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作者 文劲宇 张浩博 +5 位作者 向往 孟沛彧 林卫星 周猛 左文平 程时杰 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期7068-7083,I0003,共17页
新型电力系统的发展对柔性直流输电技术提出了更高需求,随着异构串联型直流换流器拓扑架构的提出,柔直换流器已在拓扑层面实现结构统一。然而,在控制层面,传统柔直换流器控制虽然具备功率解耦控制能力,但交流电压、直流电压和子模块电... 新型电力系统的发展对柔性直流输电技术提出了更高需求,随着异构串联型直流换流器拓扑架构的提出,柔直换流器已在拓扑层面实现结构统一。然而,在控制层面,传统柔直换流器控制虽然具备功率解耦控制能力,但交流电压、直流电压和子模块电容电压之间存在紧密耦合,难以发挥柔直换流器全控型器件运行灵活性高的优势。首先,基于现有直流换流器控制架构,提出控制自由度的概念,并引入调制比的表征方法,构建模块化多电平换流器(modular multilevel converter,MMC)的多自由度控制体系;然后,通过分析MMC换流器内部的电压耦合机理及其与调制比的关系,系统地揭示了现有MMC换流器的各种控制策略之间的关联性,形成具备“功能统一、结构统一”的MMC换流器的4自由度统一控制架构。并针对柔直系统中不同控制目标的MMC换流器分析4自由度控制架构的应用及其控制潜能;最后,在单端MMC物理动模实验系统中对MMC换流器4自由度控制在典型应用场景下的性能进行实验验证。 展开更多
关键词 柔性直流输电 模块化多电平换流器 电压耦合 4自由度控制 调制比 动模实验
作者 杨顺 程亚博 +3 位作者 向往 张静 陈柯屹 虞亚明 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期512-517,共6页
目的:探讨腕关节镜辅助下异体肌腱重建桡尺远侧韧带治疗慢性PalmerⅠD型三角纤维软骨复合体损伤伴桡尺远侧关节不稳的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析我院2017年1月至2020年1月收治的15例慢性PalmerⅠD型三角纤维软骨复合体损伤患者临床资料... 目的:探讨腕关节镜辅助下异体肌腱重建桡尺远侧韧带治疗慢性PalmerⅠD型三角纤维软骨复合体损伤伴桡尺远侧关节不稳的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析我院2017年1月至2020年1月收治的15例慢性PalmerⅠD型三角纤维软骨复合体损伤患者临床资料,均给予腕关节镜辅助下异体肌腱重建桡尺远侧韧带治疗,术后随访并评价腕关节的活动度、腕关节疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS评分)、握力、腕关节功能评分(改良Mayo评分)。结果:所有患者术后随访12~24个月,平均18.15±2.20个月。术后15例患者腕关节疼痛VAS评分为2.56±0.69分,与术前的6.78±1.24分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),疼痛显著缓解。术后患侧手和健侧手的握力比率为(76.18±9.72)%,与术前的(50.18±6.79)%比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),握力显著增大。术后腕关节旋转活动度为(151.09±12.38)°,较术前的(142.87±10.19)°有显著改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。按照改良Mayo评分,优8例,良6例,可1例,优良率为93.33%。结论:腕关节镜辅助下异体肌腱重建桡尺远侧韧带治疗慢性PalmerⅠD型三角纤维软骨复合体损伤伴桡尺远侧关节不稳疗效确切,可促进疼痛、握力、旋转活动度的改善。 展开更多
关键词 三角纤维软骨复合体损伤 腕关节镜 韧带重建
作者 向往 梅晓波 +3 位作者 赵峥 郑宽 孟沛彧 文劲宇 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期2052-2066,共15页
大力开发大规模清洁能源基地是国家“十四五”现代能源体系规划明确的重点任务。针对藏东南地区大规模水电、光伏送出场景,计及新能源基地海拔高、输电走廊受限问题,设计了±800 kV/10000 MW多直流电压等级混合直流、多直流电压等... 大力开发大规模清洁能源基地是国家“十四五”现代能源体系规划明确的重点任务。针对藏东南地区大规模水电、光伏送出场景,计及新能源基地海拔高、输电走廊受限问题,设计了±800 kV/10000 MW多直流电压等级混合直流、多直流电压等级柔直和四端混合直流系统送出拓扑。针对沙戈荒地区风电、光伏送出场景,设计了±800 kV/10000 MW三端柔直、四端柔直和多直流电压等级混合直流系统送出拓扑。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台搭建了各拓扑方案的仿真模型,对比分析了各拓扑的技术特点。通过研究,以期为未来相关工程实践拓扑设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 可再生能源并网 柔性直流输电 常规直流输电 换流器拓扑 架空线传输
不同混交模式和种植密度对桉树混交林生长的影响 被引量:6
作者 向旺 韦振道 +5 位作者 伍琪 朱慧 莫云善 李秋荔 罗伟 任世奇 《桉树科技》 2024年第1期34-40,共7页
通过分析混交模式和种植密度对桉树混交林生长特征的影响,为桉树人工林高效、可持续经营提供科学依据。分别设置尾巨桉与红锥、黑木相思、白千层、香樟(B1),与灰木莲、大花序桉、米老排、柠檬桉(B2)2种混交模式和4种种植密度(A1:1.5 m&#... 通过分析混交模式和种植密度对桉树混交林生长特征的影响,为桉树人工林高效、可持续经营提供科学依据。分别设置尾巨桉与红锥、黑木相思、白千层、香樟(B1),与灰木莲、大花序桉、米老排、柠檬桉(B2)2种混交模式和4种种植密度(A1:1.5 m×2.0 m;A2:2.0 m×2.8 m;A3:2.5 m×3.5 m;A4:3.0 m×4.2 m),比较混交模式和种植密度对混交树种树高、胸径、材积和保存率的影响。结果表明:(1)混交模式对尾巨桉生长影响较小,但A3、A4显著增加尾巨桉胸径和单株材积;(2)种植密度对混交树种树高生长影响不显著,但黑木相思和灰木莲在A1种植密度处理下的胸径和单株材积显著低于其他密度处理;(3)大花序桉和米老排A1种植密度处理保存率显著低于A3和A4密度处理,混交树种不同种植密度之间保存率没有显著差异。综合分析,认为A3是较好的种植密度。 展开更多
关键词 桉树 混交树种 种植密度 生长量
丘陵山区小型玉米收获机单行去穗机构设计与试验 被引量:1
作者 向旺 孙玉华 +3 位作者 王鹏 王佩根 龙海天 谢守勇 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2024年第1期28-34,共7页
玉米作为我国主要农作物之一,在丘陵山区玉米的产量并没有较大提升,其原因是丘陵山区玉米收获机械化程度较低。因此,针对丘陵山区玉米机械化收获的问题,设计一款单行不平行去穗机构。通过受力分析,玉米脱离方向的合力大小是决定玉米是... 玉米作为我国主要农作物之一,在丘陵山区玉米的产量并没有较大提升,其原因是丘陵山区玉米收获机械化程度较低。因此,针对丘陵山区玉米机械化收获的问题,设计一款单行不平行去穗机构。通过受力分析,玉米脱离方向的合力大小是决定玉米是否从穗柄脱离的关键,摘穗辊的转速与植株结穗位置直径大小是影响合力的关键参数。同时,设计适应于丘陵山区的三角履带底盘,通过受力分析知道由三角履带底盘承载的玉米收获机能够在最大坡度19.2°的山坡作业,并通过试验验证。由Adams仿真得到玉米穗在受到竖直方向拉力时玉米穗脱离穗柄的力在100~200 N之间。同时,利用拉力试验机对随机选取的郑单958玉米进行5种不同拉力速度试验,验证仿真结果的准确性。基于试验与仿真的结果,确定摘穗辊的转速应大于473 r/min。最后在自制的小型单行玉米收获机上进行去穗试验,试验结果表明:籽粒破损率为0.69%,玉米穗撞击损伤率为0.83%,断穗率为6.7%,所设计的去穗机构去穗效果良好,同时搭载三角履带底盘能够满足玉米收获机在较大坡度山地的作业要求,可靠性较高。 展开更多
