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施氮与种间距离下大豆/玉米带状套作作物生长特性及其对产量形成的影响 被引量:1
作者 杨立达 任俊波 +7 位作者 彭新月 杨雪丽 罗凯 陈平 袁晓婷 蒲甜 雍太文 杨文钰 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期251-264,共14页
为明确施氮和种间距离下套作作物生长特性及其对产量形成的影响。本文以大豆/玉米带状套作系统为研究主体,探究不同氮水平(施氮与不施氮)与种间距离(玉豆间距30、45、60和75 cm、单作100 cm)下作物生长率、干物质积累与分配及产量差异,... 为明确施氮和种间距离下套作作物生长特性及其对产量形成的影响。本文以大豆/玉米带状套作系统为研究主体,探究不同氮水平(施氮与不施氮)与种间距离(玉豆间距30、45、60和75 cm、单作100 cm)下作物生长率、干物质积累与分配及产量差异,并对作物干物质积累过程进行拟合,综合分析作物生长规律和产量效益。结果表明:玉米生长率在抽雄期至乳熟期达最大,不施氮下以间距30 cm(MS30)最高,较玉米单作(MM100)高出34.99%。套作大豆生长率在初花期前显著低于单作(SS100),而初花期后高于SS100,以间距60cm(MS60)最高,盛花期—盛荚期在不施氮下较SS100高出78.91%。Logistic方程可较好的拟合玉米、大豆的干物质积累过程,且R2均在0.95以上。与不施氮相比,施氮推迟了玉米干物质积累高峰,提高了干物质积累量;套作大豆生育前期干物质积累慢于单作,而生育后期间距45cm(MS45)、MS60干物质积累逐渐与单作持平甚至超过单作。施氮提高了玉米籽粒干物质分配率而显著提高产量,2年间玉米产量分别提高10.05%、40.90%。随种间距离增加套作大豆产量呈先增后减趋势,以MS60最高,MS30最低,MS60两年间在不施氮与施氮下较MS30分别平均高出23.88%、31.77%。套作下土地当量比均在1.35以上,其中以施氮下MS60最大(1.89)。适宜的种间距离(间距60 cm)可实现套作下玉米和大豆协同生长,提高作物生长率、促进干物质积累与分配、提高系统产量和土地当量比。 展开更多
关键词 大豆/玉米带状套作 种间距离 作物生长特性 干物质积累与分配 产量
作者 高超 陈平 +7 位作者 杜青 罗凯 付智丹 林萍 李易玲 刘姗姗 雍太文 杨文钰 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1364-1371,共8页
阐明播期和密度协同下对不同株型大豆茎秆特性及产量的影响,筛选出大豆品种适宜的播期和密度,可为四川油菜收获后大豆-玉米带状间作种植提供参考。选择2个不同熟期的品种南夏豆25号(ND25,中晚熟,分枝型)、齐黄34(QH34,早熟,主茎型),分... 阐明播期和密度协同下对不同株型大豆茎秆特性及产量的影响,筛选出大豆品种适宜的播期和密度,可为四川油菜收获后大豆-玉米带状间作种植提供参考。选择2个不同熟期的品种南夏豆25号(ND25,中晚熟,分枝型)、齐黄34(QH34,早熟,主茎型),分析播期(包括S1:5月中旬、S2:5月下旬、S3:6月上旬三个时期,2021和2022两个年份重复)及密度(4个密度,D1:81000株·hm^(-2),D2:101000株·hm^(-2),D3:140000株·hm^(-2),D4:171000株·hm^(-2))对带状间作大豆茎秆特性及产量的影响。同一播期随密度增加,植株产生避荫反应,各品种株高增加、茎粗减小,平均节长增加,植株更加纤细,导致茎秆抗折力降低,倒伏率上升,同时增密使植株种内竞争和自荫性加剧,植株单株生物量降低。同一密度随播期推迟,各品种的茎粗、茎秆抗折力、单株生物量减小,平均节长增加,ND25株高、倒伏率降低,QH34株高、倒伏率增加。ND25、QH34各处理平均分枝数分别为4.07、0.53,分枝产量贡献率各处理平均分别为55.30%、5.82%。播期推迟,ND25品种产量S1S2>S3,密度增加,ND25品种产量D1>D2>D3>D4,QH34品种D3>D2>D1>D4,ND25晚播适度稀植,QH34早播适度密植,主茎和分枝协同可提高大豆群体产量。中晚熟分枝型品种(ND25)适度晚播稀植,株型适宜,倒伏率低,在6月上旬(S3),8.1万株·hm^(-2)(D1)产量最高;早熟主茎型品种(QH34)适度早播密植,株型适宜,倒伏率低,在5月中旬(S1),14万株·hm^(-2)(D3)产量最高。 展开更多
关键词 大豆-玉米带状间作 播期 密度 茎秆特性 产量
小喂入量大豆收割机纵轴流脱粒装置参数优化 被引量:4
作者 杨欢 杜勇利 +4 位作者 陈平 杜青 雍太文 张黎骅 杨文钰 《甘肃农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期184-189,196,共7页
【目的】为解决我国西南丘陵地区大型收割机具通过性差,横轴流式收割机脱粒损失率大的问题.【方法】利用小喂入量纵轴流脱粒装置试验台,以籽粒破碎率、损失率和含杂率为试验指标,进行了滚筒转速、导向板升角和筛孔尺寸的单因素试验,初... 【目的】为解决我国西南丘陵地区大型收割机具通过性差,横轴流式收割机脱粒损失率大的问题.【方法】利用小喂入量纵轴流脱粒装置试验台,以籽粒破碎率、损失率和含杂率为试验指标,进行了滚筒转速、导向板升角和筛孔尺寸的单因素试验,初步确定了正交试验水平.在此基础上,进行了滚筒转速、导向板升角和筛孔尺寸三因素正交试验和滚筒转速、导向板升角两因素回归试验.【结果】当滚筒转速为460r/min,导向板升角为11°,筛孔尺寸为22mm×25mm时,该脱粒装置脱粒分离性能较优,破碎率为1.81%、含杂率为25.02%、损失率为0.52%.【结论】研究结果为小喂入量大豆收割机纵轴流脱粒装置的设计与优化提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 大豆 脱粒装置 正交试验 参数优化
四川带状套作大豆种腐病菌的分离与鉴定 被引量:3
作者 常小丽 王对平 +4 位作者 Muhammad Naeem 李红菊 武晓玲 雍太文 杨文钰 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期314-321,共8页
明确套作大豆种腐病菌的种类及其致病性,对于防治大豆种腐病,提高大豆产量和品质具有重要意义。于2016~2018年从四川仁寿、崇州、南充等地收集大豆种腐病的病籽粒,通过组织分离与纯化,基于形态特征、rDNA ITS和EF-1α序列分析以及致病... 明确套作大豆种腐病菌的种类及其致病性,对于防治大豆种腐病,提高大豆产量和品质具有重要意义。于2016~2018年从四川仁寿、崇州、南充等地收集大豆种腐病的病籽粒,通过组织分离与纯化,基于形态特征、rDNA ITS和EF-1α序列分析以及致病性测定,鉴定四川套作大豆种腐病的病原菌种类。结果表明:分离获得的70株菌株被鉴定为藤仓镰孢菌Fusarium fujikuroi、木贼镰孢菌F. equiseti、亚洲镰孢菌F. asiaticum、大豆茎溃疡病菌Diaporthe phaseolorum和大豆北方茎溃疡病菌D. phaseolorum var. caulivora,分离频率分别为62.86%、21.43%、10%、4.29%和1.43%。致病性检测表明,各代表菌株均能够侵染套作大豆南豆12,引起种子腐烂,发芽率降低,芽长变短,且以F.asiaticum和D. phaseolorum接种后菌丝覆盖面积、发病率和病情指数最高。本研究初步明确了镰孢菌属Fusarium spp.和间座壳属Diaporthe spp.是四川套作大豆种腐病的致病菌,为大豆抗种腐病品种选育及病害防治提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 玉米-大豆带状套作 大豆种腐病 镰孢菌 致病性
