥、矿粉、磷石膏为原料制备大掺量磷石膏泡沫轻质土,研究磷石膏掺量对泡沫轻质土流动性能、力学性能、抗冻性能与耐水性能的影响。试验结果表明:随着磷石膏掺量增加,泡沫轻质土的流动性能、力学性能和抗冻性能逐渐下降,耐水性能先上升后下降。考虑到经济效益,磷石膏的最佳掺量为50%,此时泡沫轻质土28 d抗压强度与抗折强度分别为2.29、0.95 MPa,水软化系数为0.88,冻融循环后质量损失率和抗压强度损失率分别为1.52%、24%。 展开更多
关键词 磷石膏 泡沫轻质土 冻融循环 耐水性能
城市副中心剧院项目施工阶段BIM应用和管理实践 被引量:2
作者 付雅娣 谭旺 +2 位作者 仝美娜 杨希 赵欣 《建筑技术》 2022年第8期1065-1069,共5页
城市副中心剧院项目作为大型公建项目,工期短、体量大,社会关注度高,并且造型及结构空间复杂,为保证项目进度和施工质量,项目基于BIM技术开展全要素全专业深化设计和综合协调,并利用BIM模型全方位开始“先试后造、样板先行”的虚拟建造... 城市副中心剧院项目作为大型公建项目,工期短、体量大,社会关注度高,并且造型及结构空间复杂,为保证项目进度和施工质量,项目基于BIM技术开展全要素全专业深化设计和综合协调,并利用BIM模型全方位开始“先试后造、样板先行”的虚拟建造模拟,辅助施工组织管理,并通过BIM协同平台的应用实现全寿命期要求下的BIM数字化交付。 展开更多
关键词 BIM 深化设计 数字化交付
Influence of simvastatin on dopaminergic neurons of lipopolysaccharide—induced rat model of Parkinson's disease 被引量:2
作者 tan wang Xue-Bin Cao +4 位作者 Xiao-Wu Chen Pei-Pei Huang Tian Zhang Zhi-Bin Chen Bei-Sha tang 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2015年第1期64-67,共4页
Objective::To investigate the neuroprotective effects of simvastatin on lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-indueed rat model of Parkinson's disease(PD) and the mechanisms involved.Methods:Hemiparkinsonian rat models were ind... Objective::To investigate the neuroprotective effects of simvastatin on lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-indueed rat model of Parkinson's disease(PD) and the mechanisms involved.Methods:Hemiparkinsonian rat models were induced by stereotaxieal injection of LPS in the right substantia nigra compacts.After 2 weeks of simvastatin treatment,rotational behavior test was performed after the intraperitoneal injection of apomorphine.Expression of tyroxine hydroxylase(TH) and glial fibrillan acidic protein were analyzed through immunohistochemical staining of substantia nigra and striatum,and the level of TNF-α was evaluated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Results:Comparing with untreated group,behavioral symptoms of the rats were significantly less in the rats that received simvastatin treatment.The TH positive cell count in substantia nigra and striatum were significantly increased(P<0.05) and TNF- α expression was significantly decreased(P<0.05) in simvastatin group compared to untreated group.Conclusions:Simvastatin could effectively inhibit the activation of astrocytes,reduce TNF-α expression,and exert anti-inflammatory effects,and thus protect the dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra and striatum of the rat model of PD. 展开更多
Early diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of five patients with acute thallium poisoning 被引量:2
作者 Ting-Ting wang Bing Wen +8 位作者 Xiu-Nan Yu Zhang-Ge Ji Yi-Yong Sun Ying Li Shou-Lian Zhu Yong-Liang Cao Mei wang Xiang-Dong Jian tan wang 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2021年第19期5082-5091,共10页
BACKGROUND Thallium poisoning is rare and difficult to recognize.Early diagnosis and treatment of thallium-poisoned patients are essential to prevent morbidity and mortality.AIM To evaluate the efficacy of treatments ... BACKGROUND Thallium poisoning is rare and difficult to recognize.Early diagnosis and treatment of thallium-poisoned patients are essential to prevent morbidity and mortality.AIM To evaluate the efficacy of treatments and outcomes of five patients with early diagnosis of acute thallium poisoning.METHODS Five patients who consumed a thallium-contaminated meal were hospitalized in succession,and underwent clinical examinations such as blood tests and electromyography tests.Urine and blood tests confirmed the diagnosis of thallotoxicosis,revealing the occurrence of food poisoning.All patients underwent detoxification treatment,including hemoperfusion(HP)and treatment with Prussian blue(PB).A 24-mo follow-up was performed to evaluate the long-term outcomes on the patients after discharge.RESULTS Initially,the