关键词 丘陵山区 玉米去穗机构 动力学仿真 拉力试验 抗倾覆试验
不同混交模式下幼龄桉树混交林的生长和水土流失特征研究 被引量:1
作者 韦振道 周启华 +6 位作者 朱原立 朱慧 向旺 伍琪 任一平 李书玲 任世奇 《桉树科技》 2024年第1期27-33,共7页
设计尾巨桉×红椿和大花序桉×闽楠的垂直、水平、块状三种混交方式的试验林,以研究不同混交模式下桉树混交林的生长和水土流失规律。结果表明:1年生尾巨桉、红椿、大花序桉和闽楠分别在水平、块状、块状和水平混交模式下的树... 设计尾巨桉×红椿和大花序桉×闽楠的垂直、水平、块状三种混交方式的试验林,以研究不同混交模式下桉树混交林的生长和水土流失规律。结果表明:1年生尾巨桉、红椿、大花序桉和闽楠分别在水平、块状、块状和水平混交模式下的树高增长率最大,依次为1560.00%、863.33%、457.50%和6.67%,因此水平混交模式和块状混交模式的林分树高生长效果较好。在尾巨桉×红椿和大花序桉×闽楠两种林分中的月均地表径流以块状混交模式最少,分别是107.72 L和215.24 L,月均土壤流失以块状混交模式较少,分别是4.95 kg和7.25 kg,因此块状混交模式对水土保持的效果较优于垂直混交模式和水平混交模式。综合考虑,采用块状混交模式效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 桉树混交林 混交模式 林分生长 水土流失
作者 陈柯霖 谢守勇 +2 位作者 陈翀 向旺 刘伟 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2024年第2期187-193,共7页
针对丘陵山区农业机械因体积小、种类多,难以无人作业改造的问题,搭建基于双预瞄纯追踪算法的丘陵山区农机差分导航系统,完成导航系统结构、路径规划策略和追踪控制器的设计。使用Ntrip DTU和北斗定位板卡完成差分定位。采用平滑转向方... 针对丘陵山区农业机械因体积小、种类多,难以无人作业改造的问题,搭建基于双预瞄纯追踪算法的丘陵山区农机差分导航系统,完成导航系统结构、路径规划策略和追踪控制器的设计。使用Ntrip DTU和北斗定位板卡完成差分定位。采用平滑转向方式,提出适用于丘陵山区的全局路径规划策略,可有效适配不同转弯半径的农机,减少地头区域。设计双预瞄纯追踪模糊控制器,开展与纯追踪控制器的对比仿真试验,并搭建试验样机完成测试。实际测试结果显示:控制器在追踪直线时,在s=2.9 m处收敛,在之后的直线追踪中平均绝对误差保持在0.01 m;在追踪曲线时,两段弯道最大误差分别为0.08 m和0.75 m,平均绝对误差0.04 m。 展开更多
关键词 丘陵山区 差分导航 路径规划 纯追踪 双预瞄模糊控制器
Geophysical prediction of organic matter abundance in source rocks based on geochemical analysis:A case study of southwestern Bozhong Sag,Bohai Sea,China 被引量:1
作者 xiang wang Guang-Di Liu +5 位作者 Xiao-Lin wang Jin-Feng Ma Zhen-Liang wang Fei-Long wang Ze-Zhang Song Chang-Yu Fan 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期31-53,共23页
The Bozhong Sag is the largest petroliferous sag in the Bohai Bay Basin,and the source rocks of Paleogene Dongying and Shahejie Formations were buried deeply.Most of the drillings were located at the structural high,a... The Bozhong Sag is the largest petroliferous sag in the Bohai Bay Basin,and the source rocks of Paleogene Dongying and Shahejie Formations were buried deeply.Most of the drillings were located at the structural high,and there were few wells that met good quality source rocks,so it is difficult to evaluate the source rocks in the study area precisely by geochemical analysis only.Based on the Rock-Eval pyrolysis,total organic carbon(TOC)testing,the organic matter(OM)abundance of Paleogene source rocks in the southwestern Bozhong Sag were evaluated,including the lower of second member of Dongying Formation(E_(3)d2L),the third member of Dongying Formation(E_(3)d_(3)),the first and second members of Shahejie Formation(E_(2)s_(1+2)),the third member of Shahejie Formation(E_(2)s_(3)).The results indicate that the E_(2)s_(1+2)and E_(2)s_(3)have better hydrocarbon generative potentials with the highest OM abundance,the E_(3)d_(3)are of the second good quality,and the E_(3)d2L have poor to fair hydrocarbon generative potential.Furthermore,the well logs were applied to predict TOC and residual hydrocarbon generation potential(S_(2))based on the sedimentary facies classification,usingΔlogR,generalizedΔlogR,logging multiple linear regression and BP neural network methods.The various methods were compared,and the BP neural network method have relatively better prediction accuracy.Based on the pre-stack simultaneous inversion(P-wave