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生态产品内涵与其价值实现途径 被引量:269
作者 张林波 虞慧怡 +3 位作者 李岱青 贾振宇 吴丰昌 刘旭 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期173-183,共11页
生态产品是我国在生态文明建设理念上的重大变革,为“两山”理论提供实践抓手和物质载体,是一个涉及经济、社会、政治等相关领域的系统性工程,具有重大的战略作用和现实意义。但目前生态产品缺少统一的概念和分类,一定程度上制约了生态... 生态产品是我国在生态文明建设理念上的重大变革,为“两山”理论提供实践抓手和物质载体,是一个涉及经济、社会、政治等相关领域的系统性工程,具有重大的战略作用和现实意义。但目前生态产品缺少统一的概念和分类,一定程度上制约了生态产品价值实现的理论研究及试点实践。根据国内外相关研究,将生态产品定义为生态系统通过生物生产和与人类生产共同作用为人类福祉提供的最终产品或服务,是与农产品和工业产品并列的、满足人类美好生活需求的生活必需品。根据生物生产、人类生产参与的程度以及服务类型,将生态产品划分为公共性生态产品和经营性生态产品两类。在此基础上,探索了生态产品价值来源、价值构成及价值实现的可能途径,主要包括生态保护补偿、生态权属交易、经营开发利用、绿色金融扶持、促进经济发展、政策制度激励等,为生态产品产业发展政策的制定及生态产品价值实现政策保障的深入研究提供了支撑。 展开更多
关键词 生态产品 内涵 生态系统服务 自然资源资产 价值实现途径
美国针对高氯酸盐环境风险的管控策略及对我国的启示 被引量:6
作者 王宏洋 孙宇巍 +3 位作者 王旭 赵晓丽 吴丰昌 井鹏 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期2396-2403,共8页
高氯酸盐是具有高水溶性、高度扩散性和持久性的有毒污染物质,通过食物、饮用水为主的暴露途径进入人体,干扰甲状腺对碘的吸收,对人体健康构成威胁,饮用水和废水污染防治是高氯酸盐风险管控的重点.我国水环境中高氯酸盐检出频次和浓度较... 高氯酸盐是具有高水溶性、高度扩散性和持久性的有毒污染物质,通过食物、饮用水为主的暴露途径进入人体,干扰甲状腺对碘的吸收,对人体健康构成威胁,饮用水和废水污染防治是高氯酸盐风险管控的重点.我国水环境中高氯酸盐检出频次和浓度较高,亟需开展管控.美国是最早报道高氯酸盐水体污染并对此展开调查研究的国家之一,并形成了系统的管控思路,积累了成熟的管理经验,值得我国学习和借鉴.本文从饮用水安全保障和废水污染物排放管控两个方面介绍了美国有毒污染物风险管控思路,重点阐述了高氯酸盐的针对性管控措施,并整理分析了我国高氯酸盐相关污染管控现状,发现目前尚未开展有针对性的管控,究其原因在于缺乏完整的有毒污染物环境风险管控体系,未能及时关注高氯酸盐等有毒污染物的健康风险,造成环境风险管控力度不足.最后在借鉴美国管理经验的基础上,立足于我国环境管理需求,提出了相关工作的启示及建议:要健全有毒物质管控体制机制,强化有毒污染物全过程风险管控的技术支撑能力,以提高有毒污染物风险管理的系统性、精准性、科学性;要系统开展本土高氯酸盐溯源分析、管控政策措施研究,填补高氯酸盐典型污染物的管控空白. 展开更多
关键词 美国 高氯酸盐 有毒污染物 健康风险 管控措施
长江经济带生态文明建设若干战略问题研究 被引量:11
作者 郝吉明 王金南 +6 位作者 张守攻 吴丰昌 蒋洪强 吴文俊 陈吕军 张林波 刘年磊 《中国工程科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期141-147,共7页
为推进长江经济带生态文明建设,中国工程院于2019年启动"长江经济带生态文明建设若干战略问题研究"重大咨询项目。本文在项目相关研究成果基础上,系统梳理了地区生态文明建设在顶层设计、绿色示范、生态保护、环境改善等方面... 为推进长江经济带生态文明建设,中国工程院于2019年启动"长江经济带生态文明建设若干战略问题研究"重大咨询项目。本文在项目相关研究成果基础上,系统梳理了地区生态文明建设在顶层设计、绿色示范、生态保护、环境改善等方面取得的系列历史性成效,深入分析了地区生态文明建设在国土开发、产业布局、江湖关系、生态安全、能源开发、环境风险等方面面临的主要挑战,基于"山水林田湖草沙"生命共同体理念,着重从生态空间管控、水生态系统健康、绿色高质量发展、生态保护修复与生态农林业发展、生态产品价值实现、生态文明治理体系等方面提出战略建议,为推进长江经济带生态文明建设提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 长江经济带 生态文明 生态空间 环境质量 战略问题
放血联合针刺治疗急性痛风性关节炎临床研究 被引量:18
作者 梁兴森 吴锋昌 +3 位作者 谭永振 姜迎萍 张大丁 林吕 《山东中医杂志》 2019年第2期149-153,共5页
目的:观察放血联合针刺治疗急性痛风性关节炎(AGA)的临床疗效。方法:将符合纳入标准的78例AGA患者随机分为治疗组38例和对照组40例。治疗组采用放血联合针刺治疗,对照组口服秋水仙碱片和依托考昔片,观察周期为1周。在治疗前、治疗后1 h... 目的:观察放血联合针刺治疗急性痛风性关节炎(AGA)的临床疗效。方法:将符合纳入标准的78例AGA患者随机分为治疗组38例和对照组40例。治疗组采用放血联合针刺治疗,对照组口服秋水仙碱片和依托考昔片,观察周期为1周。在治疗前、治疗后1 h、4 h、1 d(疗程第2日)、3 d、7 d(全疗程结束之后次日)6个时间点进行疼痛强度自我评定以及功能障碍、红肿、拒按程度等评定;治疗前以及疗程结束后次日晨检测血尿酸(SUA)。结果:治疗后1 h,治疗组各种症状积分均降低,和治疗前比较有明显好转(P<0.05),与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);从治疗后4 h开始,对照组的疼痛较治疗前改善(P<0.05),红肿、功能障碍等症状较治疗组改善不明显;疗程结束时,两组SUA水平均较治疗前下降(P<0.05),但未达到正常水平。结论:放血联合针刺能迅速改善AGA红、肿、热、痛的急迫症状,在1 h即时疗效上优势明显。 展开更多
关键词 放血 针刺 急性痛风性关节炎 视觉模拟评分法 血尿酸 临床疗效
反相离子对高效液相色谱法分离金属配合物{Fe[3-(2-吡啶基)-5,6-二苯基-1,2,4-三嗪]_(3)}^(2+)几何异构体 被引量:2
作者 朱维晃 吴丰昌 黄廷林 《色谱》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期237-241,共5页
采用反相离子对高效液相色谱法分离测定了金属配合物{Fe[3-(2-吡啶基)-5,6-二苯基-1,2,4-三嗪]_(3)}^(2+)([Fe(PDT)_(3)]^(2+))的两种几何异构体,研究了流动相中有机改性剂(乙腈、甲醇)的含量、不同种类和浓度的离子对试剂(高氯酸钠和... 采用反相离子对高效液相色谱法分离测定了金属配合物{Fe[3-(2-吡啶基)-5,6-二苯基-1,2,4-三嗪]_(3)}^(2+)([Fe(PDT)_(3)]^(2+))的两种几何异构体,研究了流动相中有机改性剂(乙腈、甲醇)的含量、不同种类和浓度的离子对试剂(高氯酸钠和十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS))对色谱分离的影响。并在不同的试验条件下,对所获得的色谱参数(保留因子(k)、分离度、选择性因子等)进行了探讨。在不同种类及浓度的离子对试剂条件下,二元流动相中乙腈的含量与两种几何异构体的lnk之间均呈显著的线性关系。研究进一步发现SDS的浓度变化对异构体的保留因子影响程度更为显著。在上述实验的基础上,引入更能灵活调节洗脱强度和分离度的三元流动相(乙腈/甲醇/水),优化选择了三元流动相中有机改性剂的比例以及离子对试剂的种类和浓度,使得异构体的色谱分离得到了满意的结果。实验结果表明,异构体的峰面积(A)和浓度(C)之间的线性关系良好,面式和经式异构体的检测限分别为4.28和3.44ng/mL(S/N=3)。 展开更多
