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垄作免耕对紫色水稻土肥力演变的影响 被引量:1
作者 张岚 秦川 +2 位作者 谢德体 石秀丽 蒋先军 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期138-146,共9页
探讨长期垄作免耕对紫色水稻土肥力的年际演变影响,为稻田耕作、培肥管理提供科学参考及建议.依托重庆市北碚区西南大学紫色土肥力肥效长期定位监测基地,选取垄作免耕(Ridge and No-Tillage, RNT)、常规耕作(Conventional Tillage, CT)... 探讨长期垄作免耕对紫色水稻土肥力的年际演变影响,为稻田耕作、培肥管理提供科学参考及建议.依托重庆市北碚区西南大学紫色土肥力肥效长期定位监测基地,选取垄作免耕(Ridge and No-Tillage, RNT)、常规耕作(Conventional Tillage, CT)和冬水田(Flooded Paddy Field, FPF)3种耕作管理模式,统计分析了1990-2018年的土壤pH值以及土壤有机质、全量氮磷钾、速效氮磷钾的质量分数,采用改进后的内梅罗指数法对长期不同耕作措施管理的水稻土土壤综合肥力指数进行计算.结果表明,长期垄作免耕能够有效提高稻田0~20 cm表层土壤的有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷质量分数,与1990年相比,到2018年,其增幅分别为42.2%, 37.1%, 30.0%, 122.5%, 352.0%.不同耕作措施下,土壤中全钾和速效钾质量分数随时间迁移并无明显变化.垄作免耕稻田土壤综合肥力指数平均值最高,为0.66,分别比常规耕作和冬水田高0.09和0.18.长期垄作免耕能够有效提高紫色水稻土养分质量分数,提升稻田土壤综合肥力. 展开更多
关键词 耕作方式 垄作免耕 土壤肥力
三峡库区重庆段土地生态状况时空格局演变特征 被引量:35
作者 马世五 谢德体 +4 位作者 张孝成 彭正涛 朱慧 洪惠坤 肖玖金 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第23期8512-8525,共14页
以三峡库区重庆段为研究对象,基于"基础-结构-效益-胁迫"框架构建了土地生态状况评估指标体系,利用变异函数理论模型对研究区2000年、2009年、2014年土地生态状况综合指数进行了拟合分析,通过空间自相关、冷热点分析及转移矩... 以三峡库区重庆段为研究对象,基于"基础-结构-效益-胁迫"框架构建了土地生态状况评估指标体系,利用变异函数理论模型对研究区2000年、2009年、2014年土地生态状况综合指数进行了拟合分析,通过空间自相关、冷热点分析及转移矩阵分析方法,分析了2000—2014年研究区域土地生态状况的时空演化规律。结果表明:(1)研究区土地生态质量呈现出库区腹地、库区中部、库区尾部依次降低的分布特征,且2000—2014年呈现出快速恶化-缓慢逆转的变化过程。(2)研究区2000—2014年C_0/(C_0+C)先减后增,呈中等空间自相关,表明结构性因素引起的空间异质性起主要作用;但随机性因素对土地生态状况的空间分异影响亦不可忽视,这与研究区14年来经济高速发展、人类对土地资源利用强度加剧以及区域自然灾害频发的实际情况相符。(3)从Moran's I值判断,2000—2014三峡库区重庆段的土地生态状况在区域上一直处于较高的集聚状态,2000—2009年集聚增强,2009—2014年集聚减弱。(4)从冷热点分析结果来看,2000—2014年,热点区域、冷点区域范围总体上均呈现出逐渐增加的趋势,但在空间上表现出了一定的分异特征:库区尾部的热点区域不断拓展,而库区腹地的热点区域则表现出逐年减小的趋势;且研究区热点区域主要集中分布在库区尾部的主城区和库区腹地万州区的中心城区,冷点区域主要分布在库区腹地的巫山县、巫溪县、奉节县、开州区和库区中部的石柱县、丰都县、武隆区等土地利用程度相对较弱、植被覆盖相对较好地区。 展开更多
关键词 三峡库区 土地生态状况 时空演变 转移矩阵 冷热点
小流域农业面源污染阻力评价及“源-汇”风险空间格局 被引量:21
作者 王金亮 陈成龙 +2 位作者 倪九派 谢德体 邵景安 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期216-224,306,共10页
识别评价影响农业面源污染的"源-汇"风险格局,对小流域的农业面源污染防治规划有着重要的现实意义,为此,该文以三峡库区典型农业区王家沟小流域为研究区,借助最小累计阻力模型评价小流域农业面源污染阻力和识别"源-汇&qu... 识别评价影响农业面源污染的"源-汇"风险格局,对小流域的农业面源污染防治规划有着重要的现实意义,为此,该文以三峡库区典型农业区王家沟小流域为研究区,借助最小累计阻力模型评价小流域农业面源污染阻力和识别"源-汇"风险。首先,通过土地利用解译数据确定"源"地的分级,在获取地形、距离、土地利用和氮磷等自然影响因子的基础上,构建氮和磷的阻力基面评价指标体系,并测算氮、磷和总阻力面,以此判定影响小流域农业面源污染的阻力空间分布趋势;同时借助阻力阈值,对阻力面进行等级划分,以此识别影响库区小流域农业面源污染的"源-汇"风险格局。结果表明:1)影响农业面源污染的不同阻力因子,其空间分布存在明显差异,由此奠定了阻力基面的空间异质性;阻力基面反映了影响三峡库区小流域农业面源污染的"源-汇"景观空间差异,表现为"源"景观类型的阻力基面小于"汇"景观类型;氮和磷的阻力面总体上围绕"源"地向外呈现不断增大的空间变化特征;2)划定了影响王家沟小流域农业面源污染的"源-汇"风险区:极高风险区(0.297 7 km^2)>高风险区(0.154 4 km^2)>中风险区(0.147 5 km^2)>低风险区(0.147 4 km^2)>极低风险区(0.016 0 km^2);影响整个小流域农业面源污染的"源-汇"风险偏高,但小流域内仍有一定范围的低风险区,能确保流域内的氮磷流失得到有效拦截。研究结果有助于从影响农业面源污染的"源-汇"景观和空间阻力角度识别评价"源-汇"风险格局,为科学防范和治理农业面源污染提供决策依据。 展开更多
关键词 污染 农业 模型 源-汇 最小累积阻力模型 风险格局 小流域
酸性紫色土的阳离子交换特征及其对酸缓冲容量的影响 被引量:27
作者 刘莉 谢德体 +1 位作者 李忠意 刘芳 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期887-897,共11页
明确酸性紫色土的交换性阳离子组成特征及其对土壤后续酸化进程的影响有助于评估紫色土的潜在酸化风险。为此,在重庆市合川区采集了38个酸性紫色土,进行了理化性质分析与酸缓冲容量测定,探讨了阳离子交换特征对土壤酸缓冲容量的影响。... 明确酸性紫色土的交换性阳离子组成特征及其对土壤后续酸化进程的影响有助于评估紫色土的潜在酸化风险。为此,在重庆市合川区采集了38个酸性紫色土,进行了理化性质分析与酸缓冲容量测定,探讨了阳离子交换特征对土壤酸缓冲容量的影响。结果表明:部分紫色土的酸化程度较为严重,但酸性紫色土仍具有较高的交换性盐基阳离子含量和阳离子交换量(CEC)。紫色土的交换性Ca^(2+)和交换性Mg^(2+)含量分别为红壤的5.9倍和3.9倍。紫色土CEC也显著高于红壤和砖红壤。丰富的黏土矿物组成,尤其是较高的蒙脱石含量,是紫色土具有较高盐基阳离子含量和高CEC的主要原因。酸性紫色土的酸缓冲容量大小为3.18~25.6mmol·kg^(–1)·pH^(–1)。酸缓冲容量与交换性盐基总量和CEC间均呈极显著的正相关性。较高的盐基阳离子含量和CEC有助于增加紫色土的酸缓冲容量,减缓土壤的酸化速度。因此,尽管部分紫色土酸化较为严重,但受成土母质和发育程度的影响,丰富的盐基阳离子含量能对进入土壤中的酸进行缓冲,减缓紫色土酸化速度。这是紫色土相对于其他地带性酸性土壤所具有的独特酸化特征。 展开更多
