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作者 崔梦楠 郭彦 +2 位作者 武雅蓉 裴广倩 崔玉军 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期140-148,共9页
作为生命科学和医学领域中的关键性支撑技术,高通量测序已得到快速发展并日趋成熟。该技术工作流程可分为核酸提取、文库构建、上机测序、数据分析等,其中文库构建是承上启下的关键步骤,文库构建的效果受制于上游样品质量,同时会对测序... 作为生命科学和医学领域中的关键性支撑技术,高通量测序已得到快速发展并日趋成熟。该技术工作流程可分为核酸提取、文库构建、上机测序、数据分析等,其中文库构建是承上启下的关键步骤,文库构建的效果受制于上游样品质量,同时会对测序数据产出后的数据分析造成影响。对文库构建质量控制技术的选择和实施是提高结果可靠性、降低测序数据误差的重要保证。本文对文库构建质量控制技术进行深入综述,总结评价其原理、优缺点、适用范围,并对实际应用场景中相关技术的选择进行了论述,以期为科研人员、疾病预防控制人员等在选择文库质量控制技术时提供理论依据与参考,从而促进高通量测序工作的质量和效率。 展开更多
关键词 高通量测序文库 文库浓度 文库大小分布 质量控制 技术评价
HI in High Gas-phase Metallicity Dwarf Galaxy WISEA J230615.06+143927.9
作者 yan guo C.Sengupta +2 位作者 T.C.Scott P.Lagos Y.Luo 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第1期292-299,共8页
We present resolved Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope H I observations of the high gas-phase metallicity dwarf galaxy WISEA J230615.06+143927.9(z = 0.005)(hereafter J2306) and investigate whether it could be a Tidal Dwa... We present resolved Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope H I observations of the high gas-phase metallicity dwarf galaxy WISEA J230615.06+143927.9(z = 0.005)(hereafter J2306) and investigate whether it could be a Tidal Dwarf Galaxy(TDG) candidate. TDGs are observed to have higher metallicities than normal dwarfs. J2306 has an unusual combination of a blue g-r color of 0.23 mag, irregular optical morphology and high-metallicity(12 +log(O/H) = 8.68 ± 0.14), making it an interesting galaxy to study in more detail. We find J2306 to be an H I rich galaxy with a large extended, unperturbed rotating H I disk. Using our H I data we estimated its dynamical mass and found the galaxy to be dark matter(DM) dominated within its H I radius. The quantity of DM, inferred from its dynamical mass, appears to rule out J2306 as an evolved TDG. A wide area environment search reveals J2306 to be isolated from any larger galaxies which could have been the source of its high gas metallicity. Additionally, the H I morphology and kinematics of the galaxy show no indication of a recent merger to explain the high-metallicity.Further detailed optical spectroscopic observations of J2306 might provide an answer to how a seemingly ordinary irregular dwarf galaxy achieved such a high level of metal enrichment. 展开更多
关键词 galaxies:abundances galaxies:dwarf galaxies:irregular radio lines:galaxies radio lines:ISM
Chinese named entity recognition with multi-network fusion of multi-scale lexical information
作者 yan guo Hong-Chen Liu +3 位作者 Fu-Jiang Liu Wei-Hua Lin Quan-Sen Shao Jun-Shun Su 《Journal of Electronic Science and Technology》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期53-80,共28页