关键词 反相离子对高效液相色谱法 {Fe[3-(2-吡啶基)-5 6-二苯基-1 2 4-三嗪]_(3)}^(2+) 金属配合物 几何异构体
作者 朱维晃 吴丰昌 黄廷林 《色谱》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期550-553,共4页
通过高效液相色谱法研究了3-(2-吡啶基)-5,6-二苯基-1,2,4-三嗪(PDT)和Fe(Ⅱ)的配合物——[Fe(PDT)_(3)]^(2+)的面式和经式两种几何异构体之间的动力学平衡过程。结果表明:不同温度(30,35,40,45℃)下,两种几何异构体含量(x)之间的相互... 通过高效液相色谱法研究了3-(2-吡啶基)-5,6-二苯基-1,2,4-三嗪(PDT)和Fe(Ⅱ)的配合物——[Fe(PDT)_(3)]^(2+)的面式和经式两种几何异构体之间的动力学平衡过程。结果表明:不同温度(30,35,40,45℃)下,两种几何异构体含量(x)之间的相互转变均符合动力学一级反应,其x_(e)ln[(x_(e)-x_(0))/(x_(e)-x)]值和反应时间t(min)之间的关系分别为:x_(e)ln[(x_(e)-x_(0))/(x_(e)-x)]=0.082t+0.729(r^(2)=0.9911,T=45℃),x_(e)ln[(x_(e)-x_(0))/(x_(e)-x)]=0.049t+0.598(r^(2)=0.9987,T=40℃),x_(e)ln[(x_(e)-x_(0))/(x_(e)-x)]=0.022t+0.586(r^(2)=0.9987,T=35℃),x_(e)ln[(x_(e)-x_(0))/(x_(e)-x)]=0.012t+0.591(r^(2)=0.9988,T=30℃)。两种异构体之间的动力学相互转变过程中的活化焓(ΔH)、活化熵(ΔS)和活化能(ΔEa)分别为:ΔH=103.84kJ.mol^(-1),ΔS=271.93J.mol^(-1).K^(-1),ΔEa=86.74kJ.mol^(-1)(面式异构体向经式异构体转变);ΔH=106.47kJ.mol^(-1),ΔS=257.65J.mol^(-1).K^(-1),ΔEa=94.43kJ.mol^(-1)(经式异构体向面式异构体转变)。 展开更多
关键词 高效液相色谱法 {Fe[3-(2-吡啶基)-5 6-二苯基-1 2 4-三嗪]_(3)}^(2+) 金属配合物 几何异构体 动力学转变
肠道菌群的环境毒理学研究:现状与展望 被引量:4
作者 刘月月 王琛 +5 位作者 赵晓丽 吴丰昌 白英臣 滕苗苗 汪霞 时迪 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期1991-2000,共10页
肠道菌群对人类和动物的健康发挥着重要作用,已经成为近年来国内外环境毒理学研究的又一新兴课题.由于肠道和肠道菌群系统是大部分污染物进入生物体后第一个暴露接触点,污染物必然要通过这层屏障进一步诱导毒性效应.因此,研究环境污染... 肠道菌群对人类和动物的健康发挥着重要作用,已经成为近年来国内外环境毒理学研究的又一新兴课题.由于肠道和肠道菌群系统是大部分污染物进入生物体后第一个暴露接触点,污染物必然要通过这层屏障进一步诱导毒性效应.因此,研究环境污染物对肠道菌群的影响及其与宿主健康互作关系具有重要意义.结果表明:①污染物对肠道菌群丰度和多样性的干扰作用是目前研究的焦点,个人护理品、医用药物、重金属、农药、新污染物、空气污染物、持久性有机污染物等七大类常见污染物的毒理学研究中均发现肠道菌群的改变.②有益菌群可以彼此影响并与肠道系统相互作用,参与调控宿主营养物质消化、免疫系统反应、内分泌调节、神经元活动等多方面的生理过程;相关分析表明,对拟杆菌、厚壁菌、乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌等有益菌群的改变是污染物毒性效应的关键途径.③环境污染物暴露可以影响肠道菌群结构和代谢活动,通过肠道菌群的介导作用,进而破坏肠道屏障功能和完整性,影响免疫反应、代谢调控、内分泌信号通路、神经发育等一系列生理生化过程最终影响宿主健康.研究显示,肠道菌群可以作为环境毒理学研究中的新型终点,对深入研究污染物的毒性效应和作用机制具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 环境污染物 肠道菌群 毒理效应 宿主健康
复合污染下丛枝菌根真菌对苎麻吸收重金属的影响 被引量:2
作者 周民 魏源 +4 位作者 陈海燕 喻文强 侯红 吴丰昌 谭伟强 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2018年第3期282-290,共9页
利用室内盆栽试验研究Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Sb五种重金属复合胁迫下接种丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AM真菌)对苎麻侵染率、生物量、地上部磷含量、重金属浓度及转运系数、抗氧化酶系统的影响。研究结果表明:在复合重金属胁... 利用室内盆栽试验研究Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Sb五种重金属复合胁迫下接种丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AM真菌)对苎麻侵染率、生物量、地上部磷含量、重金属浓度及转运系数、抗氧化酶系统的影响。研究结果表明:在复合重金属胁迫条件下,AM真菌能够与苎麻形成良好共生关系,显著促进苎麻地上部对磷的吸收,增加苎麻生物量,改变苎麻抗氧化酶系统,同时调节苎麻对重金属的吸收与分配。具体来说,AM真菌对苎麻的侵染率为33.7%。与非接种组相比,接种组苎麻地上部Zn和Cd含量分别增加了50.3%和100.0%,地下部Cu和Sb的含量分别增加了30.4%和114.3%,地上部和地下部As的含量分别降低了121.6%和416.4%。与非接种组相比,接种组苎麻中Zn、As和Cd的转运系数分别增加了58.6%、148.1%和49.8%,Sb的转运系数降低了64.1%。接种AM真菌促进苎麻地上部对磷的吸收,磷含量增加了50.4%。接种组苎麻地上部与地下部生物量也较非接种组分别增加了22.2%和24.0%。同时接种AM真菌提高了苎麻体内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性,分别提高了17.47%、31.75%、6.75%。 展开更多
关键词 丛枝菌根真菌 复合重金属 苎麻 生物量 抗氧化酶
Characterization of dissolved organic matter fractions from Lake Hongfeng, Southwestern China Plateau 被引量:65
作者 WANG Liying wu fengchang +2 位作者 ZHANG Runyu LI Wen LIAO Haiqing 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第5期581-588,共8页
