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硫酸氢钾熔融-电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定废铑氧化铝催化剂中铑 被引量:1
作者 冯磊 王勤隆 +3 位作者 王雷雷 杨太宝 黄长荣 李晶 《冶金分析》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第4期65-69,共5页
废铑氧化铝催化剂中含有大量铑元素,回收催化剂中铑元素可以降低生产成本,因此准确测定废铑氧化铝催化剂中铑元素含量至关重要。然而废铑氧化铝催化剂组成复杂,常规湿法消解和微波消解方法无法完全溶解样品。实验采用0.1g废铑氧化铝催... 废铑氧化铝催化剂中含有大量铑元素,回收催化剂中铑元素可以降低生产成本,因此准确测定废铑氧化铝催化剂中铑元素含量至关重要。然而废铑氧化铝催化剂组成复杂,常规湿法消解和微波消解方法无法完全溶解样品。实验采用0.1g废铑氧化铝催化剂和3.0g硫酸氢钾在650℃下熔融4h,熔融物使用10mL 10%(体积分数)硫酸加热溶解,然后使用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定铑,建立了熔融-电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定废铑氧化铝催化剂中铑的方法。ICP-AES工作条件为射频(RF)功率1.20kW、雾化气流量0.85L/min。校准曲线的线性相关系数R2=0.999 9;方法检出限为0.01mg/L,测定下限为0.1mg/L。按照实验方法测定两个废铑氧化铝催化剂中铑,测定结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=9)为0.52%~0.56%;加标回收率为99.6%~100.3%。实验方法用于测定两个废铑氧化铝催化剂模拟样品中铑,测定值和理论值相一致。 展开更多
关键词 硫酸氢钾 熔融法 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 废铑氧化铝催化剂
Vegetation Cover Variation in the Qilian Mountains and its Response to Climate Change in 2000-2011 被引量:21
作者 DENG Shao-fu yang tai-bao +2 位作者 ZENG Biao ZHU Xi-fen XU Hao-jie 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1050-1062,共13页
An understanding 0f variati0ns in vegetati0n c0ver in resp0nse t0 climate change is critical f0r predicting and managing future terrestrial ec0system dynamics. Because scientists anticipate that m0untain ec0systems wi... An understanding 0f variati0ns in vegetati0n c0ver in resp0nse t0 climate change is critical f0r predicting and managing future terrestrial ec0system dynamics. Because scientists anticipate that m0untain ec0systems will be m0re sensitive t0 future climate change c0mpared t0 0thers, 0ur 0bjectives were t0 investigate the impacts 0f climate change 0n variati0n in vegetati0n c0ver in the Qilian M0untains (QLM), China, between 2000 and 2011. T0 acc0mplish this, we used linear regressi0n techniques 0n 250-m MODIS N0rmalized Difference Vegetati0n Index (NDVI) datasets and mete0r0l0gical rec0rds t0 determine spati0temp0ral variability in vegetati0n c0ver and climatic fact0rs (i.e. temperature and precipitati0n). Our results sh0wed that temperatures and precipitati0n have increased in this regi0n during 0ur study peri0d. In additi0n, we f0und that gr0wing seas0n mean NDVI was mainly distributed in the vertical z0ne fr0m 2,700 m t0 3,600 m in elevati0n. In the study regi0n, we 0bserved significant p0sitive and negative trends in vegetati0n c0ver in 26.71% and 2.27% 0f the vegetated areas. C0rrelati0n analyses indicated that rising precipitati0n fr0m May t0 August was resp0nsible f0r increased vegetati0n c0ver in areas with p0sitive trends in gr0wing seas0n mean NDVI. H0wever, there was n0 similar significant c0rrelati0n between gr0wing seas0n mean NDVI and precipitati0n in regi0ns where vegetati0n c0ver declined thr0ugh0ut 0ur study peri0d. Using spatial statistics, we f0und that veeetati0n c0ver freauentlvdeclined in areas within the 2,500-3,100 m vertical z0ne, where it has steep sl0pe, and is 0n the sunny side 0f m0untains. Here, the p0sitive influences 0f increasing precipitati0n c0uld n0t 0ffset the drier c0nditi0ns that 0ccurred thr0ugh warming trends. In c0ntrast, in higher elevati0n z0nes (3,900-4,500 m) 0n the shaded side 0f the m0untains, rising temperatures and increasing precipitati0n impr0ved c0nditi0ns f0r vegetati0n gr0wth. Increased precipitati0n als0 facilitated vegetati0n gr0wth in areas experiencing warming trends at l0wer elevati0ns (2,000-2,400 m) and 0n l0wer sl0pes where water was m0re easily c0nserved. We suggest that spatial differences in variati0n in vegetati0n as the result 0f climate change depend 0n l0cal m0isture and thermal c0nditi0ns, which are mainly c0ntr0lled by t0p0graphy (e.g. elevati0n, aspect, and sl0pe), and 0ther fact0rs, such as l0cal hydr0l0gy. 展开更多
