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戈壁荒漠浅覆盖区15万区域地质填图技术方法探索--以东天山哈密地区为例 被引量:1
作者 康磊 刘生荣 +6 位作者 张海迪 王国灿 郭伟立 罗彦军 任广利 吕鹏瑞 曹凯 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期616-630,共15页
为了更好地服务生态文明建设和经济社会高质量发展,区域地质填图工作亟需从基岩区向盆山结合带、盆地等覆盖区进行拓展。戈壁荒漠浅覆盖区是研究中国北方中小城市和大城市边缘干旱区找水、隐伏区找矿、盆地基底性质、盆山耦合演化的关... 为了更好地服务生态文明建设和经济社会高质量发展,区域地质填图工作亟需从基岩区向盆山结合带、盆地等覆盖区进行拓展。戈壁荒漠浅覆盖区是研究中国北方中小城市和大城市边缘干旱区找水、隐伏区找矿、盆地基底性质、盆山耦合演化的关键地区,但一直缺乏针对性的区域地质填图技术方法。以东天山哈密地区觉罗塔格山与吐哈盆地结合部位的戈壁荒漠浅覆盖区为例,利用地质、物探、遥感、钻探等多技术手段,采用由“已知”到“未知”的思路,从调查内容、调查方法、技术手段、成果表达等方面,针对不同覆盖层深度、覆盖层结构和地质矿产目标,通过大量方法实验和实践,开展适用性、经济性和分辨率的综合分析,完善优化了地球物理和钻探的技术方法组合。利用GeoModeller软件,实现了戈壁荒漠浅覆盖区三维地质结构的可视化表达,建立了从地表、覆盖层到覆盖区基岩的立体式透明化的区域地质填图技术方法体系,查明了地质填图区域的三维地质结构及其成矿地质背景,满足戈壁荒漠浅覆盖区15万区域地质填图的目标,也为东天山大草滩断裂带性质、吐哈盆地基底性质及其中新生代盆地构造环境演化等关键地质问题提供了重要信息。 展开更多
关键词 浅覆盖区 戈壁荒漠 区域地质填图 技术方法 东天山 地质调查工程
东天山北部古生代重大构造事件及其对中亚造山带演化的启示:基于1∶5万板房沟幅和小柳沟幅地质调查新证据 被引量:5
作者 王国灿 张孟 +4 位作者 张雄华 廖群安 王玮 田锦明 玄泽悠 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期954-976,共23页
本文基于新疆哈密地区1∶5万板房沟幅和小柳沟幅区域地质调查新成果,对东天山北部古生代的重大构造事件以及演化历史进行了系统的梳理。基于下志留统与奥陶系之间角度不整合、下石炭统与泥盆系之间平行不整合以及上石炭统二道沟组与下... 本文基于新疆哈密地区1∶5万板房沟幅和小柳沟幅区域地质调查新成果,对东天山北部古生代的重大构造事件以及演化历史进行了系统的梳理。基于下志留统与奥陶系之间角度不整合、下石炭统与泥盆系之间平行不整合以及上石炭统二道沟组与下伏岩系之间的角度不整合的确定,揭示奥陶纪与志留纪之交、泥盆纪与石炭纪之交以及晚石炭世期间存在几次重大构造事件。结合古生代不同时期沉积大地构造背景转换、岩浆活动构造环境转换以及构造变形格式转换的地质新纪录,提出奥陶纪与志留纪之交的造山事件为北部阿尔曼太洋闭合导致准噶尔—吐哈地块与阿尔泰地块碰撞的响应;泥盆纪与早石炭世之间的造陆构造事件可能是北部卡拉麦里洋盆初始汇拢碰撞的响应,其平行不整合以及下伏的志留纪—泥盆纪较稳定环境的沉积序列预示着介于卡拉麦里洋盆与南部北天山洋盆之间的准噶尔—吐哈地块为古亚洲洋盆体系中相对刚性的稳定陆块区,研究区作为准噶尔—吐哈地块的北部被动陆缘受卡拉麦里洋盆汇聚的影响较小;晚石炭世的造山事件则表现为响应卡拉麦里洋盆闭合后周缘前陆盆地的演化,是早石炭世沿卡拉麦里缝合带发生陆块碰撞以来挤压构造作用峰期的产物,其奠定了东天山北部北西-南东向构造基本格局。本文还重新界定莫钦乌拉断裂为北天山构造带(准噶尔—吐哈地块)与东准噶尔构造带的构造-地层分区界线,推断其为卡拉麦里缝合带向南东的延伸,并讨论了早石炭世受控不同构造体制的沉积和岩浆纪录的空间差异性,认为早石炭世北部莫钦乌拉山区域为与北侧卡拉麦里洋盆闭合后周缘挤压前陆盆地的发育过程,而南部博格达—哈尔里克山则总体呈现为响应南侧北天山洋盆闭合后的碰撞后伸展裂谷发育过程。 展开更多
关键词 东天山 古生代 构造事件 构造演化 1:5万板房沟幅和小柳沟幅 地质调查工程
作者 王岸 王国灿 +4 位作者 王团乐 施炎 魏杰 李皓若 吕甘雨 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期453-464,共12页
青藏高原东南缘发育数十万平方千米的广阔地貌过渡带与大面积低起伏地貌面,独特的地貌提供了解读高原构造拓展与地表隆升时间、过程以及机制的理想窗口。为揭示青藏高原东南缘新生代构造变形响应和地貌演化过程,通过构造解析、构造地貌... 青藏高原东南缘发育数十万平方千米的广阔地貌过渡带与大面积低起伏地貌面,独特的地貌提供了解读高原构造拓展与地表隆升时间、过程以及机制的理想窗口。为揭示青藏高原东南缘新生代构造变形响应和地貌演化过程,通过构造解析、构造地貌以及低温热年代学数据分析对金沙江下游流域进行综合研究。结果表明青藏高原东南缘早在始新世即已处于北西向为主的区域性挤压条件下而发生广泛褶皱变形。尽管始新世存在区域性变形响应,但青藏高原东南缘金沙江下游地区在古近纪为低海拔丘陵地貌,地表隆升幅度极为有限。晚渐新世—早中新世研究区总体处于长期的低剥蚀速率环境,促进了低海拔平缓地貌的形成。晚新近纪以来,青藏高原东南缘发生区域性缩短变形与显著地表隆升,大型水系同步下蚀,共同塑造形成现今较高海拔的低起伏地貌面与深切峡谷并存的特征性地貌。研究结果支持青藏高原东南缘晚新近纪以来的隆升与地壳构造缩短及增厚密切相关,而中下地壳塑性流动增厚机制并非必不可少。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原东南缘 构造解析 热年代学 构造地貌 裂变径迹
滇西剑川盆地剑川组火山事件的定年和古环境研究 被引量:11
作者 覃琼 徐亚东 +5 位作者 张克信 吴旌 郑国栋 曹凯 王国灿 戴婕 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期2096-2105,共10页