关键词 酸性紫色土 酸缓冲容量 交换性盐基离子 表面负电荷 黏土矿物
重庆市土地利用结构效率的空间差异与影响因素探析 被引量:5
作者 李娜 谢德体 王三 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期803-811,共9页
随着经济的快速发展和土地利用结构的变化,区域间用地效率的空间差异也日益显著,本文以经济快速发展中的重庆市为例,通过非期望产出模型、泰尔指数和空间自相关等分析方法研究了2004—2013年重庆市的土地利用结构效率及其空间差异和影... 随着经济的快速发展和土地利用结构的变化,区域间用地效率的空间差异也日益显著,本文以经济快速发展中的重庆市为例,通过非期望产出模型、泰尔指数和空间自相关等分析方法研究了2004—2013年重庆市的土地利用结构效率及其空间差异和影响因素。结果表明:(1)在研究期内,重庆市的土地利用结构效率呈左斜"M"走向的变化趋势,环境负产出对土地利用结构效率的提高有一定的负面影响,土地利用的纯技术效率是导致技术效率变化的主要原因;(2)泰尔指数的整体走向与土地利用结构效率的走向刚好相反,呈斜向上的"W"趋势,泰尔指数逐渐变大,表明土地利用结构效率在空间上的差距在扩大,组间差距的变大是变化的主要原因;(3)影响因素中除城乡建设用地中的农村居民点用地与土地利用结构效率空间负相关外,经济发展、产业结构、人口城镇化以及土地城镇化与土地利用结构效率均是空间正相关,表明土地的城镇化能够一定程度地实现城乡建设用地结构的内部优化。 展开更多
关键词 非期望产出模型 泰尔指数 Moran’s I指数 空间差异 影响因素
生物质炭和石灰对酸化紫色土的改良效果 被引量:3
作者 刘莉 李倩 +3 位作者 黄成 姜疆 谢德体 李忠意 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期173-179,共7页
为改良酸化紫色土,作者采用连续30 d的室内培养实验,研究了生物质炭和石灰单独和配合施用对紫色土酸度和肥力特征的改良效果。结果表明:单独或混合施用生物质炭和石灰均能提高紫色土的pH值,降低土壤的交换酸、交换性H^+和交换性Al^3+的... 为改良酸化紫色土,作者采用连续30 d的室内培养实验,研究了生物质炭和石灰单独和配合施用对紫色土酸度和肥力特征的改良效果。结果表明:单独或混合施用生物质炭和石灰均能提高紫色土的pH值,降低土壤的交换酸、交换性H^+和交换性Al^3+的含量,且随着改良剂用量的增加,对土壤酸度的改良效果越明显。由于生物质炭的物质组成丰富,富含碱性物质、盐基离子、磷素和有机质。施用生物质炭后能显著提高土壤中水溶性和交换性盐基离子、有机质和有效磷的含量。而单独施用石灰处理仅对土壤的交换性和水溶性Ca^2+含量有显著的提高效果,而对土壤其余盐基离子、有机质和有效磷含量影响不显著。由于生物质炭对土壤酸度有突出的改良效果,不同处理间的改良效果大小关系为:生物质炭和石灰配合施用>生物质炭单独施用>石灰单独施用,说明生物质炭与石灰配施或单独施用生物质炭是快速改良酸化紫色土的有效办法。 展开更多
关键词 酸化紫色土 生物质炭 石灰 酸化改良
美丽乡村建设中的政府与社会互动机制 被引量:14
作者 申丽娟 谢德体 《行政管理改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期61-67,共7页
美丽乡村建设是贯穿于实施乡村振兴战略的基本要求之一,而其自身具有的正外部性及其公共产品属性、政府应然责任与社会参与意愿、现实发展基础及其严峻形势决定了政府与社会必须有效地互动起来。以重庆美丽乡村建设为例,在对政府力量与... 美丽乡村建设是贯穿于实施乡村振兴战略的基本要求之一,而其自身具有的正外部性及其公共产品属性、政府应然责任与社会参与意愿、现实发展基础及其严峻形势决定了政府与社会必须有效地互动起来。以重庆美丽乡村建设为例,在对政府力量与社会力量对比悬殊分析的基础上,构建起由主体、客体、手段、动力、目标等要素组成的政府与社会互动机制,同时坚持政府主导、打造政府理性治理行为,壮大社会力量、推动社会积极参与建设,完善规章制度、确保政府与社会互动合法化,以期为实现乡村全面振兴提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴战略 美丽乡村建设 政府与社会互动机制 公共产品
重庆市北碚区土地利用转型及生态环境效应 被引量:34
作者 何青泽 谢德体 +2 位作者 王三 阎建忠 陈林 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期290-296,共7页
以重庆市北碚区为例,利用2009年、2013年、2017年3期土地利用现状数据,基于土地利用主导功能视角,建立了"生态—生活—生产"(三生)分类体系,运用ArcGIS和社会网络分析软件Ucinet,通过土地利用转移矩阵、土地利用重心模型及土... 以重庆市北碚区为例,利用2009年、2013年、2017年3期土地利用现状数据,基于土地利用主导功能视角,建立了"生态—生活—生产"(三生)分类体系,运用ArcGIS和社会网络分析软件Ucinet,通过土地利用转移矩阵、土地利用重心模型及土地利用转型生态环境响应模型,对该区土地利用转型及其生态环境质量进行了研究。结果表明:(1) 2009—2017年,北碚区土地利用功能结构转型明显,生产用地面积减少,而生态、生活用地面积增加。(2) 2009—2017年,除服务以及其他生产用地、工矿生产用地的重心向南偏移外,其余各功能用地重心均向北偏移。农业生产用地分布较为均衡,生活用地空间分布的不均衡性有所缓和,而生态用地分布的不均衡性进一步加剧,工矿生产用地、服务以及其他生产用地分布的不均衡性先加剧后有所缓和。(3) 2009—2017年,北碚区土地利用生态环境质量维持稳定,生态恶化趋势略大于生态改善趋势,农业生产用地被占用是该区生态环境质量恶化的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用转型 土地利用主导功能 生态环境质量 UCINET 北碚区
微地形作用下紫色母岩发育土壤的酸化特征 被引量:9
作者 谭孟溪 刘莉 +3 位作者 王朋顺 程永毅 谢德体 李忠意 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1441-1449,共9页
为揭示丘陵地区微地形作用下紫色母岩及其不同地形部位发育土壤的酸化特征,在西南丘陵地区采集土壤样品并分析其基本理化性质。结果表明:西南丘陵地区的紫色土已经出现了一定程度的酸化,土壤酸化后使交换性酸含量增加,交换性盐基离子总... 为揭示丘陵地区微地形作用下紫色母岩及其不同地形部位发育土壤的酸化特征,在西南丘陵地区采集土壤样品并分析其基本理化性质。结果表明:西南丘陵地区的紫色土已经出现了一定程度的酸化,土壤酸化后使交换性酸含量增加,交换性盐基离子总量和盐基饱和度降低。从丘陵地区的坡顶至坡底,紫色土的发育程度逐渐增加,土壤中维持土壤pH在碱性范围内的碳酸盐遭受到的淋溶作用依次增强。因此,从坡顶至坡底,紫色土的酸化范围逐渐增大。由于酸化后的紫色土pH开始受阳离子交换反应所控制,而在微地形的作用下,受盐基离子遭受淋溶过程和复盐基过程的相对强弱不同的影响,从坡顶至坡底,紫色土的总体酸化程度并未增加。可见,对西南丘陵地区的紫色土的开发利用需考虑到其较为独特的酸化特征。 展开更多