Glacier Variation in Response to Climate Change in Chinese Tianshan Mountains from 1989 to 2012 被引量:9
作者 HE Yi yang tai-bao +3 位作者 JI Qin CHEN Jie ZHAO Gang SHAO Wan-wan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期1189-1202,共14页
Based on the 1990, 2000 and 2011 Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing data, glacier information of three periods in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains were extracted by using ratio threshold method(TM3/TM5) and visual interpret... Based on the 1990, 2000 and 2011 Landsat TM/ETM+ remote sensing data, glacier information of three periods in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains were extracted by using ratio threshold method(TM3/TM5) and visual interpretation, combined with digital processing of satellite images and analysis in GIS. The climate data in the surrounding area were analyzed by using linear regression, Mann-Kendall abrupt test, and Morlet wavelet analysis. Study results showed that: over the 23 years investigation, the glacier areas have markedly decreased. In the last 12 years(2000 to 2011), the rate of retreat has begun to accelerate. The most dramatic glacier shrinkage occurred in the central region, the lowest in the eastern region. The mean summer temperature and warm precipitation in Chinese Tianshan Mountains had an increasing trend, with rates of 0.22°C /10 a and 5.1mm/10 a from 1960 to 2011, respectively. Mean summer temperature have experienced a strong increase in 1998. The analysis of the results showed that the rise of mean summer temperature was the main factor that contributed to glacier shrinkage. Regional differences of glacier area changes were investigated by analyzing glacier behavior in five study sub-regions; regional differences are related to local climate, to the relative proportion of glaciers in different size classes, altitudinal and aspect distribution of glaciated areas. In addition, the lag theory indicated that glaciers may accelerate the retreat in the next decade, considering climate trends recognized for the period 2000-2011. 展开更多
1990—2015年喜马拉雅山东段中国和不丹边境地区冰川变化研究 被引量:9
作者 王晶 杨太保 +2 位作者 冀琴 秦艳 胡凡盛 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期542-550,共9页
利用Landsat影像,EDM影像等数据资料,使用遥感图像处理及目视解译方法提取了喜马拉雅山东段中国与不丹边境地区冰川从1990-2015年4期边界,研究其与气温降水变化关系,并选取特定冰川,对其表面流速进行估算。研究表明:1990-2015年,该地区... 利用Landsat影像,EDM影像等数据资料,使用遥感图像处理及目视解译方法提取了喜马拉雅山东段中国与不丹边境地区冰川从1990-2015年4期边界,研究其与气温降水变化关系,并选取特定冰川,对其表面流速进行估算。研究表明:1990-2015年,该地区冰川退缩速率达0.43%·a^-1,并且冰川年退缩率逐渐增大,表明冰川消融速度逐渐加快。该时段内,气温呈现明显上升趋势,导致了冰川的快速消融。通过对冰川表面流速的估算,得出中国与不丹边境地区研究选取的冰前湖对冰川流速具有促进作用,加速冰川消融。 展开更多
关键词 Landsat影像 喜马拉雅山东段 冰川变化 表面流速估算
Climate change and glacier area variations in China during the past half century 被引量:10
作者 TIAN Hong-zhen yang tai-bao +2 位作者 LV Hui LI Cheng-xiu HE Ying-bin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第8期1345-1357,共13页