通过对剑川组顶部凝灰质砂岩和底部晶屑凝灰质火山角砾岩进行U-Pb锆石测年,结合前人对剑川组内部侵入的花岗岩脉体的数据,本文限定剑川组火山事件发生于36.23±0.88~35.46±0.76Ma,为始新世晚期蔡家冲期。剖面上段发现丰富的... 通过对剑川组顶部凝灰质砂岩和底部晶屑凝灰质火山角砾岩进行U-Pb锆石测年,结合前人对剑川组内部侵入的花岗岩脉体的数据,本文限定剑川组火山事件发生于36.23±0.88~35.46±0.76Ma,为始新世晚期蔡家冲期。剖面上段发现丰富的孢粉化石,反映该时期剑川盆地周缘为常绿—落叶阔叶混交林,植被具有明显的垂直分带性;结合化石的最近亲缘类型的海拔、年均温和年降水量数据,进行共存分析得出始新世晚期剑川盆地的海拔在1900±100m,年均温在13.3~14.9℃,年降水量在863.3~1344mm。综合对比分析古生物化石、氧同位素、火山事件和构造热年代学数据,反映始新世晚期受印度和欧亚板块碰撞的影响,滇西地区具有显著的地势差异,高海拔可达2000~2700m,而低海拔可降到1200m以下,甚至接近海平面,并伴生一系列拉分盆地的形成和强烈的火山事件。 展开更多
关键词 滇西剑川盆地 火山沉积 锆石定年 孢粉 古环境
新疆哈尔里克山口门子韧性剪切带变形期次及年代学研究 被引量:4
作者 查雁鸿 王国灿 +2 位作者 申添毅 曹同礼 张攀 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期297-310,共14页
新疆哈尔里克山口门子韧性剪切带作为东天山地区重要的构造记录之一,其变形期次及年代学研究对认识博格达?哈尔里克山乃至整个东天山的区域构造演化具有重要意义。本文基于宏观与微观变形特征、变形温压条件、同位素年代学研究,厘定了两... 新疆哈尔里克山口门子韧性剪切带作为东天山地区重要的构造记录之一,其变形期次及年代学研究对认识博格达?哈尔里克山乃至整个东天山的区域构造演化具有重要意义。本文基于宏观与微观变形特征、变形温压条件、同位素年代学研究,厘定了两期(脆)?韧性变形,分别是早期韧性逆冲变形和晚期左旋脆?韧性走滑变形。卷入早期韧性逆冲变形的花岗岩、火山岩年代学分析表明,该期变形发生于440.1±3.2 Ma之后;未卷入该期变形的花岗闪长岩脉和辉绿岩脉年代学分析表明,早期韧性逆冲变形发生于298.1±1.0 Ma之前。结合泥盆纪?早石炭世哈尔里克山地区呈现为稳定构造环境以及存在早、晚石炭世地层间的角度不整合,推断早期韧性逆冲变形形成于早、晚石炭世之交,与石炭纪陆内裂谷的闭合有关。晚期左旋脆?韧性走滑变形叠加使早期糜棱岩面理发生褶皱,结合前人获得的259±1 Ma的变质绢云母^40Ar-^39Ar年龄,认为该期变形是晚二叠世受西伯利亚板块向南推挤的陆内转换压缩变形产物。 展开更多
关键词 哈尔里克山 口门子 韧性剪切带 变形期次 变形年代
天山东段“北天山洋”构造涵义及演化模式再认识 被引量:3
作者 王国灿 张孟 +4 位作者 张雄华 康磊 廖群安 郭瑞禄 王玮 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期3494-3513,共20页
准噶尔-吐哈地块与伊犁-中天山地块之间分布着多条时代和类型各不相同的古生代蛇绿混杂岩带,前人一般将这些蛇绿混杂岩统一视为北天山洋盆的纪录,并由此推断该洋盆的时代跨度至少始自寒武纪并一直持续到晚石炭世甚至二叠纪。本文基于近... 准噶尔-吐哈地块与伊犁-中天山地块之间分布着多条时代和类型各不相同的古生代蛇绿混杂岩带,前人一般将这些蛇绿混杂岩统一视为北天山洋盆的纪录,并由此推断该洋盆的时代跨度至少始自寒武纪并一直持续到晚石炭世甚至二叠纪。本文基于近几年在东天山地区地质调查工作的新成果,通过新界定的以康古尔塔格-大草滩蛇绿混杂岩带为代表的北天山洋两侧志留纪—泥盆纪活动大陆边缘物源性质和生物古地理对比,对北天山洋的构造属性和演化过程进行了重新厘定。研究揭示,志留纪—早泥盆世,北天山洋两侧的准噶尔-吐哈地块和伊犁-中天山地块分属于不同的物源体系和生物古地理区系,指示该洋盆具有显著的构造古地理分隔意义。至中泥盆世,北天山洋两侧隶属同一生物大区的珊瑚动物群指示该洋盆已演化至残余洋盆阶段;晚泥盆世晚期—早石炭世,天山地区广泛分布的陆相磨拉石-火山岩建造与下伏岩系之间的区域性角度不整合关系以及南北两侧物源的相互贯通说明东天山段的北天山洋已完全闭合,南北陆块的碰撞缝合应发生在此前的晚泥盆世早期(~370 Ma)。石炭纪—早二叠世,可能受南部南天山洋北向俯冲及板片后撤作用影响,在前期已经碰撞拼合形成的统一准噶尔-吐哈-中天山地块之上,沿康古尔-雅山一带重新裂解出具不成熟洋壳的康古尔弧后有限洋盆。该有限洋盆存续至早二叠世早期(~290 Ma)最终闭合,其与北天山洋盆是两个不同阶段不同性质的洋盆体系。 展开更多
关键词 北天山洋 构造涵义 演化模式 物源演化 生物古地理演化
东天山新元古代—古生代大地构造格架与演化新认识 被引量:27
作者 王国灿 张孟 +6 位作者 冯家龙 廖群安 张雄华 康磊 郭瑞禄 玄泽悠 韩凯宇 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 2019年第5期798-819,共22页
基于基础地质调查获得的新资料,对涉及东天山新元古代—古生代大地构造演化格局存在争议或认识模糊的准噶尔-吐哈地块、北天山洋盆和康古尔洋盆的属性及相互时空关联进行了重新界定。提出准噶尔-吐哈地块为相对刚性的、深部为0.8~0.55G... 基于基础地质调查获得的新资料,对涉及东天山新元古代—古生代大地构造演化格局存在争议或认识模糊的准噶尔-吐哈地块、北天山洋盆和康古尔洋盆的属性及相互时空关联进行了重新界定。提出准噶尔-吐哈地块为相对刚性的、深部为0.8~0.55Ga新生地壳但表层存在>1.0Ga古老陆壳残片的具有大洋高原性质的统一块体,北界范围随着北部边缘的裂拚演化过程而随时间发生变化。基于对吐哈地块与中天山之间新发现的大草滩蛇绿岩以及其他蛇绿混杂岩带的系统梳理,提出古生代两阶段不同性质的洋盆演化模型。具有显著不同板块分隔意义的北天山洋盆主要出现于寒武—中泥盆世,代表长期分隔准噶尔-吐哈地块与中天山-塔里木板块的主大洋,而康古尔古洋盆是石炭纪—早二叠世早期叠加在已经缝合的北天山洋盆的古大陆边缘体系之上重新打开的持续时间较短的有限小洋盆。结合近年来其他相关研究新成果,重新构建了东天山地区新元古代—古生代构造演化模型。 展开更多
关键词 东天山 新元古代-古生代 大地构造格架与演化 准噶尔-吐哈地块 北天山洋 康古尔洋
新疆西准噶尔达尔布特断裂构造特征及演化 被引量:1
作者 杜勇 王国灿 +2 位作者 晏文博 杨习俊 叶修锋 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 2023年第1期14-18,共5页