With XAD-series and ion exchange resins, dissolved organic matter (DOM) from Lake Hongfeng in Southwestern China Plateau was isolated into 6 fractions, i.e., humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), hydrophobic neutra... With XAD-series and ion exchange resins, dissolved organic matter (DOM) from Lake Hongfeng in Southwestern China Plateau was isolated into 6 fractions, i.e., humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), hydrophobic neutrals (HON), hydrophilic acids (HIA), hydrophilic bases (HIB) and hydrophilic neutrals (HIN). Those fractions were characterized by high performance size exclusion chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy and UV absorbance. Among the 6 fractions, FA was predominant and accounted for 51% of the total DOM. The weight-average (Mw) and number-averaged (Mn) molecular weight of these fractions ranged from 1688 to 2355 Da and from 1338 to 1928 Da, respectively. A strong correlation was observed between specific UV absorbance at 280 nm, E2/E3 (absorbance at 250 nm to 365 nm), and the molecular weight for DOM fractions. UV-Vis fulvic-like fluorescence peaks were found in all fractions. Proteinlike fluorescence peaks existed in HON may indicate that microbial activity was severely in Lake Hongfeng. There was a significant relationship between fluorescence intensities and specific UV absorbance at 254 nm for those DOM fractions, suggesting their similar luminescence characteristics. The values of fluorescence index (f450/500) indicated that hydrophobic fractions may derive from terrestrial sources, and the hydrophilic fractions from microbial and terrestrial origins. Those results suggest that there were inter-relationships between molecular weight, fluorescence and absorbance characteristics, and also subtle consistencies between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties and the sources for these 6 fractions from Lake Hongfeng. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved organic matter FRACTIONATION molecular weight UV absorbance fluorescence spectroscopy
Binding characteristics of perylene, phenanthrene and anthracene to different DOM fractions from lake water 被引量:16
作者 MEI Yi wu fengchang +3 位作者 WANG Liying BAI Yingchen LI Wen LIAO Haiqing 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期414-423,共10页
Six hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions were isolated using XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins, and were extensively characterized. Partition coefficients of perylene, pbenanthrene and anthracene binding to the six fractions we... Six hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions were isolated using XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins, and were extensively characterized. Partition coefficients of perylene, pbenanthrene and anthracene binding to the six fractions were determined by fluorescence quenching titration. The Kdo~ values obtained for the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) binding to the hydrophobic fractions were larger than those to the hydrophilic fractions. Nonlinear Stem-Volmer plots were observed when binding phenanthrene and anthracene to some hydrophilic fraction samples, suggesting saturation of polar interaction binding sites. A significant correlation of logKdo~ values with molecular weights and molar absorptivities at 280 nm was observed, while atomic ratio of C/t-I was found to be a poor indicator for aromaticity. Other structural descriptors such as paraffinic carbon and polarity influenced the DOM-fraction ability to bind PAHs. Different interaction mechanisms underlying binding of the different fractions to the PAHs were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 fluorescence quenching humic substances polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) partition coefficient bindingcapacity