Glacier variations in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding mountain ranges in China affect the livelihood of over one billion people who depend on water from the Yellow, Yangtze, Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus rivers or... Glacier variations in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding mountain ranges in China affect the livelihood of over one billion people who depend on water from the Yellow, Yangtze, Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus rivers originating in these areas. Based on the results of the present study and published literature, we found that the glaciers shrank :5.7% in area from 1963 to 20:0 with an annual area change of -0.33%. The shrinkage generally decreased from peripheral mountain ranges to the interior of Tibet. The linear trends of annual air temperature and precipitation at 147 stations were 0.36℃(10a)^-1 and 8.96 mm (10a)^-1 respectively from 1961 to 2010. The shrinkage of glaciers was well correlated with the rising temperature and the spatial patterns of the shrinkage were influenced by other factors superimposed on the rising temperature such as glacier size, type, elevation, debris cover and precipitation. 展开更多
关键词 Glacier area Climate change AIR
近25a布喀达坂峰冰川变化与气候的响应 被引量:5
作者 胡凡盛 杨太保 +2 位作者 冀琴 李虹蓉 王晶 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期66-73,共8页
利用面向对象分类方法,从Landsat影像中提取了1990年、2000年、2010年、2015年4期布喀达坂峰地区冰川空间分布数据,并利用GIS技术分析研究区最近25 a来冰川变化,探讨了冰川对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:布喀达坂峰冰川总面积退缩了7.... 利用面向对象分类方法,从Landsat影像中提取了1990年、2000年、2010年、2015年4期布喀达坂峰地区冰川空间分布数据,并利用GIS技术分析研究区最近25 a来冰川变化,探讨了冰川对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:布喀达坂峰冰川总面积退缩了7.28 km^2,退缩速率为0.29km^2·a^(-1),占1990年的1.78%,且1990—2000年、2000—2010年、2010—2015年各个时段内冰川退缩速率呈较快—快—慢的状态,不同朝向的冰川退缩速率略有差异,南坡山谷冰川退缩速率最快,北坡坡面冰川次之,中段平顶冰川退缩速率最慢;冰川表面运动速度沿中流线向冰川侧脊和冰川末端递减,符合冰川运动一般规律,而不同类型的冰川其表面运动速度的时空变化具有差异性。研究发现,夏季均温的显著升高和年降水量的缓慢增加的共同作用是引起布喀达坂峰冰川退缩的主要原因。此外,地势条件和冰川自身结构等因素对冰川变化的作用也不容忽视。 展开更多
关键词 布喀达坂峰 气候变化 冰川面积 面向对象分类 冰川表面运动
1973-2016年哈尔里克山现代冰川变化分析 被引量:4
作者 秦艳 杨太保 +1 位作者 冀琴 王晶 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期569-576,共8页
以Landsat系列卫星影像、SRTM数据、中国地面气候监测数据等资料为数据源,运用比值阈值和目视解译的方法提取哈尔里克山冰川边界,研究其冰川面积变化的规律,并分析冰川变化与气候变化的关系.结果表明:1973-2016年冰川面积总体呈退缩趋势... 以Landsat系列卫星影像、SRTM数据、中国地面气候监测数据等资料为数据源,运用比值阈值和目视解译的方法提取哈尔里克山冰川边界,研究其冰川面积变化的规律,并分析冰川变化与气候变化的关系.结果表明:1973-2016年冰川面积总体呈退缩趋势,退缩率为0.55%/a,各时段退缩率不尽相同,1973-1991、1991-2001、2001-2016年分别为0.55、0.59、0.66%/a,呈现出退缩加剧趋势,且退缩增长幅度加大.分析研究区的气候资料表明,同时段明显且呈递进式的增温带来的物质输入量增加幅度减小,物质输出量增大是该区冰川变化的主要原因. 展开更多
关键词 哈尔里克山 冰川变化 气候响应
Luminescence chronology and age model application for the upper part of the Chumbur-Kosa loess sequence in the Sea of Azov, Russia 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Jie yang tai-bao +4 位作者 G.G.MATISHOV A.A.VELICHKO ZENG Biao HE Yi SHI Pei-hong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期504-518,共15页
A reliable chronology is essentially critical for correlating loess records with other paleoenvironmental time series, as well as for continuing improvements in the reconstruction of paleoenvironment and paleoclimate ... A reliable chronology is essentially critical for correlating loess records with other paleoenvironmental time series, as well as for continuing improvements in the reconstruction of paleoenvironment and paleoclimate changes. It is exactly that the scarcity of chronologies across the Sea of Azov has limited the interpretation of climatic and environmental information in the East European Plain. In view of this, this paper conducted an exploratory study to investigate whether the optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) dating of medium-grained quartz could be used to obtain a set of chronologies and the age models could be used to establish an independent time scale since the Late Pleistocene for the Sea of Azov loess. The results showed that an internally consistent set of optical ages for the Azov loess deposited up to ~76 ka. In addition, the ages developed based on magnetic susceptibility and