关键词 丘陵地区 紫色土 酸化特征
基于分形理论的乡村旅游地空间结构演化研究——以成都市星级农家乐为例 被引量:4
作者 黄倩 谢德体 +1 位作者 王三 阎建忠 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期147-157,共11页
星级农家乐作为乡村旅游的重要表现形式,研究其空间演化结构对于乡村旅游的优化发展意义重大.该文以成都市2010年、2014年、2018年评定的星级农家乐为研究对象,基于分形理论,从集聚性、均衡性、关联性等出发对成都市星级农家乐的空间结... 星级农家乐作为乡村旅游的重要表现形式,研究其空间演化结构对于乡村旅游的优化发展意义重大.该文以成都市2010年、2014年、2018年评定的星级农家乐为研究对象,基于分形理论,从集聚性、均衡性、关联性等出发对成都市星级农家乐的空间结构特征进行多尺度分析.这些看似毫无组织的星级农家乐在不同年份、不同空间尺度上都表现出自相似性,空间结构存在明显的分形特征.随着时间的发展,成都市星级农家乐的向心集聚性波动变小,有着多中心集聚发展的趋势;空间分布趋于均衡,空间结构不断优化;各景点之间空间关联性较好,发展潜力大.但成都市星级农家乐空间分布区域差异明显,各片区空间发育程度不一.在未来的发展中应当充分发挥中心城区的辐射带动效应,加快对龙泉山片区的开发力度,助力成都完成世界乡村旅游目的地的建设. 展开更多
关键词 乡村旅游 分形理论 时空演变 成都市 星级农家乐
山地丘陵区“三生”功能时空演变特征分析--以重庆市江津区为例 被引量:7
作者 李波 杨朝现 +2 位作者 谢德体 骆云中 李雨彤 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期316-323,共8页
为了明确区域“三生”功能结构特征和空间演变规律,实现国土空间精细化分区管理,促进“三生”功能协作共赢和国土空间可持续发展。以土地利用多功能性为基础,通过GIS空间可视化方法,定量识别了重庆市江津区2009年和2017年的“三生”功... 为了明确区域“三生”功能结构特征和空间演变规律,实现国土空间精细化分区管理,促进“三生”功能协作共赢和国土空间可持续发展。以土地利用多功能性为基础,通过GIS空间可视化方法,定量识别了重庆市江津区2009年和2017年的“三生”功能演变特征,并总结提炼了江津区“三生”功能变化模式及优化策略。结果表明:2009—2017年,江津区“三生”功能增加近一倍,以生产功能和生活功能为主;生产功能以工业供给功能为主呈明显扩张态势,生活功能以社会保障功能为主围绕两大核心组团聚集区显著扩张,生态功能整体无明显变化;江津区“三生”功能变化模式可划分为高丘整体功能增强型、浅丘生产—生活增强型、高丘生活—生态增强型、中丘生活—生态增强型、中丘生产—生活减弱型、浅丘生活—生态减弱型6种类型。总体来看,受经济建设和人为干扰因素影响,江津区“三生”功能存在明显不平衡性,北部和中部区域开发迅速且潜力较大,生产功能和生活功能显著增强,而南部相对滞缓,出现零星的“三生”功能增强。 展开更多
关键词 “三生”功能 山地丘陵区 时空演变 GIS技术
4种常见土壤含水量传感器精度分析及评价 被引量:7
作者 余涵 谢德体 +4 位作者 骆云中 张钟莉 张石锐 李文龙 杨利红 《农业工程》 2019年第6期26-32,共7页
针对目前市面上不同传感器测定结果差异过大,导致农业生产中效率低下的问题,选取了市面上常见的4种土壤湿度传感器(编号为A、B、C和D),进行室内与田间试验,测试传感器的精度。试验结果表明,传感器B的测定结果与土壤真实含水量值最为接近... 针对目前市面上不同传感器测定结果差异过大,导致农业生产中效率低下的问题,选取了市面上常见的4种土壤湿度传感器(编号为A、B、C和D),进行室内与田间试验,测试传感器的精度。试验结果表明,传感器B的测定结果与土壤真实含水量值最为接近(综合误差为5.14%),而其他3种传感器测定值与真实含水量的差异较大(综合偏差均>9%)。此外,当测试环境变化时,传感器对于相同含水量土壤的测定结果会随之变化,传感器测定误差值也随之变化,特定条件下误差值变化相当明显。测试也表明传感器厂家对传感器的初步校正具有局限性,如果想得到更为精确的结果,对传感器再次进行针对校正是必不可少的。 展开更多
关键词 土壤墒情 传感器 对比分析
Mountain Land Use Planning of Metropolitan Suburbs:the Case of the Jinyun Mountain and Its Surrounding area,Chongqing,China 被引量:14
作者 SHAO Jingan WEI Chaofu xie deti 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期116-128,共13页
Open space of metropolitan suburbs in mountain region, has been increasingly becoming the coupling mosaic structure of industrial actions and landscape behaviors. However, the local governments, when making land use p... Open space of metropolitan suburbs in mountain region, has been increasingly becoming the coupling mosaic structure of industrial actions and landscape behaviors. However, the local governments, when making land use planning, often aim at economic development, and rarely refer to the coordination of compatibilities and conflicts between industrial actions and landscape behaviors in the mosaic structure. In this study land use in the Jinyun Mountain and its surrounding area, Chongqing is adjusted by gray multi-objective programming approach and local-level decision-making process to cope with conflicts between objectives for human welfare and objectives for landscape conservation. The results indicate that: 1) the compatibilities and conflicts among different behavior characters and different landscape types result in the