玉米大豆套作窄行距对作物竞争效应及物质分配的影响 被引量:21
作者 王贝贝 廖敦平 +7 位作者 范元芳 王仲林 张佳伟 雍太文 王小春 刘卫国 杨文钰 杨峰 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期734-742,共9页
为明确行距配置对作物竞争效应和物质分配的影响,本研究以玉米-大豆带状套作系统为对象,设置不同窄行距配置以及隔根处理,结果表明:各处理间,玉米植株的竞争强度随窄行距增加而逐渐减小至趋于平稳,大豆竞争强度增幅为33.14%~36.31%;玉... 为明确行距配置对作物竞争效应和物质分配的影响,本研究以玉米-大豆带状套作系统为对象,设置不同窄行距配置以及隔根处理,结果表明:各处理间,玉米植株的竞争强度随窄行距增加而逐渐减小至趋于平稳,大豆竞争强度增幅为33.14%~36.31%;玉米的全竞争强度(EFC)、地上竞争强度(ESC)与窄行距呈反比,大豆全竞争强度(EFC)和地上竞争强度(ESC)一致表现为:40cm<80cm<100cm;玉米营养器官干物质的转移率和对籽粒的贡献率表现为窄行距从20 cm增加至100 cm,转移率增幅为11.0%~20.5%,贡献率为13.5%~27.0%;大豆营养器官干物质转移率降低17.5%~28.5%,贡献率降低52.0%~71.0%。各窄行距于40cm处系统竞争达到平衡,可协调带状套作下玉米和大豆竞争互补以及物质分配。 展开更多
关键词 套作 竞争力 竞争强度 竞争比率 相对贡献率 干物质分配
播期、密度对带状间作大豆茎叶生长及产量形成的影响 被引量:9
作者 高超 陈平 +7 位作者 杜青 付智丹 罗凯 林萍 李易玲 刘姗姗 雍太文 杨文钰 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期3090-3099,共10页
基于西南地区油菜收获后大豆-玉米带状间作种植存在的弱光环境、品种和密度筛选等问题,选择2个不同熟期的品种南夏豆25号(ND25,中晚熟,多分枝)、齐黄34(QH34,早熟,少分枝),分析播期(2021年,S1:5月17日,S2:5月27日,S3:6月6日;2022年,S1:5... 基于西南地区油菜收获后大豆-玉米带状间作种植存在的弱光环境、品种和密度筛选等问题,选择2个不同熟期的品种南夏豆25号(ND25,中晚熟,多分枝)、齐黄34(QH34,早熟,少分枝),分析播期(2021年,S1:5月17日,S2:5月27日,S3:6月6日;2022年,S1:5月10日,S2:5月25日,S3:6月9日)及密度(D1:81,000株hm^(–2),D2:101,000株hm^(–2),D3:140,000株hm^(–2),D4:171,000株hm^(–2))对带状间作大豆茎叶生长及产量形成的影响。结果表明:同一密度,随着播期的推迟,2个品种始粒期的叶面积指数逐渐减小,冠层内部透光率逐渐增加,ND25对荚的分配比率逐渐增加,倒伏率逐渐降低,QH34对荚的分配比率逐渐减少,倒伏率逐渐增加;同一播期,随着密度的增加,2个品种始粒期的叶面积指数逐渐增加,透光率逐渐减小,对荚的干物质分配比率逐渐减少,倒伏率逐渐上升。光环境及干物质分配差异对不同品种的产量影响不同,ND25同一密度不同播期间,S3>S2>S1,同一播期不同密度间,D1>D2>D3>D4,ND25品种S3播期D1密度产量最优,为1752.89 kg hm^(–2);QH34同一密度不同播期间,S1>S2>S3,同一播期不同密度间,D3>D2>D1>D4,QH34品种S1播期D3密度产量最优,为1538.64 kg hm^(–2)。因此,中晚熟品种应适当晚播,早熟品种应适当早播,多分枝品种适度稀植,少分枝品种适度密植,各品种通过播期、密度协同可提高大豆产量。 展开更多
关键词 大豆-玉米带状间作 播期 密度 光合特性 干物质分配 产量
减量施氮对带状套作大豆土壤通气环境及结瘤固氮的影响 被引量:6
作者 彭西红 陈平 +8 位作者 杜青 杨雪丽 任俊波 郑本川 罗凯 谢琛 雷鹿 雍太文 杨文钰 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期1199-1209,共11页
为研究种植模式和施氮量对大豆土壤通气环境及结瘤固氮的影响,本研究采用二因素裂区试验设计,主区为种植模式:大豆单作(SS)、玉米/大豆带状套作(MS),副区为不同施氮量:不施氮(NN:0 kg hm^(–2))、减量施氮(RN:45 kg hm^(–2))和常量施氮... 为研究种植模式和施氮量对大豆土壤通气环境及结瘤固氮的影响,本研究采用二因素裂区试验设计,主区为种植模式:大豆单作(SS)、玉米/大豆带状套作(MS),副区为不同施氮量:不施氮(NN:0 kg hm^(–2))、减量施氮(RN:45 kg hm^(–2))和常量施氮(CN:60 kg hm^(–2)),监测了大豆生育期内土壤的O_(2)含量和土壤呼吸速率的动态变化规律,分析了各处理的土壤水稳性团聚体、容重和孔隙度差异,探讨了大豆生育期内结瘤量、固氮能力的变化特征。2年数据结果表明,与单作大豆相比,带状套作大豆可提高土壤O_(2)含量、>2 mm粒径团聚体的百分含量、显著增加土壤孔隙度、显著增强后期土壤呼吸的速率,显著降低<1 mm粒径团聚体百分含量与土壤孔隙度;R5期根瘤干重差异不显著,但结瘤数量显著增加39.9%,固氮酶活性与固氮潜力也在此时显著高于单作大豆。各施氮量间,土壤O_(2)含量、0.25~1.00 mm粒径的百分含量、带状套作大豆的土壤呼吸速率以RN处理最高,施氮能降低<0.25 mm粒径的水稳性团聚体的百分含量、土壤容重,施氮显著抑制单作大豆前期的结瘤量、固氮酶活性和固氮潜力,至R5期氮肥的抑制作用有所缓解,减量施氮可提升带状套作大豆后期的结瘤量,显著增强大豆生育期内的固氮酶活性和固氮潜力。带状套作大豆配施减量施氮会促进大团聚体的形成,增加土壤的孔隙度,改善大豆土壤的通气环境状况,保持了较高的土壤O_(2)含量,促进土壤呼吸,有利于大豆后期结瘤固氮。 展开更多
关键词 带状套作大豆 减量施氮 土壤氧气 土壤呼吸速率 孔隙度 根瘤
不同田间配置对套作大豆主要虫害的种群分布影响 被引量:15
作者 汤忠琴 尚静 +10 位作者 张磊 陈元凯 常小丽 杜俊波 雍太文 武晓玲 余靚 曾淑华 孔凡磊 张敏 杨文钰 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期297-302,308,共7页