Named entity recognition(NER)is an important part in knowledge extraction and one of the main tasks in constructing knowledge graphs.In today’s Chinese named entity recognition(CNER)task,the BERT-BiLSTM-CRF model is ... Named entity recognition(NER)is an important part in knowledge extraction and one of the main tasks in constructing knowledge graphs.In today’s Chinese named entity recognition(CNER)task,the BERT-BiLSTM-CRF model is widely used and often yields notable results.However,recognizing each entity with high accuracy remains challenging.Many entities do not appear as single words but as part of complex phrases,making it difficult to achieve accurate recognition using word embedding information alone because the intricate lexical structure often impacts the performance.To address this issue,we propose an improved Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers(BERT)character word conditional random field(CRF)(BCWC)model.It incorporates a pre-trained word embedding model using the skip-gram with negative sampling(SGNS)method,alongside traditional BERT embeddings.By comparing datasets with different word segmentation tools,we obtain enhanced word embedding features for segmented data.These features are then processed using the multi-scale convolution and iterated dilated convolutional neural networks(IDCNNs)with varying expansion rates to capture features at multiple scales and extract diverse contextual information.Additionally,a multi-attention mechanism is employed to fuse word and character embeddings.Finally,CRFs are applied to learn sequence constraints and optimize entity label annotations.A series of experiments are conducted on three public datasets,demonstrating that the proposed method outperforms the recent advanced baselines.BCWC is capable to address the challenge of recognizing complex entities by combining character-level and word-level embedding information,thereby improving the accuracy of CNER.Such a model is potential to the applications of more precise knowledge extraction such as knowledge graph construction and information retrieval,particularly in domain-specific natural language processing tasks that require high entity recognition precision. 展开更多
关键词 Bi-directional long short-term memory(BiLSTM) Chinese named entity recognition(CNER) Iterated dilated convolutional neural network(IDCNN) Multi-network integration Multi-scale lexical features
改良式额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术矫正儿童重度先天性上睑下垂 被引量:16
作者 郭燕 陶利娟 +3 位作者 杨俊芳 向剑波 何容 唐璟 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第1期182-184,共3页
目的:探讨改良式额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术矫治儿童重度上睑下垂的长期临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2009-01/2011-12在我科收治的儿童重度上睑下垂患者83例114眼,采用改良式扇形额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术进行矫治,分析术后上睑下垂矫正效果和上睑缘弧度、... 目的:探讨改良式额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术矫治儿童重度上睑下垂的长期临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2009-01/2011-12在我科收治的儿童重度上睑下垂患者83例114眼,采用改良式扇形额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术进行矫治,分析术后上睑下垂矫正效果和上睑缘弧度、重睑形成及倒睫、结膜脱垂等并发症发生情况。随访观察5a。结果:术后第5a,矫正满意和基本矫正者共有84眼(73.7%),部分矫正30眼(26.3%),手术效果满意。术后并发症包括倒睫4眼(3.5%),其中3例3眼上睑内侧1/3灰线处缝牵引缝线牵引1wk后消失,1例1眼行二次手术;结膜脱垂2眼(1.8%),应用皮质类固醇激素眼药水点眼,加压包扎1wk后结膜脱垂均消失;术后无1例发生暴露性角膜炎、眼睑外翻、睑球分离、眼睑成角畸形、血肿形成、感染等并发症。术后上睑回退和外侧重睑皱襞消失是长期随访最常见的问题。结论:改良式额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术矫治儿童重度上睑下垂长期疗效满意,效果持久稳定,安全可靠。 展开更多
关键词 上睑下垂 额肌腱膜瓣悬吊术 长期随访
77例腹腔镜输卵管积水不同术式与妊娠结局 被引量:27