Zeolite and fungi’s flocculability of simulated wastewater containing heavy metal ions or phosphorus 被引量:10
作者 CAO Wenchuan HAO Jianchao +2 位作者 LIAN Bin LIU Congqiang wu fengchang 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2010年第2期137-142,共6页
This paper focuses on the flocculability of simulated wastewater containing heavy metal ions (Fe3+, Cd2+) or phosphorus by zeolite, microbial flocculants (MBF) produced by Aspergillus niger and the composite flocculan... This paper focuses on the flocculability of simulated wastewater containing heavy metal ions (Fe3+, Cd2+) or phosphorus by zeolite, microbial flocculants (MBF) produced by Aspergillus niger and the composite flocculant composed of zeolite and MBF. The main results are presented as follows: zeolite was a good flocculant when the contamination of the three simulated wastewaters was low, but the treated water is of turbidness and the particles in it are hard to precipitate. The MBF have a good flocculability toward Fe3+ wastewater, as well as particulate matter. Significant changes in flocculability occurred after adding the composite flocculant in different simulated wastewa-ters, the best or least effect respective for Fe3+ and Cd2+ wastewater. The research we have done shows that the method by which the composite flocculant is used to treat the wastewater containing heavy metal ions or phosphorus provides important reference value for practical application. 展开更多
关键词 含重金属离子废水 模拟废水 水絮凝 沸石 复合絮凝剂 真菌 微生物絮凝剂
Effects of water chemistry and concentrations of dissolved organic matter on its fluorescence characteristics and molecular conformation 被引量:3
作者 MEI Yi WANG Liying wu fengchang 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2009年第4期413-420,共8页
Previous studies showed that water chemistry and concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) could affect its molecular conformation and binding characteristics with hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). Howev... Previous studies showed that water chemistry and concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) could affect its molecular conformation and binding characteristics with hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). However, the conformational change of DOM resultant from water chemistry and concentrations of DOM was not extensively investigated; therefore, the contradictory reports regarding the binding property with HOCs were available in literature. In this study, the effects of ionic strength, pH and DOM concentrations on the fluorescence properties of two humic acids (HA), namely Fluka HA and Amherst HA, were investigated by three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (3DEEM) and steady-state fluorescence polarization (FP) techniques. The results not only corroborated previous observations obtained by other investigators, but revealed some new information about the fluorescence properties and molecular conformation of the humic acids under different water chemistry and DOM concentration conditions, which could shed light on its binding mechanisms and binding properties with HOCs. 展开更多
关键词 有机物浓度 溶解有机质 分子构象 荧光特性 水化学 HOCS 有机污染物 DOM
Ultraviolet absorbance titration for the determination of conditional stability constants of Hg(Ⅱ) and dissolved organic matter 被引量:3
作者 BAI Yingchen wu fengchang +3 位作者 WAN Guojing LIU Congqiang FU Pingqing LI Wen 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2008年第1期46-52,共7页