patients presented with symptoms of acute thallium poisoning including hyperalgesia of the limbs and abdominalgia,which may differ from common peripheral neuropathy.Accompanying symptoms such as hepatic damage and alopecia were observed in all the patients,which further confirmed the diagnosis of poisoning.Treatment with chelating agents was ineffective,while HP and treatment with PB drastically decreased the thallium concentration in the urine and blood.With early diagnosis and intervention,four patients had a good prognosis and no permanent sequelae.One patient developed blindness and disability during the 24-mo follow-up period.CONCLUSION Identification of incident cluster and characteristic symptoms is extremely important for early diagnosis of acute thallium poisoning.HP plus PB is essential to improve the prognosis of thallium-poisoned patients. 展开更多
关键词 Thallium poisoning HYPERALGESIA Abdominalgia HEMOPERFUSION Prussian blue OUTCOMES
Research on variety characteristics of China's Mainland troposphere based on CMONOC 被引量:3
作者 Hongbo Shi Rui Zhang +3 位作者 Zhaosheng Nie Yu Li Zhengsong Chen tan wang 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2018年第5期411-417,共7页
In this research, we processed the GPS and meteorological data from about 220 stations of Crustal Movement Observation Network of China(CMONOC) observed in 2014 and derived the Zenith Total Delay(ZTD) map in both spat... In this research, we processed the GPS and meteorological data from about 220 stations of Crustal Movement Observation Network of China(CMONOC) observed in 2014 and derived the Zenith Total Delay(ZTD) map in both spatial and temporal dimension. The results of ZTD have high accurate and reliable as IGS and all sites with varying locations show obvious variety characteristics of Chinese mainland. Meanwhile, the precipitable water vapor(PWV) correlation coefficients between GPS observation and upper air sounding is close to 1, and the comparison of GPS-derived PWV and observed PWV from meteorological sites indicating GPS observation data generated in CMONOC project applied to the weather forecast research is feasible. In addition, based on all stations covered the whole Chinese land area and using interpolation algorithms, we make contour plots of PWV distribution per hour. We observe obvious feature that the precipitable water in north and western area is less than south and east area all over this year. High latitudes area may be dry and low latitudes area is wet. 展开更多
关键词 GPS CMONOC Precipitable water vapor Troposphere ZTD
作者 谭旺 李轶 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期565-573,共9页
作为循环程序终止性分析的主流方法,当前的秩函数方法大多局限于线性或多项式秩函数的求解。针对循环程序若不存在对应的线性或多项式秩函数,现有秩函数方法就无法证明其终止性的问题,提出一个新的方法来合成给定循环程序对应的界函数... 作为循环程序终止性分析的主流方法,当前的秩函数方法大多局限于线性或多项式秩函数的求解。针对循环程序若不存在对应的线性或多项式秩函数,现有秩函数方法就无法证明其终止性的问题,提出一个新的方法来合成给定循环程序对应的界函数。对于给定的循环程序,倘若能找到其界函数,则表明该循环程序是可终止的。首先将界函数的求解问题转化为一个线性二分类问题,并在选定界函数模板后,根据模板建立映射关系以构建训练集;然后利用所得训练集通过支持向量机(SVM)获取分类超平面进而求解得到模板系数,从而得到候选的界函数;最后利用现有的符号验证工具Redlog对该候选界函数进行验证。实验结果表明,相较于现有的秩函数方法,所提方法不仅能够应用于更多的循环程序,而且所得界函数在形式上相较于秩函数更加简化。具体表现为,对于某些没有线性秩函数的循环,该方法可以得到其对应的线性界函数;同时,对于某些只有多阶段线性秩函数的循环,该方法可以求解得到全局的线性界函数。 展开更多
关键词 程序验证 循环程序终止性 支持向量机 界函数 秩函数
A machine learning approach to TCAD model calibration for MOSFET 被引量:1
作者 Bai‑Chuan wang Chuan‑Xiang tang +4 位作者 Meng‑Tong Qiu Wei Chen tan wang Jing‑Yan Xu Li‑Li Ding 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第12期133-145,共13页
