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作者 黄洪彬 蒋倩文 +3 位作者 莫凌 冯晶晶 吴原龙 廖建雄 《环境科学与技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期140-145,共6页
蓝花草耐多种逆境,可用于矿业废弃地的生态修复。为阐明蓝花草适应矿业废弃地的能力及生态修复应用,该研究以红壤为对照,比较分析了蓝花草在3种矿业废弃地基质(采石场废石、锰尾矿渣、改良赤泥)的生理生态性状、生长表现、重金属含量及... 蓝花草耐多种逆境,可用于矿业废弃地的生态修复。为阐明蓝花草适应矿业废弃地的能力及生态修复应用,该研究以红壤为对照,比较分析了蓝花草在3种矿业废弃地基质(采石场废石、锰尾矿渣、改良赤泥)的生理生态性状、生长表现、重金属含量及对3种基质的改良效果。结果发现:生长100 d后,蓝花草均未死亡,其中采石场废石植株的叶绿素含量、光合能力与相对生长速率显著高于红壤及其他2种基质植株;与红壤相比,锰尾矿渣显著增加了蓝花草的锰与铜含量但只对根冠比有显著降低作用,而改良赤泥显著降低了株高、基径、叶数、光合能力、根生物量、根冠比、相对生长速率等;蓝花草增加了红壤及这3种基质的有机质含量,降低了改良赤泥的pH(由栽植前的10.06下降至9.36)。以上结果表明蓝花草对采石场废石的适应性最好,对改良赤泥的适应性最差,对锰尾矿渣的适应性类似于红壤且具有一定的锰富集能力;蓝花草可应用于这3种矿业废弃地的生态修复,具体的应用措施需基于其适应性采用不同的基质改良与定植技术。 展开更多
关键词 蓝花草 采石场废石 锰尾矿渣 赤泥 适应性 生态修复
Identification of SSR markers linked to the abscission of cotton boll traits and mining germplasm in Cotton 被引量:1
作者 SHUI Guangling LIN Hairong +9 位作者 MA Xiaomei ZHU Bo HAN Peng AINI Nurimanguli GUO Chunping wu yuanlong PAN Zhenyuan YOU Chunyuan SONG Guoli NIE Xinhui 《Journal of Cotton Research》 CAS 2024年第2期177-187,共11页
Background Cotton is an economically important crop.It is crucial to find an effective method to improve cotton yield,and one approach is to decrease the abscission of cotton bolls and buds.However,the lack of knowled... Background Cotton is an economically important crop.It is crucial to find an effective method to improve cotton yield,and one approach is to decrease the abscission of cotton bolls and buds.However,the lack of knowledge of the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying cotton boll abscission traits has hindered genetic improvements.Results Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between boll abscission rates 1(AR1)and boll abscission rates 2(AR2).A genome-wide association study was conducted on 145 loci that exhibited high polymorphism and were uniformly distributed across 26 chromosomes(pair).The study revealed 18,46,and 62 markers that were significantly associated with boll abscission,fiber quality,and yield traits(P<0.05),explaining 1.75%–7.13%,1.16%–9.58%,and 1.40%–5.44%of the phenotypic variation,respectively.Notably,the marker MON_SHIN-1584b was associated with the cotton boll abscission trait,whereas MON_CGR5732a was associated with cotton boll abscission and fiber quality traits.Thirteen of the marker loci identified in this study had been previously reported.Based on phenotypic effects,six typical cultivars with elite alleles related to cotton boll abscission,fiber quality,and yield traits were identified.These cultivars hold great promise for widespread utilization in breeding programs.Conclusions These results lay the foundation for understanding the molecular regulatory mechanism of cotton boll abscission and provide data for the future improvement of cotton breeding. 展开更多
关键词 SSR Genome wide association studies ABSCISSION Favorable alleles COTTON Genetic improvement
Morphological and cytological assessments reveal pollen degradation causes pollen abortion in cotton cytoplasmic male sterility lines
作者 PEI Qingyu LIU Jinshan +10 位作者 GUO Chunping MA Xiaomei LIU Xiaoyan YOU Chunyuan LIN Hairong LI Zhibo ZHAO Ruihai ZHU Bo wu yuanlong PAN Zhenyuan NIE Xinhui 《Journal of Cotton Research》 CAS 2024年第3期266-276,共11页