达尔布特断裂是西准噶尔地区规模最大的左行走滑正断层,通过对研究区大量地质调查成果分析总结,判定达尔布特断裂基本形成于晚石炭世晚期—早二叠世,并在二叠纪强烈活动形成规模。据断裂两侧错移的哈拉阿拉特组和碱性长石花岗岩岩体作... 达尔布特断裂是西准噶尔地区规模最大的左行走滑正断层,通过对研究区大量地质调查成果分析总结,判定达尔布特断裂基本形成于晚石炭世晚期—早二叠世,并在二叠纪强烈活动形成规模。据断裂两侧错移的哈拉阿拉特组和碱性长石花岗岩岩体作为被切割地质体标志,估算出达尔布特断裂总滑移量为57.54~115.56 km。总结认为达尔布特断裂形成演化经历了碰撞俯冲、碰撞后伸展、碰撞后陆内挤压、碰撞后伸展4个阶段。 展开更多
关键词 达尔布特断裂 左行走滑 滑移量 形成演化
Sedimentary Evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Cenozoic and its Response to the Uplift of the Plateau 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Kexin wang guocan +11 位作者 XU Yadong LUO Mansheng JI Junliang XIAO Guoqiao wang An SONG Bowen LIANG Yinpin JIANG Shangsong CAO Kai CHEN Fenning CHEN Ruiming YANG Yongfeng 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期555-575,共21页
We have studied the evolution of the tectonic lithofacies paleogeography of Paleocene- Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by compiling data regarding the type, tectonic setting, and ... We have studied the evolution of the tectonic lithofacies paleogeography of Paleocene- Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by compiling data regarding the type, tectonic setting, and iithostratigraphic sequence of 98 remnant basins in the plateau area. Our results can be summarized as follows. (1) The Paleocene to Eocene is characterized by uplift and erosion in the Songpan-Garze and Gangdise belts, depression (lakes and pluvial plains) in eastern Tarim, Qaidam, Qiangtang, and Hoh Xil, and the Neo-Tethys Sea in the western and southern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. (2) The Oligocene is characterized by uplift in the Gangdise--Himalaya and Karakorum regions (marked by the absence of sedimentation), fluvial transport (originating eastward and flowing westward) in the Brahmaputra region (marked by the deposition of Dazhuka conglomerate), uplift and erosion in western Kunlun and Songpan-Garze, and depression (lakes) in the Tarim, Qaidam, Qiangtang, and Hoh Xil. The Oligocene is further characterized by depressional littoral and neritic basins in southwestern Tarim, with marine facies deposition ceasing at the end of the Oligocene. (3) For the Miocene, a widespread regional unconformity (ca. 23 Ma) in and adjacent to the plateau indicates comprehensive uplift of the plateau. This period is characterized by depressions (lakes) in the Tarim, Qaidam, Xining-Nanzhou, Qiangtang, and Hoh Xil. Lacustrine facies deposition expanded to peak in and adjacent to the plateau ca. 18-13 Ma, and north-south fault basins formed in southern Tibet ca. 13-10 Ma. All of these features indicate that the plateau uplifted to its peak and began to collapse. (4) Uplift and erosion occurred during the Pliocene in most parts of the plateau, except in the Hoh Xil-Qiangtang, Tarim, and Qaidam. The continuous uplift and intensive taphrogeny in the plateau divided the original large basin into small basins, deposition of lacustrine facies decreased considerably, and