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Methods for a blind analysis of isobar data collected by the STAR collaboration 被引量:7
作者 J.Adam L.Adamczyk +366 位作者 J.R.Adams J.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin J.Bielcik J.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin J.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin J.Butterworth H.Caines M.Calderon de la Barca Sanchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-H.Chang z.chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen J.Chen J.H.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen J.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu H.J.Crawford M.Csanad M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong J.L.Drachenberg J.C.Dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey J.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic J.Fedorisin C.J.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal X.Gou D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz J.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He Y.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.J.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.Jacobs C.Jena A.Jentsch Y.Ji J.Jia K.Jiang S.Jowzaee X.Ju E.G.Judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli J.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan J.M.Landgraf J.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky J.H.Lee Y.H.Leung C.Li C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu T.Ljubicic W.J.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert H.S.Matis J.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy J.D.Nam Md.Nasim K.Nayak D.Neff J.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa S.Oh V.A.Okorokov B.S.Page R.Pak A.Pandav Y.Panebratsev B.Pawlik D.Pawlowska H.Pei C.Perkins L.Pinsky R.L.Pinter J.Pluta J.Porter M.Posik N.K.Pruthi M.Przybycien J.Putschke H.Qiu A.Quintero S.K.Radhakrishnan S.Ramachandran R.L.Ray R.Reed H.G.Ritter O.V.Rogachevskiy J.L.Romero L.Ruan J.Rusnak N.R.Sahoo H.Sako S.Salur J.Sandweiss S.Sato W.B.Schmidke N.Schmitz B.R.Schweid F.Seck J.Seger M.Sergeeva R.Seto P.Seyboth N.Shah E.Shahaliev P.V.Shanmuganathan M.Shao A.I.Sheikh W.Q.Shen S.S.Shi Y.Shi Q.Y.Shou E.P.Sichtermann R.Sikora M.Simko J.Singh S.Singha N.Smirnov W.Solyst P.Sorensen H.M.Spinka B.Srivastava T.D.S.Stanislaus M.Stefaniak D.J.Stewart M.Strikhanov B.Stringfellow A.A.P.Suaide M.Sumbera B.Summa X.M.Sun X.Sun Y.Sun Y.Sun B.Surrow D.N.Svirida P.Szymanski A.H.Tang Z.Tang A.Taranenko T.Tarnowsky J.H.Thomas A.R.Timmins D.Tlusty M.Tokarev C.A.Tomkiel S.Trentalange R.E.Tribble P.Tribedy S.K.Tripathy O.D.Tsai Z.Tu T.Ullrich D.G.Underwood I.Upsal G.Van Buren J.Vanek A.N.Vasiliev I.Vassiliev F.Videbæk S.Vokal S.A.Voloshin F.Wang G.Wang J.S.Wang P.Wang Y.Wang Y.Wang Z.Wang J.C.Webb P.C.Weidenkaff L.Wen G.D.Westfall H.Wieman S.W.Wissink R.Witt Y.Wu Z.G.Xiao G.Xie W.Xie H.Xu N.Xu Q.H.Xu Y.F.Xu Y.Xu Z.Xu Z.Xu C.Yang Q.Yang S.Yang Y.Yang Z.Yang Z.Ye Z.Ye L.Yi K.Yip Y.Yu H.Zbroszczyk W.Zha C.Zhang D.Zhang S.Zhang S.Zhang X.P.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.Zhang Z.Zhang J.Zhao C.Zhong C.Zhou X.Zhu Z.Zhu M.Zurek M.Zyzak STAR Collaboration Abilene 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期43-50,共8页
In 2018,the STAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge V to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of nuclei.The isobar ... In 2018,the STAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge V to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of nuclei.The isobar collision species alternated frequently between 9644 Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr.In order to conduct blind analyses of studies related to the chiral magnetic effect in these isobar data,STAR developed a three-step blind analysis procedure.Analysts are initially provided a"reference sample"of data,comprised of a mix of events from the two species,the order of which respects time-dependent changes in run conditions.After tuning analysis codes and performing time-dependent quality assurance on the reference sample,analysts are provided a species-blind sample suitable for calculating efficiencies and corrections for individual≈30-min data-taking runs.For this sample,species-specific information is