compatibilities of landscape to human behavior; 2) a land use planning in the study area is produced based on the sustainable land use and social-eco development, which pays more attention to the resources and environment constraints and economic objectives, and follows the distribution law of rare resources; 3) in the study area, cultivated land of 1,207.27 ha can meet the demands for food and byproducts by the residents there, orchard land and forestland of 632.55 ha, 2,276.61 ha, respectively can provide enough spaee for the local people to improve their living structure and meet their demands for reereational activities, and urban residential land, rural residential land, mining land and transportation land of 1107.60 ha, 120.27 ha, 162.48 ha, 100.91 ha, respeetively can satisfy the resident's eeonomie development and infrastructures; 4) the equilibrium among industrial actions, landscape accessibility and ecological conservation can be obtained by analyzing the possible impaets of human activities on landscape eeologieal proeess in open spaee of metropolitan suburbs in mountain areas. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain land use planning metropolitan suburbs land optimal allocation Jinyun Mountain and its surrounding area CHONGQING
Land use change and its corresponding ecological responses:a review 被引量:17
作者 SHAO Jingan NI Jiupai +1 位作者 WEI Chaofu xie deti 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期305-328,共24页
This paper reviews the research on land use change and its corresponding ecological responses. Patterns of land use changes in spatio-temporal level are produced by the interaction of biophysical and socio-economic pr... This paper reviews the research on land use change and its corresponding ecological responses. Patterns of land use changes in spatio-temporal level are produced by the interaction of biophysical and socio-economic processes. Nowadays, the studies derived from different socioeconomic conditions and scales show that at short-term scale, human activities, rather than natural forces, have become a major force in shaping the environment, while biophysical factors control the trends and processes of land use change under the macro environmental background. Providing a scientific understanding of the process of land use change, the impacts of different land use decisions, and the ways that decisions are affected by a changing environment and increasing ecological variability are the priority areas for research: (1) explanation of scale dependency of drivers of land use change; (2) quantification of driving factors of land use change; (3) incorporation of biophysical feedbacks in land use change models: and (4) underlying processes and mechanisms of ecological impacts of land use change. 展开更多
关键词 land use change ecological responses EXPLANATION
Classification and Gradation of Cultivated Land Quality in Bishan County of Chongqing, China 被引量:10
作者 SHAO Jing'an GE Xiaofeng +1 位作者 WEI Chaofu xie deti 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期82-91,共10页