boulderstone accumulated, indicating a response to the overall uplift of the plateau. Here, we discuss the evolution of tectonic lithofacies paleogeography in Cenozoic and its response to the tectonic uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in relation to the above characteristics. We have recognized five major uplift events, which occurred during 58-53 Ma, 45-30 Ma, 25-20 Ma, 13-7 Ma, and since 5 Ma. The results presented here indicate that the paleogeomorphic configurations of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau turned over during the late Miocene, with high elevations in the east during the pre-Miocene switching to high contours in the west at the end of Miocene. 展开更多
关键词 lithofacies paleogeography depositional evolution uplift event CENOZOIC Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Emplacement Mechanism of the Akebasitao Pluton:Implications for Regional Tectonic Evolution of West Junggar,NW China 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Pan wang guocan +4 位作者 LI Yongtao ZHANG Shengye PENG Chao ZHAO Hongwei ZHA Yanhong 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期857-874,共18页
Late Carboniferous to Early Permian A-type granites are extensively distributed throughout the West Junggar region, NW China, and the Akebasitao pluton is extremely distinguished among these plutons. In this paper, we... Late Carboniferous to Early Permian A-type granites are extensively distributed throughout the West Junggar region, NW China, and the Akebasitao pluton is extremely distinguished among these plutons. In this paper, we reported new anisotropy of magnetic susceptible (AMS) data combine with detailed field study and audio magnetotelluric (AMT) sounding to assess the three-dimensional shape and magmatic emplacement mechanism of the Akebasitao pluton. The geological features and the AMT sounding indicate that the pluton had a slightly oblique movement of magma from northwest to southeast, which was most likely to correspond to an asymmetrical torch with a laccolith-shaped upper part, and a lower part formed by sub-vertical "root" that was located within its northwestern part, probably controlled by the NE-trending Anqi fault. The AMS fabrics of all the specimens reveal a low Pj value (mean of 1.02) and a low T value (mean of -0.024), suggesting that the deformation of the AMS ellipsoid is relatively weak. The specimens exhibit both oblate and prolate shapes of the AMS ellipsoid. Magnetic lineations and foliations are randomly distributed throughout the pluton without any preferred orientation. These AMS patterns indicate that the pluton formed in a relatively stable structural environment with no regional extrusion. Therefore, we propose a complex emplacement process in which the magmas reached the shallower crust levels via deep-faults and subsequently occupied the room created by doming, accompanied by stoping near the pluton roof. Additionally, the regional tectonic setting was relatively stable during the emplacement of the Akebasitao pluton, indicating the termination of compressional orogeny during the late Late Carboniferous in the West Junggar region. This conclusion perfectly coincides with the regional tectonic paleogeography, magmatic system, and paleostress field. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional shape magnetic fabric emplacement mechanism tectonic setting Akebasitao pluton West Junggar
Geochronology Constraints on Transformation Age from Ductile to Brittle Deformation of the Shangma Fault and Its Tectonic Significance,Dabieshan,Central China 被引量:7
作者 wang guocan wang Pu +2 位作者 Liu Chao wang An Ye Runqing 《Journal of China University of Geosciences》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第2期97-109,共13页
By a detailed investigation of geometry and kinematics of the Shangma (商麻) fault in Dabieshan (大别山), three different crust levels of extension movement have been recognized in sequence from the deep to the sh... By a detailed investigation of geometry and kinematics of the Shangma (商麻) fault in Dabieshan (大别山), three different crust levels of extension movement have been recognized in sequence from the deep to the shallow:① low-angle ductile detachment shearing with top to the NW; ② low-angle normal fault with top to the NW or NWW in brittle or brittle-ductile transition domain; ③ high-angle brittle normal fault with top to the W or NWW. Two samples were chosen for zircon U-Pb age dating to constrain the activity age of the Shangma fault. A bedding intrusive granitoid pegmatite vein that is parallel to the foliation of the low-angle ductile detachment shear zone of the country rock exhibits a lotus-joint type of boudinage deformation, showing syn-tectonic emplacing at the end of the ductile deformation period and deformation in the brittle-ductile transition domain. The zircon U-Pb dating of this granitoid pegmatite vein gives an age of (125.9±4.2) Ma, which expresses the extension in the brittle-ductile transition domain of the Shangma fault. The other sample, which is collected from a granite pluton cutting the foliation of the low-angle ductile detachment shear zone, gives a zircon U-Pb age of (118.8±4.1) Ma, constraining the end of the ductile detachment shearing. Then the transformation age from ductile to brittle deformation can be constrained between 126-119 Ma. Combined with the previous researches, the formation of the Luotian (罗田) dome, which is locatedto the east of the Shangma fault, can be constrained during 150-126 Ma. This study gives a new time constraint to the evolution of the Dabie orogenic belt. 展开更多
关键词 DABIESHAN Shangma fault transformation age from ductile to brittle deformation zircon U-Pb dating.