Machine learning-based surrogate models have significant advantages in terms of computing efficiency. In this paper, we present a pilot study on fast calibration using machine learning techniques. Technology computer-... Machine learning-based surrogate models have significant advantages in terms of computing efficiency. In this paper, we present a pilot study on fast calibration using machine learning techniques. Technology computer-aided design(TCAD) is a powerful simulation tool for electronic devices. This simulation tool has been widely used in the research of radiation effects.However, calibration of TCAD models is time-consuming. In this study, we introduce a fast calibration approach for TCAD model calibration of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors(MOSFETs). This approach utilized a machine learning-based surrogate model that was several orders of magnitude faster than the original TCAD simulation. The desired calibration results were obtained within several seconds. In this study, a fundamental model containing 26 parameters is introduced to represent the typical structure of a MOSFET. Classifications were developed to improve the efficiency of the training sample generation. Feature selection techniques were employed to identify important parameters. A surrogate model consisting of a classifier and a regressor was built. A calibration procedure based on the surrogate model was proposed and tested with three calibration goals. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of machine learning-based fast model calibrations for MOSFET. In addition, this study shows that these machine learning techniques learn patterns and correlations from data instead of employing domain expertise. This indicates that machine learning could be an alternative research approach to complement classical physics-based research. 展开更多
关键词 Machine learning Radiation effects Surrogate model TCAD model calibration
长链非编码RNA SLC7A11-AS1在胃癌组织中表达及临床意义 被引量:2
作者 向万平 唐翎翰 +4 位作者 罗雅军 姚林 谭望 肖江卫 汪华 《西部医学》 2020年第2期210-215,共6页
目的探讨长链非编码RNA SLC7A11-AS1在人胃癌中的表达及临床意义。方法收集2016年1月~2018年6月手术治疗78例胃癌患者胃癌组织标本。采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应法(RT-qPCR)检测3株胃癌细胞系和1株正常胃粘膜细胞细胞系SLC7A11-AS1的... 目的探讨长链非编码RNA SLC7A11-AS1在人胃癌中的表达及临床意义。方法收集2016年1月~2018年6月手术治疗78例胃癌患者胃癌组织标本。采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应法(RT-qPCR)检测3株胃癌细胞系和1株正常胃粘膜细胞细胞系SLC7A11-AS1的表达水平。结果胃癌组织中SLC7A11-AS1的相对表达量低于癌旁组织;SLC7A11-AS1表达量与大体分型、TNM分期相关;多因素Logistic回归分析,胃癌侵袭与T分期、N分期、SLC7A11-AS1表达水平相关;低表达SLC7A11-AS1组患者OS为(21.78±3.16)个月低于高表达SLC7A11-AS1组患者平均OS为(34.23±3.48)个月;SLC7A11-AS1组织表达水平对胃癌诊断的特异性为82.10%,敏感性为53.80%(AUC=0.69,P=0.042)。结论SLC7A11-AS1可能作为抑癌基因参与胃癌的发生、发展,特别是参与胃癌的侵袭、迁移过程,低表达SLC7A11-AS1可作为不良预后指标,为胃癌诊断、预后判断提供重要参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 胃肿瘤 长链非编码RNAs SLC7A11-AS1 胃癌
信息技术综合应用辅助城市副中心剧院项目声学实施 被引量:2
作者 王鹏 王英 +2 位作者 谭旺 赵振鑫 赵欣 《建筑技术》 2022年第8期1079-1081,共3页
剧院建筑是国际公认的高难度公共建筑,其中显著特点之一是对建筑声学和舞台效果有严格规定。城市副中心剧院项目在BIM和相关信息技术综合应用的基础上,在声学实施角度开展了更为深度的探索与应用。从声学设计、模拟、深化设计、施工纠... 剧院建筑是国际公认的高难度公共建筑,其中显著特点之一是对建筑声学和舞台效果有严格规定。城市副中心剧院项目在BIM和相关信息技术综合应用的基础上,在声学实施角度开展了更为深度的探索与应用。从声学设计、模拟、深化设计、施工纠偏、节点验证和交底等方面,总结了利用不同信息技术辅助剧院项目声学管理的应用内容和成效。 展开更多
关键词 剧院 声学 信息技术 BIM
长链非编码RNA FGF14-IT1在人胃癌组织和细胞中的表达及临床意义 被引量:1
作者 姚林 谭望 +2 位作者 向万平 唐翎翰 肖江卫 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2019年第18期2181-2185,共5页
目的探讨长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)成纤维细胞因子14内含子转录本1(FGF14-IT1)在人胃癌组织和细胞中的表达及临床意义。方法收集83例胃癌患者的肿瘤组织和配对的癌旁组织,采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR)检测组织、4种胃癌细胞株及正... 目的探讨长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)成纤维细胞因子14内含子转录本1(FGF14-IT1)在人胃癌组织和细胞中的表达及临床意义。方法收集83例胃癌患者的肿瘤组织和配对的癌旁组织,采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR)检测组织、4种胃癌细胞株及正常胃黏膜细胞中FGF14-IT1的表达水平;采用χ2检验分析其表达水平与患者临床病理特征的相关性;同时采用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析FGF14-IT1的表达水平与胃癌转移的关系。结果胃癌组织中FGF14-IT1的相对表达量为1.630±1.896,明显低于癌旁组织的表达量(2.257±2.599),差异有统计学意义(t=2.108,P<0.05)。与正常胃黏膜细胞GES-1表达量比较,胃癌细胞株AGS、MGC-803、SGC-7901中FGF14-IT1表达量明显降低(P<0.05),但BGC-823胃癌细胞株中的表达量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。FGF14-IT1表达量与患者浸润深度、淋巴结转移、TNM分期相关(P分别为0.028、0.039、0.048)。单因素分析发现,胃癌转移与FGF14-IT1、肿瘤大小、分化程度、浸润深度相关(P分别为0.001、0.041、0.041、<0.001)。多因素分析发现胃癌转移与FGF14-IT1、浸润深度相关(P分别为0.023、0.021)。结论lncRNA FGF14-IT1与胃癌变化转移相关,可能是潜在的胃癌治疗和预后评估分子标志物。 展开更多