disguised,but individual output files contain data from a single isobar species.Only run-by-run corrections and code alteration subsequent to these corrections are allowed at this stage.Following these modifications,the"frozen"code is passed over the fully un-blind data,completing the blind analysis.As a check of the feasibility of the blind analysis procedure,analysts completed a"mock data challenge,"analyzing data from Au+Au collisions at√^(S)NN=27 Ge V,collected in 2018.The Au+Au data were prepared in the same manner intended for the isobar blind data.The details of the blind analysis procedure and results from the mock data challenge are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Blind analysis Chiral magnetic effect Heavy-ion collisions
The design and performance of GRD onboard the GECAM satellite 被引量:6
作者 Z.H.An X.L.Sun +48 位作者 D.L.Zhang S.Yang X.Q.Li X.Y.Wen K.Gong X.H.Liang X.J.Liu Y.Q.Liu Y.G.Li S.L.Xiong Y.B.Xu Fan Zhang X.Y.Zhao C.Cai z.chang G.Chen C.Chen Y.Y.Du P.Y.Feng M.Gao R.Gao D.Y.Guo J.J.He D.J.Hou C.Y.Li G.Li L.Li X.F.Li M.S.Li F.J.Lu H.Lu B.Meng W.X.Peng F.Shi H.Wang J.Z.Wang Y.S.Wang H.Z.Wang X.Wen S.Xiao Y.P.Xu J.W.Yang Q.B.Yi S.N.Zhang C.Y.Zhang C.M.Zhang Fei Zhang Y.Zhao X.Zhou 《Radiation Detection Technology and Methods》 CSCD 2022年第1期43-52,共10页
Background Each GECAM satellite payload contains 25 gamma-ray detectors(GRDs),which can detect gamma-rays and particles and can roughly localize the Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs).GRD was designed using lanthanum bromide(LaBr... Background Each GECAM satellite payload contains 25 gamma-ray detectors(GRDs),which can detect gamma-rays and particles and can roughly localize the Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRBs).GRD was designed using lanthanum bromide(LaBr3)crystal as the sensitive material with the rear end coupled with silicon photomultiplier(SiPM)array for readout.Purpose In aerospace engineering design of GRD,there are many key points to be studied.In this paper,we present the specific design scheme of GRD,the assembly and the performance test results of detectors.Methods Based on Monte Carlo simulation and experimental test results,the specific schematic design and assembling process of GRD were optimized.After being fully assembled,the GRDs were conducted performance tests by using radioactive source and also conducted random vibration tests.Result and conclusion The test results show that all satellite-borne GRDs have energy resolution<16%at 59.5 keV,meeting requirements of satellite in scientific performance.The random vibration test shows that GRD can maintain in a stable performance,which meets the requirement of spatial application. 展开更多
关键词 Lanthanum bromide scintillator SiPM array GECAM Gamma-ray detector Energy resolution
The technology for detection of gamma-ray burst with GECAM satellite 被引量:3
作者 X.Q.Li X.Y.Wen +54 位作者 Z.H.An C.Cai z.chang G.Chen C.Chen Y.Y.Du M.Gao R.Gao K.Gong D.Y.Guo J.J.He D.J.Hou Y.G.Li C.Y.Li G.Li L.Li X.F.Li M.S.Li X.H.Liang X.J.Liu Y.Q.Liu F.J.Lu H.Lu B.Meng W.X.Peng F.Shi X.L.Sun H.Wang J.Z.Wang Y.S.Wang H.Z.Wang X.Wen S.Xiao S.L.Xiong Y.B.Xu Y.P.Xu S.Yang J.W.Yang Q.B.Yi D.L.Zhang Fan Zhang S.N.Zhang C.Y.Zhang C.M.Zhang Fei Zhang X.Y.Zhao Y.Zhao X.Zhou C.S.Zhang J.P.Yu L.Chang K.K.Zhang J.Huang Y.M.Chen X.B.Han 《Radiation Detection Technology and Methods》 CSCD 2022年第1期12-25,共14页
Introduction The main physical objective of the GECAM satellite is to detect gamma-ray bursts,which is related to gravitational waves of double compact object mergers.The GECAM satellite also detects and investigates ... Introduction The main physical objective of the GECAM satellite is to detect gamma-ray bursts,which is related to gravitational waves of double compact object mergers.The GECAM satellite also detects and investigates various bursts of high-energy celestial bodies.Purposes and methods In this study,we designed,developed and calibrated the payload and launched it into orbit with GECAM satellite.The payload consists of the gamma ray detector(GRD,for detecting 4 keV–4 MeV X/γray),the charged particle detector(CPD,for detecting 150 keV–5 MeV charged particle),and the electronic box(EBOX).The all-sky field coverage is achieved via two 229-degree large-area satellites positioned 180 degrees apart and