Strong interaction between natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and Hg(Ⅱ) may influence the trans- port, conversion, toxicity and bio-validity of mercury in the environment. In this paper ultraviolet (UV) absorbanc... Strong interaction between natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and Hg(Ⅱ) may influence the trans- port, conversion, toxicity and bio-validity of mercury in the environment. In this paper ultraviolet (UV) absorbance titration was employed for the first time for the determination of the conditional stability constants of Hg(Ⅱ) and (DOM). With increasing Hg(Ⅱ) concentrations, the UV absorbance of fulvic acid, humic acid, and DOM in river increases progressively. By linear and non-linear model fitting, the conditional stability constants (lgK) of Hg(Ⅱ) and DOM were worked out to be 3.54?4.93 and 3.64?4.85, respectively. The results are consistent with those acquired by the typical fluorescence quenching titration method, with the maximum relative error of lgK being 2.6% and the average relative error being 0.2%. The UV absorbance titration method has the advantages of rapid determination, simple performance, and it will probably become a new approach to studying interactions between DOM and trace metallic ions. 展开更多
关键词 紫外线 稳定性 有机物
作者 wu fengchang Wan Guojiang(State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, PRC) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 1996年第4期375-382,共8页
Hongfeng Lake is an eutrophic freshwater atificial reservior.It began to restore water in 1960. Three sediment cores were taken from both about 25m of water in the center of Hongfeng bake in May 1991. The stratigraphy... Hongfeng Lake is an eutrophic freshwater atificial reservior.It began to restore water in 1960. Three sediment cores were taken from both about 25m of water in the center of Hongfeng bake in May 1991. The stratigraphy of the three cores was easily matched .by using prominent marking horizons and characteristic aqnences of laminations. In three layer Samples studied, diatom and other algae taxa appear in repeating apuences. The presence of laminations may reflect either the regular changes of physical-chemical conditions within the lake or the variation in the intensity of erosion and transport of material from the catchment, pat iculaly where instability in the lake-water system has occult as a result of human activities. The larninations were mainly cantal by seasonal variation of envionmental conditions,particularly climate.Unlike t of the previous examples, they have ben fo ̄ at most recent Sediments, in a small freshwater lake in the eastern slOPe of the QinghaiXiZang Plateau, China in a subtropical climate, which is adenly controlled by  ̄theastern and southwestern mon ̄n. It is believed that it's the first reported instanceOf laminated lake sediments from China. 展开更多
作者 潘德炉 张偲 +8 位作者 秦大河 杨志峰 吴丰昌 周成虎 白雁 郝增周 欧阳晓光 阳平坚 李登峰 《中国工程科学》 2024年第6期233-245,共13页
海岸带蓝碳生态系统是增加碳汇、实现碳中和最有潜力的生态学途径之一。虽然我国生态环境治理和生态系统保护修复近年来取得明显成效,但海岸带蓝碳生态系统保护修复模式和蓝碳资源价值转化实现等仍有待优化。本研究梳理并分析了我国红... 海岸带蓝碳生态系统是增加碳汇、实现碳中和最有潜力的生态学途径之一。虽然我国生态环境治理和生态系统保护修复近年来取得明显成效,但海岸带蓝碳生态系统保护修复模式和蓝碳资源价值转化实现等仍有待优化。本研究梳理并分析了我国红树林、盐沼湿地和海草床等三大海岸带蓝碳生态系统的分布结构及变化;从海岸带蓝碳资源、生态系统保护修复、蓝碳资源价值和碳汇交易市场等方面,阐述了我国海岸带蓝碳生态系统的碳汇认知、保护修复的科学性和系统性、蓝碳资源管控体系和价值实现等方面存在的问题。研究提出了完善海岸带蓝碳生态系统认知、强化绿色可持续的保护修复模式、发展蓝碳资源精细化管控体系和交易体系等建议,可为我国“双碳”目标下的海岸带蓝碳生态系统保护修复与发展研究提供理论指导和决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 海岸带 蓝碳生态系统 生态保护 生态修复 粤港澳大湾区