On the Geodynamic Mechanism of Episodic Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic Era 被引量:4
作者 wang guocan CAO Kai +3 位作者 wang An SHEN Tianyi ZHANG Kexin wang Liquan 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期699-716,共18页
Multi-stage uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic implies a complex geodynamic process.In this paper,we review main geodynamic models for the uplift of the plateau,and,in particular,analyze the spatio-temp... Multi-stage uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic implies a complex geodynamic process.In this paper,we review main geodynamic models for the uplift of the plateau,and,in particular,analyze the spatio-temporal framework of the Cenozoic deformation structures,which are closely related to the deep geodynamic mechanism for the plateau uplift.From this perspective,significant change of the deformation regime over the Tibetan Plateau occurred by the middle-late Miocene,while thrust and thrust-folding system under NS compression was succeded by extension or stress-relaxation.Meanwhile,a series of large-scale strike-slip faults commenced or was kinemtically reversed.Based on a systematic synthesis of the structure deformation,magmatism,geomorphological process and geophysical exploration,we propose a periodical model of alternating crustal compression and extension for episodic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau CENOZOIC episodic uplift geodynamic mechanism
Accelerated Exhumation During the Cenozoic in the Dabie Mountains: Evidence from Fission-Track Ages 被引量:4
作者 wang guocan YANG Weiran 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第4期409-419,共11页
Abstract: Zircon and apatite fission-track dating indicates that the exhumation of the Dabie Mountains tended to be accelerated in the Cenozoic and that the exhumation of the eastern Dabie Mountains was more and more ... Abstract: Zircon and apatite fission-track dating indicates that the exhumation of the Dabie Mountains tended to be accelerated in the Cenozoic and that the exhumation of the eastern Dabie Mountains was more and more intense from south to north, which is in accordance with the more and more intense dissection from south to north, as is reflected by the modern geomorphologic features of the Dabie Mountains. The accelerated exhumation during the Cenozoic was related to the high elevation of the Dabie Mountains resulting from Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene detachment faulting and subsequent fault-block uplift and subsidence. The average elevation at that time was at least about 660 m higher than that at the present. The intense exhumation lagged behind intense uplift. 展开更多
关键词 Dabie Mountains accelerated exhumation CENOZOIC fission-track age
Tectonic Landform of Quaternary Lakes and Its Implications for Deformation in the Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 被引量:3
作者 wang An wang guocan +2 位作者 LI Dewei XIE Defan LIU Demin 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期121-129,共9页
The Hohxil region in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is occupied by numerous plateau lakes, which have long been inferred as being tectonic products. However, so far little evidence has been found to support this t... The Hohxil region in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is occupied by numerous plateau lakes, which have long been inferred as being tectonic products. However, so far little evidence has been found to support this tentative inference. Field survey and morphotectonic analysis of TM satellite images in the eastern segment of the Hohxil region revealed that Kusai Lake and Yelusu Lake are S- shaped pull-apart basins, which were dominated by left strike-slip master faults trending WNW-ESE. The pull-apart distances of the two lakes are analyzed to be 〈15-20 km