impedance,P-wave velocity and density inversion results)and the post-stack seismic attributes,the three-dimensional(3D)seismic prediction of TOC and S_(2)was carried out.The results show that the seismic near well prediction results of TOC and S_(2)based on seismic multi-attributes analysis correspond well with the results of well logging methods,and the plane prediction results are identical with the sedimentary facies map in the study area.The TOC and S_(2)values of E_(2)s_(1+2)and E_(2)s_(3)are higher than those in E_(3)d_(3)and E_(3)d_(2)L,basically consistent with the geochemical analysis results.This method makes up the deficiency of geochemical methods,establishing the connection between geophysical information and geochemical data,and it is helpful to the 3D quantitative prediction and the evaluation of high-quality source rocks in the areas where the drillings are limited. 展开更多
关键词 Total organic carbon(TOC) Residual hydrocarbon generation potential(S_(2)) Geophysical prediction Seismic attribute Bozhong Sag Bohai Bay Basin
A novel method for simulating nuclear explosion with chemical explosion to form an approximate plane wave: Field test and numerical simulation 被引量:1
作者 Wei Ming Xiaojie Yang +3 位作者 Yadong Mao xiang wang Manchao He Zhigang Tao 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期2137-2153,共17页
A nuclear explosion in the rock mass medium can produce strong shock waves,seismic shocks,and other destructive effects,which can cause extreme damage to the underground protection infrastructures.With the increase in... A nuclear explosion in the rock mass medium can produce strong shock waves,seismic shocks,and other destructive effects,which can cause extreme damage to the underground protection infrastructures.With the increase in nuclear explosion power,underground protection engineering enabled by explosion-proof impact theory and technology ushered in a new challenge.This paper proposes to simulate nuclear explosion tests with on-site chemical explosion tests in the form of multi-hole explosions.First,the mechanism of using multi-hole simultaneous blasting to simulate a nuclear explosion to generate approximate plane waves was analyzed.The plane pressure curve at the vault of the underground protective tunnel under the action of the multi-hole simultaneous blasting was then obtained using the impact test in the rock mass at the site.According to the peak pressure at the vault plane,it was divided into three regions:the stress superposition region,the superposition region after surface reflection,and the approximate plane stress wave zone.A numerical simulation approach was developed using PFC and FLAC to study the peak particle velocity in the surrounding rock of the underground protective cave under the action of multi-hole blasting.The time-history curves of pressure and peak pressure partition obtained by the on-site multi-hole simultaneous blasting test and numerical simulation were compared and analyzed,to verify the correctness and rationality of the formation of an approximate plane wave in the simulated nuclear explosion.This comparison and analysis also provided a theoretical foundation and some research ideas for the ensuing study on the impact of a nuclear explosion. 展开更多
关键词 Approximate plane wave Multi-hole simultaneous blasting Chemical explosion Nuclear explosion Pressure sensor inclusion
杨梅状碳包覆四氧化三铁复合材料的制备及锂离子电池负极性能 被引量:1