Derivation of water quality criteria for representative water-body pollutants in China 被引量:16
作者 wu fengchang FENG ChengLian +2 位作者 ZHANG RuiQing LI YuShuang DU DongYang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期900-906,共7页
In this study, toxicological data for zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), benzene, and nitrobenzene were collected from various databases and publications, screened and then constructed int... In this study, toxicological data for zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), benzene, and nitrobenzene were collected from various databases and publications, screened and then constructed into species sensitivity distribution (SSD) curves. Then water quality criteria (WQC) were derived for protection of the freshwater aquatic life in China against five representative pollutants. The values derived in this study were compared with those issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Chinese national environmental standard for surface water to identify factors underlying the differences. The results showed that the SSD curves for the five pollutants differed significantly, with the examined aquatic species being gen- erally more sensitive to Zn, Cd, and Cr (VI) than benzene and nitrobenzene. The acute WQC were: 48.43 μg L-1 for Zn, 0.4218 μg L-1 for Cd, 45.79μg L-1 for Cr (VI), 2651 μg L-1 for benzene, and 1426 μg L-1 for nitrobenzene. The chronic WQC were: 20.01μg L-1 for Zn, 0.2428 μg L-j for Cd, 14.22 μg L-1 for Cr (VI), 530.2 μg L J for benzene, and 286.2 μg L-1 for nitroben- zene. The results of this comparative study of representative pollutants may offer guideline values for future WQC studies for China. 展开更多
关键词 aquatic life water quality criteria representative pollutants BIOTA species sensitivity distribution
Distribution characteristics and ecological risk assessment of PAHs in surface waters of China 被引量:15
作者 GUO GuangHui wu fengchang +3 位作者 HE HongPing ZHANG RuiQing LI HuiXian FENG ChengLian 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期914-925,共12页
The concentrations of PAHs in the surface waters from seven river basins in China were summarized from literature published from 2000-2010. Subsequently, the risks from individual PAHs and Y. PAHs in the surface water... The concentrations of PAHs in the surface waters from seven river basins in China were summarized from literature published from 2000-2010. Subsequently, the risks from individual PAHs and Y. PAHs in the surface waters of China were quantified by comparing the overlap between the probability distributions of exposure concentrations with the probability distributions of toxicity data. The results show that the concentrations of 15 PAHs in the surface waters ranged from 3.09 to 38139.00 ng L-a, with a geometric mean of 474.93 ng L-1. The significantly higher concentrations of the 15 PAHs occurred in the surface waters from northern China when compared with those from southern China. The concentrations of the 15 PAHs in Chinese surface waters were higher than those in other waters worldwide. The MOSI0 (margin of safety) values were calculated at 90th percen- tile values of exposure concentrations and 10th percentile values of toxicity data, with 5.75, 0.17, 2.33, 0.30, 0.57, 1.74, 1.05, and 0.11 for Ace, Ant, Flu, BaP, Flua, Nap, Phe, and Pyr, respectively. The probabilities of the individual PAH concentrations exceeding the 10th percentile value of the toxicity data were 6.06%, 2.07%, 9.51%, and 2.07% for Nap, Ace, Phe, and