and 15 km respectively. Based on studies of the faulting rate, the initiation ages of the pull-apart basins are suggested to be approximately in the Early Pleistocene. The pull-apart basin tectonics is further regarded as a common mechanism for the widely distributed large lake basins in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Regional distribution of these pull-apart basins and their substantial intra-block slip suggest that a sinistral shear stress, which is independent of the distinguished strike-slip faults, has been imposed on across the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Thus, the intra-block slip may be an important expression of the eastward extrusion of the Plateau crustal material in accommodating the ongoing continent-continent convergence between India and Eurasia. The revelation of pull-apart tectonics within the Plateau hinterland provides field evidence and a possible style of deformation for the newly proposed continuous deformation by the global positioning system (GPS) measurement across the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. A model, with respect to systematic tectonic landform development, for pull- apart basins is finally proposed. 展开更多
关键词 LAKE pull-apart basin QUATERNARY tectonic landform Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
作者 杜勇 王国灿 +2 位作者 晏文博 杨习俊 叶修锋 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 2023年第1期24-29,共6页
通过地质填图厘清了达尔布特断裂为形成于晚石炭世晚期的左行走滑断裂,红山岩体侵入于晚石炭世早期,前者左行错移改造红山岩体形成了“拖尾”构造。采用野外观察达尔布特断裂伴生构造和红山岩体中发育的剪切构造特征,与基于岩体碱长花... 通过地质填图厘清了达尔布特断裂为形成于晚石炭世晚期的左行走滑断裂,红山岩体侵入于晚石炭世早期,前者左行错移改造红山岩体形成了“拖尾”构造。采用野外观察达尔布特断裂伴生构造和红山岩体中发育的剪切构造特征,与基于岩体碱长花岗岩石英EBSD组构测试分析相结合的方式对红山岩体“拖尾”构造的成因进行探究。探究结果表明,红山岩体“拖尾”变形构造是达尔布特断裂左行走滑脆性剪切错移红山岩体所致。 展开更多
关键词 达尔布特断裂 左行走滑 脆性剪切 “拖尾” EBSD组构分析
A New Understanding on the Emplacement of Ophiolitic Mélanges and Its Tectonic Significance: Insights from the Structural Analysis of the Remnant Oceanic Basin-Type Ophiolitic Mélanges
作者 wang guocan ZHANG Pan 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第S01期60-62,共3页
Ophiolites represent on-land fragments of paleooceanic crust and have been recognized as one of the key markers of suture zones.Here,we provide new insights into the emplacement of ophiolitic mélanges based on de... Ophiolites represent on-land fragments of paleooceanic crust and have been recognized as one of the key markers of suture zones.Here,we provide new insights into the emplacement of ophiolitic mélanges based on detailed geological mapping and structural analysis in the West Junggar and Songpan-Ganzi-Bayan Har orogens(Fig.1 and Fig.2).The results show that some ophiolitic mélange belts cannot be regarded as suture zones.The distribution of these ophiolitic mélange belts are usually associated with the structural processes during the closure of remnant oceanic basins.After the remnant-oceanic basin is filled with thick clastic deposit,the oceanic lithosphere material as the base of the remnant basin can be injected into the overlying sedimentary strata through various faultings under the regional compressive stress,forming the remnant oceanic basintype ophiolitic mélange system with dispersive distribution characteristics.Combining with previous researches,the emplacement mechanism of ophiolitic mélanges can be divided into four categories:subduction type which oceanic lithosphere subducted beneath active continental margin,obduction type which oceanic lithosphere obducted over passive continental margin,collision type between two continental lithospheres,and closure type of remnant-oceanic basin(Fig.3).These different types of ophiolitic mélange belts will be superimposed and even re-emplacement by the tectonic processes of post-plate convergence,complicating their distribution.Therefore,identifying the emplacement mechanism type of ophiolitic mélange belts formed in different tectonic processes and backgrounds is of importance for understanding the process of ocean-continental transition and the evolution of orogenic belts. 展开更多