grain size ages models showed good comparability with independent OSL ages at an acceptable range, suggesting that it might be practicable to establish an independent time scale using age models at the Sea of Azov loess, at least for the uppermost part of the Chumbur-Kosa section. Comparison with the ages based on two age models,the grain size ages using fine-grain fractions may provide a more reliable chronological sequence at the Azov loess since the Late Pleistocene. With the help of absolute ages and climate proxies(magnetic susceptibility and grain size), paleoclimatic change in the Sea of Azov have been traced for the Late Pleistocene. 展开更多
关键词 Optical dating Age models LOESS Late Pleistocene Sea of Azov
Paleoclimatic record from Chumbur-Kosa section in Sea of Azov region since Marine Isotope Stage 11 被引量:1
作者 LIANG Ye yang tai-bao +6 位作者 Andrey Aleksevitch VELICHKO ZENG Biao SHI Pei-hong WANG Lin-dong HE Yi CHEN Jie CHEN Yu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期985-999,共15页
Abstract: Loess-paleosol sequences preserve records of climatic change during the Quaternary, which is important for paleoclimate study. In this study, a loess-palaeosol sequence from the Chumbur- Kosa (CK) site in... Abstract: Loess-paleosol sequences preserve records of climatic change during the Quaternary, which is important for paleoclimate study. In this study, a loess-palaeosol sequence from the Chumbur- Kosa (CK) site in the Sea of Azov region was investigated to reconstruct climatic variability during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)11- MIS 1, using proxies of grain size (GS), magnetic susceptibility (xlf and Xfd(%)), carbonate content (CaCO3%) and soil color The results enabled formulation of a detailed description of the climatic characteristics related to each individual layer. The sequence indicates that the paleoclimate shifted progressively towards increasingly cooler, somewhat drier conditions. The CK section may thus be ideal for reconstructing climatie eondifions during the Middle and Late Pleistocene in the Sea of Azov region. However, the )Of value of paleosol $2 in the CK profile indicates different characteristics from the other paleosol layers, dilution of carbonate resulting from carbonate leaching in L2 may be the main reason for the decrease in magnetic susceptibility. Furthermore, through simple analysis part of the environmental evolution process in the Sea of Azov region and Serbia during Middle and Late Pleistocene cycles. The climate cycle expressed by Xfd(%) and Xlf variations show similar patterns, with rapidly alternating cold and warm intervals. Nevertheless, although the two areas had different climatic regimes, geographical settings, and loess source areas, both exhibited similar climate change trends since the MIS 11. 展开更多
关键词 LOESS PALEOSOL Magnetic susceptibility PALEOCLIMATE Sea of Azov
A simple method to extract glacier length based on Digital Elevation Model and glacier boundaries for simple basin type glacier 被引量:3
作者 JI Qin yang tai-bao +3 位作者 HE Yi QIN Yan DONG Jun HU Fan-sheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第9期1776-1790,共15页