【目的】为明确不同田间配置对套作大豆主要害虫的影响。【方法】对大豆主要害虫进行调查,同时对天敌昆虫的分布及大豆的长势进行了分析。【结果】大豆净作的害虫虫头数最多。套作模式下高隆象成虫、二条叶甲、蝗虫、绿蝽、缘蝽和钉螺... 【目的】为明确不同田间配置对套作大豆主要害虫的影响。【方法】对大豆主要害虫进行调查,同时对天敌昆虫的分布及大豆的长势进行了分析。【结果】大豆净作的害虫虫头数最多。套作模式下高隆象成虫、二条叶甲、蝗虫、绿蝽、缘蝽和钉螺的虫头数在行比配置2∶4时最少。斜纹夜蛾幼虫和蚜虫在行比配置2∶3时数量最少。上述两种行比配置的大豆长势相关指标(株高、冠层面积、叶片面积和叶片厚度)最接近净作,大豆能够保持较好的生长状态,且产量接近净作。【结论】8种主要有害生物的数量在玉米和大豆行比配置为2∶3或者2∶4时最少,因此以上两种行比配置下大豆害虫防控效果最好,可作为优选行比配置进行推广,为完善玉米-大豆复合种植技术提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 套作大豆 田间配置 百株虫头数 有虫株率
外源喷施植物生长调节剂对套作大豆碳氮代谢和花荚脱落的影响 被引量:18
作者 罗凯 谢琛 +4 位作者 汪锦 王甜 何舜 雍太文 杨文钰 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期752-760,共9页
玉米-大豆带状套作模式下,玉米荫蔽会抑制大豆苗期生长、减少花荚数、降低产量,探究外源植物生长调节剂对大豆开花结荚和产量的调控效应对套作大豆生产具有重要意义。采用单因素随机区组设计研究套作大豆初花期叶面喷施6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-B... 玉米-大豆带状套作模式下,玉米荫蔽会抑制大豆苗期生长、减少花荚数、降低产量,探究外源植物生长调节剂对大豆开花结荚和产量的调控效应对套作大豆生产具有重要意义。采用单因素随机区组设计研究套作大豆初花期叶面喷施6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-Benzylaminopurine,6-BA)、2-N,N-二乙氨基乙基己酸酯(diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate,DTA-6)、烯效唑(S3307)对花荚脱落、叶片碳氮代谢及产量形成的影响。结果表明,外源调节剂会增强盛荚期和鼓粒期叶片蔗糖合成酶(sucrose synthetase,SS)、蔗糖磷酸合成酶(sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS)及转化酶(invertase,Inv)的酶活性;提高始粒期茎、叶、荚果的可溶性糖含量,促进后期茎、叶中可溶性糖向荚果的转移。外源调节剂会增加始荚期叶片碳、氮含量,降低叶片C/N比值;增加始粒期叶片碳含量,减少氮含量,提高叶片C/N比值。外源调节剂会增加大豆开花结荚数,降低落荚数、落荚率及花荚脱落率,以DTA-6效果较好,其处理下2年大豆单株有效荚数和产量显著高于CK,较CK分别增加25.4%、41.3%和32.9%、37.6%。套作大豆初花期叶面喷施6-BA、DTA-6、S3307提高叶片SPS、SS和Inv酶活性,协调大豆各器官碳氮代谢动态平衡,促进大豆开花结荚、减少大豆落荚,显著提高大豆的单株有效荚数与产量,其中DTA-6的增产效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 玉米–大豆带状套作 花荚脱落 植物生长调节剂 碳氮代谢 产量
种间距对不同结瘤特性套作大豆根瘤生长及固氮潜力的影响 被引量:2
作者 刘姗姗 庞婷 +7 位作者 袁晓婷 罗凯 陈平 付智丹 王小春 杨峰 雍太文 杨文钰 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期833-844,共12页
为充分挖掘套作大豆的固氮潜力,本试验以玉米/大豆带状套作系统为对象,研究了不同玉豆间距(30 cm、45 cm、60 cm和75 cm)下不同结瘤特性大豆品种(贡选1号、桂夏3号和南豆25号)的根瘤生长及固氮潜力差异。结果表明,与单作相比,带状套作... 为充分挖掘套作大豆的固氮潜力,本试验以玉米/大豆带状套作系统为对象,研究了不同玉豆间距(30 cm、45 cm、60 cm和75 cm)下不同结瘤特性大豆品种(贡选1号、桂夏3号和南豆25号)的根瘤生长及固氮潜力差异。结果表明,与单作相比,带状套作可延缓大豆根瘤数目和鲜重峰值出现的时间:玉豆间距60 cm处理下,各品种大豆根瘤数目和鲜重显著高于其他间距处理,并在达到峰值期后高于单作大豆;品种间表现为:南豆25号>桂夏3号>贡选1号。带状套作相对于单作会降低始粒期(R5)前大豆根瘤的单株固氮潜力,但玉豆间距60 cm处理下,R5期贡选1号、桂夏3号和南豆25号的单株固氮潜力2年平均较单作提高8.53%、16.40%和13.70%。不同大豆品种根瘤侵染细胞内含物积累过程差异较大,相较单作,玉豆间距60cm处理下,R5期类菌体数量增多,其中聚-β-羟基丁酸盐颗粒(PHB)增加,以南豆25号表现最优。因此,带状套作下适宜的种间距(玉豆间距60cm)可增加R5期大豆根瘤数目和鲜重,提高大豆根瘤类菌体和PHB的数量,增强大豆根瘤的固氮潜力,以强结瘤品种南豆25号效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 玉米/大豆带状套作 种间距 结瘤特性 根瘤生长 超微结构 固氮潜力
Maize-soybean strip intercropping: Achieved a balance between high productivity and sustainability 被引量:50
作者 DU Jun-bo HAN Tian-fu +8 位作者 GAI Jun-yi yong tai-wen SUN Xin WANG Xiao-chun YANG Feng LIU Jiang SHU Kai LIU Wei-guo YANG Wen-yu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期747-754,共8页
Intercropping is one of the most vital practice to improve land utilization rate in China that has limited arable land resource. However, the traditional intercropping systems have many disadvantages including illogic... Intercropping is one of the most vital practice to improve land utilization rate in China that has limited arable land resource. However, the traditional intercropping systems have many disadvantages including illogical field lay-out of crops, low economic value, and labor deficiency, which cannot balance the crop production and agricultural sustainability. In view of this, we developed