作者 吴臻 王相 +8 位作者 汪双双 尹艳镇 梁兴唐 张斌斌 黄蓉 易甜甜 朱诗婷 覃子林 陈梓润 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期153-162,共10页
Fe_(3)O_(4)被认为是一种储锂性能优异的锂离子电池负极材料,但目前仍存在导电性差和充放电过程体积膨胀问题。文中以L-精氨酸、对苯二甲醛和九水硝酸铁为原料,通过溶剂热反应得到铁离子掺杂L-精氨酸聚合物(W-Fe_(3)O_(4)@NC precursor... Fe_(3)O_(4)被认为是一种储锂性能优异的锂离子电池负极材料,但目前仍存在导电性差和充放电过程体积膨胀问题。文中以L-精氨酸、对苯二甲醛和九水硝酸铁为原料,通过溶剂热反应得到铁离子掺杂L-精氨酸聚合物(W-Fe_(3)O_(4)@NC precursors),随后高温热解制备了杨梅状碳包覆四氧化三铁(W-Fe_(3)O_(4)@NC)复合负极材料。对W-Fe_(3)O_(4)@NC的形貌、表面化学结构、孔隙率和在锂离子电池负极中的电化学性能进行了表征。结果表明,得益于独特的杨梅状形貌、有益的氮掺杂、高度分散的Fe_(3)O_(4)纳米微粒和均匀的碳包覆,W-Fe_(3)O_(4)@NC在1 A/g电流密度下循环800圈后比容量高达815.1 mAh/g,在5 A/g的大电流密度下,比容量仍保持在232 mAh/g,循环稳定性和倍率性能显著优于纯碳材料(NC)和市售Fe_(3)O_(4)纳米粒子。 展开更多
关键词 L-精氨酸聚合物 四氧化三铁 杨梅状 锂离子电池 负极材料
作者 彭霞林 向往 +3 位作者 谢森林 王仕华 樊智勇 彭其春 《自动化应用》 2024年第3期86-88,共3页
单纯采用机理模型的计算精度难以满足转炉智能炼钢的要求,为此,基于机理和深度(BP神经元网络)/集成(XGBoost)学习,建立了转炉智能炼钢的融合模型,研发了转炉智能炼钢二级机过程控制系统。系统上线运行稳定可靠,各项技术指标预测精度满... 单纯采用机理模型的计算精度难以满足转炉智能炼钢的要求,为此,基于机理和深度(BP神经元网络)/集成(XGBoost)学习,建立了转炉智能炼钢的融合模型,研发了转炉智能炼钢二级机过程控制系统。系统上线运行稳定可靠,各项技术指标预测精度满足实际生产要求,取得了良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 转炉 智能炼钢 机理模型 BP神经元网络
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction and organic matter accumulation of the paleogene shahejie oil shale in the Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China
作者 Xiao-Lin wang Xiao-Min Zhu +5 位作者 Jin Lai Xing-Yue Lin xiang wang Yu-Shan Du Chao Huang Yu-Rui Zhu 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1552-1568,共17页
The controlling factors of organic-rich shale accumulation is essential for the exploration and development of shale oil and gas resources.The sedimentary environment plays a vital role in the formation of organic-ric... The controlling factors of organic-rich shale accumulation is essential for the exploration and development of shale oil and gas resources.The sedimentary environment plays a vital role in the formation of organic-rich sediments in lacustrine facies.This article unravels the mineralogy,geochemistry,and paleoenvironmental evolution during the deposition of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation(Es_(3)^(L)).It discusses the effects of paleoclimate,paleosalinity,paleoredox conditions,paleowater depth,and paleoproductivity on organic matter(OM)enrichment.Finally,the OM enrichment model was established.The results show that the mineralogical compositions are mainly composed of calcite(avg.40.13%),quartz(avg.21.64%)and clay minerals(avg.24.07%),accompanied by dolomite(avg.7.07%),feldspar(avg.6.36%)and pyrite(avg.2.95%).The Es_(3)^(L) shale has a high abundance of OM,with total organic carbon(TOC)ranging from 1.07%to 5.12%.The organic matter type is mainly composed of type I-II_(1) kerogen,which is generally considered a good-quality source rock.The source of OM is a mixture of lower bacteria,algae,and plants.During the early sedimentary period,the paleoclimate was dry and cold,with high salinity,intense reducibility,and relatively low productivity.During the late sedimentary period,the climate became warmer and more humid.As a result,the salinity decreased to a level that was suitable for biological reproduction,and productivity increased gradually due to the input of terrigenous plants.Paleosalinity and paleoclimate determined the environment of the sedimentary period,in addition,paleoproductivity and paleoredox condition indicated the formation and preservation conditions of OM.The warm and humid climate,brackish water,suitable reduction conditions and high productivity are the favorable conditions for the generation and preservation of organic matter.The research results may have implications for the genetic mechanisms of organic matter accumulation.They will provide theoretical and technical insights into the exploration and development of shale oil. 展开更多