Glacier length is a key morphological element that has many glaciological applications; however, it is often difficult to determine, especially for glaciers that cover larger spatial areas or those that exhibit freque... Glacier length is a key morphological element that has many glaciological applications; however, it is often difficult to determine, especially for glaciers that cover larger spatial areas or those that exhibit frequent temporal change. In this paper, we describe a new Arc GIS-based method that can derive glacier flow lines for determining glacier length based on digital elevation model and glacier outlines. This method involves(1) extraction of the highest and lowest points on a glacier,(2) calculation of 10-m contour lines on the glacier from 10 m to 100 m height, and(3) connection of the midpoints of each contour line with the highest and the lowest points in order to create a flow line, which is subsequently smoothed. In order to assess the reliability of this method, we tested the algorithm's results against flow lines calculated using field measurements, analysing data from the Chinese Glacier Inventory, and manual interpretation. These data showed that the new automated method is effective in deriving glacier flow lines when contour lines are relatively large; in particular, when they are between 70 m and 100 m. Nonetheless, a key limitation of the algorithm is the requirement to automatically delete repeated and closed curves in the pre-treatment processes. In addition to calculating glacier flow lines for derivation of glacier length, this method also can be used to effectively determine glacier terminus change. 展开更多
关键词 Glacier length Flow lines Glacier boundary DEM Arc GIS
Glacier changes in the eastern Nyainqêntanglha Range of Tibetan Plateau from 1975 to 2013
作者 JI Qin yang tai-bao +2 位作者 HE Yi CHEN Jie WANG Kai 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期682-692,共11页
Maritime-type glaciers in the eastern Nyainqêntanglha Range, located in the southeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, are an important water source for downstream residents and ecological systems. To better under... Maritime-type glaciers in the eastern Nyainqêntanglha Range, located in the southeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, are an important water source for downstream residents and ecological systems. To better understand the variability of glaciers in this region, we used the band ratio threshold(TM3/TM5 for the Landsat TM /ETM+ and TM4/TM6 for Landsat OLI) to extract glacier outlines in ~1999 and ~2013. After that, we also generated a series of glacier boundaries and monitored glacier variations in the past 40 years with the help of the Chinese Glacier Inventory data(1975) and Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI data. The total glacier area decreased by 37.69 ± 2.84% from 1975 to 2013. The annual percentage area change(APAC) was ~1.32% a-1 and ~1.29% a-1 in the periods 1975-1999 and 1999-2013, respectively. According to the lag theory, the reaction time is probably about 10 years and we discuss the variations of temperature and precipitation between 1965 and 2011. Temperature and precipitation increased between 1965 and 2011 at a rate of 0.34°C /10 a and 15.4 mm/10 a, respectively. Extensive meteorological data show that the glacier shrinkage rate over the period may be mainly due to increasing air temperature, while the increasing precipitation partly made up for the mass loss of glacier ice resulting from increasing temperature may also lead to the low APAC between 1999 and 2013. The lag theory suggests that glacier shrinkage may accelerate in the next 10 years. Small glaciers were more sensitive to climate change, and there was a normal distribution between glacier area and elevation. Glaciers shrank in all aspects, and south aspects diminished faster than others. 展开更多
关键词 Glacier variation Climate change Nyainqêntanglha Range Temperature Precipitation
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