a novel soybean strip intercropping model using maize as the partner, the regular maize-soybean strip intercropping mainly popularized in northern China and maize-soybean relay-strip intercropping principally extended in southwestern China. Compared to the traditional maize-soybean intercropping systems, the main innovation of field lay-out style in our present intercropping systems is that the distance of two adjacent maize rows are shrunk as a narrow strip, and a strip called wide strip between two adjacent narrow strips is expanded reserving for the growth of two or three rows of soybean plants. The distance between outer rows of maize and soybean strips are expanded enough for light use efficiency improvement and tractors working in the soybean strips. Importantly, optimal cultivar screening and increase of plant density achieved a high yield of both the two crops in the intercropping systems and increased land equivalent ratio as high as 2.2. Annually alternative rotation of the adjacent maize-and soybean-strips increased the grain yield of next seasonal maize, improved the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potasium of maize, while prevented the continuous cropping obstacles. Extra soybean production was obtained without affecting maize yield in our strip intercropping systems, which balanced the high crop production and agricultural sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE SOYBEAN strip intercropping high production agricultural sustainability
Effects of maize-soybean relay intercropping on crop nutrient uptake and soil bacterial community 被引量:20
作者 FU Zhi-dan ZHOU Li +7 位作者 CHEN Ping DU Qing PANG Ting SONG Chun WANG Xiao-chun LIU Wei-guo YANG Wen-yu yong tai-wen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第9期2006-2018,共13页
Maize-soybean relay intercropping is an effective approach to improve the crop yield and nutrient use efficiency,which is widely practiced by farmers in southwest of China.To elucidate the characteristics of different... Maize-soybean relay intercropping is an effective approach to improve the crop yield and nutrient use efficiency,which is widely practiced by farmers in southwest of China.To elucidate the characteristics of different planting patterns on crop nutrient uptake,soil chemical properties,and soil bacteria community in maize-soybean relay intercropping systems,we conducted a field experiment in 2015–2016 with single factor treatments,including monoculture maize(MM),monoculture soybean(MS),maize-soybean relay intercropping(IMS),and fallow(CK).The results showed that the N uptake of maize grain increased in IMS compared with MM.Compared with MS,the yield and uptake of N,P,and K of soybean grain were increased by 25.5,24.4,9.6,and 22.4%in IMS,respectively,while the N and K uptakes in soybean straw were decreased in IMS.The soil total nitrogen,available phosphorus,and soil organic matter contents were significantly higher in IMS than those of the corresponding monocultures and CK.Moreover,the soil protease,soil urease,and soil nitrate reductase activities in IMS were higher than those of the corresponding monocultures and CK.The phyla Proteobacteria,Acidobacteria,Chloroflexi,and