Flu, re- spectively, suggesting minimal risk to aquatic organisms; however, the probabilities of BaP, Ant, Flua, and Pyr exceeding this value were 19.49%, 25.46%, 15.15%, and 30.50%, respectively, indicating potential risks. Among the individual PAHs, the ecological risk from Pyr was the highest, followed by, in descending order of risk, Ant, Bap, Flua, Phe, Nap, Flu, and Ace. Additionally, the combined ecological risk of ~ PAH8 in Chinese surface waters was significantly higher than any that of in- dividual PAHs alone. The MOS0 values in the river basins were 〈 1, except for the Haihe River Basin, suggesting a potential combined risk from E PAH8 in the other six fiver basins. The probabilities calculation indicate that low to high ecological risk from E PAH8 for all aquatic species was reported in the Liaohe River Basin (65.58%), Huaihe River Basin (57.15%), Songhua River Basin (46.49%), Pearl River Basin (38.41%), Yangtze River Basin (25.98%), Yellow River Basin (15.92%), and Haihe River Basin (5.22%). 展开更多
关键词 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) ecological risk assessment surface water China
Relationship between fluorescence characteristics and molecular weight distribution of natural dissolved organic matter in Lake Hongfeng and Lake Baihua,China 被引量:9
作者 YUE Lanxiu wu fengchang +6 位作者 LiU Congqiang LI Wen FU Pingqing BAI Yingchen WANG Liying YIN Zuoying Lü Zhicheng 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第1期89-96,共8页
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the most interesting and difficult problems in recent years due to its important functions in the ecological and environmental system and the complexity of its chemical composi... Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the most interesting and difficult problems in recent years due to its important functions in the ecological and environmental system and the complexity of its chemical composition and structure. It is well ac- cepted that fluorescence characteristics and mo- lecular weight distribution are two important pa- rameters in the DOM characterization. However, the relationship between them is still unknown. In this study, fluorescence and molecular weight distribution of DOM in Lake Hongfeng, Lake Baihua and their rivers, and their relationship were investigated using the combination of fluorescence spectroscopy and high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) with on-line UV absorbance and fluores- cence detectors. The results show that there were two obvious humic-like fluorescence peaks (Peaks A and B) in DOM from lake water. But there was an- other obvious protein-like fluorescence peak (Peak C) in DOM from river water. The humic-like fluorescence material consisted of DOM fraction with smaller mo- lecular weight, ranging from 1.0 to 3.0 kDa, while the protein-like fluorescence material mainly consisted of DOM fraction with MW larger than 2.0 kDa. The cal- culation of MW using HPSEC was related to the UV absorbance wavelength chosen. 展开更多
关键词 荧光性能 分子量 色谱分析 溶解有机物 湖泊 吸光度
Characteristics of U-pattern distribution of high-concentration ^(210)Pb in surface air at central Guizhou,China 被引量:2
作者 WAN Guojiang YANG Wei +5 位作者 WANG Shilu WAN Enyuan wu fengchang S.N.LEE WANG Changsheng HUANG Ronggui 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第16期1750-1755,共6页