Background Understanding the mechanism of male sterility is crucial for producing hybrid seeds and developing sterile germplasm resources.However,only a few cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS)lines of cotton have been pro... Background Understanding the mechanism of male sterility is crucial for producing hybrid seeds and developing sterile germplasm resources.However,only a few cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS)lines of cotton have been produced due to several challenges,like inadequate variation of agronomic traits,incomplete sterility,weak resilience of restorer lines,and difficulty in combining strong dominance.Therefore,the morphological and cytological identification of CMS in cotton will facilitate hybrid breeding.Results Two F_(2) segregating populations of cotton were constructed from cytoplasmic male sterile lines(HaA and 01A,maternal)and restorer lines(HaR and 26R,paternal).Genetic analysis of these populations revealed a segregation ratio of 3:1 for fertile to sterile plants.Phenotypic analysis indicated no significant differences in traits of flower bud development between sterile and fertile plants.However,sterile plants exhibited smaller floral organs,shortened filament lengths,and anther atrophy on the flowering day in comparison with the fertile plants.When performed scanning electron microscopy(SEM),the two F_(2) populations revealed morphological variations in the anther epidermis.Cellular analysis showed no significant differences in pollen development before pollen maturation.Interestingly,between the pollen maturation and flowering stages,the tapetum layer of sterile plants degenerated prematurely,resulting in abnormal pollen grains and gradual pollen degradation.Conclusion The results of this study suggest that fertility-restoring genes are controlled by a single dominant gene.Sterile plants exhibit distinctive floral morphology,which is characterized by stamen atrophy and abnormal anthers.Pollen abortion occurs between pollen maturity and flowering,indicating that premature tapetum degradation may be the primary cause of pollen abortion.Overall,our study provides a theoretical basis for utilizing CMS in hybrid breeding and in-depth investigation of the dominant configuration of cotton hybrid combinations,mechanisms of sterility,and the role of sterile and restorer genes. 展开更多
关键词 COTTON Cytoplasmic male sterility Genetic analysis Morphological characteristics Pollen development
Correction:Identification of SSR markers linked to the abscission of cotton boll traits and mining germplasm in Cotton
作者 SHUI Guangling LIN Hairong +9 位作者 MA Xiaomei ZHU Bo HAN Peng AINI Nurimanguli GUO Chunping wu yuanlong PAN Zhenyuan YOU Chunyuan SONG Guoli NIE Xinhui 《Journal of Cotton Research》 CAS 2024年第2期219-222,共4页
Correction:J Cotton Res 7,20(2024)https://doi.org/10.1186/s42397-024-00180-3 Following publication of the original article(Shui et al.2024),the author found 5 errors in the published article.1.One of the author’s nam... Correction:J Cotton Res 7,20(2024)https://doi.org/10.1186/s42397-024-00180-3 Following publication of the original article(Shui et al.2024),the author found 5 errors in the published article.1.One of the author’s name has been corrected from Gou Chunping to Guo Chunping.2.The reference(Zhao SQ.2016)in Table 2 has been updated to:Zhao SQ.Analysis on the major gene and multigene mixed inheritance and QTL mapping for early maturity traits in upland cotton.Chin Acad Agric Sci.2016.https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.201600501.(in Chinese with English abstract).3.In’Results’part,’Phenotype analysis of 238 cotton boll abscission among cotton accessions’paragraph,the phenotype analysis of AR1 ranging from 19.27%–63.79%,which was wrongly written as 19.27%-63.97%.4.The‘2018KRL’is modified to‘2018KEL’in Table 1. 展开更多