Actinobacteria dominated in all treatments.Shannon’s index in IMS was higher than that of the corresponding monocultures and CK.The phylum Proteobacteria proportion was positively correlated with maize soil organic matter and soybean soil total nitrogen content,respectively.These results indicated that the belowground interactions increased the crop nutrient(N and P)uptake and soil bacterial community diversity,both of which contributed to improved soil nutrient management for legume-cereal relay intercropping systems. 展开更多
关键词 maize-soybean RELAY INTERCROPPING nutrient uptake SOIL properties SOIL bacterial community microbial diversity
减量施氮对玉米-大豆套作系统土壤氮素氨化、硝化及固氮作用的影响 被引量:31
作者 雍太文 陈平 +6 位作者 刘小明 周丽 宋春 王小春 杨峰 刘卫国 杨文钰 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期1485-1495,共11页
土壤氮素氨化、硝化及固氮作用是影响作物氮素吸收及氮肥损失的主要因素,为揭示氮肥减量下玉米-大豆套作系统的土壤氮素转化特性及排放规律,利用大田定位试验研究了3种模式(玉米单作MM、大豆单作MS、玉米-大豆套作IMS)和3种施氮水平(不... 土壤氮素氨化、硝化及固氮作用是影响作物氮素吸收及氮肥损失的主要因素,为揭示氮肥减量下玉米-大豆套作系统的土壤氮素转化特性及排放规律,利用大田定位试验研究了3种模式(玉米单作MM、大豆单作MS、玉米-大豆套作IMS)和3种施氮水平(不施氮NN:0;减量施氮RN:180 kg hm^(–2);常量施氮CN:240 kg hm^(–2))对土壤硝化作用、氨化作用、固氮作用及氨挥发、N_2O排放、NO_3~–-N累积的影响。结果表明,IMS较相应单作提高了土壤硝化和氨化作用, IMS的氨挥发损失率和N_2O损失率较MM降低21.6%和29.7%;IMS下玉米土壤的NO_3~–-N积累量显著高于MM,而大豆土壤的NO_3~–-N积累量显著低于MS。各施氮处理间, RN较CN降低了玉米土壤的氨化与硝化作用,增加了大豆土壤的硝化和固氮作用。IMS下RN的玉米、大豆全生育期固氮作用较CN增加29.7%和32.0%,年均氨挥发总量和N_2O排放量较CN降低37.2%和41.0%。玉米-大豆套作系统在减量施氮下通过提高土壤氮素氨化、硝化与固氮作用,减少氮素排放损失,增强耕层土壤NO_3~–-N积累,为作物氮素吸收提供了充足氮源。 展开更多
关键词 玉米-大豆套作 减氮 土壤氮素循环 氮排放 氮残留
Optimized nitrogen application methods to improve nitrogen use efficiency and nodule nitrogen fixation in a maize-soybean relay intercropping system 被引量:18
作者 yong tai-wen CHEN Ping +5 位作者 DONG Qian DU Qing YANG Feng WANG Xiao-chun LIU Wei-guo YANG Wen-yu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期664-676,共13页
In China, the abuse of chemical nitrogen (N) fertilizer results in decreasing N use efficiency (NUE), wasting resources and causing serious environmental problems. Cereal-legume intercropping is widely used to enh... In China, the abuse of chemical nitrogen (N) fertilizer results in decreasing N use efficiency (NUE), wasting resources and causing serious environmental problems. Cereal-legume intercropping is widely used to enhance crop yield and improve resource use efficiency, especially in Southwest China. To optimize N utilization and increase grain yield, we conducted a two-year field experiment with single-factor randomized block designs of a maize-soybean intercropping system (IMS). Three N rates, NN (no nitrogen application), LN (lower N application: 270 kg N ha-1), and CN (conventional N application: 330 kg N ha-1), and three topdressing distances of LN (LND), e.g., 15 cm (LND1), 30 cm (LND2) and 45 cm (LND3) from maize rows were evaluated. At the beginning seed stage (R5), the leghemoglobin content and nitrogenase activity of LND3 were 1.86 mg plant-1 and 0.14 mL h-1 plant-1, and those of LND1 and LND2 were increased by 31.4 and 24.5%, 6.4 and 32.9% compared with LND3, respectively. The ureide content and N accumulation of soybean organs in LND1 and LND2 were higher than those of LND3. The N uptake, NUE and N agronomy efficiency (NAE) of IMS under CN were 308.3 kg ha-1, 