关键词 Elemental geochemical PALEOENVIRONMENT Organic matter accumulation Paleogene shahejie formation Zhanhua Sag Bohai Bay Basin
Calcium carbonate promotes the formation and stability of soil macroaggregates in mining areas of China
作者 Junyu Xie Jianyong Gao +7 位作者 Hanbing Cao Jiahui Li xiang wang Jie Zhang Huisheng Meng Jianping Hong Tingliang Li Minggang Xu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1034-1047,共14页
We studied changes in the concentrations of aggregate-cementing agents after different reclamation times and with different fertilization regimes,as well as the formation mechanism of aggregates in reclaimed soil,to p... We studied changes in the concentrations of aggregate-cementing agents after different reclamation times and with different fertilization regimes,as well as the formation mechanism of aggregates in reclaimed soil,to provide a theoretical basis for rapid reclamation of soil fertility in the subsidence area of coal mines in Shanxi Province,China.In this study,soil samples of 0–20 cm depth were collected from four fertilization treatments of a longterm experiment started in 2008:no fertilizer (CK),inorganic fertilizer (NPK),chicken manure compost (M),and50%inorganic fertilizer plus 50%chicken manure compost (MNPK).The concentrations of cementing agents and changes in soil aggregate size distribution and stability were analysed.The results showed that the formation of>2 mm aggregates,the aggregate mean weight diameter (MWD),and the proportion of>0.25 mm water-stable aggregates (WR_(0.25)) increased significantly after 6 and 11 years of reclamation.The concentration of organic cementing agents tended to increase with reclamation time,whereas free iron oxide (Fed) and free aluminium oxide(Ald) concentrations initially increased but then decreased.In general,the MNPK treatment signi?cantly increased the concentrations of organic cementing agents and CaCO_(3),and CaCO_(3) increased by 60.4%at 11 years after reclamation.Additionally,CaCO_(3) had the greatest effect on the stability of aggregates,promoting the formation of>0.25 mm aggregates and accounting for 54.4%of the variance in the proportion and stability of the aggregates.It was concluded that long-term reclamation is bene?cial for improving soil structure.The MNPK treatment was the most effective measure for increasing maize grain yield and concentration of organic cementing agents and CaCO_(3). 展开更多
关键词 reclamation time manure combined with inorganic fertilizer soil aggregate stability cementing agents CaCO_(3)
Progress in Organ Bioprinting for Regenerative Medicine
作者 xiang wang Di Zhang +6 位作者 Yogendra Pratap Singh Miji Yeo Guotao Deng Jiaqi Lai Fei Chen Ibrahim T.Ozbolat Yin Yu 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期121-142,共22页