The conflicts among food security, economic development and ecological protection are the “sticking point” of undeveloped southwestern mountainous areas of China. The objectives of this study are to identify appropr... The conflicts among food security, economic development and ecological protection are the “sticking point” of undeveloped southwestern mountainous areas of China. The objectives of this study are to identify appropriate inte- grated indicators influencing the classification and gradation of cultivated land quality in the southwestern mountainous area of China based on semi-structure interview, and to promote the monitoring of cultivated land quality in this region. Taking Bishan County of Chongqing as a study case, the integrated indicators involve the productivity, protection, ac- ceptability, and stability of cultivated land. The integrated indicators accord with the characteristics of land resources and human preference in southwestern mountainous area of China. In different agricultural zones, we emphasize different indicators, such as emphasizing productivity, stabilization and acceptability in low hilly and plain agricultural integrative zone (LHP-AIZ), protection, productivity and stability in low mountain and hill agro-forestry ecological zone (LMH-AEZ), and acceptability in plain outskirts integrative agricultural zone (PO-IAZ), respectively. The pronounced difference of classification and gradation of cultivated land, regardless of inter-region or intra-region, is observed, with the reducible rank from PO-IAZ, LHP-AIZ to LMH-AEZ. Research results accord with the characteristics of assets management and intensive utilization of cultivated land resources in the southwestern mountainous area of China. Semi-structure interview adequately presents the principal agent of farmers in agricultural land use and rural land market. This method is very effective and feasible to obtain data of the quality of cultivated land in the southwestern mountainous area of China. 展开更多
关键词 cultivated land classification cultivated land gradation semi-structure interview Bishan County
Effects of Land Management Practices on Labile Organic Carbon Fractions in Rice Cultivation 被引量:8
作者 SHAO Jing'an LI Yangbing +1 位作者 WEI Chaofu xie deti 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期241-248,共8页
A research trial with four land management practices, i.e., traditional tillage-fallow (TTF), traditional tillage-wheat (TTW), conservation tillage-fallow (CTF) and conservation tillage-wheat (CTW), was sampled in the... A research trial with four land management practices, i.e., traditional tillage-fallow (TTF), traditional tillage-wheat (TTW), conservation tillage-fallow (CTF) and conservation tillage-wheat (CTW), was sampled in the 15th year after its establishment to assess the effects of different management practices on labile organic carbon fractions (LOCFs), such as easily oxidizable organic carbon (EOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in a typical paddy soil, Chongqing, Southwest China. The results indicated that LOCFs were significantly influenced by the combination of no-tillage, ridge culture and crop rotation. And, different combination patterns showed different effectiveness on soil LOCFs. The effects of no-tillage, ridge culture and wheat cultivation on EOC, DOC, POC and MBC mainly happened at 0-10cm. At this depth, soil under CTW had higher EOC, DOC, POC and MBC contents, compared to TTF, TTW and CTF, respectively. Moreover, the contents of LOCFs for different practices generally decreased when the soil depth increased. Our findings suggest that the paddy soil in Southwest China could be managed to concentrate greater quantities of EOC, DOC, POC and MBC. 展开更多