28.5%, and 5.7 kg grain kg-1 N, respectively; however, those of LN were significantly increased by 12.4, 72.5, and 51.6% compared with CN, respectively. The total yield in LND1 and LND2 was increased by 12.3 and 8.3% compared with CN, respectively. Those results suggested that LN with distances of 15-30 cm from the topdressing strip to the maize row was optimal in maize-soybean intercropping. Lower N input with an optimized fertilization location for IMS increased N fixation and N use efficiency without decreasing grain yield. 展开更多
关键词 relay intercropping lower nitrogen nitrogen use efficiency nitrogen fixation nitrogen uptake
Maize-legume intercropping promote N uptake through changing the root spatial distribution,legume nodulation capacity,and soil N availability 被引量:7
作者 ZHENG Ben-chuan ZHOU Ying +9 位作者 CHEN Ping ZHANG Xiao-na DU Qing YANG Huan WANG Xiao-chun YANG Feng XIAO Te LI Long YANG Wen-yu yong tai-wen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第6期1755-1771,共17页
Legume cultivars affect N uptake,component crop growth,and soil physical and chemical characteristics in maize-legume intercropping systems.However,how belowground interactions mediate root growth,N fixation,and nodul... Legume cultivars affect N uptake,component crop growth,and soil physical and chemical characteristics in maize-legume intercropping systems.However,how belowground interactions mediate root growth,N fixation,and nodulation of different legumes to affect N uptake is still unclear.Hence,a two-year experiment was conducted with five planting patterns,i.e.,maize-soybean strip intercropping(IMS),maize-peanut strip intercropping(IMP),and corresponding monocultures(monoculture maize(MM),monoculture soybean(MS),and monoculture peanut(MP)),and two N application rates,i.e.,no N fertilizer(N-)and conventional N fertilizer(N+),to examine relationships between N uptake and root distribution of crops,legume nodulation and soil N availability.Results showed that the averaged N uptake per unit area of intercrops was significantly lower than the corresponding monocultures.Compared with the monoculture system,the N uptake of the intercropping systems increased by 31.7-45.4%in IMS and by 7.4-12.2%in IMP,respectively.The N uptake per plant of intercropped maize and soybean significantly increased by 61.6 and 31.8%,and that of intercropped peanuts significantly decreased by 46.6%compared with the corresponding monocultures.Maize and soybean showed asymmetrical distribution of roots in strip intercropping systems.The root length density(RLD)and root surface area density(RSAD)of intercropped maize and soybean were significantly greater than that of the corresponding monocultures.The roots of intercropped peanuts were confined,which resulted in decreased RLD and RSAD compared with the monoculture.The nodule number and nodule fresh weight of soybean were significantly greater in IMS than in MS,and those of peanut were significantly lower in IMP than in MP.The soil protease,urease,and nitrate reductase activities of maize and soybean were significantly greater in IMS and IMP than in the corresponding monoculture,while the enzyme activities of peanut were significantly lower in IMP