作者 郭艳 夏恩兰 黄晓武 《中国内镜杂志》 北大核心 2017年第2期18-20,共3页
目的研究腹腔镜输卵管造口术或输卵管切除术治疗输卵管积水术后的妊娠结局。方法 77例经该中心子宫输卵管造影或B超诊断为输卵管积水,除外其他不孕因素的不孕患者,经腹腔镜探查证实诊断后,行单侧、双侧输卵管造口术或单侧、双侧输卵管... 目的研究腹腔镜输卵管造口术或输卵管切除术治疗输卵管积水术后的妊娠结局。方法 77例经该中心子宫输卵管造影或B超诊断为输卵管积水,除外其他不孕因素的不孕患者,经腹腔镜探查证实诊断后,行单侧、双侧输卵管造口术或单侧、双侧输卵管切除术,术后随访1~4年。结果 77例因输卵管积水导致不孕患者,经腹腔镜相应手术治疗后,39例妊娠,妊娠率50.65%。其中13例(16.88%)自然受孕,26例(33.77%)经体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)分娩,已分娩35例,妊娠状态3例,早期流产1例。结论腹腔镜手术是输卵管积水导致不孕患者的有效治疗方法,术后IVF-ET较自然受孕妊娠率高,但差异无统计学意义。 展开更多
关键词 腹腔镜 输卵管积水 输卵管造口 输卵管切除 妊娠 不孕症
超声弹性成像与常规超声联合定量检测早期乳腺癌的诊断价值 被引量:28
作者 陈磊 单秀慧 +4 位作者 聂维齐 郭岩 黄玮 李瑞芬 张青松 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS 2020年第8期100-104,共5页
目的探讨超声弹性成像与常规超声联合诊断早期乳腺癌的价值。方法选取2016年1月-2016年12月于唐山市开滦总医院行乳腺超声检查的95例患者(104个病灶)。病灶均接受常规超声、剪切波超声弹性成像,并与穿刺活检或手术标本病理诊断结果对比... 目的探讨超声弹性成像与常规超声联合诊断早期乳腺癌的价值。方法选取2016年1月-2016年12月于唐山市开滦总医院行乳腺超声检查的95例患者(104个病灶)。病灶均接受常规超声、剪切波超声弹性成像,并与穿刺活检或手术标本病理诊断结果对比。评价各诊断方案单独及联合应用的价值。结果 104个病灶中,良性病变38个(36.54%);恶性病变66个(63.46%)。良性病变组病灶形态规则、病灶边界清晰、内部无回声、纵横比<1、血流分级0级及阻力指数<0.7比均高于恶性病变组(P <0.05),后方回声衰减低于恶性病变组(P<0.05)。恶性病变组最大弹性模量、平均弹性模量高于良性病变组(P<0.05)。二维超声、二维剪切波超声弹性成像、三维超声、三维剪切波超声弹性成像对诊断恶性病变的敏感性分别为0.773、0.970、0.803和0.909,特异性分别为0.737、0.895、0.921和0.737,准确率分别为0.760、0.942、0.846和0.846。联合诊断敏感性高于单独检测,但特异性低于单独检测。结论二维超声、三维超声能够为早期乳腺癌诊断提供较多有利证据,但诊断效能相对较差。二维剪切波超声弹性成像对诊断早期乳腺癌的效能较好,联合方案能提升诊断敏感性。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 超声检查 弹性成像技术
浙江沿海海产品无机砷污染调查及食用风险分析 被引量:17
作者 梅光明 严国 +2 位作者 常家琪 孟春英 顾捷 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第12期218-223,229,共7页
采用电感耦合等离子体质谱技术对浙江沿海地区采集的38个品种共679个海产品样本中的总砷及砷形态污染情况进行了检测。在掌握浙江省主要海产品砷污染状况的基础上,结合居民水产品消费数据对因海产品或总膳食消费带来的无机砷摄入风险进... 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱技术对浙江沿海地区采集的38个品种共679个海产品样本中的总砷及砷形态污染情况进行了检测。在掌握浙江省主要海产品砷污染状况的基础上,结合居民水产品消费数据对因海产品或总膳食消费带来的无机砷摄入风险进行分析。结果表明:各类海产品中总砷平均含量为0.36~35.91 mg/kg,但主要以低毒或无毒的砷甜菜碱或砷糖等有机砷形态存在,有机砷占总砷含量的90%以上;66.4%的样品有无机砷检出,检出值范围为0.012~0.380 mg/kg,中位值为0.024 mg/kg,第95百分位数值为0.14 mg/kg,均低于GB 2762-2017中对水产品的无机砷限量值要求;风险分析结果显示浙江沿海居民食用一般海产品引起的无机砷安全风险较低,每周因水产品或总膳食消费引起的无机砷摄入值均低于JECFA推荐的人体无机砷每周可摄入值,但长期过多食用无机砷相对含量较高的海产品(如海藻、贝类)时,存在一定的健康风险。 展开更多
关键词 浙江沿海 海产品 无机砷 污染调查 风险分析
强电用超导材料的发展现状与展望 被引量:6
作者 张平祥 闫果 +4 位作者 冯建情 马衍伟 朱佳敏 陶伯万 蔡传兵 《中国工程科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期60-67,共8页
超导材料具有常规材料不具备的零电阻、完全抗磁性等宏观量子现象,是典型的量子材料。在强电应用领域,使用超导材料可以实现常规技术无法实现的超强磁场、大容量储能等诸多颠覆性技术,因此,强电用超导材料制备技术一直是国际高技术竞争... 超导材料具有常规材料不具备的零电阻、完全抗磁性等宏观量子现象,是典型的量子材料。在强电应用领域,使用超导材料可以实现常规技术无法实现的超强磁场、大容量储能等诸多颠覆性技术,因此,强电用超导材料制备技术一直是国际高技术竞争前沿。本文通过梳理国内外强电用超导材料及其制备技术的发展现状,系统分析和阐明了包括低温超导材料NbTi、Nb_(3)Sn和高温超导材料YBCO涂层导体、Bi-2223带材、Bi-2212线材以及MgB_(2)线材等实用化超导材料在强电应用领域的发展趋势。分析我国强电用超导材料发展存在的问题,我国需要以开发出面向不同强电应用需求的高性能超导材料体系为基础,实现超导材料和强电应用产品的协同发展,推动强电用超导材料制备技术和应用技术的创新水平提升和产业化规模。研究建议,通过国家层面组织“产学研用”联合攻关,实现低温超导材料产业升级,突破高温超导材料批量化制备关键技术的发展思路,实现强电用超导材料的快速发展和应用。 展开更多
关键词 低温超导材料 高温超导材料 超导线带材 制备技术
双眼视觉训练对儿童功能性视力不良的疗效观察 被引量:11
作者 杜芬 吴九菊 +2 位作者 许鑫 郭燕 杨莹莹 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期881-883,共3页