Organ damage or failure arising from injury,disease,and aging poses challenges due to the body’s limited regenerative capabilities.Organ transplantation presents the issues of donor shortages and immune rejection ris... Organ damage or failure arising from injury,disease,and aging poses challenges due to the body’s limited regenerative capabilities.Organ transplantation presents the issues of donor shortages and immune rejection risks,necessitating innovative solutions.The three-dimensional(3D)bioprinting of organs on demand offers promise in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.In this review,we explore the state-of-the-art bioprinting technologies,with a focus on bioink and cell type selections.We follow with discussions on advances in the bioprinting of solid organs,such as the heart,liver,kidney,and pancreas,highlighting the importance of vascularization and cell integration.Finally,we provide insights into key challenges and future directions in the context of the clinical translation of bioprinted organs and their large-scale production. 展开更多
关键词 Organ printing Three-dimensional bioprinting Regenerative medicine Tissue engineering
Overshoot phenomena:Observation and simulation
作者 Ting Feng MoRan Liu +2 位作者 ShiMin He xiang wang Chen Zhou 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期391-399,共9页
High-power O-mode radio waves can excite artificial instabilities in the F region,according to experiments conducted at the European Incoherent Scatter Science Association(EISCAT)heating facility.The main instabilitie... High-power O-mode radio waves can excite artificial instabilities in the F region,according to experiments conducted at the European Incoherent Scatter Science Association(EISCAT)heating facility.The main instabilities include the parametric decay instability(PDI),oscillating two-stream instability(OTSI),and thermal parametric instability(TPI).The PDI and OTSI not only compete with each other,but also compete with the TPI,leading to a two-stage overshoot phenomenon:a miniovershoot occurs on a millisecond time scale after pump-on,followed by the main overshoot.We gain insight into the miniovershoot via a generalized Zakharov model,whereas the main overshoot can be observed as an enhanced plasma line overshoot phenomenon in incoherent scatter radar spectra.We can also observe that the zero-frequency ion line exists only in the initial heating period after a cold start and that the upshifted and downshifted ion lines behave irregularly in the spectra.The simulation results show that competition between the PDI and OTSI leads to an initial peak,which we named the pre-miniovershoot.The following processes,namely ion density caviton generation,and collapse and cascade in the development of the PDI,contribute to the miniovershoot phenomenon. 展开更多
关键词 OVERSHOOT parametric decay instability oscillating two-stream instability COMPETITION
基于多模态双协同Gather Transformer网络的虚假信息检测方法
作者 向旺 王金光 +1 位作者 王一飞 钱胜胜 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期242-249,共8页
社交媒体网站是人们在日常生活中分享信息、表达和交换意见的便捷平台。随着用户数量的不断增加,社交媒体网站上出现了大量的信息数据。然而,由于用户没有检查共享信息的可靠性,这些信息的真实性难以保证,从而导致大量虚假信息在社交媒... 社交媒体网站是人们在日常生活中分享信息、表达和交换意见的便捷平台。随着用户数量的不断增加,社交媒体网站上出现了大量的信息数据。然而,由于用户没有检查共享信息的可靠性,这些信息的真实性难以保证,从而导致大量虚假信息在社交媒体上广泛传播。然而,现有方法大多存在以下局限性:1)大多数方法通过简单提取文本与视觉特征,将其拼接后得到多模态特征来进行虚假信息判断,忽略了模态间和模态内细粒度内在联系,缺乏对关键信息的检索和筛选;2)多模态信息间缺乏指导性的特征提取,文本和视觉等特征之间缺乏交互增强,对多模态信息的理解不足。为了应对这些挑战,提出了一种新颖的基于多模态双协同Gather Transformer网络(Multimodal Dual-Collaborative Gather Transformer Network,MDCGTN)的虚假信息检测方法。在MDCGTN模型中,通过文本-视觉编码网络对文本和视觉信息的特征表示进行提取,将获得的视觉和文本特征表示输入多模态Gather Transformer网络进行多模态信息融合,使用Gather机制提取关键信息,充分捕捉和融合模态内和模态间细粒度关系。此外,设计了一个双协同机制对社交媒体帖子的多模态信息进行整合,以实现模态之间信息的交互和增强。在两个公开可用的基准数据集上进行了大量实验,结果表明,与现有的先进基准方法相比,所提方法准确率明显提升,证明了其对于虚假信息检测的优越性能。 展开更多
关键词 多模态 虚假信息检测 社交媒体 Gather Transformer网络
Assessing the dynamics of O_(2) desorption from cobalt phthalocyanine by in situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy
作者 Yu-Qi wang Yue Feng +1 位作者 xiang wang Dong wang 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期144-148,共5页
We report here the in situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy(ECSTM) study of cobalt phthalocyanine(CoPc)-catalyzed O_(2) evolution reaction(OER) and the dynamics of CoPc-O_(2) dissociation.The self-assembl... We report here the in situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy(ECSTM) study of cobalt phthalocyanine(CoPc)-catalyzed O_(2) evolution reaction(OER) and the dynamics of CoPc-O_(2) dissociation.The self-assembled CoPc monolayer is fabricated on Au(111) substrate and resolved by ECSTM in 0.1 M KOH electrolyte.The OH^(-)adsorption on CoPc prior to OER is observed in ECSTM images.During OER,the generated O_(2) adsorbed on Co Pc is observed in the CoPc monolayer.Potential step experiment is employed to monitor the desorption of OER-generated O_(2) from CoPc,which results in the decreasing surface coverage of CoPc-O_(2) with time.The rate constant of O_(2) desorption is evaluated through data fitting.The insights into the dynamics of Co-O_(2) dissociation at the molecular level via in situ imaging help understand the role of Co-O_(2) in oxygen reduction reaction(ORR) and OER. 展开更多
关键词 Electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy Oxygen evolution reaction Cobalt phthalocyanine
Security analysis of satellite-to-ground reference-frame-independent quantum key distribution with beam wandering
作者 周淳 赵燕美 +11 位作者 杨晓亮 陆宜飞 周雨 姜晓磊 汪海涛 汪洋 李家骥 江木生 汪翔 张海龙 李宏伟 鲍皖苏 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期192-201,共10页
The reference-frame-independent(RFI)quantum key distribution(QKD)is suitable for satellite-based links by removing the active alignment on the reference frames.However,how the beam wandering influences the performance... The reference-frame-independent(RFI)quantum key distribution(QKD)is suitable for satellite-based links by removing the active alignment on the reference frames.However,how the beam wandering influences the performance of RFI-QKD remains a pending issue in satellite-to-ground links.In this paper,based on the mathematical model for characterizing beam wandering,we present the security analysis for satellite-to-ground RFI-QKD and analytically derive formulas for calculating the secret key rate with beam wandering.Our simulation results show that the performance of RFI-QKD is better than the Bennett–Brassard 1984(BB84)QKD with beam wandering in asymptotic case.Furthermore,the degree of influences of beam wandering is specifically presented for satellite-to-ground RFI-QKD when statistical fluctuations are taken into account.Our work can provide theoretical support for the realization of RFI-QKD using satellite-to-ground links and have implications for the construction of large-scale satellite-based quantum networks. 展开更多
关键词 quantum key distribution satellite-to-ground beam wandering
Reference-frame-independent quantum key distribution with two-way classical communication
作者 Chun Zhou Hai-Tao wang +9 位作者 Yi-Fei Lu Xiao-Lei Jiang Yan-Mei Zhao Yu Zhou Yang wang Jia-Ji Li Yan-Yang Zhou xiang wang Hong-Wei Li Wan-Su Bao 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期146-152,共7页