than in MP.The soil available N of maize and soybean was significantly greater increased in IMS and IMP than in the corresponding monocultures,while that of IMP was significantly lower than in MP.In summary,the IMS system was more beneficial to N uptake than the IMP system.The intercropping of maize and legumes can promote the N uptake of maize,thus reducing the need for N application and improving agricultural sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 maize-legume strip intercropping nitrogen uptake soil enzyme activity soil available nitrogen root length density
Shade adaptive response and yield analysis of different soybean genotypes in relay intercropping systems 被引量:5
作者 WU Yu-shan YANG Feng +9 位作者 GONG Wan-zhuo Shoaib Ahmed FAN Yuan-fang WU Xiao-ling yong tai-wen LIU Wei-guo SHU Kai LIU Jiang DU Jun-bo YANG Wen-yu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1331-1340,共10页
Soybean is one of the major oil seed crops,which is usually intercropped with other crops to increase soybean production area and yield.However,soybean is highly sensitive to shading.It is unclear if soybean morpholog... Soybean is one of the major oil seed crops,which is usually intercropped with other crops to increase soybean production area and yield.However,soybean is highly sensitive to shading.It is unclear if soybean morphology responds to shading(i.e.,shade tolerance or avoidance)and which features may be suitable as screening materials in relay strip intercropping.Therefore,in this study,various agronomic characteristics of different soybean genotypes were analyzed under relay intercropping conditions.The soybean materials used in this study exhibited genetic diversity,and the coefficient of variations of the agronomic parameters ranged from 13.84 to 72.08%during the shade period and from 6.44 to 52.49%during the maturity period.The ratios of shading to full irradiance in stem mass fraction(SMF)were almost greater than 1,whereas opposite results were found in the leaves.Compared with full irradiance,the average stem length(SL),leaf area ratio(LAR)and specific leaf area(SLA)for the two years(2013 and 2014)increased by 0.78,0.47 and 0.65 under shady conditions,respectively.However,the stem diameter(SD),total biomass(TB),leaf area(LA),number of nodes(NN)on the main stem,and number of branches(BN)all decreased.During the shady period,the SL and SMF exhibited a significant negative correlation with yield,and the SD exhibited a significant positive correlation with yield.The correlation between the soybean yield and agronomic parameters during the mature period,except for SL,the first pod height(FPH),100-seed weight(100-SW),and reproductive growth period(RGP),were significant(P〈0.01),especially for seed weight per branch(SWB),pods per plant(PP),BN,and vegetative growth period(VGP).These results provide an insight into screening the shade tolerance of soybean varieties and can be useful in targeted breeding programs of relay intercropped soybeans. 展开更多
关键词 INTERCROPPING LIGHT morphological parameters shade avoidance SOYBEAN
Field mold stress induced catabolism of storage reserves in soybean seed and the resulting deterioration of seed quality in the field 被引量:1