目的:观察双眼视觉训练对功能性视力不良的疗效。方法:回顾性系列病例研究。选取2018-01/06我科就诊的患儿22例(男12例,女10例),平均年龄7.5±0.8岁,完善眼部常规检查及屈光、双眼视觉功能检查。对屈光度数为球镜在±1.00D以内... 目的:观察双眼视觉训练对功能性视力不良的疗效。方法:回顾性系列病例研究。选取2018-01/06我科就诊的患儿22例(男12例,女10例),平均年龄7.5±0.8岁,完善眼部常规检查及屈光、双眼视觉功能检查。对屈光度数为球镜在±1.00D以内之间、伴有低于1.00D散光或不伴散光者,根据结果行针对性视觉功能训练。观察训练前后视力、屈光度及双眼视功能。结果:训练后22例患儿视力均有提升,训练前后平均屈光度分别为-0.011±0.573、-0.057±0.338D(P=0.633)。远距离水平隐斜量训练前后的平均值分别为-3~△±2.97~△和-1.18~△±1.6~△(P=0.089)。训练前后近距离水平隐斜量平均值分别为-6.27~△±4.56~△及-2.82~△±2.56~△;集合近点平均值分别为7.73±2.15、3.05±0.69cm;调节性集合与调节比率平均值分别为2.00±1.55、3.64±0.5 (均P<0.05)。训练前双眼视觉的负相对调节及正相对调节的平均值分别为1.61±0.41、-1.98±0.71D,训练后为2.09±0.23、-3.89±0.71 D;训练前后调节反应由0.09±0.38D提升至0.39±0.13D;调节幅度由9.55±2.54D到11.55±1.13D;双眼调节灵敏度由3.36±2.73cpm到9.64±1.5cpm(均P<0.05)。结论:儿童功能性视力不良者,在屈光检查的前提下,进行双眼视觉功能检查是必要的;针对性视觉训练治疗,可以提高视力及改善双眼调节及集合功能。 展开更多
关键词 双眼视觉训练 儿童 功能性视力不良
宫腔镜Ⅱ度宫腔粘连切除术后放置与不放置球囊预防复粘疗效分析 被引量:14
作者 郭艳 夏恩兰 《中国内镜杂志》 北大核心 2017年第3期88-90,共3页
目的观察Foley球囊联合芬吗通序贯疗法预防宫腔镜下Ⅱ度宫腔粘连(IUA)切除术后复发的临床效果。方法 60例Ⅱ度IUA患者随机分为两组,行宫腔镜IUA切除术(TCRA)。观察组30例术后口服芬吗通序贯疗法预防IUA复发,对照组30例术后宫腔放置Fole... 目的观察Foley球囊联合芬吗通序贯疗法预防宫腔镜下Ⅱ度宫腔粘连(IUA)切除术后复发的临床效果。方法 60例Ⅱ度IUA患者随机分为两组,行宫腔镜IUA切除术(TCRA)。观察组30例术后口服芬吗通序贯疗法预防IUA复发,对照组30例术后宫腔放置Foley球囊5~7 d加口服芬吗通序贯疗法干预1或2个周期,术后随访1或2个月,宫腔镜检查评估两组IUA复发情况。结果观察组术后2个月IUA复发率3.33%,对照组术后2个月复发率3.33%。两组无差异。结论Ⅱ度IUA行TCRA,术后使用Foley球囊联合芬吗通序贯疗法与术后仅使用芬吗通序贯疗法预防IUA,术后IUA复发率无差异。 展开更多
关键词 宫腔粘连 宫腔粘连切除术 Foley球囊 序贯疗法
Study on the Changes of Immune Factors in Different Stages of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Chemotherapy 被引量:1
作者 Jingjing Zhang Dianbin Song +6 位作者 Yi Dong Lu Bai Dongqi Gao yan guo Fubo Li Xiaolei Yu Shenglin Zhang 《Advances in Lung Cancer》 2021年第4期57-64,共8页
<strong>Objective:</strong> To analyze various immune cytokines (NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, DC cells, TNF-a, IFN-r) and peripheral blood of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at different ti... <strong>Objective:</strong> To analyze various immune cytokines (NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, DC cells, TNF-a, IFN-r) and peripheral blood of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at different times after chemotherapy. Changes in CD4+, CD8+, Th17 and IgG, IgM, and IgA levels. <strong>Methods:</strong> A total of 118 NSCLC patients who attended the Oncology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College from September 2018 to September 2021 were selected as the research objects, and the patients were analyzed at different time points (before chemotherapy, after the first chemotherapy, and after the second chemotherapy). The effects of NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, DC cells, TNF-A, IFN-r, CD4+, CD8+ Th17, IgG, IgM and IgA levels in peripheral blood at different time points (before chemotherapy, after the first chemotherapy and after the second chemotherapy) were analyzed. The changes of NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, DC cells, TNF-A, IFN-r and the levels of CD4+, CD8+ Th17, IgG, IgM and IgA in peripheral blood were compared at each time point. <strong>Results:</strong> NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, TNF-a, IFN-r gradually decreased before chemotherapy, one week after chemotherapy, and two weeks after chemotherapy, the difference was statistically significant, but DC cells were not significant Variety. CD4+ and CD8+ both increased significantly, and the levels of Th17, IgG, IgM, and IgA gradually decreased. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> In the course of chemotherapy, all immune factors except DC cells were significantly decreased compared with those before chemotherapy, and the decrease of immune factors except DC cells was positively correlated with the length of chemotherapy cycle. If additional immunotherapy is needed, it should be carried out in the early stage of chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Chemotherapy NKG2D IL-12 IL-15 IL-18 DC Cells TNF-A IFN-R Immune Cytokines
Application Analysis of Doctor-Nurse Cooperation Follow-up Model Based on the Internet Platform in Continuation Care of Patients after Urooncology Surgery
作者 yan guo Hanjing Zhu +3 位作者 Sijie You Yeli Cao Liya Ma Xia Yuan 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第7期310-321,共12页
Objective:To explore the application effect of a doctor-nurse cooperation follow-up model based on an Internet platform in the continuation of care for patients after uro-oncology surgery.Methods:A convenient sampling... Objective:To explore the application effect of a doctor-nurse cooperation follow-up model based on an Internet platform in the continuation of care for patients after uro-oncology surgery.Methods:A convenient sampling method was used to select patients with urinary system tumors who underwent surgery in the Department of Urology in Grade III A general hospital in Shanghai from May to August 2022.Patients who underwent surgery from May to June 2022 were assigned to the control group,and those who underwent surgery from July to August 2022 were assigned to the experimental group.The control group received routine post-discharge nursing health education and telephone follow-up.On the basis of routine discharge guidance,the experimental group implemented the intervention method based on the Internet platform in continuation care.The levels of self-management efficacy,satisfaction,and incidence of unplanned readmission were compared one month after discharge between the two groups.Results:One month after discharge,the self-management efficacy of the experimental group(90.15±7.92)was significantly higher than that of the control group(79.10±7.84),and the patient satisfaction score(97.83±2.32)was significantly higher than that of the control group(90.23±2.58),with statistical significance(P<0.05).Additionally,the incidence of unplanned readmissions within one month after discharge in the experimental group(1.59%)was slightly lower than that in the control group(4.84%).Conclusion:The doctor-nurse cooperation follow-up model based on the Internet platform in continuation care can significantly improve the self-management efficiency of patients after discharge and enhance patient satisfaction,providing a new approach for discharge follow-up of urological tumor patients after surgery. 展开更多
关键词 Urologic neoplasms Internet platform Doctor-nurse cooperation Continuation care