关键词 NO-TILLAGE rice-wheat rotation ridge culture labile organic carbon fraction rice cultivation
Impact of land cover types on the soil characteristics in karst area of Chongqing 被引量:6
作者 LI Yangbing xie deti WANG Shijie 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期143-154,共12页
The 26 plots including natural forestland, secondary forestland, shrub-grassland, sloping cropland, artificial forest and abandoned field, were selected to discuss the impact of land cover on the soil characteristics ... The 26 plots including natural forestland, secondary forestland, shrub-grassland, sloping cropland, artificial forest and abandoned field, were selected to discuss the impact of land cover on the soil characteristics in the three karst districts of Chongqing. The results showed that: (1) After the vegetation turned into secondary vegetation or artificial vegetation, or reclamation, soil physical properties would be degraded. In the surface-layer soil of sloping cropland, the contents of 〉2 mm water-stable aggregates decreased obviously with apparent sandification. (2) The contents of soil organic matter and total nitrogen are controlled completely by vegetation type and land use intensity. The increasing trend is rather slow in the early days when over-reclamation is stopped and the land is converted to forest and pasture. (3) Herbaceous species increase and woody plants species decrease with the increase of land use intensity, therefore, the soil seed banks degrade more seriously. (4) The soil degradation index has been set up to describe the relative soil degradation degree under the conditions of different vegetation types. (5) Land cover has a significant effect on karst soil characteristics, land degradation in the karst ecosystem is essentially characterized by the different degradation of soil functions that serve as water banks, nutrient banks and soil seed banks. 展开更多
关键词 karst ecosystem vegetation evolution soil degradation soil seed bank soil-land ecology CHONGQING
Integrated Indicators-based Gradation of Cultivated Land Quality in Mountainous Region of Southwestern China 被引量:4
作者 SHAO Jing'an WEI Chaofu +1 位作者 xie deti ZHOU Yan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期259-270,共12页
The gradation of cultivated land is to assess the suitability of cultivated land for agricultural production in terms of natural and economic properties of land. It can be used to evaluate sustainability of land use a... The gradation of cultivated land is to assess the suitability of cultivated land for agricultural production in terms of natural and economic properties of land. It can be used to evaluate sustainability of land use and soil management practices. Formal and informal surveys, Delphi and comprehensive index method are adopted to identify appropriate integrated indicators, and measure the gradation of cultivated land quality. The determination of integrated indicators presents three basic features of cultivated land quality: stable plant