作者 DENG Jun-cai LI Xiao-man +15 位作者 XIAO Xin-li WU Hai-jun YANG Cai-qiong LONG Xi-yang ZHANG Qi-hui Nasir IQBAL WANG Xiao-chun yong tai-wen DU Jun-bo YANG Feng LIU Wei-guo ZHANG Jing WU Xiao-ling WU Yu-shan YANG Wen-yu LIU Jiang 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第2期336-350,共15页
Excessive rainfall provides a favorable condition for field mold infection of plants, which triggers field mold(FM) stress. If FM stress occurs during the late maturation stage of soybean seed, it negatively affects s... Excessive rainfall provides a favorable condition for field mold infection of plants, which triggers field mold(FM) stress. If FM stress occurs during the late maturation stage of soybean seed, it negatively affects seed yield and quality. To investigate the responses of soybean seed against FM stress and identify the underlying biochemical pathways involved, a greenhouse was equipped with an artificial rain producing system to allow the induction of mold growth on soybean seed. The induced quality changes and stress responses were revealed on the levels of both transcriptome and metabolome. The results showed that soybean seeds produced under FM stress conditions had an abnormal and inferior appearance, and also contained less storage reserves, such as protein and polysaccharide. Transcriptional analysis demonstrated that genes involved in amino acid metabolism, glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid, β-oxidation of fatty acids, and isoflavone biosynthesis were induced by FM stress. These results were supported by a multiple metabolic analysis which exhibited increases in the concentrations of a variety of amino acids, sugars, organic acids, and isoflavones, as well as reductions of several fatty acids. Reprogramming of these metabolic pathways mobilized and consumed stored protein, sugar and fatty acid reserves in the soybean seed in order to meet the energy and substrate demand on the defense system, but led to deterioration of seed quality. In general, FM stress induced catabolism of storage reserves and diminished the quality of soybean seed in the field. This study provides a more profound insight into seed deterioration caused by FM stress. 展开更多
关键词 seed deterioration seed quality primary metabolism storage reserves resistance
不同LED单波长杀虫灯对玉米-大豆带状套作模式内主要害虫的诱杀效果 被引量:6
作者 严雳 何海洋 +5 位作者 陈华保 龚国淑 雍太文 岳艳丽 杨文钰 常小丽 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期904-911,共8页
【目的】针对害虫对不同波长光的趋性,筛选适合诱杀玉米-大豆带状田主要害虫的LED单波长杀虫灯,并探寻其应用模式,提高防虫效果,减少对天敌昆虫的影响。【方法】以复合波长LED杀虫灯为对照,调查13个单波长LED杀虫灯在玉米-大豆带状套作... 【目的】针对害虫对不同波长光的趋性,筛选适合诱杀玉米-大豆带状田主要害虫的LED单波长杀虫灯,并探寻其应用模式,提高防虫效果,减少对天敌昆虫的影响。【方法】以复合波长LED杀虫灯为对照,调查13个单波长LED杀虫灯在玉米-大豆带状套作全生育期内诱杀的害虫种类和数量,并监测害虫发生动态。【结果】筛选获得385、389、395、403、407 nm 5个单波长LED杀虫灯,对套作田内桃蛀螟DichocrocispunctiferalisGuenée、斜纹夜蛾SpodopteralituraFabricius、暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky、小黄鳃金龟Metabolus flavescens Brenske和蝽科Pentatomidae害虫的诱杀效果较好,且与复合波长LED杀虫灯相比对天敌昆虫和中性昆虫的影响小。【结论】套作栽培下主要害虫的防治需结合害虫发生动态,适时使用5种杀虫灯,从而达到最大防控效果,这为合理利用LED单波长杀虫灯监测和防控玉米-大豆带状套作栽培主要害虫提供了重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 玉米-大豆带状套作 LED单波长杀虫灯 害虫 诱杀效果
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