Erratum:"HI in High Gas-phase Metallicity Dwarf Galaxy WISEA J230615.06+143927.9"(2024,RAA,24,015024)
作者 yan guo C.Sengupta +2 位作者 T.C.Scott P.Lagos Y.Luo 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期272-272,共1页
文化内生视野下的乡村文化振兴和发展 被引量:25
作者 闫国 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2020年第2期117-122,共6页
推动城乡特色文化资源的创新性协调发展,促进乡村特色文化的发展,是新时代背景下我国社会建设、发展的重要任务。作为综合性、系统性的乡村文化建设主要在于:以物质性的基本设施完善、视觉性突出的物象空间完善来实现文化载体的塑造,以... 推动城乡特色文化资源的创新性协调发展,促进乡村特色文化的发展,是新时代背景下我国社会建设、发展的重要任务。作为综合性、系统性的乡村文化建设主要在于:以物质性的基本设施完善、视觉性突出的物象空间完善来实现文化载体的塑造,以文化机制、文化治理、文化生产的完善来实现文化内生和文化内容的塑造,激活以“资源、认同、参与”为核心的内生性发展特色之路。 展开更多
关键词 文化内生 乡村文化 振兴 文化治理
14例儿童肾结核的临床特征分析 被引量:1
作者 郭琰 朱渝 +3 位作者 孙琳 祁雪 万雪梦 刘小荣 《结核病与肺部健康杂志》 2018年第4期251-254,共4页
目的分析儿童肾结核的临床特征,为儿童肾结核的早期诊断提供思路。方法回顾性分析2009年1月至2014年12月期间于首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院和四川大学华西第二医院(简称“两医院”)住院治疗且最终诊断为肾结核的14例患儿及其临床资料... 目的分析儿童肾结核的临床特征,为儿童肾结核的早期诊断提供思路。方法回顾性分析2009年1月至2014年12月期间于首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院和四川大学华西第二医院(简称“两医院”)住院治疗且最终诊断为肾结核的14例患儿及其临床资料,对患儿的基本资料、病史、临床表现、影像学特征等进行分析。结果14例肾结核患儿年龄中位数(四分位数)为9.5(9.3,12.7)岁,其中单纯肾结核3例,同时并发肺结核和其他部位的肺外结核者10例,肾结核并发肺结核者1例。自患儿出现症状至入两医院就诊的时间间隔为2.0(1.0,7.0)个月,就诊前14例患儿均于当地医院进行过诊治,5例于院外诊断为肺结核,2例诊断为肺外结核,2例诊断为肾结核,其余5例诊断为其他疾病。临床症状以低热最为常见(11例);3例患儿出现尿频、尿急、尿痛等尿道刺激征表现,肉眼血尿3例,腰痛1例;2例患儿有肾区叩痛。尿液抗酸杆菌涂片检测阳性1例,胃液阳性2例、痰液阳性1例。尿常规检查显示,5例患儿尿液潜血阳性,5例患儿尿蛋白阳性。11例患儿行肾脏B超肾盂造影检查,提示存在肾实质、肾盂积液、输尿管扩张等改变。结论儿童肾结核起病隐匿,常常并发其他部位结核,尿道刺激征表现不常见,难以早期诊断,往往造成病情的延误;影像学和实验室检查对于早期诊断疾病具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 结核 体征和症状 疾病特征 回顾性研究
不同氮肥用量对吉单631玉米生物学性状及产量的影响 被引量:3
作者 刘志友 陈凤彬 +4 位作者 张德新 申延国 韩广武 孙宁 方向前 《现代农业科技》 2021年第13期14-15,27,共3页
为明确玉米氮肥的最佳施用量,以玉米品种吉单361为材料,开展了不同氮肥用量对玉米生物学性状及产量的影响试验。结果表明,在施氮量为200、300 kg/hm^(2)时,玉米抽雄吐丝期及生理成熟期较其他处理提前1 d;氮肥施用量过低,使植株全生育期... 为明确玉米氮肥的最佳施用量,以玉米品种吉单361为材料,开展了不同氮肥用量对玉米生物学性状及产量的影响试验。结果表明,在施氮量为200、300 kg/hm^(2)时,玉米抽雄吐丝期及生理成熟期较其他处理提前1 d;氮肥施用量过低,使植株全生育期叶绿素含量较低,且生育后期快速降低,不利于产量的形成;在施氮量为200 kg/hm^(2)时,产量达到最高,为13026 kg/hm^(2);各处理之间百粒重差异不显著,以施氮量300 kg/hm^(2)处理百粒重最高。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 吉单631 氮肥 生物学性状 产量
Effects of Chemotherapy on Peripheral Blood NK Cell Receptor NKG2D and Related Immune Cytokines in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
作者 Jingjing Zhang Dianbin Song +7 位作者 Yi Dong Lu Bai Dongqi Gao Shenglin Zhang yan guo Fubo Li Man Ao Qingshan Li 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 CAS 2022年第11期631-639,共9页
Objective: To analyze the effect of chemotherapy on peripheral blood NK cell receptor NKG2D and related immune cytokines (IL-12, IL-15, IL-18) in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: A total of 4... Objective: To analyze the effect of chemotherapy on peripheral blood NK cell receptor NKG2D and related immune cytokines (IL-12, IL-15, IL-18) in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: A total of 48 patients with NSCLC who visited the Oncology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College from September 2018 to September 2019 were selected as the study subjects. Changes in the expression levels of NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15 and IL-18 