are on opposite sides of the geo-center.Each satellite is equipped with 25 GRDs and 8 CPDs;thus,the satellite can identify charged particle bursts in space.Gamma-ray detectors adopt lanthanum bromide crystal technology combined with silicon photomultipliers.This is the first time that this technology was used massively in space detectors.Conclusions The GECAM satellite can quickly determine the direction of gamma-ray bursts(positioning)via indexing and fitting method,while the transmit variability,energy spectrum and direction of the gamma-ray bursts guide subsequent observations through the Beidou-3 RDSS in quasi-real time.It will play an important role in the study of high energy celestial bursts. 展开更多
关键词 GECAM Gamma-ray burst Lanthanum bromide crystal Silicon photomultiplier Beidou short message
The design and performance of charged particle detector onboard the GECAM mission 被引量:4
作者 Y.B.Xu X.Q.Li +47 位作者 X.L.Sun S.Yang H.Wang W.X.Peng X.H.Liang K.Gong Y.Q.Liu D.Y.Guo X.Y.Zhao C.Y.Li Z.H.An J.J.He X.J.Liu X.Y.Wen S.L.Xiong Fan Zhang D.L.Zhang C.Y.Zhang C.Cai z.chang G.Chen C.Chen Y.Y.Du M.Gao R.Gao D.J.Hou Y.G.Li G.Li L.Li X.F.Li M.S.Li F.J.Lu H.Lu B.Meng F.Shi J.Z.Wang Y.S.Wang H.Z.Wang X.Wen S.Xiao Y.P.Xu J.W.Yang Q.B.Yi S.N.Zhang C.M.Zhang F.Zhang Y.Zhao X.Zhou 《Radiation Detection Technology and Methods》 CSCD 2022年第1期53-62,共10页
Background The Gravitational wave highly energetic Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)is dedicated to detecting gravitational wave gamma-ray bursts.It is capable of all-sky monitoring over and discoveri... Background The Gravitational wave highly energetic Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)is dedicated to detecting gravitational wave gamma-ray bursts.It is capable of all-sky monitoring over and discovering gamma-ray bursts and new radiation phenomena.GECAM consists of two microsatellites,each equipped with 8 charged particle detectors(CPDs)and 25 gamma-ray detectors(GRDs).Purpose The CPD is used to measure charged particles in the space environment,monitor energy and flow intensity changes,and identify between gamma-ray bursts and space charged particle events in conjunction with GRD.Methods CPD uses plastic scintillator as the sensitive material for detection,silicon photomultiplier array as the optically readable device,and the inlaid Am-241 radioactive source as the onboard calibration means.Conclusion In this paper,we will present the working principle,physical design,functional implementation and preliminary performance test results of the CPD.As a result,the energy range of electron,gamma-ray detection efficiency and dead time are tested to be better than the indexes required through the ground calibration experiment. 展开更多
Measurement of away-side broadening with self-subtraction of flow in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV 被引量:2
作者 L.Adamczyk J.R.Adams +359 位作者 J.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin J.Bielcik J.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin J.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin J.Butterworth H.Caines M.Calderón de la Barca Sánchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-H.Chang z.chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen J.H.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen J.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu H.J.Crawford M.Csanád M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong J.L.Drachenberg J.C.Dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey J.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic J.Fedorisin C.J.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz J.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.J.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.Jacobs C.Jena A.Jentsch Y.JI J.Jia K.Jiang S.Jowzaee X.Ju E.G.Judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli J.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan J.M.Landgraf J.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky J.H.Lee Y.H.Leung C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu T.Ljubicic W.J.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert H.S.Matis J.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy J.D.Nam Nasim Md K.Nayak D.Neff J.