The data post-processing scheme based on two-way classical communication(TWCC)can improve the tolerable bit error rate and extend the maximal transmission distance when used in a quantum key distribution(QKD)system.In... The data post-processing scheme based on two-way classical communication(TWCC)can improve the tolerable bit error rate and extend the maximal transmission distance when used in a quantum key distribution(QKD)system.In this study,we apply the TWCC method to improve the performance of reference-frame-independent quantum key distribution(RFI-QKD),and analyze the influence of the TWCC method on the performance of decoy-state RFI-QKD in both asymptotic and non-asymptotic cases.Our numerical simulation results show that the TWCC method is able to extend the maximal transmission distance from 175 km to 198 km and improve the tolerable bit error rate from 10.48%to 16.75%.At the same time,the performance of RFI-QKD in terms of the secret key rate and maximum transmission distance are still greatly improved when statistical fluctuations are considered.We conclude that RFI-QKD with the TWCC method is of practical interest. 展开更多
关键词 quantum key distribution reference-frame-independent two-way classical communication
Clinical efficacy,bone density,and follow-up in implant and orthodontic treatment for inclined adjacent teeth
作者 Yi Yang Shun-Cheng Zhou +2 位作者 Yi-Hui Ma xiang wang Qing-Shan Dong 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第24期5542-5548,共7页
BACKGROUND Tooth defects can cause elongation of occlusal teeth,leading to insufficient repair space.The combination of dental implant restoration and orthodontic treatment of oblique adjacent teeth has a significant ... BACKGROUND Tooth defects can cause elongation of occlusal teeth,leading to insufficient repair space.The combination of dental implant restoration and orthodontic treatment of oblique adjacent teeth has a significant therapeutic effect.AIM To explore clinical efficacy,bone density,and follow-up of implant and orthodontic treatment for patients with inclined adjacent teeth.METHODS In total,98 patients with oblique adjacent teeth were randomly assigned to implant restoration combined with orthodontic treatment(group A,n=49)or to receive implant restoration alone(group B,n=49).Changes in alveolar ridge bone density and apical bone density were observed before and after treatment in the two groups.Changes in chewing function and language function were compared between the two groups of patients.Follow-up lasted for 12 mo after repair to observe any adverse reactions in the oral cavity.RESULTS The clinical effective rates of group A and group B were 97.96%and 85.71%,respectively,with group A having a higher clinical effective rate than group B.After treatment,the bone density of the alveolar ridge and apical bone in both groups decreased compared to before treatment,while the chewing and language functions improved.The changes in various indicators in group A were more significant.After treatment,the satisfaction rate of group A(97.96%)was higher than that of group B(79.59%).The incidence of adverse reactions in group A(2.04%)was lower than that in group B(24.49%).CONCLUSION The amalgamation of implant restoration and orthodontic treatment for adjacent tilted teeth demonstrates notable clinical efficacy,diminishes alveolar bone resorption,and fosters patient functional rehabilitation while exhibiting negligible adverse reactions. 展开更多
关键词 Dental implant restoration Orthodontic correction Tilt adjacent teeth Clinical curative effect Alveolar bone mineral density
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