关键词 胃肿瘤 长链非编码RNA 成纤维细胞因子14内含子转录本1
High plastic Zr–Cu–Fe–Al–Nb bulk metallic glasses for biomedical applications 被引量:1
作者 Shu-shen wang Yun-liang wang +2 位作者 Yi-dong Wu tan wang Xi-dong Hui 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期648-653,共6页
Four Zr–Cu–Fe–Al-based bulk metallic glasses(BMGs) with Zr contents greater than 65at% and minor additions of Nb were designed and prepared. The glass forming abilities, thermal stabilities, mechanical properties... Four Zr–Cu–Fe–Al-based bulk metallic glasses(BMGs) with Zr contents greater than 65at% and minor additions of Nb were designed and prepared. The glass forming abilities, thermal stabilities, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance properties of the prepared BMGs were investigated. These BMGs exhibit moderate glass forming abilities along with superior fracture and yield strengths compared to previously reported Zr–Cu–Fe–Al BMGs. Specifically, the addition of Nb into this quaternary system remarkably increases the plastic strain to 27.5%, which is related to the high Poisson's ratio and low Young's and shear moduli. The Nb-bearing BMGs also exhibit a lower corrosion current density by about one order of magnitude and a wider passive region than 316 L steel in phosphate buffer solution(PBS, pH 7.4). The combination of the optimized composition with high deformation ability, low Young's modulus, and excellent corrosion resistance properties indicates that this kind of BMG is promising for biomedical applications. 展开更多
关键词 metallic glasses biomedical materials mechanical properties corrosion resistance zirconium content niobium addition
作者 黎晓刚 谭旺 夏雪 《上海船舶运输科学研究所学报》 2022年第6期1-6,共6页
在船-桥碰撞中,桥梁的变形和位移相对于船撞桥的变形和位移来说可忽略不计,二者间的撞击动能基本上被船舶以变形能的形式吸收。为探究船-桥碰撞计算问题,选用内河水域能量等级偏大和能量等级偏小的船舶模型,分别用刚体和钢筋混凝土模拟... 在船-桥碰撞中,桥梁的变形和位移相对于船撞桥的变形和位移来说可忽略不计,二者间的撞击动能基本上被船舶以变形能的形式吸收。为探究船-桥碰撞计算问题,选用内河水域能量等级偏大和能量等级偏小的船舶模型,分别用刚体和钢筋混凝土模拟桥墩,进行碰撞仿真计算,结果表明:将桥墩视为刚体对碰撞力和船舶损伤变形计算结果的影响很小,在船-桥碰撞计算中可忽略桥梁的吸能和变形,将其视为刚体可减少计算工作量和缩短计算时间。 展开更多
关键词 船-桥碰撞 有限元仿真 刚性桥墩 混凝土桥墩
Efficient plasmon-enhanced perovskite solar cells by molecularly isolated gold nanorods
作者 Yong Hui En-Ming You +11 位作者 Qing-Peng Luo tan wang Zi-Ang Nan Yu Gu Wen-Han Zhang Zhuan-Yun Cai Liang Chen Jian-Zhang Zhou Jia-Wei Yan Zhao-Xiong Xie Bing-Wei Mao Zhong-Qun Tian 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第10期60-67,I0003,共9页
Perovskite solar cells(PSCs)are becoming a promising candidate for next-generation photovoltaic cells due to their attractive power conversion efficiency(PCE).Plasmonic enhancement is regarded as an optical tuning app... Perovskite solar cells(PSCs)are becoming a promising candidate for next-generation photovoltaic cells due to their attractive power conversion efficiency(PCE).Plasmonic enhancement is regarded as an optical tuning approach for further improving the PCE of single-junction PSCs toward Shockley-Queisser limit.Herein,we introduce molecularly isolated gold nanorods(Au NRs),bearing relatively stronger scattering ability and localized surface plasmonic resonance(LSPR)effect,in the rear side of perovskites in PSCs,for promoting light harvesting and for electrical enhancement.Owing to the larger refractive index and better matched energy level alignment,the 4-mercaptobenzoic acid molecules coated on Au NRs prove to play important dual roles:isolating the metallic Au NRs from contacting with perovskite,and facilitating more efficient charge separation and transport across the interface under the synergetic LSPR effect of Au NRs.Our work highlights the capability of the plasmonic approach by nanorods and by molecular isolation,extending nanoparticle-based plasmonic approaches,toward highly efficient plasmon-enhanced PSCs. 展开更多