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa S.Oh V.A.Okorokov B.S.Page R.Pak A.Pandav Y.Panebratsev B.Pawlik D.Pawlowska H.Pei C.Perkins L.Pinsky R.L.Pintér J.Pluta J.Porter M.Posik N.K.Pruthi M.Przybycien J.Putschke H.Qiu A.Quintero S.K.Radhakrishnan S.Ramachandran R.L.Ray R.Reed H.G.Ritter O.V.Rogachevskiy J.L.Romero L.Ruan J.Rusnak N.R.Sahoo H.Sako S.Salur J.Sandweiss S.Sato W.B.Schmidke N.Schmitz B.R.Schweid F.Seck J.Seger M.Sergeeva R.Seto P.Seyboth N.Shah E.Shahaliev P.V.Shanmuganathan M.Shao A.I.Sheikh F.Shen W.Q.Shen S.S.Shi Q.Y.Shou E.P.Sichtermann R.Sikora M.Simko J.Singh S.Singha N.Smirnov W.Solyst P.Sorensen H.M.Spinka B.Srivastava T.D.S.Stanislaus M.Stefaniak D.J.Stewart M.Strikhanov B.Stringfellow A.A.P.Suaide M.Sumbera B.Summa X.M.Sun X.Sun Y.Sun Y.Sun B.Surrow D.N.Svirida P.Szymanski A.H.Tang Z.Tang A.Taranenko T.Tarnowsky J.H.Thomas A.R.Timmins D.Tlusty M.Tokarev C.A.Tomkiel S.Trentalange R.E.Tribble P.Tribedy S.K.Tripathy O.D.Tsai Z.Tu T.Ullrich D.G.Underwood I.Upsal G.Van Buren J.Vanek A.N.Vasiliev I.Vassiliev F.Videbæk S.Vokal S.A.Voloshin F.Wang G.Wang J.S.Wang P.Wang Y.Wang Y.Wang Z.Wang J.C.Webb P.C.Weidenkaff L.Wen G.D.Westfall H.Wieman S.W.Wissink R.Witt Y.Wu Z.G.Xiao G.Xie W.Xie H.Xu N.Xu Q.H.Xu Y.F.Xu Y.Xu Z.Xu Z.Xu C.Yang Q.Yang S.Yang Y.Yang Z.Yang Z.Ye Z.Ye L.Yi K.Yip H.Zbroszczyk W.Zha C.Zhang D.Zhang S.Zhang S.Zhang X.P.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.Zhang Z.Zhang J.Zhao C.Zhong C.Zhou X.Zhu Z.Zhu M.Zurek M.Zyzak 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第10期59-67,共9页
High transverse momentum(pT)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Redistribution of energy at low-to-modest pT has b... High transverse momentum(pT)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Redistribution of energy at low-to-modest pT has been difficult to measure,owing to large anisotropic backgrounds.We report a data-driven method for background evaluation and subtraction,exploiting the away-side pseudorapidity gaps,to measure the jetlike correlation shape in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV in the STAR experiment.The correlation shapes,for trigger particles pT>3GeV/c and various associated particle pT ranges within 0.5<pT<10GeV/c,are consistent with Gaussians,and their widths increase with centrality.The results indicate jet broadening in the medium created in central heavy-ion collisions. 展开更多
关键词 di-hadron correlations jet HEAVY-ION
The data acquisition algorithm designed for the SiPM-based detectors of GECAM satellite 被引量:2
作者 Y.Q.Liu K.Gong +47 位作者 X.Q.Li X.Y.Wen Z.H.An C.Cai z.chang G.Chen C.Chen Y.Y.Du M.Gao R.Gao D.Y.Guo J.J.He D.J.Hou Y.G.Li C.Y.Li G.Li L.Li X.F.Li M.S.Li X.H.Liang X.J.Liu F.J.Lu H.Lu B.Meng W.X.Peng F.Shi X.L.Sun H.Wang J.Z.Wang Y.S.Wang H.Z.Wang X.Wen S.Xiao S.L.Xiong Y.B.Xu Y.P.Xu S.Yang J.W.Yang Q.B.Yi Fan Zhang D.L.Zhang S.N.Zhang C.Y.Zhang C.M.Zhang Fei Zhang X.Y.Zhao Y.Zhao X.Zhou 《Radiation Detection Technology and Methods》 CSCD 2022年第1期70-77,共8页
Background The Gravitational Wave High-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)consists of 2 microsatellites,each of which contains 25 GRD(LaBr3)detectors and 8 CPD(plastic scintillator)detectors.Meth... Background The Gravitational Wave High-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)consists of 2 microsatellites,each of which contains 25 GRD(LaBr3)detectors and 8 CPD(plastic scintillator)detectors.Method silicon photomultiplier(SiPM)array is used to read each detector.The output signal of these detectors with SiPM array is very special and challenging to readout.In this study,a novel data acquisition(DAQ)algorithm for these detectors is designed and implemented,and the content of the output event packet is defined.Result and Conclusion The performances,including the event acquisition efficiency of this DAQ algorithm,are extensively verified through experimental tests.From the on-ground and in-flight tests,this algorithm has excellent performance despite the very limited resources and short development time of GECAM mission. 展开更多
关键词 Silicon photomultiplier Digital waveform processing Data acquisition
Dedicated SiPM array for GRD of GECAM