in peripheral blood of patients at different time points (before chemotherapy, after the first chemotherapy and after the second chemotherapy) were analyzed to investigate the correlation between NKG2D and IL-12, IL-15 and IL-18 in peripheral blood at each time point. Results: The expression levels of NKG2D, IL-15, and IL-18 in the peripheral blood of the patient before chemotherapy, after the first chemotherapy, and after the second chemotherapy gradually decreased. After the first chemotherapy and the second chemotherapy, the peripheral blood IL-12 was significantly lower than before chemotherapy, and IL-12 in peripheral blood after the second chemotherapy was slightly increased compared with that after the first chemotherapy. The comparison of each factor at different time points was statistically significant (all P<span style="font-family: ">0.05). Pearson correlation analysis showed that after the first chemotherapy, NKG2D in peripheral blood was positively correlated with IL-18 (r = 0.342, P = 0.031);after the second chemotherapy, NKG2D in peripheral blood was positively correlated with IL-18 (r = 0.411, P = 0.023), negatively correlated with IL-15 (r = -0.451, P = 0.001). Conclusion: There was no significant change in the number of NK cells in the peripheral blood of NSCLC patients after chemotherapy, while NKG2D and related immune cytokines decreased, which may be one of the mechanisms for the suppression of immune function in patients, and this provides a potential target for immunotherapy in patients. 展开更多
关键词 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer CHEMOTHERAPY NKG2D Immune Cytokines
Effect of Chemotherapy on Immune Factors in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
作者 Jingjing Zhang Dianbin Song +7 位作者 Yi Dong Lu Bai Dongqi Gao Shenglin Zhang yan guo Fubo Li Xiaolei Yu Qingshan Li 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2021年第12期110-117,共8页
<strong>Objective: </strong>To analyze the effects of different stages of chemotherapy on the immune cytokines (NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, DC cells, TNF-a, IFN-r) in patients with non-small cell lung canc... <strong>Objective: </strong>To analyze the effects of different stages of chemotherapy on the immune cytokines (NKG2D, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, DC cells, TNF-a, IFN-r) in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). <strong>Methods: </strong>106 patients who met the research requirements in the Department of oncology of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College from September 2018 to June 2021 were included in the study. The blood levels of interleukin-12 (IL-12), interleukin-15 (IL-15), interleukin-18 (IL-18), dendritic cells (DC cells), tumor necrosis factor A (TNF-a) and the levels of immune interferon (IFN-r) and NK cell activating receptor (NKG2D) in blood before chemotherapy, after the first chemotherapy and after the second chemotherapy were analyzed. <strong>Results:</strong> Except for the viability of DC cells and DC cells, all other immune factor groups showed statistical differences. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Chemotherapy will have a negative effect on all immune factors except DC cells. The effect of immune factors will be weakened according to the increase of the chemotherapy cycle. Therefore, immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer needs to be carried out before chemotherapy or in the early stage of chemotherapy to achieve better results. 展开更多