关键词 ophiolitic mélanges EMPLACEMENT remnant-oceanic basin OROGEN TECTONICS
作者 wang guocan Liu Rong and He Bing(China Univercity of Gcosciences, Wuhan, 430074) 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 1995年第4期53-61,共9页
The Longxinggou Nappe which is located in Guangshui county, north of Hubei province, has been first identified by our detail mapping. It is composed of lowgrade metamorphosed rocks of middle Proterozoic Shuixian group... The Longxinggou Nappe which is located in Guangshui county, north of Hubei province, has been first identified by our detail mapping. It is composed of lowgrade metamorphosed rocks of middle Proterozoic Shuixian group, late Proterozoic Yaolinghe group, Sinian Liantuo,Doushantuo and Dengying formations. It is quite different from the lower beds, middle.Proterozoic Hong’an epidote-amphibole facies metamorphose metapelite and metagranite. They are different not only in composition, metamorphic degree, but also in deformation forms. The Longxinggou nappe has characteristics both of ductile thrusting and ductile dextral strike-sliping, illustrating a transpressive deformation regime of middle crustal in the orogenic belt due to the oblique collision, between the Shuiying terrain and the Tongbai terrain during Caledonian period. 展开更多
关键词 Longxinggou NAPPE Tongbai MOUNTAINS transpressive deformation CALEDONIAN COLLISION OROGENY
覆盖区地质调查中的盆山构造地貌关系研究:以东天山-吐哈盆地为例 被引量:12
作者 王国灿 申添毅 +2 位作者 陈超 季军良 王岸 《地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期4313-4331,共19页
西北地区中-新生代以来发育系列断陷盆地,盆地内的覆盖层结构及其与周缘造山带之间的盆山构造地貌关系是研究大陆动力学的基础性问题.在覆盖区地质调查工作中,利用地质学、地球物理学、地球化学、钻探等多种方法手段,可以对覆盖区盆地... 西北地区中-新生代以来发育系列断陷盆地,盆地内的覆盖层结构及其与周缘造山带之间的盆山构造地貌关系是研究大陆动力学的基础性问题.在覆盖区地质调查工作中,利用地质学、地球物理学、地球化学、钻探等多种方法手段,可以对覆盖区盆地的结构形态、盆地边界构造属性、沉积物分布特征、沉积过程的源汇体系进行系统的分析研究,帮助深入理解覆盖区的沉积过程、山脉隆升剥露过程以及构造地貌演化过程.基于新疆吐哈盆地覆盖区的地质调查工作,本研究提出并实践了在覆盖区开展盆山构造地貌关系研究的技术方法体系.通过野外地质调查和室内测试分析,结合重力、航磁、地震等地球物理勘探方法以及钻孔岩心分析,系统分析和探讨了哈密盆地中-新生代覆盖层三维结构、控盆控貌构造及源汇系统,建立了研究区与相邻造山带之间的盆山耦合关系及构造地貌演化过程,为覆盖区地质调查过程中开展盆山构造地貌过程的研究提供了示范. 展开更多
关键词 覆盖区地质调查 覆盖层结构 盆山地貌过程 东天山 吐哈盆地 构造
覆盖区区域地质调查(1∶50000)思路、原则与方法 被引量:11
作者 胡健民 陈虹 +3 位作者 邱士东 王国灿 刘士毅 王家兵 《地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期4291-4312,共22页
随着生态文明建设成为新时期国家目标,区域地质调查必须为我国能源资源安全保障和国土空间规划与生态文明建设服务.目前,我国区域地质调查工作已经向覆盖区为主的平原、盆地、草原、荒漠等地区拓展,但现行的地质填图技术方法体系,难以... 随着生态文明建设成为新时期国家目标,区域地质调查必须为我国能源资源安全保障和国土空间规划与生态文明建设服务.目前,我国区域地质调查工作已经向覆盖区为主的平原、盆地、草原、荒漠等地区拓展,但现行的地质填图技术方法体系,难以满足现今覆盖区地质填图工作的需要,亟待探索形成新的地质填图技术方法体系,扩大地质调查成果的服务领域.中国地质调查局于2014年设立了"特殊地质地貌区填图试点"项目,探索总结覆盖区区域地质填图技术方法 .经过努力,形成了以"覆盖区区域地质调查技术要求(1∶50 000)"为核心的覆盖区填图技术方法体系.试点项目初步确立了中国东部晚新生代以来构造-沉积演化的基本格架,揭示了晚更新世以来中国中东部沉积过程与生态环境演化及人类文明发展的制约关系.该方法体系的建立,对引领我国区域地质调查服务国家生态文明建设和生态环境保护具有重要意义.新的填图方法体系明确提出聚焦国家生态文明建设与生态环境保护,以地球系统科学为覆盖区区域地质调查的理论基础,实行需求驱动、问题导向、目标考核,努力解决调查区重大基础地质问题、重大资源与生态环境问题.调查的技术路线是地表地质调查与多种现代地球探测技术、信息技术等高度融合,并强调预研究与设计阶段的重要性.同时规定不平均使用工作量,取消填图主要实物工作量的量化指标规定;创新成果表达方式,明确地质填图服务多种社会需求,倡导填图首席科学家负责制,建立区调填图诚信体系. 展开更多
关键词 区域地质调查 覆盖区 特殊地质地貌区 晚新生代 填图方法 地表过程
戈壁荒漠覆盖区地质调查中综合地球物理方法与实践 被引量:7
作者 陈超 许顺芳 +7 位作者 王国灿 胡正旺 刘江平 刘营 梁青 杜劲松 王林松 汪利民 《地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期3028-3038,共11页
戈壁荒漠覆盖区地质填图是新时期地质调查工作的重点内容之一.覆盖区地质填图的基本目标包括两个方面,一是揭示覆盖层下伏基岩面地质结构,即填绘基岩面地质图;二是揭示覆盖层地质结构,包括地表覆盖层地质结构和覆盖层的三维地质结构.综... 戈壁荒漠覆盖区地质填图是新时期地质调查工作的重点内容之一.覆盖区地质填图的基本目标包括两个方面,一是揭示覆盖层下伏基岩面地质结构,即填绘基岩面地质图;二是揭示覆盖层地质结构,包括地表覆盖层地质结构和覆盖层的三维地质结构.综合利用地球物理方法可以获得覆盖区地下地质结构、岩石属性、沉积物分布与层状结构等信息.而经济有效地选择和组合实施地球物理方法是完成覆盖区地质填图目标任务的重要保障.基于近年在新疆东天山地区开展的覆盖区地质填图工作,提出了针对多覆盖层结构背景下地质填图的综合地球物理方法组合的技术策略.综合地球物理方法以及新技术在巴里坤盆地和哈密盆地的应用展示了其效果,并为在戈壁荒漠覆盖区地质调查过程中如何开展地球物理工作提供了示范和借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 覆盖区地质填图 综合地球物理 新生代覆盖层结构 巴里坤盆地 吐哈盆地
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