作者 D.L.Zhang X.L.Sun +44 位作者 Z.H.An X.Q.Li X.Y.Wen K.Gong C.Cai z.chang G.Chen C.Chen Y.Y.Du M.Gao R.Gao D.Y.Guo J.J.He D.J.Hou Y.G.Li C.Y.Li G.Li L.Li X.F.Li M.S.Li X.H.Liang X.J.Liu Y.Q.Liu F.J.Lu H.Lu B.Meng W.X.Peng F.Shi H.Wang J.Z.Wang Y.S.Wang H.Z.Wang X.Wen S.Xiao S.L.Xiong Y.B.Xu Y.P.Xu S.Yang1 X.Zhou J.W.Yang Fan Zhang S.N.Zhang C.Y.Zhang C.M.Zhang Fei Zhang X.Y.Zhao 《Radiation Detection Technology and Methods》 CSCD 2022年第1期63-69,共7页
Purpose The discovery of gravitational waves and gamma-ray bursts heralds the era of multi-messenger astronomy.With the adoption of two small satellites to achieve the all-sky monitoring of gamma-ray bursts,the gravit... Purpose The discovery of gravitational waves and gamma-ray bursts heralds the era of multi-messenger astronomy.With the adoption of two small satellites to achieve the all-sky monitoring of gamma-ray bursts,the gravitational wave highenergy electromagnetic counterpart all-sky monitor(GECAM)possesses a quasi-real-time early warning ability and plays an important role in positioning the sources of gravitational waves and in subsequent observations.Each satellite of GECAM was fitted with 253-inch-diameter gamma-ray detectors(GRD),covering an energy range of 8–2 MeV.GRDs have adopted silicon photomultiplier tubes(SiPM)in lieu of photomultiplier tubes(PMT)to adapt to the dimensional limitations of micro-satellites.Methods A unique 3-inch circular SiPM array was designed.In this design,646×6 mm chips were arranged evenly in a circular manner with the seams filled with reflecting films,thus achieving satisfactory uniformity of light collection.The integrated pre-amplifier circuit on the back of the SiPM array adopted two-level grouping and summing;further,it achieved a satisfactory signal-to-noise ratio.Two high-gain and low-gain channels were adopted to achieve a large dynamic range,and two independent power supply units were used,where each unit can be closed separately,thus improving reliability.Results Performance studies show that this SiPM array meets the requirements of GECAM.Conclusion A 3-inch SiPM array have been developed that uses grouped summation,reflective films,a circular arrangement,two groups of independent power supplies,high-and low-gain signals,differential signal output technologies,etc.This solution can be used not only for GECAM,but also as a general solution for SiPM-based scintillation detectors. 展开更多
关键词 SIPM GECAM GAMMA-RAY Signal-to-noise ratio Reflecting film Pre-amplifier
Quality assurance test and failure analysis of SiPM arrays of GECAM satellites
作者 D.L.Zhang M.Gao +45 位作者 X.L.Sun X.Q.Li Z.H.An X.Y.Wen C.Cai z.chang G.Chen C.Chen Y.Y.Du R.Gao K.Gong D.Y.Guo J.J.He D.J.Hou Y.G.Li C.Y.Li G.Li L.Li X.F.Li M.S.Li X.H.Liang X.J.Liu Y.Q.Liu F.J.Lu H.Lu B.Meng W.X.Peng F.Shi H.Wang J.Z.Wang Y.S.Wang H.Z.Wang X.Wen S.Xiao S.L.Xiong Y.B.Xu Y.P.Xu S.Yang J.W.Yang Fan.Zhang S.N.Zhang C.Y.Zhang C.M.Zhang Fei Zhang X.Y.Zhao X.Zhou 《Radiation Detection Technology and Methods》 CSCD 2022年第1期35-42,共8页
Background The Gravitational wave high-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)satellite developed a SiPM-based gamma-ray detector to monitor the gravitational wave-related GRBs and guide subsequent o... Background The Gravitational wave high-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor(GECAM)satellite developed a SiPM-based gamma-ray detector to monitor the gravitational wave-related GRBs and guide subsequent observations in other wavelengths of EM.Purpose As all the available SiPM devices belong to commercial grade,quality assurance tests need to be performed in accordance with the aerospace specifcations.Methods In the SiPM application of GECAM,quality assurance experiments were conducted.The mechanism of the failure of SiPM devices was analyzed during the development process.Result Based on the quality assurance test results,the fnal pass rate of SiPM array was 95%.Based on the failure analysis,it was found that a piece of SiPM had a leakage channel after longtime operation due to device defects.Conclusion According to the accumulated experience,in the reliability test of SiPM,it is necessary to pay special attention to test the impedance of each pin of SiPM to ground and confrm that the power switch state of SiPM is controllable. 展开更多
关键词 Gravitational waves Gamma-ray detectors Silicon photomultipliers Quality assurance test Failure analysis
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