productivity, social acceptability and maintenance of environmental quality. Pronounced concentration-dissipation law of total function score value occurs in paddy field units, with three ranges, i.e., 79-68.5, 68.5-59 and 59-51. Total function score value in dryland units mainly ranges from 40 to 70, but slight concentration-dissipation law of each unit is still observed, with four ranges, i.e., 79-68, 68-51, 51-37 and 37-15. Paddy field quality is divided into three gradations, and the scales are 18 220.9 ha, 5410.6 ha and 2890.9 ha. Dryland quality is classified into four gradations, and the scales are 1548.6 ha, 8153.8 ha, 3316.3 ha and 685.2 ha. The total function score value of every gradation unit is conformed to the results of farmers' assessment. Research results meet with the needs of accurate degree of the gradation of cultivated land quality. Integrated indicators-based gradation of cultivated land assessment accords with the characteristics of land resources and human preference in the mountains of southwestern China. This study will be useful to promote the monitoring of cultivated land quality, and to supply fine ground and knowledge for establishing appropriate cultivated land management practices in Southwestern China. 展开更多
关键词 Integrated indicator cultivated land GRADATION mountainous region China
Soil Organic Carbon Mineralization as Affected by Cyclical Temperature Fluctuations in a Karst Region of Southwestern China 被引量:12
作者 CI En Mahdi M.AL-KAISI +2 位作者 WANG Liange DING Changhuan xie deti 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期512-523,共12页
The diurnal fluctuation in soil temperature may influence soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization, but there is no consensus on SOC mineralization response to the cyclical fluctuation in soil temperature. A 56-d in... The diurnal fluctuation in soil temperature may influence soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization, but there is no consensus on SOC mineralization response to the cyclical fluctuation in soil temperature. A 56-d incubation experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of constant and variable temperatures on SOC mineralization. Three soils were collected from the karst region in western Guizhou Province, southwestern China, including a limestone soil under forest, a limestone soil under crops and a yellow soil under crops. According to the World Reference Base (WRB) classification, the two limestone soils were classified as Haplic Luvisols and the yellow soil as a Dystric Luvisol. These soils were incubated at three constant temperatures (15, 20 and 25 ℃) and cyclically fluctuating temperatures (diurnal cycle between 15 and 25 ℃). The results showed that the 56-d cumulative SOC mineralized (C56) at the fluctuating temperatures was between those at constant 15 and 25 ℃, suggesting that the cumulative SOC mineralization was restricted by temperature range. The SOC mineralization responses to the fluctuating temperatures were different among the three soils, especially in contrast to those at constant 20 ~C. Compared with constant 20 ℃, significant (P 〈 0.05) decreases and increases in C56 value were found in the limestone soil under forest and yellow soil under crops at the fluctuating