关键词 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer CHEMOTHERAPY Immune Cytokines
在地认知视野下当地艺术营造的特点分析 被引量:1
作者 闫国 《文化艺术研究》 CSSCI 2019年第2期20-27,共8页
在地认知视野下当地艺术营造的实践兼有物质性和文化性。在物质性的实现过程中完善、塑造视觉性突出的物象空间较为直接和明显;文化性的实现过程较为隐性、间接和复杂,它涉及嵌入文化资本、客观文化资本、体制文化资本的形成。在地认知... 在地认知视野下当地艺术营造的实践兼有物质性和文化性。在物质性的实现过程中完善、塑造视觉性突出的物象空间较为直接和明显;文化性的实现过程较为隐性、间接和复杂,它涉及嵌入文化资本、客观文化资本、体制文化资本的形成。在地认知视野下当地艺术营造是艺术、地缘、公众三者共同参与下的地方性公共文化营造和在地文化身份的重新建构,它包括了公共文化服务机制下地方文化生产方式的完善与创新;公众作为在地公共文化参与和创造主体的文化想象、认同在公共文化空间的延伸;文化——知识现代产权制度下在地文化认知与创造生产方式的生成等。 展开更多
关键词 在地 艺术营造 视觉文化 公众 公共空间
Study on the Changes and Correlation of Related Immune Factors before and after Chemotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
作者 Jingjing Zhang Dianbin Song +7 位作者 Yi Dong Lu Bai Dongqi Gao Shenglin Zhang yan guo Fubo Li Xiaolei Yu Qingshan Li 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2022年第1期50-56,共7页
<strong>Objective:</strong> To investigate the changes of related immune cytokines (Dendritic Cells (DC) cells, CD4<sup>+</sup>, CD8<sup>+</sup>, Th17, IgG, IgM, IgA) in patients wi... <strong>Objective:</strong> To investigate the changes of related immune cytokines (Dendritic Cells (DC) cells, CD4<sup>+</sup>, CD8<sup>+</sup>, Th17, IgG, IgM, IgA) in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) before and after chemotherapy. <strong>Methods: </strong>Eighty-five NSCLC patients who were treated in the Oncology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical College from December 2018 to February 2021 were selected as the research objects, and the patients were analyzed at different time points (before chemotherapy, after the first chemotherapy, and after the second chemotherapy) Changes in the expression levels of DC cells, CD4<sup>+</sup>, CD8<sup>+</sup>, Th17, IgG, IgM, IgA in peripheral blood, and explore their correlation. <strong>Results:</strong> Before chemotherapy, after the first chemotherapy, and after the second chemotherapy, the peripheral blood CD4<sup>+</sup> and CD8<sup>+</sup> were significantly increased, and the Th17, IgG, IgM, and IgA levels gradually decreased. The difference was statistically significant. But there was no obvious change in DC cells. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> There is no significant change in DC cells in peripheral blood of NSCLC patients before and after chemotherapy. CD4<sup>+</sup> and CD8<sup>+</sup> are significantly increased, Th17, IgG, IgM, and IgA levels are all decreased, which is a manifestation of impaired immune function of patients after chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer CHEMOTHERAPY Immune-Related Factors
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