A better understanding of the variation of 210Pb concentrations in the surface air is the key to trace lake sedimentation and catchment erosion, to establish and vali-date the global diffusion model of contaminants, a... A better understanding of the variation of 210Pb concentrations in the surface air is the key to trace lake sedimentation and catchment erosion, to establish and vali-date the global diffusion model of contaminants, and to as-sess the impact of natural radiation on the ecological system. Basing on the study progresses of the sedimentation, the at-mospheric model and the unique environmental background in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and starting from December 20, 2001, we made use of a 500 NE Type aerosol sampler to collect filter samples, once a week in the past consecutive two years, in the surface air at Mt. Guanfeng, Guiyang City, China. Synchronous detailed γ -energy spectrometric obser-vations of 210Pb concentrations at both Chinese and U.S. laboratories have shown that the average monthly 210Pb concentration displays a regular U-patterns distribution of annual variations, with high values appearing in winter and low values in late spring and summer. The average annual 210Pb concentrations are estimated to be 2.77±0.63 mBq/m3, about 4 times the average maximum concentrations reported from quite a number of monitoring stations throughout the world. The possible factors affecting the sources of 210Pb in the surface air in the central part of Guizhou Province are: Release of 222Rn from the U-Ra series enriched in the soils; chemical weathering of carbonate rocks; the exploitation, processing and utilization of coal and phosphorous resources. The principal factor controlling the high 210Pb concentrations in the surface air in the central Guizhou and their annual U-pattern distribution is the release of 222Rn. The average monthly 210Pb concentrations show a good negative power- function relationship with increasing precipitation and also show a good negative linear-function relationship with the rise of air temperature in month grouping. Group No.1 (June to November) reflects a relatively low release of 222Rn from soils in relatively high temperature seasons; Group No.2 (December to May) mirrors a relatively high release of 222Rn from soils in relatively low temperature seasons. The average monthly 210Pb concentrations simulated in terms of the pre-cipitation and air temperature are in good consistency with the measured values, revealing that the regular U-pattern distribution characteristics of 210Pb concentrations in the surface air in the central Guizhou are controlled predomi-nantly by regional precipitation and air temperature. Meanwhile, it is also indicated that the magnitude of varia-tion of air temperature and precipitation within the same year also constrains the ratio of high values over low values of average monthly 210Pb concentrations. On a month time scale, precipitation and air temperature are a main factor affecting the release of 222Rn from soils (rocks). In this aspect strong evidence has been obtained. 展开更多
关键词 表面空气 铅浓度 U模式分布 中国 贵州
作者 吴丰昌 穆云松 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期217-218,共2页
在"十四五"蓝图徐徐展开之初,在国家污染防治攻坚战阶段性任务目标圆满完成、生态环境质量持续好转之机,"2021首届环境与生态系统工程发展论坛"于9月3—5日在内蒙古包头市顺利举行。本次论坛由《环境工程》编审委... 在"十四五"蓝图徐徐展开之初,在国家污染防治攻坚战阶段性任务目标圆满完成、生态环境质量持续好转之机,"2021首届环境与生态系统工程发展论坛"于9月3—5日在内蒙古包头市顺利举行。本次论坛由《环境工程》编审委员会策划组织,旨在更好地应对当前生态环境保护的新机遇和新挑战,推动我国生态文明建设行稳致远。本期的"知播·云上星光:科学家访谈"内容围绕吴丰昌院士的主旨报告"环境地球科学学科发展战略初步思考"展开,畅谈论坛主题,寄语期刊发展。访谈由论坛组委会委员、中国人民大学副教授穆云松主持。 展开更多
关键词 编审委员会 生态环境保护 中国人民大学 系统工程 环境工程 内蒙古包头市 学科发展战略 污染防治
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