temperatures, respectively. At the fluctuating temperatures, the forest soil with lower temperature coefficient Q10 (the relative change in SOC mineralization rate as a result of increasing the temperature by 10 ℃) had a significantly (P 〈 0.05) lower SOC mineralization intensity than the two cropland soils. These indicated that differences in temperature pattern (constant or fluctuating) could significantly influence SOC mineralization, and SOC mineralization responses to the fluctuating temperatures might be affected by soil characteristics. Moreover, the warmer temperatures might improve the ability of soil microbes to decompose the recalcitrant SOC fraction, and cyclical fluctuations in temperature could influence SOC mineralization through changing the labile SOC pool size and the mineralization rate of the recalcitrant SOC in soils. 展开更多
关键词 labile C limestone soil recalcitrant C temperature coefficient (Q10) yellow soil
Identification of the "source" and "sink" patterns influencing non-point source pollution in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area 被引量:5
作者 WANG Jinliang SHAO Jing'an +2 位作者 WANG Dan NI Jiupai xie deti 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第10期1431-1448,共18页
Non-point source pollution is one of the primarily ecological issues affecting the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In this paper, landscape resistance and motivation coefficient, which integrated various landscape elemen... Non-point source pollution is one of the primarily ecological issues affecting the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In this paper, landscape resistance and motivation coefficient, which integrated various landscape elements, such as land use, soil, hydrology, topography, and vegetation, was established based on the effects of large-scale resistance and motivation on the formation of non-point source pollution. In addition, cost models of the landscape re- sistance and motivation coefficients were constructed based on the distances from the land- scape units to the sub-basin outlets in order to identify the "source" and "sink" patterns af- fecting the formation of non-point source pollution. The results indicated that the changes in the landscape resistance and motivation coefficients of the 16 sub-basins exhibited inverse relationships to their spatial distributions. The landscape resistance and motivation cost curves were more volatile than the landscape resistance and motivation coefficient curves. The landscape resistance and motivation cost trends of the 16 sub-basins became increas- ingly apparent along the flow of the Yangtze River. The landscape resistance and motivation cost models proposed in this paper could be used to identify large-scale non-point source pollution "source" and "sink" patterns. Moreover, the proposed model could be used to de- scribe the large-scale spatial characteristics of non-point source pollution formation based on "source" and "sink" landscape pattern indices, spatial localization, and landscape resistance and motivation coefficients. 展开更多
关键词 non-point source pollution landscape resistance/motivation distance cost "source^sink" landscape Three Gorges Reservoir Area
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