后基因组时代发展抗除草剂作物的机遇及挑战 被引量:3
作者 吴元龙 惠凤娇 +5 位作者 潘振远 尤春源 林海荣 李志博 金双侠 聂新辉 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第17期3285-3301,共17页
全球农业正在面临着严峻的挑战,育种技术是种业发展的基础和关键。基因编辑技术是指对目标基因进行定点修饰,实现对特定靶标基片段的删除、插入和替换。利用基因编辑技术可以精准修改目标基因或将某种优良基因引入到作物中产生优良农艺... 全球农业正在面临着严峻的挑战,育种技术是种业发展的基础和关键。基因编辑技术是指对目标基因进行定点修饰,实现对特定靶标基片段的删除、插入和替换。利用基因编辑技术可以精准修改目标基因或将某种优良基因引入到作物中产生优良农艺性状,在分子设计育种中具有巨大潜力,对保障粮食安全具有重大意义。杂草危害对作物的产量和品质影响巨大,如何高效、安全、可持续地防治草害一直是研究的热点。目前,全球市场已经出现超过200种的化学除草剂,利用化学方法来防治草害已成为现代化农业的重要组成部分,抗除草剂作物的推广也显著降低了杂草防治成本,但随着抗除草剂作物的大面积推广和长期使用单一除草剂,杂草抗/耐药性和抗性基因逃逸等环境安全问题逐渐被发现。目前,功能基因组学、生物信息学、基因工程技术的发展(特别是基因编辑技术在植物中的广泛应用),为创制抗除草剂作物和新型高效的除草剂系统创造了条件。本文首先介绍抑制植物氨基酸生物合成、植物脂类代谢、植物类胡萝卜素、质体醌和生育酚生物合成途径除草剂的主要作用靶标基因及其作用机制。其次,介绍2种挖掘新型抗除草剂基因与除草剂系统的方法,包括基于CRISPR/Cas系统对作物内源的除草剂抗性基因进行定向突变方法和基于天然产物与生物体在自然界中存在共同进化理论的抗性基因导向方法。同时,介绍3种培育抗除草剂作物方法的研究进展,包括常规育种培育法、转基因育种培育法和基于CRISPR/Cas基因组编辑技术培育法。其中,重点介绍CIRSPR/Cas系统、碱基编辑技术和Prime-editing系统在培育抗除草剂作物中的研究进展。针对抗性杂草的产生及环境安全问题是当前化学防治杂草面临的主要挑战,以及抗除草剂作物所面临的主要挑战是基因逃逸问题。目前,快速发展的基因组编辑技术为后基因组时代发展抗除草剂作物提供了新的解决策略和新的机遇。最后,对除草剂作物的未来进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 基因编辑技术 除草剂 抗除草剂基因 抗除草剂作物育种
钙钛矿太阳电池用NiO/石墨烯复合空穴传输材料 被引量:2
作者 刘鹤鸣 吴元龙 +3 位作者 牟俊朋 连旭 郝运 宋健 《微纳电子技术》 北大核心 2018年第8期544-550,共7页
有机-无机杂化钙钛矿太阳电池(PSC)因其效率高、成本低及制备工艺简单等优点而得到广泛的关注。采用无机材料替代有机空穴传输材料可以进一步降低电池成本,拓宽钙钛矿太阳电池空穴传输材料的选择范围。采用水热合成法制备了NiO/石墨... 有机-无机杂化钙钛矿太阳电池(PSC)因其效率高、成本低及制备工艺简单等优点而得到广泛的关注。采用无机材料替代有机空穴传输材料可以进一步降低电池成本,拓宽钙钛矿太阳电池空穴传输材料的选择范围。采用水热合成法制备了NiO/石墨烯复合材料前驱体,经过高温处理,得到NiO/石墨烯复合材料,并将其应用于钙钛矿太阳电池空穴传输层。通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和热重分析仪-差式扫描量热仪(TGA-DSC)等手段表征了复合材料组分及微观结构。同时,探索了复合材料质量浓度和制膜工艺对空穴传输层性能的影响。研究结果表明,当复合材料的氯苯溶液质量浓度为1.25 mg/mL时,采用喷涂工艺制膜得到的空穴传输层具有最优的性能,其相应钙钛矿太阳电池的光电转化效率为1.44%。NiO/石墨烯复合材料在钙钛矿太阳电池中表现出优于NiO和石墨烯的性能,体现了NiO和石墨烯在复合材料空穴输运过程中的协同作用。 展开更多
关键词 钙钛矿太阳电池(PSC) 空穴传输材料 NiO/石墨烯复合材料 喷涂制膜 水热合成法
作者 常鑫燚 李轩照 +7 位作者 唐秉晖 潘振远 吴元龙 沈超 努日曼古丽·艾尼 林忠旭 尤春源 聂新辉 《棉花学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期29-38,共10页
【目的】黄萎病(Verticillium wilt)是棉花生产中的最主要病害,且棉花黄萎病的致病机理尚不清楚。通过构建黄褐棉导入系群体定位棉花黄萎病抗性相关的数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL),为抗黄萎病分子标记开发和辅助育种提供... 【目的】黄萎病(Verticillium wilt)是棉花生产中的最主要病害,且棉花黄萎病的致病机理尚不清楚。通过构建黄褐棉导入系群体定位棉花黄萎病抗性相关的数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL),为抗黄萎病分子标记开发和辅助育种提供参考。【方法】以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum)B0011为轮回亲本、黄褐棉(G.mustelinum)为供体亲本,构建有71个株系的BC_(5)S_(5)群体。利用2 839个单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)标记结合表型值进行黄萎病抗性相关QTL定位。【结果】共检测到15个与黄萎病抗性相关的QTL,可解释4.21%~26.77%的表型变异。加性效应分析表明:其中6个QTL的有利等位基因来源于黄褐棉,9个QTL有利等位基因来自B0011。同时,qVW-A01-1、q VW-A02-2和qVW-A07-2在2个及以上环境中被检测到,表型变异解释率分别为15.56%~16.56%、11.95%~24.62%和13.22%~16.73%。利用BC5S5群体黄萎病抗性的最佳线性无偏预测值(best linear unbiased prediction,BLUP)进行QTL定位,共检测到5个QTL,其中qVW-A01-1B、q VW-A02-1B分别与加性效应分析稳定检测到的qVW-A01-1、qVW-A02-2物理位置一致,分别解释23.67%和17.90%的表型变异。【结论】本研究发现2个稳定的QTL即qVW-A01-1和qVW-A02-2,可为抗黄萎病分子标记辅助选择育种及候选基因功能鉴定奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 陆地棉 抗病育种 黄萎病 数量性状位点 分子标记辅助育种
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