关键词 Perovskite solar cells Plasmon-enhanced Gold nanorods Molecular isolation Scattering
Nanoscale transition metal catalysts anchored on perovskite oxide enabling enhanced kinetics of lithium polysulfide redox in lithium-sulfur batteries
作者 Wenshuo Hou Ruilong Li +5 位作者 Zhenhua wang Li Fang Zhe Bai tan wang Yu Bai Kening Sun 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第6期432-442,I0010,共12页
To obtain high-performance lithium-sulfur(Li-S)batteries,it is necessary to rationally design electrocatalytic materials that can promote efficient sulfur electrochemical reactions.Herein,the robust heterostructured m... To obtain high-performance lithium-sulfur(Li-S)batteries,it is necessary to rationally design electrocatalytic materials that can promote efficient sulfur electrochemical reactions.Herein,the robust heterostructured material of nanoscale transition metal anchored on perovskite oxide was designed for efficient catalytic kinetics of the oxidation and reduction reactions of lithium polysulphide(Li PSs),and verified by density functional theory(DFT)calculations and experimental characterizations.Due to the strong interaction of nanoscale transition metals with Li PSs through chemical coupling,heterostructured materials(STO@M)(M=Fe,Ni,Cu)exhibit excellent catalytic activity for redox reactions of Li PSs.The bifunctional heterostructure material STO@Fe exhibits good rate performance and cycling stability as the cathode host,realizing a high-performance Li-S battery that can maintain stable cycling under rapid charge-discharge cycling.This study presents a novel approach to designing electrocatalytic materials for redox reactions of Li PSs,which promotes the development of fast charge-discharge Li-S batteries. 展开更多
关键词 Nanoscale transition metal Lithium polysulfide Catalytic activity Redox reaction Lithium-sulfur battery
Influences of supply voltage on single event upsets and multiple-cell upsets in nanometer SRAM across a wide linear energy transfer range
作者 Yin-Yong Luo Wei Chen +1 位作者 Feng-Qi Zhang tan wang 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第4期596-604,共9页
The influences of reducing the supply voltage on single event upset(SEU) and multiple-cell upset(MCU) in two kinds of 65-nm static random access memories(SRAMs) are characterized across a wide linear energy transfer(L... The influences of reducing the supply voltage on single event upset(SEU) and multiple-cell upset(MCU) in two kinds of 65-nm static random access memories(SRAMs) are characterized across a wide linear energy transfer(LET) range.The results show that the influence of the voltage variation on SEU cross section clearly depends on the LET value which is above heavy ion LET threshold no matter whether the SRAM is non-hardened 6 T SRAM or radiation-hardened double dual interlocked cells(DICE) SRAM.When the LET value is lower than the LET threshold of MCU,the SEU only manifests single cell upset,the SEU cross section increases with the decrease of voltage.The lower the LET value,the higher the SEU sensitivity to the voltage variation is.Lowering the voltage has no evident influence on SEU cross section while the LET value is above the LET threshold of MCU.Moreover,the reduction of the voltage can result in a decrease in the highest-order MCU event cross section due to the decrease of charge collection efficiency of the outer sub-sensitive volume within a certain voltage range.With further scaling the feature size of devices down,it is suggested that the dependence of SEU on voltage variation should be paid special attention to for heavy ions with very low LET or the other particles with very low energy for nanometer commercial off-the-shelf(COTS) SRAM. 展开更多
关键词 supply voltage single event upsets multiple-cell upsets 65-nm SRAM double DICE SRAM
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